[Approved by Whisper] Avrae Kyric

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Avrae Kyric
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Avrae Kyric

Avrae Kyric
"Freedom is just another word for Nothing Left to Lose."

Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:08 am, edited 53 times in total. word count: 40
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Avrae Kyric
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Avrae Kyric

Avrae Aodhan Kyric

Lowborn Punk and Seeker of Freedom[/googlefont]
General Information

Name Meaning:
Avrae, derived from Avery, meaning "Counsel".
Aodhan, origin unknown, meaning "Fire".
Kyric, derived from Kyrin, meaning "Black" or "Dark", also meant to mean "Dark Haired".

25 Arcs

Date of Birth:
Vhalar 12th, Arc 691


Languages Spoken:
Fluent: Common (Common, Easy)
Broken: Vauni (Uncommon, Medium)



Father: Aukyre Kyric (deceased)
Mother: Eeyrinthia Kyric (nee Sovari, deceased)

Face Claim:
Ken Bek
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Fri Feb 10, 2017 3:00 pm, edited 19 times in total. word count: 87
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Avrae Kyric
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Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:34 pm
Race: Aukari
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Avrae Kyric

About Avrae Kyric
"A handsome man will open your eyes..."
Avrae has been gifted with smoldering good looks. Like most of his race, he is definitely strong to the point of being a little bulky, with broad shoulders and thick, defined muscles. With large hands and feet (shoe size ten), and strong arms and just a strong body in general, Avrae definitely gives off the look of being a powerful fighter. To be able to move silently at his size, like is required for his profession, isn't easy, but he manages. Avrae stands at six foot, two inches. Not abnormal for his race, but quite a bit taller than most other races (except maybe the Ellune, who can be eight foot tall).

Avrae has copper red hair that can shift from looking like a dark auburn in certain lights, to a bright ginger that rivals actual flames in other lights (usually direct sunlight). His hair tends to be shaven shorter on the sides with more fluffy, spiky, or curled locks on the top. Occasionally he'll smooth and gel it down for a cleaner look, but only if he's going to a formal event where he's expected to look more presentable. He also has a beard of sorts, but he keeps it clean shaven, just a bare stubble along his strong jaw, with a small mustache and a little bit thicker hair near his chin.


However, other than his hair, Avrae's best feature is his eyes. They're an amber color, but they're constantly changing color. At times they appear to be a beautiful shade of honey gold, the kind of eyes you could melt into like caramel. Other times, when his pupils dilate, his eyes turn so dark they look almost black. Usually when he's sad or trying to hold back his emotion and keep control. However, when he's angry or lustful... his eyes are beautifully intimidating. Staring into them, you can almost see his inner flame, his eyes gleaming like hot embers, the heat burning off his body as he holds you with that intense gaze. It's like staring into a roaring fire, and is easily his most attractively dangerous feature.

As for his fashion sense... Avrae doesn't differ much from what Aukari usually wear. Usually he has on a sturdy pair of jeans and a soft cotton t-shirt. On top of that, he's almost never seen without his favorite black leather jacket. He usually wears a pair of black leather boots as well. And usually around his neck is his favorite wolf head pendant, which is enchanted to hum and vibrate, its red eyes glowing, when he's near large bodies of water- Avrae's biggest weakness and fear. Avrae also splurges for some decent, if not masterwork, leather armor. It's light enough for him to wear while carrying out his bounties, but gives extra protection against his foes.

Avrae's skin is fair, but also covered in freckles. He has freckles everywhere- his shoulders, back, and neck especially. Currently he has no scars, though soon he will have tattoos.


"...An intelligent man will open your mind..."
Avrae has learned three simple facts in life. If you want something done correctly, do it yourself. Treat others the way you want to be treated, but don't be kind to the point that they can take advantage of you. And last but not least, try and stay calm in the face of chaos and things that would be irritating. The last one is really more due to his race and the fact that he's watched two people burn up in his life, and his mother died of stress after giving birth. Having that happen pretty much insists upon keeping a cool head. Of all things in his life, Avrae strives for balance. He wants to have an equal understanding of street smarts and book smarts, of skill in fighting and skill in practical things like cooking. He's always thought that the best kind of people are the kinds that never stop learning, never stop exploring. Most importantly, people who never stop seeing the beauty in every day life, as cheesy as that may sound.

Avrae is very self sufficient. If he can't do it, he has his slave Ailluin do it, if she can. He doesn't like to trust many others to do things for him, rather than learning it himself. If he trusts someone, it's a big deal, because he plays it pretty close to the vest. He could be your acquaintance, he could do business with you, he could even like you, but there are very few people he openly trusts. Not a light trust, either. A "I will trust you with my life, and you can trust me with yours" kind of trust. Avrae is all or nothing, clean cut, no questions asked. It's one of his most charming qualities. He's also very loyal, being that if he trusts you, or loves you, he will never let you down. Unless there is something physically preventing him from being there for you, he will be there. Avrae is a very real person. He doesn't believe in lying unless you absolutely have to, whether for a job or to save your own skin, or the skin of someone close to you. In his personal life, he rarely ever lies, not even white lies. As a result, he can be quite blunt and give off the impression of not caring what anyone thinks. He also lives by the simple rule of only having what he needs and not having extravagant wealth.

Some of Avrae's other traits include being quite clever, witty, and (with people he likes) playful. He can also be quite stubborn, and every so often this gets him in trouble. He tries to do his research so he can back his stubbornness up with being right, but any man can be wrong at times. Avrae doesn't like to give up on things, he can be very determined. He's also not very patient. He tries to be, because patience helps with being calm and that helps with not becoming irritated and therefore not losing his cool, but usually he loses his patience. Particularly if dealing with stupid people.

