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Approved Character
Posts: 293
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:25 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Mistwalker
Renown: 173
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



RP Medals




Name: Rey'na

Age: 28

Race: Mortalborn (Lisirra x Biqaj)

Date of Birth: 12th Vhalar, 694th

Marks: Qylios (Favoured)

Factions Joined:

Languages Spoken: Common (Fluent) and Rakahi (Broken)


Rey'na has hardened and scarred features, namely her face. She stands with a strong posture and has abandoned her false beauties and embraced a more natural and warrior-esque look. She stands at about 5'9 with a chiseled physique. Her eyes have shifted from their fake gentle nature to a real, hardened gaze with an intense blue stare ready for any who stand in her way. She has seen the horrors of the world, felt the pain of having sparks torn from her body and it shows - her posture alone showing how battlehardened she is.

Having embraced her life as a Mortalborn of Lisirra and accepting her faults in the past, Rey'na has spent Arcs training herself to be more controlled and disciplined. While before she was volatile, now she is calm and controlled. Yet there is still a storm inside of her, waiting to be unleashed on any that stand in her way.

At birth, Rey'na's father ran away from home - taking Rey with him. As such, she never met her mother, and still knows nothing of her to this day. Through her childhood, she was constantly on the move, staying in tavern after tavern for seasons on end. Her father worked as a mercenary, freelancing to earn just enough money for a tavern and food. Because of this, she often spent time alone at the tavern. Isolation became a common thing, and silence was almost comforting - it meant she was away from the scum that was her father. Even at a young age, she never trusted him. He was a dangerous man who drunk and gambled and lost all of their money doing it. She hated him more than words could ever say.

At the age of ten, she lost her father when he was enraged and attempted to poison someone - only to find out the poison was entered via the skin through contact. He died in front of her. When Rey’na saw this, she started to sob. Despite how harsh her father had been to her, how hard her life was, she still wanted someone to look after her. She looked at the poison that had killed her father and cried. Under her breath, she cried for her mother. She never knew who she was, but she wanted her. She wanted her mother to come back. Sure enough, her prayers were answered, but not in the way that she had hoped. Lissira showed herself to the girl, appearing with a gentle but sadistic smile. She comforted Rey’na, telling her that it was okay and that her true mother was here now. Lissira was amused by the idea that she could convert this girl to her forces after she had just watched her father die of the same thing she would one day learn to master. Lissira offered her knowledge and power, the ability to get what she wanted when she wanted it. The young girl, scared and afraid, took the offer – thinking this was her only chance. Lissira made the offer knowing she would take it, knowing she had another easy servant.

Lissira told her that before she could think about obtaining this power, Rey’na had to do a few tasks for her. She gathered some apples in a basket and inserted a poison into them, then gave Rey’na the basket. Her task was simple – hand out some apples to the people as a gift. Following blindly, Rey’na gave out all twenty of the apples she had, before returning to the Inn and being greeted by a smiling Lissira. When Lissira told her to look out the window at the streets, she saw a few people she had given apples to, dying and choking. As she looked, Lissira planted the egg in her head. With it, she ordered that Rey’na run to a new city and make her own way, learning the art of poison as she did so. In panic, Rey’na grabbed her father’s coin purse and ran, her new mark taking control and her eyes glowing faintly. Despite the fact it had killed her father, the overwhelming feeling of having a mother figure combined with the egg planted in her head changed her perspective. Her father was scum, and now he was dead - quickly and effectively. With poison, and with the help of her 'mother', she would rid the world of all the scum like him.

Through her teenage years, she found herself in Rynmere - Andaris particularly. She spent a lot of time on the streets, with no place to say. Because of this, she immediately got herself some gear. With the coin she stole from her fathers corpse, she bought herself a dagger - one that was enough to keep her safe. At all times, she kept it strapped to her in it's holster. Fortunately, while she was on the streets, she never had to use it. At the age of fifteen, she got a job working for a small group - doing mercenary work. They trained her up, and when she said that she wanted to use daggers they had a man teach her to use both daggers at close range and thrown. With some training, she was able to use them decently enough. While she was on the streets, she used to listen to a man that would perform music. He wasn't insanely good, but Rey'na found beauty in his music. She never had much courage to talk to him at first, but after some time she finally introduced herself. The one thing the egg had no effect on was her sense of beauty. No matter how insane, sinister or dark she may have gone - she was always looking for beautiful clothes and songs. This man provided her with the latter. She introduced herself, and he did the same, going by the name of Iden. For an entire Vhalar, she would visit him every day.

