[Approved by Rumour] Olivia Warrick

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Olivia Warrick
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Olivia Warrick

Olivia Penelope Warrick
"In order to be Irreplaceable, one must always be Different."

Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:01 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 40
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Olivia Warrick
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Olivia Warrick

Olivia Penelope Warrick

Noble Lady of Warrick and Artist of Life.[/googlefont]
General Information

22 Arcs

Date of Birth:
49th Ashan, Arc 694

Mixed Breed- Half Human, Half Biqaj

Languages Spoken:
Fluent: Common (Common, Easy)
Broken: Draketh (Rare, Hard)


Noble Lady, Painter, Singer

Father: Garrett Warrick (née Pace)
Mother: Wren Warrick

Face Claim:
Imogen Poots
Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:22 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 73
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Olivia Warrick
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Race: Ithecal
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Renown: 10
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Olivia Warrick

About Olivia Warrick
"Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It's about having a beautiful soul."
Pretty. Lovely. Beautiful. Gorgeous. These are words that Olivia has had used to describe her- though she doesn't particularly care. Sure, she recognizes that people are attracted to how she looks, and she does keep a high level of personal hygiene, but she doesn't think she should be judged by how she looks... even if she'd be judged well, because she looks amazing. Standing at 5'8, Olivia is actually fairly tall for a girl, and even taller when she wears heels. She has a lean, slender body, not too curvaceous but not flat, either. She's considered to look quite graceful- though in truth Olivia can be just as clumsy as the next girl. She's fairly sure on her feet, but there's always a way.

Olivia has been graced with beautiful blonde hair, slightly darker at the roots but light and sun-kissed the longer it gets. It goes down to her shoulders, naturally wavy and often curled. She prefers it loose to tied up, and every so often she'll get it straight- though it always looks a little frizzy. Her father once described it as "if the sea had been washed through it and the strong breeze had dried it, caught in a perpetual sea-breeze wave". Which is true, because Olivia's hair always has an ocean's breeze type of scent, like a breath of fresh air.

Olivia's eyes have slight Biqaj color changing properties to it. Not on the same extent as a full Biqaj, but it's hard to pinpoint what color they are. Some trials they look like a pale shade of mint green, or perhaps a sage color. Others, they're bright blue, like the trial's sky on a clear Ashan day, vibrant and clear. Other days still, they appear to be a color of slate gray, almost as if storm clouds had grown within them. She's had rare days where her eyes are a bright gold, or another unique color. Olivia's skin is fair unblemished, she has no lasting scars.

This Lady of Warrick has a very peculiar sense of style. She prefers to wear pants, which are easier to move in, than skirts. Olivia's never been a huge fan of extravagance. She'll tolerate it if her family makes her, but she always feels awkward and uncomfortable in fancy gowns and heels- even though she moves rather gracefully. She doesn't usually wear much makeup unless she has to, and even then her servant usually applies it for her. She's a fan of neutral, cinnamon-shaded lip stains and deep, smokey eyes. Olivia is not a fan of jewelry- she believes it's overpriced and wasteful. That said, she will accept a gift of it, and wear it.


"It's not your responsibility to live your life the way other people want you to."
Olivia Warrick is an awakened daydream. She's got a very idealized vision of the world- a world where slavery is abolished, royalty is chosen by those who deserve it, not those who are born into it, and people find good in their hearts in their everyday lives. She's intelligent, of course, but she's hopeful. She believes in magic and fantasies, in valiant knights and graceful queens and a place where happiness can exist. She's an optimist, and a hopeless romantic, and Olivia never wants to change that about herself.

Among her better traits, Olivia is a very nurturing, caring person. She loves to take care of others, having a great sense of pride for that type of good deed. She also loves family, and children- wanting some of her own someday. Just like her optimistic nature, Olivia also has a very playful side. Playful, yet graceful- not quite childish but definitely not quite so serious, either. She has a sense of freedom about her, a "Why can't I do what I please?" outlook in life. She's a free spirit, whimsical and wonderful. Olivia has a lot of curiosity about her, always wondering about things and asking questions. Her family jokes that her favorite words are "Why?" or "Why not?". If you say something, there's a fair chance Olivia will find a question to answer with.

