Niv's Plot development

So I can keep track of things

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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Niv's Plot development


Ti'niva childhood crush and friend
-Ti-Niva saved Niv from a Bee
-Will be hurt and extremely when she finds him with a women.

Teryani: A potential romantic rival for Niv
-will learn Alchemy to make this poor girl suffer
-Lie through teeth to get her on Ti'niva's bad side

Faith: Met in a few dreams
-Meet in person while in scalvoris
-Became good friends
-Was given the honour of being the Best maid at Wedding

Padraig: Meet through Faith
-Helped Niv study
-helped her each other during their time in the Ice Caves
-Was given the honour of being the Best maid at Wedding

Patrick: Friend who gave Niv seasonal gift of Alchohol and crochet supples
-Learn more horrible things from him

Ambrosia: Cousin from the same family tree of Oshkosh
- Meet him and bug him about his loss of heritage
-Teach him Xanthea
-Tell him that everyone moved to a different tree.

Nir'wei: Met in a dream
-Meet in real life and head back to Desnind with him.

Inali: Friend from Ne'hear
-hope she returns to St at some point :(

More to come.
Last edited by Niv on Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:12 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 191
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Niv's Plot development


Become a voice for Tunawa Liberation
- Start a Fraction
- Recruit people to this cause
- Make a tiny picket sign and protest on street corners
- Sneak into slave owners houses and free slaves
- Humiliate a slave owner some how
-Get a costume made and start developing vigilante alter ego.

Become more religious and spiritual
- Learn more about different Immortals and what they do
- Pray and meditate to them
- Fulfil the mandates of the Immortals Niv admires.
-Commune with the spirits more.

Become more Intellectual
- Become fluent in ALL the languages
- Learn other languages and become Master in Linguistics
-Get better at Chemistry, Alchemy, Poison crafting, Medicine, Construction, Psychology, Writing, Mathematics and Surgery

Become a better Performer
- Practice Acrobatics, Dance, storytelling and Cosmetology
- Learn local folk tales
- Learn how to play the harp

Become more in tune with Nature
- Meditate in the woods more
- Befriend local wildlife
Last edited by Niv on Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:17 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 146
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Niv's Plot development

Pash Vy'Ryn wrote:
Plot Arcs

Things I'd like to see Pash do in the future in terms of ongoing story.

Travel from Scalvoris to Ne'Haer:
Zi'Da 717 - Ashan 718
Kali'rial (+Sarkis) + Niv

1 Zi'da 717
1 Ashan 718
This estimates a purely hypothetical "perfect" travel time of 123 trials of travel non-stop, but we all know this trip won't be non-stop. Not a chance in Emea. There will be misadventures, storms, and other such fun at sea as well as several stops at regions/cities along the route.

⟡ ⟡ ⟡
In all honesty, this plot arc is probably more like a 1-2 year arc of travel, considering the regions/cities we'd like to travel to along the way.

Leaving in Zi'da and hitting up Andaris, Rynmere, then Rharne, and then either Etzos or straight travel to Ne'Haer means that if we spend part of the season in each location (a ten-trial, two ten-trials, four, etc.), then the trip will of course be lengthened. It depends on the conditions of each city, especially since currently (Saun 717) all of Rynmere is now anti-magic and keen on slavery, then that's a dangerous location. Let's not even begin to theorize the condition of Etzos by Cylus 717 or later. That's just it's own bag o' crazy. Rharne may be a long stay, possibly an entire season (Cylus? Ashan?), so arrival times in Ne'Haer could be as late as Ymiden, Vhalar, or even Zi'da 718.

That's an entire year of travel. At least. It could be up to two years.

This is a big commitment, friends!
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Route By Boat Total Travel
Scalvoris → Andaris 52 trials 52 trials
Andaris → Rharne 32 trials 84 trials
Rharne → Etzos 30 trials 114 trials
Etzos → Ne’Haer 54 trials 168 trials
Total Travel Time 168 trials
Departure from Scalvoris of 1 Zi'da 717 with this route means an Estimated Arrival in Ne'Haer of Ashan 45, 718 if no time is taken in each city. Obviously, there will be, so Estimated Arrival could be late Ashan or as late as 1 Ymiden 718, depending on what happens during travel.

Route By Boat Total Travel
Scalvoris → Andaris 52 trials 52 trials
Andaris → Rharne 32 trials 84 trials
Rharne → Ne’Haer 68 trials 152 trials
Total Travel Time 152 trials
Departure from Scalvoris of 1 Zi'da 717 with this route means an Estimated Arrival in Ne'Haer of Ashan 45, 718 if no time is taken in each city. Obviously, there will be, so Estimated Arrival could be late Ashan or as late as 1 Ymiden, depending on what happens during travel.

⟡ ⟡ ⟡

Main: Seafaring, Navigation, Carpentry, Ship Building
Secondary: Cooking, Gardening, Fishing


Main: Gardening, Construction, Alchemy, Medicine, Stealth.
Secondary: Intelligence, Short bow, climbing, poisons.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡

[columns=2]Things to Build/Make:
  • Roof window garden boxes with shatter-proof glass
  • Aft planter boxes
  • Canned goodies
  • Cold box (green sand) storage
  • Freezer box (snow crystal) storage

Things to Buy:
  • Storm anchor
  • Second set of sails (storm sails)
  • Lettuces, herbs, and small, hardy veggies/fruits
  • Beefed up First Aid kit (can I get some Raft goodies?)
  • Adventuring gear (torches, lanterns, oil, rope, etc.)
word count: 568
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