Aukari Occult [ Faction Development, WIP ]

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Kyre Fauduun
Posts: 20
Joined: Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:37 am
Race: Aukari
Profession: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Renown: 0
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4

Aukari Occult [ Faction Development, WIP ]

The Aukari Occult

The Aukari Occult has the primary aim of furthering Faldrun's goals. In most cases, this is done through diplomatic, transparent means. However, the Occult also employs assassins, inventors, and saboteurs that specialize in creating turmoil.
History & Location


There are no skill requirements to join. There are, however, requirements based on your circumstances and race. Sirothelle-born Aukari must finish their education with high marks, foreign-born Aukari or those who have not finished their education must make themselves useful to the Occult, and any other race must receive an invitation by an Oracle of the Sun. Any of these paths are available on PC creation.

While a Defiance mage can enter the Aukari Occult, their magic will be seen as an affront to Faldrun, who will rip the Spark from their soul when being marked by him, a necessary requirement for an Oracle of the Sun. Many Aukari will also distrust it.

A Note on Skills
No skills are required to join the Aukari Occult, only to advance.

Those who join the Aukari Occult and progress through the ranks are entitled to a sophisticated network of secretive assassins, spies, merchants, inventors, and politicians all over Idalos. The Occult are well-compensated for their contributions, earning wage increases beyond the normal working class, and being gifted property or eventually the right to marry into a noble Aukari house.


The Mark of Flame
Every Aukari Occult member possesses the Mark of Flame, a tattoo baring the symbol of Faldrun upon the underside of their wrist. Aukari are generally turned away at the gate of a city that despises Faldrun, necessitating that their marks be temporarily hidden, or that they smuggle themselves into the city somehow. Members are often smuggled into that city by their superiors. The Mark of Flame is presented as a sign of trust to Aukari who do not know each other, both Aukari extending their right arms until their marks are side-by-side. At a private meeting with multiple Aukari or before a battle, all members will raise their bare wrists to show their mark.

As they progress within the cult, their tattoo is given additional adornments denoting their rank. These adornments are added by a Sun Oracle within the cult

To permanently remove, to hide the Mark of Flame at a meeting of Aukari Occult, or to hide it within Sirothelle is considered a crime, and the offender will be punished at best, executed at worst.

Rank Requirements Chart
Every cultist has a specialty skill they are called upon for. An assassin might be a master of poisons or a weapon, and a diplomat might be a great businessman. Your specialty skill can be changed upon the completion of any mission in your report, or when advancing ranks.
Every cultist is also proficient in at least three of the following Core skills:
Leadership, Politics, Intelligence, Deception, Stealth, Logistics, Planning, Design

To advance, you must earn Devotion from missions. For higher ranks, earning a merit will be required as well. The progression is linear, and you may not skip ranks except by the direction of Faldrun himself.

Below you will find a chart with rankings and their requirements.
Devotion & Title Skills Other
. 10 - Cult Initiate . None
. 25 - Flame Acolyte . Competent Specialty, 3 Novice Core
. 50 - Infernal Disciple . Expert Specialty, 3 Competent Core
. 100 - Sun Oracle . Master Specialty, 3 Expert Core,
Favored Al'deurn,
Merit: Sun
. 200 - Incarnate . Grandmaster Specialty, 3 Master Core,
Adored Al'deurn
Merit: War
. 300 - The Prophet . 2 Grandmaster Specialties, 8 Expert+ Core See Rank
  • Cult Initiate
    This is the first and most common rank for a cultist. They have earned the Mark of Flame, having undertaken the Bearer of Flames ritual if they are Aukari who graduate into the Occult. It is a quiet affair as a Sun Oracle tattoos the symbol of Faldrun upon the wrist while friends and family sing in hymns and prayer. There are no rewards for earning the mark, as it is thought you have not yet ignited yet to prove your worth to the Occult. Humans or Aukari who did not graduate wishing to be inducted must earn the favor of a Sun Oracle by being of use to them.

    Embersteel Khopesh
    If the Aukari graduated into the Occult and begins play as one with Sau'ei as a Broken language, they may elevate it to Fluent, as all Aukari are expected to write reports in the language. A Cult Initiate is also given a sunstone-inlaid scabbard containing a Tier 7 Embersteel Khopesh, a heavy, wicked, curved blade decorated with sunstone gemstones.

