Linika's Lies

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Linika's Lies - falconry info

Steel in Harmony
Ashan 71, arc 718, Viden

She could only say now that she should have known better. After all, she was not truly forbidden to enter The Devil's Advocate, the far more disreputable drinking establishment only a single corridor closer to Viden proper. But the patrons of The White Fox Inn, the cleaner and nicer version where she'd decided to go instead, clearly felt her presence was bringing the Devil's Advocate atmosphere within their proximity; and they didn't like it.

A Good Look for Viden
Vhalar 21, arc 716, Oscillus

Faith's rope did not look to be long enough to reach the bottom of the chasm before them. Strangely, the surroundings offered no immediately-apparent help. Battle raged outside of the Tomb of Tried once again. It had paused briefly as all stopped to stare in shock and wonder at the burst of blazing ice that had shattered the roof and cascaded horizontally across the sky in every direction.

Now it seemed that a determination to see there be some point in that Immortal sacrifice was the motivation for the renewed fury of the Heroes of Idalos to bring blade and bludgeon to the forces of Lisirra, Syroa and Aelig. It was becoming ever less sure that Audrae had been as much a part of this conspiracy as the other three. Some even spoke of her being responsible for the undoing of their plot.

Linika was indifferent to the library...

She was on the receiving end of jeering and sneering in pretty much every location in this city, so the library felt like neither snare nor sanctuary to her. Really, only her job station lacked the racist debasement she suffered as the belligerent naerikk in Yvithia's city. It was a frustration to be unable to clarify to these presumptuous jerks how much she had done, and was continuing to do, for the Immortal and her place of power.

But then again, the library was no worse either. In fact, at this particular time she was actually eager to return. She was returning from the IA detention level, not as an inmate, but as an arresting officer. It had to be kept hush-hush to maintain her position as Viden's most unlikely spy. And in truth, this incident had not really fallen under the normal purview of her role in the IA. The target was not an insurrectionist targeting the sanctity of Viden specifically. This was a full-fledged global issue, with her friend, Faith, seemingly at its core.

She had inadvertently uncovered a spy for the lich, Ellasin, and had prevailed, with some assistance, to acquire a source of information regarding her plans. That source was the one of whom she had now taken her leave, safely warded in his cell, awaiting questioning, to return to the library and give Faith the news. The woman was a marvel. Linika had no doubt that even after being confronted by the fact that spies were following her, Faith would swiftly default to her happy, helpful self. Had it been herself, she'd have been pounding on the door of the IA facility demanding at least one of the offender's eyes to keep in a jar at home on her shelf. He had two, after all...

Knowing that she could use a share of Faith's serenity, she hurried her pace just a bit, but was confounded to see her in close proximity to the one of the few other naerikk in town. her name was Alora, and she was some sort of fire mage. They'd shared an incident several trials earlier, though it had not followed the pattern of the incident with Faith a short while ago in this same library. Events had evolved in such a way as to pretty much force Linika to reveal her Xypha abilities. Now, this would not be proof of any marked status, necessarily. She had simply stated that the power she was using was through the power of Yvithia. Mostly the conversation had been about her break with Audrae.

She still was unsure if this woman may yet be concealing some loathing and ill-intentions toward her. She genuinely had not seemed to have been harboring any such resentment. But you could never be entirely sure. It was somewhat of a coincidence that Faith was targeted by Ellasin, a spy being exposed this same trial, and now, this woman just happens along as well. It set her suspicious mind to considering scenarios where that first spy had been intended to be caught, the better to let this one slip by unnoticed...

The sudden realization of how quickly her suspicions escalated brought a blush of shame to her face. She knew Alora deserved better than this silent indictment. But before the true cause of her blush could be detected, a source of anger came along to provide cover for it. "What's a stupid naerikk doing in a library? What could she possibly want to learn that could be of use to civilized people?" said a conspicuously loud voice.

