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Name: Padraig
face claim: Lorenzo Richelmy

Age: 26

Race: Mortalborn/Famula

Date of Birth: Saun 30, Arc 695

Languages Spoken: Fluent Common / Broken Rakahi

Partners: Faith

Basic Information
Padraig is an attractive young man. But if he's aware of it; he seems for the most part unconcerned.That's not to say that he ignores his appearance or that of others completely. He only believes that vanity and its dressings are shallow distractions from much more important things.

He is just half an inch over six feet tall, and just shy of one hundred and seventy pounds. His eyes are the color of aged brandy with spare flecks of darker brown stirred in. His hair is dark brown, kept regularly trimmed and clean; like the rest of him; but is often unkempt, as if he'd forgotten or not cared to drag a comb through it. He prefers clothing with unremarkable lines; usually choosing shades of black, gray, camel or white. Sometimes, on a whim, he mixes them up by adding a splash of blue or green. But while he may opt for clean lines in his wardrobe, often as not, like his hair, they tend to err on the side of rumpled.

Padraig carries himself straight and tall, and moves with purpose from place to place, or task to task. He can sometimes appear aloof, or indifferent, although in reality he is neither. He may seem immune to excitability. He isn't that either. By all appearances, he is a serious young man not quick to smile. But he does, on occasion; and more so when good and abundant liquor gets the better of his more serious impulses.
Padraig's appearance, his affectations, his manner of speech; all combined paint a fairly accurate picture of who he is. But not the reasons why. He doesn't hide behind half altered truths. At his best he is honest and forthright. At his worst, he can be painfully blunt. Politeness, or rarer, flattery, is something he sees as virtuous, desired and often necessary. On the other hand, like his unkempt hair and sometimes rumpled clothing, too much of a good thing is a wasted distraction.

He is a creature of habit. From his grooming rituals, such as they are, to his dietary choices. Padraig eats the same morning meal, every morning without fail. Two eggs, soft scrambled. A slice of crusty bread, lightly toasted in a buttered iron pan. An apple. He finds that simple rituals with few exceptions, free his mind to focus on much more important things. Therefore it shouldn't come as a surprise that he believes romantic attachments are shallow endeavors that distract from more serious ones. But he's a young man, and like any other appreciates pretty faces and swaying hips. And he is no more immune to engaging when the inclination strikes. But he finds it more reasonable, more conducive to maintaining his focus, to indulge those whims at a local brothel. If anyone said he hasn't met the right woman yet, he would say that there isn't one.

Padraig isn't lacking in compassion or kindness; though children, especially young ones, unnerve him. Many of his apparent constraints, in defiance of his wishes, tend to evaporate somewhere near the bottom of a good bottle of liquor. On the other hand, even when not entirely sober, he is driven, focused and ambitious. He isn't arrogant, so much as he can seem to be. Still, he has little patience for ignorance, yet respects a quick and inquisitive mind. Science is his passion. Alchemy, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, Astronomy, the sciences in general, which he finds to be much more worthy of devotion than religion or worship. He'd prefer to remain out of the fray, the struggle between factions, immortal or no. If only any mortal could.
In Arc 695, a pretty young woman named Etta showed up at her widowed father's doorstep in the village of Venora. It was long after dark, closer to early morning, and she was heavy with child. Cy, her father, hadn't seen his daughter since she was sixteen. She'd left in the night then too, unexpectedly. She had come from Andaris, where she'd been earning her living at prostitution. He took her in, but as always the relationship between father and daughter was a contentious one. Nothing had changed in that respect. She refused to name the father, if she even knew who he was. Still, when she gave birth, she named the boy Padraig, meaning nobly born, as if she thought the name might somehow propel him to better things than she had done.

In spite of Cy's efforts to convince her to stay and make something better of herself, she soon returned to Andaris, leaving her infant son in his grandfather's care. She'd promised to write, to eventually come back. But she never did. With the help of a nurse, Cy did well enough. But he was a dour and critical man, who grew more so as he aged. But Etta had been an only child, and in Padraig, Cy saw a boy that might become useful when he was old enough. Someone to inherit his work as a shoemaker and cobbler once his own eyes and hands found the job too difficult. Someone who might care for him in his old age.

Unfortunately, as he grew, Padraig showed little interest in mending or making shoes, and even less inclination. He resisted at every turn, and took every opportunity he could to slip away to a small house in town, where an eccentric old man spent his waning arcs mixing potions, experimenting and selling cures to unsuspecting travelers; and welcomed the boy in. But however odd the old alchemist might be, he was learned and must have been quite the success in his youth. Or at least to hear him tell it, he was. His name was Adhamh. And while Padraig's grandfather found scholarly pursuits to be a waste of time for a commoner with otherwise capable hands; this man had shelves full of scrolls, tattered and yellowed notes of his own, racks of beakers and vials full of mysterious things, pots full of powders, and plenty to teach a young man who was fascinated and eager to learn before he'd reached even seven or eight. Even then, Padraig yearned to escape what seemed a very small world in Venora compared to what he saw of the land and the heavens through the old man's treasured telescope, and make something great of himself.

But if Padraig had found a source with which to fuel his voracious appetite for the sciences, his childhood was far from ideal. Friendships were difficult, especially after the other children in Venora uncovered his mother's identity and his father's lack of one. But it hadn't been difficult. Padraig was blunt and straightforward even then, and had as much as told them so. As a result, he learned to defend himself early with his fists and feet, and became even better at it as he grew into a young man. To a lesser extent, he picked up a knack for knife fighting. Turned out Adhamh had more to teach him than what could be found in his notes and his potions.

He made a place, well as he could. But so far as Padraig was concerned, it was only temporary. He'd learn what he could, he'd earn enough coin for what he needed, and then he'd leave for Andaris. Not to find his mother. He had as little interest in her as she'd apparently had in him. He worked beside his grandfather, as poor a job as he made of it. And to make his way quicker, he worked for a baker as well. He'd save what he could, as quickly as he could. And when he had enough, he'd leave for Andaris, secure himself a place to live, and a living to go with it, and attend the university there. If he was lucky and could prove himself, he'd get himself a scholarship. But no matter how he had to go about it, so far as Padraig was concerned, it was only the beginning.
Injuries/Weird Abilitites
From the Ice CavesLink
Breathing in the dust Padraig breathed in a toxic sample of dust. This is something which is going to lie dormant until Ymiden, but at some point in Ymiden (depending on your own time scale) he will start to notice mild bouts of nausea which last, off and on, for a five trial period. After that Padraig will start to experience grapheme-color synethesia.

Ice Tiger Mauling Padraig has scarring on his leg from where the tiger mauled him. He will need pretty urgent medical attention. Once it has healed, he will discover that the scars itch at odd times, usually when he’s experiencing a rush of adrenaline. If he explores this, it will become evident that, during times of crisis, he can seem to pull on greater “inner reserves” and maintain longer.

Killing the Necromancer here When fighting Alexander, the necromancer who had spent seasons tormenting him and Faith, Padraig was stabbed with a sword through his shoulder. This has left a faint but jagged scar.

Cage Breaker Those freed by Faith and Padraig have given them both the title of Cage Breaker, and will oft refer to them and about them with that title. here
Last edited by Padraig on Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:11 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 1599
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Skill Total Points Proficiency
Alchemy 100/100 (FT) Grandmaster
Combat: Blades
+6 Celarion & +6 Renown [+3
(265/250) Grandmaster
Combat: Unarmed (80/250) Competent
Combat: Ranged/Crossbow+ 6 Renown 256 Master
Cooking (20/250) Novice
Engineering 153/250 Master
Endurance (155/250) Master
Investigation (250/250) Grandmaster
Leadership +3 Qylios blessing (253/250) Master
Logistics 155/250 Master
Mathematics +3 Xypha blessing (74 (+3)/250) Competent
Medicine (105/250) Expert
Psychology 160 /250 Master
Research (155/250) Master
Science +3 Renown (253/250) Grandmaster
Strength (78/250) Expert
Tactics (175/250) Master
Teaching+3 Xiur blessing (253/250) Master
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Grandmaster Capstones


Alchemical Adrenaline
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Approval here


Magnetic Personality I
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Magnetic Personality II
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Immovable Object
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Unstoppable Force
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Last edited by Padraig on Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:29 pm, edited 214 times in total. word count: 804
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Skill Point Ledger
Thread or Skill Name Points Total Knowledge
Previous List Carried Over -None- 138 -NA-
A Meeting +15 153 -NA-
Babies, Wolves, Slaves, Barriers +15 168 -NA-
Mutual Refraction +15 183-NA-
Full Circle +15 198 -NA-
Can't make heads nor tails +15 213-NA-
An Uneventful Shopping Trip + 15 228 -NA-
Horribly Unprepared +15 243 -NA-
Hypnagogic +20 263 -NA-
After Effects +15 278 -NA-
A Very (very) Small Problem +15 293 -NA-
Alchemy with Pad and Tristan +15 308 -NA-
The Final Dawn +15 323-NA-
Professors Augustin & The Temple of Doom +15 338 -NA-
Magnifying Prejudice +20 358-NA-
Here we stand, here we fall +15 373-NA-
Finding Fei +15 388 -NA-
Illuminations +15 403 -NA-
Raiders of the Lost Ark +15 418-NA-
Supper Time! +15 433-NA-
I don't know where, etc +15 448 -NA-
Make The Bed, Light The Lights +15 463 -NA-
Lady Mercy Won't Be Home Tonight +15 478 -NA-
You Don't Waste No Time At All +15 493 -NA-
Don't Hear The Bell, But You Answer The Call +15 508 -NA-
Family Gatherings, Augustin Stylel +15 523 -NA-
Brace for Impact +15 538 -NA-
Fruitful Pursuits +15 553 -NA-
There Are Dragons Here! Really! +15 (+2 DW) 568 -NA-
Just Got Time To Say Your Prayers +15 553 -NA-
Heading Off At The Pass +20 573
With Your Thoughts of Pain +15 588 -Strength: 5- Endurance: 7- Tactics: 5-
All or Nothing +15 603 Bow: 1 | Physics: 3 | Rhetoric: 1 | Tactics: 1
No Haven for the Guilty +15 618 Intelligence: 3 | Detection: 2
Welcome to the Circus +20 638 5 x Shield | 10 x Ranged Combat | 5 x Leadership
Skill Name XP Adjust Pool Total Knowledge
Baking 20 Cooking 00 To Cooking
Chemistry 250 Science 00 To Science
Physics 250 Pool 250 To Science
Physics +3 Science 250 --
Poisons 54 to Pool 304 To Medicine
Following Skills Scale Down +304 (Pool) 942 --
Revelations at Bath Time +15 957 Logistics x 6, Tactics x 2
A Brief Vacation +20 977 Linguistics: 3, Riding: 1, Etiquette: 2, Research: 5
The Siege of Zuudaria 20 997 Tactics: 3, Blades: 3, Siege Weapons: 5
Command Central 15 1,012 Research x3, Leadership x 3, Detection x 3
The Feast: The Air Table 20 1,032 3x Etiquette, 2x Detection, 5x Investigation, 3x Socialisation, 7x Research
Ruin's Dawn: Light Gluttony 50 1,082 lots and many
Ranged Combat -22 1,063 NA
Research 110 953 NA
Endurance 110 843 NA
Strength 53 790 NA
Investigation 175 615 NA
Logistics 155 460 NA
Tactics 100 360 NA
Psychology 160 200 NA
Medicine 30 170 NA
Leadership 14 156 NA
Engineering 151 5 NA
Startup Skill Changes 38 43 28 Knowledge: 10 x Blades, 10 x Engineering, 8 x Ranged

Code: Select all

[td] Link or Skill Name [/td]
Last edited by Padraig on Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:04 pm, edited 124 times in total. word count: 491
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Skills Knowledge

