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Posts: 652
Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:41 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Farmer
Renown: 267
Character Sheet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 8




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Name: Lei'lira

Age: 23 Arcs

Race: Mixed Blood; Sev'ryn, and human

Date of Birth: 7 Vhalar 695

Marks: Celarion; favored

Factions Joined:

Languages Spoken: Fluent: Common, Rakahi, Xanthea, Conversational: none, Broken: Cursive, Scalveen


Face: saoirse ronan

Language Ledger

Skill Points: Used 30 skill points to raise Common from Broken to Conversational

Novice Linguistics: gained Broken Cursive, and Rakahi

Skill Points: Used 65 skill points to raise Rakahi to Fluent

Language Bonus: earned Broken Scalveen for being in Scalvoris from the 76th of Ashan to the 51st of Ymiden

Skill Points: Used 35 skill points to raise Common to Fluent
Lei'lira has her father's facial features; a slightly rounded jaw, strong chin, and straight nose. She also got his blond hair. Her small mouth with a well defined lip-line could have come from either parent, but her soft, gentle smile is definitely all her own. Her father's strong features are softened by her mother's gentle beauty. From her mother, she inherited her piercing blue eyes. Her features are too strong to be considered classically beautiful. There is, however, a soft, forthright innocence about her that is quite pretty.

If asked what her favorite feature was, Lei'lira would say that it was a tie between her hair, and her eyes. Her large, expressive eyes are the windows to her soul. They often betray her true feelings no matter how much she tries to hide them. The feature she likes least is her fair skin. It tans easily in the sun, which is good because she prefers the sun-kissed look. But if she is not careful, her skin tends to burn almost as easily as it tans. As a result, she is careful to keep her skin covered as much as possible when she knows she is going to spend a significant amount of time outside. Lei'lira also wishes that she had a mask of light freckles like her twin's. For as long as she can remember, she has considered freckles to be cute. And at times, she envies her sister for hers.
When she was younger, Lei'lira used to smile most of the time. But these days, her smiles are rare. And when they are seen, they are usually sad, wistful ones. Failing that, they tend to be faint, and distant, making one wonder just what she is smiling at. Like her twin, Lei'lira's eyes change with her mood. When she is happy, her eyes are so bright that they almost seem to sparkle when the light hits them the right way. But they darken into a stormy blue grey when she is troubled, anxious, or frightened. And when she is angry, they take on a steel blue grey hue.

Lei'lira has great difficulty making eye contact with anyone other than her twin, who she trusts completely. And even that can be hard for her at times. The less she knows and trusts someone, the harder it is for her. Likewise, the less comfortable she is with a situation, the less likely she is to look at someone directly. She is far more comfortable keeping her gaze down, and off to one side, eyes flickering towards the person she is speaking to only occasionally, and for a brief moment. When she walks, she keeps her head down, and her eyes firmly on the ground. She often gives the impression that she wishes she could disappear, and standing at 5'6", she is often able to escape notice.
Her luxurious light blonde hair frames her face in soft, messy waves, before drifting down to fall just below her shoulders. She prefers to wear it in simple styles that take little effort to maintain while still retaining its natural beauty. Lei'lira often wears her hair down, doing no more than brushing it when it is needed. When she does put her hair up, she prefers a simple braid, or ponytail tied back with a ribbon. Something to keep her hair out of her way when she is working.

Lei'lira hates dresses and skirts with a passion. They are difficult to work in, and require far too much effort to wear well, and keep clean. She prefers loose fitting clothes that won't constrict her movements. Unless there is very good reason for it, you will never see her wearing anything other than pants, blouses, and coats or cloaks when it is cold enough to warrant it. She is not a fan of bright colors. Instead, she likes blacks, whites, creams, greys, browns, and dark colors, specifically blues, greens, and purples. But during the hot season, she tends to stick to lighter materials, and colors; whites, light greys, creams, and the like.

When Lei'lira bonded to her familiar, Lei'luna, a mark appeared on her chest, directly above her heart. It is a palm sized black image of a wolf head singing to the moon. The image is slightly raised, giving it a different look than a tattoo would have.

Lei'lira is one of those girls that most people like, but few ever get to know well. She is polite, and even friendly in a distant sort of way. But she is content with her own company, and that of her twin, Lazuil, with whom she shares a very strong bond. And in general, she is more comfortable around animals than she is around people.

She is very bright, and she loves to learn. As a student, there were subjects that she enjoyed more than others, but there were none that she truly hated. In her eyes, all information has value to those willing to take the time to discover it. Even now that she is no longer a student, Lei'lira takes great enjoyment in learning a new skill that interests her, or a new method to accomplish something she already knows how to do. She also loves to read, and is perfectly happy to spend a rare free morning or afternoon lost in a book.

As a child, Lei'lira was very shy. She was quiet, and hated large crowds. Being at the center of attention frightened her. The only person she was truly comfortable with was her twin, who was her best friend as well as her beloved sister. But she did have a few friends that she was fairly close to in school. They weren't the type that were invited home, but she wasn't the tom boy her sister was, and when Lazuli was playing with the boys, Lei'lira spent time reading, and discussing books, drawing, or making crafts with her friends. A lot of people liked to confide in her because she was a good listener who listened without judging. Although not a social person, she was smart enough that she was the one to go to if you needed help with an assignment. And she would never betray a secret, or pass gossip that she had been trusted with.
Lei'lira is a hard worker. She loves life dearly, and lives each day to the fullest. Although there are few people that have earned her trust, she is intensely loyal to those she cares about. She would do anything in her power to help her loved ones. Lei'lira loves music in all its many forms. She loves listening to it, and will do so any chance she gets. She loves playing the flute, or at least trying to. One day, she hopes to be as good as her mother was. Lei'lira also loves to sing. Her voice, though soft spoken when she speaks, is very pretty, despite being completely untrained. She can usually be found singing as she works.

She is also very creative. Her mother was a storyteller, and Lei'lira is following in her footsteps. Many long winter nights have been spent curled up in front of the fireplace, telling stories to her sister - much the was their mother used to tell them stories when they were children. Some of the stories Lei'lira tells are stories that she has heard over the years. But many are of her own creation.
Sar'eiris Warrick

Sar'eiris was a stay at home mother, tending to her husband's farm while he was away for long periods of time, serving the Kingdom of Rynmere in his role as a Moseke Knight. She had been on a quest, in search of her animal guide, one that had brought her to this strange, foreign land and seen that her path had crossed with Jared's. She often spoke about love at first sight, of a spell she had fallen under, as if trapped by the man's gaze.

Unlike Lazuli, who was closer to their father, Lei'lira shared a special bond with her mother. As a young child, she spent most of her time with her twin. But when Lazuli was busy, or wanted to spend time alone with her father, Lei'lira spent a great deal of time following her mother around. Their mother loved to explore the woods around their farm when she wasn't out working the land. She spent a good deal of time out hunting. Lei'lira went out with her on many occasions, and learned to love hunting from her mother.

Lei'lira also learned her love of telling stories from her mother. One of her favorite stories was that of how her parents met. She believes wholeheartedly in love at first sight, even if she doesn't think it will ever happen to her. From a very young age, their mother used to tell Lei'lira and her twin stories each night before they went to bed. Lei'lira enjoyed the stories so much that she started creating her own. Her mother even taught her how to play the flute. And if Lei'lira ever had a problem that she needed an adult to help with, she went to her mother over her father.

When their mother decided to leave the family, and return to her birthplace after their father died, her decision nearly destroyed Lei'lira. It left a deep, and lasting impact on her that may never heal completely. Their father didn't have a choice about leaving them; he died. But their mother chose to leave...chose to abandon them. Lei'lira wants to hate her mother for her choice, but she can't. She feels deeply betrayed, and she's angry. But deep down, she fears that it was her fault. That something she did, or didn't do is what drove their mother away.

The loss of her mother left her reeling, and the insecurity left in her wake has had a deep impact on her. She doesn't trust as easily as she once did. And she has retreated into a world consisting of little more than her farm, and her remaining family.

Jared Warrick

Lei'lira's Human father was a descendant of the great Henry Warrick, a founding member of Rynmere. Like the legend, Jared died in battle on a routine mission while stationed in Krom, arc 712 just before Lei'lira's seventeenth birthday, when he was thirty nine. Jared was a warden of the Moseke Knights, hard and battle ready around his men, gentle and softly spoken with his twin daughters, Lei'lira and Lazuli. He was an excellent teacher, endearing father, and loved husband.

As a boy, Jared had dreamed of following in the footsteps of his forefathers and worked hard to gain favor with the local knights, trading the bucket and spade of his farm boy life for a sword and shield, an art he later worked valiantly to teach his two children, who were far more interested in riding horses than learning how to defend themselves. Once Lei'lira discovered a shared love of hunting with her mother, she began to take her father's lessons more seriously. Wanting to learn how to hunt was one thing. But it would be useless if she didn't also know how to use a weapon well enough to be able to kill the animals she hunted. Since the crossbow seemed like a good weapon to use while hunting, Lei'lira chose it as the weapon she wanted to learn.

Although the lessons brought her closer to her father than she had been, Lei'lira remained much closer to her mother. Looking back now, she feels a wistful longing, and a sense of guilt that she didn't spend more time with her father while she had the chance.



Name: Drayas Warrick

Date of Birth: 45 Vhalar, 689

Skills: Blades; 15, Business Management; 50, Intimidation; 20, Psychology; 15

Appearance: Standing at 6'2", Drayas makes an imposing figure with his broad shoulders, and muscular build. He is a Biqaj, so two of his most notable features are his gracefully pointed ears, and the way his eyes change colors. He has wavy black hair, and sports a short beard. When he smiles, there is a roguish charm about him that makes him easy to like. But a scowl or fierce frown darkens his features in such a way that makes him look utterly ruthless.

Drayas wears fine clothes; the best quality he can afford. Some would say that he dresses above his station, but he wears is outfits so well that it is hard to take him to task for it. He prefers dark colors, especially black. And he is rarely seen without some form of jewelry.

Personality: When he wants to be, Drayas is quite the charmer. Outgoing, and friendly, with a boyish charm, it is hard to dislike him when he is in a good mood. But he has a darker side as well. He has a dangerous temper when provoked, and a cruel, vindictive streak when crossed.

Relationship to PC: husband

Anything: 1) Drayas's father is a noble bastard. His grandfather is Gaius Burhan (nee Lael, 51, biqaj male), who had a brief fling with a Biqaj woman that caught his eye, resulting in the birth of his father. When Gaius learned of his child, he agreed to provide some support for him, and see to it that he got the kind of education, given to a noble child. But he refused to acknowledge him as his child. Drayas's father is content with his lot, and happy in life. But when Drayas learns that his grandfather is a Burhan, he longs to be a noble himself, and resents the fact his father isn't acknowledged. 2) Like his father before him, Drayas is a wealthy merchant. He works hard, and becomes known as a good, if ruthless merchant. Over the arcs, he develops his own reputation, and forms a trading relationship with several noble families. But it isn't enough, so when given the chance to marry into nobility, he jumps at the chance; it is his way into the circle that he believes is his by right of birth. He is chosen because he is known to the nobles as a skilled merchant who does business with them. He is powerful for what he is, and has the funds to offer a good life to Lei'lira. But since he is marrying into a higher class, the marriage puts him in a position where he owes the Warrick family. He resents this deeply, and takes it out on his wife in private.

***As of 75 Zi'da, Drayas is dead***

Approval Link: here


Name: Tiran Warrick

Date of Birth: 67 Zi'da, 716

Skills: Agriculture; 5, Animal Husbandry; 20, Animal Training; 10, Business Management; 50, Hunting; 5, Ranged Combat; 10

Appearance: Tiran is a mixed blood; 1/2 Biqaj, 1/4 human, and 1/4 Sev'ryn. He has bright red hair, and hazel eyes. His ears are delicately pointed like his father's. His bright red hair, and hazel eyes come from his father, as well. But he inherited his mother's facial features, and fair skin. And his eyes do not change colors the way a Biqaj's do. His limbs are long, suggesting that he will be quite tall when he reaches his full height. When awake, he always appears alert.

Personality: Tiran is incredibly bright. He loves to learn new things, and is always exploring the world around him with avid interest. To help him in his endeavors, he is very observant. Very little gets past him, and he has perfect recall; always remembering what he sees/hears/reads. He is quite creative, and is constantly getting himself into and out of trouble. Fortunately, he has a boyish charm that makes it very difficult to stay angry at him for any length of time.

Tiran is friendly, and outgoing. He has an easy way about him that makes others comfortable in his presence. He loves to tease people, and to play pranks. But he is very sensitive to the needs, and moods of others. When teasing someone he likes, it is always light hearted, and fun; nothing that is likely to upset them. Likewise, if they are not in a mood to enjoy his teasing, he will refrain from doing so. If he is teasing someone he doesn't like, it can turn a bit nastier. But he only teases them about the qualities he finds fault with; never something they can't help. And like with his friends, if he feels they are in a mood to be hurt by his teasing, he won't do it. It is the same with his pranks. When done to people he likes, they are always amusing, and meant to lighten a situation, or life someone's spirits. When played on someone he doesn't like, they can turn nastier, but still will never truly hurt anyone. And as with his teasing, they are used to point out qualities he doesn't like about the person he is playing pranks on.

When slighted, Tiran is quick to anger. But he is equally quick to forgive once an apology is offered. But hurt a friend, or loved one, and you've got an enemy for life in him. Tiran is fiercely protective of his friends and loved ones.

Relationship to PC: son

Anything: Tiran will grow into his skills as he gets older.
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Approval Link: here


Name: Taerin Warrick

Date of Birth: 67 Zi'da, 716

Skills: Agriculture; 5, Animal Husbandry; 50, Animal Training; 15, Cooking; 10, Musical Instrument; flute; 10, Storytelling; 10

Appearance: Taerin is a mixed blood; 1/2 Biqaj, 1/4 human, and 1/4 Sev'ryn. She has bright red hair, and delicately pointed ears that she inherited from her father. But her piercing blue eyes, fair skin, and facial features come from her mother. And her eyes do not change colors the way a Biqaj's do. She has long limbs, suggesting that she will rival her twin in height when she is full grown.

Personality: Taerin is very bright. She loves to learn new things, and has perfect recall like her twin. But rather than her brother's desire to explore, she tends to be more creative. She loves music in all its forms, and enjoys learning how to play the flute from her mother. She also loves stories, whether it is hearing them, or making them up on her own to share with others.

Like her mother, she is quiet, and shy. Other than her family, she is more comfortable with animals than she is with people. She is also very much a homebody as her mother is; she would be perfectly content never traveling outside Warrick, and spending most of her time on the family farm. There is a sweet, child like innocence about her that makes it easy to like her. Those who are close to her tend to be very protective, sheltering her from people who would take advantage of her innocence.

Relationship to PC: daughter

Anything: 1) Taerin is the younger twin by an hour. 2) She will grow into her skills as she gets older.
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Approval Link: here


Name: Eriana (Eri)

Date of Birth: 119 Ashan 704

Skills: Animal Husbandry; 10, Animal Training; 15, Drawing; 13, Gardening; 26, Linguistics; 26, Mount; 10

Appearance: Standing at 3'7", Eri is small for her age. This combined with a waif like build make her look younger than she truly is. But she has a haunted, wary expression in her soft brown eyes most of the time. Her expression tends to make her look older since no one her age should have seen anything that would make her that cautious and wary of others. Eri has waist length light brown hair that has warm auburn highlights when the light hits it the right way. She is of mixed blood, being half Sev'ryn, and half Biqaj. Her Biqaj heritage shows in her delicately pointed ears, and auburn highlights.

Personality: Eriana was once a shy, gentle soul. Kind to all who met her, she had a sweet innocence about her that made it difficult not to like her. She was a good listener, and bright enough that she often had good advice to offer as well as being a sympathetic ear. But seeing her family slaughtered by bandits, and being captured by those bandits along with her sister changed her. So did the trauma of being a captive, and seeing the fates of the other captives changed her even more

Now, she is wary, and cautious. She has great difficulty trusting anyone, especially adults, and men even more so. She is angry at the world, and terrified of drawing attention to herself for fear of being captured again. She is defensive, and bitter, but it is all a mask to hide how hurt and terrified she really is. For all that she tries to convince others that she is tough, hard, and doesn't need anyone, deep down, she is a frightened child.

Relationship to PC: ward/slave

Anything: 1) When Lei'lira met Eri, she had recently escaped from bandits. Her family had been slaughtered, and the survivors captured. The bandits branded her with a personal brand with the intention of selling her as a slave. Eri drew the attention of the guards down on herself because she stole food to survive after escaping the bandits with a younger child. A guard caught up with her at the same time Lei'lira found her hiding in her barn with the younger child. She struggled to escape, and her brand was discovered in the struggle. The guard arrested her, and brought her in to Andaris to be given the Rynmere slave brand, and registered as a slave. Since she was a thief, Lei'lira wasn't given the option of freeing her instead of registering her as a slave. So instead, Lei'lira bought her once she had been registered, and brought her back to the farm. Although Eri is a slave, Lei'lira sees her more as a ward who works for her in exchange for room and board. 2) Eri's personal brand is a palm sized star within a circle with wavy lines coming out of each point of the star. It is located on her right side, shoulder, and thigh. She will bear the brand of the symbol of Rynmere on her left side once she is registered as a slave in thread. 3) Due to her stealing things (food to survive), Lei'lira was not given the option of freeing her instead of registering her as a slave, and buying her. But in the future, after her debt has been paid through time as a slave, it may be possible for her to be freed. 4) Eri is deeply grateful to Lei'lira for buying her, and sparing her from a much worse fate. Lei'lira treats her more as a friend or part of the family than a slave. But at the same time, she is very angry, and bitter about being enslaved. Some of that anger is directed at Lei'lira because Lei'lira is her master. 5) Eri is fluent in Xanthea. Since she is competent in Linguistics, rather than taking two easy languages at the broken level, she is conversational in Rakahi.

*as of the 33rd of Ymiden 717 Eri has been freed*
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***approval thread***


Name: Teia

Date of Birth: 119 Ashan 693

Skills: Animal Husbandry; 10, Animal Training; 30, Baking; 10, Cooking; 30, Mount; 10, Sewing; 10

Appearance: Teia has a tall, graceful build with curves in all of the right places. Her features are rather plain, but her warm red hair, and blue eyes that sparkle when she smiles give her a quiet beauty. Her delicately pointed ears and red hair make her look more Biqaj than Sev'ryn, but her diminutive height of 5'3" is proof of her Sev'ryn heritage.

Personality: Teia is a strong, determined young woman. She tends to be quiet when placed in an unfamiliar situation, preferring to listen, and observe until she understands what is going on before deciding on how to proceed. She is not an impulsive person, but once she has made her mind up, very little will persuade her to change her mind. Teia is very intelligent, and she has a good eye for character.

In some ways, Teia was broken by what she endured at the hands of the bandits who captured her. Her trust in others that was once so easily given has taken a huge blow, and she has become deeply wary of men. But her inner strength has left her determined to get past what she suffered and go on with her life rather than letting it destroy her. She has always been very protective of what she cares about, and seeing the cruelty that others can be capable of has only made her even more protective. But there are times when nightmares, or flashbacks leave her feeling especially vulnerable, and she is the one who needs to be protected.

Relationship to PC: close friend/like a sister

Anything: 1) Teia is Eri's older sister, and the only other survivor of their family, 2) Teia's personal brand is a palm sized star within a circle with wavy lines coming out of each point of the star. It is located on her right side, buttock, and thigh. She bears the brand of the symbol of Rynmere on her left side, and will bear the small sword mark over her right cheekbone once she is bought and freed by Lei'lira in thread.
Experience Tracker
Zi'da 717 +10 10
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***approval thread***


Name: Teirue

Date of Birth: 1 Vhalar 714

Skills: none yet

Appearance: Teirue is a tiny wisp of a girl. She is small for her age, and has a frail look about her. But she is an adorable child with the promise of growing into a beautiful women as she gets older. Teirue has pale blond hair that just barely touches her shoulders. Her large blue eyes sparkle when she smiles, and her keen gaze gives you the impression that she can see through to your soul. Although she is half Sev'ryn, she looks more like her Biqaj mother, inheriting her blond hair, and delicately pointed ears from her.

Personality: Teirue is a sweet, gentle child. She can be shy around strangers, and is easily startled and frightened, but she is warm and loving towards those who have earned her trust. Teirue can be incredibly sensitive, which leads to her being hurt easily, but she is also very empathetic towards others. This makes her a great listener, and an even better friend. Once her trust is earned, she is incredibly loyal, but that is harder to do now because of the things she has seen. Teirue is a bright, curious child. She is also very creative. She loves beautiful things, and tends to collect them. Her Sev'ryn nature shows in a deep love of nature.