Eventually, the mercenary that trained her fell for the fifteen year old girl. In her head, the voice of Lissira told her to stay with this man despite the fact that she didn't love him, so she did. The man was in charge of the band of mercenaries, and it turned out he had a fair amount of money to his name. He was powerful, well equipped and authoritative - a leader. Effectively, he was using the people for his own gain, and they were too stupid to know any better. Perhaps Lissira wanted her to stay with this man for the fact that he was sadistic, sinister and manipulative. Along with this manipulation, however, came the loss of a friend. It was demanded by her boyfriend that she stopped visiting Lowtown to see Iden, and during that time she didn't see her music-loving friend anymore.

Her boyfriend bought her a house on the conditions that he was allowed to visit it when he pleased. For the sake of having the house, she accepted, and not much came from it. When he tried pulling a move, she declined and he accepted - albeit bitterly. For a Season, he was with her behind closed doors. Until one day he came over and wanted her to cook. She'd never cooked in her life, and so she went out and bought some food that could be cooked easily. As she did, Lissira spoke to her again. She told her to go to one of the stands and buy a vial of liquid that looked a lot like a cooking material. She did, and then put the ingredients away in her bag. When she cooked it, Lissira made her douse the meat with the vial, and ordered her to eat none of it. She did so, waiting for him to take a bite. A few mouthfuls and half-hearted compliments later, and the man was bleeding from his nose. Shortly after, he started to cough and wheeze, until he had choked while bleeding from his orifices. Lissira was pleased, and Rey'na even more so. She was told that the poison was a plant called Ricin, the juices drained from it. It sparked the selfish side of her that the egg brought out. She had a house now, one of her own, and the throwing knives that the man had with him. As well as that, his money. She lit a fire and burnt his body, showing no respect whatsoever for it. It was for convenience, not respect. She left the ashes where they lay to blow away in the wind.

Now that her boyfriend was dead, she decided to start to visiting Iden again to listen to his music. It was soothing for her, when she wasn't making poison or training to fight. Rey would visit him every other day, devoting the days beforehand to training instead of wasting time as she knew she would get distracted. One of the days she visited, his instrument was stolen. Rey chased after the man that stole it and got it back, having to threaten the man with a dagger. Her fierce, glowing eyes and the blade against his neck made him give it back. It was perfect. She seemed the hero, nobody would even look twice. She went in the empty alley after the man, and the next thing the crowd knew she had come back and saved it. The perfect cover up. After that, her and Iden spoke more and eventually he invited her to his house. As their bond grew, their trust grew with it. After two Arcs of meeting almost daily without fail, Iden finally revealed his true race to Rey. Feeling she should trust him back, Rey invited him for the first time ever to see her house. When he came, she told him all of her 'mother' and the work she did. An alliance was made, one that Rey believes will never be broken.

Since then, she's been living in the small cottage outside the walls of Andaris. Appearing as a normal house, it's conveniently out of the way and surrounded by nature - perfect for making toxins. Her favorite toxin is the same one she used on her 'boyfriend' the Licin plant.


This house is amazing! Constructed entirely from Harvardr wood and Egilrun glass, this is a truly Scalvorian home! With an open plan interior and massive windows, the two-floor wrap around decking means that inside and outside blend into one in this lovely, individual home! Viewing highly recommended! Details: 3 bedrooms, 2 receptions, lots of decking. Large garden.