Turning as if in distraction, she addressed the eidisi woman who had spoken, "Hmmm? Oh, I'm sorry, I was looking at a book citing the hundred most closed-minded, childish, self-centered bitches who'd ever stood as a paragon of disgrace to their entire race, and I noticed they left you out. I was going to mention it to the clerk so we could get it corrected."

There were a surprising number of quiet chuckles that followed Linika as she plopped into a seat near the two women, "Faith...Alora..." she said with accompanying nods to both, "Boy, you've just gotta love the library, dont'cha?"
Last edited by Linika on Fri Jun 28, 2019 9:19 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 970
- Poison -

"Shelf Life'...What an ironically contradictory concept."
- Linika Amarinthine -
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Linika's Lies

There was a brief pause as a dozen eyes flashed to the blade. The intensity in their gazes popping suddenly as Linika threw the knife fluttering down the street. She had already assessed the fact that these citizens were not carrying arms of their own. The actual risk she wanted to avoid was one of them drawing her dagger and using it against her. She did not truly want to kill any of them. These were not enemies of Yvithia. And with no intentionally lethal weapon present, she felt that, "unarmed", this could probably be resolved with nothing worse than concussions and broken bones.

They looked back in astonishment at her now smiling face, "Well, I don't want to hurt any of you, after all." she said in mock kindness. Her own gaze now found a midpoint among the group facing her; soon noting the earliest tell-tale movement from the two men at the end to her right. Even as they initiated a full-on bull-rush, Linika stepped to the left, making a crouching, counter-clockwise spin to drive her left elbow in and up, just below the ribcage of the inrushing eidisi woman on that end. As the woman bent in sudden respiratory distress, the naer gave enough additional impetus to her bending motion to topple her in front of the rest, who were now finding themselves in each other's way.

The twins clung to each other, their grips tightening to what soon showed itself to be a dangerous level. The whitening stress showing in their fingernails began to glow. If Faith or Qit were to attempt to approach them they would feel themselves cast back, but not to actually land on,or impact, a solid surface.

They would soon feel the structural reality and support of the room dissolve beneath their feet anyway. But they did not fall, near as they could tell. It was futile to tell what sort of environment replaced it, other than the growing brightness of the twins. Fear of some devastating burst of destructive energy could not but find root in the mortals' hearts, as the light turned blinding even through tightly closed lids. Turning away would only find a reflective wall turning the brightness back at them, though the discovery of some structural integrity was reassuring.

All at once the intensity burst, as did the chamber itself, telescoping outward into a measureless array of reflecting surfaces, each finding itself beset with numerous motes of light. Millions, tens of millions, perhaps hundreds, locking into offsetting positions as forms of light took shape to act out deeds of every description. the offsetting figures mirrored each other, yet the actual actions were of opposite nature. One figure, his arm thrusting forward to stab an enemy, was mirrored by an arm thrusting forward to place food before a starving child. The leader of a group waiting in thieving ambush, was mirrored by one waiting to lead welcomers in cheer at a surprise party. One figure, bear-hugging another to injure him, was mirrored by another squeezing a man choking on a piece of bone.

And even where the action was too veiled to be displayed, understanding was immediate. A figure rifling through a sleeping man's belongings for purposes of theft was mirrored by another, rifling through his friend's pack to remove an item planted by a corrupt official bent on framing him. A man, trailing a woman for heinous purposes, mirrored by a father watching his daughter make it safely to her friend's home. A parent, stashing money needed for bills, for their own selfish purpose, mirrored by one saving up money to send their child to the academy.

Faces alone reflected opposites. A face shouting in anger opposite one shouting encouragement. Tears of anguish reflected by tears of joy. The pain of needless torment offsetting the pain of a necessary medical procedure. Some depicted multiple figures. A dance of pure joyful release going against the jeering dance of a mob lynching an innocent man. It went on and on, every level of cruelty or mercy, concern or callousness, love, hate or apathy were depicted in every facet of life. But what stood out most was that every figure in every scene was Pier or Pre; and that they were sharing all sides of mortal nature equally.