Skills A - F

Athletics 6
  1. Athletics: Acrobatics: Riding an explosion
  2. Athletics: Acrobatics: Keeping Balanced on a Slippery, Moving Surface
  3. Athletics: Acrobatics: Trying to get two people to safety in a free fall
  4. Athletics: Acrobatics: Untangling yourself from a net
  5. Athletics: Acrobatics: Jumping down from a trap
  6. Athletics: Running: Adrenaline
Acting 5
  1. Acting: A rough pirate type.
  2. Acting: Changing your voice
  3. Acting: Embrace your role
  4. Acting: An expression of innocence
  5. Acting: Pretending to be asleep.
Alchemy 61
  1. Alchemy: Basic principles of alchemy.
  2. Alchemy: Garrotte vine sap, ghost mushroom, almond oil poison
  3. Alchemy: Sulfur, ground charcoal, and composted manure explosive
  4. Alchemy: Immortal's Bodies
  5. Alchemy: Possible Use of Blessed Bodies
  6. Alchemy: Merging of Chemistry and Magic
  7. Alchemy: Easier without Knowing Magic
  8. Alchemy: Basic Necessary Equipment and Protection
  9. Alchemy: Unable to Imbue with Youth, Truth, and Ideal Characteristics
  10. Alchemy: Mind's Eye as a Reagent
  11. Alchemy: Items that store ether (11)
  12. Alchemy: Binding substances to get the best of both worlds
  13. Alchemy: The reagents needs to be added at the creation stage
  14. Alchemy: Requires multiple steps
  15. Alchemy: Two enchantments per item
  16. Alchemy: One enchantment can meet multiple needs
  17. Alchemy: Sea salt can be used to reduce stickiness/moisture
  18. Alchemy: Tree gum, oats or sea weed can be used for their elastic properties
  19. Alchemy: Tree gum, oats or sea weed can be used for their thickening properties
  20. Alchemy: Tree gum, oats or sea weed can be used for their stabalising properties
  21. Alchemy: Combining two substances with similar properties should strongly increase the properties in the resulting substance
  22. Alchemy: Conflicting Properties Must Be Considered Before Creation (22)
  23. Alchemy: Stone is Good For Regulating Temperature
  24. Alchemy: Divine Magic Is A Powerful Reagent
  25. Alchemy: How to Determine the Success of an Enchantment
  26. Alchemy: The blood of a Ghost-Watcher may help stave off Lightbane
  27. Alchemy: Creating Scalvorian Fruit "Caviar"
  28. Alchemy: Furry white spiders of Scalvoris
  29. Alchemy: Giant Spider-Snake Vemon
  30. Alchemy: Purple glowing spiders of Scalvoris
  31. Alchemy: Spider silk as a reagent
  32. Alchemy: Possible deflectors for your own grenades
  33. Alchemy: Immortals blood, powerful for both good and evil
  34. Alchemy: Tried's Shards are Powerful Accelerating Reagents
  35. Alchemy: Working on the fly (capstone)
  36. Alchemy: Using marked blood as a reagent.
  37. Alchemy: Firefly for light (33)
  38. Alchemy: Crafting on the fly can lead to unexpected results
  39. Alchemy: Crafting lenses
  40. Alchemy: Utilising all aspects of a reagent
  41. Alchemy: Using a magnifier for further study
  42. Alchemy: A fire well can be given different properties by alchemy.
  43. Alchemy: Altering a fire well to make it hot when near a creation of Ellasin, and cold when not you are not.
  44. Alchemy: Understand how many aspects a well can contain.
  45. Alchemy: Take the most direct route, simplify the process.
  46. Alchemy: Use of wells as a reagent can make very powerful effects.
  47. Alchemy: Using wells from custom thralls strengthens tracking devices.
  48. Alchemy: Fire Wells
  49. Alchemy: Bird brain powder
  50. Alchemy: Creating trackers for Liches
  51. Alchemy: Divine and powerful ingredients create backlash
  52. Alchemy x 10 (1)
  53. Alchemy x 10 (2)
  54. Alchemy x 10 (3)
  55. Alchemy x 10 (4)
  56. Alchemy x 10 (5)
  57. Alchemy x 10 (6)
  58. Alchemy x 10 (7)
  59. Alchemy x 10 (8)
  60. Alchemy x 10 (9)
  61. Alchemy x 10 (10)
Animal Husbandry 8
  1. Animal Husbandry: Bathing an unwilling animal
  2. Animal Husbandry: Dusting an animal with fossilized algae will remove fleas
  3. Animal Husbandry: Use protection (like gloves) to prevent bites and scratches
  4. Animal Husbandry: Don't underestimate any animal's fury
  5. Animal Husbandry: Picking up an animal by the scruff
  6. Animal Husbandry: Phenomena: Ice Wolves shatter on impact
  7. Animal Husbandry: Experimented on animal
  8. Animal Husbandry: Frozen specimens
Animal Training 6
  1. Animal Training: Establishing dominance early to prevent problematic behaviors
  2. Animal Training: Using audio cues and devices to condition a puppy
  3. Animal Training: Using repetition and treats to reinforce behavior
  4. Animal Training: Critical for preventing bad behaviors before they become ingrained
  5. Animal Training: Repetition plus time yields progressively improved results
  6. Animal Training: Using treats as rewards for desired behavior
Art 9
  1. Art: Drawing: Diagrams
  2. Art: Drawing: Adding in details
  3. Art: Drawing: Capturing a scene of a sculpture
  4. Art: Drawing: Mapping out caverns
  5. Art: Drawing: Moving from large details to small ones
  6. Art: Drawing: Noting individual details in relation to others
  7. Art: Drawing: Trying to capture a story which moves
  8. Art: Drawing: Mapping three dimensional objects on a two dimensional medium
  9. Art: Drawing: Trying to capture perfection
Brewing 8
  1. Brewing: Recieving a request for coffee.
  2. Brewing: ]Vinting: Benefited by Knowledge of Chemistry
  3. Brewing:Vinting: Two Library Books to Study
  4. Brewing:Vinting: Product from grapes, rather than tree fruit
  5. Brewing:Vinting: Grape type impacts taste of the final wine
  6. Brewing:Vinting: Wood use in caskets impacts flavor.
  7. Brewing:Vinting: Keep it laying horizontally
  8. Brewing:Vinting: Yield per acre]
Business Management 5
  1. Business Management: Safe customers are happy customers.
  2. Business Management: The offer of a 'if it doesn't work, don't pay' option is good.
  3. Business Management: Maximum profit for minimum outlay
  4. Business Mgmt: Supply and Demand of the Slave Trade
  5. Business Management: Local materials are only cost effective locally.
Caregiving 32
  1. Caregiving: Giving a patient something to focus on besides their pain.
  2. Caregiving: Talking to someone in shock
  3. Caregiving: Help as much as you can, but not more than they can deal with.
  4. Caregiving: Pre warn and pre inform to minimize anxiety
  5. Caregiving: Encourage and praise the traumatized
  6. Caregiving: Comfort first, reason second.
  7. Childcare: Keep Your Child Within View
  8. Childcare: Making Sure You're Child is Easily Reached, in Case of Emergency
  9. Childcare: Rocking a Baby Helps Them Sleep
  10. Childcare: Sleep When the Baby Sleeps
  11. Childcare: Watching Out for Child Hazards
  12. Childcare: Pregnancy - No Pain, No Gain.
  13. Childcare: You Must Consider The Children When Making Decisions
  14. Childcare: Children Require Resources (Like Money)
  15. Childcare: Children Flouish With a Routine
  16. Childcare: Reading To An Unborn Child Is Good
  17. Caregiving: Empathise with your own stories.
  18. Caregiving: Compassion for those left behind
  19. Caregiving: Keeping an eye out to protect a loved one
  20. Caregiving: Looking after a pregnant woman
  21. Caregiving: Looking after even the smallest in the group
  22. Caregiving: Making a loved one feel secure
  23. Caregiving: Considering the functionality and appropriateness of furniture
  24. Caregiving: Fostering Independence
  25. Caregiving: Names, and identity, are important to self.
  26. Caregiving: Reassuring an expectant mother-to-be
  27. Caregiving: It's always alright to check one more time on newborns
  28. Caregiving: Caring for newborns
  29. Caregiving: Caring for new mothers
  30. Caregiving: The sound of a familiar, soothing voice can put a child to sleep.
  31. Caregiving x 1
  32. Caregiving: Staying close to your wife's side, as she charges ahead.
Cartography 6
  1. Cartography: Accurate maps
  2. Cartography: Scale
  3. Cartography: Symbols
  4. Cartography: Map reading
  5. Cartography: Symbols used on land maps
  6. Cartography: Using a map to identify where you are.
Combat: Shield 7
[*] Combat: Shield: Collaboration with Allies
[*] Combat: Shield Not Polite or Sporting
[*] Combat: Shield: Prepare for Anything
[*] Combat: Shield: Simultaneous Attacks
[*] Shields: Using a shield to protect someone else
[*] Shields: Keeping balance
[*] Shields: Protecting from all angles.
[*] Shield Combat x 5 (1)
[*] Shield Combat x 5 (2)
[*] Shield Combat x 5 (3)
[*] Shield Combat x 5 (4)
[*] Shield Combat x 5 (5)
Combat:Blade 49
  1. Combat: Blade (Sword): Basic Stance
  2. Combat: Blade (Sword): Sword should be an extension of your arm
  3. Combat: Blade (Sword): Keep your knees bent
  4. Combat: Blade (Sword): Keep it pointed at their throat
  5. Combat: Blade (Sword): Basic strikes
  6. Blades: Draw and swing
  7. Blades: An on-guard stance
  8. Blades: Cutting a path through enemy lines
  9. Armed Combat: Blade is an Extension of the Body
  10. Armed Combat: Brief and Light Strikes
  11. Armed Combat: Switching Mid-Attack
  12. Blades: A gladius is not the same as a dagger
  13. Combat: Blades (sword): Readying to draw your weapon
  14. Blades: Fighting is Akin to Dancing
  15. Bladed Combat (Sword): Fighting as part of a unit
  16. Bladed Combat (Sword): Fighting things that can’t see you
  17. Bladed Combat (Sword): Plunging your sword into an Immortal
  18. Bladed Combat: Longsword: Drive forward to maintain advantage
  19. Bladed Combat: Longsword: Swashbuckling
  20. Bladed Combat: Longsword: Using speed to your advantage
  21. Blades: Sword: Use your fancy weapon as a distraction
  22. Blades: Sword: Utilizing the element of surprise
  23. Bladed Combat: Take advantage of surprise
  24. Bladed Combat: Maintain focus
  25. Bladed Combat: Fighting multiple opponents
  26. Bladed combat (longsword): Fighting in snow
  27. Bladed combat (longsword): Protecting someone is good motivation
  28. Bladed combat (longsword): Use taunts against egotistic opponents
  29. Blades: Slash attack on the roof of a moving carriage.
  30. Blades: Longsword: Sweeping arc to take off the head
  31. Blades: Longsword: Use combined tactics to force your opponent's hand
  32. Blades: Longsword: How to break an impasse of three
  33. Blades: Longsword: Decapitation strikes require enormous strength
  34. Blades: Longsword: Using your strength to push through an attack
  35. Blades: 5
  36. Blades: 5
  37. Blades: 5
  38. Blades: 5
  39. Blades: 5
  40. Blades: 10
  41. Blades: 10
  42. Blades: 10
  43. Blades: 10
  44. Blades: 10
  45. Blades: 10
  46. Blades: 10
  47. Blades: 10
  48. Blades: 10
  49. Blades: 10
Combat: Ranged 60
  1. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Bolts
  2. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Delivers killing blows when used properly
  3. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Recoil can hurt
  4. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Loading a bolt
  5. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: How to hold the bow
  6. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Aiming
  7. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Stance
  8. Ranged Combat: Large Targets are Easy to Hit
  9. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Aiming in a group melee
  10. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Keeping focus when reloading
  11. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Loading under pressure
  12. Ranged Combat: Crossbow: Repeat fire
  13. Ranged Combat: Bow: Attach fishing strings to arrows to pull in the catch
  14. Ranged Combat: Bow: Shooting down birds
  15. Ranged Combat: Bow: Firing on a boat
  16. Ranged COmbat: Bow: Using custom projectiles
  17. Ranged Combat: Bow: Aiming takes time
  18. Ranged Combat: Bow: Fire defensively
  19. Ranged Combat: Bow: Aim high for distance
  20. Ranged Combat: Bow: Check your bow regularly
  21. Ranged Combat: Bow: Firing a bow weighted for someone else is harder
  22. Ranged Combat: Bow: Arrow tips vary
  23. Ranged Combat: Bow: Ensure that you identify arrow types
  24. Ranged Combat: Bow: Re-stringing your bow on the fly
  25. Ranged Combat: Bow: Using a tripod or stand
  26. Ranged Combat: Bow: Range is not always easy to judge
  27. Ranged Combat: Bow: Consider environmental issues when firing
  28. Ranged Combat: Bow: Ensure that you aren’t looking into the sun.
  29. Ranged x 10 (1)
  30. Ranged x 10 (2)
  31. Ranged x 10 (3)
  32. Ranged x 10 (4)
  33. Ranged x 10 (5)
  34. Ranged x 10 (6)
  35. Ranged x 10 (7)
  36. Ranged x 10 (8)
  37. Ranged x 10 (9)
  38. Ranged x 10 (10)
  39. Ranged Combat x 1 (1)
  40. Ranged Combat x 10 (1)
  41. Ranged Combat x 10 (2)
  42. Ranged Combat x 10 (3)
  43. Ranged Combat x 10 (4)
  44. Ranged Combat x 10 (5)
  45. Ranged Combat x 10 (6)
  46. Ranged Combat x 10 (7)
  47. Ranged Combat x 10 (8)
  48. Ranged Combat x 10 (9)
  49. Ranged Combat x 10 (10)
  50. Combat: Ranged: Correcting for a missed shot.
  51. Combat: Ranged: Taking a shot at a moving target.
  52. Combat: Ranged: Using a mark ability to enhance one's aim.
  53. Ranged: 8
  54. Ranged: 8
  55. Ranged: 8
  56. Ranged: 8
  57. Ranged: 8
  58. Ranged: 8
  59. Ranged: 8
  60. Ranged: 8
Combat: Unarmed 17
  1. Unarmed Combat: Prone
  2. Unarmed Combat: Dodge
  3. Unarmed Combat: Fighting Dirty
  4. Unarmed Combat, Boxing: Left hook
  5. Unarmed Combat: How to throw a punch
  6. Unarmed Combat: Grabbing a charging companion
  7. Unarmed Combat: Kick techniques from the floor.
  8. Unarmed Combat: Acting as a shield
  9. Unarmed Combat: Shielding against multiple opponents
  10. Unarmed Combat: Shoulder charge
  11. Unarmed Combat: Grab and fling.
  12. Unarmed Combat: Kick to the groin.
  13. Unarmed Combat: Left hook.
  14. Combat: Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Stopping someone from jumping in front of you
  15. Unarmed combat: Preventing escape by leaping and grabbing at what ever you can.
  16. Unarmed Combat: A punch to the jaw loosens the lips
  17. Unarmed combat (Wrestling): Pushing your wife through a portal.
Cooking 10
  1. Cooking: Boiling water for tea