Despite this, Olivia can be mature. She's very level headed and thoughtful, and very eloquent. She can be quite witty and sharp tongued when she wishes, with fast retorts. She's sweet most of the time, and very generous. Olivia is very observant, and careful. She may seem dim witted at times but she's anything but, and she's much more intuitive than given credit for. She's definitely got a dreamy vibe to her, though, often zoning out or having a day dream, or getting lost in music or art.

However, like anyone, Olivia has bad traits. She's not the most honest person, because she simply finds life a little easier with a lie here or there- usually to get what she wants. She lies the most when it benefits other people. In truth, she doesn't like to lie, so when it matters, she doesn't. When it doesn't, however, it can help sometimes. She also tends to bottle up her bad feelings. Olivia is a very emotional person, but when she feels jealousy, guilt, disappointment, shame- she hides it. She holds it in until she breaks, which is a very unhealthy thing to do. She actually has depression, and has been known to be hit pretty hard by it on bad days, where she'll be unmotivated to do much of anything but wallow.

Olivia is very family oriented. She's endlessly loyal and the only time she really gets furious is when she's being protective over her family or someone she loves very dearly. She's selfish at times, but she'd give everything up for her family, especially the ones in her life she's very close with, like her sister Vivian. Or people she considers family- like her friends Xander Krome and Ahrin Endor. If she were ever lucky enough to fall in love, she's the type of person to give everything- her heart, soul, and mind- to that one special person. She can be easily trusting at times- and just as easily hurt.

Olivia definitely has a rebellious soul. She's considered a bit of a black sheep because she likes to form her own opinions, not have other's opinions shoved onto her. She doesn't believe other people's opinions on things, or if they tell her what to do. Stubborn, even if someone knows a place and says something is one way, she who doesn't know the place will start marching in the opposite direction, hell bent on being right. She may not be malicious in any way, or hot headed, but she definitely likes to dance to the beat of her own drum. She likes discovering the world- and right and wrong- on her own, because she finds a lot of people have twisted views of it.

Olivia has a lovely voice, which is why she loves to sing. Her voice is melodic, often described as simplistic but sweet- yet strong. She's not meek, and while her tone could be soft, her words are always clear.
Sample of Olivia Singing

As for her opinions on things...

Immortals - Olivia believes everything has a purpose and everything happens for that purpose. She's a strong believer in the unseeable- the unknown forces that drive everyday life. She believes in the immortals and the strings the pull just out of view. While she may not be religious enough to pray every day, she does turn to immortals when she feels like she needs their guidance.

Mortal Born - Olivia has never met a mortal born, but she assumes they aren't all that different than Immortals. She believes that the mortals that immortals chose to be with must be special in some way- surely they can't be ordinary, right? So their children must be even more special. Since mortal borns have powers of their own, Olivia would probably treat one with the same respect she would an immortal, and would try to aide them if she could.

Mixed Breeds - Being a half breed herself, Olivia finds great love in these. She believes love matters- even though the people in her world are certain all that matters are wealth, power, and good lineage. Olivia finds interest in all combinations of mixed breeds, and often will stand up for them if she sees them being mistreated. As such, she would not bar herself against other breeds, instead choosing to follow her heart.

Mages - Olivia is... frankly a little scared of magic. She's heard nothing but terrifying tales of it- of how it takes and it takes, turning those who use it into twisted shadows of their former selves. When she was little, she used to get nightmares involving mages and dark magics. She still does today, and if she were to meet someone who uses magic, it's hard to say if she would be able to be comfortable around them- or constantly on edge. As an open minded person, she doesn't like this side of herself. She likes to think she could accept anyone, no matter what or who they are. But... she can't stop that fear of the unknown, of the uncertainty, that magic brings.

Piracy - Piracy is bad, obviously. Olivia knows that. But... in the back of her head she has this romanticized image of a dashing pirate male, leaned against the sail of his ship, his locks fluttering in an ocean breeze. Not only that, but Olivia loves sailing, the ocean, and races such as the Mer and Biqaj. All of this is typically associated with the word piracy. As long as they steal from bad people and are good pirates... surely they can't be so bad?

