Atashi Oxitash

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Race: Ithecal
Profession: Knight, Blacksmith
Renown: 70
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1





Atashi Oxitash

Atashi Oxitash

Age: 27

Race: Ithecal

Date of Birth: Zi’da, 11th - 691

Marks: None

Factions Joined:The black hand

Languages Spoken: Common (Fluent)

Partners: None
Last edited by Atashi on Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:26 pm, edited 15 times in total. word count: 26
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Race: Ithecal
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Renown: 70
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Atashi Oxitash


Atashi is a Thiussum Ithecal standing 9'6" tall and weighing in at 420lbs. His body is thick, like most of his kind's and displays a decent level of toned musculature, wrapped in his thick dark-green scales. His muzzle is short and broad, clearly defining him as a male of his species. His jaws are lined with sharp, crooked teeth that jut out from beneath his lip and rest on his muzzle. His deep green eyes rest a little sunken into his sloped head and are protected by a more defined row of armor that makes up his brow. His nostrils rest at the end of his muzzle, two gashes with little definition besides the occasional flare that heralds the draw of breath. The scales of his back, neck and head carry a much harsher definition, making them look like a natural armor that a human would be hard-pressed to pierce with any ordinary steel. This isn't really the case, but the illusion is enough to deter most would-be attackers from jumping his flank.

His thick tail drags along the floor behind him wherever he goes, ripping up loose earth and grinding stone where he goes. The tree-like appendage is a nightmare indoors and is prone to tripping smaller races as well as knocking over all manners of furniture with even a moderately sharp turn. The tail is most inconvenient when it comes to things like sitting in chairs and fitting into narrow spaces. When in a delicate situation, he's often seen carrying his tail carefully rather than letting it knock over members of the public.


Atashi spends his time training, unlike most other members of his race, he sympathizes with the smaller, weaker races of Idalos like humans. While of course, he admires the strength and fury of the Lotharro and Aukari, he can't fault the other races for their devotion to their immortals; it's all they know after all. He respects those that can stand on their own two legs without depending on an immortal and is more likely to enjoy speaking to someone that isn't marked by an immortal. It should also be mentioned that he's quite likely to try and help anyone unfortunate enough to have been cursed by any of these meddlesome beings.

In his eyes, the other races of the world, the tail-less ones are something to be protected. In time, they will know the dragons as their true rulers and forsake their false gods. Then, with the tailless and the Ithecal united, they will march on the immortals and take the world back for themselves.

Of course, he'd never admit any of this to an outsider and often comes across as a calm, docile creature despite his intimidating stature. While he discriminates followers of immortals, he's still civil and courteous toward them. They are less of an enemy and more of a lost lamb in his eyes. He's quite the social lizard and is always open to a chat.
Last edited by Atashi on Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:41 pm, edited 17 times in total. word count: 513
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Atashi Oxitash


From a young age, Atashi had always wondered what lay beyond the border of his tribe. He'd grown up among his people in Ivorian and saw very little of the outside world before he was already an adult. His curiosity eventually lead him to leave his clan in the dead of night and explore the world. While he'd been taught plenty of hear-say of outside races, immortals and cultures, his first time seeing another race was at the age of eighteen. They were so small and fragile looking to him, he couldn't help but immediately develop sympathy and pity for their puny existence, and resolved to protect them as he traveled with them. Their travels took them to Rynmere, where they eventually went their separate ways.

Atashi settled in a small town and marveled at the architecture of humans. One of their lesser appreciated trades caught his eye and his curiosity did the rest in drawing him to try and take it up. His superior strength and height made hammering away at the hot metal a piece of cake and he was proven to be quite the able blacksmith, even if a lot of the humans looked upon him with uncertainty and discomfort. It didn't bother him, of course. They were just as ugly and sore on the eyes to him as he was to them, after all.

While living the life of a human, working as a blacksmith, he took an interest in their military and picked up a shield and axe. His superior height and weight made him a force not to be reckoned with already, but he honed his skills in combat all the same. There wasn't much difference between striking a hot iron with his hammer and striking an enemy, besides one of the two moving a lot more than the other. When he felt strong enough, he joined the black hand and let his passion and fury overcome him. After some time of handling petty criminals on the streets of the capital, he was selected to head to the eastern settlements and join the assault against a group of savages in 716.