Also, a tier 10 house in Scalvoris, left in her will from Faith here
Knowledge & Skills

SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Animal Husbandry25/100 25/250Novice
Appraisal (1)1/100 1/250Novice
Blades: Daggers (12)25/100 25/250Novice
Cooking (4)25/100 25/250Novice
Dancing (11)30/100 35/250Competent
Deception (5)3/100 3/250Novice
Detection (10)0 + 3/100 0/250Novice
Endurance (17)30/100 35/250Competent
Etiquette (4)0/100 0/250Novice
Hone (5)10/100 10/250Novice
Intimidation (11)0/100 0/250Novice
Investigation (7)0/100 0/250Novice
Leadership (2)25 + 3/100 25 + 3/250Competent
Medicine (11) 40/100 NA:FTCompetent
Polearms: Spear (33) 75/100 150/250Expert
Psychology (7)0/100 0/250Novice
Resistance (2)0/100 0/250Novice
Shielded Combat: Round Shield (11) 50/100 75/250Competent
Stealth (1)17/100 15/250Novice
Strength (2)25/100 25/250Novice

Please ignore this ledger as I will only be updating my profile from now on and this is out of date


Acting: Helpful and smiling.
Acting: Pretending to be a hesitant, but earnest, charity worker
Acting: Forming relationships that are fake

(GF) Appraisal: Recognising beauty

Bladed Combat (Dagger): Draw and slice
Blades - Dagger: Stabbing in the neck
Blades - Dagger: Sneaking up from behind
Blades - Dagger: Covering the mouth while stabbing
Blades - Dagger: Concealing the blade before use
Blades - Dagger: A subtle weapon
Blades - Daggers x6 (Skill Startup Changes)
Total: 6

Cooking: Rabbit can be cooked.
Cooking: Rabbit should be skinned and prepared before being cooked.
Cooking: Burning is easier than cooking.
Cooking: Even something as simple as tea can be ruined.
Total: 4

Dancing: a simple box step
Dancing: start without listening to the music
Dancing: on a three count
Dancing: best to learn at your own pace
Dancing: more enjoyable with an attractive partner
Dancing x6 (Skill Startup Changes)
Total: 11

(GF) Deception: A false smile
Deception: Disguise: Naming your alter ego
Deception: Disguise: Masque: Your future alter ego
Deception: Disguise: Convince people they've seen you and your alter ego together
Deception: Disguise: Outfitting your alter ego
Total: 5

Detection: Seeing scars both visible and hidden
Detection: Overly Friendly People Are Suspicious
Detection: Seeing Through a Bad Liar’s Lies
Detection: Lip reading is difficult.
Detection: Small differences in facial expression can give clues to emotions.
Detection: Noticing small details
Detection: Watching someone's expression
Detection: Searching for things
Detection: Pay attention to what your companions say
Detection: Attend to tone of voice
Total: 11

Discipline: Maintaining emotional control
Discipline: Being strong in the face of overwhelming emotion.
Discipline: Patience is hard
Discipline: Sitting still when you want to be moving
Discipline: Nerves can keep you on edge
Discipline: Not giving in to fear.
Discipline: Not allowing memories to take over
Discipline: Fighting yourself is a battle with the most difficult foe
Discipline: Don't let your guilt rule you
Discipline: Running towards when every instinct says run away from
Discipline: Mercy requires not giving in to emotions
Discipline: Not giving in sometimes just means keeping going
Discipline: The road to redemption
Discipline: Dealing with many emotions at once
Discipline: Not allowing yourself to fall
Discipline: Keeping calm
Discipline: Eye contact
Discipline: Never show fear
Discipline: Blank expressions
Discipline: Stay calm to ease someone's anger
Discipline: Letting yourself feel is ok
Discipline: Living without emotions is still living
Discipline: Admitting to mistakes
Discipline: Keeping cool with a knife to the throat
Discipline - No feelings means no fear
Discipline: Relentless in your discipline
Discipline: Hold on to what keeps you sane
Discipline: Losing emotions doesn't mean losing hope
Discipline: Never back down
Discipline: trying not to get weirded out.
Discipline: Keeping going when you do get wierded out.
Discipline: Not completely losing your cool
Discipline: Taking it all in your stride.
Total: 33

