[Approved by Pig Boy] Eternity

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Eternity  [Approved CS]

Name: Eternity

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 704 Ashan 03

Languages Spoken:Fluent = Common. Broken = No


Eternity is a thin young woman with the muscle mass of someone who lives a moderately active lifestyle. Her muscle mass is concentrated in her thighs and arms since most of her strenuous activity comes from her larceny habit. She is 5 feet tall and has not grown an inch for several arcs. She has long black hair that extends to the small of her back which she usually wears down. She takes care of her hair but she doesn’t care much to tie it up since she always seems to mess it up. Her experience with makeup isn’t much different – she uses it but only a little because too much always makes her hate how she looks. She has thick eyebrows which she meticulously threads every week. Eternity has blue eyes that have a gentle look to them.

Eternity’s favorite colors are black and dark red. Her clothes are typically one color or the other, or some mix of the two. She prefers fashionable clothes and is most likely to be spotted in those. When an event requires more formal dressware she keeps things simple instead of going over the top. She has no distinguishing scars/markings.


Eternity lived a fairly normal life in Scalvoris before the age of 14. She went to school, helped around the house, and played with her friends. After she became 14 her mother passed and shortly after so did her father. Eternity spent her teenage years living with various family members who passed her around every year or so to spread out the responsibility. This meant that her living conditions changed often. Sometimes she would feel poor, other times rich. She grew accustomed to a rapidly changing lifestyle. In her early teens Eternity spent her time expanding her social circle and dating. She cared little for work and her only hobby was small time larceny. Not because she felt she needed money, but because she got a thrill out of doing bad things.

When Eternity reached 16 years of age her guardian at the time helped her learn the ways of adulthood. She helped Eternity learn the basics of being a functioning adult and how to do simple jobs. She was the first guardian who seemed to genuinely care about Eternity's well being which was a nice change for the youth who often got into trouble. Unfortunately the love was not well received. Eternity's work ethic seemed to be incompatible with "regular people work" as Eternity called it. It was pretty clear to the guardian that Eternity was destined for a life of shady employment.

At the age of 17 Eternity started to grow distant from her guardian. It had nothing to do with their feelings towards each other but something inside Eternity had awakened. She was blossoming into her own woman with a desire for more than just moving around every year. She started living on her own just an arc afterwards and started looking for a husband. To present date she still spends most of her free time looking for love and dating. She never holds a proper job for very long since her mind is focused elsewhere. She still has a bad habit of stealing low hanging fruit.
Last edited by Eternity on Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:21 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 562
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Profession: Thief
Renown: 100
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5





Skills & Knowledge

Starter Pack
Chosen Starter Pack: City Dweller

Skill Name Level XP
Athletics Competent 26
Combat (Blades) Competent 26
Cosmetology Competent 26
Deception Competent 26
Detection Expert 76
Discipline Competent 26
Endurance Competent 26
Larceny FT RB Expert 75 (FT RB)
Meditation Competent 75
Mount Competent 26
Seduction Expert 76
Singing Competent 26
Socialization Master 250/250
Stealth Expert 85
Strength Competent 26
Tactics Novice 5
Writing Novice 25
Acting: putting on a pitiful expression
Acting: rehearse the lie beforehand so you don’t mess up the delivery
Acting: Thinking of someone attractive to fake a lustful emotion

Total: 3

Animal Husbandry
Animal Husbandry: Feeding a horse carrots and apples
Animal Husbandry: Brushing a horse
Total: 4

Animal Training
Animal Training: trying to bait a bird with some bread
Animal Training: speaking sweetly to the animal
Total: 3

Appraisal: a complicated lock suggests that something valuable is inside
Appraisal: not all jewelry is valuable
Appraisal: unique looking wares are more expensive
Appraisal: Judging value of silverware by examining its weight
Appraisal: look for nicks in leather to judge its quality
Appraisal: Sizing up the value of a store's contents
Appraisal: Recognizing the value of information
Appraisal: The more pressure points a well has, the rarer it is
Appraisal: appraising food based on how good it tastes
Appraisal: Recognizing the value of having a magician friend
Appraisal: Comparing products to gauge value
Total: 15

