Reviewer's Choice!

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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - December 2022

Reviewer: Caprice
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Dancing with the Wind and Fairies
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I have to admit, I am, at my core, a deep fan of Melrath so I cannot express how excited I was when I received this thread as my first to review during my reviewer application/trial. Seeing how Jasper's writer took a character deeply inspired by Melrath lore and having them continue to bring those beliefs and ways to someplace completely different like Scalvoris was an absolute treat to read. Jasper's concept and his writer's clear perspective on the character is apparent throughout the thread and it's always a joy seeing a character's true convictions play out. Seeing Jasper go through the motions of connecting to this new place on a spiritual level was lovely and well written and a topic I particularly enjoy reading, especially when done as well and with the sort of respect to not only the character but also both Melrath and Scalvoris lore. The addition of the fairies and their natural mischief only made the thread that much more fun. I definitely recommend to those interested in either of these cities' lore or those who just want a fun read. Thank you, Fate, for sharing it with us!

Reviewer: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: One Stone. Two Birds!
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I think what I like about this thread was how it brought both characters a little out of their comfort zone. I'm not quite sure if Faith has a comfort zone to be honest, but I feel like she was very challenged by Elisabeth, from getting gifted some baked goods (something that never happens to Faith) to answering difficult questions about mage pregnancies.

Elisabeth had the intriguing question for the ages, about mage pregnancy. It was a very out of left-field question that anyone let alone a great doctor would have their hands fulll trying to answer.

Great thread overall, and it didn't hurt that there was some interesting lore revelations here.

Reviewer: The Wanderer
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Keyframe
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I said it in the review and I think it is worth saying again, but I really enjoyed the way that Pyrre portrayed the relationship between his characters. This thread felt very connected to the story-world around it and while not much happened, it highlighted how people from different backgrounds can become good friends. I also admit, I enjoy most things in Almund so the references to other locations in the city did give it a bit of an edge. It was a simple, but very fun to read thread.

Player Choice!

Player: Kisaik
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Winston Miller and the Saucerer's Scone
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: Punny title aside, I think this thread really revitalized my character Kisaik's passion for alchemy, which had fallen by the wayside for a few arcs since he'd gotten it in his head to become a knightly fellow.

Winston Miller is a great lab partner, highly recommend anyone into crafting collaborating with this Ferret cadouri. I'm pleased that he humored my weird approach to alchemy!

Mod Choice!

Mod: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Craft of Dreams: Vega (1/2)
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I just enjoy Vega :P

But seriously, although it's short to start, and part of a global which involves at least a dozen threads by different players and characters, Vega has taken what could've been a simple one and done entry and really brought it to life for me, allowing me to indulge in some wacky ensorcelled invention that Teq devised in order for her to contact (a sci-fi-like holographic projector, using a mirage stone).

It is great fun so far, not concluded yet but stay tuned!
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - January 2023

Reviewer: Winston
A Link With the Name of the Thread- Night on The Town (Part 1)
What did you enjoy most about this thread? - I really like extended plot-lines over several threads and Eternity's writing is very good and engaging across this plot. I loved the gangster NPCs.

They also do a really good job of playing to their skill limitation.

Warning: I didn't read/review the final post in this particular chain as it was not really relevant to the story and to issue fair warning, it is clearly labelled Smut :-)

Reviewer: Pegasus
A Link With the Name of the Thread- Show me what ya got
What did you enjoy most about this thread? - Kasoria and Maxine write action so very well. This is a great thread which really is an example of how to write action. Beautiful writing that kept me gripped from beginning to end.

Reviewer: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Day with a horse pt 2/2
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: Eternity's writer has come a long way and it shows very well here in this 'training thread'. She manages to take what would be a rather pedestrian (hah) training session into a tense encounter with a runaway horse. She describes her sensations and fears beautifully here. I enjoyed reading it.

Reviewer: Avalon
Pc(s) Involved - Jasper
A Link With the Name of the Thread- The Assignment from Eldloga. (Part 1)
What did you enjoy most about this thread? - This was my first Jasper thread and it did not disappoint! What I liked most about this thread is how he integrated everything in his environment into the piece, making them an important part of it.The spirits and fairies added depth to the writing.

