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News & New Features!


New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads. You'll note that there are now separate subforums for Magic, Marks, Capstones, Renown, NPCs and Mortalborns. Those are all here

This has been done so that, if a player wishes to, they can go and look at a completed and approved example of each of these things. That will, hopefully, be useful, transparent and maybe provide inspiration!

Also bug-busting continues to move apace. I'm really pleased and delighted with how smoothly the transition to the new site has gone and want to give a shout out to all staff and players - your patience and good humour has been wonderful! Thanks to all who have reported bugs etc.
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Re: News & New Features!

Hello everyone!

It's my pleasure to announce that the city of Quacia will be opening today, August 10, 2018.

I'd like to thank everyone who helped me work on it by providing a solid sounding board, and for commenting on my ideas, and I'd also like to give a special shout to Nightshade for providing a load of assistance with the NPC work.

Quacia was once a pinnacle of technological and magical advancement, though they suffered a great Cataclysm several-hundred Arcs ago which has effectively brought much of their grandeur to a grounding halt. The city is now locked in a constant struggle with forces both from without, and within. A never-ceasing Creep grows across the landscape, animating things which have no right to be animated, and waging a war of attrition on the inhabitants of the land, whilst political factions, theological organizations, cults, and greedy merchants go about their business within.

The general comment I've gotten from a lot of people is that the city is a lot like Dark Souls. If you like Dark Souls... maybe give it a shot. :D

If you'd like more information about the city, feel free to check out the general lore page, which can be found here


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Re: News & New Features!

Dark Theme & Other New Things!!
Ok so today we've done a few things! A couple of bugs have been fixed - most importantly, the issue which was causing lines to run on when they should have had a "carriage return" between. That's dealt with now.

And now - we can start to see the benefits of the new forum!!

One of the biggest things that we've wanted to do for a long time and have simply not been able to on the old boards is to offer our players the choice of a light or dark theme. Well, phpbBB3.2 (what we've upgraded to) has made that a whole lot easier -and I'm pleased to announce that today, you have that choice! Go to your UserCP and profile. Down the bottom you get to choose between Light and Dark. Hope that causes a cheer I can hear from here in the UK!

Also - we've started a Wiki page with the BBCode available to us on it - we'll keep updating it.

Another new feature today is:

1. Notes:
This extension has been installed today. It gives us the following functionality
You write the text to appear on the board hereAnd the text to appear over it in a mouseover here

Code: Select all

[note=You write the text to appear on the board here]And the text to appear over it in a mouseover here[/note]
It could be great for theme music too. Hold it in place[youtube][/youtube]

Code: Select all

[note=It could be great for theme music too. Hold it in place by clicking the little pin][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5anLPw0Efmo[/youtube][/note]
Here are normal words, but look!
And here's the image I used in the Global 717 Endgame. Isn't it pretty?

It's using image ID and so it's a bit smaller. Another option is:
This gives us the images in the original size

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Re: News & New Features!

The Prophet Support Forum

So, with the new site the PSF has undergone some changes. I'd like to take a moment and detail them here.
  1. Transparency: The old PSF was hidden. It was between the individual player and a few select prophets. We're trying really hard to do away with that kind of thing and have opened up the PSF. That means that your ticket is viewable by all staff and players. If you want to have a private dialogue, then pm the Advocate TL, and he'll set it up for you - we have the capability of doing that, but otherwise, lets not have secrets.
  2. Subforums: Again, player feedback tells us that it could be quite daunting posting a mutation / mark / mortalborn application in the PSF, mostly because there was no frame of reference. Well, now there is. We've taken the opportunity of the new forums and made subforums whereby completed requests for marks, mark abilities, magical mutations, npcs, mortalborns etc can be seen. Each subforum will have (marks already does) an index so you can have a look. Take inspiration. :)
  3. Guides. We've put up guides for players and staff as to how to use the PSF. These are stickied at the top of the main PSF forum.
I really hope that the new layout and format is helpful. As always, if you've got any questions, drop a pm!
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Re: News & New Features!

Immortal Mark Abilities

Hey everyone!

So, I think one of the most common things we hear as staff is that folks are confused about how to apply for Immortal Mark Abilities. After a staff discussion I've added the following the guide on Devotion / Religion Mark to the existing information, and I would urge you to also keep an eye on the Completed Immortal Mark Requests Subforum of the PSF.

Hope that guide helps - please feel free to reach out if there's any questions, still!
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Re: News & New Features!

Topic Attributes!

Hey everyone!
We now have two sets of Topic Attributes - the old ones which are words / test, and graphics. These can be found when you start a new thread and have a drop down menu.

The menu up to [Notated] is text
From there onwards, are the graphics. - an example of which I've put on this thread!

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Re: News & New Features!

Top Menu Bar

Hey everyone!
Just to let you know that, now that we've got the bugs more or less cleared out (yay!) we're focusing on Quality of Life improvement issues. This will involve some changes to the Top Menu Bar and the Quicklinks. tt's already "fixed" at the top so that you can always access your links and a few more changes are in the works. Keep an eye and we'll keep you updated!

~Peg x
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Re: News & New Features!

Top Menu Bar


So - the Top Menu Bar is "fixed" to the top of the screen, and will be there no matter how far down you've scrolled. Also, you've got links there now to:
UCP - Your User Control Panel
Subscriptions - Your subscribed forums & threads
Posts - Your posts.

We've taken out the "FAQ" and the quicklink links are being updated. At that point, the top bar and associated menus should all be "done"! Thanks all!

~Peg x
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Re: News & New Features!

Mortalborn: A Rules Clarification & Addition


So, after a staff vote I've updated the Guide to Creating a Mortalborn. Fundamentally, that has involved adding the following information:
A Second Mortalborn?
In specific circumstances only, a player is allowed to play a second Mortalborn. It is important to note that no player is allowed more than two Mortalborn characters. If one dies or you retire them, you may not create another. Once you've met the requirements below, you may apply for a mortal born character.
  • You must actively and consistently roleplay your first mortalborn for at least six months.
  • You must not have accrued any warnings from the staff relating to cheating, plagiarizing, harassment, or anything that goes against Standing Trials TOU.
  • You MUST be able to keep your Mortalborn active. Any Mortalborn PC that has gone three months without activity, without a good reason given by the player, will become an NPC.
As always - any questions, let us know!

~Peg x
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Re: News & New Features!

Staff Transfer

Hey all!

Tyrant is going to be moving to the ST team where he can work closely on his city and keep providing to all of it's players. We're beyond grateful for all the help he gave us, and are very excited to see what he does with Quacia and it's development, stories and plots!

Munch :D
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