He was at the front line with his tower shield and witnessed many deaths. And while he clashed steel with plenty of humans, he didn't kill a single one. Everyone he cross on the battle field was pretty badly injured but none were killed by his hand. After the battle, the images of the red snow and broken bodies stuck with him and haunted his dreams. The empathy he'd developed for humanity in living with them had made him soft. From that point on, he resolved to only wound his opponents unless absolutely necessary. He returned to Andaris and traded in his axe for a hammer. There he resides, working toward bettering himself and coping with the things he's seen.


Currently staying at his home in Andaris.
Last edited by Atashi on Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:55 am, edited 14 times in total. word count: 495
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Atashi Oxitash

Skill(Knowledge)Points AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Axes & Bludgeons, War Hammer (15)50/100 (75/251)Expert
Discipline (9) 15/100 (15/251)Novice
(RB) Endurance (15)28/100 (31/251) Competent
Investigation (7) 13/100 (13/251) Novice
Mount (1) 20/100 (20/251) Novice
Shielded Combat (22) 100/100 NA:FT Grand Master
Smithing (19) 50/100 (75/251) Expert
Strength (23) 50/100 (75/251) Expert
Last edited by Atashi on Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:43 am, edited 27 times in total. word count: 69
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Race: Ithecal
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Renown: 70
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Atashi Oxitash



Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Pulling your Blows
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Breathing techniques for fighting with a heavy weapon
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Over shoulder swing
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Overhead swing
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Takes two hands to hold
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Reverse swing
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Upper body shot (ribs)
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Upper body shot (neck)
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Upper body shot (head)
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Quick critical shots
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Slow accurate shot
Axes & Bludgeons (War Hammer): Kneecapper
Axes & Bludgeons: Using the edge of a shield as an axe.
Axes & Bludgeons: Chopping through insect limbs
Axes & Bludgeons: Anything blunt or edged is viable.
Mount: The Use of a Trained Horse to an Ithaca
Mount: Getting Seated With a Tail Alone
Shielded Combat: Basic Strikes and Blocks
Shielded Combat: Cleaning weaponry is important
Shielded Combat: Tower shield
Shielded Combat: Shield as a means to pin someone
Shielded Combat: Shield and strike (headbutt)
Shielded Combat: Shield Strike!
Shielded Combat: Defensive positions
Shielded Combat: Attacking with a shield
Shielded Combat: Holding fast when backed against the floor as a final resort.
Shielded Combat: The shield is a versatile weapon.
Shielded Combat: Blocking the bite of a Haggen-Fohl.
Shielded Combat: Using the full extent of your height
Shielded Combat (Tower shield): Bashing an opponent
Shielded Combat (Tower shield): Using it both offensively and defensively
Shielded Combat (Tower shield): Throwing an opponent
Shielded Combat (Tower shield): Mirroring your opponents movements
Shielded Combat (Tower shield): Blocking sword slashes
Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Blade-Catcher Use of the Edge
Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Two-Armed Overhead Downstroke
Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Two-Handed Uppercut Swing
Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Using the Block Momentum to add to a Swing
Shielded Combat (Tower Shield): Structural damage capacity can be breached and should be avoided.
Unarmed Combat: The tail strike!
Unarmed Combat: The dodge
Unarmed Combat: Using your tail to grab and spin
Unarmed Combat: Venom Bite as "Crowd Control"


Endurance: Keep pushing through the pain [DJ]
Endurance: Constant Physical Activity
Endurance: Carrying a shield all trial is tricky
Endurance: Protecting against the cold, especially in metal armour
Endurance: Being prepared is hard work!
Endurance: Multiple opponents require a lot of endurance
Endurance: Fighting with a wound makes it more difficult.
Endurance: Fighting a training dummy
Endurance: Slithering through the snow
Endurance: Forcing yourself to continue when you are freezing
Endurance: Moving despite pain & numbness
Endurance: Conversation can distract you from the cold.
Endurance: Swapping arms helps to rest one side of your body and exert the other.
Endurance: Holding the cart in place while a small girl runs underneath it.
Endurance: Carrying a heavy chest onto a wagon.
Running: Jogging
Stealth: Difficult to achieve in chainmail
Stealth: Keeping a Low Profile
Strength: Lifting dead weights
Strength: Heavy weights on long marches slithers
Strength: Carrying a tower shield
Strength: Lifting Heavy Metals
Strength: Lifting a War Hammer
Strength: The amount of force required to break through the carapace of a Haggen-Fohl.
Strength: Holding your own against a creature larger than yourself.
Strength: Engaging your back muscles to help hold your shield over-head.
Strength: The amount of force required to sever the legs of a Haggen-Fohl.
Strength: The amount of force required to decapitate the carcass of a Haggen-Fohl.
Strength: Carrying a severed haggen-fohl head.
Strength: Lifting the haggen-fohl head into the cart.
Strength: The pain of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) after exerting yourself.
Strength: Leaning your weight into pulling a horse carcass out of the way.
Strength: Using your leg muscles to pull a dead horse out of the way.
Strength: Moving large objects in a team is a lot easier than doing so alone.
Strength: Using your whole body strength to move a chest across the ground.
Strength: The proper form while lifting heavy things prevents injury.
Strength: A sharp exhale while exerting force helps push just a little harder.
Strength: During team lifts, it helps your partner to keep the load even.
Strength: The proper form for team lifting a toppled wagon.
Strength: The proper form for team lifting a heavy chest.
Strength: The proper form for pulling a dead horse with a partner.


