The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.
Update 2017-02-08 from Older system Knowledge & Skills
Old skills and knowledges
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Points Acquired
Competent - Herbalism
Novice - Wilderness Survival: Forest
Novice - Dodge
Novice - Climbing
Novice - Medicine
Novice - Observation
Novice - Running
Novice - Stealth
Novice - Tracking (spiritually)
Novice - Unarmed Combat
Basic Knowledge
Herbalism (SP)
Herbalism: What Herbs To Cook With(JD)
Herbalism: Healing Herbs(JD)
Wilderness: Life in the Forest (SP)
Botany (SP)
Sev'ryn: Familiar Bond(JD)
Medicine: General First Aid(JD)
Survival: Trusting Your Instincts
Observation: More Than One Solution To A Problem
Linika: Aura Like Sweet Acid
Linika: Enemy
Specialized Knowledge
How to forage plants, herbs and food (SP)
How to mix herbal medicines (SP)
Plants in Desnind: How To Tell What's Poisonous(JD)
Trausti: Mentally Linked(JD)
Trausti: Spiritually Linked(JD)
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I added the Fame Ledger
Sev’ryn+Physician+ Ne’haer = +30
Update to the new skill system
I’ve done the following changes to the skills, as described in the guide in this post. Additions
• Added a skillpoint ledger
• Added the sev’ryn RB of +25 Meditation
• Picked the sev’ryn FT Field Craft
Exchange of old points into new skill names
• Changed name on the old points in Herbalism to Medicine (+26)
• Changed name on the old points in Wilderness Survival to Field Craft (+25)
• I put the old points in the no longer existing skill Dodge in the new skill Unarmed Combat (+7) If this isn’t alright I’ll change of courses.
• I put the old points in the no longer existing skill Observation in the new skill Detection (+2)
• I put the old points in the no longer existing skill Tracking in the new skill Detection (+3)
Added items
One free First Aid Kit according to the rules for The Order of the Adunih
The Dim Weawers is a quite poisonous weavery in Rhakros, where the weavers work in a constant mist of unknown origins, under supervision of the weavemasters. They produce fabrics with special properties. The product development is intense. New projects are started all the time, often in collaboration with other Rhakrotian enterprises.
The first a visitor will experience upon entering the weavery is a stinging feeling in the eyes, immediately followed by a violent cough attack. If they stay there for a longer period of time without wearing proper protection gear there's a risk for developing "ruby" . This is an eye mutation. It means a permanent change of eye color to a shade of dark ruby red. It comes with constantly burning eyes, which is believed to be the reason for glow , a phenomena known to be highly correlated with the degree of eye pain.
Despite this there's people who actively seek to gain "ruby" for carreer reasons. The "ruby vision" enables the mutants to "see" the heat radiation from the surroundings, which is an extra kind of vision that has nothing with the normal eye vision to do. Ruby vision enhances the ability to detect objects and beings in darkness, which is useful for military ends and for law enforcement. It enables intelligence and surveillance in darkness, as well as the abilities to navigate and to detect and target enemies. There's other professions where being a ruby mutant it's considered a pro as well. For this reason there's always a proportion of the weavery workers who are deliberately trying to get "ruby" and so don't wear any eye protection gear.
The constant eye pain makes these people irritable and easy to piss off. The pain keeps them constantly on edge.Their relationships are known to be particularly short, due to their their scatching temperament.