New Release: New Code & Timeline, Bug Fixes
New release is here!
For Mods:
* Reward form now has a confirmation box to help prevent accidental submission.
* Fixed a bug causing the PB select boxes to go off the screen.
* Fixed a bug preventing the “Current Total Renown: X” value from appearing when viewing a player’s renown from the MCP.
* The Cycle Change Renown Report now accepts two dates to allow this cycles values to be generated.
For Players:
* A new custom ‘say’ BBCode can now be used to type your various character’s speech. (see the how-to below)
* You may now add ST timestamps to your posts and where this is done, they will then appear in the new timelines found on PC profiles. (see the how-to below)
* Fixed a bug preventing people from being issued their renown until after they surpassed the bracket.
* Fix a bug preventing transfer of PB points between linked accounts.
This allows you to pre-set the formatting in a post. The way you do this is:
In your UCP
- go to the "Profile" tab
- scroll to the bottom. You'll see a box for putting in your custom "Say" code.
- each new code should be on a new line.
- there are some examples there, to give you an idea, and there's a link to a good CSS page in the description (you'll need to highlight and copy it).
To Make A Custom Code Yourself
On a new line in the input box, put the code you want. Eg:
.say-BertBlueBoxes{ font-style: italic; font-family: cursive; color: green; }
You can name each new example - so where we have "npc1" you can put in your equivalent of "BertBlueBoxes" or whatever. There must be ONLY upper or lowercase letters and numbers - no special characters, no accents or apostrophes, etc.
Then, you set the CSS. You can do a lot with CSS and, if you like to play around, then please do have a look at the link. As far as we can work out, googlefonts is not supported. Basically, it's like the "style" tags we have. The basic format is:
WhatYouAreChanging: SettingItSpecifically; NextThingYouAreChanging; Specific
In a post
In any post you make (this is account-specific - so what I make as Peg is only usable by Peg - put the code "say as=NAME"
So - in the example above, I've created a code for BertBlueBoxes. It's cursive font, italic and green.
I type
Code: Select all
[say as=BertBlueBoxes]"Hello there! I'm Bert"[/say]
And it does this:
"Hello there! I'm Bert"
Nifty, huh!?
Go to your profile (click on your username) or the profile of any PC. Scroll down a bit and there is their timeline. It's all threads, split up by season.
We've run a one-time script in order to try and "pick up" as many of the dates from existing threads as possible. If there are threads which don't appear - you can go back and edit the first post of the thread to include the IC date.
If you can't edit that first post for some reason. Pop a ticket in the PSF. But please don't ask us to edit 25 threads in one ticket, etc.

Adding An IC Date
When you start a thread in an IC forum (first post only) you have the chance to give that thread a date. The input for this is just underneath the thread name, etc, above the input box.
When you do that, it will display on the profile page timelines of everyone in the thread (except the reviewer!).
This is phase 1 of the timeline. Next release we're looking at being able to, for example, link city calendars to their own timeline which players will have the option of displaying. Also, we'll be hoping to over-ride the RL date on areas like the "recent threads" and in forum lists which display the date the thread was started, displaying the IC date.
Things to Note!
The IC date does not have to be set until you submit for review.
However, the IC DOES have to be set when you submit for review and should not be changed from that point onwards.
It is compulsory to date threads and, since this is three clicks rather than typing out the date, we are going to adopt this approach site-wide. Therefore, threads which are NOT date stamped IC in this way as of this point will not be reviewed.
These are great additions, I think, and we're very excited by them. Thanks, as always, to Tech Guy.