(GF) Endurance: Surviving trauma
Endurance: The pain in your head.
Endurance: Hitting the floor
Endurance: Fighting can be tiring
Endurance: A fatal blow
Endurance: Approaching death
Endurance: The pain of a slicing wound can be greater than a stab
Endurance: You still have pain even after healing.
Endurance: It takes a lot to get badly damaged, healed and then go once more into the fight
Endurance: Withstanding magic attacks
Endurance: A punch to the gut
Endurance: Standing through the numbness
Endurance: Slammed in to a wall
Endurance: Losing a soul
Endurance: Torture beyond the body
Endurance: Surviving against the odds
Endurance: Focus on your friends to survive the pain
Total: 17

Etiquette: Refrain from mentioning murdering people in company
Etiquette: How to behave around your boss
Etiquette: Can be applied to both nobility and military
Etiquette: It's important to always have manners - even when things are really weird.
Total: 4

Intelligence: Consider what you have heard about a person when you see them
Intelligence: Body language often gives information about an individual
Intelligence: Spot gaps in knowledge
Intelligence: Who someone really is can be exaggerated by rumours
Total: 4

Intimidation: Is made easier with weapons
Intimidation: Draw your weapon and run at people. It's scary
Intimidation: Making threats
Intimidation: Staying strong scares people
Intimidation - Hollow eyes spark fear
Intimidation - An empty smile
Intimidation - Showing your true nature
Intimidation - Leaving a man weak
Intimidation - Turning love to fear
Intimidation: Telling off very powerful beings
Intimidation x1 (Skill Startup Changes)
Total: 11

Investigation: Make sure that you watch and learn what's going on.
Investigation: Realizations Based on Observations
Investigation: Ask insightful questions
Investigation: Fill in gaps in the story
Investigation: Renown helps to find someone
Investigation: Rumours are useful tools
Investigation: Breaking off to search specifics
Total: 7

Leadership: Leaders and followers are needed
Leadership: Succinct, clear commands.
Total: 2

Logistics: Organising a killing spree
Total: 1

Medicine: Lizard-Born disease
Medicine: Poison: How to apply safely
Medicine: Poison: Avoid contact with skin
Medicine: Poison: Comes in different types
Medicine: Poison: Combines well with food
Medicine: Poison: Easy to use, hard to disguise
Medicine x5 (Startup Skill Changes)
Total: 11

Meditation: Maintaing focus while casting
Total: 1

Polearms - Combat spear: Overhead blocking
Polearms - Combat spear: Slashing at the neck
Polearms - Combat spear: Swiping out the feet
Polearms - Combat spear: Always stay aware
Polearms - Combat spear: Block then strike
Polearms - Spear: Striking with the shaft
Polearms - Spear: Backstep and slash
Polearms - Spear: Can be used without killing
Polearms - Spear: Hard to use
Polearms - Spear: Keeping enemies at range
Polearms - Spear: Works with a shield
Polearms: Spear: Taking advantage of weakness
Polearms: Spear: Striking a critical blow
Polearms: Spear: Aiming for a specific location in a melee
Polearms: Spear: Focusing all your efforts on attack
Polearms - Combat Spear: Deflecting attacks
Polearm: Spear: Aerial combat
Polearm: Spear: Entering existing combat
Polearm: Spear: Charge and give a warcry
Polearm: Spear: Working in unison
Polearms - Combat Spear: Stabbing through the stomach
Polearms - Combat Spear: Attack while they're unaware
Polearms - Combat Spear: Momentum helps a swing
Polearms - Combat Spear x10 (Skill Startup Changes)
Total: 33

Psychology: Those Who Wish To Die Just Need Some Help
Psychology: Some Books Have Many Covers
Psychology: other's problems can make you forget your own
Psychology: Relationships are confusing
Psychology: Friendship is important.
Psychology: Memories have weight, and power
Psychology: The aftermath of a battle
Total: 7

Resistance: Fighting with a voice in your head
Resistance: When mental and emotional pain becomes physical
Total: 2