Relationship to PC: adopted daughter

Anything: 1) Teirue was the only survivor when bandits slaughtered her family, and took her. While a captive, she met Eri, who protected her as best she could. And when she escaped from the bandits, Eri took Teirue with her. 2) Lei'lira adopts her as her own child when she finds Teirue and Eri hiding in her barn.
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***approval thread***


and when he's a bit older


Name: Kaien Warrick

Date of Birth: 19 Saun, 717

Skills: none yet; will develop them in thread when he gets old enough

Appearance: Kaien is an adorable child. With black hair, and eyes, he tends to take after his father in looks more than his mother. But the shape of his face, and facial features is all Lei'lira.

Personality: Kaien is a charming little rascal. Bright, and curious, he loves life, and it shows. He loves adventure, and is always looking for another challenge. Kaien can be very stubborn when his will is thwarted, and he has something of a temper. But he forgives and forgets easily if the slight is against him; hurt someone he loves, and you will have an enemy for life. Kaien is incredibly protective of what he loves.

Relationship to PC: son

Anything: 1) As Drayas's son, he is a painful reminder of Lei'lira's time with her husband. And him being a boy seems like Drayas got one last triumph over Lei'lira because he wanted a son. But she loves him dearly despite all of this. 3) Since Lei'lira's first born twins were sired by a bandit in an act of violence, and they cannot be claimed to have been sired by her husband, Kaien is often seen as the first born Warrick child by some of the Warrick family.

*This NPC is free of cost until he turns 3 arcs because he is starting with no skills*

***approval thread***


Name: Lil'ari

Date of Birth: 13 Ashan, 706

Skills: Animal Husbandry: 10, Baking; 26, Candlemaking: 10, Caregiving: 10, Cooking: 26, Mount: 10, Storytelling: 8

Appearance: Lil'ari has a thin, graceful build, and her calloused hands betray the fact that she is no stranger to hard work. A bright, cautious expression fills piercing green eyes that seem to miss nothing that happens around her. Her most attractive feature is her wavy, waist length brown hair. As a Sev'ryn, she bears the tattoo of a willow tree on her left hip, given to her when she was one month old.

Personality: Lil'ari is a bright, intelligent child. In better circumstances, she would be filled with curiosity, and a deep love of life. But her past has made her wary, and cautious. So she watches the world around her, taking in everything, but acting only when she has had time to think about the right course of action. She loves to learn, but only when she has first determined that what she wants to learn about is safe. When she loves, she loves deeply. She is fiercely protective of those she cares about, and there isn't anything she wouldn't do for them. But she rarely speaks to anyone who hasn't earned her trust. Lil'ari loves animals; far more than people in most cases. She can be very nurturing, and kind...but only towards the few she cares about. Others will see her as being cold, and aloof, separate from the world around her. Lil'ari is a very good judge of character, mostly because she is very observant, and catches subtle clues that many others would miss. It doesn't take her long to decide whether someone can be trusted or not. But even if she feels they can be, actual trust comes far more slowly, only when she had gotten to know them, and has been given proof that her initial judgement is warranted. Someone else in her situation might become bitter, or feel that they are a victim. Instead, Lil'ari has become very independent. She tries to be someone those she cares about can rely on rather than allowing herself to rely on them. And she hates the thought of being a burden with a passion. The slightest thought that she might be will still deep insecurities within her, and she will drive herself into the ground to prove herself not to be a burden if allowed to do so. Even so, when around her loved ones, she will sometimes allow herself to relax, and have fun, simply enjoying their company.

Relationship to PC: adopted daughter

Anything: 1) Lil'ari's mother was a Sev'ryn who was not born in Desnind. The woman journeyed to the city of her people when she began having dreams about her familiar, and followed the call. While in Desnind, she fell in love with the city, and thought she had found the home that she'd been craving all her life. This feeling was enhanced when she bonded to her familiar, and fell in love with a man who had lived in Desnind all his life. They were married, and she was with child not long after she married. But her life before coming to Desnind had been a very hard one. She had been on her own from a very young age, stealing to survive for as long as she could remember. Over the arcs, the need to steal became a compulsion for her; one she couldn't overcome even after she no longer needed to steal to survive. Repeated thefts caused friction between her, and her husband; so much so that when the time came that it was decided that she needed to be exiled, a part of him was glad to see her go, even knowing that he would never get to see his child. She didn't have the skills needed to survive on her own, so she was left with the choice of boarding a slave ship, or a slow death; it was a close decision, but she chose slavery. The woman ended up in Rynmere where she was bought by a captain in the Iron Hand. Lil'ari was born soon after her mother was bought by her new master. Arcs later, her mother gave birth to a second child. It was a difficult labor, and she never fully recovered from it. Growing steadily weaker over the course of six arcs, she finally succumbed to death. 2) Her mother's master joined the Qe'dreki, and was executed for his crimes when he was arrested in Vhalar of 716. Lil'ari and her younger sister were sentenced to working in the mines of Endor, but they escaped that fate when they escaped from the caravan headed to Endor. They were found by a family of traders who took them in. But illness claimed the lives of the family while they were seeking shelter from the cold seasons in Venora. With no one else willing to take responsibility for them, they were taken to the orphanage. 3) Lil'ari was never enslaved, but she grew up with the threat of it as a constant companion. This, combined with the abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother's master, and the neglect she endured from her broken mother has made her extremely protective of her younger sister. It has also made her wary of most adults. But once her trust and loyalty have been earned, there isn't anything she wouldn't do for someone she has come to care for. 4) Lil'ari is thought to be bad luck by the other kids in the orphanage. As a result, her only friends are her younger sister, who is also thought to be bad luck, and Atrayas, a boy who has just as few friends as Lil'ari does because he is considered to be bad blood. Lil'ari has something of a crush on her best friend, Atrayas. 5) Tenrai is Lil'ari's familiar. She is a winged tortoise shell cat that is the size of a puma. Her form represents both Lil'ari's fierce independence (feline), and need for freedom (wings/flight). Dreams of her familiar first started coming when she was eight arcs old. She didn't have to travel far distance wise in order to find Tenrai, but it took her three long arcs to find her all the same because she had to admit to herself that she couldn't do everything herself, that she, like everyone else had times when she needed to rely on others...and that it was okay to do so.
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***Approval thread***


Name: Kei'iru

Date of Birth: 113, Ashan 710

Skills: Animal Husbandry: 10, Candlemaking: 5, Cooking: 10, Drawing: 26, Mount: 10, Musical Instrument; Flute: 26, Singing: 5, Writing: 8

Appearance: In some ways, Kei'iru looks much like her older sister. They have the same piercing green eyes, body type, and facial features. But she inherited her delicately pointed ears from her father, and her long, straight hair has reddish undertones that make it look more auburn than brown, especially in the light.

Personality: On the surface, Kei'iru is a happy, carefree child. No one could call her outgoing, but she is polite and friendly towards everyone she meets. But that is a mask she hides behind; she doesn't want to be hurt by others, so she tries to make them like her. Most of the people who would say she was their friend never get close to her true self, and there are few people she truly trusts. For those few, she loves them deeply, and there isn't anything she wouldn't do for them. In her deepest heart, Kei'iru is very insecure, believing herself to be a curse to those she cares about because of the way she was born.

Relationship to PC: adopted daughter

Anything: 1) Kei'iru was a product of rape. While her mother was alive, she made very sure that Kei'iru knew that. She convinced her own daughter that she should never have been born. Kei'iru lives her life trying desperately to prove (to herself, and everyone else) that her mother was wrong, and that she deserves to be alive as much as anyone else does. 2) Because of what her mother instilled in her, Kei'iru is convinced that her mother died because of her. Her mother was weakened by her birth, and never truly recovered from it, so deep down, she wonders if she really is the curse her mother claimed she was. 3) Kei'iru loves her older sister more than anyone. Lil'ari is her best friend as well as her big sister.
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***Approval thread***


Name: Atreyas

Date of Birth: 29 Cylus, 702

Skills: Animal Husbandry: 26, Blades; dagger: 10, Fishing: 10, Mount: 10, Storytelling: 8, Trap Making: 10, Unarmed Combat: brawling: 26

Appearance: Atreyas has a scruffy look about him, with his shaggy brown hair that barely brushes his shoulders, and dark skin. Some people would say that he looks like a bandit. He is tall for his age, and has strong, well defined features. His Sev'ryn mother gave him the deep brown eyes that shine with an inner warmth when he is happy or amused, and darken in anger. But for the most, he more closely resembles his Biqaj father, having gotten his delicately pointed ears, shaggy hair, and strong, wiry build from him.

Personality: Atreyas is a kind soul, but experience has hardened him, teaching him to be wary of others. This has left him intensely loyal to, and fiercely protective of the people he cares about, but it is often hard to earn his trust. He is intelligent, and curious, but cautious, and suspicious. He is endlessly patient with the people he cares about, but defensive, and quick to anger around others. And he has a temper; hurt someone he cares about, and you have an enemy for life. He will hunt you down and destroy you if it is the last thing he ever does.

Relationship to PC: adopted son

Anything: 1) Atreyas is the son of a bandit, and a woman his father enslaved. His mother died when he was five, killed for trying to escape his father. And his father was put to death for his crimes when he was twelve. 2) Atreyas lived on his own for an arc. It is quite possible that he would have been forced into the life of a bandit himself, or enslaved had he not been caught trying to pickpocket the right person. The man who caught him was a kind scholar. He would have adopted Atreyas himself, but his age, and failing health made him unfit to be the parent of an active teenager. So he brought Atreyas to the orphanage in Venora, hoping that he would find a family that would truly appreciate him. The scholar made donations to the orphanage when he could afford to do so, and visited Atreyas from time to time until he died when Atreyas was fourteen. 3) Being the son of a bandit, Atreyas is considered to be "bad blood," and as such, most of the other kids in the orphanage hate him. He might have been bullied by some of them, except for the fact that he is strong enough to hold his own, and if pushed, will give back as good as he gets in a fight. 4) Atreyas has learned to be wary of others. But he is fiercely protective of the few he cares about - including Lil'ari (who he considers to be his best friend, and has a crush on), and Kei'iru, who he considers to be his younger sister. 5) Tanris is his familiar. He is a three tailed wolf that is the size of a horse. His familiar reflects his loyalty and protectiveness to those he loves (pack is everything to a wolf).
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***Approval thread***


Name: Evan
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 113th Ashan, 710
Languages: Fluent Xanthea, Conversational Cerke, Common, and Perwarshian, Broken Basa, Murnasian, and Pij'thak
Skills: Animal Husbandry; 10 (novice), Drawing; 13 (novice), Linguistics; 26 (competent), Research; 26 (competent),
Appearance: Evan is kind of...average for a boy his age. He is neither tall nor short for his age. Neither overly plump, or unnaturally thin. His light blond hair and crystal blue eyes are unusual in a Sev'ryn, but not so much so that they are remarkable. What is of special note is his expressions. When he is happy, his smile lights up his whole face, and draws you in; seeing it is almost a guarantee to lighten your own mood if you are feeling down. When something is troubling him, he can't hide it no matter how hard he tries. And when faced with something he is passionate about, his entire body shows it.
Personality: There are two sides of him. When he plays, he is a charming rogue with an impish grin. But his antics are well meaning, and often well thought out in an attempt to lighten the mood of someone he cares about. But he has a serious side as well. Evan is a genius who loves to read. His greatest passion is for languages; get him talking about them, and he will never stop, given the choice. He is also very observant. Very little escapes his notice, and when someone he cares about is involved, he often acts in accordance to what he thinks will best please them. Evan is friendly enough to most people, but he tends to keep them at a distance unless he truly cares about them.
Relationship to PC: adopted son
Anything: 1) He was adopted soon after Kei'iru was, but his new parents took sick and died a season later. He was captured by slavers while trying to make it back to the orphanage in Venora. But his master quickly saw his intelligence, and put him to work researching things for him, and translating books. So his time as a slave was not as cruel as it could have been, 2) He has two brands on the backs of his shoulders - the one marking him as a slave on his left shoulder and the cross marking him as a freed slave on his right shoulder, 3) He was a skilled male slave when Lei'lira bought him, so he is starting with the skills of one (2 or more competent skills), but Lei'lira also paid the 300 GN for her before freeing him, 4) His initial languages are fluent Xanthea, and broken Perwarshian. Novice linguistics gives him broken Cerke and Common. Competent linguistics ranked his Cerke, Common, and Perwarshian up to conversational, and gave him broken Basa and Pij'thak. And 25 exp will go towards him gaining broken Murnasian if this is allowed since competent linguistics allows 8 languages.
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***Approval thread***


Name: Ryl'ari
Race: Mixed; 3/4 Sev'ryn, 1/4 human
Date of Birth: 11th Ymiden, 718
Skills: none until she turns 3 arcs
Appearance: With long black hair, and black eyes, Ryl'ari takes after her father more than her mother in appearance.
Personality: Ryl'ari is bold, and daring; she will try anything once if it catches her interest. She loves a good challenge, and obstacles in her path will only make her more determined to succeed. She can be stubborn and willful at times, and she hates to admit that she is wrong. But she is a good kid, and will do anything for those she cares about. Ryl'ari has a fierce protective streak. Although she is usually quick to forgive and forget, threatening someone she loves will earn you an enemy forever.
Relationship to PC: daughter
Anything: 1) Viran of Faction VII is her father, 2) She is the elder twin (identical), 3) She is free until she turns 3 arcs, and will begin earning skills from that time on.

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Name: Mei'rune
Race: Mixed; 3/4 Sev'ryn, 1/4 human
Date of Birth: 11th Ymiden, 718
Skills: none until she turns 3 arcs
Appearance: With long black hair, and black eyes, Mei'rune takes after her father more than her mother in appearance.
Personality: In many ways, Mei'rune is the opposite of her twin. Where Ryl is bold, Mei'rune is quiet, and shy. Mei'rune is easily intimidated by strangers, and it takes a long time for her to open up to anyone she doesn't know. But once someone has earned her trust, they have a friend for life. And there isn't anything she wouldn't do for someone she loves. She has a gentle, caring nature that she gets from her mother.
Relationship to PC: daughter
Anything: 1) Viran of Faction VII is her father, 2) She is the younger twin (identical), 3) She is free until she turns 3 arcs, and will begin earning skills from that time on.

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Name: Ei'ryl
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 15th Ashan 705
Skills: Cooking; 5, Gardening; 7, Linguistics; 26, Musical Instrument; Glass Flute; 26, Singing; 10, Woodworking; 26
Appearance: At 13, Ei'ryl has yet to grow into her full height, but she currently stands at 4'7". She has a graceful, willowy build and moves with the grace of a willow tree bending in the wind. Her fair skin and delicate features suggest that she will be a beautiful woman when she reaches her full maturity. Even now, she is a very comely child. Ei'ryl has pale blond hair, and large, expressive stunning blue eyes.
Personality: As the elder twin, Ei'ryl feels a burning desire to succeed in all that she does. She feels a responsibility towards her family, and will do anything it takes to see them safe, and happy. Ei'ryl is bright and clever. She tends to pick things up quickly...if she is interested in them. But if she isn't, she will struggle to put in the necessary effort to learn the basics, or as much as she feels she needs to know about the subject. Ei'ryl loves beautiful things. Whether it is a song, or a painting, a stunning garden, or a beautiful house, Ei'ryl admires and greatly respects the hard work and creative genius that goes into creating a work of beauty. She longs for the ability to create beauty of her own, and she spends much of her time pursuing that goal. Ei'ryl is friendly and outgoing. She has a natural charm that allows her to make friends without even trying to. She also has a protective streak. Animals and younger children love her because they sense that they are safe around her. Her protective streak is strongest towards her family. Ei'ryl also has a stubborn streak; when she is determined to do something, very little will stop her.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Ei'ryl's parents left Desnind when her mother began dreaming of her ose-bori. Her mother was pregnant with her at the time, but the need to find her ose-bori was too strong to ignore. Their journey took them to Scalvoris where her mother found her ose-bori shortly before giving birth to twins. The stress of the trip took its toll on her, and although she survived, she never recovered fully. The money her parents had left went to medical bills rather than fare to return home. And when she regained enough strength, they both got jobs to earn enough to return home. But they grew to love the island, and they decided to stay. They gave birth to two more children before her mother finally died, not strong enough to survive her final pregnancy. Her father died of grief less than a season later. Ei'ryl was 8 at the time. 2) Ei'ryl and her sisters were left in the of a scholar that her parents had become close friends with over the arcs. He loved the kids as if they were his own, and became a mentor to them as well as working at the University. It was only natural that he take them when their parents died. But he was old, and his health slowly began to fail. He finally succumbed to death when Ei'ryl was 11. 3) Ei'ryl and her sisters didn't have anyone else to take them in, so they lived on the streets until Luna's Dream was started in Vhalar 717. Wanting to provide everything she could for her remaining family, Ei'ryl approached the people who were in charge and offered to work for them in exchange for sanctuary for her sisters. Instead, she was taken in as well. The girls were given a place to call home and the opportunity to explore their interests and get a good education while deciding what they wanted to be when they grew up. 4) Ei'ryl has an ose-bori named Sarasin that she found during her time on the streets. Sarasin is a horse, symbolizing the driving force that demands the best out of her in all that she does. 5) Eiryl's initial languages were Common (fluent), and Scalveen (broken). Novice level linguistics gave her broken Xanthea, and Rakahi. Competent level linguistics gave her broken Cursive and Omyeric, and ranked her Xanthea, Rakahi, and Scalveen up to conversational. So she is fluent in Common, Conversational in Xanthea, Rakahi, and Scalveen, and Broken in Cursive and Omyeric.
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Name: Ei'ryn
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 15th Ashan, 705
Skills: Animal Husbandry; 8, Cooking; 5, Drawing; 26, Gardening; 10, Linguistics; 26, Musical Instrument; Glass Flute; 15, Painting; 10
Appearance: Ei'ryn is identical to her older twin sister
Personality: Ei'ryn is a creative genius. She loves beautiful things, and her one desire for herself is to learn how to bring more beauty to the world. As a Sev'ryn, she tends to find more beauty in the natural world than any other place, but she has a good eye, and knows how to see the beauty in just about anything. She is smart, and observant. But she is also timid, and painfully shy. Aside from her sisters, and a few trusted friends, she tends to keep people at a distance. She is easily intimidated, and it isn't easy to earn her trust. But she will do anything for her family and friends, so if her trust is earned, you have a very loyal friend. She loves animals, and tends to deal with them better than most people. Ei'ryn tends to be quiet and introspective. But she "speaks" through her art quite clearly.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Ei'ryn's parents left Desnind when her mother began dreaming of her ose-bori. Her mother was pregnant with her at the time, but the need to find her ose-bori was too strong to ignore. Their journey took them to Scalvoris where her mother found her ose-bori shortly before giving birth to twins. The stress of the trip took its toll on her, and although she survived, she never recovered fully. The money her parents had left went to medical bills rather than fare to return home. And when she regained enough strength, they both got jobs to earn enough to return home. But they grew to love the island, and they decided to stay. They gave birth to two more children before her mother finally died, not strong enough to survive her final pregnancy. Her father died of grief less than a season later. Ei'ryn was 8 at the time. 2) Ei'ryn and her sisters were left in the of a scholar that her parents had become close friends with over the arcs. He loved the kids as if they were his own, and became a mentor to them as well as working at the University. It was only natural that he take them when their parents died. But he was old, and his health slowly began to fail. He finally succumbed to death when Ei'ryn was 11. 3) Ei'ryn and her sisters didn't have anyone else to take them in, so they lived on the streets until Luna's Dream was started in Vhalar 717. 4) Ei'ryn has an ose-bori named Hoshi that she bonded to before her parents died. Hoshi is a rabbit, symbolizing creativity, cleverness, fertility, fear, and anxiety. 5) Ei'ryn's initial languages were Common (fluent), and Scalveen (broken). Novice level linguistics gave her broken Xanthea, and Cursive. Competent level linguistics gave her broken Rakahi and Omyeric, and ranked her Xanthea, Cursive, and Scalveen up to conversational. So she is fluent in Common, Conversational in Xanthea, Cursive, and Scalveen, and Broken in Rakahi and Omyeric.
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Name: Sai'ryl
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 1st Vhalar, 709
Skills: Baking; 5, Candlemaking; 5, Cooking; 10, Gardening; 10, Linguistics; 26, Medicine; 5, Research; 9, Singing; 5, Storytelling; 20, Writing; 5
Appearance: Sai'ryl is a younger version of her older sisters. She has the same fair skin, delicate features, pale blond hair, and large, beautiful blue eyes. But she is tiny, even for her age. Standing at 3'5", it seems unlikely that she will ever reach the same height her older sisters will when they reach their full growth.
Personality: Sai'ryl's nickname is "Little Mother" for a reason. She has a kind, gentle nature, and her greatest joy is to make others happy. Sai'ryl is eager to please the people she cares about. She is bright, and she tends to learn quickly, but unless she is interested in what she is learning, she is unlikely to stay with it for long. She is a sensitive soul, and can't bear to see violence.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Sai'ryl was only 4 when her parents died, so she doesn't remember them clearly. Her clearest memories of them are her mother's smile, and beautiful voice, and the stories her father loved to tell them. 2) Sai'ryl and her sisters were left in the of a scholar that her parents had become close friends with over the arcs. He loved the kids as if they were his own, and became a mentor to them as well as working at the University. It was only natural that he take them when their parents died. But he was old, and his health slowly began to fail. He finally succumbed to death when Sai'ryl was 6. 3) Sai'ryl and her sisters didn't have anyone else to take them in, so they lived on the streets until Luna's Dream was started in Vhalar 717. 4) Sai'ryl's initial languages are fluent Common, and broken Dehasin (learned while being with her parents as they helped some slaves they'd befriended). Novice linguistics gave her broken Xanthea and Scalveen. Competent linguistics gave her broken Cursive and Rakahi, and ranked her Xanthea, Dehasin, and Scalveen up to Conversational. So she is fluent in Common, Conversational in Xanthea, Dehasin, and Scalveen, and Broken in Cursive and Rakahi.
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Name: Tae'ryn
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 3rd Cylus, 713
Skills: Animal Husbandry; 5, Baking; 5, Cooking; 5, Gardening; 5, Linguistics; 26, Mount; 10, Musical Instrument; Glass Flute; 10, Singing; 15, Storytelling; 14, Writing; 5
Appearance: Tae'ryn looks much like her sisters, but her hair is a little darker, more of a light brown or dark blond than pale blond. And at 5, she still has the remains of baby fat left in her face that her time on the streets hadn't stripped from her.
Personality: Tae'ryn is shy around strangers, but once she gets to know someone, she warms up around them. She is friendly, caring, and eager to please. She is deeply attached to the people she loves, and she can be very clingy when she is frightened.
Relationship to PC: adopted daughter
Anything: 1) Tae'ryn doesn't remember her parents at all since her mother died giving birth to her, and her father died soon afterwards. As a result, she was hit harder by the loss of the scholar who took them in than by the loss of her parents. 2) Tae'ryn's initial languages are fluent Common, and broken Scalveen. Novice linguistics gave her broken Xanthea and Pailtic (learned from a tourist who helped her when she got lost on an errand). Competent linguistics gave her broken Cursive and Ku'aric (learned from the same tourist), and ranked her Xanthea, Pailtic, and Scalveen up to Conversational. So she is fluent in Common, Conversational in Xanthea, Pailtic, and Scalveen, and Broken in Cursive and Ku'aric.
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Name: Liu'yerin
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 121st, Ashan 695
Languages: Fluent Xanthea, Conversational Common, Dehasin, and Sulnysian, Broken Rakahi, and Scalveen
Skills: Linguistics; 26 (competent), Medicine; 22 (novice), Needlecraft; 26 (competent), Textile Production; 26 (competent)
Appearance: Liu'yerin stands at 5'3", and has a graceful, willowy build. Her straight black hair falls to the middle of her back, and is normally worn loose, or pulled into a braided pony tail. She has blue eyes that are so dark that they appear black at times. Liu'yerin has a soft look that many would consider to be quite beautiful.
Personality: Liu'yerin is a kind, gentle soul. She can be shy around strangers, but once she warms up to someone, she allows them to see who she really is.
Relationship to PC: childhood friend
Anything: 1) Liu'yerin is bonded to a falcon ose-bori named Sora, 2) She is Ryu'lian's half sister; her mother and his are twins, but hers was married to their father, 3) Lei'ira found her in a slave auction as she was on her way out of Andaris. She bought her friend, and freed her immediately. When given the choice to come with Lei'lira, or make her own way, Liu'yerin chose to come with Lei'lira and start a new life in Rharne, 4) She was a skilled female slave when Lei'lira bought her, so she is starting with the skills of one (2 or more competent), but Lei'lira also paid the 350 GN for her before freeing her, 5) Her initial languages are Xanthea (fluent), and Dehasin (broken). Novice linguistics gave her broken Sulnysian and Common. Competent linguistics ranked her Common, Dehasin, and Sulnysian up to conversational, and gave her broken Scalveen and Rakahi, 5) Both of her brands are located on the base of her neck, with the one freeing her above the one that enslaved her. She likes to keep both hidden by her hair when she can.

