
Age: 23 Arcs
Race: Mixed Blood; Sev'ryn, and human
Date of Birth: 7 Vhalar 695
Marks: Celarion; favored
Factions Joined:
Languages Spoken: Fluent: Common, Rakahi, Xanthea, Conversational: none, Broken: Cursive, Scalveen
Face: saoirse ronan
Language Ledger
Skill Points: Used 30 skill points to raise Common from Broken to Conversational
Novice Linguistics: gained Broken Cursive, and Rakahi
Skill Points: Used 65 skill points to raise Rakahi to Fluent
Language Bonus: earned Broken Scalveen for being in Scalvoris from the 76th of Ashan to the 51st of Ymiden
Skill Points: Used 35 skill points to raise Common to Fluent
If asked what her favorite feature was, Lei'lira would say that it was a tie between her hair, and her eyes. Her large, expressive eyes are the windows to her soul. They often betray her true feelings no matter how much she tries to hide them. The feature she likes least is her fair skin. It tans easily in the sun, which is good because she prefers the sun-kissed look. But if she is not careful, her skin tends to burn almost as easily as it tans. As a result, she is careful to keep her skin covered as much as possible when she knows she is going to spend a significant amount of time outside. Lei'lira also wishes that she had a mask of light freckles like her twin's. For as long as she can remember, she has considered freckles to be cute. And at times, she envies her sister for hers.
Lei'lira has great difficulty making eye contact with anyone other than her twin, who she trusts completely. And even that can be hard for her at times. The less she knows and trusts someone, the harder it is for her. Likewise, the less comfortable she is with a situation, the less likely she is to look at someone directly. She is far more comfortable keeping her gaze down, and off to one side, eyes flickering towards the person she is speaking to only occasionally, and for a brief moment. When she walks, she keeps her head down, and her eyes firmly on the ground. She often gives the impression that she wishes she could disappear, and standing at 5'6", she is often able to escape notice.
Lei'lira hates dresses and skirts with a passion. They are difficult to work in, and require far too much effort to wear well, and keep clean. She prefers loose fitting clothes that won't constrict her movements. Unless there is very good reason for it, you will never see her wearing anything other than pants, blouses, and coats or cloaks when it is cold enough to warrant it. She is not a fan of bright colors. Instead, she likes blacks, whites, creams, greys, browns, and dark colors, specifically blues, greens, and purples. But during the hot season, she tends to stick to lighter materials, and colors; whites, light greys, creams, and the like.
When Lei'lira bonded to her familiar, Lei'luna, a mark appeared on her chest, directly above her heart. It is a palm sized black image of a wolf head singing to the moon. The image is slightly raised, giving it a different look than a tattoo would have.
She is very bright, and she loves to learn. As a student, there were subjects that she enjoyed more than others, but there were none that she truly hated. In her eyes, all information has value to those willing to take the time to discover it. Even now that she is no longer a student, Lei'lira takes great enjoyment in learning a new skill that interests her, or a new method to accomplish something she already knows how to do. She also loves to read, and is perfectly happy to spend a rare free morning or afternoon lost in a book.
As a child, Lei'lira was very shy. She was quiet, and hated large crowds. Being at the center of attention frightened her. The only person she was truly comfortable with was her twin, who was her best friend as well as her beloved sister. But she did have a few friends that she was fairly close to in school. They weren't the type that were invited home, but she wasn't the tom boy her sister was, and when Lazuli was playing with the boys, Lei'lira spent time reading, and discussing books, drawing, or making crafts with her friends. A lot of people liked to confide in her because she was a good listener who listened without judging. Although not a social person, she was smart enough that she was the one to go to if you needed help with an assignment. And she would never betray a secret, or pass gossip that she had been trusted with.
She is also very creative. Her mother was a storyteller, and Lei'lira is following in her footsteps. Many long winter nights have been spent curled up in front of the fireplace, telling stories to her sister - much the was their mother used to tell them stories when they were children. Some of the stories Lei'lira tells are stories that she has heard over the years. But many are of her own creation.

Sar'eiris Warrick
Sar'eiris was a stay at home mother, tending to her husband's farm while he was away for long periods of time, serving the Kingdom of Rynmere in his role as a Moseke Knight. She had been on a quest, in search of her animal guide, one that had brought her to this strange, foreign land and seen that her path had crossed with Jared's. She often spoke about love at first sight, of a spell she had fallen under, as if trapped by the man's gaze.
Unlike Lazuli, who was closer to their father, Lei'lira shared a special bond with her mother. As a young child, she spent most of her time with her twin. But when Lazuli was busy, or wanted to spend time alone with her father, Lei'lira spent a great deal of time following her mother around. Their mother loved to explore the woods around their farm when she wasn't out working the land. She spent a good deal of time out hunting. Lei'lira went out with her on many occasions, and learned to love hunting from her mother.
Lei'lira also learned her love of telling stories from her mother. One of her favorite stories was that of how her parents met. She believes wholeheartedly in love at first sight, even if she doesn't think it will ever happen to her. From a very young age, their mother used to tell Lei'lira and her twin stories each night before they went to bed. Lei'lira enjoyed the stories so much that she started creating her own. Her mother even taught her how to play the flute. And if Lei'lira ever had a problem that she needed an adult to help with, she went to her mother over her father.
When their mother decided to leave the family, and return to her birthplace after their father died, her decision nearly destroyed Lei'lira. It left a deep, and lasting impact on her that may never heal completely. Their father didn't have a choice about leaving them; he died. But their mother chose to leave...chose to abandon them. Lei'lira wants to hate her mother for her choice, but she can't. She feels deeply betrayed, and she's angry. But deep down, she fears that it was her fault. That something she did, or didn't do is what drove their mother away.
The loss of her mother left her reeling, and the insecurity left in her wake has had a deep impact on her. She doesn't trust as easily as she once did. And she has retreated into a world consisting of little more than her farm, and her remaining family.