As for his voice, Avrae has a slightly deep tone. He speaks with a very clear cut voice, the kind that you could hear in a room full of people. A voice that could command armies, that is bold and confident. It's very rare that he lets his voice shake or show weakness. However, while Avrae doesn't realize it, he shows a lot of emotion in his eyes and in his voice, even though he's good at keeping his expression blank. He has a guard he keeps up, and when he's too emotional and his voice shows it, he just will stop talking (most of the time). If he trusts you, you might just glimpse his guard coming down and his voice shaking and showing the emotion he often attempts to hold back. There are very few he trusts, however, enough to do this. If you really want to tell what Avrae's thinking- talk to him. Listen to his voice, what he says, if he hesitates. He's a very vocal person, who thinks about his words before he says them... usually.

Avrae is also very opinionated. He will almost always either think one way or the other, it's very rare for him not to have an opinion. He wishes he could be one of those people who can just not care, who can just say "I don't give a fuck" and stay neutral, but he can't. In his profession, he tries to keep his opinions to himself most of the time, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have them. Avrae, admittedly, is easily swayed by his emotions. Some of the things he has opinions on includes:

Immortals - Avrae doesn't care too much for immortals, and actually tries to pretend they don't exist. You rarely see them anyway, so why care? He feels a little scorned by the immortals. Maybe because his race's main Immortal, Faldrun, killed his people, brought them back as Aukari, and basically uses them as pawns. That and Faldrun is the reason none of them live very old because they end up bursting into flames whenever feeling large amounts of emotion. As for the other Immortals... well, none of them really have affected Avrae, so he pretty much leaves them be. Every so often he might let up a prayer for good luck to one of them, but for the most part he relies on himself, not on the Immortals.

Mortal Born - Avrae views mortalborns much the same way he views cheating- he hates them. Okay, maybe if he met a decent one he might like that one person, but so far that hasn't happened. In his opinion, Immortals never love the mortals they're with. It's like the Naerikk with their boy toys- they're pawns to be used. Avrae has never thought an Immortal cared much about mortals, and he doesn't think they'd care much about their mortalborns, either. He personally doesn't think mortalborns are much different from other mortals, and particularly dislikes the ones who use their mortalborn status like they're better.

Mixed Breeds - Avrae is sweet on mixed breeds, for multiple reasons. Mostly because he has a mixed breeded half sister. That and he is also more attracted to other races than he is Aukari (at least, out of the ones he's met), so he doesn't see why you have to stay within your race. Personally, he doesn't care much about staying in his race, and would entirely consider marrying and having kids with someone of another race. He also tends to be a little nicer to mixed breeds than some others will be.

Mages - Avrae has always held a fascination with magic. There were plenty of books in Sirothelle on the subject, and he used to read those the most. He always wanted to learn but at the time it wasn't practical for him to do so. Perhaps he will still seek out a teacher some day to learn one of the magical arts. For now, however, he holds great respect for those that can do magic. He treats them with said respect, much like he does to mixed breeds.

Piracy - Everyone has to profit in some way. Avrae prefers honest work, but he doesn't exactly dislike those who use these other, less honorable ways. As long as they steer clear of him.

Killing - Avrae has never minded killing. He considers death to be a part of life. Besides, if you're enough of an ass that someone wants you dead, then you're not really improving Idalos any in the first place. Either way, he has no qualms about taking a life. He's seen too much death to let it get to him. However, he isn't without a heart. Avrae is very hesitant to kill women, and only does so if he is paid enough or if he has a really good reason to. The same goes for races he knows are weaker, like the Tunawa. He also absolutely refuses to harm children.

Other Races - Wow, where to start? How about we go by race?
  • Avriel - Avrae actually quite likes Avriel, and he'd be one of few who do. He doesn't like their personalities so much if they're the haughty type, but he likes their direct attitudes. It's very much the same as how he is- no bullshit, no beating around the bush, right to the point. He can appreciate that, and he enjoys doing business with them for that reason. However, he wouldn't claim to have any as his friends. He also loves Avriel food and just how intelligent and scholarly they are. He also things Avriel names are quite pretty sounding.
  • Biqaj - These people tell great stories and are great to do business with, so Avrae generally gets along with them. At times he finds them to a little bit too easy going and casual, but he respects them. And their food is too salted to his taste. However, whenever he needs passage across the sea, he usually will go to a Biqaj sailor or get a ride on one of their trading vessels.
  • Eidisi - Avrae truly appreciates and respects Eidisi. He had never met many before just recently, but he's come to enjoy their race for their intelligence. He himself had always enjoyed learning and so to find a race that focuses on it like the Eidisi do is quite nice. He also just finds them to be breathtakingly beautiful. Honestly, Avrae is possible the most attracted to the Eidisi, though he also likes the look of the Ellune, Hyludin, and humans.
  • Ellune - Another race that Avrae is fascinated with. He agrees with their outlook that information is power, though he isn't as fond of immortals as they are. He's also extremely attracted to the idea of them because they are the complete opposite of his own race. He is fire, they are ice. Plus they can grow up to eight feet tall, which is very cool. He's always wanted to visited their home city, and see if the rumors of them rolling naked in snow is true. And, like the Avriel, he finds many of the Ellune names to be beautiful, as are the people themselves.
  • Humans - On the list of Avrae's favorite races, humans are near the top. All the races came from them in some form, after all. He finds them not only to be attractive, most of the time, but also to be intuitive, hard working, and good conversationalists (most of the time). He enjoys doing business with humans quite a bit.
  • Hyludin - Avrae has only met a Hyludin once before, when growing up, who was passing through Sirothelle. However, he has read extensively on them. He can't really have much opinion on them based on now few he's met, but so far they're good in his eyes.
  • Ithecal/Raskithecal - The snake people, right? Avrae has actually never met one of these. He thinks they'd be fascinating, but the idea of them gives him chills. Avrae is actually highly attracted to them, particularly the males. However, given that it'd be pretty hard to be in a relationship with a half-snake, he's written them off romantically. Other than that, he'd love to do business with them sometime, or visit their home city.
  • Mer - Growing up, Avrae heard legends of the people that lurk beneath the sea. The first time he saw one- one who had gone through the change to get legs- walking around on land, he had to do a double take. Given how little Avrae likes water, the mer freak him out a little bit. He wouldn't say he's afraid of them, but he'll gladly stay away from water and do as little business as possible with them.
  • Naerikk - The Naerikk are freaking terrifying. Avrae wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. They're probably the only race he won't do business for or against, and he would probably visibly flinch if he came in contact with them. He definitely thinks they're hot, but the intimidation level is skyrocketing.
  • Qi'ora - Avrae has great respect for the Qi'ora people, particularly their craftwork. He often does business for them. Other than that, however, he doesn't have too much more to say about them as he's never gotten closer to one than for business.
  • Sev'ryn - Avrae doesn't have much of an opinion on Sev'ryn, so far, as he's met very few of them. Plus their spiritual animal thing makes him think of the immortals and all things divine, so he's not as fond of them so far.
  • Tunawa - While Avrae knows the Tunawa are a weaker species, he's actually quite fond of them. If anything, protective of them, since they cannot protect themselves.
  • Wisps - Avrae has never met a Wisp, and honestly knows nothing about them.
  • Yludih - The concept of changing who you are, of being able to shift, is fascinating to Avrae. Actually, everything about the Yludih are fascinating to him, though he's only met a handful of them before. If he could pick to have been born into a different race, it'd be Yludih.
Other Aukari - Avrae... well, it'd be unfair to say he doesn't like other Aukari. He does, if they're nice. But he's only had a few good experiences with other Aukari, such as Kabkadu, and for the most part was a loner for much of his life. He will be civil to his other Aukari, but he tends to get along better with other races, which is a main part of why he prefers to travel.