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Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 121st Ashan, 695
Languages: Fluent Xanthea, and Broken Common
Skills: Agriculture; 26 (competent), Endurance; 10 (novice), Strength; 12 (novice) , Unarmed Combat (Da'Riya); 26 (competent), Woodworking; 26 (competent)
Appearance: Ryu'lian is on the tall side, standing at 5'8". He has broad shoulders, and muscles that are well defined from arcs of hard work. His skin is bronzed from the sun, and he has dark brown hair and eyes. When he is truly angry, he can look very intimidating, but that tends to be a rare sight unless someone he loves has been hurt, or is being threatened. More often than not, he can be seen with a smile that lights up his eyes. There is a roguish charm about him that makes him easily approachable.
Personality: As a child, Ryu'lian played hard, and worked hard. He had a love of life that made him throw his all into everything that he did. For the most part, that has not changed. But hard times as a slave have tempered that joy in life with bouts of grim determination, and have given him an incredible endurance for what must be endured. He has a ready smile, and a friendly, outgoing nature, but it is only those who he cares deeply about that he truly warms up to. The rest are kept at a friendly, casual distance. Ryu'lian has a deep pride in his abilities, and a confidence in himself that serves him well. He is also quite intelligent, and thoughtful. Very little escapes his notice even if he might choose not to act on it. But his most defining quality is a fierce protectiveness of his loved ones, and a deep desire to make them happy.
Relationship to PC: childhood friend and possibly future husband
Anything: 1) Ryu'lian is bonded to a wolf ose-bori named Ryl, 2) Lei'lira found him at a slave auction when she was leaving Andaris, and bought him; she freed him immediately. When given the choice of going his own way, or coming with her, he and his half sister chose to go with her and make a new life for themselves in Rharne, 3) He and his half sister Liu'yerin see each other as twins since they were born on the same trial, and their mothers were twins, 4) He was a skilled male slave when Lei'lira bought him, so he is starting with the skills of one (2 or more competent skills), but Lei'lira also paid the 300 GN for her before freeing him, 5) He bears a large ornate circular brand on his right shoulder, and the cross proving that he is a freed slave on his right shoulder, 6) He is fluent in Xanthea, and has broken Common.

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Prized Posession

When Sar'eiris returned to her homeland, she left her flute behind. Lei'lira doesn't know if she simply forgot it in her rush to abandon them, or if she meant to leave it as her final gift to them. Either way, Lei'lira has claimed it as her own, and cherishes it deeply. From one day to the next, Lei'lira can't decide if she loves the flute for the memories of happier times that it stirs within her whenever she sees it, or hates it for the painful reminder of what has been lost to her. But she will never get rid of it, and her love of music ensures that she uses it regularly rather than letting it sit on a shelf and collect dust.

Lei'lira lives on a large 139 acre farm in Rharne. It is located in the Stormlands less than a break's walk from the city. She uses the land itself to grow feed for her horses, but she hopes to buy more land in order to grow crops as well in the future. A good sized stream runs through her land, providing a source of fresh water, and she also has a well closer to her house. All of her land is fenced in.

Her farm house is a good size. At 8700sqft, it is quite comfortable for even her large family. The house itself is of good quality, and while it wasn't made using nothing but the finest materials, it was built well, and if taken care of, it will last for many generations. Lei'lira has a large garden that she grows vegetables, fruit, and herbs in.

Her land also has the farm buildings to support the animals she makes her living from. She has stabling for all of her horses, a number of barns for her other livestock, a chicken coop, and a kennel.

Last edited by Lei'lira on Thu Feb 21, 2019 3:59 am, edited 59 times in total. word count: 11069
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Posts: 652
Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:41 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Farmer
Renown: 267
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 8




RP Medals




Knowledge & Skills
Skill Points AcquiredTotal
Animal Husbandry [SP] 25, [RB] 5, [JD] 5, +2 37
Animal Training +1 1
Appraisal +1 1
Detection [AL]+3, [AL]+2 5
Endurance +1 1
Foraging +2 2
Investigation +1, +1 2
Medicine [SP] 10, [AL] 10 20
Mount +1 1
Musical Instrument: Flute [SP] 5, [JD] 5, +2 12
Ranged (crossbow) [RB] 5, [AL]+1 6
Storytelling [JD] 5 5
Thrown (Hefty Rocks) [AL]+1 1
SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Agriculture15/100 (15/251)Novice
Animal Husbandry100/100 (100/100)Grand Master (fast track skill)
Animal Training51/100 (78/251)Expert
Appraisal1/100 (1/251)Novice
Baking10/100 (10/251)Novice
Blades (katana)8/100 (8/251)Novice (3 points from Celarion blessing)
Business Management1/100 (1/251)Novice
Candlemaking1/100 (1/251)Novice
Caregiving26/100 (27/251)Competent
Cooking26/100 (27/251)Competent
Detection5/100 (5/251)Novice
Endurance1/100 (1/251)Novice
Field Craft2/100 (2/251)Novice
Gardening1/100 (1/251)Novice
Investigation2/100 (2/251)Novice
Linguistics1/100 (1/251)Novice (gaining Broken level Rakahi & Cursive)
Medicine26/100 (27/251)Competent
Mount; horse51/100 (78/251)Expert
Musical Instrument; flute12/100 (12/251)Novice
Ranged Combat (cross bow)6/100 (6/251)Novice
Sewing1/100 (1/251)Novice
Storytelling5/100 (5/251)Novice
Thrown Weapons (hefty rocks)1/100 (1/251)Novice
Writing1/100 (1/251)Novice
New Experience Ledger

SkillPoints AcquiredProficiency
Animal Husbandry100/100 (fast track skill)Grandmaster
Animal Training76/250Expert
Blades (katana)25/250 (3 points from Celarion blessing)Novice
Business Management1/250Novice
Field Craft2/250Novice
Meditation3/250 (3 points from Bellinos blessing)Novice
Mount; horse76/250Expert
Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass flute)0/250...
Musical Instrument; Reed (flute)12/250Novice
Ranged Combat (cross bow)25/250Novice
Thrown Weapons (hefty rocks)1/250Novice
Unarmed Combat (Brawling)25/250Novice
Unarmed Combat (Da'Riya)0/250...
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row 1 value 1row 1 value 2row 1 value 3
row 2 value 1row 2 value 2row 2 value 3
row 1 value 1row 1 value 2row 1 value 3
row 2 value 1row 2 value 2row 2 value 3
row 1 value 1row 1 value 2row 1 value 3
row 2 value 1row 2 value 2row 2 value 3
row 1 value 1row 1 value 2row 1 value 3
row 2 value 1row 2 value 2row 2 value 3

Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
[Warrick] Dangerous Encounters10/1510
[Warrick] Simple Pleasures10/1520
[Warrick] A Day in the Life10/1530
[Warrick] A Forgotten Key10/1540
Earning Conversational level Common3010
[Global Event] Swords, Axes, Daggers Oh My [Side Challenge]15/1525
[Warrick] Saving Grace15/1540
+13 to Animal Husbandry1327
+7 to Medicine720
+5 to Blades (dagger)515
[Global Event] The Humble Son17/2032
[Warrick] Tending the Flock10/1542
[Global Event] The Great Meeting20/2062
[Warrick] Mixed Blessings10/1072
[Warrick] Revelations15/1587
[Warrick] Securing the Future10/1097
Broken Wings15/15112
[Global Event] Heal Thyself....20/20132
[Warrick] Good Intentions10/10142
+15 to Cooking15127
[Warrick] Lost in the Twilight Snow10/10152
[Warrick] Increasing the Herd10/10162
[Global Event] Battle To The Tomb of Treid13/20175
Dancing in the Forest of Wonders10/10185
The Marking of a Slave10/10195
The Trouble with Bullies15/15210
[Warrick] The Trouble with Children10/10220
[Warrick] Dark Days15/15235
Twilight Outings10/10245
I'm Coming Home15/15260
+50 to Animal Husbandry50210
+26 to Mount26184
+12 to Cooking12172
+77 to Animal Training7795
+1 to Linguistics194
Earning Fluent level Rakahi6529
+10 to Baking1019
+1 to Candlemaking118
+10 to Caregiving108
+1 to Gardening17
+1 to Sewing16
+1 to Writing15
+1 to Business Management14
[Warrick] The Tale of Drayas15/1519
+9 to Mount181
[Courthouse] Black Sheep5/56
[Warrick] Tending to Business10/1016
Freedom for Eri10/1026
[Warrick] Many Hands Make Light Work10/1036
[Warrick] Living the Dream10/1046
All the Pretty Little Horses10/1056
Honoring the Andaris8/1579
+17 to Caregiving 1762
[Venora] Adopting Teirue10/1072
Cast Upon Uncertain Shores15/1587
[Warrick] Good Deeds are Well Rewarded10/1097
+33 to Mount 3364
+35 to Common (gaining fluent) 3529
Taking Stock15/1544
Stranger in a Strange Land15/1559
As the Arc Dies, New Life Begins10/1069
Horse Sense10/1079
[Beacon] Helping Out10/1089
Seeing the World through a Child's Eyes10/1099
[Egilrun] Flying Wonders10/10109
+17 to Blades (Katana) 1792
+19 to Ranged Combat (Crossbow) 1973
+25 to Unarmed Combat (Brawling) 2548
+25 to Endurance 2523
+13 to Strength 1310
+10 to Detection 100
[Warrick] Back Again 10/1010
New Beginnings 10/1020
Rising Tides 15/1535
Seeking Help 15/1550
+25 to Mount 2525
+25 to Animal Training 250
One Step Closer to a Dream 10/1010
First Steps 10/1020
Festival of Lights 10/1030
The Sorrow of Remembrance 20/2050

Job Skills

❖Animal Husbandry: 98 Knowledges
❖Animal Husbandry: Feeding
❖Animal Husbandry: The best caretaker is an animal’s owner
❖Animal Husbandry: Assessing an animal’s health
❖Animal Husbandry: Common Illnesses (JD)
❖Animal Husbandry: Crossbreeding
❖Animal Husbandry: Checking Animals in Cylus
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: get skittish if not fed
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: can fly for extended periods of time; their bones are less dense like a bird's are to make them light enough to allow them to fly
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: how to groom them properly
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: look like horses, but aren't quite the same
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: lifespan approximately 30 arcs
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: can't fly when their wings are wet
❖Animal Husbandry - Scalvwing Steeds: come in many different colors including deep purples, blues and green as well as pure black, pure white, and every shade in between
❖Animal Husbandry - Scalvwing Steeds: dietary needs; primarily hay and grass
❖Animal Husbandry - Scalvwing Steeds: need larger stalls to accommodate their wings
❖Animal Husbandry - Scalvwing Steeds: special care is needed when grooming their wings to ensure the feathers aren't damaged
❖Animal Husbandry - Scalvwing Steeds: have the same instincts as horses
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: mucking out their stalls is the same as mucking out any other stall
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: love getting their wings groomed
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: get along with horses well
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: do the same things in play that horses do
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: like to play
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steed: are bred the same way as horses are
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steed: since they are equines, stallions are interested in a Scalvwing Steed mare when she is in heat just as they are in any other mare that is in heat
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steed: horses and donkeys have similar gestation periods to a Scalvwing Steed mare
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steed: Scalvwing Steed mares will accept other types of equine stallions as acceptable mates
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steed: crossbreeding with horses
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: need to be warmed up with gentle exercise before working with them too much just like horses do, or they might get strained muscles
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: need to be cooled down after working with them just like horses do, or they might become ill
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: can be frisky in the snow
❖Animal Husbandry; Scalvwing Steeds: a good warm mash does wonders on a cold trial
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; different breeds can have vastly different qualities
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse Breed; Apanie come in buckskin, palomino, bay, black, chestnut, and grey with a natural metallic sheen to their coat, stand 14.2 to 16 hh, and are used for riding, show jumping, scouting, and hunting. They have a refined head with a predominantly straight or slightly convex profile and long ears, their mane and tail are usually sparse, and their long back is both lightly muscled, and coupled to a flat croup and long, upright neck. Their temperament tends to be excitable and restless, so they can be difficult to control. They are a desert breed that is somewhat common in the Hotlands. But they are most well known for their "sixth-sense" when it comes to detecting predators and enemies. Possible due to their long ears, it is believed that they use vibrations in the air to know when a threat approaches.

❖Animal Husbandry: Horse Breed; Etan Ponies are usually either chestnut or gray, stand 13 to 13.5 hh, and are used for short burst riding, and packing. They are not the most attractive of creatures, having heavy heads, and short, thick necks. And if ridden, they are quite slow. But they are able to carry heavy weight very well and for long distances. They are a desert breed that is somewhat common in the Hotlands. Their most notable quality is that they can go three trials or longer without water and require virtually no care.

❖Animal Husbandry: Horse Breed; Neeraja are usually bay, gray, chestnut, black, and roan, stand 14.1 to 15.1 hh, and are used for riding, show jumping, and dressing. They have refined, wedge-shaped heads and a peculiar broad forehead. Most show a distinctive concave, or "dished" profile. They are noted for both their intelligence and a spirited disposition. They are a desert breed that is somewhat rare in the Hotlands. Their most notable quality is an abnormal organ in their foreheads which allows the Neeraja to detect sources of water from as far as 300ft away.

❖Animal Husbandry: Horse Breed; Namib are usually bay, chestnut or dun, stand 14 to 14.3 hh, and are used for riding, packing, racing, and combative purposes. They are athletic, muscular, have clean limbs, and are strong boned. They are short-backed with oblique shoulders, have good withers and good conformation. The Namib are one of the native wild horse breeds of the Hotlands. As such, they are feral, and spirited. They are incredibly hard to train, but once you do, they become the fiercest of all mounts. They are a desert breed that is quite rare in the Hotlands. Their most notable quality is their coat. It is an odd combination of tough hide and a semi-permeable membrane. Their skin is hard to cut, giving it an asset in combat with members of its own kind, or as a war mount. It is also breathable, allowing the Namib a tremendous resistance to the scorching climates of the Hotlands.
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; the average gestation period is 320-362 trials, but most mares give birth within 330-345 trials; on average, a pregnant mare begins showing 180 trials into her pregnancy
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; a mare's cycle runs 18-23 trials with her showing signs of being in heat for 3-7 trials, 5 being average
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; the signs that a mare is close to foaling
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; foal heat is the term for a mare's first heat after giving birth; it occurs 6-12 trials after a mare gives birth, and successfully breeding her during this time is the only absolute chance of getting a foal from her each arc
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; mares due to foal should be separated from other horses both for the benefit of the mare and the safety of the soon to be birthed foal. In addition, separation allows the mare to be closely monitored for any problems that may occur while giving birth
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; how to muck out a stall
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; how to pick a horse's hooves
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; the tools needed to properly groom a horse
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; grooming is a good bonding experience for horse and rider; it's hard to know who enjoys it more
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; daily exercise is important
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: Proper stabling
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse; Grooming: Horses
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: Colic: Signs and Symptoms
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: Colic: Causes
❖Animal Husbandry: Ways to avoid Colic
❖Animal Husbandry: Clean water buckets means happy horses.
❖Animal Husbandry: A messy stall can mean distress.
❖Animal Husbandry: Horses are smarter than you think.
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: Lets you know if they're uncomfortable
❖Animal Husbandry: Horses: Examining a horse for signs of injury
❖Animal Husbandry: Horses: Calming a panicked horse
❖Animal Husbandry: Horses: Will find their way to shelter
❖Animal Husbandry: Horses: Rubdowns and grooming
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: Choosing good stock
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: Horses crave balance
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: Approaching a difficult horse
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: mares always try to deliver in the dark and in solitude because they are animals of flight, and as such they prefer not to be seen while dropping their foals
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: a mare is able to stop labor during the first stage delivery if she is frightened or disturbed; should this happen, she could wait for trials before going into labor once more when she felt it was safe to do so
❖Animal Husbandry: Horse: the importance of foal watch
❖Animal Husbandry: Cow: Milking
❖Animal Husbandry: Cow: Importance of milking
❖Animal Husbandry: How to milk a cow
❖Animal Husbandry: Keeping to a schedule when milking.
❖Animal Husbandry: Cows; a cow's gestation period is 279-287 trials, with 283 being average; cows bearing bull calves tend to have slightly longer pregnancies than those bearing heifer calves
❖Animal Husbandry: Cows; should be roughly 450 trials old before they are bred, and a bull should be at least an arc old before being bred
❖Animal Husbandry: Cows; cows need a 90 trial rest from being milked before they birth their calves to allow the damage caused to their udders from milking to heal before they must nurse their calves
❖Animal Husbandry: Cows; how to choose the right bull for your herd
❖Animal Husbandry: Caring for a stressed dog
❖Animal Husbandry: Hens: Collecting eggs
❖Animal Husbandry: Hens: Let them keep eggs to stay calm
❖Animal Husbandry: Housing hens in the henhouse
❖Animal Husbandry: Preparing the henhouse for hens
❖Animal Husbandry: Sheep: Ram and ewe breeds
❖Animal Husbandry: How to shear a sheep
❖Animal Husbandry: Sheep; Sheep should be sheared during late Ashan or early Ymiden each arc in order to prevent them from overheating in Saun.
❖Animal Husbandry: Sheep: Buy your ram at least a month before breeding
❖Animal Husbandry: Sheep: Checking your ram for foot diseases
❖Animal Husbandry: Sheep: Healthy rams have bright pink skin around their eye.
❖Animal Husbandry: Sheep: Flushing ewes before breeding
❖Animal Husbandry; Sheep: Crutching a sheep is when the wool from around the tail and between the rear legs of a sheep is sheared off. It can also mean removing the wool from the head of a sheep, which is also called wigging. And it can also refer to removing wool from the bottom of male sheep. The latter is also known as mulesing. It is done because it makes breeding sheep easier.