Running: Running from pain is a good motivator
Athletics: reacting quickly to an opportunity to run
Athletics: trying to keep ones balance after being pushed
Athletics: Finding spots to hold onto
Athletics: Jumping over obstacles
Athletics: Running along a narrow path.Running along a narrow path.
Athletics: make sure the supports you grab can support your weight
Athletics: racing to the finish line
Athletics: Stretching to prepare for physical exertion
Total: 15

Combat Blades:
Combat Blades: Hold onto your weapon
Combat Blades: Swinging wildly
Combat: Blades: Stabbing air
Combat (one handed blade): Properly gripping a dagger
Combat: Blades: stabbing behind one's shoulder
Combat: Blades: different kinds of swords
Combat: Blades: figuring out the best sword for your body type
Combat: Blades: x2 (Thrown specialization)
Combat: Blades: Taking aim with an eye closed (Thrown specialization)
Combat: Blades: Throwing daggers quickly, one after another

Total: 13

Combat Ranged
Total: 4

Combat Unarmed
Combat (Unarmed): struggling to get out of a pin
Total: 1

Cosmetology: thickening eyebrows
Cosmetology: don’t use too much makeup
Cosmetology: combing knots out of hair
Cosmetology: Filing nails
Cosmetology: putting on lipstick
Cosmetology: wearing a wig
Cosmetology: ponytails
Cosmetology: trying a variation of colors
Cosmetology: be gentle when working with soft skin
Cosmetology: giving a head massage
Cosmetology: be careful working around scars
Cosmetology: Doing a foot scrub
Cosmetology: Soaking callouses makes them easier to remove
Cosmetology: Applying dirt to yourself to look poor
Cosmetology: Making a braided bun
Cosmetology: Applying blush on cheeks
Cosmetology: Washing under one’s nails to clean them
Cosmetology: Filing nails into a squoval shape
Cosmetology: Trimming Split Ends
Cosmetology: Wearing glasses for a smart look
Cosmetology: Sectioning hair for a haircut
Cosmetology: Preparing someone for a massage
Cosmetology: Giving an oil back massage
Cosmetology: Using black and purple makeup to fake a black eye
Total: 26

Dancing: stepping side to side

Starter Knowledge: 2
Deception: Mixing in truth with lies
Deception: making up a name on the spot
Deception: it’s important to look the part
Deception: Committing to a lie
Deception: Pretending to be empathetic
Deception: Lying about your motives
Deception: Faking sickness to explain your expression
Total: 15

Starter Knowledge: 2
Detection: looking for danger in the dark
Detection: spotting light in the darkness
Detection looking for an interesting book
Detection: looking out for guards
Detection: Some people keep their money wedged between their waist and pants
Detection: Looking inside windows to see if anyone’s home
Detection: Looking for valuables hidden in a home
Detection: keeping a close eye on someone
Detection: Feeling by touch to help discern shape of object
Detection: discerning shapes in the dark
Detection: looking at the waist to spot weaponry
Detection: Spotting someone who doesn’t belong
Detection: feeling for imperfections with your hands
Detection: Listening for sounds of satisfaction or dissatisfaction
Detection: Recognizing the look of distrust
Detection: Looking for people who have taken an interest in you
Detection: Examining small details using a magnifying glass
Detection: Noticing a change in your emotions
Detection: Noticing suspiciously broken ice
Detection: ”Feeling for oddities on the surface of an object
Detection: Spotting a shimmer in the distance
Total: 32

Discipline: Sometimes it's impossible to remain calm
Discipline: holding back a punch
Discipline: resisting the urge to sleep
Discipline: resisting the urge to be rude to a customer
Discipline: owning up to your mistake
Discipline: avoid getting frustrated when doing monotonous tasks
Discipline: Not lashing out when you want to do so
Discipline: Focusing on a problem you can solve
Total: 14

Dreamwalking: Becoming lucid
Total: 2

Ensorcelling: Ensorcelling is the process and handling of wells into a form that is useful.
Ensorcelling: Tools include hammers, chisels, tuning forks
Ensorcelling: The first step is ensorcelling is cleaning; the majority of wells are dirty when found.
Ensorcelling: Missing even a speck of dirt can lead to explosive disaster later on in processing.
Ensorcelling: Wells are solid masses of chaotic energy
Ensorcelling: Ensorceller’s tools are weak ensorcelled items
Ensorcelling: If a pressure point is hit too hard the well will explode
Ensorcelling: Pressure points are like impurities in a well