Animal Husbandry: Understanding a horse's temperament
Animal Training: Whistle for Come is a Useful Command
Animal Training: Tone of Voice and Simple Touches
Business Management: Small details, like light and air, make a big difference.
Medicine: Applying pressure to wounds
Medicine: Keeping a wounded person awake
Medicine: Packing a wound to stem the bleeding
Medicine: Wrapping bandages tight enough
Medicine: Wrapping a sprained wrist
Smithing: Shaping the metal [DJ]
Smithing: Using common metals.
Smithing: Iron: Dull grey
Smithing: Safety precautions around furnace
Smithing: Iron is ready from the furnace when it glows white
Smithing: Hammering the metal
Smithing: Adjusting your grip to suit the job
Smithing: Smelting Metal
Smithing: Iron and Steel: The two most commonly used metals
Smithing: Iron: Properties
Smithing: Steel: Has a lighter feel and shinier appearance than iron
Smithing: Steel: Glows a brilliant white when it’s ready to be worked on
Smithing: Steel: Harder to work with than iron
Smithing: Using tongs to remove the weapon from the forge is safer
Smithing: Striking the weapon with control is far more effective than with raw strength alone
Smithing: Use a smaller hammer to even out the details
Smithing: Cool the weapon before checking it for imperfections
Smithing: Re-heat before removing an imperfection
Smithing: Use a sharpening stone on the finished weapon
Teaching: Start with the basics
Teaching: Explaining yourself
Teaching: Setting reasonable expectations
Teaching: Providing a demonstration
Teaching: Offering praise
Trap Making: A Pitch-Black Room is an Excellent Start


Deception: Selling yourself as enthusiastic to suck up to the boss
Detection: Working out how wealthy people are by small details
Detection: Finding the source of blood.
Detection: Spotting small details in the camp
Detection: the smell of the forge
Detection: Surveying the scene
Detection: Noticing Changing Eye Color
Detection: Spotting a feint
Detection: Listening to what you can't see
Detection: Spotting, and interpreting, non verbal communication
Detection: Noticing when a weapon needs shaping and sharpening
Detection: An imperfection in a newly made sword
Detection: The Smell of Burning Drugs
Detection: Spotting the weak points in your foes's natural armor.
Detection: Spotting the threat with your peripheral vision.
Detection: Examining your companion for scars.
Discipline: They can't break your mind [DJ]
Discipline: Remaining alert and keeping watch for a potential Ambush.
Discipline: Perseverance brings success.
Discipline: Making the right choices, even when you don't want to.
Discipline: A tidy work space
Discipline: Pushing forward, no matter what
Discipline: The difference between training and venting frustration
Discipline: Basic Military Training
Discipline: Keeping going in spite of being exhausted
Etiquette: How to greet a lady
Etiquette: Bluffing to Save Face
Etiquette: Correct Greeting of a Noble
Etiquette: Maintaining Personal Space
Etiquette: Customs are different in different places
Etiquette: Making a good first impression
Etiquette: Military ~ chain of command.
Intimidation: Status as a Knight
Intimidation: Citing Realistic-Sounding Laws as a Threat
Intimidation: Just Being an Ithecal Puts Many Off
Investigation: working out the personality of the shopkeeper by the layout of the shop
Investigation: Identifying different metal types by their "shiny'ness"
Investigation: Ascertaining why people might get attacked
Investigation: Asking someone questions
Investigation: Noticing somebodies demeanor
Investigation: Searching a cart for arrows to determine if it has been raided.
Investigation: Trying to determine someone's gender based on various aspects of their person.
Leadership: Putting across your message succinctly
Logistics: It's important to consider the consequences of your choices
Navigation: Alleys are Dangerous
Navigation: Learning the Locations of Scalvoris
Navigation: The road is the easiest method of navigating to cities.
Persuasion: Using a Gift as Leverage
Persuasion: Selling yourself well
Psychology: How you look is important, especially in job interviews
Psychology: Confessing to Your Part in a Massacre
Psychology: Trying to Forget Events in Rynmere
Psychological (PTSD): Body of a Dead Man
Psychological: Voices. When did they start?
Tactics: There's no such things as a peaceful night out. Be prepared!
Tactics: 100 vs 4,000 is not good odds
Tactics: Circling Around your Opponent
Tactics: Waiting for the Right Moment
Tactics: Cornering an opponent
Tactics: Communicating strategies