One of the hallmarks of a good training thread is not realizing its a training thread, and, well....mission accomplished!

Player Choice!

Player: Pegasus (She didn't specify a character)
A Link With the Name of the Thread- Chasing Tales
What did you enjoy most about this thread? - It was just so well run / organised and it was a great example of a social thread that's meaningful to the pcs and is a great snapshot. It was lovely, and I really really enjoyed the thread scandalously!

Player: Avalon (She did not specify a character)
Pc(s) Involved - Balthazar Black
A Link With the Name of the Thread- The Promise Fulfilled
What did you enjoy most about this thread? - Balthazar, outwardly, is such a disciplined beast that it's nice to see the threads where you get beneath the surface. A lot of Balthazar's writing is more reflective and focused on his thoughts...but this was something entirely different. His relationship with Vri ties into his feelings, and those aren't so often on display. Even if in this they aren't on display, the writing allows the reader to understand how deeply the pc is affected by his relationships with Immortals. He can come off cold and dispassionate a good deal of the time, but these types of threads allow people to understand the reality of Balthazar better.

Player: Woe
Thread: Foot in mouth is not just for cattle
Participants: Winston, Woe
Summary/Thoughts: I don't know where we'll end up with this thread, but I'm greatly enjoying the way that Woe reacts to Winston. He's quite a different person than Woe is used to dealing with, but that's not a bad thing in this case. He brings out moods in Woe that I didn't expect. Also the gift Winston gives to Woe is pretty inspired.

Mod Choice!

Mod: Pegasus
A Link With the Name of the Thread- Chest Pains
What did you enjoy most about this thread? - OMG Winston is just adorable. I enjoy his writing and he's an ideal person to mod for, because he just gives you so much to work with. Beautiful writing, great fun!

A Link With the Name of the Thread:
What did you enjoy most about this thread?:

Mod: Pig Boy
Thread: Interrogation
Participants: Vivian
Summary/Thoughts: Vivian really shows her investigative and analytical skills in this thread. Although we're only just beginning here, and Vivian has spent most of the thread just gathering what she presumes she'll need for the interrogation and investigation, she's already gleaned a lot of information from a dangerous Kingpin... or so it seems so far. Muwahahaha.
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - February 2023

Reviewer: Winston
A Link With the Name of the Thread: The Stranger
PC(s) Involved: Max
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I liked the content, the philosophy and the simile at the beginning. The whole thing was just fun to read and then a twist at the end... No spoilers :-p

Reviewer: Pegasus
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Cast off the Rust
PC(s) Involved: Pyrre
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I loved this thread so much, I feel I have to share my feedback. This is so beautifully written. There are absolutely tons of details, tiny points of knowledge about ships, for example. I could pick a dozen examples of times when this writing quite literally delighted me, but I think the one that I enjoyed the most was Pyrre communing with the ship itself.

I can not say strongly enough how detailed and real and beautiful your writing is - I was completely immersed in the story you wove and I could hear the waves lapping. This was a beautiful thread - loved it! Enjoy your very well earned rewards.

Reviewer: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Harvest Dusk
PC(s) Involved: Devin
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I make no secret of my adoration of the character Devin. But more than the character, his writing is just fantastic and brilliant. The way he puts in such detail and character into every paragraph. I found myself wondering about some of the side plots and happenings that were occurring around his character, such is his skill at introducing these ancillary elements. Wonderful thread.

Player Choice!

Player: Winston
A Link With the Name of the Thread: [Fairy Ring] A tea party!
PC(s) Involved: Kisaik
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I'm nominating Kisaik for his awsome contribution to this thread that ended up in spawning an entire adventure!

Mod Choice!

Mod: Pegasus
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Chest Pains
PC(s) Involved: Winston
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: omg, he's adorable. He's funny and cute and clever and kind and that chest is hysterical. I had such fun modding this thread and I can only hope the player did too!

