[Approved by Pig Boy] Shure

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Shure  [Approved CS]

Name: Shure

Race: Mer (Category 3)

Date of Birth: 5th of Cylus, 704

Marks: None

Languages Spoken:
Conversational = Common (Melrathi Sign)
Broken = Common (Melrathi)


Shure on first inspection can be described as an alien like beauty. Beautiful by human standards but one would quickly realize her oddities. Skin not a shade of brown but pale, extremely pale bordering on almost a light gray. Her neck slender but seemingly slit evenly on both sides where gills rested. Eyes almond shaped but glassy. Fingers slender but also slightly webbed. She could turn heads if she knew how to use her assets. Normally her unkempt hair covered her face that and her hair was grimy with oils, salt or both. She had an athletic build due to years of swimming but had terrible posture. Hunched over and wobbling as she walked. Usually barefoot.

Her fashion sense or lack of didn’t help enhance what she had as she would be wearing literal rags or just an over sized cloak since she rarely felt cold. The only things on her person at all times was a bathing suit which was a very recent habit she had to pick up, a belt with a small knife attached and a bangle she wears on her left arm.

In her tailed form one would notice her bluish white tail reminiscent of a dolphin though with a two small fin protrusions jutting from either side for extra agility. In the dark Shure can also make her tail glow a fluorescent green or red depending on how she’s feeling. Green normally and red when stressed. It does help illuminate the depths but not much.
Mer Abilities

Shure is a freshwater mer and breathes through gills on her neck
Shure in her tailed form can breathe air
Shure is bio-luminescent

Last edited by Shure on Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:49 pm, edited 10 times in total. word count: 304
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Personality / Psychology


To understand the core of Shure is to understand that she is not human was never raised to be human. She was raised to be a singular cog in her tribe. To be a fisher, a trapper and to lay eggs until she died and nothing else, which she disagreed with not in principle but in practice. Shure had a strong adventurous spirit that never died as she got older. Often prioritizing exploration over her responsibilities. Ruled by a stubborn determination to know more beyond her role.

When she decided to integrate with the two-legs she was, understandably a fish out of water; confused, frightened but excited. Shure would observe these two-legs on how they went about their day and when she saw something interesting she’d imitate it. She’d dance, sing and pray without understanding why. The way they went about their life was wrong to her and yet strangely nostalgic. By far the most curious to her were vagrants. These people seemingly lived outside the system laughing and living off charity, an anti-thesis on how Shure lived. So she would observe them to try to understand them and inadvertently she’d pick up their mannerisms.

Communication would be a sore spot for Shure. She would seem recluse and closed off but that was because very few people could communicate with her. Few knew the common sign and fewer knew how to communicate telepathically. Shure also couldn’t read well and could barely understand the common tongue much less accents. That’s not to say she couldn’t communicate it’s just that no one could communicate back.

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Shure was born to a small clan of crab trappers within the Dwynmer tribe of Melrath. Growing up she didn’t really have parents to speak of as she was born during a spawning even for her small clan. Though she would be forever grateful for her clan looking back her clan was incredibly strict and she would live confined to the lochs. Though the tribe provided for her Shure lived through stories. Stories of the Leviathans large esoteric and unknowing, told to her by some elders and the odd ghost. To Chiren the mother of all Mer and the arguments of older Mer on her. To anyone with a story especially those that seemed larger than life she listened to.

By far her favourite stories though were of the Yu'vel'ith the “boogeymen” of the Mer. She liked their freedom, their strength and in particular the respect they seemed to wield and the more she listened to these stories the more she wondered if she was a descendant of one. Oftentimes during her childhood, Shure would challenge her broodmates to physical acts such as who can dive the furthest or who can stay in saltwater the longest which oftentimes she (and by extension her broodmates) got in trouble for.

When Shure was about eleven, her clan began teaching her in earnest how to be a crab trapper. It would be one of her many responsibilities when she was much older to provide for the clan and in turn the tribe as a whole. As the Arcs would pass however, it would be revealed that she was a disappointment in that regard. By the time it took her to make one good trap her broodmates already made three and her traps were flimsy at best or easy to escape from. That and she didn’t particularly care for crab trapping at all. Oftentimes she wouldn’t be practicing or training instead she’d be in one of the many passageways deep beneath the lochs where hardly no light shone. In here illuminated by her own glow she could be who she believed she was. She was an explorer, an adventurer.

At fifteen Shure had been living independently from her clan. She wasn’t the best crab trapper but she managed to scrape by, most of the time. When she couldn’t, she’d bring back odd baubles that she found and barter with. Her clan learned to tolerate her odd behaviors as long as she didn’t teach or interact with the younger mer lest they turn out like her. That and the next spawning would be soon. For Shure, it was right she felt this is what she owed join one spawning and contribute to the tribe then bugger off. But why wait for the spawning? She thought. By this time Shure began exploring beyond the lochs much to the dismay of her clan. She went towards where the two-legs were, towards Verimeer and beyond.