Round Shield: Hard to use
Round Shield: Can accompany a spear
Round Shield: Correct stance
Round Shield: Trying to block overhead
Round Shield: Room for improvement
Round Shield: Pushing away an enemy
Round Shield: A bad stance makes a nasty fall
Round Shield: Blocking surprise attacks
Round Shield: Constantly stay alert
Round Shield: Blocking attacks from the side
Round Shield: Blocking heavy hits can hurt
Total: 11

Socialization: Negotiation: Made much harder when talking to someone who just got beaten up.
Socialization: Negotiation: Asking a question nicely.
Socialization: Persuasion: Promises Reassure Others
Socialization: Persuasion: I wouldn't marry you - yet.
Socialization: Persuasion: Calmly give in when someone has something you want.
Socialization: Persuasion: I am good at this - not at that.
Total: 6

(GF) Stealth: getting away with murder
Total: 1

Strength: Bend your legs before lifting something heavy
Strength: A good stance helps you stay balanced.
Total: 2

Tactics: Death is not to be fearful of. Failure is.
Tactics: Consider the big picture
Tactics: Someone needs to stand guard
Tactics: Against all odds sometimes has to happen.
Tactics: Suicide is often surprising
Tactics: Working together to maximise the chance of success.
Tactics: Helped by certain Immortal marks
Total: 7

Throwing Weapons: Judging When Not to Throw
Total: 1

Non-Skill Knowledge

Aeon: You helped him
Aeon: Seems like a nice, kind man
Aeon: Was drunk
Aeon: Feeling cynical about "Andaris' Finest"
Aeon: Scarred
Aeon: You hugged him.
Aeon: An easy mark?

Annok: A dock hand in Desnind
Annok: Greeted you at the docks
Annok: Took you to Moseke's temple

Denenbah (Iden): Pretending to be a violinist for the party
Denenbah (Iden): Abandoned you
Denenbah (Iden): Must not truly have cared for you

Desnind: Mutums (city docks)
Desnind: Moseke's temple
Desnind: A city of trees
Desnind: Home of the Sev'ryn

Fridgar: A Lothar Who Can Turn into a Horse & a Wolf
Fridgar: Loves the Snow
Fridgar: Would be a good puppy
Fridgar: If he was a puppy, you could play fetch
Fridgar: Plays fetch anyway
Fridgar: A natural predator
Fridgar: Better than Denebah?
Fridgar: A Becomer
Fridgar: One of his totems used to be his toe
Fridgar: A confusing and changeable chap
Fridgar: Apparently wealthy
Fridgar: Defended you
Fridgar: Might he be your friend?
Fridgar: Passionate
Fridgar: You'll confess your friendship later. If he lives.

NPC: Archibald: Your new partner
NPC: Archibald: Proposed to you
NPC: Archibald: A mage

Lisirra: Your "Mother"
Lisirra: Will help you set up "Masque"
Lisirra: Knows how to create an alter ego
Lisirra: Expects great things from you

Sintih: danced with you
Sintih: taught you the basics of dancing
Sintih: was not a drunken fool
Sintih: cared for you when you were upset
Sintih: comforted you
Sintih: Drinking fruit juice
Sintih: Tactical thinker

Magic Knowledge

Abrogation: Preventing a fire attack
Abrogation: Preventing a magic missile
Abrogation: Reaching out for Ether
Abrogation: Diminishing spells
Abrogation: How to initiate
Abrogation: Preemptive casting
Abrogation: Feeling for magic
Abrogation: Requires focus
Abrogation: Meditation helps
Abrogation: Preventing spells by flipping fields

Becoming: What it Looks Like to Become
LORE: Domain Magic ~ one type is called Becoming
LORE: Domain Magic ~ Becoming requires Totems

Hone: Initiating
Hone: Runes can drain you
Hone: A harsh initiation
Hone: Runes are drawn with hand motions
Hone: Different Runes with different effects
Skill Point Ledger