Killing - Olivia has never dealt well with death, war, and blood. She finds it distasteful, really. The only way she'd approve of killing another is if it was in self defense of herself or others. Survival- that is all. If death is meaningless, if a war is petty, than it's appalling to her.

Slavery - Olivia disapproves of this greatly. She herself would never own a slave, and she hates how many nobles do. With such high ideals on freedom, Olivia finds it hard to believe that anyone deserves slavery. The only way she'd accept it is if a slave was bought to protect them from a worse fate, or if someone was unable to care for themselves and needed to be owned in order to be cared for. Even so, she believes in freeing slaves if they don't need you- not buying them because you[/] need them. Olivia believes this is an incredibly selfish thing to do, and she would need a pretty good explanation from someone who has slaves.

Other Races - Time to go by race.

  • Avriel - Because of her views on slavery, and the fact that the Avriel have an entire city that functions on the slave trade, Olivia has a hard time liking them. She tries not to judge them, but she's yet to meet an Avriel who didn't come off as cold or unemotional. She tries to set her view on the race as a whole away from her view of the individual, however.
  • Biqaj - Olivia is half Biqaj herself, which brings her a great kinship with them and their culture. Sometimes she feels she fits better with the Biqaj than with the humans. She has the same love of the sea, of freedom, of fun. There are many things she loves about the Biqaj half of herself, so she almost always will want to like them.
  • Eidisi - The blue skin is something that fascinates Olivia. She thinks a half-Eidisi, half-Biqaj would be a beautiful person, in truth. Their intellect is also a source of interest. All in all, Olivia would love to meet an Eidisi, and would find them to be rather amazing. She'd probably be fast friends with a nice one.
  • Ellune - One of Olivia's best friends is half Ellune, so she's quite fond of the race. The common traits of white hair and blue eyes are beautiful to her. However, she isn't as fond of the cold, and cannot imagine being an Ellune.
  • Humans - Humanity makes up most of Idalos. Olivia herself is half human, so she's entirely comfortable with her race. She's aware of human faults and flaws, but she also sees the human race as a good race, with good traits. Olivia isn't blind to the bad, but either way she loves humans.
  • Hyludin - Never even heard of them before.
  • Ithecal/Raskithecal - Ooh, the Ithecal! Olivia loves these. She finds them to be quite the perfect race, and always enjoys tales of how brave, honorable, and valiant the Ithecal are. As for the Raskithecal, well... they're also the perfect soldiers, so she assumes that has to be a good thing, right? Even though she's very rarely ever seen any Ithecal, she's always quite welcoming to them.
  • Lotharro - The Lotharro... scare Olivia a bit, to be honest. She's heard horror stories of how they're barbarians, and brutes, and how they'd eat noble girls for breakfast. She's sure the stories are false and they're perfectly nice, but they still intimidate her greatly. She's likely to be nervous around one, until she gets to know him.
  • Mer - Olivia has never met a mer, but she has heard stories about them, and in truth she envisions them to be a beautiful people. Having loved the sea, and being half-Biqaj, she feels like she would quite like the company of Mer.
  • Naerikk - An all female race? Olivia would love Naerikk. Or at least, she thinks she would. She's never actually met a Naerikk, but she's heard stories about them. Sure, some of the stories aren't very good, but Olivia likes to think they're simply misunderstood.
  • Qi'ora - Olivia respects the Qi'ora greatly. Since they're so crafty and talented, she admires them, even. She finds them to be a little strange looking, perhaps, but she's never met a Qi'ora she hasn't liked or found pleasant. Many of her finest items are made by Qi'oran craftsmen.
  • Sev'ryn - Olivia's view of the Sev'ryn is... a little tainted. At one time, she may have called it the race she respected the most, other than Biqaj and Humans. After what happened with Isev, however, she has a hard time trusting Sev'ryn, or even looking at them, because of the painful memory of Isev's betrayal. She's still trying very hard not to let it affect her opinion of them, but the truth is she just needs more time around them as a people to regain that trust.
  • Tunawa - Olivia has never met a Tunawa, either, though she loves to hear stories about them. Tiny little tree people? How cute! She believes they must be a very happy, free people, and Olivia would love to meet some. Someday she would love to visit Magani, in fact, and see the Ojogbon tree. Some of her favorite childhood stories and songs were about Tunawa.
  • Wisps - Ghosts, basically, is how Olivia thinks of Wisps. They make her quite sad, but other than that she doesn't really know how to think of them. Sometimes she'll see them at night, wandering through Warrick, and it never fails to give her chills. They just seem... so lost, to her.
  • Yludih - Olivia has never met a Yludih. Or perhaps, she has and doesn't know it. She doesn't truly understand why they hide themselves, why they never reveal their race. But she thinks, if she met one and was informed, she'd quite like these shape shifting crystal people.
  • Aukari - Given that her handmaiden, Azure, is part Aukari, Olivia holds this race in high regard. An unpopular opinion, she's sure, but she believes in giving them the benefit of the doubt. Would they be dangerous if upset enough to combust? Sure. But other than that, she sees no other reason to abhor them so. Until they prove themselves dangerous, she refuses to treat them as such.

