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Announcements which apply to the whole site.

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Re: News & New Features!

Hello all,

We've introduced a couple new entries into ways that one might earn point bank awards. These are specific to the job that Tech Guy does around the site, which takes huge amounts of time. So rather than assign an arbitrary award for a set amount of time, we've decided to put it down to writing how much he's entitled to for his ongoing tech support.

We've voted and added the following awards to the Point Bank System:
On-Call Tech Support (Being the tech support person who fixes outages, develops code, and is just generally all around awesome). Not applicable to dates prior to May 2022 +250 per month of ongoing tech support
Tech Support and tech development releases. Not applicable to releases prior to May 2022 +100 per full release of a feature
As ever, if there are questions here about this change, please direct them to the Q&A Forum.
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Re: News & New Features!

Forthcoming Release & Downtime! !

Tomorrow, we have a very exciting new release happening. Tech Guy has been working hard behind the scenes and has created a "personal timeline" for us. It will show up on each PCs profile and will be a list of all threads per pc, sorted by time and place.

It will have a few other things, too

For Mods:
* Reward form now has a confirmation box to help prevent accidental submission.
* Fixed a bug causing the PB select boxes to go off the screen.
* Fixed a bug preventing the “Current Total Renown: X” value from appearing when viewing a player’s renown from the MCP.
* The Cycle Change Renown Report now accepts two dates to allow this cycles values to be generated.

For Players:
* A new custom ‘say’ BBCode can now be used to type your various character’s speech.
* You may now add ST timestamps to your posts and where this is done, they will then appear in the new timelines found on PC profiles.
* Fixed a bug preventing people from being issued their renown until after they surpassed the bracket.
* Fix a bug preventing transfer of PB points between linked accounts.

There'll be a "how to" in the release announcement, but what it will mean is that the site will be down for about 5 minutes at some point tomorrow. PLEASE be careful with your posts. I'll give a "two minute warning" on Discords tomorrow, too.


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Re: News & New Features!

New Release: New Code & Timeline, Bug Fixes

New release is here!

For Mods:
* Reward form now has a confirmation box to help prevent accidental submission.
* Fixed a bug causing the PB select boxes to go off the screen.
* Fixed a bug preventing the “Current Total Renown: X” value from appearing when viewing a player’s renown from the MCP.
* The Cycle Change Renown Report now accepts two dates to allow this cycles values to be generated.

For Players:
* A new custom ‘say’ BBCode can now be used to type your various character’s speech. (see the how-to below)
* You may now add ST timestamps to your posts and where this is done, they will then appear in the new timelines found on PC profiles. (see the how-to below)
* Fixed a bug preventing people from being issued their renown until after they surpassed the bracket.
* Fix a bug preventing transfer of PB points between linked accounts.

New "Say" Code
This allows you to pre-set the formatting in a post. The way you do this is:

In your UCP
- go to the "Profile" tab
- scroll to the bottom. You'll see a box for putting in your custom "Say" code.
- each new code should be on a new line.
- there are some examples there, to give you an idea, and there's a link to a good CSS page in the description (you'll need to highlight and copy it).

To Make A Custom Code Yourself
On a new line in the input box, put the code you want. Eg:

.say-BertBlueBoxes{ font-style: italic; font-family: cursive; color: green; }

You can name each new example - so where we have "npc1" you can put in your equivalent of "BertBlueBoxes" or whatever. There must be ONLY upper or lowercase letters and numbers - no special characters, no accents or apostrophes, etc.

Then, you set the CSS. You can do a lot with CSS and, if you like to play around, then please do have a look at the link. As far as we can work out, googlefonts is not supported. Basically, it's like the "style" tags we have. The basic format is:

WhatYouAreChanging: SettingItSpecifically; NextThingYouAreChanging; Specific


In a post
In any post you make (this is account-specific - so what I make as Peg is only usable by Peg - put the code "say as=NAME"

So - in the example above, I've created a code for BertBlueBoxes. It's cursive font, italic and green.