Mod: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Examination, Experimentation
PC(s) Involved: Yeva
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: Yeva is such a well realized and enjoyable character to moderate. She never leaves me with anything less than a wealth of content to respond to, in the way she responds to every pull and prod as a moderator that I throw her way. I enjoyed portraying Yvithia here, although it was certainly a strange plot even for me. But in the end, this is really about Yeva's achievement in gaining a qualification and surviving Yvithia's 'test'. Fun stuff.
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - March 2023

Reviewer: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Build a Ladder
PC(s) Involved: Vega
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: Always an emotion with Vega. I think this was a pivotal thread for her character, which is impressive to keep having those even as advanced and progressed as her character is, she still finds ways to challenge and really hurt her pc. This was good use of a seasonal event.

Reviewer: Pegasus
A Link With the Name of the Thread: A Tea Party!
PC(s) Involved: Winston and Kisaik
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: This is one of the most whimsical and fun threads I've read in a long while! It's great fun and the two pcs (Winston and Kisaik) are just fantastic. There are some moments of sadness (we miss you, Rabu!) and it creates a word!! Fantastic read!

Player Choice!

Player: Rakvald
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Through the Boredom and Pain
PC(s) Involved: Kasoria
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: This was a challenging thread for me, but I like being pushed out of my comfort zone with some collaborative pvp (is there such a thing?) while the fight might've been concluded rather quickly for Kasoria's taste, and I had some trouble interpreting what was going on at any given time in action ( as I tend to :D) this was a thrilling thread for me and fun all around. Thanks!

Player: Vega
A Link With the Name of the Thread: The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom
PC(s) Involved: Kisaik, Winston, Jasper, Vega
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: This was such a fun thread. Four PCs, trying to communicate with various other pcs around the island and these Pirate Lords. I have to thank Basilisk for running this and Kisaik, Winston and Jasper for the thread. They're amazing writing partners, each one of them, and I loved this thread entirely.


Mod Choice!

Mod: Pegasus
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Grand Confluence
PC(s) Involved: Nir'wei
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: You know, Nir'wei manages to squeeze so much into a solo. Here is an example of some of his best writing - it's detailed without getting bogged down, it's descriptive and yet leaves you wondering. The visual I got throughout this was incredible and I'm really pleased to nominate him. Beautiful writing!

Mod: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Thallassophobia
PC(s) Involved: Tristan, Vivian, Gennadiya, Praetorum.
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: Here, I was impressed greatly by the teamwork of all of the pcs involved. They all did great, and contributed their talents very well toward a difficult situation.
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - April 2023

Reviewer: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Save our Souls
PC(s) Involved: Winston
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I love that the normally cheery and indefatigable ferret cadouri Winston is strained very nearly to his breaking point. This is an important turning point where Winston learns that not everything always goes exactly to the good or to plan, even with the best intentions. Some people are left out in the cold, and that realization destroys Winston nearly. It's a wonderful read.

Reviewer: Kasoria
A Link With the Name of the Thread: We Who Lived
PC(s) Involved: Vethril Utojesk
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: Vethril knows how to paint with words, and he melded that to possession, vengeance, and a tavern full of drunken mercenaries. Very much a slice of Yaralon life, with all the black comedy and seedy, cynical perspective you'd expect. Written well and with a note of... dare I say tenderness? It's all for the memory of his daughter, after all. By the last post, you'll be chanting her name along with them.

Player Choice!

Player: Winston
A Link With the Name of the Thread: It's what's on the inside that counts
PC(s) Involved: Winston and Mel'drin
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I'm a part of this threads, so of course, my nomination is specifically aimed at the other player Mel'drin's writing, not the thread in general, but this new player is GREAT fun to play with and crafts an engaging and highly enjoyable narative around their PC and it's NPC.

Mod Choice!

Mod: Pig Boy
A Link With the Name of the Thread: Story's End
PC(s) Involved: Jasper and Vega
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I enjoyed mod-bombing this greatly. Vega and Jasper have poured a metric ton of effort into the snowstorm plot, and made sacrifices from their characters that many wouldn't think to. Vega loses her father, and Jasper has triplets! This is the culmination of all of those, where they are rewarded for their efforts even as they say goodbye to Jo'qan. Vega's father. Very emotional thread..
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - May 2023

Reviewer's Choice!
Reviewer: Pegasus
We Be Patrollin' They Be Hatin' "
PC(s) Involved: Kisaik and Darius.
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: The way the two PCs interacted! They are such an unlikely, yet fantastic pair and they worked together so well.