Sexuality - Olivia is heterosexual, and therefore interested in men. In truth, she's given a lot of thought to what she likes in people, and her views on romance. She dislikes the idea of being married simply because she's a noble, to some man she doesn't love, only to give heirs. In truth, she dreams of a true romance, of falling in love and choosing to get married, and to have children in her own time. Or not to have any, if she chooses (though to be honest she loves children and would probably choose to have them). Olivia believes there's nothing wrong with embracing your sexuality. Sure, be modest if you wish, but Olivia also knows how to be comfortable with herself in the company of people she loves. Either way, she has no issues about her sexuality and is quite confident in herself.

Olivia has simple tastes. She likes good things- pleasant days, music, dancing, good food, handsome men, kind people, the company of good friends. She dislikes bad things- criminals, murder without reason, rude people. She's really not so complicated and hard to stand on the outside, though on the inside she has many layers and quirks to get to know. Olivia is just... trying to be a normal girl, and be known for her good qualities rather than known for being born into nobility.



"History is not a burden on the memory, but an illumination of the soul."


Olivia Warrick was born the eldest child of Wren and Garrett Warrick- and that, unfortunately, makes her special. She never asked to be born a noble, but like it or not, she was. From a young age, Olivia was taught to be perfect. She was taught to be graceful, and kind, and giving. She was taught to care about her reputation, to watch how she acted in front of others. Yet, while Olivia was a lovely noble lady- she also liked to take the path less traveled. As a child, she was very active and playful; Especially when her younger sister, Vivian, was born. The two were always going on adventures. Some of Olivia's favorite times were when she climbed trees, seeing how far up she could go, or when her father taught her to ride a horse.

She has a lot of good memories growing up in Warrick. Some of her favorite afternoons were spent sitting with her sister and her father in a little boat, learning how to fish. Vivian hooked the bait without trouble- but Olivia burst into tears because she didn't want to hurt the poor, tiny creatures. She had not gained the concept of bigger animals eating smaller animals, the circle of life and all that. She would, but at the time all she knew was that every fish she caught- she'd throw back.

As she grew older, Olivia made three best friends; The first was her sister Vivian. The other two were the children of House Krome. First was Zara Krome. However soon after, Olivia met her brother Xander, whom she quickly became close with. For much of Olivia's childhood, she spent plenty of time with the Krome children. Every hot cycle, for at least one season, she would stay in Krome and every so often they would come to Warrick, usually in one of the Cold Cycle seasons. In truth, she gained a bit of a crush on Xander Krome. Zara knew, and used to giggle with her about it, telling her one day they may be sisters- something that always made Olivia blush and deny. It was the fanciful puppy love of a young girl and a slightly older boy, one she respected and admired greatly.

Olivia didn't particularly like being a noble, growing up. Her mother constantly lectured her on how to behave. How a lady rode side saddle, not regularly like a man would- especially if she wore a dress. Or how she had to eat, slow and neatly, instead of scarfing down her food- even if she was really hungry. She grew very tired of being ladylike, the free spirit in her rebelling.

It was at the tender age of thirteen that Zara Krome died- and Olivia mourned the loss of one of her best friends. However, she would just as quickly lose another- Xander Krome. He didn't die, he didn't leave Rynmere, no. He was so beset with grief over the loss of his sister, and when Olivia tried to help comfort him- he blew up at her. The two got in a horrible spat, that ended with Xander breaking ties with her, and Olivia in tears. She had to lose two friends, all at once.