Sexuality - Avrae is accepting of all sexualities, particularly because he's bisexual himself. When he was still in training back in Sirothelle, he had a small crush on a boy named Nabua. He was a nerdy little boy but cute as all fuck. Avrae asked him out one day- his first and so far only attempt at romance- and Nabua admitted to being straight. The poor kid felt pretty bad about turning Avrae down, but Avrae just gave a rare smile and let it slide, and the two remained friends... until Nabua died three years later after bursting into flames. But that's a story for another time. Long story short, Avrae is pretty accepting of different sexualities. He also is confident of his own, and actually has quite the sexual side to part of his personality.

Other than all of that, Avrae is a man of simple pleasures. He enjoys things like burning fireplaces, fur blankets, cuddling up with someone he loves. He likes hot, hearty food, red meats, strong liquors. He enjoys being fit and doing things like going for morning jogs, or sparring. Avrae loves to read good books, or simply lay on his back somewhere and look up at the sky, watching clouds pass. He hates all things water- water travel, swimming (which he can't), rain, thunder, lightning, and everything else. He has this quirk that when he's flustered or stressed, he'll run a hand through his hair and mess it all up. All of these things are little parts of Avrae. He's a lot of things, but he's also simple to understand when you get to know him.


"...and a gentleman will open your heart."
Why do people assume they're born with any luck? Avrae believes luck is earned- and his is rotten. Avrae Aodhan Kyric was born in Sirothelle, northern Idalos, in arc 691. His story, like many, starts with his parents. His mother was only twenty one, a beautiful Aukari with bright red hair that went all the way down her back. Her name was Eeyrinthia, the daughter of a physician, and she herself a mage. She worked mainly with Graft magic, healing those that were wounded. Which is how she met Aukyre Kyric, a mercenary with a tendency for getting himself injured. He was, to say the least, a hot head. And somehow, they clicked, despite constant bickering, and were married in a year. It wasn't long before she got pregnant with Avrae, who was born a beloved little red haired baby. When he was that tiny, everything was perfect. And there were some funny baby stories that were told, too. Like how when he bawled, a little fire would spurt out of his mouth like a dragon, and one time he caught Eeyrinthia's dress on fire. For a while, everything was great. Pretty normal for an Aukari's childhood, at least.

But then his mother turned out to be a total slut. That's how Avrae thinks of it anyway, and why he cannot stand cheaters. Because when he was five, almost six, his mother fell in love with a visiting Human merchant, and subsequently ended up pregnant with Avrae's half sister, Lecia. Avrae, while being young, adored the idea of having a baby sister. At the time, he had no idea what his mother had done, nor what was wrong with being half of two different races. However, when he had just turned four, his baby sister was born and had a more normal body temperature than what most Aukari ran at, as well as subtle differences, and it was clear she wasn't completely Aukari. What young Avrae witnessed next scarred him for the rest of his life. He watched as his parents argued, starting with normal, yet angry tones and upgrading to a screaming match. He watched his parents bicker until his mother turned ghostly white and fainted- nurses racing to her. This was barely an hour after giving birth, after all, and not the best time for stress. He watched as the sheets of her bed turned red and her skin grew more pale, complications of birth leading to her death. And then, he watched as his father began to tremble, body shaking with rage and despair. Avrae can still remember the nurse scooping him up and pulling him away, peering over her shoulder as his father erupted into flames, hands made into fists. He could still hear his screaming in his worst nightmares, and the image after the flames went out of a black, charred body that vanished into ashy dust.

Avrae's troubles only began there. His sister and himself were given to his uncle Rayvar to decide what to do with them. In short, Rayvar was a bastard. At least, in Avrae's opinion. His father's brother wanted nothing to do with his nephew and mixed breed niece. He gave them to a family friend, a human traveling bard, that offered to take them. However, as they got on the road and left Sirothelle, the family friend soon found out how much he didn't wish for two young children. They traveled away from the North, to the Central city of Athart. It was there that, one night, the poor human bard lost all his money on a bet. A bad bet that even a young Avrae knew was going to lose. However, he didn't want to stop gambling. So he offered up the children, to a slave trader Avriel. As a result, Avrae and Lecia were sold into slavery, the bard getting a pretty penny for the two untrained children. In no time at all, they were separated. Lecia was given away to a family, adopted into freedom, and Avrae had no idea what happened after that. Avrae, even now in adulthood, has no idea where his sister is. Every so often he'll wonder if she's out there, wonder if she is anything like him. Or even still alive. Avrae, admittedly, treats mixed breeds with much more kindness as a result, and is always on the look for a half Aukari, half Human, in the hopes it might be Lecia. He only wishes he had something of hers, a picture of her, anything, because with each passing day his memory of the beautiful baby he once called his sister fades more. However, he does have a picture of him and his parents, which he keeps on him in his pocket.