  2. Cooking: Simple Breakfast Fare
  3. Cooking: Gathering Ingredients
  4. Cooking: Tasting Foods before using them in meal.
  5. Cooking: Using Alchemey to make a food dish.
  6. Cooking: Baking: similar to Chemistry.
  7. Cooking: Baking: Patisserie and pastry are similar to Alchemy
  8. Cooking: Baking: More complex than it appears.
  9. Cooking: Baking: Making small samples to test recipes
  10. Cooking: Baking: Honey and corn syrup are less viscous and result in a less dense baked good.
Cosmetology 1
  1. Cosmetology: The Dress Maketh The Man
Deception 4
  1. Deception: Self-serving flattery
  2. Deception: Hiding what you're doing behind your back.
  3. Detection: Spotting inappropriate behaviour whilst keeping focus
  4. Deception: Using prestige and authority to deceive
Detection 62
  1. Detection: Be cautious of sounds that seem unexpected or unfamiliar
  2. Detection: Sensing a lie
  3. Detection: Noticing the Signs of Attraction
  4. Detection: Faith is More Nervous
  5. Detection: The sound of a baby crying
  6. Detection: that weird energy that tends to develop when two or more women are gathered together
  7. Detection: Noticing the changes in a persons body
  8. Detection: Puckers and small patches indicate that a piece of clothing has been mended
  9. Detection: The scent of perfume on clothing
  10. Detection: Oily patches on a piece of clothing
  11. Detection: The smell of fish oil
  12. Detection: Straw and manure on clothing
  13. Detection: Manure in the knee area indicates that the victims were on their knees at one point
  14. Detection: Determining the Effectiveness of Adhesive and Dissolvant
  15. Detection: The smell of a house being unoccupied for months on end
  16. Detection: Signs of a Hubby-Hunting Woman
  17. Detection: Scanning the immediate area in the midst of danger
  18. Detection Recognizing individuals in chaos
  19. Detection: Recognizing voices
  20. Detection: Spotting illusions
  21. Detection: Drinking, not bathing.
  22. Detection: Considering details
  23. Detection: Looking for footprints in snow
  24. Detection: Considering the parts of a river and bed
  25. Detection: Looking for detail in an individual seen
  26. Detection: Scoping out a room from (relative) safety
  27. Detection: Something Odd About the Teenagers
  28. Detection: Small details in long-dead preserved corpses
  29. Detection: Considering how prepared others are
  30. Detection: Details of tattoos
  31. Detection: Noting the feeling of being watched.
  32. Detection: The Behavior of Melt Can Give Warnings in an Ice Cave
  33. Detection: The Signs of Construction Taking the Shape of a Body
  34. Detection: Checking the taste of tea
  35. Detection: Spotting what's out of place in your office
  36. Detection: Considering the overall ambiance of a place
  37. Detection: Marking the movement of the sun
  38. Detection: Noting minute changes in environment
  39. Detection: Reading fear in the face
  40. Detection: Seeking out a reason for spotting movement
  41. Detection: Watching the sun over a period of time
  42. Detection: Spotting residue
  43. Detection: The women with the Divining rod is not a threat
  44. Detection x 2 (1)
  45. Detection x 2 (2)
  46. Detection x 3 (1)
  47. Detection x 3 (2)
  48. Detection x 3 (3)
  49. 2x Detection [url] [*] [url= ... artbeats.
  50. Detection: Hearing the ambient sounds over the tumult of battle.
  51. Detection: Hearing the smacking and sucking sounds as one roots around in living flesh.
  52. Detection: Keeping stock of a large crowd gathering near a structure.
  53. Detection: Maintaining situational awareness, as you guard your wife while she's working her healing magic.
  54. Detection: Noticing that you're suddenly not where you were.
  55. Detection: Noticing the falling necklace of your wife.
  56. Detection: Noting that one of your companions has vanished into thin air.
  57. Detection: Noting that something didn't work the exact way as intended.
  58. Detection: Noting that the oasis has been placed.
  59. Detection: The feel of an earthquake beneath one's feet.
  60. Detection: The growl of a dragon is unmistakable.
Discipline 62
  1. Discipline: Controlling your feelings
  2. Discipline: Don't freak out while planting explosives, it's bad for your health
  3. Discipline: Resisting the urge to beat children
  4. Discipline: Overcoming fear in order to act
  5. Discipline: Continuing to act in the face of self doubt.
  6. Discipline: Retaining focus amidst distractions
  7. Discipline: Not reacting to slaughter of the surrendered.
  8. Discipline: Making a Decision and Sticking to It
  9. Discipline: Doing the crazy thing to protect loved ones
  10. Discipline: Remaining logical and calm
  11. Discipline: Not asking that question.(11)
  12. Discipline: Not staring, even when it's really weird.
  13. Discipline: Not showing your nerves.
  14. Discipline: Correcting problematic behavior in a stern tone
  15. Discipline: Ignoring emotions, focusing on the job.
  16. Discipline: Refusing to yield to despair
  17. Discipline: Not giving in to panic
  18. Discipline: Not thinking about what could go wrong, simply acting
  19. Discipline: Not allowing emotion to overwhelm you
  20. Discipline: Not showing your emotions to those who can't deal with them
  21. Discipline: Focus on something other than the hips.
  22. Discipline: Forcing yourself to ignore basic urges (22)
  23. Discipline: Keep your opinions to yourself
  24. Discipline: Mind over matter when experiencing physical desire
  25. Discipline: Not going on a pointless search.
  26. Discipline: Sorting out different emotions
  27. Discipline: Doing what you'd rather not, because it's what you should.
  28. Discipline: Enduring dreams of hopelessness constantly
  29. Discipline: Fighting hopelessness
  30. Discipline: Not giving in to temptation
  31. Discipline: Holding on to your emotions when reunited with your wife
  32. Discipline: Not getting overwhelmed at feeling your wife's emotions
  33. Discipline: Keeping emotions out of a story (33)
  34. Discipline: Facing a task you really don't want to do
  35. Discipline: Not descending into panic
  36. Discipline: Not giving in to your own worries
  37. Discipline: Being a source of support during birth.
  38. Discipline: When the baby says it's time, it's time.
  39. Discipline: Not allowing fear or panic to show
  40. Discipline: Use shouting to focus yourself
  41. Discipline: Enforced rest can be traumatic
  42. Discipline: Not showing your children when you are frustrated or agitated.
  43. Discipline: Not snapping at curious sailors
  44. Discipline: Trying to concentrate
  45. Discipline: Maintaining a sense of self.
  46. Discipline: Trying to hold back terror is difficult
  47. Discipline: Ensure that all emotions are held in check before sharing a memory
  48. Discipline: Not being too forceful but saying no and meaning it
  49. Discipline: Focusing your memory to put it in a bottle.
  50. Discipline: Not showing your temper
  51. Discipline: Working to not feel your emotions for someone else's protection
  52. Discipline: Being a stubborn man who is not persuaded
  53. Discipline: Letting a playful comment about aging slide.
  54. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Maintaining a healthy skepticism about someone offering their help.
  55. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Maintaining your discipline and complying with the plan, as ever.
  56. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Obeying a sensible command, and sticking to the plan for peace.
  57. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Remaining steadfast in your determination to stick to plan and remain by your wife's side.
  58. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Resisting the urge to chase a man who's called your wife a harlot.
  59. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Sharing the sense of dread of your bonded partner.
  60. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Taking comfort in the further assurances of an Immortal Patron.
  61. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Trying to ignore the disgusting task that your wife has undertaken.
  62. [url=viewtopic.php?p=182267#p182267] Discipline: Turning away from a scene of disgust in order to not be totally revolted.
Endurance 51
  1. Endurance: Warm up exercises
  2. Endurance: Swords are heavy
  3. Endurance: A night outside, fending off the bugs
  4. Endurance: Fighting sleep powder
  5. Endurance: Dealing with extreme cold
  6. Endurance: Resolute Persistence
  7. Endurance: Try, Try Again
  8. Endurance: Enduring extreme cold long term
  9. Endurance: Sleeping in extreme discomfort
  10. Endurance: Sustained cold temperatures
  11. 11. Endurance: A night of extreme discomfort
  12. Endurance: Adrenaline doesn’t stop you feeling pain.
  13. Endurance: Carrying on when injured
  14. Endurance: Continuing on despite blood loss and shock.
  15. Endurance: Having wounds treated is painful
  16. Endurance: Shock
  17. Endurance: Exhaustion
  18. Endurance: Fighting in the cold
  19. Endurance: Fighting while injured
  20. Endurance: Impossibly cold
  21. Endurance: Managing on basic, minimum rations
  22. 22. Endurance: Physical battering of a ship in a storm
  23. Endurance: Trials of work in the impossibly cold
  24. Endurance: Regaining your land-legs
  25. Endurance: Staying standing through exhaustion
  26. Endurance: Ignoring cuts and bruises
  27. Endurance: Giving chase to a carriage.
  28. Endurance: Sleepless night with a pregnant wife.
  29. Endurance: A sword through the shoulder
  30. Endurance: Not giving in to pain
  31. Endurance: Your attacker twisting a blade inside you
  32. Endurance: Blood loss
  33. Endurance: Night terrors
  34. Endurance: Physical pain from multiple electrocutions
  35. Endurance: Not sleeping when something important might happen
  36. Endurance: Keeping going when your body is exhausted
  37. Endurance: Mind over matter
  38. Endurance: Mental assaults cause physical responses
  39. Endurance: Sleep deprivation
  40. Endurance: Standing against a buffeting by angry souls
  41. Endurance: Alchemical backlash
  42. Endurance: Internal hypothermia
  43. Endurance: Haemophilia.
  44. Endurance x 7 (1)
  45. Endurance x 7 (2)
  46. Endurance x 7 (3)
  47. Endurance x 7 (4)
  48. Endurance x 7 (5)
  49. Endurance x 7 (6)
  50. Endurance x 7 (7)
  51. Endurance: Being strong enough for the both of you.
Engineering 32
  1. Engineering: Designs should be simple
  2. Engineering: Material should be a consideration when planning to make something
  3. Engineering: Sometimes, the quality of the material really matters
  4. Engineering: Different types of lenses
  5. Engineering: A Chaos-oscope
  6. Engineering: Consider both form and function
  7. Engineering: Making a microscope smaller, means making a lens more powerful
  8. Engineering: Safety and comfort of user must be considered.
  9. Engineering: Consider existing solutions to problems in order to engineer a better one
  10. Engineering: Consider factors such as heat when needing light
  11. Engineering: Telescope construction (11)
  12. Engineering: Considering the size of a finished product
  13. Engineering: Break the problem down to its most simple.
  14. Engineering: Consider safety first, but then consider functionality
  15. Engineering: How to direct light
  16. Engineering: Identifying appropriate places to work from a plan diagram
  17. Engineering: The simplest solution is probably the best one.
  18. Engineering: Rigging up a pulley system
  19. Engineering: The usefulness of a spelunking kit
  20. Engineering: Weights and balances
  21. Engineering: Manipulating mechanisms using scientific principles.
  22. Engineering: Recognizing amazing architecture in one's surroundings.
  23. Engineering: 10
  24. Engineering: 10
  25. Engineering: 10
  26. Engineering: 10
  27. Engineering: 10
  28. Engineering: 10
  29. Engineering: 10
  30. Engineering: 10
  31. Engineering: 10
  32. Engineering: 10
Etiquette 33
  1. Etiquette: How to greet a slave
  2. Etiquette: Offer guests a drink
  3. Etiquette: How to treat a slave
  4. Etiquette: A forced smile
  5. Etiquette: Holding your frustration
  6. Etiquette: sometimes its best to keep your opinions to yourself.
  7. Etiquette: Need to Act Nice with Host
  8. Etiquette: Turn the Discussion to Others
  9. Etiquette: Disagreeing with Tact
  10. Etiquette: Ride Out Faith's Panic Attacks Calmly
  11. Etiquette: Be on time
  12. Etiquette: Apologise, don't gush excuses
  13. Etiquette: A gentleman does not stare at a naked lady. Even in a teacup.
  14. Etiquette: Not mocking someone's beliefs
  15. Etiquette: Arrive on time for your first trial at work.
  16. Etiquette: Pretend to be interested, even when you aren't.
  17. Etiquette: Answer the question with only appropriate information
  18. Etiquette: Academic pride must be considered.
  19. Etiquette: How to ask for a mentor
  20. Etiquette: Keeping an amiable smile
  21. Etiquette: The art of greeting a stranger
  22. Etiquette: Hiding shock in front of a guest
  23. Etiquette: Welcoming people to your home
  24. Etiquette: Professional behavior
  25. Etiquette: Proper (and improper) use of titles and honorifics
  26. Etiquette: Speaking to the already-dead
  27. Etiquette: Handling the fluctuating emotions of a pregnant woman
  28. Etiquette: How to speak to the Dean
  29. Etiquette: 2 (1)
  30. Etiquette: 2 (1)
  31. 3x Etiquette
  32. 3x Etiquette
  33. 3x Etiquette
Field Craft 10
  1. Field Craft: How to build a makeshift tent from leaves and branches
  2. Field Craft: Dangers of Collapsing Caves
  3. Fieldcraft: Hot stones are helpful
  4. Fieldcraft: Orange sand for warmth
  5. Fieldcraft: Preparation is key.
  6. Fieldcraft: Leaving behind the dead
  7. Fieldcraft: Replace cold, wet clothing wherever possible.
  8. Fieldcraft: Good footwear is a real bonus.
  9. Fieldcraft: Never underestimate the value of equipment
  10. Fieldcraft: Jungles have bugs. Lots of bugs

