Emea Events 719

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Emea Events 719

The End?

Following the events in the "Crack in the Wall" Global, this thread will give answers / impacts and will keep track of progress in the aftermath. Index will follow:

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Re: Emea Events 719


Note: These are in effect 1st - 30th Ymiden.

The Fall of Emea came with massive, lasting ramifications, cutting Idalos off from that swirling chaos that connects all worlds. Users of Domain Magic are of no exception to this, for they draw their ether through their soul’s connection to Emea. The Fall of Emea has cut this connection off, severing the ability to gather ether for all mages.

For most mages, this is devastating. The inability to access ether means that while mutations remain, no abilities can be used. Mutations that require ether also cannot be utilized. However, a few of the mages in the world have begun to notice changes in their sparks. While most of the starving sparks have gone dormant, others have adapted to this change. They have reached out beyond the mage to locate new sources of energy in order to power their abilities. This did not come easy for these select few sparks, often causing a drastic change in their themes and goals and desires that aligns more with these new sources of energy.

This granted these mages the ability to flay new beings, objects, and sources of energy to power their abilities. This allows the mage to flay sources of Lifeforce, Ephemera, Ectoplasm, heat, light, electricity, etc. All forms of energy are available through this unlocked form of flaying. However, this is not the contant, steady supply that ether provided, nor is it typically renewable. The mage flays this new energy, pulls it into their spark who converts it to the ether they need. This does cause it to be fairly inefficient, but it allows the mage to use their abilities. Please note that the energy gained does not have to be used immediately, and may be stored.

1. All mages who wish to unlock these flaying specializations must earn them IC and have the thread(s) reviewed BEFORE being able to use their magic. This will be reflected in receiving specialized skill knowledges. These skill knowledges should be written as such. These knowledges do count toward the advancement of the listed magic. These must be earned for all sparks the mage has in order for them to be utilized.
Magic Name - Flaying Specialization: Energy Source
Necromancy - Flaying Specialization: Ectoplasm

2. Once the flaying specialization has been unlocked, the mage can now use this method of flaying to power their magic abilities. However, because this is not a constant, renewable method like ether, the mage must show In-Character how they obtained the energy they are using to power their magic abilities.

3. It should be noted that because this is conducted through the act of flaying, the thirst will be highly prevalent and should be RPd as such.

4. Flaying mortals / mortalborns etc will have the same flaying consequences as before. However, the new flaying specialisations give more ability to flay before consequences beyond the Thirst start to kick in. The weaker yield will allow for more flaying before major consequences take effect.

1. Flaying living beings of their Lifeforce causes them to rapidly age until they eventually die. This can only be used on living beings, be it people, animals, or plants. Emean Beings do not generate Lifeforce. Spirits typically don’t generate lifeforce. Ghosts and undead do not generate life force. Mortalborn generate massive amounts of lifeforce.

2. Flaying ghosts or Zuuda of their ectoplasm will greatly weaken the ghosts, often reducing them to Whispers. For Zuuda, will often reduce their ability to use their ectoplasm based abilities.

3. Flaying spirits of their ephemera greatly weakens them, often destroying them or converting them into Spirit Wells. It should be noted that lesser spirits answer to greater spirits who will protect them if a threat is hunting them.

4. Flaying other sources of energy, such as heat or light will often cause them to be completely depleted. If a campfire is flayed, the fire will often go out.
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Re: Emea Events 719

Wells & Fractures

When Emea Fell, Wells and Fractures both became cut off from it. This resulted in ALL fractures closing, from the small personal fractures of Transmutation mages to the Grand Fractures of the Originals. If a person was inside a fracture when Emea fell, they will be permanently locked inside, unable to access Emea or Idalos.

Wells will no longer recharge, so if a well is depleted of the ether within it, it will crumble to dust. Wells will continue to work as intended, so long as that is separate from Emea, but they will all eventually run out when used, unless specific action is taken to recharge them with a compatible energy source.
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Re: Emea Events 719

Immortals, Marked & Mortalborn

At the moment Emea Fell, all Immortals were now unable to enter their Domains. This has long-term implications for them, and their followers. Previously, Immortals held part of themselves in Emea and the aspect seen on Idalos was no more than an Avatar. However, with the collapse of their Domain, the Avatar and True Form of the Immortals merged ~ this means that each Immortal is now one being. Rules regarding Immortal death and so on have not changed, in that it requires intent to kill one - however, they now have one true form.