Aeon: Skyrider
Aeon: Fought the beast
Aeon: Lost his hand to the beast
Aeon: Disobeyed direct orders. Twice
Angela: Very Slick Pickpocket
Anos: Not Very Smooth With Women
Anos: Human, Clad as Iron Hand Steward
Atashi: Memories and guilt haunt and control you at times
Carl: Looking for a teacher
Carl: Hurt his wrist
Carl: Overeager
Crimson: Kylar's partner
Crimson: Sev'ryn
Discussing Underwear and genitalia is considered Taboo
Elyna: Stripped Sintih of his rank
Elyna: A Noble
Elyna: Scares of Snakes
Ethelynda: Immortal of protection
Faith: Says Sintih was hurting her
Faith: The Eyes of the Blind
Holiday Gift: From Faith
Humans: All humans wear underwear regardless of sex
Humans: Have small furniture
Humans: Don't have to worry about finding clothes
Ivy: Self-Conscious and Unsure
Juggling: was not invented to help carry more
Kylar: Fights with daggers
Kylar: Enjoys working with you
Kylar: Bought the lion
Kylar: Doesn't look where he's going
Kylar: A Lotharro
Kylar: May want to be a skyrider
Kylar: Not your fault he got hurt
Kylar: Turned his back on an ‘empty’ room
Kylar: Attended by Malcolm and Kathryn
Kylar: Apologized to you
Kylar: Knows Faith
Kylar: A Friend Worth Protecting
Kylar: Two-Faced?
Kylar: Someone To Talk To
Kylar: Brother
Location: Venora [DJ]
Location: Barracks
Location: Rynmere: Eastern Settlement
Location: Venora Barracks
Location: Eastern Settlement
Location: Pyke
Location: Welles
Location: Ye Olde Inn
Location: Streets of Andaris
Location: Scalvoris Island
Location: Scalvoris Town
Location: Element Hall
Location: Etzos: the road between Etzos and Westguard.
Malcolm: Not an optimist when it comes to the weather
Malcolm: Dual Wielder of Swords
NPC: Keim'an
NPC: Keim'an: Your mentor
NPC: Keim'an: Biqaj
NPC: Keim'an: An idealist?
NPC: Keim'an: Seems to be a good man
NPC: Sylvia
NPC: Sylvia: Receptionist in Elements Military Hall
NPC: Sylvia: Kind and efficient
NPC: Angela: Niece of Adventuring Supplies Shop Owner
Rhetoric: Leg-up / Ithecal Joke
Raelynn: Named Raelynn.
Raelynn: Has a pet cat named Binx.
Raelynn: Almost got squashed by the wagon.
Raelynn: Not human.
Raelynn: Has talons for feet.
Raelynn: Heading to Etzos.
Raelynn: Agreed to travel with you and Thaddeus.
Raelynn: Strange.
Raelynn: You shouted at her
Scalvoris Location: The Spirit of Adventure Store
Scalvoris Town: Buildings Accommodate Multiple Races
Scalvoris: The Elements Military
Scalvoris: The Elements Military: Has Four Branches
Scalvoris: The Elements Military: Has land, air and water mounts
Scalvoris: The Elements Military: Seem accommodating of Ithecal
Saoire: The Holiday Woman
Saoire: The Beauty of a Gift
Saoire: Wear Variable Holiday Crowns
Sintih: Put this hands on a woman
Sinith: Regrets his actions
Sinith: Hates the consequences of his actions
Sinith: Has a good sense of humour
Sinith: Will not forgive Kylar without a direct apology
Sinith: Shadow to Emily
Sintih: May be a dirty fighter
Sintih: Covered in scars
Sintih: Was born early and it has made him weaker
Sintih: Fights with a short sword
Sintih: Must be angry about being born with a disadvantage
Socializing: Giving a Single Greeting to the Entire Room
Sociology: A General Greeting May Inspire a Random Response
Sociology: Put a Little More Humor in Your Personality
Symbri: Dancer
Symbri: Future Hero
Symbri: Wears underwear
Symbri: Want's to help you get some new clothes
Symbri: Has an unnamed puppy
Symbri: Was embarrassed when you asked about her underwear
Symbri: Is unfamiliar with Ithecal race
Symbri: Dances for a living
Symbri: You want to see her show
Thaddeus: A girl?
Thaddeus: A guy?
Thaddeus: Probably a guy.
Thaddeus: Has feminine features, but a deep voice and a guy's name so is probably a guy??
Thaddeus: Doesn't speak much.
Thaddeus: Has a scar across his neck.
Thaddeus: Travelling to Etzos but doesn't know why.
Thaddeus: Your travelling companion.
Thaddeus: Named Thaddeus.
Thaddeus: Probably a girl.
Thaddeus: Didn't protest when you subtly called them a girl so must be girl?
Thaddeus: Suddenly a lot more talkative with an addition to the party.
Thaddeus: Good with animals.
Thaddeus: Distraught by the dead horse.
Thaddeus: Prayed for the horse.
Thaddeus: Polite.
Thaddeus: Contested your judgement.
Thaddeus: Saved Binx from a tree
The Burning Mountains: Do not sound like a fun vacation spot
Zi'da: Kylar's Gifted Wold From Karem
Zi'da: Communicates By Way of Connection With Kylar
Last edited by Atashi on Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:42 am, edited 19 times in total. word count: 2107
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Race: Ithecal
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Renown: 70
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Atashi Oxitash

Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Endurance (RB)2525-
Starting Points50-50
Strength -1238
Smithing -1325
Shielded Combat: Tower Shield (FT) -1312
Discipline -12-
Endurance (DJ)33-
Discipline (DJ)33-
Shielded Combat: Tower Shield (DJ)22-
Moments Of Beauty15-15
Axes & Bludgeons: War Hammer -15-
Shield And Dagger14-14
Axes & Bludgeons: War Hammer -104
Smithing -4-
Grasping the nettle10-10
Smithing -82
Investigation -2-
Where Only Mad Men Go15-15
Mount -15-
Good People Drink15-15
Mount -510
Investigation -10-
Standing Up10-10
Axes & Bludgeons -10-
Axes & Bludgeons -141
Investigation -1-
Welcome to Welles14-14
Axes & Bludgeons -68
Shielded Combat: Tower Shield -8-
Of Snake and Symbri15-15
Smithing -213
Shielded Combat: Tower Shield -13-
Oakleigh ahoy!15-15
Strength -15-
Shielded Combat -132
Smithing -2-
Snake in a sweater? 15-15
In the red corner... Snake-maaaann!!!! 15-30
Shielded Combat -264
Strength -4-
A New Journey20-20
[Recruitment Office] Old Habits15-35
[Venora][Job Thread] A theory of Iron10-45
Burning Winter Snow12-57
[General Goods Store] Long road to ruin15-62
Shielded Combat-2438
For old times sake, snake15-53
What did I stumble Into?12-65
[Immortal's Tongue] Couriers Part 2: Alone12-77
[Darbyton] A tale of two tails15-92
Shielded Combat-191
'Whoa, you two know each other!?'15-62
Banana tuesday, part three, dark snake rising15-77
[Westguard] Haggen 'Foul'15-46
Axes & Bludgeons20-26
[Westguard] Written in Snow15-41
[Westguard][M] Hunted15-56
Last edited by Atashi on Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:47 am, edited 25 times in total. word count: 253
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Atashi Oxitash

Marks Section

Nothing to speak of.
Last edited by Atashi on Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:33 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 6
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Race: Ithecal
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1





Atashi Oxitash



  • Shields
    • Large Tower Shield
    • Masterwork Large Tower Shield
  • Axes and Bludgeons
    • One-Handed War Hammer


  • Iron Hand Uniform
    • Extravagant Black Leather Breastplate
    • Extravagant Black Leather Pauldrons
    • Extravagant Black Leather Gauntlets
    • Extravagant Black Leather Faulds
    • Extravagant Black Leather Grieves
    • Extravagant Black Leather Helmet
    • Green Cloak
    • Pink Cloak
  • Chain
    • Good Chain Mail Breastplate
    • Good Chain Mail Gauntlets
    • Good Chain Mail Faulds
    • Good Chain Mail Coif
    • Good Chain Mail Greaves