Jared Warrick
Lei'lira's Human father was a descendant of the great Henry Warrick, a founding member of Rynmere. Like the legend, Jared died in battle on a routine mission while stationed in Krom, arc 712 just before Lei'lira's seventeenth birthday, when he was thirty nine. Jared was a warden of the Moseke Knights, hard and battle ready around his men, gentle and softly spoken with his twin daughters, Lei'lira and Lazuli. He was an excellent teacher, endearing father, and loved husband.
As a boy, Jared had dreamed of following in the footsteps of his forefathers and worked hard to gain favor with the local knights, trading the bucket and spade of his farm boy life for a sword and shield, an art he later worked valiantly to teach his two children, who were far more interested in riding horses than learning how to defend themselves. Once Lei'lira discovered a shared love of hunting with her mother, she began to take her father's lessons more seriously. Wanting to learn how to hunt was one thing. But it would be useless if she didn't also know how to use a weapon well enough to be able to kill the animals she hunted. Since the crossbow seemed like a good weapon to use while hunting, Lei'lira chose it as the weapon she wanted to learn.
Although the lessons brought her closer to her father than she had been, Lei'lira remained much closer to her mother. Looking back now, she feels a wistful longing, and a sense of guilt that she didn't spend more time with her father while she had the chance.
Name: Drayas Warrick
Date of Birth: 45 Vhalar, 689
Skills: Blades; 15, Business Management; 50, Intimidation; 20, Psychology; 15
Appearance: Standing at 6'2", Drayas makes an imposing figure with his broad shoulders, and muscular build. He is a Biqaj, so two of his most notable features are his gracefully pointed ears, and the way his eyes change colors. He has wavy black hair, and sports a short beard. When he smiles, there is a roguish charm about him that makes him easy to like. But a scowl or fierce frown darkens his features in such a way that makes him look utterly ruthless.
Drayas wears fine clothes; the best quality he can afford. Some would say that he dresses above his station, but he wears is outfits so well that it is hard to take him to task for it. He prefers dark colors, especially black. And he is rarely seen without some form of jewelry.
Personality: When he wants to be, Drayas is quite the charmer. Outgoing, and friendly, with a boyish charm, it is hard to dislike him when he is in a good mood. But he has a darker side as well. He has a dangerous temper when provoked, and a cruel, vindictive streak when crossed.
Relationship to PC: husband
Anything: 1) Drayas's father is a noble bastard. His grandfather is Gaius Burhan (nee Lael, 51, biqaj male), who had a brief fling with a Biqaj woman that caught his eye, resulting in the birth of his father. When Gaius learned of his child, he agreed to provide some support for him, and see to it that he got the kind of education, given to a noble child. But he refused to acknowledge him as his child. Drayas's father is content with his lot, and happy in life. But when Drayas learns that his grandfather is a Burhan, he longs to be a noble himself, and resents the fact his father isn't acknowledged. 2) Like his father before him, Drayas is a wealthy merchant. He works hard, and becomes known as a good, if ruthless merchant. Over the arcs, he develops his own reputation, and forms a trading relationship with several noble families. But it isn't enough, so when given the chance to marry into nobility, he jumps at the chance; it is his way into the circle that he believes is his by right of birth. He is chosen because he is known to the nobles as a skilled merchant who does business with them. He is powerful for what he is, and has the funds to offer a good life to Lei'lira. But since he is marrying into a higher class, the marriage puts him in a position where he owes the Warrick family. He resents this deeply, and takes it out on his wife in private.
***As of 75 Zi'da, Drayas is dead***
Approval Link: here
Name: Tiran Warrick
Date of Birth: 67 Zi'da, 716
Skills: Agriculture; 5, Animal Husbandry; 20, Animal Training; 10, Business Management; 50, Hunting; 5, Ranged Combat; 10
Appearance: Tiran is a mixed blood; 1/2 Biqaj, 1/4 human, and 1/4 Sev'ryn. He has bright red hair, and hazel eyes. His ears are delicately pointed like his father's. His bright red hair, and hazel eyes come from his father, as well. But he inherited his mother's facial features, and fair skin. And his eyes do not change colors the way a Biqaj's do. His limbs are long, suggesting that he will be quite tall when he reaches his full height. When awake, he always appears alert.
Personality: Tiran is incredibly bright. He loves to learn new things, and is always exploring the world around him with avid interest. To help him in his endeavors, he is very observant. Very little gets past him, and he has perfect recall; always remembering what he sees/hears/reads. He is quite creative, and is constantly getting himself into and out of trouble. Fortunately, he has a boyish charm that makes it very difficult to stay angry at him for any length of time.
Tiran is friendly, and outgoing. He has an easy way about him that makes others comfortable in his presence. He loves to tease people, and to play pranks. But he is very sensitive to the needs, and moods of others. When teasing someone he likes, it is always light hearted, and fun; nothing that is likely to upset them. Likewise, if they are not in a mood to enjoy his teasing, he will refrain from doing so. If he is teasing someone he doesn't like, it can turn a bit nastier. But he only teases them about the qualities he finds fault with; never something they can't help. And like with his friends, if he feels they are in a mood to be hurt by his teasing, he won't do it. It is the same with his pranks. When done to people he likes, they are always amusing, and meant to lighten a situation, or life someone's spirits. When played on someone he doesn't like, they can turn nastier, but still will never truly hurt anyone. And as with his teasing, they are used to point out qualities he doesn't like about the person he is playing pranks on.
When slighted, Tiran is quick to anger. But he is equally quick to forgive once an apology is offered. But hurt a friend, or loved one, and you've got an enemy for life in him. Tiran is fiercely protective of his friends and loved ones.
Relationship to PC: son
Anything: Tiran will grow into his skills as he gets older.
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Name: Taerin Warrick
Date of Birth: 67 Zi'da, 716
Skills: Agriculture; 5, Animal Husbandry; 50, Animal Training; 15, Cooking; 10, Musical Instrument; flute; 10, Storytelling; 10
Appearance: Taerin is a mixed blood; 1/2 Biqaj, 1/4 human, and 1/4 Sev'ryn. She has bright red hair, and delicately pointed ears that she inherited from her father. But her piercing blue eyes, fair skin, and facial features come from her mother. And her eyes do not change colors the way a Biqaj's do. She has long limbs, suggesting that she will rival her twin in height when she is full grown.
