Eddrick hated spiders. Cats, not so much. As the shadow kitty suddenly clawed its way up to his shoulder, he winced and adjusted his lean to accommodate its ascent. This was not out of kindness, it was more to get the damned thing up where he could grab it and pull it off. He was not of a mind to be cruel or sadistic; he was not out to hurt the thing. But neither did he enjoy having it rip its way up his cloak, pulling it to where its weight was causing the collar to choke him.
"Rutting Imp shat cat!" he sneered, reaching across himself with his left hand to grab the thing as he stood, for better movement. Cats were, after all, known to achieve remarkable feats of contortion to avoid an unwanted touch. Even now, it seemed as if the thing was draped entirely across the back of his neck and shoulders, yet also crawling on his arm. The sudden realization of too many legs to be accounted for with a single cat brought the hairs on Eddrick's arms straight up.
"Rutting Imp shat cat!" he sneered, reaching across himself with his left hand to grab the thing as he stood, for better movement. Cats were, after all, known to achieve remarkable feats of contortion to avoid an unwanted touch. Even now, it seemed as if the thing was draped entirely across the back of his neck and shoulders, yet also crawling on his arm. The sudden realization of too many legs to be accounted for with a single cat brought the hairs on Eddrick's arms straight up.
It may well have been partially due to the weakness and shock of breaking off a possession so suddenly, but the ghost reeled in epiphany before Eddrick, "You know my name? Where I come from? How is this possible? Who told you these things?"
Come and get your Loot!
(There's plenty more where that came from)
XP Rewards: X
These points CAN be used for magic (Transmutation).
- Deception: The use of a decoy
- Detection: The clumsiness of the newly ghost-possessed
- Endurance: The heat of Saun under normal circumstances
- Endurance: The JUNGLE heat of Saun
- Etiquette (Military): The newly established rank of "Broomsman"
- Intelligence: Sintra's spiders are truly allies
- Logistics: Geared up for a jungle campaign
- Politics: This is war against an Immortal, not between Immortals
- Tactics: Hold some troops back from the initial charge
Non-Skill Knowledges:
- Magic: Is there one that focuses on illusions?
- NPC: Calaglin the Igniter
words, words, words
words, words, words
Renown: x
words, words, words
XP Rewards: X
These points can NOT be used for magic.
- Deception: The use of a decoy
- Detection: The clumsiness of the newly ghost-possessed
- Endurance: The heat of Saun under normal circumstances
- Endurance: The JUNGLE heat of Saun
- Endurance: Overcoming Shock-wave disorientation
- Etiquette (Military): The newly established rank of "Broomsman"
- Field Craft: Using a weapon momentarily as a crutch
- Intelligence: Sintra's spiders are truly allies
- Logistics: Geared up for a jungle campaign
- Politics: The Turkey Company are Loyal to Etzos
- Politics: This is war against an Immortal, not between Immortals
- Psychology: You were close to the blast, but your shield saved you
- Tactics: Hold some troops back from the initial charge
Non-Skill Knowledges:
- Magic: Is there one that focuses on illusions?
- NPC: Calaglin the Igniter
words, words, words
words, words, words
Renown: X
words, words, words
Words, words, words
Come and get your Loot!
(There's plenty more where that came from)
XP Rewards: X
These points CAN be used for magic (Transmutation).