Record all of your Skill Point Expenditure here.
Skill Ledger:
Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Throwing: Daggers [RB] 25[RB] 2500
Starting Package 500050
Poison ..25 25
Blades: Daggers10.. ..
Poison (IM) 33 ..
Stealth (GF)22..
Appraisal (GF)11..
Deception (GF)33..
One hell of a Mother 15.. 15
Poison ..15 ..
Crazy is the new normal 15.. 15
News and Drinks 15.. 30
Blades: Daggers..25 15
Pieces 15.. 30
Plenty of fish in the sea 15.. 45
Chunks 15.. 60
Cooking..25 35
Dancing..35 ..
Crimson communion 15.. 15
In Ilaren's name, drinks are on me! 15.. 30
Arrivals 15.. 45
Vengeful Return 10.. 55
Sistership 15.. 70
Polearms: Combat Spear..25 45
Endurance..20 25
Strength..25 ..
Windsong 10.. 10
Meet the Family 15.. 25
Shielded Combat - Round Shield..25 ..
Charity of Chance 10.. 10
Spear me the details 10.. 20
Hunting Trip 10.. 30
Beginning of the Beginning 15.. 45
Family Bonding 15.. 60
Dark Hearts C 20.. 80
Leadership..25 55
Combat Spear..3025
Shield of my Shield 10.. 40
Shielded Combat: Round Shield..15..
The Beginning of the End 15.. 40
Shielded Combat: Round Shield..15..
Leadership (Mark Bonus)..3..
Dark Hearts D20..45
Shielded Combat: Round Shield..20..
My Shield10..35
Starting from the bottom10..35
Animal Husbandry..25..
Preparing for War10..10
Combat Spear..10..
Shadows Whisper10..10
Combat Spear..10..
Welcome Hone10..10
Masks Come Off15..15
Blood for Blood10..25
Turn Cloak15..40
Endurance..15 25
Combat Spear..25..
The Maze: The Beginning20..20
Dreamwalking (Thread Reward)..1020
Detection (IM) 33 20
The Maze: Rey'na15..35
The Maze: Rey'na and Devin15..50
The Maze: Rey'na and Mute15..55
The Maze: Sephira and Hart15..70
Down a Dark Path15..85
Combat Spear..2560
Saving Private Rey'na15..75
All Sins come to Light15..90
The Wolfman15..105
Skill Scale Down: Throwing Weapons removed25..130
Startup Skill Changes32..162
Marks Section


Celarion, Bellinos


Bond (Minor)
The Favored can Bond with 1 other person. In doing so the Bonded individual gains a single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Favored and the Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 300 feet of the Favored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance.

Illustrious Skills I
Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.

Bound in Battle
The Favored and those Bonded with them are better able to fight together. Their tactics and movements flow almost seamlessly with little-to-no spoken communication. The Bond passes insights and slight thoughts between those Bonded while in combat together.


Final Moment
A Blessed of Vri has the ability to experience the last few minutes of a corpse’s life. They experience the death as if it were happening to them and only come out of the trance when the experience has ended. This is always a jarring and emotionally devastating ability to use as one can never quite get ‘used’ to dying, but it can reveal remarkable clues and insights as to the wishes or circumstances behind a death. A body must be presented, mostly intact (Within a Cycle or two of age), for the ability to work.

Death's Pallor
A Blessed of Vri understands the nature of life and death better than any. This ability allows a user to suspend their bodily functions and fall into a death-like trance. Unless another marked of Vri is in attendance, this act is almost impossible to see through without a mastery in the medicinal or surgical field. When entering this suspension, the body effectively acts dead. Limbs stiffen, skin pales, and eyes become cloudy. Any wounds suffered by the marked will bleed coagulated blood. Some marked, after receiving a grievous wound, will leave instructions to fetch a doctor and suspend themselves in the state till help arrives. The marked must define how long they intend to stay in this state. At Blessed, the time cannot exceed three trials. At Adored this time cannot exceed a single cycle. Likewise at Adored this ability can be transferred to another, although only one use of this power may remain active at a time. Supposedly there is no upper limit on how long an exalted or Champion can remain in this deathless trance, although none dare exit the world for too long. The body will not decay in this state, appearing freshly slain for the entirety of the duration. A marked can be killed in this state if irreparable harm is done to the body, in which case the state will become permanent upon the ending of the ability.