Skills G - N

Gambling 1
  1. Gambling: If you only have one wish, make it big.
Gardening 1
  1. Gardening: Agriculture: Phenomena: Plants growing in the freezing cold
Hunting 3
  1. Hunting: Fishing: Making your own rod
  2. Hunting: Fishing: Adding a line and hook
  3. Hunting: Fishing: Bait and it's relative size
Intelligence 10
  1. Intelligence: Faith's Black Bag has Unnatural Capacity
  2. Intelligence: Your Echo Scroll Will Keep You in Touch
  3. Intelligence: Spending What Little Time Left in the City
  4. Intelligence: Communication is as critical as data.
  5. Intelligence: Consider usual - and unusual - behaviour.
  6. Intelligence: A vital part of war
  7. Intelligence: Allows you to predict movements
  8. Intelligence: Allows you to interpret movements
  9. Intelligence: In order to lay a trap, you need bait
  10. Intelligence: Bait needs to be believable, and desired
  11. Intelligence x 3 (1)
  12. Intelligence x 3 (2)
  13. Intelligence x 3 (3)
Intimidation 10
  1. Intimidation: Using a rough tone of voice to scare people
  2. Intimidation: Stating the rules from the outset
  3. Intimidation: Not backing down
  4. Intimidation: Refuse to give in to demands
  5. Intimidation: Back up demands with a weapon
  6. Intimidation: Stand your ground
  7. Intimidation: State your case, clearly
  8. Intimidation: Move forward to push your point.
  9. Intimidation: Pointing out the leader of one's church has abandoned his faithful in order to save his own skin.
  10. Intimidation: Refusing to comply as an act of defiance.
Investigation 60
  1. Investigation: process of elimination.
  2. Investigation: Using the powers of deduction to figure something out
  3. Investigation: Remembering past events
  4. Investigation: The importance of taking notes during an investigation
  5. Investigation: Checking clothing for clues
  6. Investigation: Taking samples
  7. Investigation: A fresh victim offers more clues
  8. Investigation: Determining whether cheap or expensive perfume was used
  9. Investigation: No need to feed someone your going to kill
  10. Investigation: Finding patterns in a culprits actions.
  11. Investigation: seeing signs of desperation in a murderers actions.
  12. Investigation: Identifying patterns in the rate of murders.
  13. Investigation: Using chemistry to determine if someone grabbed someone with their bare hands or not.
  14. Investigation: Murderer wants the bodies to be found.
  15. Investigation: Murders likely taken place on private property.
  16. Investigation: The victims may be surrogates for someone else.
  17. Investigation: Culprit may be using a Carriage to move the bodies.
  18. Investigation: The scarves may have a special meaning to the killer
  19. Investigation: Asking the right questions
  20. Investigation: Listening to a story to learn important information
  21. Investigation: How to connect evidence in order to build a theory
  22. Investigation: Ask questions to glean information
  23. Investigation: Ensure you have privacy when sharing information about sensitive or secretive topics
  24. Investigation: Consider physical evidence
  25. Investigation: Using details to draw conclusions
  26. Investigation: Determining safe spots in treacherous places
  27. Investigation: Seeking to explain strange phenomena by environmental cues
  28. Investigation: Break-Ins Were a Gang Initiation Prank
  29. Investigation: No Evidence of Picked Lock Means a Key
  30. Investigation: Perpetrator is the Son of One of the Keepers
  31. Investigation: The Tell-Tale Hat
  32. Investigation: Appearances are often deceiving
  33. Investigation: Check containers for hidden compartments.
  34. Investigation: Identify symbols to link with an Immortal
  35. Investigation: Use props to stop you touching potential contaminates
  36. Investigation: Working out where you know someone from
  37. Investigation: Working together provides options
  38. Investigation: Consider geographical clues
  39. Investigation: Ask questions about who is not involved
  40. Investigation: Consider alternative possibilities.
  41. Investigation: Asking the right questions
  42. Investigation: Blue liquids don’t always mean death, provided they are tested first
  43. Investigation: Methods of applying poison
  44. Investigation: Putting together clues to understand when a pregnancy was an illusion
  45. Investigation: Identifying differences, and similarities
  46. Investigation: Asking pertinent questions
  47. Investigation: Looking for clues in the environment
  48. Investigation: Physical evidence can invoke memory
  49. Investigation: Determining the purpose of a room
  50. Investigation: Identify resources available.
  51. Investigation: Cover all bases
  52. Investigation: Consider all possibilities
  53. Investigation: Brine on the hands from having around the docks.
  54. Investigation: Interrogation: Asking if something confuses you
  55. Investigation: Interrogation: demanding a spy tell why he was sent
  56. 5x Investigation
  57. 5x Investigation
  58. 5x Investigation
  59. 5x Investigation
  60. 5x Investigation
Larceny 4
  1. Larceny: Lockpicking: Physics of a lock
  2. Larceny: Lockpicking: Basic locks can still be very difficult
  3. Larceny: Lockpicking: Time consuming
  4. Larceny: Lockpicking: Requires tools
Leadership 49
  1. Leadership: Caring for the elderly
  2. Leadership: A good leader protects his allies
  3. Leadership: When to Delegate Chores, and When to Do it Yourself
  4. Leadership: During introductions, giving name, rank and place in the hierarchy assures clarity
  5. Leadership: Ignoring inappropriate behaviour, the first time
  6. Leadership: Ensuring the group you are in charge of know the limits of your role.
  7. Leadership: Use of diagrams to explain concepts.
  8. Leadership: Challenging inappropriate behaviour in a manner appropriate to the group
  9. Leadership: Giving second chances can earn respect if handled well.
  10. Leadership: Calling out commands
  11. Leadership: Shouting commands above the noise
  12. Leadership: Flexibility.
  13. Leadership: Giving commands.
  14. Leadership: Remaining succinct
  15. Leadership: Giving Clear Directions and Demonstrating Confidence
  16. Leadership: Taking the Lead When it is Given to You
  17. Leadership: Stating clearly what you’re going to do
  18. Leadership: Laying clear expectations
  19. Leadership: Letting someone know what you’re going to do
  20. Leadership: Hold the line!
  21. Leadership: Being bossy with loved ones
  22. Leadership: Being clear when it's time to leave
  23. Leadership: Directions, not orders.
  24. Leadership: Plausible deniability
  25. Leadership: Being a beacon of hope
  26. Leadership: Looking confident is at least as important as being confident.
  27. Leadership: Prepare for everything
  28. Leadership: Identify the bottom line in a situation
  29. Leadership: Be clear when things are getting over complicated
  30. Leadership: Stating consequences to actions clearly
  31. Leadership: Lead by example
  32. Leadership: Taking charge of organising a search for injured
  33. Leadership: Instructing scared people what to do
  34. Leadership: Devising a means to inform others of vital information
  35. Leadership: Keep your role clear
  36. Leadership: Make sure that you let others know your role.
  37. Leadership: Spymaster in an Immortal's War
  38. Leadership: State your gratitude, it's important.
  39. Leadership: Be clear about what you can offer - and what you can't
  40. Leadership x 5 (1)
  41. Leadership x 5 (2)
  42. Leadership x 5 (3)
  43. Leadership x 5 (4)
  44. Leadership x 5 (5)
  45. Leadership x 3 (1)
  46. Leadership x 3 (2)
  47. Leadership x 3 (3)
  48. Leadership: Taking the lead as you navigate galleries beneath stonework.
  49. Leadership: Telling your partner to cease her task, and attend.
Logistics 50
  1. Logistics: Choosing items to pack
  2. Logistics: Working out the details of a collaboration
  3. Logistics: The necessity of a timeframe
  4. Logistics: Working out the details of a collaboration
  5. Logistics: The necessity of a timeframe
  6. Logistics: Organizing your notes
  7. Logistics: The logistics of a murder investigation
  8. Logistics: Basic Testing Procedure
  9. Logistics: helping to plan a romantic outing
  10. Logistics: don’t stay overnight if you aren’t at least a little familiar with the place.
  11. Logistics: take weather into consideration. (11)
  12. Logistics: Always plan for as many outcomes as possible.
  13. Logistics: Weighing the Weather into Your Plans
  14. Logistics: Planning an experiment
  15. Logistics: Controlling extraneous variables
  16. Logistics: Planning a trip to Scalvoris
  17. Logistics: Lesson Planning: The Basics
  18. Logistics: Planning for contingencies
  19. Logistics: Organising two jobs, two qualifications, two pets and a household
  20. Logistics: Required equipment for an expedition in the cold.
  21. Logistics: There may be such a thing as 'over prepared'
  22. Logistics: Knowing your limits is key to effectiveness (22)
  23. Logistics: Juggling too many things can cause a loss of focus
  24. Logistics: How to take samples from dangerous items
  25. Logistics: Organising communication across distance
  26. Logistics: Planning an archaeological dig
  27. Logistics: Layout of an archaeological camp.
  28. Logistics: Organization for an expedition means preparing for anything
  29. Logistics: Organization of an office space
  30. Logistics: Linking departments with skills
  31. Logistics: Planning surprises
  32. Logistics: Planning ways around cultural norms
  33. Logistics: To do lists to aid planning a pregnancy (33)
  34. Logistics: Planning for those at home while you're away
  35. Logistics: Weighing up options for travel
  36. Logistics: Checking, and double checking, accuracy
  37. Logistics: Organising an experiment
  38. Logistics: Organising observations
  39. Logistics: When planning an expedition, double check everything
  40. Logistics: Prioritising the kind of vessel to take you through dangerous waters.(40
  41. Logistics: Planning which crew will accompany you on a dangerous mission
  42. Logistics: Considering all items to take on a journey where you won't be able to pop back.
  43. Logistics: Packing triple quick.
  44. Logistics: not everyone can be saved
  45. Logistics: Planning a settlement
  46. Logistics: Considering the environment when moving
  47. Logistics: Identifying basic needs for a group.
  48. Logistics: Pulling resources from around Idalos.
  49. Logistics: Planning for children to get education in a remote area
  50. Logistics: Considering food in a settlement
Mathematics 13
  1. Mathematics: Various categories of mathematics
  2. Mathematics: Balancing the books
  3. Mathematics: Pure mathematics
  4. Mathematics: Applied mathematics
  5. Mathematics: The gateway to other sciences
  6. Mathematics: Angles in a triangle always add up to 180 degrees
  7. Mathematics: How much powder to the given area
  8. Mathematics: Patterns of increasing complexity linked with sounds
  9. Mathematics: Angles and trajectory
  10. Mathematics: Perfect and irregular shapes
  11. Mathematics: Checking calculations make sense
  12. Mathematics: Counting four thousand wells.
  13. Mathematics: 1 + 1 = Together
Medicine 49
  1. Medicine: Mint is good for the digestive system
  2. Medicine: Bandages Are Needed For Injuries
  3. Medicine: Clean Water To Clean Injuries
  4. Medicine: Honey and Crushed Garlic To Help Disinfect and Sterilize Injuries
  5. Medicine: Yarrow Root To Clot The Wound
  6. Medicine: Splint Broken Legs With Cloth and Boards
  7. Medicine: Stop Bleeding First
  8. Medicine: Repositioning and Relocating A Broken Leg
  9. Medicine: The many uses of mint leaves
  10. Medicine: Salve to fend off bruises
  11. Medicine: Garrote Vine Sap: Anti-coagulant
  12. Medicine: Check for breathing and bleeding
  13. Medicine: Find the bleeding. Stop the bleeding. Save the life. Easy?
  14. Medicine: Different ways to stop bleeding
  15. Medicine: How to deal with a head wound
  16. Medicine: First aid kit: It's got all you'll need. (probably)
  17. Medicine: Tourniquet: The Faith way
  18. Medicine: Scarf rot for burns
  19. Medicine: How to deal with frostbite
  20. Medicine: Treating a Concussion
  21. Medicine: Wounds, once cleaned and treated, can become reinfected due to dirty bandages
  22. Medicine: Tree sap and honey can be used to prevent wounds becoming infected and treat infected wounds
  23. Medicine: Salt and wounds don't mix.
  24. Medicine: Every Fluid Gets in Wounds
  25. Medicine: Pigskin and Orange Peel as Skin Substitutes
  26. Medicine: Contractions Mean Baby Is Incoming
  27. Medicine using eucalyptus to treat colds
  28. Medicine: oils extracted from peppermint are good for an upset stomach
  29. Medicine: Salves are better than vapour if no other options are available.
  30. Medicine: all sorts of things can complicate treatment.
  31. Medicine: garlic, echinacea, apple cider, vinegar, Dragon sap and snekvine are good antiseptics
  32. Medicine: antibiotics help prevent deseases already in the system.
  33. Medicine: droplets of extract along with the healing steam
  34. Medicine: some herbs lose potency when cooked
  35. Medicine: yellow dragon leaf good for healing burns
  36. Medicine: herbal tea
  37. Medicine: Cleaning wounds
  38. Medicine: Phenomena: Statues of ice which heal themselves
  39. Medicine: Treating hypothermia
  40. Medicine: Using the pencil method to tie a tourniquet
  41. Medicine: Using the raft to hold wounds closed
  42. Medicine: Poisons: Common Rynmere Mushrooms
  43. Medicine: Poisons: The use of herbal poisons
  44. Medicine: Poisons: Common poisonous plants in Venora
  45. Medicine: Chemical Warfare: Poisons
  46. Medicine: Poisons: Using crossbow bolts as a dosage medium.
  47. Medicine: Poison: Undiluted lavender might knock someone out if inhaled
  48. Medicine: Surgery: Examining Stitched, Healing Wounds
  49. Medicine: Surgery: Harvesting organs
Mount 7
  1. Mount: finding a quality mount
  2. Mount: Enormowl: Befriending your emormowl helps
  3. Mount: Enormowl: Landing in populated areas
  4. Mount: Enormowl: Circling
  5. Mount: Enormowl: Holding on for dear life
  6. Mount (winged): Connection to the rider
  7. Mount (winged): Hang on and don’t look down
  8. Winged Riding: 1 (1)
Navigation 7
  1. Navigation (Land): Leave markers to identify a clear path
  2. Navigation (Land): Follow the direction of the river
  3. Navigation: North is always up, the right is east.
  4. Navigation: The address is west
  5. Navigation: Taking a spyglass with you, because you'll be at sea.
  6. Navigation: Finding the way out is simpler once you know the way in.
  7. Navigation: Finding your way in an unfamiliar locale.