Avrae must have done something right, because luckily, he wasn't a slave for long. What he does remember about being a slave is being one of five owned by one master. He remembers asking for food, and if he complained about being hungry, he'd get a sharp smack across the face. He remembers the rattling of chains, for their master kept them bound by the hands when traveling, and he remembered being very... sad. Just a sad little boy, with big amber-gold eyes and lots of red hair, wishing he still had his family. It didn't make it easier that he wasn't around many other Aukari, and on more than one occasion accidentally burned himself or his fellow slaves. Even his master at one point, resulting in a harsh beating. During his year of slavery, Avrae traveled a lot, away from Sirothelle. He saw all kinds of different races, such as Qi'ora, Naerikk, Biqaj, and Tunawa. Only in glances and from afar, or watching his master deal with them, but he quickly grew fascinated with other races. Much more so than his own race. Later on in life, his uncle warned him not to get attached, that he "didn't want to become a mixed blood breeder like his whore of a mother", but he just... sometimes wondered if other races were better than his own. At least they didn't risk bursting into flames, or serve an immortal who hated everyone. However, Avrae knew better than to say this out loud.

When he was seven, however, they passed another Aukari on the road. It'd been a while since he'd seen an adult Aukari on the road, but as soon as Avrae saw his own red hair, his heart skipped a beat. It was such a fresh reminder of home, that all he could do was stare with big, wide eyes as he stumbled after his master and fellow slaves on the road, watching the Aukari approach. He didn't know that this Aukari wasn't a coincidence- his cousin Arwel had sent him. When the Aukari stopped his horse and slipped off, approaching, Avrae had even more hope. He then heard those fateful words "I'll take him. The boy with the amber eyes." Avrae's heart raced as he listened to them debate his price, eyes on the ground. An Aukari would surely treat him, a fellow Aukari, better, wouldn't he?

Luckily, Avrae was right. After being sold to the older Aukari, he was informed he was a free boy once more, with a catch. The older Aukari introduced himself as Kabkadu, a man of thirty arcs who gave him an option. "Be sold back into the slave trade, or return home to Sirothelle with me and be taught to control your inner flame, training as a warrior of Faldrun until you are eighteen and ready to serve." Avrae could only think that anything had to be better than being a slave, and so he agreed to go back to Sirothelle with Kabkadu.

Avrae's life training to be in the Aukarian occult wasn't a bad one. He was placed in a small foster home in Sirothelle, and raised among those of his own kind. And Kabkadu* would check up on him every time he was in Sirothelle, though he often was traveling. Avrae wasn't really social, keeping to himself for the most part. He was really good with his schooling though, spending long hours in the library, learning what he could. Many wouldn't notice him, sitting in a corner in a soft chair, with a book in hand, so quiet that the only sound was the flick of a page. Of course, when Kabkadu visited, he was very different. The two would share chats about Kabkadu's adventures, and often Kabkadu and him would spar in the yard, with both having a wooden sword and Kabkadu checking Avrae's form. Thwack! Thwack! The sound of their swords smacking would echo into the air. "Parry! Thrust! Miss!" Kabkadu would call out, laughing every time the point of his wooden poking gently into Avrae's ribs or drawing across his neck. Avrae also made peace with his uncle. The two occasionally met for a meal, or Rayvar would have Avrae do chores for him and reward him with a little coin to spend. Though Avrae never really grew to love the man, he did learn not to openly hate him.

One day, Avrae even got to meet the man who was his half-sister's father. He never outwardly acknowledged it, but it was a huge suspicion. Because one day, he was examining some pretty jewelry in the marketplace, particularly that of a wolf head pendant with glowing red eyes. It was fascinating to him, who had only seen wolves in books. "Do you like it?" He heard a sof voice say, in the most peculiar accent. Looking up, Avrae leapt back skittishly when faced with the man who had spoken. It was a short man in dark violet robes, with pale skin, freckles, and blonde hair just barely seen through his hood. It was startling to see such a man, because very few merchants other than Aukari dared come to Sirothelle. At the time, Avrae didn't even realize this man was a Human, he only knew he wasn't Aukarian. What was more shocking, however, was his eyes. At one time they had probably both been bright blue, but now only one was a clear blue, the other was covered by an eyepatch. Avrae's mind jumped to conclusions. What if he had one blind eye? What if his eye was missing? What if he had given his eye to some kind of magic that took body parts- like Becoming, which Avrae had read about in his studies. Not really one who liked to lie, even to a stranger, Avrae nodded. "Yes, sir." He responded quietly. He watched the man take the pendant out, showcasing it to Avrae. Though he wasn't sure why- Avrae clearly wouldn't have been able to afford such a thing.

"This holds an enchantment. See how it gleams in the light? Ah, magic, such a beautiful thing. With this, you will always know when your worst fear is just around the corner. What more can you ask for?" The merchant purred, before holding it out to Avrae. "Here." Avrae took a step back, shaking his head hesitantly. "I-I can't, sir. I can't afford it, I'm sorry." He told him, but the merchant shook his head, "No, no payment. You remind me of a woman i once knew... You have her eyes. Take it, child. With my good will. It's a gift." Avrae examined the man cautiously, but he couldn't detect anything strange about his offering. So he reached out, fingers hesitantly closing around the pendant. Watching the merchant warily, he slipped it around his neck. Avrae hasn't taken it off very often since then. The necklace is his most valuable and favored item. He never saw the man again, either.