I type

Code: Select all

[say as=BertBlueBoxes]"Hello there! I'm Bert"[/say]
And it does this:
"Hello there! I'm Bert"

Nifty, huh!?

New Timeline
Go to your profile (click on your username) or the profile of any PC. Scroll down a bit and there is their timeline. It's all threads, split up by season.

We've run a one-time script in order to try and "pick up" as many of the dates from existing threads as possible. If there are threads which don't appear - you can go back and edit the first post of the thread to include the IC date.

If you can't edit that first post for some reason. Pop a ticket in the PSF. But please don't ask us to edit 25 threads in one ticket, etc. :) Thanks!

Adding An IC Date
When you start a thread in an IC forum (first post only) you have the chance to give that thread a date. The input for this is just underneath the thread name, etc, above the input box.

When you do that, it will display on the profile page timelines of everyone in the thread (except the reviewer!).

This is phase 1 of the timeline. Next release we're looking at being able to, for example, link city calendars to their own timeline which players will have the option of displaying. Also, we'll be hoping to over-ride the RL date on areas like the "recent threads" and in forum lists which display the date the thread was started, displaying the IC date.

Things to Note!
The IC date does not have to be set until you submit for review.
However, the IC DOES have to be set when you submit for review and should not be changed from that point onwards.
It is compulsory to date threads and, since this is three clicks rather than typing out the date, we are going to adopt this approach site-wide. Therefore, threads which are NOT date stamped IC in this way as of this point will not be reviewed.

These are great additions, I think, and we're very excited by them. Thanks, as always, to Tech Guy.

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Re: News & New Features!

Hello all, another addition to Point Bank rewards, for volunteers who help with beta-testing features/releases.

Beta Testing a new release (this might be a new technical release or might be testing a new system. +50 per full release of a system/feature/update

Any questions or concerns, please direct them to the Q & A Forum. Thanks!
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Re: News & New Features!

Hi all

Ok - so the shiny new timelines are here and they are great! Two clarifications!

1. Legacy Threads
Tech Guy has done a fab job and put together a "script" which he ran to try and pick up as many of our previous threads as possible. The script searched the first post, basically, for dates.

However we all date things differently, sometimes we use commas, sometimes not - there's apostrophes in some season names etc. This is a very inexact science. Therefore, the script has run and, what you have of your legacy threads, you have.

It is entirely optional to use this to record legacy threads. Honestly, I'm not going to. I kept my ledgers, neat and tidy, and so I have them. To me, it's not worth going back to add in the old stuff for my older / more established pcs. For a newer one, I might. That is an individual call and entirely up to you.

If you want to include all your legacy threads, then those which have not been ported across, you'll have to go in to the thread and edit the first post. You are more than welcome to do that, if yo wish, but solely for the purpose of adding the IC date.

2. Review Queue
I've literally just posted in it here to say that it is threads from this point on that need to be IC dated. Hope that clears things up for everyone.

Have a beautiful day!

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Re: News & New Features!


Hey everyone, new magic for you today. I give you, with the great efforts of our dearly departed ( ;) ) Maltruism and Pig Boy, Glamour!!


Any questions or concerns about this magic, please direct to Q & A forum.

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Re: News & New Features!

Timelines & Excerpts Update!
Hi all

Tech Guy has just released an update for us.

City Moderators can now create "events" - and when the new calendars come out on 1st Feb, each calendar event will appear on your timeline. Mouse over it, and a small excerpt of it will appear. Nifty, huh!?
Timeline displays can now be filtered to show only your posts or only events.

The excerpt code is very useful, so we're working on it to improve it. With this release you'll see that there's a "get-post" button in the menu above the posting area of any post you're working on. Click that and it will create a "pop up" which allows you to select from any of your own excerpts (so, rather than going to see the ID for the post where your NPC is, you have a list of all your excerpts including "NPC Jim".

It also has "Event" excerpts, so you can insert calendar event information into your post.

And it also has "Global" excerpts. These are going to be for things like NPCs, Flora, Fauna - with our next release we are hoping to have the UI have a further drop down, so you can view them by area. This is all searchable, of course, so as mods use them, they'll appear there. But your own excerpts will appear now.