Her visits to Krome stopped after that. Olivia spent a lot of time at home with her own siblings, and life continued on. She grew into a young woman. In her teen years, she visited Endor quite a bit, and ended up becoming friends with Ahrin Endor, one of the Endor children. She spent a lot of time in the capital, Andaris city, too.

In her teens, Olivia made friends with a Sev'ryn Knight, who taught her some Draketh. She never got a chance to learn it fully, and that knight ended up being executed for crimes against Rynmere, but that is a long story.

Now, in present days, Olivia is just working on her life. Her family is trying to set her up for a noble marriage, but she's just focusing on her love of art and music, and just trying to be herself.

Post-Creation Historical Events

None yet.

Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:24 am, edited 34 times in total. word count: 3734
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Olivia Warrick
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Posts: 78
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Race: Ithecal
Profession: Noble, Painter, Singer
Renown: 10
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Olivia Warrick

Love, Life, and Good Music
Relationships and Music

Olivia's Life Songs

Olivia's Love Songs

Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran, Cover by Jasmine Thompson

Live Wire - Oh Wonder

Conqueror - AURORA

Immediate Family

Name: Wren Warrick
Age: 36
Race: Human
Magic: N/A
Occupation: Baroness of Warrick
Information: Olivia has a tough relationship with her mother. In a lot of ways, she idolizes her. Her strength, her willpower, the way she always seems to know what to do to get the best outcome. Her mother is a powerful woman, and someday, Olivia would love to be even remotely similar to her. However, she also has a lot of bad memories with her mother. Whenever she feels pressured, it's usually because of her mother. Olivia is always on guard around her, trying not to make a mistake, trying to be a better daughter. Most of her insecurities stem from her relationship with her mother, and not many people have the power to feel as low as her mother does.
Name: Garrett Warrick
Age: 43
Race: Biqaj
Magic: N/A
Occupation: Baron of Warrick
Information: Olivia has always been a daddy's girl. Her father has always encouraged, supported, and loved her, and made her into the girl she is today. He is the man with which she models all other men after, and he's someone she never wants to disappoint. When her mother had set her up with Andraska Venora, she had originally refused, trying to rebel. However, her father knew just what to say to convince her- as well as calming her down when her mother made her spent over one hundred golden nels on a dress for one ball. When her sister was excommunicated, it was her father who held Olivia, who comforted her as she sobbed about how unfair it was. Her father has always been there for her, and Olivia loves him dearly.
Name: Vivian Regina Warrick (Shiryu)
Age: 21
Race: Mixed Breed- Half Biqaj, Half Human
Magic: N/A
Occupation: Former Skyrider, Former Noble
Link to CS: /viewtopic.php ... 2605#p2605
Information: Olivia has always been close to her younger sister. As children they were nearly inseparable- which is why Olivia took it so hard when Vivian was excommunicated from the family. She keeps in touch by letters as much as she can, but it's hard not having her sister close. There are many times when she just wishes her sister was there- only she isn't. Wherever Vivian is, Olivia only can hope she's safe and they'll see each other soon.
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Distant Family

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Uncle Jared, Aunt Sar'eiris, & Cousins
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Uncle Victor, Aunt Alice, & Cousins
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Uncle Ned, Aunt Ray, & Cousins
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Love Interests

Andraska Venora
- Not an actually love interest as of yet, her parents want to set her up for marriage with Andraska.

PC Relations

Xander Krome | Childhood Friend
Ahrin Endor | Friend
Leo | Acquaintance
Woe | Acquaintance
Fridgar | Acquaintance

NPC Relations

Azure | Olivia's Personal NPC | Handmaiden
Name: Azure Qy'Gwar
Race: Mixed Breed - 50% Biqaj, 25% Human, 25% Aukari
Date of Birth: 12th Cylus, Arc 695, Age 22
Cooking (25)
Cosmetics (30)
Writing (15)
Swimming (15)
Running (10)
Seduction (5)
Appearance: Azure is beautiful, there can be no doubt. Standing only at 5'5, she weighs 127 lbs. She's a short, but slightly curvaceous girl. She has long, deep red hair. Because of her Biqaj half, she has the ability to have color changing eyes. However, she's quite collected, and her eyes often settle on a cool blue color that sets an icy showstopper among the fiery background of her hair. She dresses modestly, but in tight clothing. Azure has pale, fair skin, with no scars.
Personality: Azure is a fierce person. She's devoted and hardworking- though she can come off as lazy sometimes, and she complains plenty when in the company of people she cares about. She's very loyal and can be quite feisty when defending Olivia. Azure has a sharp tongue and a very strong wit that often gets in her trouble.
Relationship to PC: Handmaiden, friend.
Approval: Here