When he was thirteen, Kabkadu died. But not just died- no, he gave his life. The older Aukari, who was nearing fifty (which is rare for Aukari) came back to Sirothelle one evening and came to Avrae's foster home. He took him, right out of bed, and when Avrae woke, they were sitting just outside of Sirothelle, the sun rising in their view. At first he was frightened, confused on how he had fallen asleep in bed but woke outside, until he saw Kabkadu. The older Aukari had gotten gray hairs. Not many, just a few. It was so rare to see an Aukari with gray hair that at first, Avrae thought he was mistaken. But no, the gleaming silver locks threaded into the red were clear in the light of the rising sun. He explained, in a soft tone with his hand on Avrae's shoulder, that his time had come. And he wanted to say goodbye. Kabkadu knew his days were going to be getting shorter, and he wanted to go out in a fire. So, after hugging a silently weeping Avrae, who was losing the man he considered a father figure, and handing him his sword, Kabkadu walked out about fifteen feet away, held out his arms and promptly burst into flames. It was his death, and Avrae was the one he chose to be at his bedside. The young boy sat and wept, listening to his screams until they died out. Then he watched as the flames slowly went out, only a black body standing there like his father's when he was little. Dutifully, Avrae gathered his ashes, keeping them until a little later in life.

However, shortly before Kabkadu's death, Avrae's schooling ended. As smart as he was, he had trouble with his temper and it was around this age, at the fragile time of puberty, that it really started to become apparent that he had a distinct lack of control. Or rather, that it was something he badly struggled with. Clearly, an Aukari Occult member couldn't have such a temperamental cultist in their ranks. So was let go from his schooling, Kabkadu's goal of having him be in the Occult falling short. It still haunts Avrae that he hadn't had enough patience, enough calm, enough control to follow that path in life. Which is why he vowed to become a political assassin someday on his own- a freelance one, no occult required. The rest of his teen years he worked odd jobs around Sirothelle, until he was eighteen. He watched those his age graduate and be initiated into the Occult- a bitter moment for Avrae. He drowned his sorrows by going to a local bar that night. Around midnight, he made the trek up to the volcano that overlooked Sirothelle- a treacherous journey indeed. Kabkadu's ashes in hand, he didn't stop until he was at the top and he could toss the jar of his old friend's ashes into the lava, along with Kabkadu's sword. He knew there was no better resting place for him. The next day, his life truly started. A free man, with nothing owed anymore, he picked up his first bounty, becoming a mercenary. His training certainly helped, and so that became his life. For a while, he traveled.

For a few years, he traveled and worked, traveled and worked. Occasionally he returned home to Sirothelle, but Avrae never stayed in one place for too long. He traveled alone, and for the most part he worked alone. Until he met Ailluin Yelven, when he was twenty one. It all started in Southern Idalos. Avrae was just outside of Quacia, the city that Qi'ora reside in. Avrae had found a few bounties in the area and one took him quite close to Desnind, the city of the Tunawa. It was then that he met a doctor, who had a bounty for him. This doctor wanted him to kill some Naerikk woman in Augiery. Now, that was a fool's task, given a man's status in Augiery and what went on there. Avrae had been wisely avoiding it in his travels. However, while talking to the doctor, he noticed the tiny Tunawa family in two identical birdcages not far from them. What looked to be a mother and father, and their daughter. They were kept apart from each other, the daughter alone and sitting down. The parents looked in bad shape, and the girl was even worse but she also looked... terrified. When the doctor's gaze swept to the cage, she squeaked and covered her face with shaking hands, as if him just looking at her was her worst fear.

Avrae wasn't a fan of slavery. He knew it existed of course, and he kept a neutral face around it. In fact, he didn't mind it... if the slaves were treated right, like people instead of animals. Maybe it was because he had been a slave himself for a short time, or maybe he just pitied people who weren't strong enough to fight for themselves, like the tiny Tunawa. "So, what's the reason you want the Naerikk dead?" He asked absently as his gaze wandered back to the doctor, his hand going to the hilt of his dagger. "Because they annoyed me." That was his answer. So simple. He wanted to take a life of an innocent woman- which Avrae was hesitant to kill women and absolutely refused to kill children- because he was annoyed.

Quick as he could, Avrae's dagger slipped from his belt and slid against the doctor's throat. He watched him fall to the ground, clutching his neck as he bled out and made those awful gurgling noises as he choked on his own blood. And Avrae looked down at him and said, "You annoy me. Thanks for the coin." He reached down, slipping the doctor's coin purse from his pocket. It took him mere minutes to stride across the room and reach the cages, using his blade to pry both open, Ailluin's first. After releasing the Tunawa and carefully setting them on the ground, he knelt to look at them, thoughtfully considering this unique situation. "You. What is your name?" He asked the daughter softly. She was a tiny little thing, even for a Tunawa, only about six inches. And she was very clearly weak, sinking to sit again after he set her down. "A-Ailluin." She answered timidly, staring up at him with big eyes. "Ailluin." He repeated her name before introducing himself, "I'm Avrae Kyric. Answer me this- can you read? Can you write? Do you have any notable skills?" Avrae had a way of speaking, dominant and bold, clearly demanding an answer without question. "Y-Yes... I can read and write, and... I k-know a bit about... poison making a-and medicine..." She hesitantly told him, giving a nervous glance to her parents.

Avrae reached into his pocket then, for his coin purse. It nearly bled him dry, but he slowly pulled out two hundred and fifty golden nell. The standard price for a slave. Sliding it towards Tunawa's parents, he spoke. "Have this. Go home. Ailluin will stay with me." There was no question of what he was saying- he was paying for her, as a slave. He had no idea why her parents so easily accepted this. Perhaps they knew he was bigger and stronger, or perhaps they were afraid because of so recently coming out of slavery themselves. Or maybe they were greedy bastards who wanted the coin. All Avrae knew was an hour later he was on the road again, Ailluin resting in his jacket pocket, both of them heading for the docks to return to central Idalos.

