• Closed • We're All Going on a Dragon Hunt (2)

The adventure to find the Scalvbeast continues.

10th of Zi'da 719

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Pig Boy
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Re: We're All Going on a Dragon Hunt (2)


Experience: 15 no magic


Stealth x6
Mount (Wagon) x2

Renown: none

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none

Experience: 15 no magic


Detection x4
Stealth x4

Renown: none

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level.

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none

Experience: 15 no magic


Negotiation: saying exactly what you need
Logistics: buying what matches your size
Logistics: don't be late for an important meeting
Animal Handling: don't kick an old cow to get it moving
Tactics: use the world around you
Tactics: a way to hold down a target while distracted
Tactics: using a creature's eating habits against itself

Renown: none

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level

Loot/Losses: Alyssia's purchases (remember to deduct as neceesary from WP, if necessary)

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none
Comments: Another interesting step to the set-up to the actual fight/capture/whathaveyou with the Scalvbeast. Alyssia I changed your logic skill claims to Logistics. Logic isn't a skill. I think it works for the flavor text included, but lemme know if you'd rather get something else.

An interesting conversation Nir'wei has with Tio, telling him about how Ellasin lost her power. I don't think either one of them have all the facts straigtht though, but that's fine. Nobody has omniscient awareness of what exactly went down there.

Good luck with the actual beast itself, you're probably going to need it.

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 263
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