❖Animal Husbandry: Ewe: Putting on weight for pregnancy
❖Animal Husbandry: Ewe: Testing out different breeds for wool
❖Animal Husbandry: Ewe: Clipping wool
❖Animal Husbandry: Ewe: Breed in twins often
❖Animal Husbandry: Ewes: Housing pregnant ewes together makes lamb season easier
❖Animal Husbandry: Ewes: Twins are common
❖Animal Husbandry: Lambs: Recognizing signs of good health
❖Animal Husbandry; Pigs: pigs are low maintenance livestock compared to other farm animals
❖Animal Husbandry; Pigs:proper housing can be in a barn with deep straw to allow for rooting, or in a pasture with a strong wooden fence and a covered three sided shelter large enough for them all to lie down beside each other inside; piglets will need 16 sqft of space each, weaners and older pigs require 40 sqft
❖Animal Husbandry; Pigs: in Saun, pigs will need a wallow, an area with mud and water, in order to keep cool; if you don't provide one yourself, your pigs may dig their own, and in Cylus, they need some type of insulation to keep them warm
❖Animal Husbandry; Pigs: pigs can thrive on a wide variety of feed types including pasture, wooded lots, scrap vegetables, whey, other dairy and day old bread, all of which can reduce their need for grain, and clean water should be available at all times; the food you offer your pigs can affect the taste of their meat
❖Animal Husbandry; Goats: how to milk a goat
❖Animal Training: 23 Knowledges
❖ Animal Training: Leading a horse
❖Animal Training: Rewards to help reinforce good behavior.
❖Animal Training: Horse: Different saddles can making training more, or less, difficult.
❖Animal Training: Horse: Techniques for breaking in a horse
❖Animal Training: Horse: Voice commands
❖Animal Training: Horse: The importance of maintaining a soft mouth
❖Animal Training: Horse; begins by socializing foals and getting them used to people
❖Animal Training: Horse: putting a horse through its paces before letting it be ridden by an inexperienced rider is important
❖Animal Training: Horse: testing a horse's gaits on a lunge line will let you know if a horse is lame
❖Animal Training: Horse: lunging is a useful training tool for a horse
❖Animal Training: Horse: lunging is good exercise for a horse
❖Animal Training: Horse: when lunging a horse, the handler controls the horse by using aids that ask it to move faster or slower, bend on a circle or move closer to or farther away from you all while moving in a circle around you; aids include the lunge rope, a riding whip, and the handler's voice and body language
❖Animal Training; Scalvwing Steeds: they need to bond to their owner and really learn to trust them before they will let you fly with them
❖Animal Training - Scalvwing Steeds: respond to treats just as a horse would
❖Animal Training; Scalvwing Steeds: are prone to the same tricks that horses pull, such as taking a deep breath while being saddled so that the saddle will be loose
❖Animal Training; Scalvwing Steeds: need the same basic training that horses do, but they also need specialized training for flying
❖Animal Training: Not all animals can be trained.
❖Animal Training: Different types of training
❖Animal Training: Dog: Basic Commands
❖Animal Training: Dog: Command to sit, coupled with forcing the dog to sit.
❖Animal Training: Dog: Couple commands with praise
❖Animal Training: Dog: Treats as incentives
❖Animal Training: Dog: Train better in short, sharp bursts

Combat Skills

❖Blades; Katana: 3 Knowledges

❖Blades, Katana: Wild swings
❖Bladed Combat (Katana) Raise and slash
❖Bladed Combat (Katana) Thrust

❖Blades; Dagger: 1 Knowledge

❖ Blades, Dagger: Short reach

❖Blades; Gladius: 3 Knowledges

❖Blades: Gladius: Basic stance
❖Blades: Gladius: Grip
❖Blades: Gladius: Slashing attack

❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): 6 Knowledges
❖ Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Bite
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Kicking the asshole right in the shin
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Hard stomp to the foot (take that jackass)
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Dodging an attack
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Use your body weight to disarm
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): The art of a face slap

Random Info

❖ Battle: Hard to think, harder to act
Battle: doesn’t make sense
❖ Rocks as weapons, ranged or melee


❖ Acrobatics: 1 Knowledge
❖ Acrobatics: The quick reflexes of a mother who’s child is in danger.
❖Agriculture: 6 Knowledges
❖Agriculture: one crop per field
❖Agriculture: not the same as gardening
❖Agriculture: gardening can be a hobby or a business, but agriculture is always a business
❖Agriculture: can involve crops or orchards, but not flowers or herbs
❖Agriculture: how to pick tomatoes; a tomato is ready to be picked when it's very red in color, and firm to the touch, it's okay if it still has a little yellow around the stem, and when you pick it, carefully grasp it with one hand, and gently twist it away from the stem
❖Agriculture: when to plant tomatoes; in Ashan, 42-56 trials after the last frost

❖ Business Management: 7 Knowledges
❖Business Management: : Replacing only what’s been soiled.
❖Business Management: Bartering for services rendered
❖Business Management: Balancing your budget with your desires
❖Business Management: buying superior quality that is too young for your immediate needs over lesser quality that can be bred immediately
❖Business Management: unless specializing, being able to cater to as wide a market as possible is important
❖Business Management: when looking to start a business, move in small steps
❖Business Management: the importance of keeping detailed records

❖Caregiving: 25 Knowledges
❖Caregiving: how to change a diaper
❖Caregiving: don't rely on smell to know when a diaper needs changing; check several times a trial
❖Caregiving: balancing the needs of twins
❖Caregiving: patience is essential
❖Caregiving: time management is critical when dealing with children
❖Caregiving: letting young children "help" is important because it lets them feel usefulCaregiving: A Mother's Will To Protect Her Young
❖Caregiving: The Needs of The Children Come First
❖Caregiving: Young babies sleep frequently and wake often
❖Caretaking: Having the Older Children Help with the Younger Ones
❖Caregiving: Establishing a routine
❖Caregiving: Anticipating your child's needs
❖Caregiving: Singing to soothe a child's crying
❖Caretaking: Comforting an injured friend
❖Caregiving: knowing when sleep is the best remedy
❖Caregiving: leaving the room with the little one so the injured child can sleep
❖Caregiving: recognizing when your child is hungry
❖Caregiving: the suffering of your children is far worse than your own
❖Caregiving: softening food with water for young children if it isn't already soft enough
❖Caregiving: cuddling an infant reassures the parent as much as it does the child
❖Caregiving: even when unable to nurse, letting your child latch on and suckle can still help comfort them
❖Caregiving: being healthy yourself will allow you to care for others better
❖Caregiving: juggling three small kids isn't easy
❖Caregiving: young children throw fits to express their needs and feelings in the only way they know how
❖Caregiving: young children like to help

❖ Carpentry: 3 Knowledges
❖ Carpentry: Constructing a henhouse
❖Carpentry: The importance of sanding to create a smooth surface and remove splinters
❖Carpentry: Sanding is best done in a circular motion

❖ Cooking: 24 Knowledges
❖ Cooking: Using mint to add flavour
❖ Cooking: Mint comes in a variety of flavours / types
❖ Cooking: Recipe; tea made with fennel, nettle and raspberry leaf
❖Cooking: beer can be used as an ingredient
❖ Cooking: Types of cooking
❖ Cooking: How to make Oatmeal
❖ Cooking: Oatmeal can be seasoned with Cinnamon or sugar
❖ Cooking: Fruit can be used as a seasoning or sweetener
❖ Cooking: Oatmeal is simple and easy to make
❖ Cooking: Oatmeal is only bad when under cooked or burnt.
❖ Cooking: A quick cheese omelette.
❖ Cooking: It takes 10 bits to boil an egg
❖ Cooking: Scrambled Eggs
❖ Cooking: Eggs are bland without seasoning
❖ Cooking: Lacing scrambled eggs with medicinal herbs
❖ Cooking: Cook each portion of the meal simultaneously to avoid one part getting too cold
❖ Cooking: Breakfast is an important factor in energy in the trial ahead
❖ Cooking: How to burn an egg
❖ Cooking: Separating ingredients that look the same is something to keep in mind for the future
❖ Cooking: Preparing a Mash
❖ Cooking: Cooking in batches
❖ Cooking: How To Make Grilled Cheese
❖ Cooking: How To Make A Batch of Willow Bark Tea
❖Cooking: good, hearty food can be comforting

❖ Construction: 5 Knowledges
❖ Construction: Slate Tile Roofing
❖ Construction: Cob
❖ Construction: Different Types of Masonry
❖ Construction: Masonry Tools
❖ Construction: Checking stalls for the safety of the horses.

❖ Deception: 5 Knowledges
❖ Deception: Don't blush when you lie, it's a dead giveaway
❖ Deception: Offering yourself as a decoy to protect your children
❖ Deception: The best lies are those that do not stray far from the truth
❖ Deception: The danger is in the details
❖ Deception: If you cannot lie, do not let your actions give you away

❖ Detection: 15 Knowledges
❖ Detection: Hearing movement while resting
❖Detection: The slamming of the door.
❖Detection: looking for cooking ingredients in a hurry
❖Detection: Focusing on the details around you when distracted
❖Detection: Signs of being poisoned
❖Detection: The smell of death and dying.
❖Detection: Spotting bird nests in the grass
❖Detection: The sound of a bird's song
❖Detection: The popping sound of burning an egg
❖Detection: The taste of salt when mixed with sweet things
❖Detection: Seeing a man through mist
❖Detection: Reading Nervous Body Language
❖Detection: Keeping a sharp eye on the crowd for pickpockets and thieves
❖Detection: Noting those around you
❖Detection: Spot patterns of behaviour in others

❖ Discipline: 9 Knowledges
❖ Discipline: Staying on track with work
❖Discipline: Making tough decisions
❖Discipline: Accepting that sometimes all you can do is your best.
❖Discipline: Keeping going in a place of horror
❖Discipline: Not crying even when it really hurts
❖Discipline: Knowing when not to go to the aid of a friend
❖Discipline: Meeting Unpleasant Political Obligations
❖Discipline: Testing yourself
❖Discipline: Pushing yourself to the limit

❖ Endurance: 38 Knowledges
❖ Endurance: Adrenalin
❖ Endurance: Practicing is tiring
❖ Endurance: Breathing through pain
❖ Endurance: Healing wounds
❖ Endurance: Sunburn
❖ Endurance: Starvation
❖ Endurance: Thirst
❖ Endurance: Repeated Assault
❖ Endurance: Relentless attacks from Shadow Creatures
❖ Endurance: Labour: No pain like it!
❖ Endurance: Labour: Walking helps.
❖ Endurance: child care is tiring work.
❖ Endurance: Terror at the arrival of Drayas
❖ Endurance: Seeing stars from a strong slap
❖ Endurance: Emotional distress caused by mistreatment.
❖ Endurance: Feet slashed.
❖ Endurance: Agony from a brutal assault
❖ Endurance: Emotional scars coming to the surface.
❖ Endurance: Nightmare sleep.
❖ Endurance: Fear for your child's well being
❖ Endurance: finding power through intense hatred
❖ Endurance: Painful memories lessen over time, but they must first be endured
❖ Endurance: The pain of a fatal disease
❖ Endurance: The sounds of screaming is torture
❖ Endurance: Carrying patients.
❖ Endurance: How to stay standing when all you want to do is run and hide
❖ Endurance: Sometimes, being alive is the bravest thing you can do
❖ Endurance: The biting cold.
❖ Endurance: Watching someone else be branded
❖ Endurance: Pain of falling from stairs
❖ Endurance: Continued effort takes its toll
❖ Endurance: Fighting Against Restraints With Chafed and Bleeding Wounds
❖ Endurance: Surviving In The Cold of Zi'da
❖Endurance: Enduring the crush of a crowd when crowds make you nervous
❖Endurance: taking strength from the familiar
❖Endurance: the pain of deprivation
❖Endurance: the pain of a dislocated shoulder
❖Endurance: dealing with three young children at once

❖ Etiquette: 5 Knowledges
❖ Etiquette: When one is a noble, err on the side of formality, even with family
❖ Etiquette: Noble Parties, No Matter For What, Are Normally Fancy
❖Etiquette: when someone introduces themselves, it is rude not to offer your own name in return
❖Etiquette: Keep a polite tone when talking to Immortals
❖Etiquette: Show your gratitude

❖ Field Craft: 1 Knowledge
❖ Field Craft: Slippery elm bark makes fine porridge!

❖ Gardening: 6 Knowledges
❖Gardening: Planting season
❖Gardening: Some plants are aggressive. Mint, for example
❖Gardening: Collect slippery elm bark in Ashan
❖Gardening: Plant aggressive plants in pots.
❖Gardening: When transplanting, keep original soil on the roots
❖Gardening: How to take a mint cutting

❖Hunting: 1 Knowledge
❖ Hunting: Luring a bird from it's nest to seize it's eggs

❖Interrogation: 1 Knowledges

❖Interrogation: Question, always question.

❖Intimidation: 3 Knowledges
❖Intimidation: Outnumbering the target
❖Intimidation: Spooking a horse.
❖Intimidation: Shouting threats

❖Investigation: 4 Knowledges
❖Investigation: What disturbed my children nap
❖Investigation: Using every advantage you have while searching for clues for a missing person (like checking the bounty board)
❖Investigation: When you don't know something, ask someone who looks like they might know; you might just get the answer you need
❖Investigation: listening to others talk around you is a good way to gain information

❖ Leadership: 3 Knowledges
❖ Leadership: Priorities
❖Leadership: Taking decisive action
❖Leadership: Calling out commands

❖ Linguistics: 10 Knowledges
❖Linguistics: the core aspects of linguistics are syntax, phonetics, and semantics
❖Linguistics: most languages are grouped into families that share similar characteristics
❖Linguistics Common: A trade language
❖Linguistics: Rakahi: A difficult language to learn
❖Linguistics: the language of music is universal
❖Linguistics: Children pick up languages more easily than adults do
❖Linguistics: Being multilingual is very useful
❖Linguistics: a polyglot is someone who knows several languages, and learns them because they enjoy doing so rather than out of necessity
❖Linguistics: is the study of languages
❖Linguistics: the docks are a good place to pick up a few words in a new or unfamiliar language because so many different languages can be found spoken there

❖Logistics: 3 Knowledges
❖Logistics: Effective triage uses simple methods
❖Logistics: Ensuring that everyone knows what to do
❖Logistics: Stocktake is important

❖Mathematics: 2 Knowledges
❖Mathematics Multiplication
❖Mathematics: Ten times table is the easiest

❖Medicine: 45 Knowledges (11 in Herbs section)
❖Medicine; Horse: the three stages of labor
❖Medicine; Horse: how to handle a breech birth
❖Medicine: Treating Common Illnesses (Cow) (JD)
❖Medicine: Cows; rectal palpation of the uterus is a good way to tell if a cow is pregnant, and can be done as soon as 35 trials into the pregnancy
❖Medicine: Checking stool for early signs of illness.
❖Medicine: A warm mash helps to restore proper body temperature
❖Medicine: How to apply a leg wrap
❖Medicine: Myiasis, or flystrike is when flies lay their eggs in open wounds, or urine soaked fur; the eggs hatch, and the larvae eat their way into the afflicted animal or person. It is fatal if left untreated. Treatment involves cutting the maggots out of the body, and can often be fatal as well. Crutching is an effective preventive measure.
❖Medicine: Be careful using herbs around pregnant women
❖Medicine: an herbal tea made from fennel, nettle and raspberry leaf will help promote and encourage you producing your own milk
❖Medicine: when unable to nurse, letting your child latch on and suckle can help remind your body that it is still supposed to be producing milk
❖Medicine: lactation can fail in nursing mothers when they are unhealthy
❖Medicine: the signs of diaper rash
❖Medicine: chafing and diaper rash can be prevented by changing soiled diapers as soon as they are soiled
❖Medicine: Recognising signs of shock
❖Medicine: Treating burns
❖Medicine: Inflamed wounds could be infected
❖Medicine: Triage Techniques
❖Medicine: Diagnosing: Look at the eyes.
❖Medicine: Diagnosis of poison
❖Medicine: Cleaning wounds
❖Medicine: Pressure & bandaging
❖Medicine: Bandaging
❖Medicine: Risks of a Tourniquet
❖Medicine: Tourniquet
❖Medicine: Different Kinds of Burns
❖Medicine: Burn Symptoms
❖Medicine: Burn Causes
❖Medicine: Treating a Burn
❖Medicine: Burn Phases of Healing
❖Medicine: when at sea, the dead are thrown overboard to prevent sickness among those still living
❖Medicine: drinking salt water doesn't quench thirst, it only makes it worse
❖Medicine: when supplies are limited, they should be used on those who need them the most first
❖Medicine: even the best healer cannot bring the dead back to life

❖Meditation: 7 Knowledges
❖Meditation: Talking a short nap refuel your energy.
❖Meditation: is supposed to calm the mind, and help you to focus
❖Meditation: has many different techniques; some simple, others more complex
❖Meditation: Technique; slow, deep breaths
❖Meditation: doesn't always work
❖Meditation: it is impossible to meditate in a crowd
❖Meditation: it isn't possible to be in a state of panic and relaxed at the same time

❖Mount: 33 Knowledges
❖Mount Darkwind spooks at blood
❖Mount: The further you ride the slower the horse becomes
❖Mount: Recognizing the signs of a horse feeling skittish
❖Mount: Knowing when to rein in, when not to
❖Mount: Lean back in the saddle when you pull back on the reins
❖Mount: Leaning forward whilst moving tells the horse you want to go faster
❖Mount; Horse: riding double with young children who are too young to ride by themselves can be difficult as the children grow
❖Mount; Horse: some horses took a deep breath while being saddled in order to prevent it from being tightened properly
❖Mount; Horse: double checking riding gear to make sure it is on correctly before riding is very important
❖Mount; Horse: a loose saddle can be dangerous
❖Mount; Horse: slippery slush makes for dangerous riding conditions
❖Mount: Horse: Cues for reinless riding
❖Mount: Horse: Combining reining with pressure focused riding
❖Mount: Horse: Knowing your limits as a rider
❖Mount: Horse: Mixed messages (mismatched riding cues) can confuse and frustrate your mount
❖Mount: Horse; a pregnant mare shouldn't be ridden past 180-240 trials into its pregnancy, and shouldn't be ridden again until its foal is at least 90 trials old
❖Mount: Horse; it is a good idea to test ride a horse you want to use as a mount before buying it
❖Mount: Horse; good gaits are important in a mount
❖Mount: Horse; riding through a crowd
❖Mount: Horse; in a first mount, speed is not an asset
❖Mount: Horse; the proper way to introduce yourself to a strange horse
❖Mount: Horse; trust between horse and rider is of utmost importance
❖Mount; Horse: Long trials of riding are hard on those who aren't used to it
❖Mount; Horse: Sore leg muscles are a guarantee for inexperienced riders
❖Mount; Horse: See to your horse's needs before your own
❖Mount; Horse: signs of a panicking horse
❖Mount; Horse: a panicked horse is a dangerous horse
❖Mount; Horse: a poorly trained horse will ignore the commands of their rider
❖Mount; Horse: poorly trained horses shouldn't be ridden in crowded areas
❖Mount; Horse: even in a panic, a well trained horse that hasn't reached the point of bolting will respond to the calming efforts of a person it trusts
❖Mount; Scalvwing Steed: moves like a horse when on the ground
❖Mount; Scalvwing Steed: needs to trust their rider before they will fly with them
❖Mount; Scalvwing Steed: the joy of a first flight

❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): 5 Knowledges
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): a beautiful instrument
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): looks nothing like a flute
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): sounds as beautiful as it looks
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): in the hands of a skilled musician, they can echo the sound of rain, laughter or harmonize in beautiful melodies
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): can only be bought in Egilrun, Scalvoris Town, Almund and Faldrass

❖Musical Instrument; Wind (Flute): 4 Knowledges
❖Musical Instrument; Wind (Flute): Basic Notes and Chords (JD)
❖Musical Instrument; Wind (Flute): Light breaths have a better sound
❖Musical Instrument; Wind (Flute): The importance of controlled breathing
❖ Musical Instrument; Wind (Flute): The Mariner’s Way Song (can be played as a sad song, or a lively one; the melody in both cases is a simple one) (JD)

❖Navigation: 1 Knowledge
❖Navigation: The ins and outs of a tall ship

❖Persuasion: 3 Knowledges
❖Persuasion: Getting the children to calm down.
❖Persuasion: Bribing a Child
❖Persuasion: Dropping the Family Name

Philosophy: 1 Knowledge
❖Philosophy: Men only inflict pain and humiliation

Politics: 5 Knowledges
❖Politics: A noble’s actions and experiences can impact their entire family
❖Politics: A noble’s reputation is their most important tool
❖Politics: Rynmere Laws Need To Change
❖Politics: Gala Events Show Disregard for the Poor
❖Politics: Those Not Suited for Titles Should be Free of Them

❖Psychology: 13 Knowledges
❖Psychology: Block out bad memories
❖Psychology: Nightmares replace dreams
❖Psychology: Hope gives strength
❖Psychology: Sometimes calm words can be more terrifying than harsh ones.
❖Psychology: Losing time and sense of reality through Trauma.
❖Psychology: The natural high of realizing a dream
❖Psychology: Overcoming fear isn't always easy
❖Psychology: Learning from your mistakes
❖Psychology: Knowing when to stay
❖Psychology: Losing your temper (or finding it?)
❖Psychology: Feeling of being empowered
❖Psychology: Social Anxiety Brought On By The Children
❖Psychology: Preferring the Simple Life

❖Research: 6 Knowledges
❖Research: Note taking is key for remembering information
❖Research: Take regular breaks!
❖Research: Your eyes can get strained.
❖Research: Asking a Librarian for Help
❖Research: Narrowing Down Subjects By Subject/Author/Title
❖Research: Keeping Your Distractions At Bay

❖Running: 4 Knowledges
❖Running Run while the psycho husband is distracted
❖Running: Don’t stop to look back.
❖Running: Leading an aggressor away from a defenceless target
❖Running: Racing back indoors to finish the task at hand

❖Singing: 1 Knowledge
❖Singing: Can help to pass the time.

