High Hopes and Low Character

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High Hopes and Low Character

Anti-Magic: What Kasoria deploys as an Abrogator, casting magic that negates opposing magic and neutralizes it at the source. This suits him perfectly, as once magic is taken out of the equation, he has to rely on his corporeal combat skills... which are, usually, far superior to pretty much anyone he comes up against.

Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Averted. Kasoria is a master of Ki'Enaq, a homegrown Etzori martial arts style that emphasizes brutality and efficiency. By this point in his "career", he's probably the most experienced practitioner in the city. That said, he rarely flaunts his abilities. They're a means to make money, and while he does enjoy a challenge now and again, his priority is to get paid, not boost his ego.

Badass Bookworm: Kasoria is quite the literary fan, and not just work-related subjects like medicine and tactics. He has a passion for epic fiction, and the written history (some would say "propaganda") of Etzos. He likes to amuse himself by using words you just do not hear from Outer Perimeter scumbags like himself, just to see jaws drop. As of 720, he's had little time to indulge, but his vocabulary indicates he's retained a lot. He's also one of few characters so far that prefers to and actually excels in reading about skills and subjects he wants to improve at.

Barrier Warrior: Commonly uses Abrogation to form Shields around himself and others. His mastery of the discipline means he can essentially think them into existence within a heartbeat, and they're strong enough to stop a hammerblow from an Ithecal. He's also fond of forming layers of Replicative Barriers tight to his body, essentially creating magical armor that still enables him to wield his weapons.

The Berserker: Usually Kasoria fights with a cold, pragmatic ferocity. When he's sufficiently enraged by an enemy, however, he becomes a screaming mass of blades and fists that doesn't recognize anyone near him as anything but Next To Die. He seems aware of this, and before one battle warns a sellsword comrade not to come near him "once the killing starts".

Blood Knight: Downplayed - a thoroughly pragmatic killer most of the time, there are times when Kasoria relishes a chance to test himself. At this point, that usually means fighting crowds of enemies at once, or taking on different a species.

Body Horror: The mutations bought about by his mastery of his magical abilities have... not been pretty. Aside from the perpetual cloud of shadow billowing around him, he also has chains of ink always writhing on his arms, pitch-black eyes from tear duct to pupil, and another set of eyes in the back of his hands. His skin also adopts the same texture and shade of whatever he last transmutes, unless he willfully dispels the effect. Half the reason Kasoria no longer operates in secret is because he knows there's no way to hide what he is anymore.

Broken Ace: Regarded with fear and awe by not just the underworld but Etzos in general, for his skill at arms and legendary knack for survival. But underneath his fearsome and peerless martial abilities is a man who's lost his son, his family, and any hope for a legitimate life. His inner monologues make clear there's a lot of self-loathing brewing in Kasoria, and since he parted ways from Martyn for the last time in 722, he's seriously doubting his purpose in the world.

Combat Pragmatist: Embodies this trope when it comes to fighting. As an assassin and mercenary, Kasoria is utterly unconcerned with the very concept of "fair fighting". The way that ends a fight quickly and with minimal risk to himself is the way he will choose, every time. Nothing else matters. This is most often revealed in his willingness to use absolutely anything as a weapon, be it a wall, a broken stylus, a cup of ale, a terrified cat, or even his own vomit on one occasion.
[*]Kasoria seems to have utilized Abrogation's "Shackle" ability with this in mind, too. Why bother dueling an enemy when you can bind in him place with invisible chains and just break his neck? Or stab him while he's helplessly suspended? It's in no way fair or honorable, but it does work remarkably well, and that's the part Kasoria cares about.
[*]Often starts his fights with a quick barrage of throwing knives, sometimes poisoned ones. If Kasoria can thin out or eliminate his enemies from a distance at no personal risk and little chance of retaliation, well, that's just working smarter, not harder.
[*]Has developed a habit of using Shapecraft to transform the ground under his enemies into spikes before combat begins. Then picking them off as they're either impaled or flopping around with torn up feet.

Country Matters: Tosses around the C-bomb like it's confetti, apparently deciding it's his favorite noun.