Personality: Taerin is very bright. She loves to learn new things, and has perfect recall like her twin. But rather than her brother's desire to explore, she tends to be more creative. She loves music in all its forms, and enjoys learning how to play the flute from her mother. She also loves stories, whether it is hearing them, or making them up on her own to share with others.
Like her mother, she is quiet, and shy. Other than her family, she is more comfortable with animals than she is with people. She is also very much a homebody as her mother is; she would be perfectly content never traveling outside Warrick, and spending most of her time on the family farm. There is a sweet, child like innocence about her that makes it easy to like her. Those who are close to her tend to be very protective, sheltering her from people who would take advantage of her innocence.
Relationship to PC: daughter
Anything: 1) Taerin is the younger twin by an hour. 2) She will grow into her skills as she gets older.
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Name: Eriana (Eri)
Date of Birth: 119 Ashan 704
Skills: Animal Husbandry; 10, Animal Training; 15, Drawing; 13, Gardening; 26, Linguistics; 26, Mount; 10
Appearance: Standing at 3'7", Eri is small for her age. This combined with a waif like build make her look younger than she truly is. But she has a haunted, wary expression in her soft brown eyes most of the time. Her expression tends to make her look older since no one her age should have seen anything that would make her that cautious and wary of others. Eri has waist length light brown hair that has warm auburn highlights when the light hits it the right way. She is of mixed blood, being half Sev'ryn, and half Biqaj. Her Biqaj heritage shows in her delicately pointed ears, and auburn highlights.
Personality: Eriana was once a shy, gentle soul. Kind to all who met her, she had a sweet innocence about her that made it difficult not to like her. She was a good listener, and bright enough that she often had good advice to offer as well as being a sympathetic ear. But seeing her family slaughtered by bandits, and being captured by those bandits along with her sister changed her. So did the trauma of being a captive, and seeing the fates of the other captives changed her even more
Now, she is wary, and cautious. She has great difficulty trusting anyone, especially adults, and men even more so. She is angry at the world, and terrified of drawing attention to herself for fear of being captured again. She is defensive, and bitter, but it is all a mask to hide how hurt and terrified she really is. For all that she tries to convince others that she is tough, hard, and doesn't need anyone, deep down, she is a frightened child.
Relationship to PC: ward/slave
Anything: 1) When Lei'lira met Eri, she had recently escaped from bandits. Her family had been slaughtered, and the survivors captured. The bandits branded her with a personal brand with the intention of selling her as a slave. Eri drew the attention of the guards down on herself because she stole food to survive after escaping the bandits with a younger child. A guard caught up with her at the same time Lei'lira found her hiding in her barn with the younger child. She struggled to escape, and her brand was discovered in the struggle. The guard arrested her, and brought her in to Andaris to be given the Rynmere slave brand, and registered as a slave. Since she was a thief, Lei'lira wasn't given the option of freeing her instead of registering her as a slave. So instead, Lei'lira bought her once she had been registered, and brought her back to the farm. Although Eri is a slave, Lei'lira sees her more as a ward who works for her in exchange for room and board. 2) Eri's personal brand is a palm sized star within a circle with wavy lines coming out of each point of the star. It is located on her right side, shoulder, and thigh. She will bear the brand of the symbol of Rynmere on her left side once she is registered as a slave in thread. 3) Due to her stealing things (food to survive), Lei'lira was not given the option of freeing her instead of registering her as a slave, and buying her. But in the future, after her debt has been paid through time as a slave, it may be possible for her to be freed. 4) Eri is deeply grateful to Lei'lira for buying her, and sparing her from a much worse fate. Lei'lira treats her more as a friend or part of the family than a slave. But at the same time, she is very angry, and bitter about being enslaved. Some of that anger is directed at Lei'lira because Lei'lira is her master. 5) Eri is fluent in Xanthea. Since she is competent in Linguistics, rather than taking two easy languages at the broken level, she is conversational in Rakahi.
*as of the 33rd of Ymiden 717 Eri has been freed*
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Name: Teia
Date of Birth: 119 Ashan 693
Skills: Animal Husbandry; 10, Animal Training; 30, Baking; 10, Cooking; 30, Mount; 10, Sewing; 10
Appearance: Teia has a tall, graceful build with curves in all of the right places. Her features are rather plain, but her warm red hair, and blue eyes that sparkle when she smiles give her a quiet beauty. Her delicately pointed ears and red hair make her look more Biqaj than Sev'ryn, but her diminutive height of 5'3" is proof of her Sev'ryn heritage.
Personality: Teia is a strong, determined young woman. She tends to be quiet when placed in an unfamiliar situation, preferring to listen, and observe until she understands what is going on before deciding on how to proceed. She is not an impulsive person, but once she has made her mind up, very little will persuade her to change her mind. Teia is very intelligent, and she has a good eye for character.
In some ways, Teia was broken by what she endured at the hands of the bandits who captured her. Her trust in others that was once so easily given has taken a huge blow, and she has become deeply wary of men. But her inner strength has left her determined to get past what she suffered and go on with her life rather than letting it destroy her. She has always been very protective of what she cares about, and seeing the cruelty that others can be capable of has only made her even more protective. But there are times when nightmares, or flashbacks leave her feeling especially vulnerable, and she is the one who needs to be protected.
Relationship to PC: close friend/like a sister
Anything: 1) Teia is Eri's older sister, and the only other survivor of their family, 2) Teia's personal brand is a palm sized star within a circle with wavy lines coming out of each point of the star. It is located on her right side, buttock, and thigh. She bears the brand of the symbol of Rynmere on her left side, and will bear the small sword mark over her right cheekbone once she is bought and freed by Lei'lira in thread.