❖Seduction: 1 Knowledge
❖Seduction: Batting eyelids and moving hips

❖Socialization: 2
❖Socialization: listening to the dreams of others
❖Socialization: learning about others through conversation

❖Stealth: 2 Knowledges
❖Stealth: The tall grass
❖Stealth: Quiet is easier in noise

❖Storytelling: 1 Knowledge
❖Storytelling: Tailoring stories to your audience

❖Strength: 4 Knowledges
❖Strength: Lift with your knees
❖Strength: The force of a mother
❖Strength: the will to stand up against a horrible man
❖Strength: pushing a breech foal back inside its mother so it can be turned around

❖Tactics: 13 Knowledges
❖Tactics Alone and unarmed is often not a good move
❖Tactics: Dagger fighting is different than sword fighting
❖Tactics: Areas to attack
❖Tactics: Don’t go anywhere without being prepared
❖Tactics: Trading one good for another
❖Tactics: Using a horses instincts to your advantage.
❖Tactics: Underestimating the horse taming skills of a useless dirtbag.
❖Tactics: A smaller space means less possibility of threats
❖Tactics: Use your assets wisely
❖Tactics: The fine art of winning a snowball fight
❖Tactics: Not Buying More Than You Can Carry
❖Tactics: Know your environment
❖Tactics: The balance of power and knowledge

❖Tracking: 1 Knowledge
❖Tracking: Prints



Location: Rharne
❖Rharne: has good farmland
❖Rharne: the soldiers are rougher than the Iron Hand in Rynmere, but they are also more honest
❖Rharne: docks
❖Rharne: elevator leading from Dust Quarter to Sky Quarter

Rharne: Dust Quarter
❖Dust Quarter: located outside the city walls
❖Dust Quarter: full of run down homes that could fit right in with the ones found in Lowtown
❖Dust Quarter: is filthy; garbage, and sewage fill the streets
❖Dust Quarter: home to those who can't afford to live anywhere else
❖Dust Quarter: not a safe place
❖Dust Quarter: likely to have a lot of crime

Rharne: Earth Quarter
❖Earth Quarter: located at the foot of the mountain the city is on, but is within the city walls
❖Earth Quarter: most buildings are made out of wood and cheap stone
❖Earth Quarter: most roads are made out of well packed dirt, but some are made out of cobblestone
❖Earth Quarter: the main road that runs along the wall is made of stone and is kept clear of debris
❖Earth Quarter: the streets are clean, and the guard presence in this area is constant, especially around the gates
❖Earth Quarter: those who live here work hard for what they earn, but aren't as poor as those who live in the Dust Quarter
❖Earth Quarter: is where the base for the Order of Adunih in Rharne is located

❖Location: Thunder Dome
❖Thunder Dome: a public training area
❖Thunder Dome: located in the Earth Quarter



Location: Warrick Family Farm
❖ Warrick Region: Bandit Ambush
❖Rynmere: Villages: Meadow Farms: Breeding farm
❖Location: Library in Fort Warrick
❖Warrick Library: That's a lot of books.


Location: Andaris Capital City
❖Andaris: Variety in the Markets
❖Location: Branding shed
❖Location: Malcolm and Elyna's Estate
❖Location: Ye Olde Inn
❖Warrick's Watch: Tree planted at the main gate leading into Andaris
❖Warrick's Watch: Planted by Henry II of House Warrick


Location: Venora
Location: The Little Garden
❖The Little Garden: an orphanage located in Venora

Eastern Settlements

Location: Eastern Settlements
Location: Oakleigh
❖Oakleigh: origin of the Oakleigh Destrier

❖ Rynmere: Growing Seasons
❖Rynmere: Common Herbs
❖Rynmere: Fauna
❖Rynmere: Law Puts Men Over Women


Location: Athart
❖Athart: city of the Avriel
❖Athart: city of slavery


Location: Ne’haer
❖Ne’haer: Located in the west of Idalos
❖Ne'haer: City of Religious Tolerance
❖Ne'haer: In Ruins Due To Mist Men Attack
❖Ne'haer: Council of Minäih Judgement Hall
❖Ne'haer: Destruction of The Judgement Hall


Location: Beacon Village
❖Beacon Village: located just outside Scalvoris Town
❖Beacon Village: the houses are small, but comfortable and clean
❖Beacon Village: a good community where everyone helps everyone else as needed
❖Beacon: has produce and livestock farms attached to it as well as a vineyard

Location: Luna's Dream
❖Luna's Dream: an orphanage in Scalvoris Town
❖Luna's Dream: opened in Vhalar 717

Location: Almund
Location: Egilrun
❖Egilrun: home of a ranch that raises and sells Scalvwing Steeds
Location: Faldrass

Scalvoris Holidays

❖Ilaren's Trial: the 100th of Ashan is a trial for drinking and celebrations. People usually begin drinking at dawn and continue throughout the trial until dawn the next trial. Those who manage to drink for the entire holiday are said to be smiled upon by Ilaren herself. There tend to be a lot of fights during this trial as a result of the consumption of so much alcohol.


❖Location; U’frek’s ship


❖ Chickens: Don't stray far from their food source.
Chickens: Storing eggs
Chickens can't fly
Chickens hide when nesting
❖Cows: must be pregnant in order to be milked
Cows: Heifers are bovines that have not had a calf yet, and are considered to be such until they birth their second calf
Cows: cows are mature bovines that have birthed two or more calves
❖ Daisy: Doesn’t like cold hands.
Daisy: Lets her displeasure be known.
❖Horses: mares are very devoted mothers; the best way to have a happy, contented mare and a calm, confidant foal is to leave mother and foal together uninterrupted
❖Horses: stallions can sire up to 200 foals per arc
❖Horses: only about one in 10,000 horses have twins, and even fewer survive birth
❖ Darkwind: Likes to roll in the grass
Darkwind: Loves to be groomed
❖ Kaiyu: Impatient for attention.
❖ Star: Patient
Star: Came to your aid
❖ Signs that a horse is in season
Whales: Really Big Animals
Whales: Live Deep in the Ocean



❖ Lei'lira: Pregnant
❖ Self: Disgraced
❖Lei'lira: believes that experience is the best teacher
❖Lei'lira: worries about overworking her kids
❖Lei'lira: hates the thought of Eri being a slave
❖Lei'lira: hopes to create her own breed of horses one trial
❖Lei'lira: won't tolerate the abuse of an animal
❖Lei'lira: is easy to read
❖Lei'lira: thinks Drayas drugged her with Saikuru to get her pregnant
❖Lei'lira: fears she may be pregnant again
❖Lei'lira: is terrified of men
❖Lei'lira: likes heights
❖Lei'lira: understands animals better than she understands people
❖Lei'lira: has a very low tolerance for alcohol

❖ Lei’Luna: Gives comfort
❖Lei'luna: worries about Lei'lira
❖Lei'luna: hates crowds as much as Lei'lira does


❖ Ari Lendon: Short on eggs

❖NPC: Atreyas
❖Atreyas: an orphan at The Little Garden
❖Atreyas: adopted by Lei'lira
❖Atreyas: Lil'ari's friend
❖Atreyas: doesn't want to be separated from Lil'ari

❖ King Cassander: Rumored to have seen Tristan’s play

❖ Damon Andaris: Lord of the House Andaris

❖ Drayas: Will be your husband
❖Drayas: Uncle Victor will speak to him.
❖Drayas: Rapes you
❖Drayas: Is angry about you having a child that is not his
❖Drayas: Wanted to be there for the birth of the child/twins
❖ NPC: Drayas: Not likely to be happy at the twins' red hair

❖NPC: Ei'ryl
❖Eiryl: an orphan living at Luna's Dream
❖Ei'ryl: a Sev'ryn
❖Ei'ryl: has an ose-bori named Sarasin
❖Ei'ryl: Ei'ryn's twin sister
❖Ei'ryl: has three younger sisters including her twin
❖Ei'ryl: loves beautiful things
❖Ei'ryl: longs to be able to create beauty of her own
❖Ei'ryl: skilled with the glass flute
❖Ei'ryl: a friendly child
❖Ei'ryl: protective of her sisters

❖NPC: Ei'ryn
❖Ei'ryn: an orphan living at Luna's Dream
❖Ei'ryn: a Sev'ryn
❖Ei'ryn: has an ose-bori named Hoshi
❖Ei'ryn: Ei'ryl's twin sister
❖Ei'ryn: has one older sister and two younger sisters including her twin
❖Ei'ryn: loves beautiful things
❖Ei'ryn: longs to be able to create beauty of her own
❖Ei'ryn: skilled at drawing
❖Ei'ryn: a timid, painfully shy child
❖Ei'ryn: "speaks" through her art

❖ Elyna: Mother of Luke
❖Elyna Burhan: a noble
❖Elyna Burhan: knows Lazuli
❖Elyna Burhan: mother of Elise
❖Elyna Burhan: pregnant again
❖Elyna Burhan: chose to deny an arranged marriage and face life without her family
❖Elyna Burhan: wants to be friends

❖ Erelda: Midwife

❖NPC: Eri: Plays off her fear
❖Eri: hates being reminded that she is a slave
❖Eri: hates being pitied
❖Eri: is free now
❖Eriana: Teirue's Friend
❖Eriana: Sister to Teia
❖Eriana: To be Bought

❖NPC: Evan
❖Evan: an orphan at The Little Garden
❖Evan: is a polyglot who speaks 8 languages, and can read a 9th written one
❖Evan: Kei'iru's friend
❖Evan: is a Lotharro

❖NPC: Evy: your midwife / healer

❖Faith: a healer
❖Faith: incredibly kind
❖Faith: had a daughter named Rose who died
❖Faith: gave birth to twins recently
❖Faith: is very generous
❖Faith: owns Cally's

❖NPC: Felicia Hounsworth
❖Felicia Hounsworth: runs Luna's Dream
❖Felicia Hounsworth: is very kind
❖Felicia Hounsworth: is well organized

❖NPC: Hannah Yavich
❖NPC: Hannah Yavich: Owner of Ye Olde Inn

❖Iggy: Your friend

❖ Isabel Warrick: Your grandmother
❖Isabel Warrick: Will not allow this child to be born out of wedlock
❖Isabel Warrick: Determined you will not bring shame to your sister

❖Kaien: brought back to life by Faith

❖NPC: Kei'iru
❖Kei'iru: an orphan at The Little Garden
❖Kei'iru: adopted by Lei'lira
❖Kei'iru: Lil'ari's younger sister

❖ Lazuli: Give comfort
❖Lazuli: Tortured
❖Lazuli: Not up to seeing anyone
❖Lazuli: Doesn’t want to see you?
❖Lazuli: Tortured by the King’s men
❖Lazuli: Expected to guide the Warrick family to greatness
❖Lazuli: News of your assault could destabilize her power
❖Lazuli: You have a responsibility to protect her

❖NPC: Lil'ari
❖Lil'ari: an orphan at The Little Garden
❖Lil'ari: adopted by Lei'lira
❖Lil'ari: Kei'iru's older sister
❖Lil'ari: Atreyas's friend
❖Lil'ari: has an ose-bori

❖NPC: Nats Bettes
❖Nats Bettes: teaches at Luna's Dream
❖Nats Bettes: the kids love her
❖Nats Bettes: a quiet woman who prefers her own company outside the classroom

❖ Malcolm: Elyna's...?
❖Malcolm: Father of Luke
❖Malcolm: Looking Into Drayas' Disappearance
❖Malcolm: Blackmailing You to Testify at Vivian's Trial

❖NPC: Maybella Dawson
❖Maybella Dawson: runs The Little Garden
❖Maybella Dawson: cares deeply about the kids she looks after

❖NPC: Mother of Dust: A Healer

❖Odessa Andaris: Lady of the House Andaris

❖NPC: Pythera Venora
❖Pythera Venora: also called Valkyr
❖Pythera Venora: a noble of House Venora
❖Pythera Venora: used to be a Skyrider before being kicked out for violent tendencies
❖Pythera Venora: a cruel, violent woman
❖Pythera Venora: hates Vivian
❖Pythera Venora: likes to corrupt and defile people

❖ Quio: Knows Ne'haer
❖Quio: Has a dog called Jack
❖Quio: Innocent
❖Quio: Has a dog

❖NPC: Sai'ryl
❖Sai'ryl: an orphan living at Luna's Dream
❖Sai'ryl: a Sev'ryn
❖Sai'ryl: her nickname is "Little Mother"
❖Sai'ryl: has two older sisters and one younger sister
❖Sai'ryl: loves stories
❖Sai'ryl: learns quickly but unless she is interested in what she is learning, she is unlikely to stay with it for long
❖Sai'ryl: her greatest joy is to make others happy
❖Sai'ryl: a sensitive child
❖Sai'ryl: eager to please the people she cares about

❖Saoire: The Holiday Woman
❖Saoire: The Beauty of a Gift
❖Saoire: Wear Variable Holiday Crowns

❖School Crush: Failed to notice your flirting
❖School Crush: Remembers you but not your name
❖School Crush: Runs a Jacadon farm

❖NPC: Tae'ryn
❖Tae'ryn: an orphan living at Luna's Dream
❖Tae'ryn: a Sev'ryn
❖Tae'ryn: is 5 arcs old
❖Tae'ryn: has three older sisters
❖Tae'ryn: loves stories
❖Tae'ryn: is shy around strangers
❖Tae'ryn: skilled with languages
❖Tae'ryn: knows Common, Xanthea, Pailtic, Scalveen, Cursive, and Ku'aric

❖NPC: Teirue: Quiet
❖NPC: Teirue: Has a fear of men
❖Teirue: Eriana's Friend
❖Teirue: To be Adopted
❖Teirue: wants to help
❖Teirue: curious about Elise
❖Teirue: thinks she's a big girl now
❖Teirue: wants to learn how to ride by herself

❖ NPC: Tiran and Taerin: Your twins (Tiran male, Taerin female)

❖NPC: Taerin: Red hair
❖Taerin: hasn't been eating solid food for long
❖Taerin: loves the sound of Lei'lira's voice

❖Tiran: hasn't been eating solid food for long
❖Tiran: loves the sound of Lei'lira's voice

❖ Trevon: Your neighbor
❖Trevon: Skilled at carpentry and carving

❖ Tristan Venora: Has a play ‘A Royal Tragedy’

❖Victor: Made the Bandits scream
❖Victor: Uncle
❖Victor: Strong
❖Victor: Promised not to hurt you
❖Victor: Burnt the camp to ashes
❖Victor Warrick: Will keep news of your assault a secret and requires you to do the same

❖Vakhanor: Knew Lazuli
❖Vakhanor: Smith Working In Andaris

❖Vaughn: Has Worked With Horses

❖Violet: Lady of the House Warrick

❖ Vivian: Rescuer
❖Vivian: Has lost her title and military rank
❖Vivian: Wishes to run away from Rynmere
❖Vivian: Wants to kill Drayas
❖Vivian: Helped you with the twins
❖Vivian: Was there for you in a hard time
❖Vivian: Asked you to run away with her
❖Vivian: Qe'dreki Rebel
❖Vivian: A Skilled Fighter
❖Vivian: One of The Only Few You Trust
❖Vivian: loves looking at things from high up
❖Vivian: wanted to be a Skyrider because of her love of heights
❖Vivian: hates Pythera Venora

❖ House Warrick Servants: Rude

❖Zedarius: Fiance to Lady Odessa Andaris


❖Order of the Adunih: is split into two paths among the more senior members; the Path of the Body that heals the body, and the Path of the Mind which heals the mind


❖ Immortals: Witness To Their Existence

❖Immortal: Ethelynda
❖Immortal: Faldrun
❖Immortal: Ilaren
❖Ilaren: the Immortal of lightning, sound, brawling, and alcohol

❖Immortal: Jesine
❖ Jensine: A troubling dream

❖Lisirra: Immortal of Pestilence, Toxin, Decay, Insects
❖Lisirra: enemy of Moseke, Ethelynda, and Vri
❖Lisirra: honored at the First Harvest in Scalvoris so she might keep pestilence away from the island for another arc
❖Lisirra: is said to have created the Avriel as well as many monsters
❖Lisirra: is known by many names, including: The Pestilent One, Corrupter, The Insect Queen, The Mistress of Toxin, and The Destroyer of Desnind

❖Immortal: Moseke
❖ Moseke: Revitalised and healed all present

❖Immortal: Qylios

❖Immortal: U'frek
❖ U'frek: Immortal of the sea
❖U'frek: Biqaj Immortal

❖Immortal: Xiur
❖Immortal: Ymiden
❖Immortal: Yvithia

Immortal: Yvithia


❖Language: Basa
Basa: spoken and written in Northern Idalos

❖Language: Cerke
Cerke: a written language of Northern Idalos

❖ Language: Common
Common: A quick spoken language
Common, use gestures to convey meaning
Common: Phrase: Wolf spirit
Linguistics: Common: A trade language
Common: slang
Common: numbers

❖Language: Common Sign
Common Sign: "spoken" with gestures
Common Sign: useful for street kids, and hunters

❖Language: Dehasin
Dehasin: one of two languages spoken in Athart
Dehasin: spoken by human slaves in Athart
Dehasin: the only language specifically for slaves
Dehasin: is a hard language to learn; many slavers don't understand it
Dehasin: swears
Dehasin: lullaby

❖Language: Haltunga
Haltunga: language of the Lotharro

❖Language: Ku'aric
Ku'aric: a language written and spoken in Central Idalos
Ku'aric: poo poo head

❖Language: Lorien
Lorien: one of two languages spoken in Athart
Lorien: spoken by the Avriel

❖Language: Murmasian
Murmasian: a spoken language of Northern Idalos

❖Language: Pailtic
Pailtic: a language written and spoken in Central Idalos
Pailtic: stupid

❖Language: Perwarshian
Perwarshian: spoken and written in Northern Idalos

❖Language: Pij'thak
Pij'thak: spoken and written in Northern Idalos

❖ Language: Rakahi
Language: Rakahi Phrase: Wolf spirit
Linguistics: Rakahi: A difficult language to learn
Rakahi: recogniseable but incomprehensible
Rakahi: ship language
Rakahi: word: 'sorry'
Rakahi: nautical terms for areas of ship.

❖ Language: Sulnysian
Sulnysian: spoken and written in Northern Idalos
Sulnysian: a rare language

❖ Language: Xanthea


❖ Bandits: Tattooed with a V
❖ Fear: A man’s touch
❖ Orders: To be obeyed, always
❖ Pregnancy: Would reflect badly on Lazuli
❖ Recovery: Distance helps

❖ Sex: Agonizing pain
Sex: Shame and guilt

❖Slavery: Must register the slave at auction house
❖How to free a slave

❖Wine: an acquired taste
❖Wine: very bitter and acidic
❖Wine: is made out of fermented grapes
❖Wine: doesn't taste like grapes
❖Wine: the more you drink, the better tolerance you have for it

❖ The sight of two Immortals locked in battle is one not many mortals see
❖ Angry people are dangerous people
❖Power is dangerous
❖Work comes before play on a farm. Always.