Total: 14

Endurance: Getting tackled by armed kids
Endurance: A long walk around town
Endurance: Working tools for extended periods of time
Enduring the pain of getting kicked to the ground.
Endurance: shifting from limb to limb to avoid tiring out
Total: 22

Total: 1

Field Craft
Field Craft: learning how to fashion a torch

Total: 3

Gambling: the basic rules of poker
Total: 1

Gardening: To grow a plant you need a seed
Gardening: A pot is useful to keep weeds away from your plant
Gardening: putting soil in a pot
Gardening: putting seeds on top of soil
Gardening: you’re supposed to bury the seeds
Gardening: seeds can take a long time to sprout
Gardening: remember to give your plants water
Gardening: pulling out weeds
Total: 8

Intelligence: if you’re looking for a book, a librarian is a good person to ask
Intelligence: Get an idea of what possessions someone owns before stealing from their home.
Intelligence: paying for information
Intelligence: gathering knowledge for the sake of knowing
Total: 6

Intimidation: Making a threat
Intimidation: Brandishing a weapon
Intimidation: It’s best not to look physically weak
Total: 8

Larceny FT
Starter Knowledge: 5
Larceny the kinds of locks that were used in the past
Larceny the kinds of locks used for low value storage
Larceny: waiting for the merchant to focus on other customers
Larceny: don’t spend too much time lingering around a single merchant
Larceny: slipping something under your shirt
Larceny: Feeling around for a money bag
Larceny: Using a sensual distraction
Larceny: Trying not to leave a trace of your presence
Larceny: Drilling as a means to break through a lock
Larceny: Hair pins and needles can pick simple locks
Larceny: keep your hands warm because cold hands are harder to move
Larceny: Cracking open a dial safe
Larceny: x1
Total: 30

Meditation: Focus on one thing at a time
Meditation: Being patient with others
Meditation: Dunking your head in water to clear the mind
Meditation: Staying calm is easy when on reevi
Meditation: singing to relieve stress
Meditation: putting bad thoughts out of mind
Meditation: Removing yourself from a stressful environment
Meditation: Thinking happy thoughts to cheer yourself up
Meditation: overcoming nerves when the spotlight is on you
Meditation: Paying attention to the important parts of a conversation when multitasking
Total: 13

Mount: putting a saddle on a horse
Mount: Squeeze with your calves to make the horse go.
Mount: Getting a horse to follow another horse
Total: 13

Navigation: finding your way to a busy street
Total: 1

Politics: Colleagues will backstab if their livelihoods are on the line
Total: 1

Psychology: Recognizing when someone’s trying to get money out of you
Total: 1

Research: when taking notes don’t try to copy things down verbatim
Total: 1

Resistance: Alcohol can cause blackouts
Resistance: Headache from drinking too much
Resistance: it’s hard to coordinate when drunk on booze
Resistance: being drunk can numb the senses
Resistance: Alcohol can make it hard to keep thoughts to yourself
Total: 6

Starter Knowledge: 11
Seduction: Offering to keep things private
Seduction: Guilt tripping
Seduction: Giving a seductive look
Seduction: Being different is a good way to get someone to take interest in you
Seduction: Passionate kisses
Seduction: Pulling someone close
Seduction: Using a sexy tone of voice
Seduction: Conveying desire with one’s eyes
Seduction: Leaving something to the imagination
Total: 32

Singing: learning lyrics while singing
Singing: trying to adjust pitch
Singing: Humming a song from memory
Singing: Songs are written on sheet music
Singing: Testing your vocal range
Singing: Following someone else’s lead
Singing: Warm up your voice by singing some simple tunes
Singing: Notes near your natural speaking pitch are easier to hit
Singing: singing without musical accompaniment is incredibly difficult
Singing: it’s helpful to study the lyrics beforehand
Singing: Singing scales
Singing: Eight notes in an octave
Singing: Performing sharp and flat notes