Deathkeeper's Skills I
Add an extra three skill points to any of the following. These skill points may exceed the 100 cap. Interrogation, Investigation, Meditation, Detection


Lissira's Blessing: Yithnai
  • Possessions
    • One set of clothing: Undergarments, a cloak, a skirt and a blouse
    • One Set of Toiletries: Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste,
    • One waterskin
    • Two sets of eating utensils
    • Tinderbox
    • 2x Taffeta Undergarments (Female)
    • Heel Shoes
    • Violin
    • 1 Dose of Garrottes Vine Sap
    • For excellent teamwork, you have earned an unusual gift. It's a small (8 inch square) piece of parchment. You write on it, the writing is permanent, can not be washed away or destroyed unless the piece of parchment is thrown on to the fire, where the ink burns away and leaves the parchemnt clean once more
    • Trained Thorned Horse (Lyra)
    • Vri's Answer:
      Your answer to Vri pleased him. He sees your response and knows it's truth. Rey'na 's understanding of his Domains has pleased him and he is watching. Rey'na finds, when all of this has calmed, a small silver necklace. It is plain and unadorned and yet, somehow, she knows who gave it to her. Congratulations, you have earned 1 x favor from Vri. You may use the necklace 1 time to call him (modbomb). Note that it is a ONE TIME ONLY deal and, if you call him for a reason he considers inappropriate, then he will not be happy. The necklace allows her to draw his attention, it does not make her immune to his wrath, should she earn it.
  • Weapons and Armor
    • Throwing Daggers (25)
    • Masterwork Dagger
    • Combat Spear - Windsong
      Windsong is a masterwork spear, with the handle being steel. Adamantite was the metal used for the blade, giving it an incredibly sharp edge and point. Crystalline coats the entire spear, causing it to glimmer lightly and appear to be made of crystals, as well as giving it a beautiful light blue color. When it slashes, it makes a beautiful whistling sound, hence the name Windsong.
    • Masterwork Shield - Sunguard
    • Mirrorspell: An unassuming copper ring, which always seems to fit your finger no matter who wears it, this item absorbs a single spell and allows the wearing to release it. So, even should a non-mage have a spell cast on or at them, they can first absorb it, then "cast" or release it with this ring. In any season it will absorb and mirror up to four spell levels - so if it absorbs an expert-level spell, this uses up 3 levels, meaning that it can only absorb one more - novice level - spell that season. Once absorbed, the spell remains in the ring indefinitely, but the ring only stores one spell - always the most recently absorbed. Each spell may be released once. - Left in Faith's will
    • Mage-armour: A belt which has an enchantment on it which serves to absorb ether and protect the wearer from magic. Any spell effect which physically effects the wearer of the belt is diminished in it's potency. Spells which cause damage do roughly half, as do spells which heal or impact the wearer in any physical way. The note attached to it reads. "My sister. Know that you are loved, always. Please, don't be a stranger to the children. You are their family and they love you. Just as I do." - Left in Faith's will
Starting Package ... 100gn
Throwing Daggers (25) 10gn ...
Masterwork Dagger 24gn ...
Silk Dress 50gn ...
Leather Mask 6gn ...
x2 Taffeta Undergarments (Female) 3gn 5sn ...
2 Vodka 4gn ...
Heel Shoes 12sn ...
Gift from Aeon ... 91gn 8sn
Masque Outfit 33sn 6sn 6cn ...
Scarf Rot 10gn ...
Silk Dress 50gn ...
Zi'da Wage ... 530.1gn
Violin (Gift) ... ...
White Saxifrage 100gn ...
Velvet Mask 8.4gn ...
Wool Coat 15.4gn ...
Array of poisons 200gn ...
Travel to Desnind from Andaris 29gn ...
Paying Annok 70gn ...
Ashan 718 Wage ... 701.1gn
Windsong 720gn ...
Garrottes Vine Sap 40gn ...
Donating to the poor 3gn ...
Masterwork Round Shield 40gn ...
Trained Thorn Horse 300gn ...
Ymiden 718 Wage ... 473.1gn
Total Currency: 0 ON, 479 GN, 9 SN, 4 CN
Wealth Conversion:
Wealth tier: 5 (Daily wages = 6gn + 6gn, 12 gn = tier 5)
Wealth points: 66 (base t5) + 5wp (tier 5 wealth grandfathering) + 4wp (housing value is 4500, divided by 1000 is 4) = 75