Skills O - Z

Politics 13
  1. Politics: Rynmere's potential challenge to Scalvoris' sovereignty
  2. Politics: Recognizing that a challenge may in fact be a clerical error
  3. Politics: Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best
  4. Politics: Informing a relevant ally of a potential situation
  5. Politics: Some leaders require a more personal touch than others
  6. Politics: Showing too much military might can be a sign of weakness
  7. Politics: Leaders usually use a scribe to write letters, rather than their own hand
  8. Politics: A swayed populace may participate in wholesale carnage primarily because they were victims to it themselves.
  9. Politics: Better for the people of Idalos to be and let be.
  10. Politics: The Theocratum: A cult that worships a being known as the Wounded God.
  11. Politics: Turning one party against another.
  12. Politics: Quacia is dominated by a Theocratic Cult.
  13. Politics: The Wounded God is a real piece of work.
Psychology 39
  1. Psychology: Interpreting someone’s look
  2. Psychology: The Balance of Obligations to Self and Others
  3. Psychology: Patience with an Ex-Slave's Slow Embrace of Freedom
  4. Psychology: Urging an Ex-Slave to Believe in Herself
  5. Psychology: Miscommunications Cause Stress
  6. Psychology: Falling into old roles
  7. Psychology: The shifting moods of women are hard to understand
  8. Psychology: Preying on the weak to feel powerful implies a weak mind.
  9. Psychology: Murder likely had a childhood of feeling Emasculated by a women.
  10. Psychology: The need to Dehumanize a victim is the sign of a mad mans with conscience.
  11. Psychology: Murder ether saving his surrogate for last or feelings are getting in the way.
  12. Psychology: Talking Logically About What To Do
  13. Psychology: Distance makes things easier
  14. Psychology: The importance of gender and human relations
  15. Psychology: Remaining Positive in Uncertainty
  16. Psychology: Staying Busy Leaves no Time for Worry
  17. Psychology: Non-verbal communication
  18. Psychology: Parental authority maintains throughout the lifespan
  19. Psychology: Changes in behaviour brought on by romantic attachment
  20. Psychology: The impact of trauma
  21. Psychology: Stress leads to irritability
  22. Psychology: The Feeling of Rapture
  23. Psychology: Putting fears in the open can lessen them
  24. Psychology: Despair is very difficult to fight.
  25. Psychology: Hope is hard to find in the darkest times.
  26. Psychology: People will place significance on superstitions
  27. Psychology: The science of a women feelings
  28. Psychology: Sociology: A Mild jealous Streak Can be Endearing
  29. Psychology: Sociology: Bonding Through Shared Hardship
  30. Psychology: Sociology: Real Fears are Often Veiled in Teasing
  31. Psychology: Sociology: Silence Often Speaks Volumes
  32. Psychology: Recognizing a dragon with a HUGE superiority complex.
  33. Psychology: Recognizing nerves in a large ithecal.
  34. Psychology: Recognizing when words aren't having the intended impact.
  35. Psychology: Searching for dissention in the ranks, in order to exploit it.
  36. Psychology: Sensing that the mood in a scene is turning in your favor.
  37. Psychology: The Herald is as mad as a box of frogs.
  38. Psychology: recognizing that a priest isn't entirely all there in the head.
  39. Psychology x 1
Research 37
  1. Research: Considering the Location of Application of Medicine
  2. Research: Required Characteristics of End Product
  3. Research: Careful Testing on Yourself
  4. Research: Perusing the Charters' Textbooks
  5. Research: Unique Flora and Fauna on Scalvoris
  6. Research: Idiographic vs Nomothetic
  7. Research: Types of data
  8. Research: Variables
  9. Research: Experiments require mani
  10. Research: Techniques for recording movement of the sun(s)
  11. Research: Need for meticulous attention to detail
  12. Research: Observation by secondary means
  13. Research: Considering all angles
  14. Research: Use a variety of disciplines
  15. Research: Collaboration leads to success.
  16. Research: Start with what you know
  17. Research: Use the correct system
  18. Research: Keeping meticulous notes of whatever you can.
  19. Research: The environment helps when researching stars
  20. Research: Looking into strange occurrences
  21. Research: Looking for references to lighting
  22. Research: legends or theories on how to detect or disrupt
  23. Research: 5 (1)
  24. Research: 5 (2)
  25. Research: 5 (3)
  26. Research: 5 (4)
  27. Research: 5 (5)
  28. Research x 3 (1)
  29. Research x 3 (2)
  30. Research x 3 (3)
  31. 7x Research
  32. 7x Research
  33. 7x Research
  34. 7x Research
  35. 7x Research
  36. 7x Research
  37. 7x Research
Science 144
  1. Science: Chemistry: Acids and alkalines
  2. Science: Chemistry: Alkaline counter acids
  3. Science: Chemistry: The identification of substances
  4. Science: Chemistry: Potential of hydrogen
  5. Science: Chemistry: Testing different chemical reactions with small samples
  6. Science: Chemistry: Molasses has a high Viscosity
  7. Science: Chemistry: Gasses gain viscosity when exposed to heat because the particles bind together.
  8. Science: Chemistry: Liquids lose density with heat.
  9. Science: Chemistry: Honey and corn syrup are less viscous and result in a less dense baked good.
  10. Science: Chemistry: Envisioning the Effective Blend of Poison and Blood Thinner
  11. Science: Chemistry: Scarf rot: Puts people to sleep
  12. Science: Chemistry: Talc
  13. Science: Chemistry: Explosives: Black Powder
  14. Science: Chemistry: Purifying Honey and Tree Sap
  15. Science: Chemistry: Oat Gum as Thickener and Elasticity
  16. Science: Chemistry: Basic Dehydrating
  17. Science: Chemistry: Emulsifiers
  18. Science: Chemistry: drawing oils from clothing
  19. Science: Chemistry: Links with Physics
  20. Science: Chemistry: Identification of substances
  21. Science: Chemistry: Interaction of substances and effects on them
  22. Science: Chemistry: How to Purify Ingredients Into Powder
  23. Science: Chemistry: Has a number of disciplines
  24. Science: Chemistry: Disciplines include: organic, analytical, physical & biochemistry
  25. Science: Chemistry: Biochemistry
  26. Science: Chemistry: The biochemical makeup of a virus
  27. Science: Chemistry: "The virus upsets the balance" analogy
  28. Science: Chemistry: Biochemistry: The body in a state of constant change
  29. Science: Chemistry: Physical chemistry links with physics
  30. Science: Chemistry: Explains aspects of physics and alchemy, and vice versa
  31. Science: Chemistry: Physical chemistry
  32. Science: Chemistry: Phenomena: Ice which changes colour
  33. Science: Chemistry: Phenomena: Rocks which absorb light
  34. Science: Chemistry: Phenomena: Water retaining a liquid state sub-zero
  35. Science: Chemistry: Add peppermint oil to boiling water for healing vapour
  36. Science: Chemistry: Vapour isn’t as potent as more concentrated forms
  37. Science: Chemistry: Creation of liquid spheres
  38. Science: Chemistry: Thermo-reversible gelling agents
  39. Science: Chemistry: Methylcellulose: A vegetable derived chemical compound
  40. Science: Physics: The laws of gravity
  41. Science: Physics: Diagram of perpetual motion
  42. Science: Physics: Object at rest stays at rest
  43. Science: Physics: Object in motion stays in motion
  44. Science: Physics: Inertia
  45. Science: Physics: Perpetual motion: theoretical mechanism moves indefinitely
  46. Science: Physics: Perpetual motion: must not have external energy source
  47. Science: Physics: Perpetual motion: must not slow due to friction or lost energy
  48. Science: Physics: Gravity
  49. Science: Physics: Gravity: force that attracts an object and pulls towards middle
  50. Science: Physics: Gravity: force that attracts an object towards another object with enough mass (11)
  51. Science: Physics: Includes mechanics, heat, light, sound, magnetism
  52. Science: Physics: Deals with properties of matter and energy
  53. Science: Physics: Heat and conduction
  54. Science: Physics: Gravity and levitation
  55. Science: Physics: Density
  56. Science: Physics: Thermodynamics
  57. Science: Physics: Velocity
  58. Science: Physics: Explosive force
  59. Science: Physics: Air pressure
  60. Science: Physics: Explosion
  61. Science: Physics: Tighter the spring, more forceful the uncoiling (22)
  62. Science: Physics: Explosives: Lit fuse for a thrown explosive, pressure trigger for a landmine
  63. Science: Physics: Explosives: Triggers from flint and steel
  64. Science: Physics: Thermodynamics: Heat forms and energy
  65. Science: Physics: Thermodynamics: Heat causes water to expand and rise
  66. Science: Physics: Water: Effects of temperature
  67. Science: Physics: Centre of Balance
  68. Science: Physics: Redistribution of Weight
  69. Science: Physics: Applying perpetual motion to a waterwheel mechanism
  70. Science: Physics: Aerodynamics and movement in water: Design & efficiency
  71. Science: Physics: Astronomy: The scientific study of stellar phenomena.
  72. Science: Physics: Astonomy: Plotting stars suggests movement.(33)
  73. Science: Physics: Empirical evidence, observation & testing to strengthen theory
  74. Science: Physics: Links with chemistry
  75. Science: Physics: Astronomy: The questions facing the field
  76. Science: Physics: The nature of a paradox and how physicists study one.
  77. Science: Physics: Application of your field to trajectory
  78. Science: Physics: Inertia
  79. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Darkness becoming solid
  80. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Glowing ice
  81. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Glowing wall in response to prayers
  82. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Melodic pillars
  83. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Walls of blackness
  84. Science: Physics: how to make vapour more concentrated
  85. Science: Physics: Applied thermodynamics
  86. Science: Physics: Application of gravity
  87. Science: Physics: Mechanisms to control flow of liquid
  88. Science: Physics: Application of theory to real problems
  89. Science: Physics: Properties of metals
  90. Science: Physics: Application of Gravity and Pressure
  91. Science: Physics: Electromagnetism
  92. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Hot steam contained in tiny red berries
  93. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Sticky snowballs?
  94. Science: Physics: Some phenomena respond to weight
  95. Science: Physics: Applied to weapons
  96. Science: Physics: Applying physics to construction
  97. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Ice which mutes sound
  98. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Material making souls visible to all?
  99. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Teleportation stones
  100. Science: Physics: Phenomena: Warm metal
  101. Science: Physics: Astronomy: Grouping of stars
  102. Science: Physics: Astronomy: Theories of star movement
  103. Science: Physics: Electromagnetic cats and experiments often don’t mix
  104. Science: Physics: Factors impacting displacement of liquid
  105. Science: Physics: Magnitude of internal friction
  106. Science: Physics: The pattern of lightning strikes
  107. Science: Physics: Theorising that suns are stars
  108. Science: Physics: Studying the second sun
  109. Science: Physics: Rotation, trajectory and orbit
  110. Science: Physics: Theorising whether we move around the sun or vice versa
  111. Science: Physics: Using fixed notions to measure unknowns
  112. Science: Physics: Consideration of specifics
  113. Science: Physics: Shadows give clues to trajectory
  114. Science: Physics: Study two stars in isolation
  115. Science: Physics: Leverage applied to bodies
  116. Science: Physics: Laws of motion
  117. Science: Physics: Orbit of the second sun doesn't add up with expectations
  118. Science: Physics: Don't become a lightning rod
  119. Science: Physics: Invisible barriers can cause waves to be good indicators of something strange
  120. Science: Physics: Irregular movement of the second sun
  121. Science: Physics: Irregular orbit
  122. Science: Physics: Light pollution
  123. Science: Physics: Magic and Immortal Dampening Phenomena
  124. Science: Physics: Orbit of the sun
  125. Science: Physics: Using physics to avoid an iceberg
  126. Science: Physics: Theories of time and space
  127. Science: Physics: The Barrier
  128. Science: Physics: The laws of physics can be broken
  129. Science: Physics: Careful measurement can provide specific information.
  130. Science: Physics: Strange lights seen only by certain people
  131. Science: Physics: The workings of the magnifier
  132. Science: Physics: The interconnected nature of reality
  133. Science: Physics: Utilising a body part to understand limits
  134. Science: Physics: The possibility of realms of existence.
  135. Science: Physics: Harnessing the power of lightning.
  136. Science: Physics: Using a magnet
  137. Science: Physics: Focusing energy
  138. Science: Physics: Safety with weapons is largely about understanding physics
  139. Science: Physics x 3 (1)
  140. Science: Physics x 3 (2)
  141. Science: Physics x 3 (3)
  142. Science: No scientific formulae can solve for evil.
  143. Science: Fine tuning a telescopic instrument.
  144. Science: Solving a physics puzzle.
Seafaring 7
  1. Seafaring: Deck, below deck
  2. Seafaring: Physics helps rowing, just…not much.
  3. Seafaring: Rowing in circles
  4. Seafaring: Rowing with oars.
  5. Seafaring: Basic ships repairs
  6. Seafaring: Steering in an emergency
  7. Seafaring: The use of oars to increase speed
Seduction 8
  1. Seduction: Remembering the little things
  2. Seduction: Nibbling the Ear
  3. Seduction: Breakfast in Bed Always goes over Well
  4. Seduction: You know how to kiss a woman
  5. Seduction: A romantic stroll in woods
  6. Seduction: sometimes your focus can prevent you from seeing obvious sings.
  7. Seduction: Being a scientist doesn’t give you any advantages in subduction.
  8. Seduction: Setting a new standard for dating.
Socialization 35
  1. Socialization: Emotional reunions
  2. Socialization: Trying not to get in the way
  3. Socialisation: Breaking the ice
  4. Socialisation: Persuasion: Ask obvious questions to persuade them of your own view
  5. Socialisation: Persuasion: How to strategically use gender to persuade
  6. Socialisation: Persuasion: Speaking the truth bluntly to avoid miscommunications
  7. Socialisation: Persuasion: If nothing else works, ask them to Just.Stop. Helping
  8. Socialisation: Persuasion: Asking why not
  9. Socialisation: Persuasion: Considering own wants and wishes
  10. Socialisation: Persuasion: Plans to pamper
  11. Socialisation: Persuasion: Ensuring that the logic of your statement is clear.
  12. Socialisation: Persuasion: Negate counter-arguments as you go
  13. Socialisation: Persuasion: Sometimes, it's scientific to "tend to think that"
  14. Socialisation: Persuasion: Redefining a term can make it more appropriate to the listener
  15. Socialisation: Persuasion: Explaining why what you've done is a good idea
  16. Socialisation: Persuasion: Explain how you'll put right the flaws
  17. Socialisation: Persuasion: Why simply giving things away without talking to all involved is a bad idea
  18. Socialisation: Rhetoric: Approaching Different Solutions With Logic
  19. Socialisation: Rhetoric: Giving clear explanations
  20. Socialisation: Rhetoric: A good description can be very compelling.
  21. Socialisation: Rhetoric: Being the calm voice in a discussion
  22. Socialisation: Rhetoric: Using simple analogies to reinforce a point
  23. Socialisation: Rhetoric: Displaying others' qualifications in a show of support
  24. Socialisation: Rhetoric: Attempt to phrase a wish, when you only have one.
  25. Socialisation: Rhetoric: Playful teasing.
  26. Socialisation: Rhetoric: Proposing that it was Faith who saved you.
  27. Socialisation: Negotiation: Laying out justification to ensure you get the response you want.
  28. Socialisation: Negotiation:Trying to state clearly what your priorities are
  29. Socialisation: Rhetoric x 1
  30. 3x Socialisation
  31. 3x Socialisation
  32. 3x Socialisation
  33. Socialization: Distinguishing the friendly from the hostile.
  34. Socialization: Expressing relief that your friend is alive and well.
  35. Socialization: Greeting an old friend, and adjusting to the situation as best one can.
  36. Socialization: Greeting newcomers to the situation.
Storytelling 4
  1. Storytelling: Retelling
  2. Storytelling: Being left on a Doorstep as a Baby
  3. Storytelling: How to improvise a story
  4. Storytelling: Stories of childhood
Stealth 4
  1. Stealth: Stepping away from a sleeping individual
  2. Stealth: Using smiles to distract from sleight of hand
  3. Stealth: Be aware of equipment when climbing quietly
  4. Stealth: Taking cover
Strength 25
  1. Strength: The More Bodies To Lift Rocks, The Merrier
  2. Strength: Carrying books
  3. Strength: Holding your own weight on a rope
  4. Strength: Holding another’s weight on a rope
  5. Strength: Utilising leverage to recover a fallen comrade
  6. Strength: Finding the strength to continue past your limit
  7. Strength: Helping out with odd jobs helps
  8. Strength: Holding on for your life, literally
  9. Strength: Lifting heavy shelves.
  10. Strength: Clearing heavy items from injured people.
  11. Strength: Physically throwing human beings off moving carriages.
  12. Strength: Putting your weight behind a move.
  13. Strength: Supporting a woman in labour.
  14. Strength: Putting all your strength into an attack
  15. Strength: Fighting an opponent who has supernatural strength.
  16. Strength: Catching a falling person
  17. Strength: Grinding glowstones is hard work.
  18. Strength: Breaking wood with your hands
  19. Strengthx 5 (1)
  20. Strengthx 5 (2)
  21. Strengthx 5 (3)
  22. Strengthx 5 (4)
  23. Strengthx 5 (5)
  24. Strength: Bearing the weight of your wife as you carry her out of the galleries you find yourself in.
  25. Strength x 1
  1. Swimming: Be cautious when swimming in rough water
  2. Swimming: Helping someone else
  3. Swimming: Ensuring that you stay close to the edge when unsure
  4. Swimming: It can be very cold, and shocking in lakes
Tactics 55
  1. Tactics: Reach vs speed in bladed combat
  2. Tactics: Dodging vs deflecting in bladed combat
  3. Tactics: Thrust vs slash with longer blades
  4. Tactics: There is safety in numbers
  5. Tactics: The importance of identifying the opposing group’s leader
  6. Tactics: Organisation saves time
  7. Tactics: Chemical Warfare
  8. Tactics: Wartime Strategies
  9. Tactics: It isn't just weapons that win wars
  10. Tactics: There is safety in numbers
  11. Tactics: The importance of planning ahead
  12. Tactics: Create a distraction to keep the enemy busy
  13. Tactics: Seeing the faults in the enemies formation
  14. Tactics: When straight ahead isn’t an option. Up?
  15. Tactics: Using What You Know
  16. Tactics: Using dogs to detect mines
  17. Tactics: Be prepared for trouble, since it will probably find you
  18. Tactics: Considering how to move things without touching them.
  19. Tactics: Talking through options before doing them
  20. Tactics: Use your environment
  21. Tactics: Making sure someone unwanted is out of the way at critical moments
  22. Tactics: Tactics on the fly can be tricky
  23. Tactics: Fighting in a pair
  24. Tactics: Using taunts
  25. Tactics: When conventional methods don’t work
  26. Tactics: Its not enough to catch a mage you need to be prepared.
  27. Tactics: Draw a mage in with a energy producing device to trap
  28. Tactics: Think three steps ahead of a lich
  29. Tactics: Sheilding your wife with your body.
  30. Tactics: retreat to fight another day
  31. Tactics: When you have time to prepare - use it.
  32. Tactics: Be cautious
  33. Tactics x 5 (1)
  34. Tactics x 5 (2)
  35. Tactics x 5 (3)
  36. Tactics x 5 (4)
  37. Tactics x 5 (5)
  38. Tactics
  39. Tactics: Surround yourself with like-minded people.
  40. Tactics: Ensure that you have personal space - and personal security.
  41. Tactics: 5
  42. Tactics: 5
  43. Tactics: 5
  44. Tactics: 5
  45. Tactics: 5
  46. Tactics: Maintaining battlefield awareness.
  47. Tactics: Assessing risk and danger.
  48. Tactics: Considering Varlum as a defensive structure against any attackers.
  49. Tactics: Deciding that peaceful entry is more prudent than going in swords blazing.
  50. Tactics: Leaving the possibility of violence on the table, in case things devolve.
  51. Tactics: Recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses.
  52. Tactics: Recognizing that now would be a good time to get out of dodge.
  53. Tactics: Standing your ground, and placing yourself in a position to intercept.
  54. Tactics: Taking up a defensive position beside your wife, to defend if necessary.
  55. Tactics: Taking up a defensive posture against a larger squad.
  56. Tactics: Utilizing synergy with a partner you're used to working alongside.
Teaching: 47
  1. Teaching: The importance of a good education.
  2. Teaching: Start with the basics
  3. Teaching: Give examples
  4. Teaching: Pointing out mistakes
  5. Teaching: Setting homework
  6. Teaching: Let your student find their own way, if they can
  7. Teaching: Isn't always easy
  8. Teaching: Reassuring your students
  9. Teaching: Giving physical examples
  10. Teaching: Using layman’s terms
  11. Teaching: Requires patience
  12. Teaching: Explaining theory and facts
  13. Teaching: Questions and answers
  14. Teaching: Having the proper tools ready for your pupil
  15. Teaching: Stick to what you know but keep an open mind.
  16. Teaching: Start small and work your way up
  17. Teaching: Benefits Both Parties
  18. Teaching: Utilizing Discipline During Lessons
  19. Teaching: Using Analogies to Interest Students
  20. Teaching: Approaching Each Child Differently is Necessary
  21. Teaching: When writing on a chalkboard, legibility is difficult to achieve
  22. Teaching: Teaching to large groups is different.
  23. Teaching: Learning to live with silence is tricky
  24. Teaching: Answering questions so that they provoke more questions
  25. Teaching: Answering Questions.
  26. Teaching: Visual aids
  27. Teaching: Providing questions in feedback
  28. Teaching: Using real life examples can help your students understand
  29. Teaching: Use the board to explain difficult concepts
  30. Teaching: Visual props aid student understanding
  31. Teaching: Consider how interesting a topic is
  32. Teaching: Getting their attention is vital
  33. Teaching: Gather basic information
  34. Teaching: Explaining fact vs theory
  35. Teaching: Praise is a motivator
  36. Teaching: Using props to explain complex concepts
  37. Teaching: Start with basics, expand
  38. Teaching: Show where things don't make sense
  39. Teaching: Explaining what questions unexpected data leaves you with
  40. Teaching: Using data to back up a theory
  41. Teaching: Teaching experts is very challenging
  42. Teaching: Expand on what is already known
  43. Teaching: Explain what you did, in detail
  44. Teaching: Explain your use of props
  45. Teaching: Using analogy to ensure that your point is clear
  46. Teaching: Instructing others on specialist materials
  47. Teaching: The right analogy makes the difference
Writing 11
  1. Writing: Brainstorming and note taking
  2. Writing: Academic conventions
  3. Writing: Symbols and notations for the charting of stars
  4. Writing: Requirements & sections of a dossier
  5. Writing: Clear note taking
  6. Writing: Differentiating between similar phenomena
  7. Writing: Noting details
  8. Writing: Trying to clearly explain something beyond words
  9. Writing: Ensure you describe small details
  10. Writing: Noting irregularities is especially important
Woodworking 8
  1. Woodworking: Crafting a fishing rod
  2. Carpentry: A Swinging Cradle is a Simpler Design Than a Rocking One
  3. Carpentry: Measure, Measure, and Measure Again
  4. Carpentry: Putting Accessibility and Convenience into the Design of a Crib
  5. Carpentry: Sanding the Wood
  6. Carpentry: The Dimensions of the Item Matter
  7. Carpentry: Measure and mark
  8. Carpentry: Swinging a hammer
Last edited by Padraig on Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:58 pm, edited 38 times in total. word count: 8999
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Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:22 pm
Race: Mortal Born
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Wealth Tier: Tier 9