Total: 17

Starter Knowledge: 11
Socialization asking for a favor
Socialization don’t bother people too much
Socialization: Developing a new relationship
Socialization: Relating to other’s difficulty
Socialization: Paying back a favor to a friend
Socialization: Negotiating a deal that is beneficial to both parties
Socialization: Distracting someone from their goal
Socialization: Attempting to change someone’s mind
Socialization: Gossiping about a neighbor
socialization: offering a beer to get someone to talk to you
Socialization: admitting your faults
Socialization: tipping people makes them happy
Socialization: Be genuinely curious to carry a conversation
Socialization: asking someone to reveal their secret
Socialization: working through language barriers
Socialization: being too nice makes things awkward
Socialization: it's best not to call attention to a disability
Socialization: when people avoid a subject they probably have something to hide
Socialization: picking someone's brain about something they're passionate about
Socialization: Negotiating a small discount by offering to go to another store
Socialization: Recognizing non-spoken cues in conversation
Socialization: Carefully choosing your words
Socialization: Telling your side of the story
Socialization: Negotiating to pay through other means
Socialization: Proposing a partnership
Socialization: Focus on what's important
Socialization: Using examples to emphasize a point
Socialization: Breaking the ice
Socialization: Offering a large payment in the hopes that you get something valuable
Socialization: Leaving the end of a statement open ended and open to one's imagination
Socialization: Gauging whether or not someone is open to discussing illegal activities
Socialization: Negotiating companionship in exchange for a favor
Socialization: Trying to convince someone to calm down
Socialization: Gauging the progress of a buddying relationship
Socialization: Convincing someone not to make a bad decision
Socialization: Giving intentionally bad advice, as a joke
Socialization: Explaining yourself clearly
Total: 54

Starter Knowledge: 2
Awarded from character creation: 3
Stealth: Careful with weight distribution on creaky floors
Stealth: Timing noise with other noise
Stealth: Slower isn't always quieter
Stealth: Moving while prone is very slow
Stealth: Hiding a weapon under clothes
Stealth walking quietly in a library
Stealth: dark clothing blends with shadows
Stealth: Lockpicking quietly
Stealth: Adjusting gait to reduce the jingling of coins
Stealth: large doors produce loud sounds
Stealth: tiptoeing
Stealth: distributing weight on a bed as to not wake a sleeping partner
Stealth: avoid stepping on leaves if possible
Stealth: keeping clothes away from harsh smells
Stealth: Go down an alley if you want more privacy
Stealth: Avoid bumping into things that might make noise
Stealth: Widening one's stance to keep quiet in heavy clothes
Total: 30

Total: 1

Strength: push ups
Strength: sit ups
Strength: struggling to get free from being pinned
Strength: Trying to lift a heavy statuette
Strength: Doing mountain climbers for shoulder and leg strength
Strength: Doing planks for core strength
Total: 13

Tactics: Distractions help with thievery
Tactics: Play on someone’s emotions to get a desired response
Steal a little bit at a time to avoid detection
Tactics: avoid people when thieving from homes
Tactics: using a distraction to your advantage
Tactics: having a plan in case you need to start a new life
Tactics: helping someone so that they might help you later
Tactics: Tackling your objective indirectly
Tactics: Sleeping with someone may get them to drop their guard

Total: 11

Woodworking: Common woodworking tools include knives, saws, clamps, and chisels

Total: 1

Writing: Trying to think of a title

Total: 3
Last edited by Eternity on Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:21 pm, edited 111 times in total. word count: 2288
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Approved Character
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5





Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Socialization (Startup) +26 0
Seduction (Startup) +26 0
Larceny (Startup) +25 0
Deception(Startup) +10 0
Stealth (Startup) +10 0
Detection (Startup) +10 0
Rusted lock +10 10
Woman vs door +10 20
Life of a child +10 30
Larceny -25 5
Awarded from character creation 5 stealth 5
Learning Responsibility +10 15
Date for Two +10 25
Hot night +10 35
Stealth -20 15
Pesky Kids +10 25
A trip to the library +10 35
Beach Fantasy +10 45
Shark +10 55
Stealth -40 15
Thief on a budget +10 25
Two birds one stone +10 35
Amnesia +10 45
Taking advantage +10 55
Better pickpocket +10 65
Sweaty Workout +10 75
Tactics -5 70
Thief's wages +10 80
Larceny -25 55
Discipline -25 30
Meditation -25 5
Lanterns +10 15
Combat (Blades) -5 10
Endurance -5 5
Athletics -5 0
Drill +10 10
Trying Reevi +10 20
Detection -20 0
Herb store +10 10
Annoying Neighbor +10 20
Singing -15 5
Cosmetology -5 0
Improvised Tools +10 10
Eggs +10 20
jerk merc +10 30
singing lifts the spirits +10 40
Motivated Study +10 50
First lesson of song +10 60
Stealth -10 50
Socialization -50 0
Neighborly Walk +10 10
Attacked +10 20
Dance & Song +10 30
Cosmetology -20 10
Hookup 1 +10 20
Hookup 2 +10 30
Singing -11 19
Lead +10 29
Drug deal +10 39
Embarassing +10 49
Winsome +15 64
Personal Growth +10 74
After Date +10 84
Military 1 +10 94
Military 2 +10 104
Unskilled Life +10 114
Military 3 +10 124
Military 4 +10 134
Mount -25 109
Military 5 +10 119
Sword Convo +10 129
Real Job +10 139
Cosmetology -1 138
Foot work +10 148
Detection -46 102
A new home +10 112
Athletics -21 91
Mischief 1 +10 101
Mischief 2 +10 111
Bar fight 1 +10 121
Bar fight 2 +10 131
First Day +10 141
Meditation -50 91
First Day +10 101
Singing in the rain +10 111
Shopping at the docks +10 121
A season's progress +10 131
A typical free morning +10 141
Distracted Learning +10 151
What if I started business +10 161
Night on the town pt 1 +10 171
Night on the town pt 2 +10 181
Night on the town pt 3 +10 191
Night on the town pt 4 +10 201
Deception -16 185
Night on the town pt 5 +10 195
Day with a horse +10 205
Writing -25 180
Seduction -50 130
Riding Instruction +10 140
Day with a horse 2/2 +10 150
Mount -1 149
Endurance -21 128
Drugged up 1/2 +10 138
Impromptu Lesson +10 148
Visiting the bones +15 163
Drugged up 2/2 +10 173
Girl & Bow +10 183
Discipline -1 182
Strength -26 156
Second day +10 166
Getting Ready +10 176
Not quite a well +10 186
Pirates +10 196
Pirates +10 196
Gross Fish +10 206
Awkward +10 216
A Satisfying Fling +10 226
Manual Labor 1/2 +10 236
Manual Labor 2/2 +10 246
Chat over a haircut +10 256
Nervous Sweats +15 271
A busy day +10 281
Satisfaction +10 291
That sort of dream +10 301
Oily Massages +10 311
Renewed Vigor +10 321
Combat Blades -21 300
Catching a thief +10 310
Glass Castle +10 320
Socialization -174 146
Cold Evening +10 156
Autumn Toils +10 166
Safe in the house of woe +15 181
Cold evening pt 2 +10 191
Exploration (pt1) +10 201
Exploration (pt2) +10 211
Exploration (pt3) +10 221
A simple vacation +10 231
Last edited by Eternity on Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:20 pm, edited 123 times in total. word count: 611
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Approved Character
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Renown: 100
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5




Skills & Knowledges

A home in Scalvoris Town
1 set of tier 5 Daggers (5 count)
1 set of tier 5 Shuriken (I assume these are 5 count, because knives come in counts of 5)
1 set of basic quality Tier 6 armor
1 basic-quality Tier 6 tier
6 outfits of average quality
some average accessories and basic cosmetics
3 sets of average quality jewelry
1 average quality horse mount w/ accessories
1 average quality map of Scalvoris (the town)
1 average quality map of Almund
Heirloom item: tier 7 great sword
Last edited by Eternity on Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:57 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 91
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Re: Eternity

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown 10 10
Bad date 5 15
Helping someone 5 20
Sweaty workout 5 25
High in public 5 30
Shopkeeper's attention 5 35
Being a bad singer 5 40
Stealing 5 45
bad singer 5 50
Night on the town pt 1 5 55
Night on the town pt 3 5 60
Night on the town pt 4 10 70
5 5 75
5 5 80
5 5 85
5 5 90
Last edited by Eternity on Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:53 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 81
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Re: Eternity

Current Wealth Tier:
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
Ymiden 722 wealth 1 67
Saun 722 wealth 2 69
Vhalar 722 wealth 4 73
Zida 722 wealth 5 78
Drugs/Medicine (average) for Vhalar -3 75
Adult Forum Thread 1 76
Theft 1 77
Safe in the house of woe 5 82
Last edited by Eternity on Wed Feb 15, 2023 11:20 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 59
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Re: Eternity

Thread List & Dates
Last edited by Eternity on Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:39 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 3
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