They've been together ever since. And while Avrae does consider her a slave- which she is- they're not entirely like a normal slave and master. If anything they're... companions, in a way. Maybe even friends. He doesn't treat her badly, he gives her safety and little luxuries every so often, and in return she makes him poisons and reads and writes his letters. They've lived like this for the past four years.

Last year, however, he got a letter telling him that his uncle had died. Apparently when he got doused with water after erupting into flames. And for some remarkable reason, his uncle had no living heirs and had left his house in Sirothelle to him. So Avrae took Ailluin back to Sirothelle, being careful to keep her well away from any fire. They were there for a few months, but before long Avrae had the urge to get back on the road. Particularly because he began meeting a pretty Eidisi woman named Inali in Emea, the two having many interesting conversations. Not only that, but Inali was in Ne'haer, and Avrae knew there were many opportunities there. More than he'd find in Sirothelle. He could continue his conversations with Inali, keep collecting bounties. He may even be interested in finding a sorcerer to teach him the magical arts- a subject he'd always been interested in. Either way, he just knew that it was the right move for him in the prime of his life. So he sold his house, bought his traveling replies with Ailluin, and set off by boat for Ne'haer. Now, at the end of Saun, he's finally reached the city. Not only that but he's already picked up his first bounty. Avrae has a very good feeling about this, knowing that perhaps being in a more central city, not hidden up on the side of a volcano, he might find his fortune.

He also might find some love. Avrae has never really had the time, or want, for romance. He's never even had his first kiss, for a multitude of reasons. Such as a nightmare he once had in which he kissed someone and they burst into flames. Or the fact he never was super attracted to other Aukari- not any he met anyway- and that was all he was around for most of his life. Now twenty five, he has to wonder if he'll ever find someone. Maybe it's the Aukari mentality of marrying to have children, or maybe it's knowing he won't live a long, long life like some other species. Or maybe it's because the closest man in his life, Kabkadu, never found love or had children and died with only him around as a consequence. Avrae... doesn't want to die alone. He's not actively searching for love, but if he finds it... well, he won't hold back on letting it put some happiness in his life. But he also thinks... he's probably too unlucky to find love. And on an even deeper level, Avrae isn't entirely sure he deserves love.

Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:18 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 7022
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Avrae Kyric
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Avrae Kyric

Love, Life, and Good Music
Relationships and Music
"Music is not to hear, it is to feel."

Avrae's Life Songs

If You Could See me Now - The Script
This song reflects on how Avrae is trying to make his father figure, Kabkadu, proud. Kabkadu passed away but before he did, he was a great man, who taught Avrae how to handle his anger and channel it into something better, taught him to turn it into something he could use. Avrae secretly hopes Kabkadu can see him now, see how good he's doing and will do. He wonders often if Kabkadu would disapprove of certain things, like when he drinks, or learning Becoming. This reflects a lot on his emotions for Kabkadu, not for his own parents because Avrae never really got to know them.

No Place Like Home - Todrick Hall
This song reflects a lot on how Avrae is constantly trying to find where his home is. He's always been put down by everyone, everywhere. They've dragged him down because of who he is, of what he is. He's never found somewhere to settle, somewhere he's content- with someone he loves. So he's searching for that one place that is home- and it might be someone near and dear to his heart that is his true home, instead of a place. But he just doesn't know yet, so he keeps looking. Because there's no place like home.

Art Deco - Lana Del Rey
This song speaks towards how Avrae feels about certain people, like Alistair... but it also is very much about himself. Such lyrics like "You're not mean, you just want to be seen / Want to be wild" is very fitting to how a lot of people think negatively of Avrae. He comes off a certain way- but in truth he's just lashing out a bit because of various factors. Another lyric that relates is "You want in but you just can't win", which shows a lot for Avrae. As an Aukari, he can't win no matter what he does, and people hate him simply for being what he can't help. He wants to be loved and be a part of something but it's hard when the world is against him.

Unsteady - X Ambassadors
Avrae's need for support. Avrae is a very independent person, that's true. He tries to take care of himself, because that's all he's really known. His mother, his father, he couldn't count on them, he didn't have them. However, despite his tough act, Avrae is a very emotionally wrought person, and he has moments where he breaks down, where he needs someone. Not necessarily romance, it could be family or a close friend. A good example of his emotional need for support is in a thread I did entitled "The Bliss of Dreaming", where he clings to Nabua.

Boys Will Be Boys - Benny
This one is complicated to explain how it connects to Avrae. It has a lot to do with his broken past in Sirothelle's orphanage, and how he used to lash out a lot. His loss of his parents speaks a lot to this, too. But really it's him trying to be who he is and struggling with other's expectations.

Avrae's Love Songs

Swan Song - Lana Del Rey
This song definitely speaks to Avrae and what he wants out of a relationship. He seeks to break out of the confines of society- preferably with someone he loves dearly. It wouldn't be the worst thing to him to give up his life and just go somewhere with the person he loves. All he needs is them, really, and if he loved them enough, well... he'd give a swan song for them. He would follow them to the ends of the earth and give a big "Fark You" to everything else.

Religion - Lana Del Rey
Avrae's ultimate love song. This is how he would be in a relationship: totally devoted. Avrae is a very loyal person. He wouldn't love someone for what they could give him, or how they acted around others- only for how they were with him. No matter how many arguments they shared, in the end their minds would be made up. All would be forgiven, because in the end, they're all Avrae would want. Through the storms, through the fights for survival, he would stick with this person religiously.

Color - Todrick Hall ft. Jay Armstrong Johnson
How Avrae would feel falling in love. Especially the lyrics "You are the first to really know me, I wanna love but first I need someone to show me, afraid to fall in first but that's the old me". Avrae is very much afraid to fall in first, in fear of getting hurt. He did that with Nabua and was crushed, mercilessly. If he's shown how to fall in love again, it'd be like seeing color for the first time.