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***approval thread***
Name: Teirue
Date of Birth: 1 Vhalar 714
Skills: none yet
Appearance: Teirue is a tiny wisp of a girl. She is small for her age, and has a frail look about her. But she is an adorable child with the promise of growing into a beautiful women as she gets older. Teirue has pale blond hair that just barely touches her shoulders. Her large blue eyes sparkle when she smiles, and her keen gaze gives you the impression that she can see through to your soul. Although she is half Sev'ryn, she looks more like her Biqaj mother, inheriting her blond hair, and delicately pointed ears from her.
Personality: Teirue is a sweet, gentle child. She can be shy around strangers, and is easily startled and frightened, but she is warm and loving towards those who have earned her trust. Teirue can be incredibly sensitive, which leads to her being hurt easily, but she is also very empathetic towards others. This makes her a great listener, and an even better friend. Once her trust is earned, she is incredibly loyal, but that is harder to do now because of the things she has seen. Teirue is a bright, curious child. She is also very creative. She loves beautiful things, and tends to collect them. Her Sev'ryn nature shows in a deep love of nature.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Teirue was the only survivor when bandits slaughtered her family, and took her. While a captive, she met Eri, who protected her as best she could. And when she escaped from the bandits, Eri took Teirue with her. 2) Lei'lira adopts her as her own child when she finds Teirue and Eri hiding in her barn.
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***approval thread***
and when he's a bit older
Name: Kaien Warrick
Date of Birth: 19 Saun, 717
Skills: none yet; will develop them in thread when he gets old enough
Appearance: Kaien is an adorable child. With black hair, and eyes, he tends to take after his father in looks more than his mother. But the shape of his face, and facial features is all Lei'lira.
Personality: Kaien is a charming little rascal. Bright, and curious, he loves life, and it shows. He loves adventure, and is always looking for another challenge. Kaien can be very stubborn when his will is thwarted, and he has something of a temper. But he forgives and forgets easily if the slight is against him; hurt someone he loves, and you will have an enemy for life. Kaien is incredibly protective of what he loves.
Relationship to PC: son
Anything: 1) As Drayas's son, he is a painful reminder of Lei'lira's time with her husband. And him being a boy seems like Drayas got one last triumph over Lei'lira because he wanted a son. But she loves him dearly despite all of this. 3) Since Lei'lira's first born twins were sired by a bandit in an act of violence, and they cannot be claimed to have been sired by her husband, Kaien is often seen as the first born Warrick child by some of the Warrick family.
*This NPC is free of cost until he turns 3 arcs because he is starting with no skills*
***approval thread***
Name: Lil'ari
Date of Birth: 13 Ashan, 706
Skills: Animal Husbandry: 10, Baking; 26, Candlemaking: 10, Caregiving: 10, Cooking: 26, Mount: 10, Storytelling: 8
Appearance: Lil'ari has a thin, graceful build, and her calloused hands betray the fact that she is no stranger to hard work. A bright, cautious expression fills piercing green eyes that seem to miss nothing that happens around her. Her most attractive feature is her wavy, waist length brown hair. As a Sev'ryn, she bears the tattoo of a willow tree on her left hip, given to her when she was one month old.
Personality: Lil'ari is a bright, intelligent child. In better circumstances, she would be filled with curiosity, and a deep love of life. But her past has made her wary, and cautious. So she watches the world around her, taking in everything, but acting only when she has had time to think about the right course of action. She loves to learn, but only when she has first determined that what she wants to learn about is safe. When she loves, she loves deeply. She is fiercely protective of those she cares about, and there isn't anything she wouldn't do for them. But she rarely speaks to anyone who hasn't earned her trust. Lil'ari loves animals; far more than people in most cases. She can be very nurturing, and kind...but only towards the few she cares about. Others will see her as being cold, and aloof, separate from the world around her. Lil'ari is a very good judge of character, mostly because she is very observant, and catches subtle clues that many others would miss. It doesn't take her long to decide whether someone can be trusted or not. But even if she feels they can be, actual trust comes far more slowly, only when she had gotten to know them, and has been given proof that her initial judgement is warranted. Someone else in her situation might become bitter, or feel that they are a victim. Instead, Lil'ari has become very independent. She tries to be someone those she cares about can rely on rather than allowing herself to rely on them. And she hates the thought of being a burden with a passion. The slightest thought that she might be will still deep insecurities within her, and she will drive herself into the ground to prove herself not to be a burden if allowed to do so. Even so, when around her loved ones, she will sometimes allow herself to relax, and have fun, simply enjoying their company.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Lil'ari's mother was a Sev'ryn who was not born in Desnind. The woman journeyed to the city of her people when she began having dreams about her familiar, and followed the call. While in Desnind, she fell in love with the city, and thought she had found the home that she'd been craving all her life. This feeling was enhanced when she bonded to her familiar, and fell in love with a man who had lived in Desnind all his life. They were married, and she was with child not long after she married. But her life before coming to Desnind had been a very hard one. She had been on her own from a very young age, stealing to survive for as long as she could remember. Over the arcs, the need to steal became a compulsion for her; one she couldn't overcome even after she no longer needed to steal to survive. Repeated thefts caused friction between her, and her husband; so much so that when the time came that it was decided that she needed to be exiled, a part of him was glad to see her go, even knowing that he would never get to see his child. She didn't have the skills needed to survive on her own, so she was left with the choice of boarding a slave ship, or a slow death; it was a close decision, but she chose slavery. The woman ended up in Rynmere where she was bought by a captain in the Iron Hand. Lil'ari was born soon after her mother was bought by her new master. Arcs later, her mother gave birth to a second child. It was a difficult labor, and she never fully recovered from it. Growing steadily weaker over the course of six arcs, she finally succumbed to death. 2) Her mother's master joined the Qe'dreki, and was executed for his crimes when he was arrested in Vhalar of 716. Lil'ari and her younger sister were sentenced to working in the mines of Endor, but they escaped that fate when they escaped from the caravan headed to Endor. They were found by a family of traders who took them in. But illness claimed the lives of the family while they were seeking shelter from the cold seasons in Venora. With no one else willing to take responsibility for them, they were taken to the orphanage. 3) Lil'ari was never enslaved, but she grew up with the threat of it as a constant companion. This, combined with the abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother's master, and the neglect she endured from her broken mother has made her extremely protective of her younger sister. It has also made her wary of most adults. But once her trust and loyalty have been earned, there isn't anything she wouldn't do for someone she has come to care for. 4) Lil'ari is thought to be bad luck by the other kids in the orphanage. As a result, her only friends are her younger sister, who is also thought to be bad luck, and Atrayas, a boy who has just as few friends as Lil'ari does because he is considered to be bad blood. Lil'ari has something of a crush on her best friend, Atrayas. 5) Tenrai is Lil'ari's familiar. She is a winged tortoise shell cat that is the size of a puma. Her form represents both Lil'ari's fierce independence (feline), and need for freedom (wings/flight). Dreams of her familiar first started coming when she was eight arcs old. She didn't have to travel far distance wise in order to find Tenrai, but it took her three long arcs to find her all the same because she had to admit to herself that she couldn't do everything herself, that she, like everyone else had times when she needed to rely on others...and that it was okay to do so.