The room began to spin, or perhaps it had been the whole time. While not taken up into the swirl of images, Faith found her equilibrium had abandoned her. Qit'ria as well. Up, down, forward, back, inside, outside, they had no meaning, no orientation. The chamber swirled and began to condense, the far corners slowly moving in to create a sphere. The sphere growing brighter inside as the millions of bright figures began to coalesce together. Once again, Faith and Qit'ria found their eyes dazzled, with a slightly curved wall at their back.

Movement was difficult, and as orientation returned, they found that they were lying on their backs, the "floor" of light passing upwards beyond them as the sphere seemed to shrink to where it was entirely above them. As the dazzle waned, the ball of light shrunk to where they realized it was nothing more than a reflection of some candle light on the surface of Pre's eye as she looked down with a smile. Being helped to their feet,the two mortals would see that the room had returned to its original scene.

"Faith, dear Faith, you were right. It was your presence here that set balance in flux. Every hundred arcs or so, my sister and I must reacquire our balance. So much deliberate deception exists. So much rationalization of justice and refusal to accept truth. So much desperate grasping to believe what is false. It slowly erodes our purity."

Or perhaps it had been Pier speaking, "We both confirmed your official capacity. And as you declared yourself advocate, but advocate for the two of us, it set the rebalancing in motion. While we do both know what case we will make, no judgement is final prior to this stage of debate. But over time we grow too black and white regarding the innate value of our claims, as though every point is of equal measure. Emotion begins to...leak into our positions, trying to make us understand that all is not as black and white as simply counting point for versus point against."

The first twin elaborated further, "I need to occasionally relearn that I must truly hear my sister's case, and not just count off point against point, and see who holds any that remain unanswered when the procedure is finished, and call that judgement."

The voice came from the other again now. It was unsure still as to which one was speaking, "Emotion must not be the basis of a judgement, but the understanding of how it affects behavior must be taken into account, even our own. Separation of the impact on those we must judge, from the same impact on ourselves, is of paramount importance to our task. You have helped us accomplish both."

She turned now to her opposite, "But you know sister, I must admit, having taken up the championing of the cause of acquittal was...stirring. I can see why you take to it so readily." So, it was Pier speaking now.

"As did I feel like being a warrior of accusation against the perpetrators of injustice, right or wrong, a very satisfying calling. Still, dear sister, I am glad to be back where I belong." said Pre with a relieved smile. "I would see to one other task though, before we release your sister to our brother's charge".

She stepped up to Faith, her fingertips gently guiding her face down to kiss her forehead. "I give you our blessing, Faith Augustin. That you may aid the realizations of the nature of judgement upon those you encounter from trial to trial." Faith could feel a tingling on just a few symmetrically-placed spots where the Immortal's fingers had touched. As she pulled away, Pre allowed her fingers to slide down Faith's eyelids and cheeks, possibly allowing for the locations of marks to come.

"But understand, you two," responded Pier, already reassuming her role as contrarian to her sister, "Faith's aid in this regard, to any mortal that comes to us later, does not automatically count as a point in their favor. And for that matter, I feel it necessary to give a task of redemption, to Faith, to offset and balance of the blessing."

An identical look of mischief passed between them, "Whenever Faith should hear a debate being given on the merits or hazards of choosing to remain free of the cycle of rebirth, as a ghost, she must then step in with a counter position until the one in question can make an informed decision." Her expression betrayed no mirth, but a twinkle gleamed clearly in her eye, "It may save us time later."

Pre made no effort to hide her amusement as she gave a grand flourish, "Yes, my sister is being difficult; balance is once again restored."

