Table of Contents
I. IntroductionII. NotesIII. PlotsIV. HomefrontV. Party MembersVI. AffinityVII. EncountersVIII. Archives
I. IntroductionII. NotesIII. PlotsIV. HomefrontV. Party MembersVI. AffinityVII. EncountersVIII. Archives
Well hello! Looks as though you've stumbled into a goldmine of OoC data, for this is the thread that highlights all the other aspects of Patrick's misadventures! Loads of plans and fun stuff actually goes in here, which is why you'll find an elaborate guide on navigating this thread down below! Everything here is strictly OoC material of course, but you'll find that you can reference quite a lot; especially if you would like to setup any plots or have ideas on ways we can thread together! Ready? Okay! Here we go!