On one particular night while swimming alone through the Vynmur river near Alvida, Shure would suddenly feel a nostalgic presence but warped in a way. It meant no harm almost friendly even, which Shure would send a thought to almost out of habit as if she met with one of her own. She was surprised when it responded back in a vague nonchalant way, then it moved towards her. Shure would instantly leave but was terribly curious. Every night Shure would go out of her way to visit Alvida and like clockwork she would feel that same presence always friendly, open and in an odd way acknowledged her when she was nearby. This helped build her confidence to try and meet the presence but she wasn’t prepared for the presence to meet her first.

Shure would meet a large man with a lame leg, a Biqaj she would later find out. Despite the leg he seemed larger than life and as he moved, Shure would hear clinking from bangles he wore on his wrist. Their first interactions were tumultuous at best plagued with misunderstandings however the Biqaj was patient and slowly learned to communicate via telepathy and in turn Shure slowly but surely began opening up. The Biqaj was a wealth of knowledge and stories Shure found but she would quickly find that those were not for free. Shure would trade crabs for seafaring adventures, she’d trade fish both fresh and saltwater for cities beyond Melrath and if she ever found a lobster she would learn of legends, immortals or stories of adventurers.

Shure would know the man for about two seasons. In that time their relationship would evolve into mutual dependency. Shure did not know how to live on two-legs and the man was melancholic most days and sober half the time. Despite this Shure would learn basic common, how to walk, the concept of money, the concept of cooking, how to start a fire and so much more. Even her own name came from the man. In turn Shure would provide food however she’d never be able lift the man from his melancholic stupor. She learned that the Biqaj was not a local but was shipwrecked over about an arc ago. He always mentioned a treasure whenever he had too much to drink, that he would one day get back.

One day the Biqaj man left leaving a behind only bangle and a note that only said solo adventure. Shure knew their time was up and so she went back towards the Dwynmer lochs to prepare for the spawning. After the spawning she’d visit old places they used to frequent. Her tribe thought she mellowed out, she was eighteen when she decided to look for him in earnest.

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Last edited by Shure on Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:57 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 1250
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Skills and Knowledge

Skills & Knowledge

Starter Pack
Chosen Starter Pack:
Mer Pack

Skill Name Level XP
Athletics (SB) Competent 26
Navigation (RB) Novice 25
Hunting (SB) Novice 10
Fieldcraft (SB + MB) Novice 20
Resistance (SB) Novice 10
Endurance (SB) Competent 26
Swimming (FT) Novice 0


Drawing power from your core (SB)
How to limber up (SB)
The pull ip (SB)
Pinch holds for climbing (SB)
How to not be dizzy during spins (SB)
Jumping like a dolphin (SB)
The running dive (SB)
How to fall properly (SB)
Eye tail coordination (SB)
How to get a grip on ice (SB)
The importance of sleep (SB)

Locations: Dwynmer Lochs (RB)
Locations: Vrynmur River (RB)
Locations: Verimer (RB)
Locations: Alvida (RB)
Navigating in darkness underwater (SB)

How to open a crab (SB)
Finding crab hiding spots (SB)

Crafting a crabtrap (SB)
How to make twine from plants (SB)
How to start a drill fire (MP)

Saltwater breathing (SB)
Eating raw oysters (SB)

Fish like to hang in reefs (MB)
Last edited by Shure on Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:00 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 173
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Housing and Possessions

Starter Pack
Chosen Starter Pack:
Mer Pack

  • 2x Underwater Scent Traps (Simple Pouches, designed of seabased materials that house unappetizing predators pheromones that diffuse the water around the home. These traps are used to ward off water based predators and the material inside must be replaced every few trials)
  • 2x Sea Barrels (Especially well crafted and lightweight, these barrels seal objects and prey inside without leaving a scent trail for a predator to follow. Easily hidden under the sand, the waterproofing seal lasts for years)
  • 1x Airskin (Easily inflatable to allow a Mer to secure something hanging from a floating buoy. Some will fill them with air to release in case of attack for a momentary bubble screen or to use the force of the air to quickly propel them away from weapons or waiting jaws)
  • 1x Bident (Wealth Tier 6)
  • 1x Compass from (Wealth Tier 5)
  • 200 Feet of Kelp Rope
  • 2x Strapped packs (worn around the front and back, these packs allow a mer to carry objects on long journeys while keeping their hands free)
  • 1x Crab Cage from (Wealth Tier 5)
A bangle she received from a Biqaj. Her first two-legged friend story teller and teacher. Waterproof (Wealth Tier 4) Serves as an anchor
Last edited by Shure on Tue Mar 21, 2023 3:15 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 213
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Re: Shure

Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Athletics (SB) +26 0
Navigation (RB) +26 0
Hunting (SB) +25 0
Fieldcraft (SB + MB) +20 0
Resistance (SB) +10 0
Endurance (SB) +10 0
word count: 36
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