- Chemistry +4
- Climbing: Giant spiders' webs make things easy
- Climbing: The surety of feet more than hands
- Climbing: The use of mountain-climbing gear
- Deception +1
- Detection: Light coming from inside the mountain means a presence
- Detection +1
- Discipline: Obey orders, don't rush off and fall for the lure
- Dreamwalking: "Branding" Woe
- Endurance: The heat of Saun under normal circumstances
- Endurance: the heat of Saun while traveling in mountains
- Endurance +1
- Etiquette (Military): The newly established rank of "Broomsman"
- Field Craft: Cave-ins sometimes open new passages
- Field Craft: Far fewer bugs in the mountains than in the jungle
- Field Craft: Giant spiders' webs secure loose rock
- Intelligence: Sintra's spiders are truly allies
- Interrogation +1
- Leadership: Offering a plan of action in a difficult situation
- Leadership +2
- Logistics: Geared up for a jungle campaign
- Logistics: Injuries from falls slow the army's speed
- Logistics: Lisirra's 'Bug-Bomb' volunteers
- Logistics: Webbed-up enemies are ghost snacks for later
- Poison +2
- Politics (Military): In the hills, you are assumed "lost" not "deserting"
- Politics (Military): Joining the war effort to become HARDER to find
- Politics: This is war against an Immortal, not between Immortals
- Psychology: The Joy of your spark's return
- Psychology: LOTS of ghostly company for Hazel
- Surgery +1
- Tactics: Bird-form Becomers as scouts
- Tactics: "The Many" as a decoy, instead of "The Few"
- Torture +1
- Transmutation (Identify): The glowing water on Rhakros' subterranean walls
- Trap Making: Using explosives to collapse the cliff on an enemy
Non-Skill Knowledges:
- Glamour: Illusion magic is very effective
- NPC: Joderall: Attuner, Linguist and Historian
- NPC: Joderall: Is on Oberan's side
- NPC: Senalee: Glamourist for Rhakros, now deceased
- PC: Oberan: Seems to have taken a dislike to you
- PC: Oberan: Has some secret agenda
- PC: Woe: Seems to have an ease around spiders
- Rhakros: Has an extensive underground cavern system
- Rhakros: Has insect guardians
Nothing but a brand on Woe and a crazy good time!
Nah, you got out of it essentially unscathed
Renown: +10
though the bulk of this adventure will be kept quiet among you three, you'll still be honored as a part of the force that eliminates Lisirra.
XP Rewards: X
These points can NOT be used for magic.
- Chemistry +2
- Climbing: Giant spiders' webs make things easy
- Climbing: The surety of feet more than hands
- Climbing: The use of mountain-climbing gear
- Detection: Light coming from inside the mountain means a presence
- Detection +1
- Discipline: Obey orders, don't rush off and fall for the lure
- Endurance: The heat of Saun under normal circumstances
- Endurance: the heat of Saun while traveling in mountains
- Endurance +1
- Etiquette (Military): The newly established rank of "Broomsman"
- Field Craft: Cave-ins sometimes open new passages
- Field Craft: Far fewer bugs in the mountains than in the jungle
- Field Craft: Giant spiders' webs secure loose rock
- Intelligence: "Severed Shade" as a recon soldier
- Intelligence: Sintra's spiders are truly allies
- Intelligence +1
- Investigation +2
- Leadership: Revealing the Shadow Glove to the party
- Logistics: Geared up for a jungle campaign
- Logistics: Injuries from falls slow the army's speed
- Logistics: Lisirra's 'Bug-Bomb' volunteers
- Logistics: There is a huge source of mind-control chemicals under Rhakros
- Logistics: Webbed-up enemies are ghost snacks for later
- Logistics +1
- Poison +2
- Politics (Military): In the hills, you are assumed "lost" not "deserting"
- Politics: This is war against an Immortal, not between Immortals
- Stealth: Avoid loose stones underfoot
- Stealth: That much harder in echoing caverns
- Stealth +1
- Strength +2
- Tactics: Bird-form Becomers as scouts
- Tactics: "The Many" as a decoy, instead of "The Few"
- Trap Making: Using explosives to collapse the cliff on an enemy
Non-Skill Knowledges:
- Audnev: A basic understanding of several abilities
- Audnev: No better experience than use in a life-and-death situation
- Glamour: Illusion magic is very effective
- Graeslin's Orb reacted with the underground artifact
- NPC: Joderall: Attuner, Linguist and Historian
- NPC: Joderall: Learned that bugs are a part of Rhakros' mind control
- NPC: Joderall: Theorizes that Sintra placed the artifact
- NPC: Joderall: "Detect, Select, Perfect, Affect" is the key
- NPC: Senalee: Glamourist for Rhakros, now deceased
- PC: LLyr: Seems to have taken a dislike to you
- PC: Woe: Seems to have an ease around spiders
- Woe and Llyr: Keep their own secrets but want to know yours
- Rhakros: has an extensive Underground cavern system
The cube, though you have given it to Vluharqih.