Global Event: Treid's Heart

❖ Portal: To Oscillus
Portal: Lights above it like stars
❖ Task: The immortals need your help
Task: Head to the Council of Minäih


Medicine: Aloe is good for burns
Medicine: Ginger mint has antiseptic properties
Medicine: Mint can be used to sooth an upset stomach
❖Medicine: Mint can be put into a salve
Medicine: Lemon balm to treat colds, flu and allergies
Medicine: Plantain poultice is good for treating burns, bites and acts as an analgestic.
❖Medicine: Plantain Compresses are helpful for reducing swelling
❖Medicine: Fresh plantain more effective than dried
Saikuru: is not poisonous, but misusing this plant can lead to dangerous pregnancies
❖Saikuru: a single dose made from one part of the plant (flowers, or leaves, or roots, etc.) used on a female, will guarantee that they will become pregnant, even if an animal is not in heat, or if a woman has given birth recently
❖Saikuru: using more than one part of the plant will make the drug more potent, and may cause multiple births, especially in animals who are prone to them, or people who have twins in their family; this will also cause animals that birth litters (like cats and dogs) to bear litters on the larger side of average for their species.
❖Saikuru: using the entire plant will ensure multiple births; horses will bear twin foals, women will give birth to twins or triplets with a small chance of quadruplets or quintuplets, and so on
❖Saikuru: works on both people, and animals
❖Saikuru: also called Farmer's friend
❖Saikuru: makes it easier for a farmer to breed their livestock
❖Saikuru: often used when an heir is needed
❖Saikuru: has a sweet, pleasant flavor
Medicine: Slippery Elm bark poultice is one of the best for treating wounds, boils, ulcers etc.
Medicine: Willow tree bark can be used as an analgesic
❖Medicine: Willow bark tea is good for pain

Capstone Abilities

Animal Husbandry

Breeding Mastery (Horses): Lei'lira's love of animals, horses in particular has evolved into a very deep understanding of them. As a result, her breeding efforts have a higher chance of producing the desired results than the efforts of a less skilled breeder would. This ability come with three tiers of skill, and each tier offers its own advantages as well as requires a certain number of knowledges about the animal it is being used on.

Lower Tier: allows a 40-50% chance of getting offspring without major flaws and aren't prone to illness, but there would be no added benefit if breeding for desired traits. This works with all animals she has at least 15 knowledges for. This level affects the health of the resulting offspring mostly, resulting in healthy offspring who are less prone to illness, and the health problems that may be common in their species/breed. But it can also be used for some things such as excessive aggression in some animals; her expertise in animal husbandry is such that she would realize that if both parents were very aggressive, the offspring would be as well, and so she wouldn't breed them together.

Middle Tier: allows a 50% chance of getting a desired trait in the offspring to some degree, and a 10%-20% chance of getting exactly what she wanted. But she would have a 80% chance of getting offspring without major flaws or that were prone to illness. This works only with other equines (donkeys, zebras Scalwing Steeds, etc.), and requires 25 knowledges specifically for each animal I want to apply it to.

Top Tier: will produce offspring that are without major flaws and aren't prone to illness 100% of the time. Allows a 100% chance of getting a single desired trait (ex. speed) in the offspring to some degree, and a 75% chance of getting exactly what she wanted. This tier will allow her to breed for multiple traits (maybe up to 3-5?) with a somewhat lower success rate; 60% chance of getting all of the desired traits in the offspring to some degree, and a 40% chance of getting exactly what she wanted. These abilities are possible if both parents have the traits that she wishes to breed into the offspring. But she can also breed for qualities present in only one parent, ex. using a desert breed and a common horse to breed some of the qualities of the desert breed into offspring more suited to her climate with a 80% success rate. Top quality offspring (ex. race horse quality) will be fairly common. Females can occasionally produce more offspring than usual without undue risk; ex. twin foals. (15%-25% chance) This works only for horses, and requires 30 knowledges.

Approval link: here

Selection of the Fittest: Intelligence

Lei'lira's skill with animals has allowed her to hone in on their individual qualities very easily. After spending a few breaks with an animal, she has a good feel for its personality, willingness to work, speed, strength, intelligence, and so on. She is also aware of flaws in their character such as a tendency to bite their handler. This ability allows Lei'lira to selectively choose which animals to breed together if she is looking to breed more intelligence into the resulting offspring. The ability will work on all animals she knows well, but will work only to enhance the intelligence of the resulting offspring. It cannot affect any other quality, nor can it prevent flaws from cropping up as a result of those other qualities. An example of this is that she can get a smarter horse by using this ability, but if the horse has an unwillingness to work, or a dislike of its owner, it will use that intelligence to thwart its rider when he tries to ride it, or to escape its stall if it wants to run free, and so on. Offspring produced using this ability will pass on the full measure of their intelligence to their own offspring only if bred to other animals who have been produced using this ability. If bred to animals that were not born with enhanced intelligence, it will be a matter of luck unless the ability is used on them as well.

Lower Tier: At this level, this ability will produce offspring that are at the higher end of intelligence for their species. Dogs bred at this level will be able to learn tricks/basic training easily (if they are willing to do so), and will be skilled at tasks that require intelligence such as herding sheep (again if willing to do so). Horses bred at this level will be able to figure out how to untie some knots, escape stalls, etc. as well as being easier to train. At this level, the ability works 100% of the time, and requires 10-15 knowledges about the animals she wants to breed using the ability. Offspring produced by this level of the ability can pass their intelligence down to their offspring 100% of the time if bred to animals produced by this level of the ability. If bred to animals that haven't been enhanced by the ability, they have a 60% chance of passing their full intelligence to their offspring.

Middle Tier: This level of the ability pushes the envelop of intelligence even further. Animals bred using this level of the ability will produce offspring that have intelligence equal to the smartest of animals; dolphins, chimpanzees, grey parrots, etc. It will only work on species that don't already have that level of intelligence, so it will boost the intelligence of horses and cats, but not dolphins, and grey parrots. Nor will it work on animals that have been produced through this level of the ability. The reason for this is that is at this level, the ability is unable to produce offspring with the intelligence of an adult person. At this level, the ability will work 60-75% of the time, and requires 20-25 knowledges about the animals she wants to breed using the ability. Offspring produced using this ability will pass on the full measure of their intelligence to their own offspring only if bred to other animals who have been produced using the same level of this ability. If bred to animals that were not born with enhanced intelligence, or by using the lower tier of this ability, it will be a matter of luck unless the ability is used on them as well.

Top Tier: This level of the ability is only possible with a lot of IC time, and work. If Lei'lira were to breed two offspring that were produced by using the middle tier of this ability, she would have a 90% chance of them passing their full intelligence on to their offspring. There is a 10% chance of getting offspring with the intelligence of an adult person. The IC time that is required will vary depending on what animal Lei'lira is breeding. With horses, the average gestation period for a mare is 320-362 trials, and mares must be 3-4 arcs old before they can be bred. So to breed horses at this level would require at least 5-6 arcs IC time. In addition to that, it would require at least 60 skill knowledges about the species she wanted to breed at this level and 20-30 non skill knowledges about the individual animals she wanted to breed. Animals produced at this level are not able to pass on their full intelligence to their offspring, but they will produce offspring at the level of the result from the middle tier. So each animal produced at this level of the ability requires the same amount of IC time and effort.

Approval Link: here
Last edited by Lei'lira on Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:36 am, edited 155 times in total. word count: 10358
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Posts: 652
Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:41 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Farmer
Renown: 267
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 8




RP Medals





  • *Books*
    • Lei'lira
    • Blank Journals (3)
    • Herbs of Rynmere: A Complete Guide to Herbs in Rynmere (a 10 volume encyclopedia that contains, pictures of the herbs, descriptions of their uses, where they are found, and how to grow them as well as how to make various salves, teas, etc. from them)
    • The Immortals (names them, and describes who they are, what they stand for, their marks/blessings/curses, etc.)
    • Gardening Made Easy; a guide for basic gardening techniques that describes different types of gardens (vegetable, flower, herbal, water, etc.), suggests plants that are easy to care for for each type, and tells how to care for them
    • Herbal Gardens; details what an herb is, what ones can be cultivated effectively, which ones are easy/moderate/hard to cultivate, which ones can be grown together, etc.
    • Beautiful Medicine; a guide to what herbs offer pretty flowers, and pleasant aromas, and how to cultivate them
    • Mother's Helper: Simple Herbal Remedies Every Mother Should Know; lists herbal remedies for ailments and injuries that children are prone to, and describes how to make them
    • Candle Making: Tips and Tricks; teaches how to make a variety of candles
    • Home Made Soaps; teaches how to make a variety of soaps, and herbal soaps
    • Languages of Rynmere, and Those Who Speak Them; teaches simple phrases in Common, Rakahi, and Xanthea, and discusses both the native cultures of the peoples who speak them, as well as the cultures of the Sev'ryn and Biqaj living in Rynmere
    • How to Speak Rakahi
    • Cooking Made Easy; teaches different methods of cooking, and about the different kinds of cooking tools, it also has some simple recipes that utilize the most common cooking methods
    • Baking Made Easy; teaches a beginner how to bake
    • How to Run a Business; gives tips on how to run a successful business, giving examples for several types of businesses of varying sizes
    • Simple Recipes for Beginners
    • Tasty Treats; dessert recipes ranging from easy to impossibly hard
    • Cooking with Herbs and Spices; explains the different herbs and spices used in cooking, and gives recipes that feature them
    • Jams, Jellies, and More; recipes for making home made jams, jellies, syrups, herb butters, etc.
    • Sea Side Stories; a collection of cute, funny, and romantic tales by the sea
    • Horse Stories: Fact or Fiction; a collection of zany horse stories, some of which are true, leaving the reader to guess what is fact, and what isn't til the end
    • Scalvoris: The History and Language (gift)

    • Animal Tales; a collection of stories about animals
    • Let's Learn About Plants; picture book with simple words about plants
    • Let's Learn About Animals; picture book with simple words about animals
    • Rynmere; a child's book about Rynmere
    • Blank Journals (5 for drawing)

    • Working with Animals; a brief overview of how to care for common animals
    • How to Speak Common
    • Gardening and You; contains pictures of many kinds of gardens ranging from simple to hard to maintain, and describes how to create them
    • Blank Journals (6; for drawing, and a diary)
    • Themed Gardens; teaches how to create a garden around a specific theme

    • Funny Pirate Tails (kid's book about cat pirates) (gift)

    • Shapes and Colors (gift)
  • *Clothes*
    • Lei'lira

      Night Wear
    • Sapphire blue Nightgown; medium sized, made out of taffeta (taffeta is a smooth, soft fabric with a slight sheen to it. It is often used for garments and clothing), has lace trimming on the neck line, sleeves, and bottom, and embroidery (a purple orchid) on the chest
    • Black Nightgown; medium sized, made out of wool (wool is a very warm, soft, and durable fabric often worn throughout Idalos. It can be resistant to dirt and fire), has an inner lining for added warmth, fur trimming on the bottom, and embroidery (a purple orchid) on the chest
    • White (undyed) Nightgown; medium sized, made out of cotton, has embroidery (a deep blue phoenix like bird clutching a green vine with red flowers) on the chest (gift)
    • Slippers; medium sized, made out of blue wool

      Day Wear
    • Sky blue Blouse; medium sized, made out of cotton.
    • Undergarments (women); medium sized, made out of cotton, has 6 pairs (3 black and 2 beige that are good quality, and 1 undyed pair of standard quality - the standard pair was from the SP)
    • Purple Blouse (deep blueish purple); medium sized, made out of cotton.
    • Beige Blouse; medium sized, made out of cotton.
    • Blue Blouse; medium sized, made out of hemp (hemp is known for its versatile use for clothing, furniture, shoes, and accessories. It can be warm and soft, or rough depending on the type of hemp fabric.), is of standard quality (SP)
    • Brown Blouse (tan colored); medium sized, made out of cotton.
    • Dove grey Blouse; medium sized, made out of cotton.
    • White Blouse; medium sized, made out of cotton.
    • Black Blouse; medium sized, made out of cotton.
    • Green Blouse (bright emerald green); medium sized, made out of cotton.
    • Cream Blouse (soft buttermilk cream color); medium sized, made out of cotton. (gift)
    • Black Pants; medium sized, made out of hemp, standard quality, (SP)
    • Black Pants; medium sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Brown Pants; medium sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Grey Pants; medium sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Beige Pants; medium sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up (gift)
    • Dark blue Blouse; medium sized, made out of wool.
    • Purple Blouse (amethyst purple); medium sized, made out of wool.
    • Beige Blouse; medium sized, made out of wool.
    • Dark brown Blouse; medium sized, made out of wool.
    • Dark grey Blouse; medium sized, made out of wool.
    • White Blouse; medium sized, made out of wool.
    • Black Blouse; medium sized, made out of wool.
    • Green Blouse (dark green); medium sized, made out of wool.
    • Black Pants; medium sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Brown Pants; medium sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Grey Pants; medium sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up

    • a beautiful necklace with a teardrop shaped gem on it. When she wears it, she has enhanced auditory acuity and is able to hear, and distinguish sounds much more clearly than she was before. It helps with the feelings of anxiety she has - perhaps because she can hear someone approaching her. Perhaps not. Either way, when she wears it, she's just a little bit less anxious. earned here Lei'lira wears this at all times.

      Fancy Stuff
    • Sky blue Blouse; made out of taffeta
    • Black Skirt (very dark at the top but gradually fades into a dark grey); made out of taffeta
    • Brown Skirt (fawn colored); medium sized, made out of cotton (gift)

      Cold Weather Gear
    • Black Cloak; medium sized, made of wool
    • Black Cloak; medium sized, made of hemp, standard quality (SP)
    • Black Coat; medium sized, made of wool
    • Gloves; medium sized, made of wool

    • Black Ankle Boots; medium sized, made out of leather
    • Brown Ankle Boots; medium sized, made out of leather
    • Black Shoes (flats); medium sized, made out of leather
    • Black Boots; medium sized, standard quality (SP)


      Day Wear
    • White Blouse; medium sized, made out of cotton (gift)
    • White Skirt; medium sized, made out of cotton (gift)
    • Black Skirt; medium sized, made out of cotton (gift)
    • Black Pants; medium sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up (gift)
    • Undergarments (5 pairs); medium sized, white cotton (gift)

      Night Wear
    • White (undyed) Nightgown; medium sized, made out of cotton, has embroidery (a deep blue floral pattern) on the chest (gift)


      Night Wear
    • Blue Nightgown; X-Small sized, made out of taffeta (taffeta is a smooth, soft fabric with a slight sheen to it. It is often used for garments and clothing), has lace trimming on the neck line, sleeves, and bottom, and embroidery (a purple orchid) on the chest
    • Black Nightgown; X-Small sized, made out of wool (wool is a very warm, soft, and durable fabric often worn throughout Idalos. It can be resistant to dirt and fire), has an inner lining for added warmth, fur trimming on the bottom, and embroidery (a purple orchid) on the chest
    • Purple Slippers; X-Small sized, made out of wool, have weaving vines embroidered along the top

      Day Wear
    • Light blue Blouse; X-small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Undergarments (women); X-Small sized, made out of cotton, has 5 pairs (all beige)
    • Purple Blouse (deep blueish purple); X-Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Beige Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Black Blouse; X-Small, made out of cotton.
    • Red Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Brown Blouse (tan colored); X-Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Dove grey Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • White Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Green Blouse (bright emerald green); X-Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Black Pants; X-Small sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Brown Pants; X-Small sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Grey Pants; X-Small sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Dark blue Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Purple Blouse (amethyst purple); X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Beige Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Dark brown Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Dark grey Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • White Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Black Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Green Blouse (dark green); X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Red Blouse; X-Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Black Pants; X-Small sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Brown Pants; X-Small sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Grey Pants; X-Small sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up

      Fancy Wear
    • Blue Dress; X-Small sized, made of taffeta, has beads on the neck line, chest, sleeve cuffs, and bottom
    • Purple Dress; X-Small sized, made of wool, has beads on the neck line, chest, sleeve cuffs, and bottom

      Cold Weather Gear
    • Black Cloak; X-Small sized, made of wool, has a beaded trim
    • Purple Gloves; X-Small, made of wool, have fur trim
    • Purple Coat; X-Small, made of wool, has embroidery along the neck, sleeves, and trim

    • Black Ankle Boots; X-Small sized, made out of leather
    • Brown Ankle Boots; X-Small sized, made out of leather
    • Black Shoes (flats); X-Small sized, made out of leather


      Night Wear
    • Blue Nightgown; Small sized, made out of taffeta (taffeta is a smooth, soft fabric with a slight sheen to it. It is often used for garments and clothing), has lace trimming on the neck line, sleeves, and bottom, and embroidery (a purple orchid) on the chest
    • Black Nightgown; Small sized, made out of wool (wool is a very warm, soft, and durable fabric often worn throughout Idalos. It can be resistant to dirt and fire), has an inner lining for added warmth, fur trimming on the bottom, and embroidery (a purple orchid) on the chest
    • Purple Slippers; Small sized, made out of wool, have black orchids embroidered along the top

      Day Wear
    • Blue grey Blouse; Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Undergarments (women); Small sized, made out of cotton, has 5 pairs (all beige)
    • Purple Blouse (deep blueish purple); Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Beige Blouse; Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Black Blouse; Small, made out of cotton.
    • Brown Blouse (earth colored); Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Dove grey Blouse; Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • White Blouse; Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Green Blouse (jade green); Small sized, made out of cotton.
    • Black Pants; Small sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Brown Pants; Small sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Grey Pants; Small sized, made out of cotton, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Dark blue Blouse; Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Purple Blouse (reddish purple); Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Beige Blouse; Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Dark brown Blouse; Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Dark grey Blouse; Small sized, made out of wool.
    • White Blouse; Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Black Blouse; Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Green Blouse (dark green); Small sized, made out of wool.
    • Black Pants; Small sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Brown Pants; Small sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up
    • Grey Pants; Small sized, made out of wool, has a braided cord to hold them up

      Fancy Wear
    • Purple Blouse; Small sized, made of taffeta
    • Black Skirt; Small sized, made of taffeta

      Cold Weather Gear
    • Black Cloak; Small sized, made of wool
    • Purple Gloves; Small sized, made of wool
    • Black Coat; Small sized, made of wool

    • Black Ankle Boots; Small sized, made out of leather
    • Brown Ankle Boots; Small sized, made out of leather
    • Black Shoes (flats); Small sized, made out of leather

    • Swaddling Clothes
    • Diapers
    • Dark Blue Dress (baby clothes); X-small, made out of cotton (gift)
    • Cream Dress (baby clothes); X-small, made out of cotton (gift)
    • Black Dress (baby clothes); X-small, made out of cotton (gift)

    • Swaddling Clothes
    • Diapers
    • Sky Blue Dress (baby clothes); X-small, made out of cotton (gift)
    • Cream Dress (baby clothes); X-small, made out of cotton (gift)
    • Black Dress (baby clothes); X-small, made out of cotton (gift)

    • Swaddling Clothes (gift)
    • Diapers (gift)
  • *Prized Possession*
    • Sar'eiris's flute (SP)
  • *Musical Instruments*
    • Glass Flutes (2) - here
  • *Personal*
    • Lei'lira
    • Ink Well
    • Ink Pen
    • Childhood treasure: a small white stone no bigger than a cat's paw that has swirls of blue, and silver flecks; earned here
    • Set of Toiletries: Soap, A brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste (SP)
    • Hair Brush (gift)
    • Comb (gift)
    • Toothbrush (Boar Bristles) (gift)
    • Toothpaste (Herb Paste) (gift)

    • Hair Brush (gift)
    • Comb (gift)
    • Toothbrush (Boar Bristles) (gift)
    • Toothpaste (Herb Paste) (gift)

    • Ink Well
    • Ink Pen
    • Stuffed cat; very realistic looking, has glass beads for eyes, tortise shell coloring

    • Ink Well
    • Ink Pen
    • Slave papers saying that she is free now

    • Stuffed Animal; cat (gift)
    • Ball (red) (gift)
    • Set of Wooden Blocks (gift)
    • Hair Brush (gift)
    • Comb (gift)
    • Toothbrush (Boar Bristles) (gift)
    • Toothpaste (Herb Paste) (gift)

    • Stuffed Animal; wolf (gift)
    • Ball (purple) (gift)
    • Set of Wooden Blocks (gift)
    • Hair Brush (gift)
    • Comb (gift)
    • Toothbrush (Boar Bristles) (gift)
    • Toothpaste (Herb Paste) (gift)