Thanks to Tech Guy for these continuous QoL updates - and to Pig Boy for the testing! <3

Also - big excitement! Melrath and Yaralon have been moved to "Moderated Areas" in preparation for 1st Feb when they'll both open! Yay!

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Re: News & New Features!

Hi all

Another update!

As our profiles start to take shape as a source of information, they'd become long and scrolly - so today, TG has installed "Tabs" on them. Now, go to your own (or anyone else's ) profile, and you'll see the same information, but stored in a much more user - friendly way. THis is very much step 1 of a few, but it's a great start!

The User Interface for the "get-post" button has been improved. We now can have excerpts "from" specific places. Currently, that might just say "my personal collection" but the aim is to be able to search excerpts per forum (so, you're in a post, you know you want to use a specific creature from Rharne - you pull down excerpts from Rharne only, choose the one you want and lo and behold, a pop up of that information appears in your post! ) and, possibly, per type (so, search for all fauna).

TG is working super hard - many many thanks to him.

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Re: News & New Features!

Hello fellow Players!

We've voted and discussed and discussed again, and made some changes to how NPCs are created and conceived of.

For a while there's been some muddiness between different types of npcs, and some bleed-over from one category to another. For instance, can a personal npc be used as a business npc? Can personal NPCs learn magic, if so how?

We've gone and edited the Wiki pages for NPCs with the changes we've done to them.

Basic individual personal NPCs can now start with more skills. To the tune of 160 of a starting maximum, with an upper limit to any one skill of 60. (on a scale of 1-100)

We've also introduced personal NPC groups, that can have a lower upper limit on their personal skills, but are grouped together as for militias, mercenary groups, mining companies, etc.

If you wish to upgrade your old NPCs with the extra xp, you need only link to this announcement. Bear in mind you may add no more than 60 xp per NPC and it cannot be used to increase xp over the starting limit of 60.

We hope these rules make it clearer the difference between NPC types and how they relate to each other, and to our PCs.

If there are any questions or concerns, please direct them to the Questions & Answers forum.
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Re: News & New Features!

Update! Change to Reviews!
Hi all

Another update! An important one, this one!
  • For Mod Accounts:
    • The new review claim UI has been added to list pending reviews.
    • Fixed a bug that resulted in events from hidden forums appearing in the timelines.
    • The marking of review requests as claimed and done is now done automatically when using the new UI.
  • For Player Accounts / All Accounts:
    • Fixed a bug resulting in undated threads displaying “0th of Cylus 0”.
    • We are now preventing review requests until a thread has been dated.
    • Fixed a bug breaking some Excerpts that contained images. To take advantage of this fix, simply open and then save the post with your excerpts in and they will be corrected. - confirmed
    • Threads now display a notification when you have requested a review.
    • Threads now display a notification when its review request has been completed.
    • Fixed a bug the caused the wrong knowledges to appear in the Profile Page for a player. - confirmed
    • ‘Zooming’ added to the timelines.
    • The timeline controls now stay on the screen when you scroll the timeline to the right so that you can continue to use them.
    • Your XP ledger in the UCP will list your outstanding threads that are waiting for review with Zero XP until they are reviewed and XP is then added.
What this will mean for reviews!
As a player, you hit the "Request XP Review" button at the bottom of the thread and you experience the same interface we've all grown used to. Namely, it posts for you.

However, where it posts has changed! It will now post your review request at the bottom of the thread. The "review queue" has been automated for Peer Reviewers / mods. It is now in your MCP (under the "Rewards" Tab, where all of the MCP rewards go!)

This is an awesome update for those of us who do reviews and will really help make sure that no one's review gets accidently "skipped" or claimed and forgotten about. It also means that everything is contained in the one place - every thread will be story, followed by review request, followed by review. That'll also save time when we need to go back and check the request, as we do now and then.

Massive thanks, as always, to Tech Guy and thanks to Pig Boy for helping with the Beta Testing of this release!

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