• Solo • Arrival

80th of Vhalar 719

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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80th Trial of Vhalar, 719
In fairness seafaring had never been considered in all his travels - he’d thought his settlement in Rharne permanent. Shl’Drei had managed to convince a crew to let him tag along for a trip to Scalvoris. Why? If he was honest he didn’t know, but it felt too.. Homey in Rharne. After the poaching incident he was positive the scumbag would try to put charges on him - when nothing happened he stayed. But the dust Quarter was only so nice to kind people - what with beggars and thieves everywhere, he was pretty sure an attempt to rob his house had been made - though the immediate hissing and growling of his makeshift pack must have scared them away. Speaking of, Liam and Leora had no taken well to being over water. Seasick or not though, they pulled through. At the very least the crew had frequent trade stops, and alloted Shl’Drei time to roam and let his pack relax on land before returning. They didn’t take him freely, once they had accessed his muscle it was to labor with the trainer.

More often than not he was lifting boxes and moving smaller cargo with the crew and ship hands. He wasn’t exactly happy that the crew was weary about letting the Lumen Wolf and Caracal on the top deck - they were harmless unless given commands otherwise. Still, Leora and Liam had endured much the entire trip. From the sudden waves and the rocking b oat, to the less than kind crew and the weary and cautious stares. He was pretty sure he caught a dark haired man glaring at Liam, but once Shl’Drei met his eyes he disappeared below deck. He felt eyes on him the whole trip, but he passed it off as curiosity of a man followed by two more… unique pets. Still he made it clear that no one should mess with them - even if trained animals could always be unpredictable. They were meant to be respected and should someone feel like they shouldn’t nature always punished those who deserved it.

Thoughts aside, the box in Shl’Drei’s arms was heavy. It weighed around fifty to sixty pounds, and despite being grateful for the workout after moving crates of the same weight throughout the trip he was starting to tire. He pushed through the exhaustion for the most part, what meager pride he masculinity he assumed preventing him from quitting his assigned work. He wobbled as he walked, almost sure he would be sweating if not for the chill. The arc was deep into Vhalar, chilling wind and ever present iced seas. Thankfully the chilling affect did help - there was more need for cool while working. Leora enjoyed her second arc of snow, the frozen particles having been shaken from her fur as she pranced around the deck, gaining a few laughs and concerned gasps. Just like her pup days she still liked to cling to Liam’s side - though she had grown outgoing, often venturing with him but returning to him in time. Still she slid, pranced, and yipped around the crew every time the frozen rain made itself known. Liam was not so lucky, often staying inside the cabin below deck - the room offered to them had a nice blanket he liked to slip under.

Placing the box with the rest, the trainer huffed and watched his breath crystallize. The sun was still on the horizon, the fading warm a reminder of colder things to come. Shl’Drei warmed his finger tips in his hands - but just before he retired below deck he heard the familiar land signal. Bustle around the ship increased, as he realized they’d made it to their final stop before the loop. Even now, watching the see part for the haul of the ship and the clouds roll by was breathtaking. He felt a surge of excitement just watching the docks of Egilrum get closer. The approaching land put his spirits high - finally he’d be staying on solid ground!

Almost giddily, he called for his makeshift pack. They’d be grateful that they were staying on land from her on out. He’d have to thank the captain for getting the pack to Scalvoris safely. Despite getting nothing but labor out of it the crew had been somewhat hospitable. They hadn’t - as far as he knew - forced jobs on the human and had still done their and offered assistance with his. Liam rubbed against his right and Leora on his left - the two creatures showing their excitement in their own ways. Leora’s glow brightened as her tail wagged excitedly and Shl’Drei could feel the rumble of Liam’s chest on his leg - the big cat purred his approval as the boat got closer to dock.
Last edited by Shl'Drei on Sat Feb 01, 2020 7:49 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 811
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Re: Arrival

Disembarking was a lengthy process, what with making sure everything, everyone was accounted for. Sometime at the start of the voyage Shl’Drei had thought seafaring easy. He quickly fixed his mindset after he his nausea took over on the waves and he lost his dinner. Besides motion sickness he’d nearly lost Leora at one of the stops - the wolf obviously smelled something good and ran off just as they were reloading. Turns out meat pasties were being made and she wanted a raw - despite being aptly fed. Though she lost most of it when they were back on the boat much like Liam. The big cat had lost at least three or four pounds - but Shl’Drei assumed he just needed stable land and he’d recover providing they arrived fast enough. Thankfully the caracal seemed to at least partly adjust to the waters, but that didn’t mean he took kindly to them.

Once all the crew was together and everything was accounted for Shl’Drei was one of the first to leave the ship. The loading dock was busy, but he still wiggled his way through workers to thank the captain for his skill and precision on the waters. Taken with a grain of salt it was, but he still managed to get a laugh out of him before he shooed Shl’Drei away. He was still dizzy from being on water for a while, so he took to walking slowly. Behind him the calls of the captain giving orders could be heard and on either side of him a animal was pressed closely to his side. With land insight he’d need housing… maybe a map? He wasn’t keen on getting lost in this new home.