Covered with Scars : A literal lifetime of brawling has left many, many marks on Kasoria. His body is best described as a mass of scar tissue with a limbs and head attached, pockmarked with unsavory tattoos.

Curb-Stomp Battle: As his combat prowess has continued to grow, he's been on the winning side of these more and more. His writer is very aware that portraying Kasoria as an unkillable badass is, well, boring, so he's always finding new ways to handicap him. When it comes to single combat, it can be safely assumed that unless he's facing someone his own level or higher, the "fight" will be very brief.

The Dreaded: Everyone in the Etzos underworld knows of The Raggedy Man; all but the most dangerous are terrified of what he’s capable of. His infamy has reached the point where just telling people his name is enough to ensure fearful, stammering compliance. This reputation has now spread across the world, and wherever he goes it's a good bet that simply introducing himself is enough to get bandits and sellswords doubting their chances. Now it's known he's also a master of three different magics, very few people have the stomach to openly go after him (with anything less than a platoon of armored troopers).

Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Everything he did as an underworld assassin, no matter how cruel or vicious, was to provide for his son. If it wasn’t for his oath of loyalty to Vorund, he wouldn’t even have been in Etzos: he’d have been living with the boy in Westguard, with little to no interest in ever touching a sword again. He was shown to be close to the boy's mother, too, although it's clear there was little romantic there.
[*] It's also clear that the murders of his sister and mother traumatized him in ways no-one can fully appreciate, least of all himself. Before that night, he was a hopeful, almost idealistic guardsman-in-training. After it, he was a broken, hateful shell of a man that had nothing to live for save an unquenchable rage directed at the Immortals. He also had a strained relationship with his face, a simple shopkeeper. While he never wanted to follow in the man's footsteps, it's clear Kasoria loved him dearly, and deeply regrets not mending the hurt between them before the old man died.

Even Evil Has Standards: Absolutely despises the Immortals, not just for personal reasons, but because they enslave and manipulate mankind while never actually being of them. He understands that tyrants among humanity will always exist, but the Immortals don't even regard humans as equal. More like chattel or pets. And why? Because they're bored, an it feeds their ego.
[*]Kasoria also hates the system of slavery wherever he finds it. As an Etzori he can understand the profit motive behind the practice, but he places far more importance on individual liberty than one might assume.
[*]As one can gather from his attitude towards and eventual brutal murder of Merry, Kasoria has a special disgust for rapists, or any who harm children. Even with his history as an amoral ganger executioner, doing so will irrevocably taint you in his eyes.

Fantastic Racism: As a byproduct of his hatred of the Immortals, Kasoria has an immediate and deep contempt for anyone touched by them. Not just Mortalborn, but entire races, such as the Mer or the Naerikk. Notably, this is not as intractable as his hatred for the Immortals themselves. Should one of those races prove themselves reliable and trustworthy, he'll treat them no different to a human.

The Friend Nobody Likes: He's become an effective and loyal instructor for the Westguard militia, keeping his nose clean and taking his duties seriously. He's also the Raggedy Man, or was, and the officers who run the garrison openly dislike him for his bloody, criminal history. Kasoria seems to take their pint, and focuses on doing his job, staying clear of trouble, and trying to be in his son's life. Averted when it comes to his service with the Etzori delegation: eventually the scribes, nobles, and attendants warm up to him and appreciate him (and The Band) as a loyal, efficient guardian, albeit one with an unfortunate past.

Genius Bruiser: As his story goes on, he's revealed to be one. Kasoria's primary skills are with his bare hands and blades, but he's also a cunning tactician and seasoned underworld operator, often serving as emissary and mouthpiece for his master. He's also a voracious reader and well-versed in medicine, Etzori history, physical fitness, and classical literature. Over the last few arcs, out of necessity he's also become quite a savvy political observer, although he freely admits his gutter-level perspective means he never sees the full story.