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Marks & Devotion


Celarion Mark: here
Mark Gained in Global Event 716
Adored Gained here
Exalted Gained here


Name Ability Description
Bond (Minor) The Favored can Bond with 1 other person. In doing so the Bonded individual gains a single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Favored and the Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 300 feet of the Favored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance.
Illustrious Skills Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
Bound in Battle The Favored and those Bonded with them are better able to fight together. Their tactics and movements flow almost seamlessly with little-to-no spoken communication. The Bond passes insights and slight thoughts between those Bonded while in combat together.
Brilliant Weapons (Minor) The Favored is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Favored can only generate one melee weapon at a time. To produce a weapon, the Favored must be in an area of substantial illumination (ie. Outside during the day, in a well-lit room, or at night during a full moon).Gained via Devotion
Bound Tongue (Minor) The Favored is able to understand one Fluent Language of those they have Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial. Gained via Devotion
"Hold the Line!" The Favored is able to bolster the morale of any who stand with them. The call rings out and dispels fear in the defenders, whether mundane or magical. Those affected by the shout gain a small boost in stamina and the use of a shield. The effects of this ability last for ten bits, and can only overcome magical fear effects from other Marks of the same tier or lower. Any fear effects caused by Domain Magic can be overcome as follows: Favored can overcome Magic at a Competent level or lower, Adored can overcome Expert level or lower, and Exalted can overcome Master level or lower.Gained via Devotion
Guiding Light The Favored is able to summon a free floating orb of light to brighten their surroundings. The color and intensity of the light can be controlled, though it doesn't get any brighter than daylight. The orb has no physical form and can't be touched. The light generated by the orb cannot be used by the Brilliant Weapon ability. Gained via Devotion
Radiant Mantel (Minor) Once per trial, the Blessed can call upon their inner light and shroud themselves in an aura of light. The aura draws those around the Blessed to them and holds them in awe. Those bathed in its light are more willing to listen to what the Blessed says and are willing to follow the Blessed in actions that are only slightly against their nature.Approved here
"Fall Back!" The Blessed calls for a tactical retreat. Those within earshot of the call, or if a signal is given via horn or other means, are filled with renewed vigor as they retreat. Those bonded to the Blessed move quicker and only need to be within functioning range of their Bond to take effect of this ability upon activation. Approved here