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***Approval thread***
Name: Kei'iru
Date of Birth: 113, Ashan 710
Skills: Animal Husbandry: 10, Candlemaking: 5, Cooking: 10, Drawing: 26, Mount: 10, Musical Instrument; Flute: 26, Singing: 5, Writing: 8
Appearance: In some ways, Kei'iru looks much like her older sister. They have the same piercing green eyes, body type, and facial features. But she inherited her delicately pointed ears from her father, and her long, straight hair has reddish undertones that make it look more auburn than brown, especially in the light.
Personality: On the surface, Kei'iru is a happy, carefree child. No one could call her outgoing, but she is polite and friendly towards everyone she meets. But that is a mask she hides behind; she doesn't want to be hurt by others, so she tries to make them like her. Most of the people who would say she was their friend never get close to her true self, and there are few people she truly trusts. For those few, she loves them deeply, and there isn't anything she wouldn't do for them. In her deepest heart, Kei'iru is very insecure, believing herself to be a curse to those she cares about because of the way she was born.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Kei'iru was a product of rape. While her mother was alive, she made very sure that Kei'iru knew that. She convinced her own daughter that she should never have been born. Kei'iru lives her life trying desperately to prove (to herself, and everyone else) that her mother was wrong, and that she deserves to be alive as much as anyone else does. 2) Because of what her mother instilled in her, Kei'iru is convinced that her mother died because of her. Her mother was weakened by her birth, and never truly recovered from it, so deep down, she wonders if she really is the curse her mother claimed she was. 3) Kei'iru loves her older sister more than anyone. Lil'ari is her best friend as well as her big sister.
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***Approval thread***
Name: Atreyas
Date of Birth: 29 Cylus, 702
Skills: Animal Husbandry: 26, Blades; dagger: 10, Fishing: 10, Mount: 10, Storytelling: 8, Trap Making: 10, Unarmed Combat: brawling: 26
Appearance: Atreyas has a scruffy look about him, with his shaggy brown hair that barely brushes his shoulders, and dark skin. Some people would say that he looks like a bandit. He is tall for his age, and has strong, well defined features. His Sev'ryn mother gave him the deep brown eyes that shine with an inner warmth when he is happy or amused, and darken in anger. But for the most, he more closely resembles his Biqaj father, having gotten his delicately pointed ears, shaggy hair, and strong, wiry build from him.
Personality: Atreyas is a kind soul, but experience has hardened him, teaching him to be wary of others. This has left him intensely loyal to, and fiercely protective of the people he cares about, but it is often hard to earn his trust. He is intelligent, and curious, but cautious, and suspicious. He is endlessly patient with the people he cares about, but defensive, and quick to anger around others. And he has a temper; hurt someone he cares about, and you have an enemy for life. He will hunt you down and destroy you if it is the last thing he ever does.
Relationship to PC: adopted son
Anything: 1) Atreyas is the son of a bandit, and a woman his father enslaved. His mother died when he was five, killed for trying to escape his father. And his father was put to death for his crimes when he was twelve. 2) Atreyas lived on his own for an arc. It is quite possible that he would have been forced into the life of a bandit himself, or enslaved had he not been caught trying to pickpocket the right person. The man who caught him was a kind scholar. He would have adopted Atreyas himself, but his age, and failing health made him unfit to be the parent of an active teenager. So he brought Atreyas to the orphanage in Venora, hoping that he would find a family that would truly appreciate him. The scholar made donations to the orphanage when he could afford to do so, and visited Atreyas from time to time until he died when Atreyas was fourteen. 3) Being the son of a bandit, Atreyas is considered to be "bad blood," and as such, most of the other kids in the orphanage hate him. He might have been bullied by some of them, except for the fact that he is strong enough to hold his own, and if pushed, will give back as good as he gets in a fight. 4) Atreyas has learned to be wary of others. But he is fiercely protective of the few he cares about - including Lil'ari (who he considers to be his best friend, and has a crush on), and Kei'iru, who he considers to be his younger sister. 5) Tanris is his familiar. He is a three tailed wolf that is the size of a horse. His familiar reflects his loyalty and protectiveness to those he loves (pack is everything to a wolf).
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***Approval thread***
Name: Evan
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 113th Ashan, 710
Languages: Fluent Xanthea, Conversational Cerke, Common, and Perwarshian, Broken Basa, Murnasian, and Pij'thak
Skills: Animal Husbandry; 10 (novice), Drawing; 13 (novice), Linguistics; 26 (competent), Research; 26 (competent),
Appearance: Evan is kind of...average for a boy his age. He is neither tall nor short for his age. Neither overly plump, or unnaturally thin. His light blond hair and crystal blue eyes are unusual in a Sev'ryn, but not so much so that they are remarkable. What is of special note is his expressions. When he is happy, his smile lights up his whole face, and draws you in; seeing it is almost a guarantee to lighten your own mood if you are feeling down. When something is troubling him, he can't hide it no matter how hard he tries. And when faced with something he is passionate about, his entire body shows it.