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Unlucky Rabbit's Foot
City/Area: Viden
Notes/Warnings: Nahh, just fun


Requested Rewards: 14 Knowledges for 9 posts in a collaborative thread
Skill-Based Knowledge:
  • Chemistry: The Snow Net plant has many reagents
  • Cosmetology: Connecting Xypha marks to naerikk tattoos to hide them
  • Cosmetology: Treating Eidisi blue skin tone as a makeup mistake
  • Detection: Different moods of different crowds
  • Discipline: Marching a captured man past sympathizers
  • Endurance: A long march keeping a man in check
  • Intimidation: Blatantly inviting hesitant enemies to attack you
  • Intimidation: Tossing the knife to show that you don't need it
  • Linguistics: Signing has patterns the same as spoken languages
  • Unarmed (Brawling): Hold by the hair to punch the face
  • Unarmed (Brawling): Head butt to the nose
  • Unarmed (Brawling): Kidney punches in close
  • Unarmed (Brawling): A knee to the face
  • Unarmed (Brawling): Use a beaten enemy as a shield against others
NON Skill-Based Knowledge:
  • Alora: Came to the aid of a "sister"
  • Alora: Not intimidated by Videnese guardsmen
  • Alora: Not overly hung-up on Devotion to Audrae
  • Alora: Understanding of initial suspicions
  • Magic "Flipping" Coin is now, sadly, spent
  • Magic "Flipping" Coin made a weapon of a rabbit's foot
  • PC: Alora: Naerikk Defiant mage
  • Xypha: Emotional Palette: Tints vision with colors that reveal emotions
  • Xypha: Emotional Palette: Slight changes in same color show different attitudes
  • Xypha: Telepathic Link: Speaking silently with another
  • Xypha: Telesthetic Boon: Can reveal what others catch that you missed
  • Xypha: Telesthetic Boon: Can warn you if others have hostile thoughts


Requested Rewards: 12 Knowledges for 7 posts in a collaborative thread
Skill-Based Knowledge:
  • Defiance: Luring a heat anak with the promise of ether.
  • Defiance: Manipulating an anak to make conjuring fire easier.
  • Defiance: Caress: heating an armored gauntlet to create flaming knuckles.
  • Defiance: Raising the ambient heat of the room subtly through elemental manipulation.
  • Intelligence: Contact: Linika: Is a double agentdevoted to Yvithia
  • Intelligence: Secrets regarding Immortal conflicts.
  • Linguistics: Euthic Sign: Recognising another Naer’s sign after a lifetime away from Augiery.
  • Psychology: Some people find solace in their belief of others, including immortal individuals.
  • Socialization: Contact: Linika: Seems to miss other Naer.
  • Unarmed Combat (Armor): Driving your super-heated fist into the flesh of an opponent to loosen their grip.
  • Unarmed Combat (Armor): Using pieces of armor to make your blows hurt more.
  • Unarmed Combat (Armor): Sharp elbows can keep enemies at bay.
NON Skill-Based Knowledge:
  • Immortal: Yvithia is the Immortal of intelligence.
  • Immortal: Yvithia is at war with Audrae
  • Linika: Is an agent of Yvithia
  • Location: Viden: The corridors and prisms.

Loot: (If applicable)N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: Got beat up a bit, but you should'a seen the other guys!
Renown: 10 maybe? For unrepentant brawling in the street to maintain Linika's cover as a typical naerikk.
Wealth Points: N/A
Collaboration: Yep, two naerikk, kicking some wimpy eidisi butt.
Magic Experience?: Only for Alora.
Last edited by Linika on Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:13 am, edited 15 times in total. word count: 2026
- Poison -

"Shelf Life'...What an ironically contradictory concept."
- Linika Amarinthine -
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Re: Linika's Lies


Record of Linika's Initial 678
Linika's Point Bank Ledger
Point Bank
10/2/16 37 0 37
10/31/16 8 0 45
11/28/16 10 0 55
12/31/16 11 0 66
6/10/17 (Malt)270122
8/3/17 (Malt)1580286
9/9/17 (Malt)1170405
10/15/17 (Malt)80416
11/8/17 (Malt)800501
2/13/18 (Malt)540564
3/4/18 (Malt)600629
4/2/18 (Malt)430683
Cavini's Cloak v-20020678
Record of Eddrick Brodon's Initial 697
Eddrick Brodon's Point Bank ledger