Wealth Points

Wealth tier: 5
Wealth points: 75

Mortalborn Powers

Arthropods - Born of Insects:
Altering her body in strange and weird ways, Rey has the initial power to grow four legs out of her like those of a centipede. Each of these are coated in a chitin but thin with sharp ends. These sharp ends assist her climbing, as well as functioning as weapons. However, each of these are thin and vulnerable to blunt weapons and the process to unsummon them is incredibly painful, leaving a painful burning on her back where the legs had grown for two breaks. This power will last half a trial. Losing these limbs in any way will hurt like any other injury would, but will do no lasting damage. The strength skill will increase the damage these can do, and while Endurance can make it less painful it will not make the legs any more durable than they already are.

Masks - Mask of Fear:

Needing to mask her face for certain missions or objectives, Rey'na's domain of masks allows her to summon a mask of shadow. It does not hinder her vision in any way, despite covering her entire face. While active, this mask appears like a dark void, entirely empty and unsettling. Those that look at the mask for even a moment will feel a sudden fear take hold. This effect has no target, it will impact any that look into it, friend or foe - making it a risky ability to use in a group of allies. If Rey'na's intimidation is higher than the discipline of whoever she is looking at the fear will be an intense and supernatural fear. How this impacts another PC will vary from player to player and comes down to the writer in question. If her intimidation is lower than their discipline they may still feel unsettled, but the fear will have no real effect beyond that.

Venom - Vipers Kiss:

As the daughter of Poison, Rey'na has a natural venom in her blood, able to be called upon once per Trial. Rey'na can either inject venom from her Born of Insects legs or secrete it over an item from under her fingernails. Should the venom enter the bloodstream of another it will cause their senses to overstimulate, an effect that can terrify the undisciplined as their vision goes blurry, their hearing is echoey and their nerves feel as if they are on fire - a burning pain flowing through their body. The higher the resistance skill of her opponent the longer it will take for the effect to kick in, needing more cuts and venom to take hold. Those with discipline may also fight through the venom's effects, albeit still impaired. The venom on the blade lasts for one break before fully wearing off. Once someone has been poisoned by the venom it will also take a break for the effect to fade away. There is no known antidote (though that is not to say one could not be made IC)
Fame Ledger
Thread List

5th Zi'da, Crazy is the new normal
8th Zi'da, Plenty of fish in the sea
11th Zi'da, News and Drinks
17th Zi'da, One hell of a Mother
23rd Zi'da, Pieces
23rd Zi'da, Chunks
30th Zi'da, Crimson Communion
40th Zi'da, Just the Beginning
50th Zi'da, Self Testing
54th Zi'da, A walk in the woods
87th Zi'da, In Ilaren's name, drinks are on me!

1st Cylus, Thorns
2nd Cylus, Dead Silence
3rd Cylus, Loose ends part 1: Reunion
13th Cylus, Midwinter Masks

Ashan, 717:
68th Ashan, Arrivals

Ymiden, 718:
Meet the Family/url], 5th Ymiden
[url=/viewtopic.php?f=251&t=12309]Sign me Up
, 10th Ymiden
Windsong, 20th Ymiden
Beginning of the Beginning, 32nd Ymiden
Spear me the Details, 33rd Ymiden
Charity of Chance, 35th Ymiden
Family Bonding, 36th Ymiden
Hunting Trip, 39th Ymiden
Next Step Forward, 42nd Ymiden
Shield of my Shield, 43rd Ymiden
The beginning of the end, 45th Ymiden
Dark Hearts C, 82nd Ymiden

Saun, 718:
The Wolfman, 9th Saun
Last edited by Rey'na on Wed Dec 21, 2016 1:48 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 5898

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