  • Faith's Gift
    • Thick wool tunic, Green (jumper)
    • Thick wool tunic, Black (jumper)
    • Set of hat, scarf & pair of gloves, Green (thermal fingerless)
    • Set of hat, scarf & pair of gloves, Black (thermal fingerless)
    • Thick wool coat (black)
  • Winter & Travel
    • XL Extravagant Black Leather Trench Coat
    • XL Extravagant Black Leather Gloves
    • XL Black leather pants
    • XL Thick wool pants
    • 3x XL thick wool socks
    • XL Leather socks (wraps)


  • Equine
    • Trained Horse (Lash)


  • Faith's gift
    • 1 x jar of spiced beetroot pickle
    • A jar of plum and apricot chutney
    • A jar of blood orange marmalade
    • A rich fruit sponge
    • A sticky toffee pudding
    • A sweet lemon puddding
    • A rich cocoa pudding
    • A selection of bread: Rich date and walnut loaf, a cranberry and nut swirl, four cheese rolls and then a small stick of sundried tomato and basil
    • One box of small candies and sweets
    • One box of cakes and sweet pastries. Those cakes included light puff pastry with caremalised apples, apparently plain cakes which oozed with flavour when bitten into and meringues dipped in chocolate.

Every-day items

  • Starting items
    • One set of clothing
    • One Set of Toiletries: Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste,
    • One waterskin
    • Two sets of eating utensils
    • Tinderbox
  • Snow melting kit
    • Folding Burner/brazier assembly
    • Vial of Burner Fuel (lamp oil)
    • Small Copper Pot
  • Other
    • 1-Man Tent
    • Haggen-Fohl Head
    • Large, Heavy, Waterproof, Pleated-Bag with shoulder straps
Last edited by Atashi on Mon Jan 21, 2019 3:51 am, edited 9 times in total. word count: 308
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Race: Ithecal
Profession: Knight, Blacksmith
Renown: 70
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1





Atashi Oxitash


Starting Package 100gn ... 100gn
Large Tower Shield ... 40gn 60gn
Good Chain Mail ... 40gn 20gn
War Hammer ... 20gn 00gn
Seasonal Wage (Vhalar) 1402gn 2sn ... 1402gn 2sn
1-Man Tent ... 15gn 1387gn 2sn
Trained Lynx ... 120gn 1267gn 2sn
Green Cloak ... 50gn 1217gn 2sn
Trained Horse ... 100gn 1117gn 2sn
Herbalist Kit ... 45gn 1072gn 2sn
Tips ... 12gn 2sn 1060gn
Shield Maintenance ... 5 1055gn
Forfeited House (Venora) 250gn ... 1305gn
Full Good Chain Mail ... 60gn 1245gn
Extravagant Black Leather (coat and gloves) ... 90gn 1155gn
Snow melting kit ... 15gn 1140gn
Large, Heavy, Waterproof, Pleated-Bag with shoulder straps ... 3gn 2sn 1136gn 8sn
Seasonal Wage (Zi'da) 706gn 2sn ... 1837gn
3x XL cotton undergarments (men) ... 1.98gn 1835.02gn
1x XL Cotton Pants ... 9.9gn 1825.12gn
3x XL Cotton Socks ... 9.9gn 1815.22gn
1x XL Leather pants ... 18gn 1797.22gn
1x XL Leather sock ... 6gn 1791.22gn
1x Good Chain Greaves ... 40gn 1751.22gn
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
Total Currency: 0 ON, 1,751 GN, 2 SN, 2 CN
Last edited by Atashi on Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:51 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 161
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Approved Character
Posts: 190
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:16 am
Race: Ithecal
Profession: Knight, Blacksmith
Renown: 70
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1





Atashi Oxitash

Fame Ledger

FameAwarded total
Being Ithecal +10 10
Being Mercenary +10 20
Being Ithecal in Rynmere +10 30
Not letting Kylar trip over your tail +1 31
Saving a life +3 34
General good deed +1 35
Upholding the law +2 37
General good deed +1 38
Providing medical aid +2 40
Standing up for Faith +1 41
Gave a gift +2 43
General good deed +1 44
General good deed +1 45
Victory in Combat +4 49
Turning in Robbers +2 51
Getting murdered and resuscitated +5 56
Being nice +4 60
Helping the Etzori Militia +10 70
... - -
... - -
... - -
... - -
... - -
... - -
... - -
Last edited by Atashi on Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:35 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 99
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