Mirrors - Justin Timberlake
Another good insight into how Avrae would feel when in love. If truly in love, he'd feel a great connection, like his other half, his mirror reflection, is that person. It also calls to his loyalty again, promising he'd be there and promising he'd pull his partner through anything.

Talk Me Down - Troye Sivan
Sometimes Avrae gets into dark places where he just... needs someone. He needs to feel a connection, to feel something, anything. In truth, it could be said that he gets pretty depressed at times, and sometimes he needs the one he loves to just talk him down, comfort him, love him.

Dirty Mind - Boy Epic (Warning, a bit NSFW)
You would think, being an Aukari, Avrae would love a relationship with arguments and stress and fire. But he prefers a more... passionate relationship. He doesn't care for drama and stress, he'd rather have sex and fun. This song perfectly describes his answer to any future relationship arguments.

Falling for You - Lyon Hart
Once Avrae loves, it will be hard for him to fall out of love. Once he acknowledges feelings for someone, he would find it impossible to forget feeling that way. If he were to break up with someone, and later cross paths with them again, that old love would pull at his heart again. If that person would try to be with him, he'd fall again, faster, right back into their arms. Whether the relationship was healthy for him or not.



Name: Eeyrinthia Kyric
Age: 25 at time of death (born Vhalar 13th, Arc 670, died Ashan 4th, Arc 695)
Race: Aukari
Magic: Graft (Competent)
Profession: Former Healer
Relation: Mother
What They Mean to You: Avrae both hates and loves his mother. He remembers little of her, but what he does remember is how much he loved her. He's filled with good memories of his mother- but they're all shadowed by the worst memory of her. The fact that she caused his father's death, and her own death, because she cheated on him and got pregnant with Lecia. Avrae could never blame Lecia- he worships her. So he's put the blame on his mother. He blames her for her adultery, he blames her for growing up without parents, he blames her for the upbringing he had all because of her one selfish choice. A lot of times if he speaks of his mother, it'll be about what a slut she was, but that's far from how he actually feels. In truth, Avrae misses his mother deeply- he was a mama's boy. He never grieved for her and it's torn a hole in his heart that he doesn't know how to deal with.
Name: Aukyre Kyric
Age: 30 at time of death (Born Zi'da 6th, Arc 665, died Ashan 4th, Arc 695)
Race: Aukari
Magic: N/A
Profession: Former Mercenary
Relation: Father.
What They Mean to You: Avrae is a lot like his father, and part of him hates that. His hotheaded, gruff nature is directly from his father. Part of him hates his father- he remembers how angry his father would get sometimes, and he remembers how cruel his words could be. It was no secret that Aukyre mistreated Eeyrinthia and that was why she found love in the arms of a human, thus conceiving Lecia. Avrae tries very hard not to be like his father, and to be more like his father figure, Kabkadu.
Name: Rayvar Kyric
Age: 56 at time of death (Born Saun 27th, Arc 659, died Ashan 4th, 715)
Race: Aukari
Magic: N/A
Profession: Former Banker
Relation: Uncle
What They Mean to You: Avrae hated his uncle until the day he died. He hated that he was abusive to his cousin Arwel, he hated that he sold him and Lecia to slavery, he hated that Rayvar was cruel. He never forgave his uncle for a lot of things, and in fact had a lot of anger leftover when he went back to Sirothelle to deal with what he'd been left. He's glad Rayvar is dead and has absolutely nothing good to say about him.
Name: Lecia Stowe
Age: 19
Race: Half-Human, Half-Aukari
Magic: N/A
Profession: Farmer
Relation: Long Lost Sister
What They Mean to You: Avrae, having not met his sister again yet, can only view her as the baby sister he lost. From the second she was born, Avrae loved his baby sister. He was fiercely protective of her. He saw no evil in her- only good- which is how he wonders why people often see Aukari as bad without even knowing them. Maybe, he thinks, it's the human part of Lecia that makes her good... but even with the death of their parents staining her birth, Lecia could do no wrong to Avrae. He cherished her. He would have given her anything, and to be separated from her was devastating. He has no idea she's still alive, and in his worst thoughts he imagines her as a slave or dead. If he knew she had found a family and been very happily raised, Avrae would be very happy for her. Even while he wonders if she's dead, he still looks for her tirelessly everywhere he goes. It's part of the reason he travels and hasn't settled down.
Link to CS
Name: Arwel Meilir Kyric
Age: 23
Race: Aukari (Actually half Human but doesn't know it)
Magic: N/A
Profession: Unemployed
Relation: Cousin, Best Friend, Brother-Figure
What They Mean to You: Avrae's closest family member is his cousin, Arwel. The two are closer than just cousins, they're like brothers, and they're definitely best friends. Arwel is someone Avrae trusts completely and would go to for anything. If he ever needed someone, it's Arwel Avrae would go to, more than likely. Arwel has seen his worst side and his best, and has been with him through everything. Arwel was the only family Avrae really had growing up, and to this day they're very close. When they're together, they're inseparable.
Link to CS