    With a Mark of Embers comes responsibility. All Aukari are expected to assist the cult in some way. The first rank sees to it that you share your belongings with wayward Aukari, helping them to understand the city they have found themselves in if they are newly immigrated. You are not required to take missions, and may turn them down. Other Aukari who learn of you doing so will refer to you as an ashling, an insult referring to your lack of drive or ability to help despite the mark you were given.

    You may receive missions. You are given a supply of special ink, paper, and envelopes for writing mission reports, as well as knowledge of either a dead drop location to leave mission reports for pickup, or knowledge of a Flame Acolyte contact for scheduled meetings. You are one of a group of five Cult Initiates that answer to them, and sometimes you meet with this group to work together. Though you may learn surface-level information about the political, military, or economic landscape from the Flame Acolyte, you are largely kept in the dark concerning more nuanced and complex affairs.

    The Flame Acolyte may train you in any skill he possesses for free, and he is an NPC with 100 experience, with up to 30 in any one skill.
  • Flame Acolyte

    Having earned enough criteria to be considered a Flame Acolyte, the Aukari must meet with a Sun Oracle for the sole purpose of tattooing an addition to the Mark of Embers, often but not always done so among the Aukari's cult friends and family. By adding wispy tendrils of fire, it becomes the Mark of Flame. This Aukari is considered to have earned their Flame, a symbol of recognition among the Aukari.

    +10 Renown
    +1 Additional Wealth Points Per Wealth Thread

    Becoming a Flame Acolyte is a sign that the Aukari has begun to catch fire, that they are proving their worth to the Aukari Occult. They now receive more dangerous missions, more often, with some being given entire laundry lists of tasks to be completed. Some of these tasks may be menial, while others may be genuinely impactful. They will begin to coordinate tasks, leading up to five Cult Initiates on a mission. They are also introduced by the Sun Oracle to more members of their local Occult cell, and they become more connected, as they must stay up to date on the local political, military, and business climates of their city.

    You are part of the local cult garrison of Aukari for the city you live in. Outside of Sirothelle, this is most often comprised of a single Sun Oracle, two Infernal Disciples, ten Flame Acolytes, and fifty Cult Initiates, all organized by the Sun Oracle. You are most commonly assigned to lead a group of five Cult Initiates during a mission necessitating these resources. The NPC's are considered city NPC's, and other Flame Acolytes may lead them - they do not belong to you. An Infernal Disciple will watch over you closely, serving as an adviser and informing you of deeper political, military, or economic activities. Your relationship with each NPC will be determined by RP, and you are encouraged to submit them to the local city development forum to further flesh out individuals.

    The Infernal Disciple may train you in any skill he possesses for free, and he is an NPC with 200 experience, with up to 60 in any one skill.
  • Infernal Disciple

    Having earned enough criteria to be considered an Infernal Disciple and demonstrating their capabilities as exemplary among their peers, the Aukari will meet with the Sun Oracle to have their Mark of Flame further decorated into , all but consuming the marked's arm in their tattoo. This Aukari is considered to have earned their Inferno, and it is said that they have fully caught fire within the Occult, a sign that they have become a useful tool to Faldrun.

    Faldrun will take an interest in them. They will soon be marked as a Favored of Faldrun if they have not yet been marked already.
    +25 Renown
    +1 Additional Wealth Point Per Wealth Thread


  • Sun Oracle

    Having met enough criteria to be considered a Sun Oracle and demonstrating their understanding of and ability to manipulate flame and turmoil, the Aukari must return to Sirothelle to be anointed as one of his priests by an Incarnate or The Prophet, if there is one. Each upper class Aukari may take a holiday to observe the occasion, which is a very public spectacle. The Mark of Inferno is expanded further with a golden sun behind the flame, and then they are symbolically ignited. If they survive, this Aukari is considered to be a priest of Faldrun, and they are often the ones who watch over his temples and recruit Aukari to the cause in addition to orchestrating missions of their own. They have become a force to be reckoned with, one of the Aukari elite. They are given their own personal network of Infernal Disciples to command, and they are arranged to marry into a noble family.