Reviewer: Kasoria
The House of Chimera
PC(s) Involved: Rakvald
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: First of all, most badass title I've read in a while. Second, thirdly, fourth... just a great example of doing a lot with a little. Just over 1500 words and yet the process of Revelation is depicted viscerally, frighteningly, and definitively. And who kicks it all off? Who is the catalyst for this transformation? A lowly apprentice. Mmm-MM. Love the symmetry.

Reviewer:Pig Boy
The Ghost and the Gander
PC(s) Involved: Ulric
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I love how the player of Ulric writes mystery and investigative threads. This is not such a departure from that, as Ulric uncovers some suspicious activity aboard the ship that he's been enscripted to. Really detailed and fun writing, very suspenseful too.

Mod Choice!

Mod: Pegasus
The Pirate Plot
PC(s) Involved: Kisaik, Winston, Jasper, Vega, Woe, Faith, Balthazar, Kura, Darius, Elisabeth, Varlum, Nir'wei
What did you enjoy most about this thread? It's not one thread, but it's a story arc and the pc's each and every one really stepped up to the mark. There was so much good writing, so much intersting development of character and challenge and just awesomeness.

Mod: Pig Boy
Finding the Place part 3
PC(s) Involved: Gennadiya
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: This is part of a long plot by Gennadiya in which she finds love, and a continuation of that as she explores with her new fiance a site for Ymiden's shrine, where she plans to get married. It was fun surprising her with an appearance of Lovalus and a mating pair of Jacadons, and also a drop in quickly by Ymiden. Gennadiya is a great writer, and her reactions are always on point and realistic, even in the face of my wacky moderation. It's fun to moderate them.

Player Choice!

Player: Vega
Catch A Dragon By The Tail
PC(s) Involved - Pig Boy, Arlo, Elisabeth, Praetorum, Varlum, Vega.
What did you enjoy most about this thread? It's not finished yet but just love how Pig Boy pulls all the PCs in, brings them together and weaves a fantastic tale. He's a great mod and I feel like this thread deserves a shout out!

Player: Kisaik
Winston's Looky Hoop
PC(s) Involved: Winston, Kisaik
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I'm having a lot of fun with this thread, and it's one of the first where Kisaik gives a valuable gift to Winston. It was also fun to craft it. On the Winston end, I'm really impressed by the range he gives such an adorable character. It would be easy to make a character that's always sunny and one-dimensionally cute. But Winston has definite layers as you can see here, weighed down by the sadness of recent events that he had a hand in giving relief to. It was fun for Kisaik to try and cheer him up, for once. A little bit of a role reversal

Player: Faith
To Err Is Mortalborn To Forget Is Human
PC(s) Involved - Basilisk, Woe, Faith
What did you enjoy most about this thread? The way that Basilisk ran this thread was amazing. He kept us in suspense - often frustrated at the level of prepared those damn pirates were, but everything was logical and it was challenging and honestly - it isn't an easy thing for a mod to do to kill a PC and he deserves the kudos for it.

Player: Perdita
Wise Men Say
PC(s) involved: The Wanderer, Kisaik, Winston.
What did you enjoy most about this thread? I am reading along on this thread with delight and I have to say that the three players involved are all masters of the craft of writing. It's a really interesting thread, just the right mix of adventure, comedy, suspense and The Wanderer does an excellent job of creating a tale of adventure with the Immortal of adventure himself! I love it!
 ! Message from: The Wanderer
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Honorable Mention of the Month - Kasoria for [Sweetsong] I give him one cycle till he's a 'MAD' Alchemist ~ Part 3. "We requested a consequence here to allow us to explore some RP plot arc and Kasoria really embraced that request and went well beyond our expectations with this super awsome follow-up plot line. I love when Mods put this much effort into starter quests and very much appreciate the effort." - Winston
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - June/July 2023

Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer:Pig Boy
To Die, Just a Little
PC(s) Involved - Ulric
What did you enjoy most about this thread? - This was a fantastical pirate adventure. A nice vignette of a series where Ulric uses his ghost abilities to the fullest in stumbling into a pirate crew, and then revolting against them when he finds out they're pirates!