Name Ability Description
Bond (Moderate) The Adored can Bond with up to 3 other people. In doing so all Bonded individuals gain the single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Adored and those Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 1000 feet of the Adored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance. Images and feeling can be willed across the Bond. The higher the sender’s Discipline, the more details can be relayed.
Illustrious Skills II Add an extra six skill points to any two of the following skills (max of 3 points per skill): Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
Bound Beyond Blood The Adored can share in the Racial Bonus' of those whom they have Bonded, and share their own Racial Bonus with the Bonded. 10 points of the Adored's Racial Bonus are shared with those they have Bonded, and 10 points of each Bonded’s Racial Bonus is shared with the Adored.
Brilliant Weapons (Moderate) The Adored is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Adored can generate one melee weapon and one shield, or one ranged weapon at a time. To produce a weapon, the Adored must be in an area of decent illumination (ie. Outside during sunrise or sunset, near a campfire or other light source during the night, or in a dimly lit room). Approved here
Bound Tongues (Moderate) The Adored is able to understand and speak one Fluent Language of those they have Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial.Approved: here
Lead the Charge The Adored is able to empower and bolster the morale of those who follow them. If the Adored is at the head of any group of individuals, they and any mounts they ride are less likely to flinch during a charge. The number of targets affected by the aura is equal to the Adored's Leadership skill.Approved: here
Flash The Adored is able to detonate any orb created with Guiding Light, and blind anyone who is actively looking at the orb. The blindness lasts for 10 trills. The Adored can only detonate one orb per break. Approved: here
Bathed in Light The Adored's wounds heal faster while in a bright area. This ability requires the Adored to meditate in an area of bright light, and focus on their body and wounds to function. The Adored's healing is dependent on their Meditation skill. (Novice = no change, Competent= x2, Expert=x3, Master=x4, Grandmaster=x5] here
Radiant Mantel Once per trial, the Blessed can call upon their inner light and shroud themselves in an aura of light. The aura draws those around the Blessed to them and holds them in awe. Those bathed in its light are enrapt by what the Blessed says, and are given the courage to follow the Blessed in actions that they couldn't or wouldn't otherwise do. It also draws enemies to the Blessed and encourages them to attack. here


Bond (Major)
The Exalted can Bond with up to 5 other people. In doing so, all Bonded individuals gain the single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Exalted and those Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 3000 feet of the Exalted. The Bond no longer dissipates beyond this distance. Images, feeling, and words can be willed across the Bond. The higher the sender’s Discipline skill, the more detailed the messages that can be relayed. here
Illustrious Skills III
The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses. here
Blessed Bonds
The Exalted is able to share abilities with those they have Bonded. The Exalted choose one ability to pass on to an individual who has been Bonded. The unique abilities can only come from the Adored or Favored tiers, but modular abilities use the highest earned rank. If the Bonded individual also possesses a Blessing, they too may share an ability with the Exalted, following the rules stated above. here
Brilliant Weapons (Major)
The Exalted is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Exalted can now generate any combination of weapons at a time, but must wield the weapon as intended (ie. Greatswords require two hands). To produce a weapon, the Exalted needs only the smallest measure of light - that given off by the stars or the dying embers of a fire is enough. here
Bound Tongues (Major)
The Exalted is able to understand, speak, and write one Fluent Language from each of those he has Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial. here
Illuminate the Dark
The Exalted is able to detonate any orb created with Guiding Light and purge any illusions in a twenty foot radius. This also deals burning damage to any creature made of shadows. The Exalted can only detonate two orb a break. This ability can only purge illusions created by other marks of lower tiers, or Domain Magic lower than Master. here


Mark Gained: here
Adored Gained: here
Exalted Gained: here

Champion Gained: here


Telepathic Communication (Minor)
As the Immortal of Communication, Yvithia is synonymous with spoken and written language. But those who truly wish to follow the Immortal find themselves with the ability to communicate with others with nothing more than their minds. With this ability, the Favored Xypha can send communications willingly with those within their range of vision, so long as the person's eyes can be seen. This ability can be used indefinitely as long as the two parties remain within visual range of each other. However, at this level, the Xypha cannot receive the thoughts back, only send his or her own.
Intuitive Linguist
With this ability, the Xypha can choose any one EASY language and rank up to Fluent for free. This language may be denoted with an [XY] in the list, and may exceed the language cap imposed by the character's Linguistics skill.
The Intellectuals' Skills
Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Linguistics, Mathematics, Meditation, Research, Teaching. These points may allow the skill to exceed the 100 cap.
By observing or hearing a gestured or verbal language, the Favored Xypha instinctively knows the name of the language and the region where it is most commonly used. Additionally, this allows the Xypha to know the place from which the speaker hails as well. Often used for determining intent, this ability does not allow the Xypha to understand the language, if they do not already know it. Gained here
Perfect Copy
Communication and Language are important domains to Yvithia, and with this ability the Favored Xypha can accurately copy any document he or she has ever read, whether they remember the exact details or not. This also transcends language barriers, so that they may write what the document said, even if they have no real knowledge of the language. They cannot understand what they've written, but instead regurgitate the information verbatim.Gained here
Emotional Palette
By using this ability, the Xypha takes on metaphorical coloured lenses. As they look over others in their immediate vicinity, the person takes on a shade of colour depending on their strongest emotion. For happiness, this is a yellow nimbus around them, anger is red vein-like streaks on their skin. Sadness is blue swirling clouds over their skin, envy is green ivy-like vines twirling the person's extremities. Those with this ability and Empathy are able to more easily identify the emotion, and often leads to easier manipulation of the emotions through Empathy. Gained here.
The Telesthetic Boon
Once per trial, for two breaks, the Xypha can hear streams of conscious thought around him or her. The greater the number of individuals around him or her, the harder it is to make sense of the jumble of thoughts. Without training, this is overwhelming and can cause the Xypha to black out, should they be around too many people. But with training and understanding of the ability, the Xypha gains the powerful tools necessary to hear and anticipate the coming actions of those around them. Gained here
The Mental Library
With this ability, all Xypha are linked mentally and are able to share any information they've ever read from a book or scroll. This ability allows them to transmit the information over the link, and effectively share research and information with any and all Xypha tuned in. Though this ability does not give the Xypha the skills required to utilize the knowledge, it does impart to them the ability to understand a subject thoroughly. This ability is limited to a link between those Xypha who have met each other, with no transitory exchange allowed. The Xypha who initially added an item to the Mental Library has to have met the Xypha trying to use his or her information. Gained here
Borrowed Knowledge
With this ability, the Favored Xypha can borrow knowledge of skills they already know for a temporary amount of time. By accessing this knowledge, the Xypha can perform feats they would not normally be able to, but they don't retain the knowledge when the ability ends. This applies only to skills the Xypha already knows, and lasts only one break at this level. Gained here


Telepathic Link
The first ability an Adored of Yvithia learns, this allows the Xypha to establish a telepathic link with any one person. The link remains as long as the Xypha desires, though they must consciously end it when they wish to. This allows the Xypha and their chosen recipient to speak back and forth telepathically. Verbal nuances such as sarcasm or tone are indistinguishable at this level, but they may relay whatever information they want.
Intuitive Polyglot
The Xypha may take, at this level, any Medium difficulty language and rank up to Fluent for free. This cannot be exchanged for two Easy, or any type of combination. This language may be denoted with an [XY] in the list, and may exceed the language cap imposed by the character's Linguistics skill.
The Intellectual's Skills II
The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Linguistics, Mathematics, Meditation, Research, Teaching.Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Perfect Recitation
This ability allows the Xypha to repeat, perfectly, any phrase they've heard in another language, as long as they DO NOT know the language. They do not understand its meaning, nor are they able to alter it in any way, such as to replace a name. Instead, they repeat the words exactly as they have heard them. Gained here .
Upon receiving this ability, the Adored is gifted a small blue stone with the same silvery markings as their mark. As long as this stone is making contact with their skin, it translates any language spoken directly to the Xypha into his or her dominant language. This does not work if they are not the recipient of the language, and also does not translate slang terms, curses or colloquialisms. The stone can be gifted to others, but will return to the Xypha after one trial, regardless of distance between the two. Gained here
Emotional Synthesia Gained here
] By tapping into this power, the Xypha can relate emotions to specific stimuli. For example, when the Xypha witnesses sadness, they will very clearly see the cause of that sadness. When witnessing anger, they will see in their mind very clearly the reason for the anger. This skill allows them to clearly assess the emotion and its stimuli, so that the Xypha may appropriately respond to the situation.

The Telesthetic's Mastery Gained here
Building upon the previous ability, this ability allows the Xypha to quickly and meticulously categorize the streams of thought so that he or she may know exactly where each is coming from. Additionally, the Xypha can sense any emotion that is attached to the thought, such as jealousy or anger. This information is stored in the Xypha's mind for as long as they allow it to be, able to be quickly recalled when needed.

Orator Gained here
Because Yvithia is the Immortal of Language and Communication, those marked twice by her are incredible orators. When addressing a crowd, the Xypha commands attention, and never misses a syllable. His words fall perfectly, his tone and inflection impeccable. The words travel directly to each listener, as if he or she is the only one being spoken to, and will reach them even in the loudest of dins. He cannot be shaken during this time, and those who are enraptured by his speech are bolstered by it, even more so if they were already inclined towards the Xypha's position.

Groupthink Gained here
The ultimate ability that an Adored of Xypha can perform, Groupthink allows all participants in a project share their expertise over a carefully controlled mental link. This allows each and every member of the project the ability to communicate their knowledge of their specific trades. A construction worker will be able to perfectly understand the mathematics behind a project, a archaeologist will understand the languages involved in a dig site, etc. This does not improve the skill level of those sharing, only allowing them to understand the concepts being presented without prior knowledge of the subject. This only works if the Xypha is part of the project and willingly initiates the ability, and ends when the project is completed.


Gained here
Telepathic Array:
Considered the true telepathic skill, Telepathic Array allows the Exalted Xypha to link any number of people into a telepathic conversation, unbridled and unhindered by anything but distance. As long as those linked are within eyeshot of each other, they can send and receive telepathic communications. Should the Xypha leave the area or cancel the ability, all telepathic communication ceases.
Exceptional Linguist:
By taking this ability, the Exalted Xypha will be able to choose any TWO languages from the language list, and level up to Fluent in them for free. These may be denoted with [XY] in your language list, and may exceed your character's Language cap.
The Intellectual's Skills III:
The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Linguistics, Mathematics, Meditation, Research, Teaching.Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
The Exalted Xypha understands the connection between thoughts and emotion, and has the ability to see the emotions those around him are feeling, as well as the causes for those emotions. With this ability, the Xypha can implant a thought into the target's head, allowing it to naturally grow in the target's mind. This will occur to the target as if they had begun to think the thought themselves, and their emotional response will follow their natural response to such a thought. If a pacifist suddenly begins to think about violently assaulting someone, they may be horrified by their own thought, and their response will be tailored to fit that. Targets with Master Meditation may resist the emotional response, but the thought is still implanted. Once implanted, the thought is free to grow naturally in the targets brain, unencumbered by the Xypha's influence. ( here )
Two Bodies, One Mind
The aura here allows for the ability to develop a mental link with any person of close relation (either through blood or through previous psionic exposure), which remains as a connection to that individual long after the link itself is broken. It is weak when not in use, but is easily rejuvenated with little effort on the Xyph's end, and it allows the two linked people to intuitively know about the safety of the other. Additionally, the two can close their eyes and see the other and their surroundings, and are able to communicate emotions and feelings, as well as thoughts and words. The link, once made, is difficult to sever, and can only be made once. This ability is unaffected by distance, and the link allows the two to remain connected for as long as the Xypha allows. Only one such link can be made per season, to avoid switching randomly. Many Xypha see this Link as an intimate choice, and do not make it lightly.
( here )
Cognito Infinitum
As an Exalted of Yvithia, the Xypha gains the ability to transport themselves to Yvithia's Domain, where they may peruse her library of knowledge. One time only, they may request from the Librarian a text on any specific topic they already know. This text grants them a one-time bonus of 5 Knowledges about this topic. This must be roleplayed in a thread, and the Xypha can choose the five Knowledges awarded. ( here )
Lingua Franca
With this ability, those around the Exalted Xypha in a 50' span can all communicate with each other, regardless of language barriers. By each speaking in their native language, the words are automatically translated to the dominant language of those listening. This allows a room full of people who speak different languages to communicate flawlessly without the need for the Xypha to act as a translator. ( here )


The Champion of Yvithia is the second most knowledgeable linguist on Idalos. This ability, granted to the Champion upon becoming so, allows the Xypha to speak, understand, read and write fluently in any language on Idalos. There is no language barrier for them, and when encountering a language for the first time, a Champion Xypha will instinctively know the linguistic nuances of the language.
( here )
Telepathic Possession
The individual can utilize their power of telepathy to influence the body of another with whom he or she already has a link, and use that being's body as his or her own, for a maximum of three days in any five day period. Though they have control of the person's body, the person's mind remains in tact, meaning they can witness and experience whatever the Xypha is doing. Grandmaster Meditators and other Xypha are granted resistance to this ability, though they cannot withstand a constant barrage and will eventually succumb, should the Champion of Yvithia wish them to. During this time period, the body of the Xypha remains in a catatonic state and is vulnerable to attack and desecration. The Xypha can feel changes happening to their body, however, and may be able to pull back before permanent damage is caused.