194 and here194
......-160 pts. for Night Glow GemUnder Siege 34 pts.
...+76 and here110
...+97 and here207
...+75 and here282
...+48 and here330
...+88 and here418
...+70 and here488
...+61 and here549
...+2 points...here551
...+106 and here657
...+3 points...here660
...+2 points...here662
...+3 points...here665
...+5 points...here670
...+3 points...here673
......-100 pts. for Rain StonesLost Immortal573
...+19 points...here592
...+7 points...here599
...+13 points...here612
...+30 and here642
...+55 and here697


Linika - 9/27/18 (+34 points = 1409)
Eddrick Brodon - 9/27/18 (+7 points = 1416)
Maltruism - 9/27/18 (+132 points = 1548)


Eddrick Brodon
October Top Site Votes (250 votes): +4
October RPG Fix Votes (250 votes): +4
November Top Site Votes (300 votes): +5
November RPG Fix Votes (300 votes): +5
December Top Site Votes (250 votes): +4
December RPG Fix Votes (250 votes): +4
January Top Site Votes (500 votes): +9
January RPG Fix Votes (750 votes): +14
Totalling 49

October Top Site Votes (250 votes): +4
October RPG Fix Votes (250 votes): +4
November Top Site Votes (300 votes): +5
November RPG Fix Votes (300 votes): +5
December Top Site Votes (250 votes): +4
December RPG Fix Votes (250 votes): +4
January Top Site Votes (500 votes): +9
January RPG Fix Votes (750 votes): +14
ApprovedLocation: Hyde and Seek: +5
Approved NPC(same Link): Karel Hyde: +2
Totalling 56

October Top Site Votes (250 votes): +4
October RPG Fix Votes (250 votes): +4
November Top Site Votes (300 votes): +5
November RPG Fix Votes (300 votes): +5
December Top Site Votes (250 votes): +4
December RPG Fix Votes (250 votes): +4
January Top Site Votes (500 votes): +9
January RPG Fix Votes (750 votes): +14
Aeodan's grade on previously graded 3-page thread: +15
Review a 14,555 word thread: +50 (is that right?)
Review a 14,059 word thread +50 (this is nuts...)
Totalling 164

Total for all three: 269
New Grand Total (through Jan '19): 1817
word count: 504
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Re: Linika's Lies

Feb. 22nd - March 6th

400 point expenditure on PSF-approved faction NPC brings balance to
New Total of 1417

Vote count for Feb. '19 / on all 3 accounts / totals 54 brings balance to
New Total of 1471

400 point expenditure on PSF-approved faction NPC brings balance to
New Total of 1071

3 accounts (myself, Linika and Eddrick Brodon) So, all the vote points X3:
Per Peg's vote record (thank you so much for doing that, Peg! :D ):

694 from RPGfix = 12 pts. + GotM for 30 = 42 total.
694 from Top sites = another 12. Plus the 42 above = 54 for March

Now 350+ for April for RPG fix and Top Sites both = 6 + 6 for a total of 12
added to March = 66 per account.

66 x 3 accounts totals 198 points for votes alone.

Graded 5712 word thread = 20 pts.
Graded 14004 word thread = 50 pts.
Graded 18533 word thread = 65 pts.
Also +5 for "Collaborative thread with 2+ PCs" for above thread.
Plus another +5 for Creating Approved NPC.

198 + 20 + 50 + 65 +5 +5 = 343 pts. for March and April.

New Total of 1414

As of June 1st (for the month of May)
Edit < referring to Peg's rp sites vote figures: >end edit
Copy/pasting w/some name changes.
I also have 3 accounts (Linika, Eddrick Brodon and Maltruism)

RPG Fix: 850+ which = 16 PB Points x 3 = 48.
Top Sites: 600+ which = 11 PB Points x 3 = 33.
Thanks Peg, for doing my math for me. :oops: <3 <3 <3

Brings new total to 1495

400 point expenditure on PSF-approved faction NPC brings balance to
New Total of 1095

300 point purchase of Ring of Reversal, received and spent in this thread, brings balance down to
New Total of 795

Plus this approval of 99 points for June '19
This approval of 216 points for July '19

brings me up to
A New Total of 1110.

word count: 327
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