Personality: There are two sides of him. When he plays, he is a charming rogue with an impish grin. But his antics are well meaning, and often well thought out in an attempt to lighten the mood of someone he cares about. But he has a serious side as well. Evan is a genius who loves to read. His greatest passion is for languages; get him talking about them, and he will never stop, given the choice. He is also very observant. Very little escapes his notice, and when someone he cares about is involved, he often acts in accordance to what he thinks will best please them. Evan is friendly enough to most people, but he tends to keep them at a distance unless he truly cares about them.
Relationship to PC: adopted son
Anything: 1) He was adopted soon after Kei'iru was, but his new parents took sick and died a season later. He was captured by slavers while trying to make it back to the orphanage in Venora. But his master quickly saw his intelligence, and put him to work researching things for him, and translating books. So his time as a slave was not as cruel as it could have been, 2) He has two brands on the backs of his shoulders - the one marking him as a slave on his left shoulder and the cross marking him as a freed slave on his right shoulder, 3) He was a skilled male slave when Lei'lira bought him, so he is starting with the skills of one (2 or more competent skills), but Lei'lira also paid the 300 GN for her before freeing him, 4) His initial languages are fluent Xanthea, and broken Perwarshian. Novice linguistics gives him broken Cerke and Common. Competent linguistics ranked his Cerke, Common, and Perwarshian up to conversational, and gave him broken Basa and Pij'thak. And 25 exp will go towards him gaining broken Murnasian if this is allowed since competent linguistics allows 8 languages.
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***Approval thread***
Name: Ryl'ari
Race: Mixed; 3/4 Sev'ryn, 1/4 human
Date of Birth: 11th Ymiden, 718
Skills: none until she turns 3 arcs
Appearance: With long black hair, and black eyes, Ryl'ari takes after her father more than her mother in appearance.
Personality: Ryl'ari is bold, and daring; she will try anything once if it catches her interest. She loves a good challenge, and obstacles in her path will only make her more determined to succeed. She can be stubborn and willful at times, and she hates to admit that she is wrong. But she is a good kid, and will do anything for those she cares about. Ryl'ari has a fierce protective streak. Although she is usually quick to forgive and forget, threatening someone she loves will earn you an enemy forever.
Relationship to PC: daughter
Anything: 1) Viran of Faction VII is her father, 2) She is the elder twin (identical), 3) She is free until she turns 3 arcs, and will begin earning skills from that time on.
Approval Thread here
Name: Mei'rune
Race: Mixed; 3/4 Sev'ryn, 1/4 human
Date of Birth: 11th Ymiden, 718
Skills: none until she turns 3 arcs
Appearance: With long black hair, and black eyes, Mei'rune takes after her father more than her mother in appearance.
Personality: In many ways, Mei'rune is the opposite of her twin. Where Ryl is bold, Mei'rune is quiet, and shy. Mei'rune is easily intimidated by strangers, and it takes a long time for her to open up to anyone she doesn't know. But once someone has earned her trust, they have a friend for life. And there isn't anything she wouldn't do for someone she loves. She has a gentle, caring nature that she gets from her mother.
Relationship to PC: daughter
Anything: 1) Viran of Faction VII is her father, 2) She is the younger twin (identical), 3) She is free until she turns 3 arcs, and will begin earning skills from that time on.
Approval Thread here
Name: Ei'ryl
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 15th Ashan 705
Skills: Cooking; 5, Gardening; 7, Linguistics; 26, Musical Instrument; Glass Flute; 26, Singing; 10, Woodworking; 26
Appearance: At 13, Ei'ryl has yet to grow into her full height, but she currently stands at 4'7". She has a graceful, willowy build and moves with the grace of a willow tree bending in the wind. Her fair skin and delicate features suggest that she will be a beautiful woman when she reaches her full maturity. Even now, she is a very comely child. Ei'ryl has pale blond hair, and large, expressive stunning blue eyes.
Personality: As the elder twin, Ei'ryl feels a burning desire to succeed in all that she does. She feels a responsibility towards her family, and will do anything it takes to see them safe, and happy. Ei'ryl is bright and clever. She tends to pick things up quickly...if she is interested in them. But if she isn't, she will struggle to put in the necessary effort to learn the basics, or as much as she feels she needs to know about the subject. Ei'ryl loves beautiful things. Whether it is a song, or a painting, a stunning garden, or a beautiful house, Ei'ryl admires and greatly respects the hard work and creative genius that goes into creating a work of beauty. She longs for the ability to create beauty of her own, and she spends much of her time pursuing that goal. Ei'ryl is friendly and outgoing. She has a natural charm that allows her to make friends without even trying to. She also has a protective streak. Animals and younger children love her because they sense that they are safe around her. Her protective streak is strongest towards her family. Ei'ryl also has a stubborn streak; when she is determined to do something, very little will stop her.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Ei'ryl's parents left Desnind when her mother began dreaming of her ose-bori. Her mother was pregnant with her at the time, but the need to find her ose-bori was too strong to ignore. Their journey took them to Scalvoris where her mother found her ose-bori shortly before giving birth to twins. The stress of the trip took its toll on her, and although she survived, she never recovered fully. The money her parents had left went to medical bills rather than fare to return home. And when she regained enough strength, they both got jobs to earn enough to return home. But they grew to love the island, and they decided to stay. They gave birth to two more children before her mother finally died, not strong enough to survive her final pregnancy. Her father died of grief less than a season later. Ei'ryl was 8 at the time. 2) Ei'ryl and her sisters were left in the of a scholar that her parents had become close friends with over the arcs. He loved the kids as if they were his own, and became a mentor to them as well as working at the University. It was only natural that he take them when their parents died. But he was old, and his health slowly began to fail. He finally succumbed to death when Ei'ryl was 11. 3) Ei'ryl and her sisters didn't have anyone else to take them in, so they lived on the streets until Luna's Dream was started in Vhalar 717. Wanting to provide everything she could for her remaining family, Ei'ryl approached the people who were in charge and offered to work for them in exchange for sanctuary for her sisters. Instead, she was taken in as well. The girls were given a place to call home and the opportunity to explore their interests and get a good education while deciding what they wanted to be when they grew up. 4) Ei'ryl has an ose-bori named Sarasin that she found during her time on the streets. Sarasin is a horse, symbolizing the driving force that demands the best out of her in all that she does. 5) Eiryl's initial languages were Common (fluent), and Scalveen (broken). Novice level linguistics gave her broken Xanthea, and Rakahi. Competent level linguistics gave her broken Cursive and Omyeric, and ranked her Xanthea, Rakahi, and Scalveen up to conversational. So she is fluent in Common, Conversational in Xanthea, Rakahi, and Scalveen, and Broken in Cursive and Omyeric.
