At last, an animation!
Phew. Doing this is hard af, let me tell you. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a complete noob at anything PS related or what, but this took me a damn while - a couple of hours. Of course, the final product was completed quite quickly, yet I took quite a while playing with color matchers and replacers, which, despite all the effort, didn't make it to the final.
One of the nastiest problems I ran into was the GIF I used. Putting it in place was easy, of course, but trying to alter its colors was not. Apparently, when you mod one of the layers, the rest don't follow. You can't color shift all the selected layers, nor make a mask for a group (or maybe I can't, we'll see). I tried everything I could think of, but this damn program is too complicated. Hopefully I can figure it out with some more practice.
As for the template, I probably won't be using it mostly because of the color. In fact, as I'm colorblind, I had to ask the lovely Syhera to tell me what color it was, so you can imagine how little confidence I hold in my ability to shift colors in an image. I didn't have anything specific in mind, yet I'm posting it here nonetheless. I like to keep a track of what I produce, and despite the overall bad quality of my attempts, I believe I'm seeing some improvement.
It's also quite obvious that I'm trying to copy-cat Alistair's style. There's no shame in recognizing he does amazing templates, and maybe I can leech some knowledge along the way by copying his style for the time being. It's like writing: you surround yourself with good writers and improve.
This is all Alistair's fault. Damn him and his damn templates. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!
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