Worth a read to anyone who wants to see the amazing feats that are available to ghosts, or just a adventure on the high seas.

Mod Choice!

Mod: Pig Boy
The Orange Crush
PC(s) Involved - Seira Shiryu, Vivian Shiryu, Praetorum, Perdita Westcott, Winston, Dandelion
What did you enjoy most about this thread? - I honestly didn't' expect this event to pick up steam as swiftly as it did, but I'm very pleased that it has, and every player in this thread has delighted and amused me with their amazing decisions and ability to manage a big crisis unfolding in real time in a city.

From the outbreak of the fire and Praetorum's amazing leadership, to Dandelion's digging and helping to shore up the spirits of those behind lines, to Seira's singing, and Perdita's problem solving and frantic smashing of slimes. Of course I would be lax not to mention Winston and his ingenius contributions to the rescue efforts.

Great thread, I'm really enjoying it.

Player Choice!
Player: Winstaaaaaaaan
Thread: The Orange Crush
PCs Involved: SOOOO MAAAANY :-)
Why?: It's been really good fun to take on this new format of 'do what you PC can do' in such a broad collaborative plot-line.

I would really like to see more like this in future (though perhaps with a little less of my stuff on fire :-p).
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - August 2023

Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer: Pig Boy
Me, Myself, and My Fears: Kotton
Comments: This was a very well-written and appropriately dreamy thread, that really drives home the versatility of Dream threads in general, while also pushing together a character's development. Kotton struggles with thoughts of imagined inadequacy or unworthiness. To the point where the dream presents himself with a sitaution that would make him uncomfortable, and then he is confronted by his own subconscious self, which felt like a play on his devotion/connection to Pre and Pier.

It was a very well-written, descriptive thread, and I look forward to seeing more of Kotton's writing.

Reviewer: The Wanderer
The Price of Talent: Kasoria, Maxine, Zemos
Comments: I love a thread that has underlying tension just because of who all the characters are. Knowing Zemos supports Lisirra who Kasoria fought in a war against is intriguing to me because they were fairly forced to work together. Meanwhile there is also Maxine acting in a role I hadn't seen her in before and doing it well. The trio may have been a very short lived selection, but they were definitely great to read.

Mod Choice!

Mod: Pig Boy
Catch a Dragon by the Tail: Praetorum, Arlo, Varlum, and Vega
Comments: Colloquially known in chat as 'Broiling' this thread has been a real thrill and a pleasure to mod from the very beginning. I had a clear idea of a beginning middle and end of the way it would play out.

In the beginning it was a bit of a gamble to get the players in one place in a reasonable manner, but i think we managed. In the middle, it became a very interesting race, which the players used their skills and abilities to great effect during.

In the end, it's becoming this huge climatic battle of the heroes against the big bad, who as it's turning out in the recent post not to be so big. As a mod I'm often surprised by players and their ability to outsmart me, and this is a perfect example of that.

Great thread, I'm really enjoying it.

Mod: The Wanderer
Alliances and Consequences: Kasoria
Comments: This is a fun thread between a delegation from Etzos and a powerful merchant in Yaralon and it is made intriguing by Kasoria's writing. A short meeting spirals into a- well, spoilers. It was a fantastic thread to read and a gripping example of Kasoria's writing.

Player Choice!
Player: Winstonius (Winstaaaaaan) (Winston)
A Link With the Name of the Thread: [Sweetsong] A Fairly Fair Fury Fairy Ferret Hunt
PC(s) Involved: Vega & Winston
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I am nominating Vega for writing beautiful and entertaining verses with me :-D
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - 2023 Catch Up

Reviewer's Choice!
Reviewer: Pig Boy
Thread: Scorn and Salt
PC's Involved: Nir'wei
Comments: Nir'wei's method of intimidation with novice in that skill was pretty plainly effective. Really it's more about negotiation at this point, do you want to get eaten alive or dead? Simple calculus for Silverhair. Yikes.

Well written all in all.