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Approval Thread here
Name: Ei'ryn
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 15th Ashan, 705
Skills: Animal Husbandry; 8, Cooking; 5, Drawing; 26, Gardening; 10, Linguistics; 26, Musical Instrument; Glass Flute; 15, Painting; 10
Appearance: Ei'ryn is identical to her older twin sister
Personality: Ei'ryn is a creative genius. She loves beautiful things, and her one desire for herself is to learn how to bring more beauty to the world. As a Sev'ryn, she tends to find more beauty in the natural world than any other place, but she has a good eye, and knows how to see the beauty in just about anything. She is smart, and observant. But she is also timid, and painfully shy. Aside from her sisters, and a few trusted friends, she tends to keep people at a distance. She is easily intimidated, and it isn't easy to earn her trust. But she will do anything for her family and friends, so if her trust is earned, you have a very loyal friend. She loves animals, and tends to deal with them better than most people. Ei'ryn tends to be quiet and introspective. But she "speaks" through her art quite clearly.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Ei'ryn's parents left Desnind when her mother began dreaming of her ose-bori. Her mother was pregnant with her at the time, but the need to find her ose-bori was too strong to ignore. Their journey took them to Scalvoris where her mother found her ose-bori shortly before giving birth to twins. The stress of the trip took its toll on her, and although she survived, she never recovered fully. The money her parents had left went to medical bills rather than fare to return home. And when she regained enough strength, they both got jobs to earn enough to return home. But they grew to love the island, and they decided to stay. They gave birth to two more children before her mother finally died, not strong enough to survive her final pregnancy. Her father died of grief less than a season later. Ei'ryn was 8 at the time. 2) Ei'ryn and her sisters were left in the of a scholar that her parents had become close friends with over the arcs. He loved the kids as if they were his own, and became a mentor to them as well as working at the University. It was only natural that he take them when their parents died. But he was old, and his health slowly began to fail. He finally succumbed to death when Ei'ryn was 11. 3) Ei'ryn and her sisters didn't have anyone else to take them in, so they lived on the streets until Luna's Dream was started in Vhalar 717. 4) Ei'ryn has an ose-bori named Hoshi that she bonded to before her parents died. Hoshi is a rabbit, symbolizing creativity, cleverness, fertility, fear, and anxiety. 5) Ei'ryn's initial languages were Common (fluent), and Scalveen (broken). Novice level linguistics gave her broken Xanthea, and Cursive. Competent level linguistics gave her broken Rakahi and Omyeric, and ranked her Xanthea, Cursive, and Scalveen up to conversational. So she is fluent in Common, Conversational in Xanthea, Cursive, and Scalveen, and Broken in Rakahi and Omyeric.
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Approval Thread here
Name: Sai'ryl
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 1st Vhalar, 709
Skills: Baking; 5, Candlemaking; 5, Cooking; 10, Gardening; 10, Linguistics; 26, Medicine; 5, Research; 9, Singing; 5, Storytelling; 20, Writing; 5
Appearance: Sai'ryl is a younger version of her older sisters. She has the same fair skin, delicate features, pale blond hair, and large, beautiful blue eyes. But she is tiny, even for her age. Standing at 3'5", it seems unlikely that she will ever reach the same height her older sisters will when they reach their full growth.
Personality: Sai'ryl's nickname is "Little Mother" for a reason. She has a kind, gentle nature, and her greatest joy is to make others happy. Sai'ryl is eager to please the people she cares about. She is bright, and she tends to learn quickly, but unless she is interested in what she is learning, she is unlikely to stay with it for long. She is a sensitive soul, and can't bear to see violence.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Sai'ryl was only 4 when her parents died, so she doesn't remember them clearly. Her clearest memories of them are her mother's smile, and beautiful voice, and the stories her father loved to tell them. 2) Sai'ryl and her sisters were left in the of a scholar that her parents had become close friends with over the arcs. He loved the kids as if they were his own, and became a mentor to them as well as working at the University. It was only natural that he take them when their parents died. But he was old, and his health slowly began to fail. He finally succumbed to death when Sai'ryl was 6. 3) Sai'ryl and her sisters didn't have anyone else to take them in, so they lived on the streets until Luna's Dream was started in Vhalar 717. 4) Sai'ryl's initial languages are fluent Common, and broken Dehasin (learned while being with her parents as they helped some slaves they'd befriended). Novice linguistics gave her broken Xanthea and Scalveen. Competent linguistics gave her broken Cursive and Rakahi, and ranked her Xanthea, Dehasin, and Scalveen up to Conversational. So she is fluent in Common, Conversational in Xanthea, Dehasin, and Scalveen, and Broken in Cursive and Rakahi.
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Approval Thread here
Name: Tae'ryn
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 3rd Cylus, 713
Skills: Animal Husbandry; 5, Baking; 5, Cooking; 5, Gardening; 5, Linguistics; 26, Mount; 10, Musical Instrument; Glass Flute; 10, Singing; 15, Storytelling; 14, Writing; 5
Appearance: Tae'ryn looks much like her sisters, but her hair is a little darker, more of a light brown or dark blond than pale blond. And at 5, she still has the remains of baby fat left in her face that her time on the streets hadn't stripped from her.