    • Stuffed Animal; horse (gift)
    • Ball (blue) (gift)
    • Set of Wooden Blocks (gift)
  • *Animals*
    • Maia: dog; companion (SP)
    • 1 x Ox (SP)
    • Shinta: dog; herd dog (currently untrained) (SL)
    • 1 cow (SL)
    • Darkwind: horse; stallion (SP)
    • Thunder: Buckskin Stallion Mustang (Holiday 716 Event: here)
    • Kaiyu: horse; mare (SP)
    • Spirit: horse; Kaiyu's foal (sired by Darkwind)
    • Star: horse; mare
    • Smokey: horse; mare
    • Hoshi: horse; Smokey's foal
    • Lightning: horse; mare
    • Stormy: horse; mare
    • 1 trained filly; 5 arcs old
    • 3 Namib (desert horses; here); 2 young (4 arcs) but trained (1 stallion, 1 filly), 1 mare of breeding age (5 arcs)
    • 1 Namib yearling (born in Zi'da 717)
    • Oakleigh Destriers (11); 4 untrained mares, 1 trained mare, 1 trained stallion, and 5 foals born in Ashan 718
    • Etan Ponies: 6 young, trained horses; 5 mares, and 1 stallion
    • Neeraja:7; 5 young untrained mares, 1 young trained stallion, and 1 trained mare
    • Katura: 2 young, trained horses; 1 stallion, and 1 mare
    • Apanie: 6 young horses; 5 mares, and 1 stallion
    • Scalvwing Steeds; 7 mares (1 trained, 6 untrained)
    • Shadow: cat (SL)
    • 1 rooster (SL)
    • 5 hens (SL)
    • 14 hens
    • 4 rams
    • 20 ewes
    • 2 more cows
    • 1 bull
    • 1 heifer (yearling female cow) born in Zi'da 717
    • 1 yearling female bull born in Zi'da 717
  • *Farming*
    • Stables for 55 horses
    • Chicken Coop
    • Large Barn
    • Small kennel
    • 3 large feed containers
    • 3 large water containers (for animals)
    • 12 Saddles (1 from SL)
    • 12 leather bridles (1 from SL)
    • 12 leather reins (1 from SL)
    • 11 halters
    • Lead Rope (SL)
    • 12 Bits (1 from SL)
    • Harness
    • 20 large horse blankets
    • 12 Curry Combs
    • 12 Dandy Brushes (a hard-bristled brush used to take off the dirt and hair brought out by the curry comb)
    • 12 Body Brushes (a soft brush that removes any remaining surface dust and hair)
    • 12 Mane/tail combs
    • 12 Hoof Picks
    • lantern
    • 2 wheelbarrows
    • 9 pitchforks
    • 30 buckets
    • wooden plough
    • 9 watering cans
    • wood cutting axe
    • rake
    • spade
    • seed sower
    • soil sifter
    • strawberry planter
    • 5 large shovels
    • 5 small shovels
    • large wagon
  • *Land*
    • 139 acres, all fenced in
  • *Weapons*
    • Katana; masterwork quality, made of cobalt
    • Image

      Gladius; masterwork quality, earned here as a reward for the side challenge here; value is 96 GN which meets the 100 GN limit
    • Crossbow; masterwork quality, earned here as a reward for the side challenge here; it can't be sold or gifted to anyone
  • *Treasure*
    • Old Key; won from a bribe in Ashan 716
    • full set of master-craft leather armour earned here
    • alder wood shield earned here
    • A gift from U'frek: Seashell Necklace that makes you invisible to Dangerous Spirits, Wisps, Shadow Creatures, and Familiars when worn earned here
  • *Housing*
    • Lei'lira's Bedroom (500 sqft)
    • Queen bed with a queen sized head board, and a queen sized foot board
    • 2 Pillows (gift)
    • 2 Pillow Cases (gift)
    • 1 Queen Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Queen Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket (gift)
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • Rocking Chair
    • Large Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror
    • Chest (SP)
    • 3 Cradles
    • Changing Table
    • Small Bookcase

      Teia's Bedroom (400 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow (gift)
    • 1 Pillow Case (gift)
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet (gift)
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet (gift)
    • 1 Light Blanket (gift)
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • Small Bookcase
    • Large Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Liu'yerin's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillows (gift)
    • 1 Pillow Case (gift)
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet (gift)
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet (gift)
    • 1 Light Blanket (gift)
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • Small Bookcase
    • Small Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Ryu'lian's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case (gift)
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet (gift)
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • Small Bookcase
    • Small Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Eri's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet (gift)
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet (gift)
    • 1 Light Blanket (gift)
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • Small Bookcase
    • Small Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Ei'ryl's and Ei'ryn's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • 2 Single Beds
    • 2 Pillows
    • 2 Pillow Cases
    • 2 Single Fitted Sheets
    • 2 Single Flat Sheets
    • 2 Light Blankets
    • 2 Medium Blankets
    • 2 Heavy Blankets
    • 2 Quilts
    • 2 Small Bookcases
    • 2 Small Dressers
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Lil'ari's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • 1 Small Bookcase
    • 1 Small Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Kei'iru's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • 1 Small Bookcase
    • 1 Small Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Atreyas's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • 1 Small Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Evan's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • 1 Small Bookcase
    • 1 Small Dresser
    • 1 Small Mirror

      Sai'ryl's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt
    • 1 Small Dresser

      Tae'ryn's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt

      Teirue's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • Single Bed
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt

      Tiran's and Taerin's Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • 2 Single Beds
    • 2 Pillows
    • 2 Pillow Cases
    • 2 Single Fitted Sheets
    • 2 Single Flat Sheets
    • 2 Light Blankets
    • 2 Medium Blankets
    • 2 Heavy Blankets
    • 2 Quilts

      Spare Bedroom (300 sqft)
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt

      Guest Bedroom (200 sqft)
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt

      Guest Bedroom (200 sqft)
    • 1 Pillow
    • 1 Pillow Case
    • 1 Single Fitted Sheet
    • 1 Single Flat Sheet
    • 1 Light Blanket
    • 1 Medium Blanket
    • 1 Heavy Blanket
    • 1 Quilt

      Kitchen (400 sqft)
    • Wooden Stove (cooking and heating)
    • Brick Oven
    • Cabinets (comes installed in house)
    • 1 Large Table
    • 2 Large Padded Chairs
    • 11 Small Padded Chairs
    • 5 Soup Bowls; 4 were a (gift)
    • 5 Dinner forks; 3 were a (gift)
    • 2 Children's forks(gift)
    • 5 Dinner knives; 2 (SP), 3 were a (gift)
    • 1 Soup spoon (gift)
    • 14 Dinner plates (assorted); 6 (SP), 8 were a (gift)
    • 4 Cups (gift)
    • Small Frying Pan
    • Small Cooking Pot

      Larder (400 sqft)
    • Shelves (comes installed in house)

      Living Room (500 sqft)
    • 1 Small Fireplace
    • 2 Tinderboxes (1 from SP)
    • 2 Armchairs
    • 1 Couch

      Library (200 sqft)
    • Shelves (comes installed in house)

      Bathroom (300 sqft)
    • Small Bathtub
    • Basin Stand

      Bathroom (300 sqft)
    • Small Bathtub
    • Basin Stand

      Bathroom (300 sqft)
    • Small Bathtub
    • Basin Stand

      Bathroom (300 sqft)
    • Small Bathtub
    • Basin Stand

      Cellar (300 sqft)


      Garden (400 sqft)


    • 5 Pillows
    • 1 Pillow Case
  • *Other*
    • 6 large (can hold a variety of different sized items) heavy duty canvas bags, waterproof
    • Scalvoris Sand; 4 jars (1 each of blue, red, green, and orange - here)
    • Scalvoris Sand; 1 jar of rainbow sand
Last edited by Lei'lira on Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:22 am, edited 70 times in total. word count: 3792
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  • *Horses*
    • Image

      Darkwind: Darkwind is a young stallion who can be too clever for his own good at times. He is bright, and if not worked with enough to keep him challenged, is likely to find his own sources of amusement. He is usually pretty easy going since Lei'lira works with him frequently. Darkwind will be the founding sire of the breeding farm that Lei'lira hopes to own one day. He's 7 arcs old as of 719.
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      Thunder: Thunder is a buckskin stallion. His socks are black, and he has a white flare on his forehead. His hair is a sun kissed tan, that fades as it wraps around his belly. Thunder is a show off. He wants all eyes to be on him all the time. And he is clever enough to think of ways to get what he wants. When his mind can be kept on task, he is easy to work with, but he always wants praise, and treats, so if someone approaches him while he is being ridden, he will trot over to them, and try to impress them with his beauty. He's 7 arcs old as of 719.
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      Kaiyu: Kaiyu is a frisky young mare who loves a good challenge. She is curious about everything, but she can be a bit skittish around strange people. She's 8 arcs old as of 719.
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      Spirit: Spirit is a bright, intelligent foal who is full of life, and heart. She will do anything for a person she loves and trusts, but she can be very stubborn, and will refuse to work for anyone she doesn't know. She is Kaiyu's first foal (sired by Darkwind), and was born in Ashan 717. As of Ashan 719, she is 2 arcs old.
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      Star: Star loves to run. With, or without a rider, it is her favorite thing to do. For the most part, she prefers the company of her own kind rather than that of people. And while she doesn't mind cats due to their small size, she really doesn't care much for dogs. But she has formed a strong bond with Lei'lira over the years when she comes to volunteer at Meadow Farms. And Lei'lira feels the same way about her. So when she had the chance to buy her, she jumped at it. She's 7 arcs old as of 719.
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      Smokey: Smokey is a very tempermental mare. If she likes you, there isn't anything she wouldn't do for you. But if she decides that she doesn't like you, it's a good idea to steer clear. She is well known for biting anyone she doesn't trust, stomping on their feet if they get close, and throwing them if they dare try to ride her. She's 7 arcs old as of 719.
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      Hoshi: Hoshi is a bright, curious foal, and she is full of life, and spirited energy. She is very intelligent, and unless kept properly challenged, she is likely to find her own amusement. Hoshi is Smokey's first foal, born in Ashan 717. As of Ashan 719, she is 2 arcs old.
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      Lightning: Lightning was given her name because she is as fast as lightning when she wants to be. She is a clever mare who is likely to find her own way of amusing herself unless kept challenged enough. But she loves to be ridden, and is easy to work with. She's 7 arcs old as of 719.
    • Image

      Stormy: Stormy is a gentle, even tempered mare. She loves a good grooming, and really, any form of positive attention at all. But she can be quite vain at times, and when she gets in a mood, she won't work well unless lavishly praised, and rewarded with a treat, usually a bit of sugar as she has a deep love of sweets. She's 7 arcs old as of 719.
    • Raiu: a trained Scalvwing Steed mare; She is black, but rather than being only one shade, she is lighter in some areas to the point of being more of a dark grey than black, and darker in others, giving the impression of a storm cloud. Raiu can be shy around strangers, and she will only allow Lei'lira to ride her - in that she is very much a one person Scalvwing Steed. But once she gets to know someone, she is a sweet mare who loves being pampered and groomed. As of Ashan 719, she is 5 arcs old.
    • 5 untrained horses born Zi'da 717; 3 colts (born to Kaiyu, Smokey, and Lightning), and 2 fillies (born to Star and Stormy) earned here
    • 1 trained filly; 5 arcs old
    • 4 Namib (desert horses; here); 2 young (4 arcs) but trained (1 stallion, 1 filly), 1 mare of breeding age (5 arcs), and a foal born in Zi'da 717
    • Oakleigh Destriers (6); 4 untrained mares, 1 trained mare, 1 trained stallion
    • Oakleigh Destriers: 5 yearlings born in Ashan 718 (to the above adults); 3 colts, and 2 fillies
    • Etan Ponies: 6 young, trained horses; 5 mares, and 1 stallion
    • Neeraja: 7; 5 young untrained mares, 1 young trained stallion, and 1 trained mare
    • Katura: 2 young, trained horses; 1 stallion, and 1 mare
    • Apanie: 6 young horses; 5 mares, and 1 stallion
    • Scalvwing Steeds; 6 untrained mares
    • 37 Foals to be born on the 101st of Vhalar, 719 Earned here
  • *Sheep*
    • Image

      Asirax: Asirax is one of three rams that Lei'lira bought when she decided she needed some sheep. He is easy to work with, but very protective of his ewes.
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      Asirax's Ewes: Lei'lira owns 5 ewes of this particular breed.
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      Iras: Iras has a temper. If handled when he doesn't want to be, he will bite, or try to gore the offending person with his horns. He is very protective of his ewes.
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      Iras's Ewes: Lei'lira owns 5 ewes of this particular breed. This breed can be sheared like other breeds, but even if they aren't, their wool will fall off and can be collected during Saun.
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      Tyrol: Tyrol is a friendly, but vain creature. Pay him the attention he deserves, and he will be easy to work with. Fail to do so, and he can be as stubborn as anything.
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      Tyrol's Ewes: Lei'lira owns 5 ewes of this particular breed. This breed comes in many varieties.
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      Hiron: Hiron is easy to work with, but he hates dogs, and will attack them on sight.
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      Hiron's Ewes: Lei'lira owns 5 ewes of this particular breed.
    • 10 lambs born in Vhalar 717 to various ewes (here)
  • *Feline*
    • Image

      Shadow: Shadow is a young female cat who was supposed to be a barn cat, but she had other ideas. She's a sweet, gentle creature who loves being held, cuddled, and generally pampered in every way. She especially loves sitting on Lei'lira's lap, and getting her belly rubbed. Lei'lira named her Shadow for her tendency to follow her around. If Lei'lira is in her cottage, or out on her farm, Shadow isn't far away. And when Lei'lira does leave, Shadow is always at the door when she returns, ready to greet her with a warm purr, and plea for attention.
  • *Canine*
    • Image

      Maia: Maia is a sweet, gentle girl that follows Lei'lira everywhere when allowed. Although not trained, she is very protective of her mistress, and will try to "herd" Lei'lira away from perceived dangers. She is very clever, and will do anything for a good belly rub.
    • Image

      Shinta: Shinta is supposed to be a well trained working dog. And he will be...eventually. But he has other ideas, and would much rather spend his time goofing off, and getting into trouble. He has to explore absolutely everything. But he is a friendly, charming rogue of a dog who is easy to love.
  • *Other*
    • Image

      Tara: Tara is mild natured, and easy going most of the time. But she hates being approached from behind, and will lash out at anyone who approaches her that way.
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      Daisy: Daisy is an easy going cow who rarely gives anyone any trouble. But she can be stubborn at times, and she hates being milked by someone with cold hands. Anyone who tries is likely to be stomped, or find their bucket kicked over.
    • 2 other cows, and a bull
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      Tory: Tory is very protective of his hens, and can be vicious when he wants to be. But he is a very reliable rooster.
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      Chickens: Lei'lira owns 19.
Last edited by Lei'lira on Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:32 pm, edited 35 times in total. word count: 1438
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WP Ledger
Adjustment (link) Wealth Tier Total Wealth Points
Approval Link Wealth Tier 8 173 WPs
120 acres land (outside a city); -60 WP Wealth Tier 7 113 WPs
Cylus 719 Wages + 20 WP Wealth Tier 7 133 WPs
+1 WP Wealth Tier 7 134 WPs
Ashan 719 Wages + 21 WP Wealth Tier 8 155 WPs
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Last edited by Lei'lira on Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:47 am, edited 118 times in total. word count: 56
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Thread List

Memory Threads

Cylus 702

3rd of Cylus, 702: [Warrick] Good Intentions: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5 (solo), Structure: 5/5, Loot: None, Injuries: None, Fame: General good deed +1, Devotion: None, and Magic: These points may NOT be used for Arcana.

Cylus 704

13th of Cylus, 704: [Warrick] Trouble with Bullies: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/ 5, Loot: 1 stone (you did have 2), +1 lovely memory, and Fame: +10 (give a gift, combat victory etc)

Ashan 711

1st of Ashan, 711: Hunting Party


Cylus 716

9th of Cylus, 716: [Warrick] The Rooster Crows Rewards: Observation: 3, Appraisal: 1, Foraging: 2, Investigation: 1

20th of Cylus, 716: [Warrick] An Eventful Visit Rewards: Instrument (Flute): 2, Mount: 1, Investigation: 1, Ranged Combat: 1, Unarmed Combat: 1, Socialization: 1, Endurance: 1
Injuries: Bruised coccyx from falling off a horse. Sore lower back and legs for three trials.

aaa[Warrick] Once Upon a Time

Ashan 716

15th of Ashan, 716: [Warrick] The Start of a Dream Rewards: Animal Husbandry: 2, Observation: 2, Animal Training: 1, Kaiyu is now in foal.

25th of Ashan, 716: [Warrick] Disturbing News

37th of Ashan, 716: [Warrick] Fox Hunt

43rd of Ashan, 716: [Warrick] Forgotten Key: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: 1 x silver key, Fame: -2 Breaking a City Law (Bribing a guard!)

64th of Ashan, 716: Honoring the Andaris: Story: +2, Collaboration: +1 (1 post), Structure: +5, Knowledges: Discipline: Meeting Unpleasant Political Obligations, Persuasion: Dropping the Family Name, Politics: Gala Events Show Disregard for the Poor, Politics: Those Not Suited for Titles Should be Free of Them, and Psychology: Preferring the Simple Life

Ymiden 716

7th of Ymiden, 716: [Warrick] Simple Pleasures: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: n/a, Fame: n/a

Saun 716

7th of Saun, 716: [Warrick] Dangerous Encounters: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: n/a, Injuries: Whip lashes: heal time 15 x days. Sexual Assault: heal time 7 x days, Fame: n/a

12th of Saun, 716: [Warrick] Saving Grace: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: n/a, Injuries: Healing wounds on back, Bruises along abdomen, thighs, neck and wrists, Internal damage and tearing, Malnourishment, Dehydration, and Exposure. With careful rest, cleaning of wounds along with proper food and water the physical wounds should heal within 20 trials. However Lei'Lira will bear the scars of whipping for a good number of arcs. They will slowly fade in time. As for the emotional and mental wounds, I am unable to give a timescale, Fame: -10 Witness and Victim to countless acts of cruelty

15th of Saun, 716: Broken Wings: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, Injuries: Lei’lira is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of her ordeal, and Fame: +1 good deed for showing courage in the face of trauma, +2 for supporting a popular cause (Lazuli Warrick)

17th of Saun, 716: Onward: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/ 5, Structure: 5/ 5

19th of Saun, 716: A Sacred Vow

19th-22nd of Saun, 716: Wedding Night

20th of Saun, 716: [Warrick] A Much Needed Discussion

35th of Saun, 716: A New Tragedy

35th of Saun, 716: [Warrick] A Day in the Life: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: A new henhouse, Fame: n/a

Vhalar 716

5th Vhalar, 716: [Warrick] What Dangers Lurk in the Shadows?

