Souls Primer Q & A

Please note: Answers in this archive may be out of date / things may have changed. Do not take for granted anything older than 6 months old. If in doubt - better to ask again.

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Souls Primer Q & A

Souls Primer Q&A

Welcome to the Souls Primer Q&A. Any and all questions surrounding the Souls Primer can be asked here. This page is currently undergoing Lore Analysis. What this means is that I am leading a project to touch up all the information in this page, to make it more consistent with lore across the site, and answer questions that there might be on it. Additionally, we've found some information might be known and isn't included in this page, so the Lore Analysis is part of adding those in as well. So feel free to ask any questions relating strictly to this particular page. We will be doing Lore Analysis on individual magics following the completion of this page.

Souls Primer Lore Updates

This section will be for recording any lore updates for the Souls Primer. This will only be for clarifications, updates, etc. Grammar, spelling, and other such updates do not need to be recorded here. All updates should be detailed within a post within this thread, and linked to the list below.

Sept 19, 2018 - Lore Analysis Begins. ~Aegis
(Date with Url to post) - Brief description of update. ~Name of person who approved and conducted said update
word count: 204

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