Blessings and Immortal Marks continue to work, due to the Immortals now being physically on Idalos. However, those with Marks might find that the Immortal has a task or two for you - since they want to get their Domains back

Mortalborn were not impacted by these events although, again, depending on their relationship with their Immortal parent, it might be a catalyst for story!
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Re: Emea Events 719

Souls & Ghosts

The Fall of Emea has had major implications here - the world of Souls and Ghosts was dramatically changed.
  • No new people will be born until such time as Emea is repaired - this is because there is no access for the new soul. Any PC / NPC who is pregnant will either experience a miscarriage, or will remain pregnant. Player choice.
  • Everyone who dies will become Ghosts, because they are unable to pass on. They will have one anchor, but this is likely to be weaker than those who voluntarily stay and, thus, they'll get their ectoplasm back much slower.
  • Those dead who are in the Beyond are unreachable by any, even the most powerful Zuuda.
  • Existing ghosts are unaffected, except they can’t be moved on.
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Re: Emea Events 719

Sleep, Dreams & Dreamwalking

Sleep is not impacted, people still sleep just as they did.

In the immediate moment, no one dreams. People sleep, but they do not dream. This leads to a feeling of tiredness, no matter how much sleep you get and is likely to have longer-term psychological impacts.Play these as you choose, but they should progress.

Dreamwalkers will have a specific situation to deal with. Please see “Fixing The Fall” below.
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Re: Emea Events 719


This has not impacted spirits in any way. Hello, happy Diri!!
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Re: Emea Events 719

Fixing The Fall:

But all is not yet lost. Emea can - some would say must - be rebuilt. But, as its Fall was brought about by PC action, so too will be it’s repair. This will need to be done in stages and will be pc driven. I will keep an overview of it and it will be tracked here.

Those in Crack in the Wall:
There have long been rumours that Emea is, in some ways, a sentience of sorts. Like any being, it seeks to survive and so, it will fight. All of you will share a dream (that will be written at the beginning of the review) where the final death-throes of Emea seemed to almost reach out to them. Those without Dreamwalking gain it, those with it gain 5 points in it. This dream will then evolve into your individual one.

The review will show each PCs individual dream - this will become your new dreamscape. When you sleep, you will enter that dreamscape - and you will see only that until it is resolved.

Dreamwalkers who did not participate / finish Crack in the Wall
Every other DW gets a more general vision that replaces all of their dreamscapes the same as those above. This is of a shattered land; perhaps this might be a city in ruins, or a desolate landscape. You will see that there is a task there for you - you know it - and that task is to rebuild. What you rebuild, how you do so, is up to you. Please note: until this task is completed, or until sufficient threads of this type have been completed that a change is made, this is the only dream open to you. Also, dreaming in a manner which is counter-productive / adds to the destruction will work to maintain Emea in its current state. Once you have fixed your Dreamscape, you are then able to access all other Dreamscapes - including those of those in CitW and you are then able to initiate others into Dreamwalking. Although non-dreamwalkers are experiencing no dreams at all, if your Dreamwalking skill allows it, you may pull them into lucidity. Please play it as more difficult / fiddly than usual in those 30 days.

Non-DWs will have to acquire DW to participate, or be brought in by an appropriate leveled DW once they are able to.
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Re: Emea Events 719

Fixing The Fall:
Plot Tracking

1st - 30th Ymiden:

1. Alll CitW Plot points need to be fixed.
  • Once you have “fixed” your own - you can then join one of the other CitW dreamscapes and help there. Until all are fixed, nothing more will change.
  • You may complete one thread this season in the last moment of the cycle.
  • Your threads must take place between 1st - 30th Ymiden.
  • Once you have completed your own - you may join another. You do not need an invitation - and you may post again after ONE WEEK to ensure that these threads move. However, please do communicate with each other.
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Re: Emea Events 719

Fixing The Fall:
Plot Tracking

Stage 1:

1. Alll CitW Plot points need to be fixed.
Once you have “fixed” your own - you can then join one of the other CitW dreamscapes and help there. Until all are fixed, nothing more will change.
  • Ari'sora:
    Whenever Ari'sora sleeps, she finds herself chasing through the Curious House. Except, it's a ruin and she is being chased by Nightmare Beasts. She knows that Shadow is here, but Ari'sora can't find her friend. She hears the sound of children in rooms out of her sight and there is the smell of almonds throughout the House.
  • Hart:
    Whenever Hart sleeps, he finds himself in a library; he's running full-speed through the stacks and he knows that he's being chased. Yet, he also knows that there's a book he has to find. If he can find that book, it has the answer - although he also knows he can't read the language it's written in. The scent of roses permeates the place.
  • Alistair:
    Alistair's sleep is filled, from this point onwards, with dreams of flaying Kielik. He relives that moment, time and time again in his sleep and his dreamscape is that room. That place. Air whips around him, and he's trying not to do it - he's pulling away. But he can't and Vri is standing, watching him. He hears whispers, and he can almost make out what they're saying but not quite and there is the unmistakable aroma of ginger.
  • Eliza:
    Eliza dreams of walking through a desert. It's scorching hot - or fantastically freezing - and she can see some bright caravans in the distance. They are gypsies, she knows, and she's going there to meet someone. Family, she thinks. But whichever way she goes, she never quite catches up with them. In her hand, she's holding the small whirligig she put in her hair here, and in her hand in a small glass heart. She can smell the campfires burning and hear the sounds of bells on ankles as the dancers dance yet... she can't quite find it and she has to. Because there's something important there.
     ! Message from: Pegasus
    Nice thread! Poor Eliza. Ok, so having discovered and explored her dreamscape, she'll find that she is able to manipulate it much better in future threads. Feel free to play that out. Thanks!
  • Oluwanje:
    Olu is sitting on a tree and swinging his legs. He's in Desnind, with friends.... or they were here not so long ago. One of them was hiding in a tree but now, all the trees are dead. And... then all the trees are attacking you and you don't know why. Branches scratch at you and you feel them cutting at you. Yet, you know, you have to find... what was it again? It was something important, you know that and it gets more important when you realise that what you smell is obvious. The forest is burning...
  • Rakvald:
    Rakvald is giving a lecture in a University-type building. But it's destroyed, decimated. All the students are corpses, burnt away husks of what used to be. Yet still, they're asking questions and he doesn't know the answers. He's being asked 100 questions and, when he looks down at his notes, the whole place is just ruins so there aren't any. There is the permeating smell of coffee and, in the distance, he can hear the dawn chorus.
  • Cirrina:
    Cirrina's dreams are of colours and sounds; they are loud and confusing, almost like she's in a kaleidoscope, one of the little pieces of coloured glass herself. The sounds are loud, discordant the images are all flashes of broken things - from cups to bones, all broken. Yet, throughout, she can smell the ocean.
  • Auya
    Auya dreams of death. Specifically of the Dead Lands and she feels herself turn to dust. Each time she dreams, she's in the same place, crumbling to dust. So, too, is her landscape, but there is always a door. It's plain, wooden, unremarkable. It's always locked and she can always hear the creaking of the hinges. It smells of woodsmoke.
  • Prae
    Praetorum finds himself sitting the ruins of the Cathedral. He's sitting, cleaning and sharpening his sword. Or, he's trying to but it's crumbling - both the blade and everything he touches to it. Yet, he knows - he's got to make sure that it's sharp and clean because something very important is happening and he has to be ready. There's the sound of a cat mewling somewhere, and the distinctive aroma of coffee.
  • Nir'wei
    Nir'wei is walking through the wreckage of a city - it has been completely decimated, buildings in disarray, rubble all around him. There is dust falling from the sky and Nir'wei knows that the mountain is exploding. The volcano has already claimed so many lives and it's going to go again, you're sure. There are no people, but in the distance you can hear what sounds like muffled cries for help; the problem is they're all around and everywhere. In stark contrast to this, you smell the morning grass.
  • Dosan
    Dosan is on the roof of a ruined building in a nameless town - the place is a wreck and looks to have been in ruins for a long time at this point. There are tendrils of smoke coming from the remnants of another building and the sound of a dog barking in the distance. The scent of musk is heavy in the air.
  • Patrick
    Patrick is under water in his dream, in a sunken city. He can breathe fine. The city is desolate, in ruins, yet there's something glittering in the rubble and debris. Every now and then, he sees it. There's the sound of a piano playing and he can smell sulphur.
  • Rabu
    Rabu's dreamscape is a cacophony of sound and colour. It's random, like he's in a storm of jigsaw pieces - there is a picture there, or maybe a hundred - but the pieces are all swirling around you.
  • Kesindir
    The wind whips around you, knocking you almost off your feet. Dust flies into your eyes, obscuring your vision. You're on a porch of a wrecked wooden house - broken windows bang, the place is ancient and more or less destroyed. Yet, it smells like toffee.
  • Sephira
    You're in a cave. It's pitch dark except some flickering light - there's the sound of dripping water and you look down and there is blood on the floor. Then, you realise that it isn't blood, it's strawberry jam. Over in the far side of the cave, there's a shelf - it's filled with jams
  • Kura
    Kura is in a forest - the trees are dead, ruined husks. THere are wolves howling in the background and you can smell tobacco.
  • Amaris
    Amaris is at the top of a mountain - it's burned out and desolate, there are the corpses of many animals around you. It's very windy and there's a path to your left, a cliff face to your right. There is the smell of cooking.
  • Maxine
    Max finds herself in a ruined hospital - an eerie place filled with the remnants of people's lives and deaths. Broken windows let in the warm air and there is the smell of chocolate.
  • Toraj
    The dreamscape which Toraj finds himself in is an abandoned, haunted, spooky old house - a manor-type which looks to have been derelict for decades. There is thick dust everywhere, creaky floorboards, that kind of thing. The house is filled with the smell of lavender.
  • Gem
    You are sitting on a wooden chair, looking out to sea. The sea is unnaturally still, the sand is dust and there are no birds in the molten dark sky. The sand spans out for, apparently, miles and the unmoving water is hypnotic. You hear a sweet female voice, singing in the distance and you are aware of the scent of roasting chestnuts.
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