7th Vhalar, 716: [Warrick] Far From Home

14th Vhalar, 716: [Global Event] The Humble Son: Story: 7/10, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: 50gn, 1 full set of master-craft leather armour, 1 alder wood shield, 1 weapon of your choice worth up to 100gn (gladius mentioned in rewards of the Humble Son challenge thread), A gift from U'frek: Seashell Necklace that makes you invisible to Dangerous Spirits, Wisps, Shadow Creatures, and Familiars when worn. 1 master-craft weapon of your choice that cannot be sold or gifted (it can be stolen in modded thread), Injuries: A couple of scuffs and bruises (five trials), Fame: +5 fame (for competing in the side-challenge), +3 fame assorted. Total: +8 fame, Devotion: +1

14th Vhalar, 716: [Global Event] Swords, Axes, Daggers Oh My [Side Challenge]: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: 1 x gladius (as described), Fame: n/a

19th Vhalar, 716: [Global Event] The Great Meeting: Story: 10/10, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: NA, Injuries: None, Fame: +10 for event participation, +5 for an Immortal speaking directly to you, Devotion: +1 (Prayer), +5 (Moseke spoke to you)

20th Vhalar, 716: [Global Event] Battle To The Tomb of Treid: Story: +5/10, Collaboration: +3/5 (2 posts), Structure: +5/5, Injury: Sword to upper right thigh, Fame: +10 (Event participation)

20th Vhalar, 716: [Global Event] Heal Thyself....: Story: 10/10, Collaboration: 5/ 5, Structure: 5/ 5, and Fame: +10 (taking part in the event), +3 (attempting to take charge), +5 (good deeds)

aaa Vhalar, 716: [Warrick] Good Deeds Will be Punished

103 Vhalar, 716: [Warrick] Tending the Flock: Story: 5, Collaboration: N/A, Structure: 5, Loot: Please deduct all the supplies and animals for your farm if you haven’t already, Injuries: Minor puncture that will heal in 4 trials, Fame: N/A

aaa Vhalar, 716: Paradise

Zi'da 716

3rd Zi'da, 716: [Warrick] Increasing the Herd: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5 (Solo), Structure: 5/5, and Loot: New stable. New Mares. (1 in foal)

66th-67th Zi'da, 716: [Warrick] Mixed Blessings: Story: 5, Collaboration: NA (solo thread), Structure: 5, Loot: Twinsies!, Fame: NA

69th Zi'da, 716: Revalations: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, Magic: N/A, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, Fame: N/A, Devotion: N/A

75th Zi'da, 716: [Warrick] Securing the Future: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: O/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: N/A, Injuries: light slashes to the soles of feet. Several bruises around the body, and burns around the neck, Fame: +1 for good deed, Magic: These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic, Devotion: N/A

75th Zi'da, 716: [Warrick] Dark Days: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, Magic: N/A, Loot: The Deed to Vivian's House, Injuries: Bodily Scrapes and Bruises - 10 Trials, Sore Lady Parts - 5 Trials, Fame: +2 for protecting children, and Devotion: N/A


Cylus 717

3rd Cylus, 717: Dancing in the Forest of Wonders: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5, Structure: 5/5

9th Cylus, 717: [Warrick] Lost in the Twilight Snow: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5, Structure: 5/5, Devotion: Prayer to Moseke. +1 Save an Animal. +2 Total Devotion +3

19th Cylus, 717: [Warrick] The Trouble with Children: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5, Structure: 5/5, and Fame: +5 (Helping the Innocent), -2 (Soiling the Warrick Name with Nobodies)

27th Cylus, 717: The Marking of a Slave: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 0/5, and Structure: 5/5

29th Cylus, 717: Twilight Outings: Story 5/5, Collaboration 0/5, and Structure 5/5

30th Cylus, 717: New Beginnings

Ashan 717

10th Ashan, 717: Changes: 15 skill points, Fame: +2 General good deed

25th Ashan, 717: All the Pretty Little Horses: 10 skill points, Fame: +3 Stopping theft, +3 General good deeds, +2 Horse spending spree, Injuries: Mild concussion. Headaches and dizziness are a risk for the rest of the season

30th Ashan, 717: [Venora] Adopting Teirue: 10 skill points, Loot: Four Adopted Kids (already approved personal NPCs), Injuries: Muscle Soreness in Legs for 6 trials, and Renown: Medium (+15)

35th Ashan, 717: [Warrick] Living the Dream: 10 skill points, Loot: 5 foals! 3 fillies and 2 colts to be born in Zi'da 717

35th Ashan, 717: [Warrick] Idle Nights

57th Ashan, 717: I'm Coming Home: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, and Magic: N/A

58th Ashan, 717: A Lion, a Wolf, and a Couple of Horses

58th Ashan, 717: Running Circles

59th Ashan, 717: Privlege

Ymiden 717

3rd Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] The Tale of Drayas: Story: 5/5, Collaboration: 5/5, Structure: 5/5, Loot: None, Injuries: None, and Fame: -10 (Associate to Drayas' Murder); +5 (Protecting Family)

5th Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] Tending to Business: 10 skill points

16th Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] A Lesson in Need

33rd Ymiden, 717: Freedom for Eri: XP: 10/10, Fame: +3

aaa Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder Thread

aaa Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder Thread 2

aaa Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder Thread 3

aaa Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder Thread 4

aaa Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder Thread 5

aaa Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder Thread 6

aaa Ymiden, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder Thread 7

aaa Ymiden, 717: [Andaris] Place Holder Thread 8

Saun 717

4th Saun, 717: [Warrick] Called Before Us

15th Saun, 717: [Warrick] Many Hands Make Light Work: 10/10 skill points

19th Saun, 717: [Warrick] Welcome to the Family

39th Saun, 717: [Courthouse] Black Sheep: 5 exp

Vhalar 717

1st Vhalar, 717: [Warrick] Good Deeds are Well Rewarded: XP: 10 (not for magic),
Renown: 10 (2 x 5 = volunteering and all round "isn't she a lovely woman" sort of stuff), +1 gn to your daily wage confirmed, and thirty six lambs.

1st Vhalar, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder 1

109th Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 9

111th Vhalar, 717: [Warrick] Place Holder 3

118th Vhalar, 717: Andaris Place Holder 1

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 1

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 2

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 3

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 4

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 5

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 6

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 7

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Place Holder 8

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Mature Place Holder 1

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Mature Place Holder 2

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Mature Place Holder 3

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Mature Place Holder 4

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Mature Place Holder 5

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Mature Place Holder 6

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Mature Place Holder 7

aaa Vhalar, 717: [Burning Mountians] Mature Place Holder 8

Zi'da 717

26th Zi'da, 717: Stranger in a Strange Land: Skill points: 15, Renown: 5

30th Zi'da, 717: Stand

45th Zi'da, 717: As the Arc Dies, New Life Begins: Skill points: 10, Renown: 5

aaa Zi'da, 717: [Quest] Place Holder

aaa Zi'da, 717: Place Holder 1

aaa Zi'da, 717: Place Holder 2

aaa Zi'da, 717: Place Holder 3

aaa Zi'da, 717: Place Holder 4

aaa Zi'da, 717: Place Holder 5


Cylus 718

25th Cylus, 718: Horse Sense: 10 skill points, Renown: Slight (+5)

aaa Cylus, 718: House Hunting Place Holder


76th Ashan, 718: Cast Upon Uncertain Shores: 15 skill points, Renown: Slight (+5)

77th Ashan, 718: Taking Stock: 15 skill points, Loot: gifts worth 200 GN that Faith brought for Lei'lira - these have been added to Lei's inventory with links to this thread, also jobs for while Lei'lira is in Scalvoris, Injuries: None left after Faith healed Lei'lira in thread. But Lei'lira will continue to have difficulty lactating for a few trials until the tea Faith gave her helps her to recover

81st Ashan, 718: Getting a Handle on the Situation

93rd Ashan, 718: Seeing the World through a Child's Eyes: 10 skill points

99th Ashan, 718: [Beacon] Helping Out: 10 skill points

101st Ashan, 718: The Glass Flute

115th Ashan, 718: Lost Puppy

123rd Ashan, 718: Sandy Tales


3rd Ymiden, 718: Seeking Help: Skill Points: +15

6th Ymiden, 718: Dreams Can Come True

11th Ymiden, 718: New Arrivals

23rd Ymiden, 718: [Faldrass] The Oasis of Peace

24th Ymiden, 718: [Faldrass] The Oasis of Peace 2

25th Ymiden, 718: [Faldrass] The Oasis of Peace 3

25th Ymiden, 718: [Faldrass] Garden of Seremity

26th Ymiden, 718: [Faldrass] The Oasis of Peace 4

27th Ymiden, 718: [Faldrass] The Oasis of Peace 5

35th Ymiden, 718: [Egilrun] Flying Wonders: Points awarded: 10, Loot: 8 Scalvwing Steeds (paid for in thread), and Renown: +5

41st Ymiden, 718: First Harvest: Points awarded: 10, and Renown: +5 for being a good soul and helping a perfect stranger


28th Saun, 718: Rising Tides: Skill points: + 15

29th Saun, 718: [Warrick] Back Again: Points awarded: 10, Item deductions: Farmhouse and farm-related equipment, 26 lambs, Loot: 21 journals (her mother's diaries from the time she was married to her father), Book containing some flute music (also written by her mother), Box made out of tightly woven grass, 19 necklaces made out of bone beads of varying types, 1000 GN (found), and 2884 GN for the sale of her farm, and a number of items/land/etc., and Renown: +5 (for generosity that will likely be talked about)

38th Saun, 718: Childhood Friends


30th Vhalar, 718: Coming Home

33rd Vhalar, 718: New Beginnings: Points awarded: 10

35th Vhalar, 718: Seeking Knowledge

117th Vhalar, 718: [Lost Souls Event] "Dreams of Darkness"

aaa Vhalar, 718:


53rd Zi'da, 718: Horse Play

90th Zi'da, 718: The Sorrow of Remembrance: Skill Points: +20, Renown, + 15, Loot: Vri's Blessing Bellinos at Favored level, and a beautiful necklace with a teardrop shaped gem on it. When she wears it, she has enhanced auditory acuity and is able to hear, and distinguish sounds much more clearly than she was before. It helps with the feelings of anxiety she has - perhaps because she can hear someone approaching her. Perhaps not. Either way, when she wears it, she's just a little bit less anxious.



1st Cylus: Festival of Lights: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5, Loot: 1 WP

3rd Cylus, 719: One Step Closer to a Dream: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5

8th Cylus, 719: Passing Kindness on to Those Who Need It

aaa Cylus, 719


15th Ashan, 719: First Steps: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5, Loot: +37 Foals - Just following your capstones and whatnot here, so feel free to consider these foals very intelligent/well-bred/etc.

73rd Ashan. 719: Finding What is Lost

73rd Ashan, 719: Justice for the Lost

1ooth Ashan, 719: Down by the Riverside

115th Ashan. 719: Founder's Festival

aaa Ashan. 719


aaa Ymiden, 719


aaa Saun, 719
Last edited by Lei'lira on Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:44 am, edited 243 times in total. word count: 2413
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Lei'lira's Bond Story

Name: Lei'luna
Gender: female
Other: Since Lei'luna is Lei'lira's other half, she wanted to share her name with her familiar when it came time to name her. But for all that they are two halves of the same whole, they are different, too, and that difference is reflected in the second half of Lei'luna's name. Since the dreams calling Lei'lira came to her at night, and most of the soul searching required for her quest to be worthy of Lei'luna happened in her dreams, Lei'lira chose Luna as the other half of the wolf spirit's name for the connection to the moon, and the night.

Shadows in the Night
It started with a strange dream. In the dream, Lei'lira walked unseen among a bunch dark skinned strangers wearing clothes made out of animal hides. Although she had never seen the strangers before, they reminded Lei'lira of her mother in some way. After a while, the scene would shift into that of a deep, still forest. Without knowing how she knew, Lei'lira got the feeling that the forest was near the home of the dark skinned strangers.

At first, Lei'lira kept quiet about her dream. Strange as it was, it was just a dream, after all. Nothing to get worked up over when there was plenty of work to do around the farm. But the dream came night after night. And with it came other dreams. Dreams of running through the forest, the wind racing past her fur. Dreams of the thrill of the hunt as she and her brothers nipped at the legs of a fleeing deer, wearing it down bit by bit. And the beautiful, haunting melody that filled the air as she and her brothers sang to the moon. The dreams were pleasant ones, if strange. But they all had one thing in common; all of the dreams left Lei'lira with the sense that something, or someone was waiting for her, longing to be found.

After several days of such dreams, Lei'lira finally confided them to her mother, asking her what the dreams might mean. Her mother's reaction surprised her. Instead of telling her not to worry, that the dreams were just that, she hugged Lei'lira tightly, and spoke of a wonderful bond between a Sev'ryn and her familiar. Her mother's pride was plain for all to see, as was the almost painful relief that at least one of her daughters were more Sev'ryn than human. For the dreams were just that; a sign that Lei'lira was Sev'ryn enough to be worthy of a bond that few non Sev'ryn ever achieved. As close as the young girl was to her mother, Lei'lira simply basked in her mother's joy, and was happy for one more thing that would bring them even closer together.

And so they made the long journey to Desnind, the place where her mother was born, and raised. To a young girl who had never before traveled further than Andaris, and even that only rarely, it felt as though she had journeyed to another world. Far from the comforts of home, and all she knew, Lei'lira was lonely, and uneasy. She missed the farm, and the familiar comforts it offered. More than that, she missed her twin. They had never been this far apart before. Nor had they been apart for this long. And without her comforting presence, Lei'lira felt lost.

By day, Lei'lira searched for her familiar. The dreams were of the forest, so she wandered the forest alone, searching for...something. She didn't know what her familiar was, but she did get the sense that she would know it when she saw it. If she saw it. And the more time that passed, the more Lei'lira doubted that she ever would.

By night, Lei'lira dreamed. Some of her dreams were normal dreams. She longed for home, and to be with Lazuli, and her dreams reflected this. But there were other dreams as well. The dreams that had brought her to this strange place remained, driving her to continue her search. Something...someone out there was calling her. Urging her to find them. Those dreams kept her searching far longer than she would have otherwise. And throughout it all, a ghostly, disembodied voice asked; who are you? Lei'lira didn't have an answer. And that disturbed her greatly.

A season passed. Then another. As Lei'lira searched, she learned to know the forest well. She also came to understand that her dreams were deeply connected to her search. In some ways, they were her search as much as her trips into the forest were. If Lei'lira came to an understanding, or realized something about herself as she dreamed, she would dream of a place within the forest. A grove, a stream, a thicket. Something. And if she could find the place she had dreamed about in her waking search, she would find traces that something had been there. A tuft of fur clinging to a bush. Perhaps a paw print. Something to tell her that she was on the right track.

Time slowly lost all meaning for Lei'lira as she continued her search. The people of Desnind didn't believe that she would succeed. She was a half blood. To them, it was amazing that she had even had the dreams that brought her to their city at all. Although they were never cruel, they made it clear that they did not consider her to be one of them. And that hurt the young girl. With her close relationship to her mother, she had always identified herself as more Sev'ryn than human. More her mother's daughter than her father's. But their rejection made her question her beliefs. She did not want to be part of a people that did not want her. That realization made her long for home even more keenly.

Even her mother began to lose hope. Lei'lira could see it in the woman's eyes. Bit by bit, the pride her mother had expressed in her when she came to her about her dreams faded. And that hurt more than the rejection of a people that were clearly not her own as much as she'd once thought they were. But still the dreams persisted. The more Lei'lira came to accept that she was both human and Sev'ryn, the clearer they became.

A third season dawned, and with it came a realization. This was not her home. She did not belong here. Her mother did...or at least she could. That much was obvious. When Lei'lira took the time out of her search to look, she could see her mother reconnecting with friends and family she had grown up with. Lei'lira longed for her home. Her father and sister would be starting to bring in the harvest. Who would help them since she and their mother weren't there? Lei'lira wished that she was back home to help. Back where she belonged. This time when the unseen voice in her dream asked "Who are you?" she had an answer.

The voice in her dream seemed satisfied, and the dream shifted into a familiar scene. A small pond surrounded by trees. Lei'lira had seen that pond many times in her search for her familiar. But this time, something felt different. She got the feeling that something was waiting for her there.

When Lei'lira woke, it was still dark. But the sense of being called to the pond was so strong that she couldn't wait until daylight. The very thought of waiting even a moment more was unbearable. So she quietly made her way out of the city, and used the light of the moon to see by as she ran to the pond. There, standing at the edge of the water, bathed in silvery moonlight was a beautiful black wolf. It had a
pale, translucent black coat, and wings that appeared to be a pale silvery translucent gray. It's...no, her eyes were as gray as her wings.

Lei'lira knew without question that the wolf was her familiar. In silent awe, she extended her hand, reaching out to her other half in longing. The wolf cocked her head, watching her for a few moments, as if judging her. Then she moved towards her, having seemingly found what she was looking for. When the wolf's head brushed up against Lei'lira's hand, a bright light enveloped them. Lei'lira felt whole in a way she never had before. A part of her that she had longed for all her life, but never knew was missing had finally been returned to her. When the light faded, the wolf's eyes were a bright golden color. Overwhelmed by emotion, Lei'lira laughed, and threw her arms around her familiar. After a few moments, she released the wolf, and stood.

"Let's go home." she said simply.
Last edited by Lei'lira on Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:32 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1536
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Foaling Records

Ashan 716

Kaiyu: Bred to Darkwind on 15 Ashan 716 here

Smokey: was in foal when Lei'lira bought her, and is due to foal in Ashan 717

Ashan 717

Foals Born

Spirit: filly, born to Kaiyu and Darkwind

Hoshi: filly, born to Smokey, and a stallion at Meadow Farms

Mares Bred

Namib Mare: Bred to a Namib stallion on Ashan 25th here, is due to foal in Zi'da 717

Oakleigh Destrier Mare: Bred to an Oakleigh Destrier stallion on Ashan 25th here, is due to foal in Ashan 718

Oakleigh Destrier Mare: Bred to an Oakleigh Destrier stallion on Ashan 25th here, is due to foal in Ashan 718

Oakleigh Destrier Mare: Bred to an Oakleigh Destrier stallion on Ashan 25th here, is due to foal in Ashan 718

Oakleigh Destrier Mare: Bred to an Oakleigh Destrier stallion on Ashan 25th here, is due to foal in Ashan 718

Oakleigh Destrier Mare: Bred to an Oakleigh Destrier stallion on Ashan 25th here, is due to foal in Ashan 718

Star: Bred to Darkwind on 35 Ashan 717 here, is due to foal in Zi'da 717

Lightning: Bred to Darkwind on 35 Ashan 717 here, is due to foal in Zi'da 717

Kaiyu: Bred to Thunder on 35 Ashan 717 here, is due to foal in Zi'da 717

Stormy: Bred to Thunder on 35 Ashan 717 here, is due to foal in Zi'da 717

Smokey: Bred to Thunder on 35 Ashan 717 here, is due to foal in Zi'da 717

Ashan 718
Last edited by Lei'lira on Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:30 pm, edited 13 times in total. word count: 260
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Old Fame System
+30 (SF)
-2 here
-10 here
+8 here
+15 here
+1 here
+3 here
+18 here
+1 here
+10 here
+10 here
+5 and -2 here
+2 here
+7 here
-10 (Associate to Drayas' Murder), and +5 (Protecting Family) here
+ 30 for being a Rynmere noble
+3 here
+8 here
+2 here

Total: 134


Adjusted for new system ... +177
[Venora] Adopting Teirue ... +15
Cast Upon Uncertain Shores ... +5
[Warrick] Good Deeds are Well Rewarded ... +10
Stranger in a Strange Land ... +5
As the Arc Dies, New Life Begins ... +5
Horse Sense ... +5
[Egilrun] Flying Wonders ... +5
[Warrick] Back Again ... +5
First Harvest ... +5
One Step Closer to a Dream ... +5
First Steps ... +5
Festival of Lights ... +5
The Sorrow of Remembrance ... +15
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Total Renown: 267
+1 here
+6 here
+3 here
+1 to Moseke here
+10 to Qylios here

Qylios Total: 12

Moseke Total: 9
Last edited by Lei'lira on Tue Jun 11, 2019 1:18 am, edited 35 times in total. word count: 151
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Qylios: Favored of Celarion
Vri: Favored of Bellinos

Celarion Abilities

  • Bond (Minor)
    • The Favored can Bond with 1 other person. In doing so the Bonded individual gains a single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Favored and the Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 300 feet of the Favored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance.
  • Illustrious Skills
    • Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
  • Bound in Battle
    • The Favored and those Bonded with them are better able to fight together. Their tactics and movements flow almost seamlessly with little-to-no spoken communication. The Bond passes insights and slight thoughts between those Bonded while in combat together.

Celarion Knowledge

Bellinos Abilities

  • Final Moment
    • A Favored of Vri has the ability to experience the last few minutes of a corpse’s life. They experience the death as if it were happening to them and only come out of the trance when the experience has ended. This is always a jarring and emotionally devastating ability to use as one can never quite get ‘used’ to dying, but it can reveal remarkable clues and insights as to the wishes or circumstances behind a death. A body must be presented, mostly intact (Within a Cycle or two of age), for the ability to work.

      When working with a Pier & Pre-marked who is using their ability of the same name, the Bellinos can use this ability to work in tandem with the Gwelliph. By working in unison, the Gwelliph and Bellinos are both able to see, feel and fully experience the death of the individual and can also see their past. The whole life is opened up before the blessed, who has access to all memories and emotions of the deceased. This can be incredibly overwhelming and requires high levels of Discipline or Meditation in order to withstand. If either the Gwelliph or the Bellinos are overwhelmed during this process, it is likely to cause medium to long term psychological problems; these might be things such as getting memories confused, losing one’s own memories for a time etc.
  • Death's Pallor
    • A Favored of Vri understands the nature of life and death better than any. This ability allows a user to suspend their bodily functions and fall into a death-like trance. Unless another marked of Vri is in attendance, this act is almost impossible to see through without a mastery in the medicinal or surgical field. When entering this suspension, the body effectively acts dead. Limbs stiffen, skin pales, and eyes become cloudy. Any wounds suffered by the marked will bleed coagulated blood. Some marked, after receiving a grievous wound, will leave instructions to fetch a doctor and suspend themselves in the state till help arrives. The marked must define how long they intend to stay in this state. At Favored, the time cannot exceed three trials. At Adored this time cannot exceed a single cycle. Likewise at Adored this ability can be transferred to another, although only one use of this power may remain active at a time. Supposedly there is no upper limit on how long an exalted or Champion can remain in this deathless trance, although none dare exit the world for too long. The body will not decay in this state, appearing freshly slain for the entirety of the duration. A marked can be killed in this state if irreparable harm is done to the body, in which case the state will become permanent upon the ending of the ability.
  • Deathkeeper's Skills I
    • The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Interrogation, Investigation, Meditation, Detection. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Bellinos Knowledge


+1 here
+1 here
+10 here

Total: 12
word count: 687
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