Hypocrite: Despises and disdains the Immortals and their followers, but sees no parallel between worship of them and slowly giving his body and soul to the multiple Sparks he's hosting. Maxine in particular has pointed out that the mage's desire for more power and knowledge is little different from the megalomania of the Immortals.
[*] As much as he insists on Maxine remaining professional and unemotional, recent events in Yaralon showed Kasoria is just as capable of flying off the handle and losing all trace of discipline wherever Lissira is concerned.

Knife Nut: Kasoria is rarely if ever unarmed, as befits a man in his line of work. On an average day, he's carrying two combat knives, a gladius, an ax, and a half-dozen throwing knives. If he's feeling unexpectedly pacifistic, he'll settle for just the karambit and gladius.

Lightning Bruiser: Kasoria isn't just strong and skilled, he is fast. In fact, aside from his viciousness, that's probably the hallmark of his combat style. He moves so quickly and fluidly that his opponent is often cut to ribbons before he's properly engaged the little monster. However, he's no Glass Cannon, capable of absorbing massive amounts of damage and just not stopping.

Made Of Iron: It takes a truly brutal amount of damage to put Kasoria down. Getting shot four times with crossbows, nearly drowning, and getting imprisoned and tortured for half a season afterwards still isn’t enough. He's taken advantage of his toughness to allow his opponents to beat him up for a while, just so he can assess their strengths and weaknesses. Then he starts fighting back, no worse for wear.

Magic Knight: Formidable as he is with mundane martial arts, Kasoria has become just as dangerous in his magical abilities. Now he can fight with Abrogative "armor" protecting his body as sure as steel plate, halt enemies in mid-charge with Shackle, conjure barriers and weapons from the very ground with Transmutation, even deploy telekinesis with Sovereign... and that's before you take into account he's a master with the sword, ax, dagger, bow, throwing knives, and his bare hands.

Master Swordsman: He's more dangerous and better known for his mastery of Ki'Enaq, but Kasoria has been using a gladius since he first picked one up... almost thirty arcs ago. Suffice to say, by this time, there are few people in Etzos better with a sword than him. He's equally as gifted with karambit and dagger, too, and frequently uses them as secondary weapons in sword fights. By 723 he's honed his skill enough to be able to strike arrows and insects out of the sky, retaliate to attacks so fast they're practically invisible, and fight with either hand so effectively he can engage two or more opponents simultaneously.

Nice To The Waiter: Kasoria is usually polite and soft-spoken when it comes to dealing with "ordinary" people not involved in his business, such as tavern wenches, store owners, and Etzori citizens. He manages to stun his table into silence by apologizing on behalf of Llyr, when the Quacian snaps at their waiter.

Noble Demon: Probably the most charitable way to describe Kasoria. He does have standards, rules, and a code of honor he adheres to. He's a proud Etzori and would never betray his city. But he's also a man with hundreds of pitiless murders to his credit, who has no qualms about taking on contracts to provide for himself and his son. It's been implied more than once that he's killed so often and for so long that the act means almost nothing to him.

No True Scotsman: Yes, he's a vicious and unrepentant mass-murderer, but he is also a proud Etzosi and would never do anything that would endanger the city as a whole. This is most clearly expressed by his utter heartbreak and shock at the hideous damage done to Etzos and its territories during Ymiden 719, by the hordes of Lissara. He's so outraged that once he ensures his son is safe, he immediately puts himself at the disposal of the Council help them wreak whatever revenge they can against The Plague Mother. After the Siege of Rhakros, he acts in the same way to ensure Sintra doesn't subvert Etzos from within. Only when she vanishes and her powerbase is broken does he finally leave the city for good.

Old Master: What he's becoming, as he's pushing fifty. Kasoria is usually at least a decade older than most of his contemporaries in the sellsword/warrior world, and you don't get to that point without being very good at what you do.

One-Man Army: Capable of taking out gangs of armed men with his bare hands. When he’s armed, he can carve through entire squads. His magical mastery has only enhanced this trope, and now he can potentially engage dozens of enemies at once. As he's learned more magics, well... you get the idea. These trials it takes a literal small army to match him on the battlefield, and ideally only if they take him by surprise.

Papa Wolf: Do not, even indirectly, threaten his son. Even hinting that you know he has one can doom you. People who actually make the threat would probably be dead before they could finish the sentence. By 720, the secret is out so the knowing part won't get you killed... but anything else will.