Animal Relations


House Warrick


Other Houses

House Andaris
House Venora
House Burhan
House Krome
House Gawyne
House Ender
Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:19 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 954
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Olivia Warrick
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Race: Ithecal
Profession: Noble, Painter, Singer
Renown: 10
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Olivia Warrick

Home Sweet Home
The Inn

Right now, Olivia is staying on her own, in any inn in the city she stays at. She travels quite a bit around Rynmere, and she likes being independent, so she moved out of her family home. Though she sometimes goes back to visit family.

One day, she'd love to build a house of her own.

Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:43 am, edited 9 times in total. word count: 62
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Olivia Warrick
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Posts: 78
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Race: Ithecal
Profession: Noble, Painter, Singer
Renown: 10
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Olivia Warrick

Skills and Knowledge
SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Acrobatics0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Acting10/100 (10/251)Novice
Axes & Bludgeons0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Appraisal0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Baking0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Blades0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Brewing0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Climbing0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Cooking0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Cosmetology0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Dancing0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Detection0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Drawing0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Etiquette14/100 (14/251)Novice
Gambling 0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Gardening0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Intelligence0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Interrogation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Investigation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Leadership (RB)25/100 (25/251)Novice
Linguistics10/100 (10/251)Novice
Mount0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Musical Instrument0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Negotiation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Painting14/100 (14/251)Novice
Persuasion0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Poisons0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Politics0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Pottery0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Psychology0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Ranged Combat0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Resistance0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Running0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Sculpting0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Seduction0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Sewing0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Singing (RFT)14/100 (14/100)Novice
Stealth0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Storytelling0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Swimming0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Tactics0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Teaching0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Writing0/100 (0/251)Unskilled


Skills A - L

A - C
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G - I
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J - L
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Skills M - Z

M - O
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► Show Spoiler
P -R
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S - U
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V - Z
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None yet.
None yet.


None yet.
None yet.
None yet.
None yet.


None yet.
None yet.


Rynmere: Seven Noble Houses | CS Reward, Rewarded by Rumour
Rynmere: Culture | CS Reward, Rewarded by Rumour


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Personal Knowledge

None yet.
None yet.


None yet.
None yet.

Other Knowledge

None yet.
None yet.
Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:52 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 446
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Olivia Warrick
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Olivia Warrick

Skill Point Ledger
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Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:45 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 61
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Olivia Warrick
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Olivia Warrick

Marks & Devotion




  • N/A


Devotion to Vhalar

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Ti'atha

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Ashan

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Moseke

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Xiur

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Qylios

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Pier & Pre's

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Zanik

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Vri

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Ethelynda

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:50 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 72
User avatar
Olivia Warrick
Approved Character
Posts: 78
Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:30 pm
Race: Ithecal
Profession: Noble, Painter, Singer
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Olivia Warrick