    A Sun Oracle will soon experience an increase from Favored to Adored of Faldrun during their anointment if they are not Adored already.
    +50 Renown
    +1 Additional Wealth Point Per Wealth Thread


  • Incarnate

    Few ever earn the right to be called Incarnate of Faldrun, anointed in a grand spectacle by the Immortal himself. They are the eyes and ears of the Zatkai, and most know them as famous war heroes of the Aukari. Up to five exist at any given time, answering only to the Zatkai, the Prophet, and Faldrun himself. The position is not a sedate one, as they are often sent on the most ambitious, dangerous, and delicate of missions, so there are rarely five as they do not hold the position long. It is they who are commonly appointed to formulate plans and strategies for grand initiatives against cities or in the defense of Sirothelle, serving directly alongside generals of the Sirothelle army as they lead a branch of Sun Oracles, each of them working to wreak havoc and stir turmoil upon their infrastructure or political landscape using their advanced knowledge and capabilities.

    +100 Renown
    +1 Additional Wealth Point Per Wealth Thread

    An Incarnate will experience an increase from Adored to Exalted of Faldrun during their anointment if they are not Exalted already.

    Every Incarnate wears a Tier 10 flawless, heavily decorated regalia decorated in orange runes that glow with warmth in sunlight and speak of their triumphs and merits. As they walk, the Aukari will not look into their eyes, instead bowing their head to read of the accomplishments and merits. This regalia is made with the leather of massive earthboring lava worms, layered plates of Sorelian steel beneath that help to absorb kinetic impacts. The hide covering these plates is as resilient as steel, and the material is coveted by the Aukari for being one of the materials most resistant to heat, even to molten magma. This armor comes at an immense cost to the Aukari people, and cannot be replaced without a royal sum. Once per Cycle, they may commission a replacement or make alterations and adaptations to the armor at the cost of 10 Wealth Points.

    In addition to the regalia, an Incarnate is given two sacred relics. The first is a special jewel resembling a sunstone embedded into their forehead by Faldrun, constantly alight with the flame of their soul. As their emotions rise, the Incarnate Stone flares, and as their soul leaves their body, they are not judged. Even in death they will serve Faldrun, as they become burning ghosts called Flamewraiths, beholden to him and Anchored to the Incarnate Stone.

    The second artifact is a Fragment of a massive Divine Well, a secret treasure of Faldrun. This Fragment is liquid like molten magma though it will not spill, contained within a small casing upon a necklace that keeps it from burning the holder or their possessions. When the casing is opened, any clouds between them and the sun part, and warm, brilliant light shines upon them in a 20ft radius, making them visible from all around. While the casing is open, and while they are standing in the sun in any season except Cylus, their Al'deurn powers are treated as if they were using them at the height of Saun. Instead of being dimmed, their powers function as normal in the darkness of Cylus, the Fragment serving as a miniature sun.

    The Prophet of Faldrun

    +100 Renown
    Named a Champion of Faldrun
    5 Additional Wealth Points Per Season


While the first mission is given by the Zatkai, operatives in the field are handed missives in sealed fire-proof envelopes containing missions, tasks, or orders tailored to the individual receiving it. The missive is made of a special paper that will disintegrate with a flash into ashes if exposed to the blood of an Aukari, or any kind of flame, and the ink can only be read when the paper is held in front of a burning flame. Missives containing missions are personally handed to the operative, or are left within their residence, sometimes within dead drop locations explained by prior tasks. Every member of the Aukari Occult is also given a supply of the special paper, ink, and the envelopes.

These missions are often strange and nonsensical in their nature, as the member is not privy to the grand designs of the superior who came up with it, and they are just a cog in the machine. They revolve around raising and quelling the turmoil in locations across Idalos, adjusting the levels of steam and vitriol delivered to Aukari where it can, if only to exploit other lands for benefits (quelling) or create within them cracks or vulnerabilities that could result in utter eruption of the politics or landscape (raising). All Aukari are taught this as part of their education.

