Nauta nice read for you

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Nauta F'mos Geey
Posts: 374
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Race: Aukari
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Nauta nice read for you

Stuff for me to remember to do.

Threads in (with peoples other than me)
10 Ashan, arc 716: Revolving Moors - (MM thread, refer to old pms)
19 Saun, arc 716: Run For Your Life!
76 Ashan 705: The stuff which dreams are made of (Nightmare thread - refer to pms)

Placeholder threads from 716 (to finish sometime in this lifetime)
44 Rebirth Season 716: What's hot at the Kettle! - Job thread
56++ Rebirth Season 716: Salvaging Salvage -
Bounty job #1
Mr. Daran Porter, owner and operator of "Sauncraft Shop and Salvage" has reported a theft of some weapons, and is offering a reward of 33% of the recovered items' worth to any that would be willing to attempt recovery of said weapons. See him in the outer crafting zone, a few rows north of dead center. One of the few brick structures there.

Note: Can be used to find out about The Fence/The Curly Hare, weapons not stored in town.
76 Rebirth Season 716: Here they are - Procession of Recognition (Use for learning layout/navigation for city)
102 & 103 Rebirth Season 716: They call it a Grand Hunt! - Grand Hunt. Kill a boar or hog or something.
105 Rebirth Season 716: Why isn't it the Grand Roast? - Roast. Cook the above.
110 Rebirth Season 716: A trial on its own - Ten-trial games. "Rigged" fight (terms and conduct of fight)

To start threads
Desertion. Maybe.
(13:24:02) Nauta_F'mos_Geey: (whispers to Jade) So in case you didn't get it when the site went down, the question is: Can we actually act on the rumor e.g. investigate or is it going to act like some Wonka golden ticket for whatever event is coming up? I mean I have a rough idea of what the rumor actually means so Nauta can get at least some knowledges on one of the involved Immortals given where he is but other than that I can't do anything else with the rumor. When I asked Kingdom about acting on it she said the moderators probably don't know as much as I do at this stage so she couldn't give an answer either.
(13:25:45) Nauta_F'mos_Geey: (whispers to Jade) I am refering to the rumor as the prize from the site wide event from a few months back in case you don't know what I am asking about since I didn't specify it :v
(13:46:27) Jade: (whispers) Yeah I see it in your notes.
(13:46:47) Jade: (whispers) That's fine to act on it :)

To do skills
Nets (aka throwing)
Poisons - making more
Reduces body temperature drastically wherever it is triggered. Depending on where the body is affected, and the strength of the dosage, it can cause anything from sluggish movement to genuine “Brain Freeze”. Obtainable only from the colonies of tiny ice-grubs that eventually devour dead bodies lost in high mountain areas. Again, it is usually cheaper to buy in such areas, if legal.
(learning how to make in forms other than lotions maybe)
The Burd.
Moar chem warfare:
Evil ideas
(11:10:02) Tai'klein: hmm chemical warefare? Dried wasabi powder (root) is highly toxic and a painful experience.
(11:11:13) Tai'klein: interesting concept - willow sap can be used as a antisceptic. Paired with a poison or a dart it would become more likely that the victim wouldn't notice the infliction
(11:11:49) Tai'klein: though the weeping willow can also be used to reduce fever, chills, headaches, and other ailments
(11:14:31) Tai'klein: there are ofcourse cacti, mushrooms, and flowers which are hallucinogens and psychotics. A poison doesn't always have to have regular side affects. Chemical warefare and psychotics were commonly used in wars to gain favor in battle. There is also a beserker flower that inhibits pain receivers
(11:20:10) Tai'klein: the most interesting poison to me is the milk of hogweed which causes necrosis.
(11:20:49) Tai'klein: just by skin contact the poison in introduced into the your system and starts causing you cells to die
(11:22:05) Tai'klein: yep, worst part is it will leave purple liasions that last for years, and just a minute amount of it causes permanent blindness
(11:22:37) Tai'klein: the plant grows to 8ft tall too
(11:25:25) Tai'klein: Yep, it actually is contact with the plant itself that causes it. The sun makes it create this type of milk that spreads all over it like it sweats the stuff
(11:26:56) Tai'klein: the scary part is that if a chemist is smart enough or had purpose the chemical compound could be altered to create it into a more toxic and even gas form
"Burning Wok Strike" and "The Glorious Elbow of Revolution" along with "Hummingbird's Last Breath" for good measure.
Last edited by Nauta F'mos Geey on Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:43 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 827
But I don't want to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
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Nauta F'mos Geey
Posts: 374
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:56 am
Race: Aukari
Profession: Chefling
Renown: 219
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




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Nauta nice read for you

Maybe "special" stuff which people who are not me may use/need to know of so details are added here. Feel free to use them as long as you don't bust/destroy them.

Kavelza (Kav'el zan is hellcat in Vauni) the Scython
  • Stolen from "Sergeant Jackass" (name pending)
  • Who stolen taken it as a trophy from someone else (location/war tbd)
  • In the middle of brainwashing retraining before Nauta took it as a trophy stole it for himself.
  • Came with more trophies from other people (do hunt Nauta if you think there is something here that belongs to you)
  • Trophies/stories of probably one of the reasons why Nauta was so happy to end him (or think he did maybe)
  • Nauta learned enough about Kavelza from said stories to buddy up and try to continue brainwashing.
  • A.k.a. Captain Cuddles to Lizzie.
Hajnasis (hä'j näsïs is high punch in Vauni) the eagle
  • A present from Nauta's father
  • Trained to do birdy stuff for Nauta
  • To do: poisoned talons from spongy poisoned glove (hahahaha!)
  • A.k.a. Flapjack to Lizzie
Syroa transformation stone
  • From who knows what schmuck (hopefully won't bite Nauta in the ass)
  • Turns into a bat.
  • Adorned with overpriced gems from the Gem Festival (Thanks Obama Vuda)
  • Use with: Detection and flying
Lizzie (Elyza Stern)
► Show Spoiler
Black Guard Uniform (Masterwork Medium Plate Armor)
  • Comes with "S-1" emblem (find out what this means!)
  • Assimilation: Transforms into whatever form Nauta takes (e.g. batform) as Becoming ability of the same name.
  • Color change: Self explanatory
word count: 565
But I don't want to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
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