Items, Injuries and Ledger

  • City Dweller Possessions
    • One Set of Clothing: A Cloak, Skirt, Blouse, Undergarments, and Boots
    • One Set of Toiletries: Soap, a Brush, Toothbrush, and Toothpaste
    • One Waterskin
    • Two Sets of Eating Utensils
    • Tinderbox
  • Slave/Animal Possessions
    • None yet.
  • Prized Possessions
    • Small Harp (worth 30 GN)
    • A silver, heart-shaped pendant necklace given to you from your childhood friend, Zara Krome. (CS Reward, Rewarded by Rumour)
  • Bought Clothing/Armor, Accessories & Cosmetic Possessions
    • White & Gold Ball Dress, White Lace Good Masquerade Mask, White Silk Shawl, White Cotton Nightgown
    • Good Quality Heels
    • Lip Stain (Lipstick), Hair Pin (10), Hand Mirror, Rouge (Blush), Eye Paint, Nail Pants (3, gold, sky blue, & red)
    • Gold Earrings
    • Waterproof (Leather) Small Bag (Coin Purse), Large Waterproof (Heavy Duty Canvas) Bag w/ Shoulder Straps
  • Bought Weaponry
    • Good Quality War Axe
    • Good Quality Pistol Crossbow
    • Bolts (20)
  • Bought Painter's Kit Possessions
    • Jar of Watercolor (White), Jars of Watercolor (Red, Blue, Yellow), Vial of Paint Thinner
    • Mixing Palette, Palette Knife
    • Three Canvases (8 x 10), Crude Paper
    • Black Charcoal Sticks (5), Black Charcoal Sticks (5), Brush Set (5 Brushes)
    • Easel
  • Bought Misc Possessions & Instruments
    • Blank Journal, Fine Paper (10 Pages)
    • Ink Well, Ink Pen
    • Candle Holder, Candle (2)
    • Small Harp

InjuryDate aquiredTime to fully heal Date Fully healed
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...

City Dweller Pack +100 gn 100 gn
Forfeited City Dweller House +250 gn 350 gn
Ball Dress -124gn 7sn (price approved by Pegasus) 225 gn 3 sn
Good Quality Masquerade Mask -7 gn 4 sn 217 gn 9 sn
White Cotton Nightgown -8 gn 2 sn 209 gn 7 sn
White Silk Shawl -14gn 195 gn 7 sn
Lip Stain (Lipstick) -1 gn 194 gn 7 sn
Hair Pin (10) -5 sn 194 gn 2 sn
Hand Mirror -4 gn 190 gn 2 sn
Rouge (Blush) -5 sn 189 gn 7 sn
Eye Paint -2 gn 187 gn 7 sn
Nail Paints (gold, sky blue, & red) -9 gn 178 gn 7 sn
Gold Earrings -12 gn 166 gn 7 sn
Good Quality Heels -2 gn 4 sn 164 gn 3 sn
Good Quality War Axe -40 gn 124 gn 3 sn
Good Quality Pistol Crossbow -30 gn 94 gn 3 sn
Bolt (20) -2 gn 93 gn 3 sn
Jar of Watercolor (White) -5sn 92 gn 8 sn
Jars of Watercolor (Red, Blue, Yellow) -3gn 89 gn 8 sn
Vial of Paint Thinner -1gn 88 gn 8sn
Mixing Palette -3sn 88 gn 5 sn
Palette Knife -1gn 87 gn 5 sn
Three Canvases (8 x 10) -3gn 84 gn 5 sn
Crude Paper -2gn 82 gn 5 sn
Black Charcoal Sticks (5) -2sn 82 gn 3 sn
Shading Sticks (5) -2sn 82 gn 1 sn
Brush Set (5 Brushes) -3gn 79 gn 1 sn
Easel -5gn 74 gn 1 sn
Waterproof (Leather) Small Bag -4 sn 73 gn 7 sn
Large Waterproof (Heavy Duty Canvas) Bag w/ Shoulder Straps -1 gn 7 sn 72 gn
Blank Journal -5 gn 67 gn
Fine Paper (10 pages) -5 gn 62 gn
Ink Well -2 gn 60 gn
Ink Pen -1 gn 59 gn
Candle Holder -5 gn 54 gn
Candle (2) -1 gn 53 gn
Night Scarf (2) plus Tip -20 gn 33 gn
Total Currency: 0 ON, 33 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:40 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 547
User avatar
Olivia Warrick
Approved Character
Posts: 78
Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:30 pm
Race: Ithecal
Profession: Noble, Painter, Singer
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Olivia Warrick

Fame & Point Bank Ledger
Fame Ledger

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Point bank Ledger

Thread/RewardPoints Acquired/SpentPoints Total
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 2
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 4
Created a Boxcode for Jericho x2 +4 8
Created a Boxcode for Jericho +2 10
Created a Boxcode for Jericho +2 12
Created a Boxcode for Jericho +2 14
Created a Boxcode for Jericho +2 16
Created a Boxcode for Jericho +2 18
Total Points: 18
Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 101
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