Missions may be self-moderated, provided the elements of that mission are capable of being self-moderated. At any time, a Prophet may send an Aukari Occult a mission, or the player may create one themselves. As the Aukari Occult are paid for their work, the mission can count as your Wealth Thread so long as the criteria are met. In addition to this, missions may yield points towards ranks, and even merits may be earned. Moderated missions may earn additional Rank Points at prophet discretion.
  • Quell Turmoil
    Earns 2 Devotion
    This is most commonly the type of mission given to a diplomat of the Aukari Occult. They are assigned to a task that involves smoothing out tension, attempting to make Sirothelle and the Aukari appear is if they are the ones to be trusted, not at fault for the turmoil in the world. Operatives may also find themselves planting or fabricating evidence, or even assassinating targets that are moving against the Aukari in some way.
  • Raise Turmoil
    Earns 2 Devotion
    This is most commonly the type of mission given to an operative of the Aukari Occult. They are assigned to a task that involves agitating tensions, attempting to create utter turmoil within the ranks of the enemy. They might assassinate a political or mercantile figure, conduct arson upon a business or vital piece of infrastructure, or plant incriminating evidence. A diplomat may attempt to lie or uncover hidden truths to pit political figures against each other.
  • War Contributions
    Earns 3 Devotion
    Sirothelle specializes in Guerilla Warfare tactics and often sends small contingents of men and women abroad to skirmish with countries and cities in turmoil, seeking to damage them at their weakest. This commonly involves combat against soldiers from that city, the taking of an outlying village or outpost, or sabotage of a vital resource, all once the city is in too much turmoil to adequately defend itself. Etzos is the most common target, but Aukari have been known to target the universities or temples of cities across the sea, spreading fear of their zealousness and divisive rhetoric. There must be an active warfront to undertake this mission.
  • Further Aukari Interests
    Earns 5 Devotion Seasonally
    In addition to regular missions of turmoil, a mission may be granted over the long-term, usually involving Aukari interests. These may involve creating and maintaining a business, building a shrine or temple to Faldrun, smuggling resources across great distances, inventing new technology to match a specific need, or taking up residence within a specific location to eavesdrop and find intelligence to report and more. Progress towards any mission that takes dozens of Trials can be considered 'Furthering Aukari Interests' and may qualify the Aukari Occult member for the reward once a season.
Note: The Wealth Points bonus is cumulative, stacking up to 10 Additional Wealth Points Per Season as a Zaikoduun

In addition to ranks, Aukari Occult may earn merits, jeweled insignia that showcase their achievements. They must return to Sirothelle to undergo the merit ceremonies, as they are a public affair awarded directly by the Zatkai (self-moderated with permission) or very rarely Faldrun himself (moderated by a Prophet). Submit a PSF request or consult with a Sirothelle Storyteller, including links to the thread(s) where you fulfill the criteria for the merit.

While multiple merits my be earned, each accomplishment must be greater than the last. Winning a skirmish in enemy territory might yield a war merit, but burning down a village may be required for the second one. Only up to three of each merit may be earned.
  • Sun Merit
    Earns 10 Rank Points, +10 Renown, and +2 Wealth Points
    For the recognition of a cultist's leadership of his or her leadership, they may be awarded a sun merit. You must have led a fairly major mission of a decently large scope that has been brought to the ears of the Zatkai to be summoned for this merit. This can be espionage, a coordinated effort to persuade, blackmail, or seduce a key figure, or a coordinated effort to assassinate an individual.
  • War Merit
    Earns 20 Rank Points, +20 Renown, and +5 Wealth Points
    Ultimately, Faldrun seeks to dethrone and destroy the other Immortals, as well as bringing the cities of Idalos to their knees in reverence of him. This reward is reserved for those that successfully conquer or destroy a city, or slay an Immortal in his name. The merit also applies if they were integral to the cause of doing so. These are awarded by Faldrun himself.
  • Faith Merit
    Earns 20 Rank Points, +20 Renown, and +5 Wealth Points
    For building or expending the resources to build a grand (T8 or better) Faldrun Temple in a village or city that does not have one, a Faith Merit may be awarded. Unlike usual medals, this one is not personally awarded by the Zatkai. Instead, it is handed to a priest of Faldrun, a Sun Oracle.

    They are a Sun Oracle who has retired from the service of Faldrun to spend their days educating members and conducting ceremonies in the name of Faldrun. Each priest has a blessing and skill level based on the population of the area; village/town/city. The Favored/Adored/Exalted Sun Oracle will leave Sirothelle to defend, run, or help run the temple. This NPC has up to 100/200/300 Experience and up to 30/60/90 in any one skill. They are considered city NPC's, and other than offering insights and safe harbor for wanted Aukari, they rarely serve a practical role in missions. The merit may be awarded more than three times, but there are no further rewards other than the NPC, and this merit can only be awarded once for each village/town/city where a temple is built.
  • Hero Merit
    Earns 30 Rank Points, +50 Renown, and +3 Additional Wealth Points Per Season
    Ultimately, Faldrun seeks to dethrone and destroy the other Immortals, as well as bringing the cities of Idalos to their knees in reverence of him. This reward is reserved for those that successfully conquer or destroy a city, or slay an Immortal in his name. The merit also applies if they were integral to the cause of doing so. These are awarded by Faldrun himself, and unlike other merits, it may only be awarded once.
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