• Site News • Welcome to Rebirth Cycle 725

Announcements which apply to the whole site.

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Pig Boy
City Moderator
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Posts: 6752
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:54 pm
Race: Prophet
Profession: Rharne City Moderator
Renown: 666
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Welcome to Rebirth Cycle 725

Welcome to Rebirth Cycle 725!

It's Rebirth time, and we're onto 725.

Been a little bit quiet this past cycle as we experience a seasonal lull. New fresh time to fill with stories, so get writing people!

About the tenth anniversary celebration which is ongoing. Where we complete the lore and skill lists and reintroduce magics that were promised but never delivered. There are a few articles up for feedback either on the Creating the World forums, or a few magics and other similar big articles on our secret Peer Reviewer Forum. If developing these things sounds interesting to you, perhaps give some thought (if you've been active for more than a few months on site) to volunteering. We don't have an onerous activity requirement once you're in, just let us know you're alive every week or so with a review or wiki work, whichever interests you!

Anyway, thanks for spending your time in the site, however much of that time you give us we greatly appreciate it! Looking forward to seeing your characters out here and making stories in the world!

The List for our Anniversary Year!

Races: Hyludin, finishing off Ghosts.

Magic: Pact, Schism, and the return of Aberration.

Skills: write ups done. Get Languages sorted (they're very nearly done!). Dreamwalking and Emea.

Marks: Treid, Valtharn. Finish updating (take out all mentions from the old Devotion system.)

Spiritborn: (This will not look like what was promised in The Call, just as a heads up.)

The Shoppe:(Gathering, Crafting, Resources)

Dragons: The whole rest of the lot.

Effigy: Vielkrontier, Artere (Only needs feedback now as it has been written!), and two new dragons that have yet to be revealed but are deep in development!

New Things!

For Players:
  • Added a new ’[thread-link]’ BBCode. Use this to add a link to a thread, by its title, to a post, e.g. [Saoire's Dream] Tutors, Tutelage and Tentacles ~ Part 1
  • Fixed a bug preventing the XP flavour text from showing when there is no thread associated with the XP transaction.
  • The all new POWERS section!

You can now add/claim/buy your effigies and Marks using XP via the UCP and you XP ledger is automatically managed for you.

For those that already have their effigies done, you may want/need to PSF for a refund of the XP taken for these so that you can re-purchase them via the new system, if you wish.
  • Added the ‘Wait For’ feature to the Subscriptions page!

This allows you to nominate a player by username that the subscriptions list will then track. It will then inform you once that Player has posted, so the you know when it’s your turn to post!







Usual Cycle Change Stuff

This Cycle is the Rebirth Cycle 725, including the seasons of Cylus and Ashan.


Long cold days leave the world in a constant state of twilight. Living outdoors becomes extremely difficult due to the icy temperatures and flora and fauna suffer during this time. Grass dies making livestock, who need to eat more to survive the harsh conditions, difficult to feed, and a lot of trees fall into dormancy, slowing down their metabolism and energy consumption in order to survive the season until the sun comes up again.

While the days slowly tick on, the sun begins to sink to the horizon before finally being blocked by one of Idalos' slow orbiting moons. The stationary effect of this moon, however, is partly due to the Ellune and their dormant ruler, Treid. His influence over the moons, and his less than favorable views of Faldrun, prevent the moon from showing any light for 30 trials. A curse he enacted to punish Faldrun for his backhanded and wicked ways, Treid was incapacitated by Audrae before he could remove it. Now the world suffers sunless for 30 trials an Arc, until the light of Ashan touches it once more.


The first few weeks of Ashan are rigidly cold. Though the sun finally makes its appearance from Cylus, it takes many trials before the ice melts away into puddles, blooming flowers and grass. Ashan experiences a cold period, lasting for a quarter of the season before the temperature finally heats up enough to begin sowing crops for the Arc. Ashan is mainly known for it's spring weather, gentle breezes, and the rebirth of plant life. Barren trees slowly sprout buds of leaves and flowers, releasing a green haze of pollen while green grass grows slowly from the wet soil. Dead leaves from the previous season are swallowed up during this cycle, providing nutrients for new life growing from the ground.

Ashan lasts a total of 123 trials (days) while experiencing pretty moderate weather. Later in the season, rain clouds become a common thing, depending on the environment. The temperature begins to heat up while the green haze of pollen dies away and the budding plant life fully sprouts into bushy trees, thick grass, and lively, colorful flowers. As the season closes, the temperature rises, ushering in stronger storms and much hotter weather.

Staff Changes and City Status

Etzos is fully ready to be opened and is open. I will be submitting a calendar as soon as both my calendars are finished and written up.

Open Moderated Cities

Etzos - The Wanderer, Pig Boy
Iulure Isles - Fate
Melrath - Fate
Rharne - Pig Boy
Scalvoris - Peg
The Eternal Empire - Basilisk
Yaralon - The Wanderer

Cities Under Development

Closed Cities

Rynmere (including Andaris and the Eastern Territories)

Cities Open But Unmoderated

Central: Ivorian Empire
Eastern: Athart
Eastern North: Viden
Southern: Augiery
Southern: Desnind
Southern: Quacia
Western: Ne'haer
Western: Rhakros
Western: Sirothelle
Western: Uthaldria

word count: 951

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