Personality: Tae'ryn is shy around strangers, but once she gets to know someone, she warms up around them. She is friendly, caring, and eager to please. She is deeply attached to the people she loves, and she can be very clingy when she is frightened.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Tae'ryn doesn't remember her parents at all since her mother died giving birth to her, and her father died soon afterwards. As a result, she was hit harder by the loss of the scholar who took them in than by the loss of her parents. 2) Tae'ryn's initial languages are fluent Common, and broken Scalveen. Novice linguistics gave her broken Xanthea and Pailtic (learned from a tourist who helped her when she got lost on an errand). Competent linguistics gave her broken Cursive and Ku'aric (learned from the same tourist), and ranked her Xanthea, Pailtic, and Scalveen up to Conversational. So she is fluent in Common, Conversational in Xanthea, Pailtic, and Scalveen, and Broken in Cursive and Ku'aric.
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Approval Thread here
Name: Liu'yerin
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 121st, Ashan 695
Languages: Fluent Xanthea, Conversational Common, Dehasin, and Sulnysian, Broken Rakahi, and Scalveen
Skills: Linguistics; 26 (competent), Medicine; 22 (novice), Needlecraft; 26 (competent), Textile Production; 26 (competent)
Appearance: Liu'yerin stands at 5'3", and has a graceful, willowy build. Her straight black hair falls to the middle of her back, and is normally worn loose, or pulled into a braided pony tail. She has blue eyes that are so dark that they appear black at times. Liu'yerin has a soft look that many would consider to be quite beautiful.
Personality: Liu'yerin is a kind, gentle soul. She can be shy around strangers, but once she warms up to someone, she allows them to see who she really is.
Relationship to PC: childhood friend
Anything: 1) Liu'yerin is bonded to a falcon ose-bori named Sora, 2) She is Ryu'lian's half sister; her mother and his are twins, but hers was married to their father, 3) Lei'ira found her in a slave auction as she was on her way out of Andaris. She bought her friend, and freed her immediately. When given the choice to come with Lei'lira, or make her own way, Liu'yerin chose to come with Lei'lira and start a new life in Rharne, 4) She was a skilled female slave when Lei'lira bought her, so she is starting with the skills of one (2 or more competent), but Lei'lira also paid the 350 GN for her before freeing her, 5) Her initial languages are Xanthea (fluent), and Dehasin (broken). Novice linguistics gave her broken Sulnysian and Common. Competent linguistics ranked her Common, Dehasin, and Sulnysian up to conversational, and gave her broken Scalveen and Rakahi, 5) Both of her brands are located on the base of her neck, with the one freeing her above the one that enslaved her. She likes to keep both hidden by her hair when she can.
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Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 121st Ashan, 695
Languages: Fluent Xanthea, and Broken Common
Skills: Agriculture; 26 (competent), Endurance; 10 (novice), Strength; 12 (novice) , Unarmed Combat (Da'Riya); 26 (competent), Woodworking; 26 (competent)
Appearance: Ryu'lian is on the tall side, standing at 5'8". He has broad shoulders, and muscles that are well defined from arcs of hard work. His skin is bronzed from the sun, and he has dark brown hair and eyes. When he is truly angry, he can look very intimidating, but that tends to be a rare sight unless someone he loves has been hurt, or is being threatened. More often than not, he can be seen with a smile that lights up his eyes. There is a roguish charm about him that makes him easily approachable.
Personality: As a child, Ryu'lian played hard, and worked hard. He had a love of life that made him throw his all into everything that he did. For the most part, that has not changed. But hard times as a slave have tempered that joy in life with bouts of grim determination, and have given him an incredible endurance for what must be endured. He has a ready smile, and a friendly, outgoing nature, but it is only those who he cares deeply about that he truly warms up to. The rest are kept at a friendly, casual distance. Ryu'lian has a deep pride in his abilities, and a confidence in himself that serves him well. He is also quite intelligent, and thoughtful. Very little escapes his notice even if he might choose not to act on it. But his most defining quality is a fierce protectiveness of his loved ones, and a deep desire to make them happy.
Relationship to PC: childhood friend and possibly future husband
Anything: 1) Ryu'lian is bonded to a wolf ose-bori named Ryl, 2) Lei'lira found him at a slave auction when she was leaving Andaris, and bought him; she freed him immediately. When given the choice of going his own way, or coming with her, he and his half sister chose to go with her and make a new life for themselves in Rharne, 3) He and his half sister Liu'yerin see each other as twins since they were born on the same trial, and their mothers were twins, 4) He was a skilled male slave when Lei'lira bought him, so he is starting with the skills of one (2 or more competent skills), but Lei'lira also paid the 300 GN for her before freeing him, 5) He bears a large ornate circular brand on his right shoulder, and the cross proving that he is a freed slave on his right shoulder, 6) He is fluent in Xanthea, and has broken Common.
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Prized Posession
When Sar'eiris returned to her homeland, she left her flute behind. Lei'lira doesn't know if she simply forgot it in her rush to abandon them, or if she meant to leave it as her final gift to them. Either way, Lei'lira has claimed it as her own, and cherishes it deeply. From one day to the next, Lei'lira can't decide if she loves the flute for the memories of happier times that it stirs within her whenever she sees it, or hates it for the painful reminder of what has been lost to her. But she will never get rid of it, and her love of music ensures that she uses it regularly rather than letting it sit on a shelf and collect dust.

Her farm house is a good size. At 8700sqft, it is quite comfortable for even her large family. The house itself is of good quality, and while it wasn't made using nothing but the finest materials, it was built well, and if taken care of, it will last for many generations. Lei'lira has a large garden that she grows vegetables, fruit, and herbs in.
Her land also has the farm buildings to support the animals she makes her living from. She has stabling for all of her horses, a number of barns for her other livestock, a chicken coop, and a kennel.