Mod Choice!
Mod: Pig Boy
Thread: Evolution or Extinction
PC's Involved: Nir'wei
Comments: I think it was the culmination of the whole Rynmere exodus of the Jacadons and Ruin's Dawn stuff that came to a head for Nir'wei in this thread, where he achieves what I imagine is a long-standing goal of taming or befriending his very own tribe of Jacadons. While the results of his befriending them is yet to be decided in another thread, he's made a great impression here and his writing is of course superb.

Player Choice!
Player: Winston
Thread: Meeting the family
PC(s) Involved: Makar & Winston
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: This was my first thread with this new player, Makar, who played out an excellent thread.

I love to see new players, but seeing them play a PC so well and bring so much to an PR is just extra awesome! I liked the way Makar dealt with the weirdness of Winston, without simply ignoring it and equally, didn't allow it to block his play.

Nice thread Makar, thanks for playing! Keep up the excellent writing!

Player: Winston
Thread: [Wilderness] Psssssst... Get down before it eats you
PC(s) Involved: Tristan & Winston
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: I loved this social thread with Tristan. They play their NPC so nicely and this social had as much appeal to em as any adventure thread :-)

Thanks Tristan!
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Re: Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer's Choice - First Half 2024

Reviewer's Choice!

Reviewer: Doran
Thread: [The Glass Temple] Goodbye, Faith Augustin
PC's Involved: Maxine
Comments: This was such a beautifully written and emotional thread. I thought that this would just be a thread about Max sitting in the Glass Temple and saying goodbye to Faith, but it turned out to be so much more. From Max' attitude towards the Immortals, and Faith, to her thoughts on herself and life in general, I felt like I really got to know her through her conversation with Faith. This thread shows what an incredibly complex character Max is.

Reviewer: Winston
Thread: A Little Rusty
PC's Involved: Balthazar Black and Rakvald
Comments: "I really loved the way both these players worked with the other's actions. It felt very much 'Yes and...' in a way that was accepting entirely of what was being thrown at them and still making a good push to fight back.

The thread was fun to read and the combat very interesting to follow." - May


This was a really fun and exciting read and it was awesome to see to players unleashing the fully matured combination of skills and magics in a fluid narrative that was both some co-operative in it's writing and accepting of opponent agency.

Loved it!" - January

Reviewer: Pig Boy
Thread: Rharnean Jatorrizkoa Part 5 But the whole series really.
PC's Involved: Tristan Venora
Comments: It involves the Igelak race! But most of all it's a very wholesome thread series by Tristan, where he and his daughter meet a new froggy friend that they want to give a home, help out by acclimating them to society. I almost want to see him do a My Fair Froggy spin on it, where they try to make him not only a functional member of society, but also a socialite.

Reviewer: Doran
Thread: Stealing Because We Can
PC's Involved: Revan Blackhand
Comments: This was a highly entertaining thread that gave me “Six of Crows” vibes in the best way possible. I’m impressed by how much thought Revan has put into his disguise – he even walks with a fake limp - and I love his take on thievery. It’s an art. It’s the art of taking things from those who don’t appreciate them without getting in trouble for that. Revan’s conversation with his companion Willow made me grin. There is no stealing in this thread – Revan and Willow are just talking about it – but it really makes me look forward to reading Revan’s future threads.

Mod Choice!

Mod: Pig Boy
Thread: All-Taverns Tournament Final
PC's Involved: Netzach Embersoul, Vincent Steinitz, Azrael Blackfire, Vivian Shiryu.
Comments: Ooooh I get to moderate pvp! Yes please. All that aside there's a lot happening in the final round, and one of the players happened upon the hidden easter eggs for the tournament, and managed to crack open the cover on the secret plot underlying it all.

The fighters are really giving it their best with their strategy and writing ability, while the spectators add a lot of interest as well. Couldn't ask for a more entertaining time modding.

Player Choice!

Player: Pig Boy
Thread: Pirate Finale
PC(s) Involved: Lots and lots (Final Count Pending)
What did you enjoy most about this thread?: The way this is run, allowing us to write spin-off plots from the main event, and Peg's overall efficiency in modding and adaptability is a great thing to witness. I have loved this event from beginning to end, even when it's made me nervous for my pcs LOL

I can't wait to see how it all comes out.

 ! Message from: The Wanderer
Medals and tags in progress!
word count: 635
Locked Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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