Before leaving Rharne he’d made sure to pawn his possessions, save for a dagger set and his bullwhip. He sold his house and had taken hard nel offers only. It left him with enough to scape by on, or so he hoped. Still, with a backpack of nel it wasn’t exactly safe to wander around - even if he had extra clothing inside to keep it from rattling together. So he set off, the first stop being anyone who could help him. He hadn’t done much looking into Scalvoris - his move was more impulsive than anything. Still, with the cold smacking his face with the wind he needed to find somewhere he could get some information.

It was a good few breaks before the bustle of the dock turned into a marketplace. Shl’Drei found a small stall selling boots and made his way over - not because he needed them, but because he needed information as quickly as he could get it. He huffed into his hands, the sting of his fingertips in the biting cold reminding him of his need for warmth. He smiled as politely as he could at the older woman manning the stall - though he was sure it looked broken and a little forced given how cold he was. He was immersed in getting the most information possible, the elderly woman was fine with giving it.

“You’ll want the housing office firstly, dear,” She gave him a quick rundown of directions before she continued. She ignored his companions for the most part, only sparing them the occasional glance. He nodded and and forced some nel into her hand as thanks before departing. Once he found the housing office he was quickly offered a new building, a hut in somewhere called Sweetwine Woods. He would be temporary housed in a tavern, but once built and completed the house would be all his with some furnishings. Though he caught on that the place was isolated -perfect to have his pack roam when the wanted. It took almost his entire savings, but it was worth it to have a place to rest and call home. After dropping the payment he wondered back to a tavern near the edge of the town. Naturally they were cautious of his companions.

“They’re both trained, you’ll have no problems from them,” He’d said to the receptionist trying to kick him out. Eventually the owner was called and the rest of his small savings went to bribing them for a place to stay for a bit. Once word arrived that his house was complete he’d leave and they’d never have to worry about his companions again! He could tell it was the coin that swayed them, but he was just grateful for a place to sleep and warm up.

With Liam and Leora in his temporary room, there were other matters to attend to… A job. He needed some kind of income, and the people he’d seen so far didn’t have outside pets. He supposed their had to be a pet shop somewhere - perhaps he could lend a hand with labor somewhere? He’d acquired a map - nothing serious just a basic layout of Egilrum - enough to get him to populated places. With it he saw there was a kennel, but it seemed a little lesser known - the exact location was unclear. In a severe case, if he got the housing office correctly he could get and apprenticeship under whoever Bear was. Apparently he was an occasional wilderness guide but more commonly a woodcutter. If Shl’Drei could learn his way around Sweetwine, the forest he’d be getting comfortable in, it would help greatly. Perhaps he could pick up hunting? Or maybe train to be a guide… He still had a lot to figure out regardless.
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Re: Arrival

☠ Arrival ☠

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

Points awarded: 10

Knowledge: Skill
Endurance: Fighting off Motion Sickness

Scalvoris: Egilrun Docks
Shl'Drei: Gets Motion Sickness

Renown: N/A

Injuries: Muscle soreness in the arms and feet for heavy lifting on a full voyage from Rharne to Scalvoris. It’ll be hard to lift and painful to move for a few trials. Also some lower back pain that will fade after a week but make physical tasks more difficult.

Skill Play: There are a few areas where I’m concerned you are overplaying your skills. Shl’Drei Negotiates his way into the ship fairly easily in exchange for labor, but he is not necessarily any stronger or able to work any harder than the rest of the crew and he’s another mouth to feed (With novice strength and endurance). Additionally the companions he brings seems like it would make it harder to persuade the captain and Shl’Drei is untrained in the arts of persuasion. It also seems that the animals are far too easy to control given that Shl’Drei is a novice and they’re (presumably) at sea for the first time. I wouldn’t say it is impossible to bring them along, but they’d certainly be kept in a cage. The issue is somewhat repeated in his negotiations (also untrained) to get a house. Shl’Drei is also untrained in intelligence so I feel he should have had a much more difficult time figuring out where to go and who to talk to. I feel that these concerns could have been alleviated by diving a little deeper into how he gets from step to step and some failed attempts.

Notes: I thought that this was a fun thread that showed a great journey from one home to another. I always enjoy a good thread set on a ship and I was entertained through him getting ashore and finding their way. Shl’Drei and his pack seem like an interesting addition to Etzos and I look forward to seeing where he goes next!

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Sesser Mark

  • Transformer's Toolbox [Minor]: Azrael can make superficial changes to his appearance (hair, nails, skin, eye, and voice.)
  • Ever Alluring I: Azrael seems to endure harsh conditions better than others and everyone, despite sexual orientation, is just a bit curious what he would be like in bed.

Spirit Impact

  • Darksight: Azrael's perception of light and dark have been flipped, allowing him to see more clearly in an absence of light than in the day.
  • Crow's Embla: So long as he doesn't mention proper names of people, either his own or that of others, he will be able to fit into any setting that he visits in Melrath. Once he uses a proper name of any person (even if it's made up) within another's hearing range, the effect is null until the next trial.

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