Mark gained: here

Xiur Abilities

Name Ability Description
Optimism Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Etiquette, Navigation, Psychology or Teaching. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
Flow of Morale The Blessed is able to bring a brief surge of hopeful resolve to those around him. Within 10 feet, this lasts for eight bits; to 20 feet, it lasts for five bits; to 30 feet it lasts for two bits. At "Adored", double either the range or duration. At "Exalted", double both.
Calming Overcast A tense situation suddenly undergoes a dusky graying light, and the attitudes of everyone within 50 feet are affected as if the current hostility instead happened the day before, and everyone has had the time to cool off.
Fog Bank The Blessed can generate a concealing fog to aid an innocent or threatened person to escape harm. If the target is instead genuinely guilty of some wrong, for which he was being pursued, the fog will instead leave trail behind him; as well as a revealing nimbus around him for a number of breaks equal to the Blessed's Etiquette skill. The target will have to run through the fog bank to activate this trail. During this time, placing this fog a second time will immediately dispel the current one.
Shooting Star A Bow can be blessed to emit a ray of star light in a path that displays the trajectory of the arrow nocked upon it. This does not affect the shooter's ability to maintain this aim, and if the light moves from the target upon release of the arrow, the shot will still miss the mark. This effect can be called upon three times a trial.

Last edited by Padraig on Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:54 am, edited 49 times in total. word count: 4047
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Belongings & Housing


Mundane things
Gift from Faith:
2 medium crystals of bottled lightning, 4 ozs of stormdust & 8 small crystals of bottled lightning
More Gifts from Faith:
jars of rainbow sand
letter opener


Magic & Loot

Ruin's Dawn Saun 721
Ruins Dawn
Gilded Earpiece: A pair of decorative ear covering that can be shared with another person. When shared with that person, they can understand any language that Padraig himself can, whether they're near or far.

1 Mortalborn Domain Ability pertaining to Barriers Domain.

A Quacian Puzzle Box - a special box that only Padraig can open. It has decorative bas reliefs etched onto its surface and is made of granite stone. Has the enchantment Bottomless Chest from Sombran. No matter the circumstances, those who wield Sombran will often find themselves with a need to transport a significant amount of wealth, whether to spend, hoard, or trade. Since wealth is, rather frequently, a heavy thing, this ability makes it significantly easier for the Sombran to transport their wealth. Bottomless Chest grants the Blessed access to a pocket dimension where they can hold all their wealth, whether currency or goods. They can open and close the gate to this dimension at will, and unlike things like Domain Bags, Bottomless Chest cannot be damaged. In addition, this ability acts as a mobile bank and generates interest, an additional 2 WP every season.

Tier 2 Gateway Plot! This plot/event can count as a Gateway Plot for Science and Alchemy, should you wish to pursue a Tier 2 in either.

1 prominent Industrialist/Innovator NPC from Quacia's Guild of Industry with 450 xp to spend in skills with no less than 10 xp in any skill and no more than 100 xp in any skill.

Projection Project - A special 'projector box' that allow Padraig to use the Maerzek ability Blueprinting: The Exalted is able to create a spiritual design of an object from their mind. This functions as a three dimensional hologram, able to be placed, moved, and adjusted by the Exalted as needed. If the Exalted can visualize in their mind what they wish something to look like, they can Blueprint it. This is often used to make plans for an upcoming creation or teach apprentices. While within a shop, the marked is able to give a “vision” to others within the shop, of how they want something to look

10 Bloodlight Grapes: A Quacian staple, however, these are no ordinary bloodlight grapes. They are alchemically enhanced to heal the person who consumes them of various infirmities. Eating one of these grapes will cure a single disease. Eating three will remove up to a deadly poison. Eating nine will remove a curse.

A bag of magic manure: An domain bag of manure that never runs out. This is no ordinary manure, however, but will ensure that any crops or plants grown from it will grow at a 2x rate. 3x rate for subterranean farming. It cannot be used to grow trees, however.

Dragonet Net: In the aftermath of Ruin's Dawn, everyone in Light's Gluttony will find their homes, when they return, infested by Lethe dragonets. To help with this problem, Stone Talon has gifted them with an ancestral heirloom of his, which is a net that is used for catching rats typically but also works well on the Lethe. When captured by the net, any dragonet inside of it will find it cannot escape. Moreover, it will be rendered helpless for a bit after being removed from the net. Allowing it to be slaughtered for food. They will find the Lethe, upon capturing with a Dragonet Net and rendered into meat for consumption, increase their physical capabilities by one full level (Athletics, Strength, Endurance, Resistance) for roughly a break after eating them. The Lethe infestation will last a full cycle after the Global, or until they write a story to rid themselves of the Lethe.

A Quacian Work-Horn: This Horn will ensure that workers do their job with maximum efficiency. The duration of a project undertaken or product produced by the PC or their direct underlings will be twice as efficient. This means they will either accomplish their tasks at half the cost of time or of WP, not both. This Work Horn can only be used on a singular project or product per Cycle.

Seer Orbs: These ensorcelled orbs come in a pair. One is a seeing orb, the other is a receiving orb. The receiving orb can be installed anywhere you wish, and will provide a full range of vision from the point it is placed upon. The seeing orb is smaller than the receiving orb, and is more portable. It can be looked into for a glimpse into the scene that the receiving orb looks out upon.

The Feast here
Saoire's Heroes
1 Masterwork Outfit as you've described.
1 Crystal Sculpture from your little boxes. While not magical, there is something very lovely about these and they just have a bit of a 'feel good' about them.
Culinary Master! – For describing two or more courses of dinner! – Health Pack! Two times a season, this small box will produce enough emergency rations for up to four people for one trial. This will appear in the form of nutrition bars and clean water. The rations can be split further but this will lower the effectiveness of the rations.
Group Synergy! – For asking two or more group questions! – Saoire’s Sweets - A small box of your favorite chocolates / candies (10 total). You find yourself unable to eat more than 1 on any trial. But each one provides the following to whoever eats it for the next 6 hours: "Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and receiving a well-meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear."
Oh, Memories! – For those that accepted and drank the vial, you have the memories (but not the emotions) of the events of the forging from all angles (Ishallr, Sweetwine and Scaltoth)

The War of Death & Souls
War Loot
The War of Death & Souls
The Lichbar Wiki. Gained in this thread
A small, crude knife made entirely of black stone. The blade of the knife is quite short, about four inches (10cm) in length. The Lichbar is incredibly sharp and must be handled very, very carefully. Despite its small size, it can cut easily through most materials, including metal and bone. The Lichbar is usually carried sheathed in many successive layers of hardened leather, to try to prevent it from cutting through its own sheath.
The Lichbar has an aura of death around it which is incredibly unsettling. It is cold to the touch, seems to shiver at times, and imparts the feeling of being watched.
When plunged into a lich's heart or brain, it bars the lich's soul from leaving their phylactery for 7 trials upon the lich body's destruction.
When used to cut any living being with a soul, the soul will be anchored to the blade forevermore, should their body die by any means within 7 trials.
Other Information:
Souls anchored to the blade are forever unable to use their ghost abilities. They cannot have another anchor, and are typically reduced to the lowest tier of ghost.

The Trilogy Caster: Gained here
The Trilogy Caster (Tripod of Pre and Pier): This tripod, when a scope or crossbow (or scoped crossbow) are placed on it, can alter it's path three ways before it's view/projectile finds its mark. As long as there's nothing obstructing the path of the projectile and open area to move around, it can always reach it's target, but still depends on the skill and ability of both the target and the marksman.

Faith loses her memories. Saun 718
Vri's Gift
Remembrance Mirror:When Padraig returns to the house and checks his pockets he finds a silver palm sized compact mirror that easily opens in his hand. It seems to be a gift from Vri, for helping Faith through her test. The mirror itself is pitch black, like polished obsidian. However within ten trills of opening, the glass will begin to clear and images will begin to form. Padraig can use the Mirror to replay his own memories. Even fuzzy recollections will be made sharp and clear by the mirror, allowing him to perfectly see childhood memories if he so desires. Others can use the mirror as well but you must be a willing participant for the Mirror to display any memories.

Gift: vial of Karem's blood

Mapping the Ice Caves Ashan 717:
3 Days of Ice Caves
1 x sample of water from the river
3 x perfectly spherical snowballs
3 x samples of: Red icicle, blue icicle, green icicle and purple icicle. stalagmite
2 x samples of yellow icicle stalagmite
3 x samples of: Red icicle, blue icicle, green icicle, and purple icicle. Stalactite
2 x samples of yellow icicle stalactite
3 x ice berries
1 x sample of frozen waterfall
1 x sample of wood (dust) from the broken cart
1 x sample of black ash ice
► Show Spoiler

Fighting Giant Spiders: Cylus 717
Soft Landings
Various Samples of 4 Species of Mushroom
Various Samples of 5 Species of Plant
Various Samples of 3 Rock Formations
3x Spider Talons
1 Vial of Spider Blood
1 Vial of Spider Venom
1 Jar of Spider Web
717 Shadow Beasts Global:
Shadow Beasts
1 full set of master-craft leather armour, 1 alder wood shield, good crossbow and bolts 60 gn, A gift from U'frek: Seashell Necklace that makes you invisible to Dangerous Spirits, Wisps, Shadow Creatures, and Familiars when worn.

1 vial of Xiur's blood


Renown Rewards
Tier 1: A pair of spectacles / goggles.When Padraig puts them on, at first they seem to be nothing more than protective eye wear. However, if he holds / touches an item while wearing them and concentrates on it, then he is able to read the impressions and memories on the item. Once per trial, Padraig can use these goggles. The visions Padraig sees / hears when using the goggles show him the history of the object not in a linear time order but with the most emotionally impactful first. The process takes two breaks of concentration per memory and Padraig sees or hears or feels

Tier 2: Scientists Specs: A pair of spectacles which, when worn, allow Padraig to truly examine the world around him. If he wears them in normal day-to-day life, they make his vision blurry and lacking focus. However, if he truly focuses on an item / object / person / area, then they focus his sight beyond human capability.

In mechanical terms, these are a pair of spectacles which function as either a microscope or telescope, depending on what he is looking at. If he is observing the night sky, he will see it as though through a telescope of exceptional quality. Conversely, if he was examining a potion, it would function as though looking under a microscope. Wearing them when not examining something leads to headaches and

Tier 3: Thinking Cap: The Thinking Cap: When wearing this item, Padraig is able to think at immense speeds, allowing him to work out immense calculations in seconds. This does not improve his mental capacity or intelligence; if a task is truly beyond him then this item will not allow him to solve it. However, time-consuming and complex equations can now be solved in a mere fraction of the original time required, as can solutions to incredibly difficult problems. Any cognitive function is effected by this. Approved here


Padraig & Faith live in a Tier 10 mansion set into a mountain in Eureka, their settlement.
Last edited by Padraig on Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:29 pm, edited 24 times in total. word count: 2534
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Wealth Ledger
Item Adjustment Total WP Tier Seasonal Wage
Grandfathering in No Adjustment 239 WP Tier 9 Seasonal Wage: 22WP
Renown Reward +1 240 WP Tier 9

Code: Select all

[td]Item [/td]
[td] Adjustment[/td]
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Last edited by Padraig on Mon Jun 18, 2018 1:32 pm, edited 44 times in total. word count: 49
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Approved Non-Player Characters

NPC Cyrus

Personal NPC
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NPC Luna

Personal NPC
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Kaldvind granted; here
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Previous Season Threads:
Arc 716
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Arc 717
Cylus, 717
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Ashan, 717

Ymiden, 717

Saun, 717
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Vhalar, 717
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Zi'da, 717
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Arc 718
Cylus, 718
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Ashan, 718

3rd: Relief Effort; Collapse = with Faith, relief effort
10th: Practical Purchases ~ with Faith, buy a house.
19th: Common Interests ~ dinner with people
24th: Return to Work ~ Faith returns to work, trouble happens.
30th: Necessity, Invention, Yadda Yadda ~ planning for the expedition
65th: Tides of Change ~ Riot!
95th - 123rd: Hypnagogic ~ return to the Edge of the World

Ymiden, 718

22nd: Can't make heads nor tails of it! ~ Faith and Pad see a comet
23rd: Horribly Unprepared ~ In the jungle.
26th: A Very (very) Small Problem ~ Parasites with Faith
31st: After Effects - with Faith
40th: Mutual Refraction ~ with Faith

Saun, 718

17th An Uneventful Trip ~ shopping with Faith - nothing is ever straightforward
30th: The Inscrutable Door ~Oracle and Faith and a tower and a door
34th: Full Circle ~ with Faith - amnesia
40th: I don't know where, I'm confused about how as well ~ more Faith amnesia
40th: Supper Time ~ Faith gets her memories back. Pad is traumatised.

Vhalar, 718

1st: Illuminations] ~ with Faith - magnifier
18th: Welcome to the Circus! ~ modded event!

Zida 718

30th: Raiders of the Lost Arc ~ with Faith
60th: Final Dawn ~ Faith, Qit, Oonah (Andaris)

Arc 719
Cylus 719
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Ashan 719
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Ymiden 719
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Saun 719
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Vhalar 719

Zida 719
word count: 2188
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Approved Character
Posts: 1158
Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:22 pm
Race: Mortal Born
Renown: 939
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Wealth Tier: Tier 9




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Vhalar 721 :

Zi'da 721

Last edited by Padraig on Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:32 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 8
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