If you want to consider friendships with Joderall, Johnson and Orbick to be "loot", I have no objection.
If you want to consider friendships with Joderall, Johnson and Orbick to be "loot", I have no objection.
Scrapes and bruises, maybe a pulled muscle or two, nothing more
Renown: +10
Same as with Llyr
XP Rewards: X
These points can NOT be used for magic.
- Chemistry +4
- Climbing: Giant spiders' webs make things easy
- Climbing: The surety of feet more than hands
- Climbing: The use of mountain-climbing gear
- Detection: Light coming from inside the mountain means a presence
- Detection +1
- Discipline: Obey orders, don't rush off and fall for the lure
- Endurance: The heat of Saun under normal circumstances
- Endurance: the heat of Saun while traveling in mountains
- Endurance +1
- Etiquette (Military): The newly established rank of "Broomsman"
- Field Craft: Cave-ins sometimes open new passages
- Field Craft: Far fewer bugs in the mountains than in the jungle
- Field Craft: Giant spiders' webs secure loose rock
- Intelligence: Sintra's spiders are truly allies
- Interrogation +2
- Leadership: Agreeing to another person's idea
- Logistics: Geared up for a jungle campaign
- Logistics: Injuries from falls slow the army's speed
- Logistics: Lisirra's 'Bug-Bomb' volunteers
- Logistics: Webbed-up enemies are ghost snacks for later
- Poison +3
- Politics (Military): In the hills, you are assumed "lost" not "deserting"
- Politics: This is war against an Immortal, not between Immortals
- Tactics: Bird-form Becomers as scouts
- Tactics: "The Many" as a decoy, instead of "The Few"
- Torture +3
- Trap Making: Using explosives to collapse the cliff on an enemy
- Trap Making +1
- Surgery +1
Non-Skill Knowledges:
- Glamour: Illusion magic is very effective
- Lethroda: Attaching your companion to another person for eye view
- NPC: Joderall: Attuner, Linguist and Historian
- NPC: Joderall: Is on Oberan's side
- NPC: Senalee: Glamourist for Rhakros, now deceased
- PC: Oberan: Is at odds with Llyr
- PC: Oberan: May have some connection to Audrae
- Rhakros: has an extensive underground cavern system
- Rhakros: Has Insect guardians
Llyr's brand...How's that working out for you?
nothing here, though your departure apparently did not go as smoothly as hoped.
But that is a different thread.
But that is a different thread.
Renown: +10
same as Llyr
Whew! a series of narrow escapes! Oberan comes away with the most understanding of what has been going on beneath Rhakros. And the mind-control chemistry involving bugs etc, etc...
Sorry, Obie, the glove will now be powering down, you can keep it as a souvenir if you like.
Attuners will be puzzled by what it's made from though.
As you can see, I have employed the new knowledge system to give just points, rather than having to keep coming up with specific knowledges.
I didn't change the ones I already had down though.
My take on renown is that you all could get each other in trouble as deserters, as well as plainly opposing stances on Sintra.
So you're all probably going to keep this all hush-hush.
If there's anything I've overlooked, do not hesitate to come whining and bitching to me about it.
Sorry, Obie, the glove will now be powering down, you can keep it as a souvenir if you like.
Attuners will be puzzled by what it's made from though.
As you can see, I have employed the new knowledge system to give just points, rather than having to keep coming up with specific knowledges.
I didn't change the ones I already had down though.
My take on renown is that you all could get each other in trouble as deserters, as well as plainly opposing stances on Sintra.
So you're all probably going to keep this all hush-hush.
If there's anything I've overlooked, do not hesitate to come whining and bitching to me about it.