Ti'niva's plotnotes

You know he is gonna do... erm... stuff.

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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Ti'niva's plotnotes


Zi'da 716 aims

Find Familiar
Reunite with Finn
Make some new friends
Return to Desnind
Increase Ranged Weaponry skills to Expert- Unsuccessful
Show some Devotion to Moseke

Pretty simple really how hard can it be....
Last edited by Ti'niva on Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 36
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Ti'niva's plotnotes


Long term goals:

Receive the Sevrath blessing
Receive the Loshova blessing
Find a love interest
Move into Desnind City Proper(This will most likely happen after he finds his love interest)
Maybe get married and maybe have kids (Not sure about this one, may have to wing it when/if the time comes)


Die in the service of his city and Moseke, fighting for something he believes in wholeheartedly!

Definitely subject to change in the not too distant future
Last edited by Ti'niva on Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 79
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Ti'niva's plotnotes


Cylus 717 aims

Be marked by Moseke
Gain Devotion to Moseke and experiment with the new abilities
Develop relationship with Teryani
Gain competent endurance
Survive the hard freezing trials alone in the forest
Increase meditation skill to master
Get a bow made from Àwọsánmà ìlä
Increase Ranged Weaponry skills to Expert

Thread Challenge Submission

PC Name: Ti'niva
1. Write a thread that includes a door, a candle, and a bird: Link to post
2. Give a gift to another PC in-thread: Link to post
3. Have your PC tell a story from their childhood to a PC or NPC: Link to post
4. Get into a fight (verbal or physical) with another PC: Link to post
5. Write a thread that includes a necklace, a dagger, and a tree: Link to post
6. Have your PC fail at a flirtation: Link to post
7. Start a post with the line, “The smell reminds me of home.”: Link to post
8. Write a thread that references an Immortal: Link to post
9. End a post with the line, “And that’s how I lost my pants.”: Link to post
10. Write a thread that includes snow (or rain), a mouse, and a bard: Link to post

Character Challenge Submission

PC Name: Ti'niva
1. Increase a skill from 0 to 15: Philosophy. Noted in my skill ledger and tagged with the date added. Link
2. Earn 5 knowledge in a single skill: Which skill? Please link to the thread(s) where you earned the knowledge. Threads must occur during Cylus.
3. Identify your PC’s goal (seasonal or overarching) and share it in the plot development forum, the personal journal forum, or in your city’s OOC Social Thread: Link here
4. Update your thread list on your CS to include all current and past threads: Ti'niva Thread list in CS
5. Create a vlog or write a personal journal entry talking about your PC: Link here

Development Challenge Submission

PC Name: Ti'niva
1. Submit a slang term or phrase to a city’s development thread: Link here
2. Submit a folktale to a city’s development thread: Link here
3. Submit a holiday, ritual, or tradition to a city’s development thread: Link here
4. Write a thoughtful review in the player feedback forum: Link here
5. Welcome a new player on the “Welcoming Floor!” forum: Link here

Last edited by Ti'niva on Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:29 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 404
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Approved Character
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Race: Mortal Born
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Renown: 98
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Ti'niva's plotnotes


Revised Long term goals:

Receive the Sevrath blessing
Receive the Loshova blessing
Maybe recieve the blessing of Ralaith if and when it is released
Find a love interest Completed but gonna leave it here still
Visit Oscillus and deal with PTSD
Move into Desnind City Proper (once needed, probably when in a realtionship.)
Get married and have kids


Ideas for Death:
Die in the service of his city and Moseke, fighting for something he believes in wholeheartedly!
Defend Family from the Evils of the world, die doing so
Die of natural causes a happy man... the boring choice

Definitely subject to change in the not too distant future
word count: 108
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