Parental Substitute: Serves as a dysfunctional one to Maxine, no matter what either of them say. Despite firmly stating he won't treat her like a daughter, the lengths he's gone to in protecting and supporting her speak volumes. Of course, this has caused problems among The Band, some of whom resent his favoritism towards a cocky, fatalistic newcomer who's also Marked by the Immortals.

Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Kasoria is known and feared as the most vicious killers in Etzos. He has hundreds of murders to his name, so many he doesn't remember them all. Hardened sellswords and underworld operators know better than to cross him. By the end of 718, he's become so notorious as "the Raggedy Man" that children are singing songs about him in the street. He's 5'3", tops.
[*] Since his mastery of Abrogation, he's become even more of a powerhouse. Now he's not just a nigh-unstoppable martial artist and killer, he's a nigh-unstoppable martial artist and killer that can negate offensive magic.

Professional Killer: Essentially what he was for Vorund, to the extent his second most common nickname was "Vorund's Hound". He's since become "freelance", working as a sellsword and mercenary. Since Sintra's expulsion, he's retired and lives outside Etzos Prime, using his decades of experience to train soldiers in Westguard. After that, he seems to have left the profession entirely, working as a bodyguard for Etzori worthies traveling around Idalos instead. Of course, if said worthies require some "unofficial" work to be done while they're abroad...

Rage Against The Heavens: One of Kasoria's defining characteristics is his unshakable hatred for the Immortals. It goes beyond good old-fashioned Etzori contempt, too. He blames them for the murder of his sister and mother, for not protecting them from an enraged anti-Immortal mob when they most needed it, despite being loyal believers their whole lives. So far, no-one has had the balls to point out that it was exactly this attitude the men who killed them held.

Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Went on a brief but horrifying one when he slaughtered a houseful of civilians who had lynched his mother and younger sister. Kasoria finds it hard to remember exactly what he did to them: the clearest memory he has is immediately afterwards, when he was arrested outside the burning house, holding two blood-covered swords.
[*] He also embarks on another in Ashan 719, laying waste to a pirate sloop that attacks the ship he's sailing to Yaralon on. After a friend of his is killed by a turncoat, Kasoria fucking loses it, hurling himself into battle while screaming and cursing and hacking apart anything that comes close to him.

Screaming Warrior: Played With, in that while Kasoria does often scream in battle, it's usually a combination of psychological intimidation and getting enough air into his lungs to fight for longer. There are few times he's screaming with with real, visceral emotion.

Shrouded In Myth: The Raggedy Man of Etzos is more than just an underworld reputation; he's become an urban legend throughout the city and beyond. To the point that Kasoria revealing that he is the Raggedy Man is usually disbelieved at first, since most don't believe that an unassuming mortal can possibly be the unstoppable, invincible warrior-assassin that every ganger in Etzos lives in terror of. Apparently this reputation has traveled around Idalos by 723, and he's known in several cities by a variety of grisly names.

Underestimating Badassery: What people usually do when he shows up, dressed like a beggar and not even five-and-a-half-feet tall. This is completely intentional: not only does it allow him to move around fairly unnoticed, but he can get close to his targets at the same time. Somewhat lessened in current times, since he's so riddled with obvious magical mutations and possesses a frightening enough reputation that most people don't even notice the plain way he dresses, nor his slight stature.

Undying Loyalty: Subverted - most people that know of his relationship to Vorund assume this is what keeps him from hiring himself out to anyone else. In reality, it's because of an oath he swore to serve the crime lord until one of them died, or Vorund released him from it. Kasoria is staying loyal to his word, not the man.
[*] Played Straight when it comes to Etzos itself. He's a murderous bastard and fully aware of it, but Kas is also a patriot and a true son of his homeland. He would never do anything to hurt the city or weaken it in the eyes of the world, and has a seething hatred of anyone that would try (mortal or otherwise).
Last edited by Kasoria on Sun Dec 08, 2019 3:04 am, edited 40 times in total. word count: 3397
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