Love Interests

Name: Alistair Nathaniel Venora
Age: 27
Race: Human
Magic: Rupturing, Abrogation, Necromancy
Profession: Noble, Doctor
Relation: One Night Stand, Friend
What They Mean to You: Avrae honestly isn't sure what to think of Alistair half the time. They began with having a bit of a rocky start, pretty much hating each other. But over time, and working together, Avrae grew to like Alistair. He certainly was attracted to him, too. He never thought anything would come of it, but Alistair saved him from some jerk picking on him for his red hair (without full knowledge of truly being an Aukari), and it brought them closer. Avrae ended up sleeping with Alistair, giving him his virginity and solidifying him as someone unforgettable. Avrae isn't sure what Alistair means to him now. He enjoyed their night together but there is still a lot about Alistair Avrae doesn't know, or trust. Alistair left town soon after their night together, so Avrae isn't sure where that leaves them. He considers Alistair a friend, an ally... but romantically, he just isn't sure. He doesn't even know if he wants to find out if he and Alistair could be more than a one night stand. At least... not yet.
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Name: Caedhe Aelothar
Age: 23
Race: Lotharro
Magic: N/A
Profession: Hunter
Relation: First Kiss, Friend
What They Mean to You: Avrae honestly isn't sure he'll ever see Caedhe again, but the one time he met the Lotharro, they had a connection. That much, Avrae is sure of. Over the course of one brief meeting in the Willow Woods, Avrae gained quite the attraction to Caedhe. He happily gave him his first kiss- but rejected anything more. Now, he knows it's likely he'll never see him again... but if he did, he would warmly welcome him as a friend. Sometimes Avrae wonders about encounters like the one he had with Caedhe, and what could have been.
Link to CS

PC Close Relations

Name: Ailluin Yelven
Age: 10 Arcs (adult for a Tunawa)
Race: Tunawa
Magic: N/A
Profession: Avrae's Slave
Relation: His Slave, but also his best friend and constant companion.
What They Mean to You: Avrae never thought Ailluin would mean as much to him as she does. When he met her, she was just a tiny Tunawa in a cage. She meant nothing to him. But now... he would be a very different person without her. He may have literally saved Ailluin- but sometimes he thinks that she's the one who saved him. She's the bane to his own loneliness. Avrae knows that even if Ailluin was no longer his slave, he could go to her for anything. That's such a special bond, and he tries not to take it for granted. Ailluin helps him and he tries to help Ailluin. Avrae believes in her, he feels she's stronger than even she knows. Avrae is... loyal to her. He would let himself be harmed if it saves Ailluin. He probably would even give up his life for her, if he's honest. She means so much to him, a platonic bond, like a brother and sister, in a way. Avrae even has a blood sister- but Ailluin would be a second sister, without a doubt. He loves her, and he'll protect her until his last breath. Ailluin is more to him than just a slave, she is literally his best friend. Perhaps, sometimes, his only friend.
Link to CS
Name: Fridgar
Age: 23
Race: Lotharro
Magic: Becoming
Profession: Mercenary/Assassin
Relation: Mentor, Friend, Somewhat Grizzly Brother Figure
What They Mean to You: Avrae's relationship with Fridgar is a strange one to describe. The way they met was even stranger. However, in the trials they spent training together, the two bonded. Despite being younger than him, Avrae actually began to see Fridgar as an older brother figure. Fridgar was a lot of things to Avrae. A drunkard, for one. But a great teacher for another... and a friend. He shared some very painful moments with Fridgar, moments he's not proud of. Moments where he cried, where he was vulnerable, where he begged for the pain to end- and Fridgar stuck with him. Fridgar, as a fellow Becomer, had understood. Between that and drinking together, there couldn't be a stronger bond. They have a strange friendship, their humor weird to some. Avrae is fascinated with the Lothar, and the Lothar is fascinated with him as an Aukari. It's a mutual partnership, in a lot of ways. Avrae has not seen Fridgar in some time, but a bond like that doesn't fade away over small amounts of time. The Aukari looks forward to meeting his mentor again and showing how he's improved. In many ways, he hopes to be as strong as Fridgar someday. But don't tell Fridgar that- he'd get way too full of himself.
Link to CS

PC Distant Relations

Name: Patrick
Age: 30
Race: Human
Magic: N/A
Profession: Bartender/Courtesan
Relation: Friend
What They Mean to You: Mayhaps it was chance that led Avrae to meeting Patrick, but he's glad he did. The handsome, flirtatious bartender makes good company, and good drinks. Avrae is beginning to see him as a friend, and he hopes to spend more time getting to know the human. Patrick is one of a few that know Avrae is an Aukari.
Link to CS
Name: Rorom
Age: 35
Race: Biqaj
Magic: N/A
Profession: Fisherman
Relation: Acquaintance, Fishing Mentor
What They Mean to You: Avrae just met Rorom recently, and while he doesn't know much about him as of yet, he likes the fisherman. He enjoys their lessons, and looks forward to getting to know him better.
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Name: Brynjar Bheinn
Age: 31
Race: Lotharro
Magic: N/A
Profession: Farmer
Relation: Acquaintance
What They Mean to You: Nothing, as of yet.
Link to CS
Name: Kaelrik
Age: 21
Race: Lotharro
Magic: Defiance
Profession: Hunter
Relation: Acquaintance
What They Mean to You: Nothing, as of yet.
Link to CS
Name: Niv
Age: 6 Arcs (Ages Differently As a Tunawa)
Race: Tunawa
Magic: N/A
Profession: Herbalist/Dancer
Relation: Acquaintance
What They Mean to You: Nothing, as of yet.
Link to CS
Name: Moiran Lac'Toraj
Age: 21
Race: Biqaj
Magic: N/A but has a blessing of Ziell.
Profession: Priestess
Relation: Acquaintance
What They Mean to You: Nothing, as of yet.
Link to CS

NPC Relations

Name: Kabkadu
Age: Saun 5th, Arc 674, Age 43 at time of death.
Race: Aukari
Magic: N/A
Profession: Mercenary
Relation: Mentor, Father Figure
What They Mean to You: Avrae never got a chance to truly know his birth father- so Kabkadu was much more of a father figure to him. Growing up, it was Kabkadu who taught him how to become a man. Kabkadu taught him how to ride a horse, how to defend himself, how to control his anger. It was Kabkadu he looked to as a role model, the type of man he wanted to be. Losing Kabkadu was the absolute hardest trial in Avrae's life to date. He will never get over losing him. He keeps his memory with respect, and Avrae hopes to make a habit of visiting Sirothelle every arc to visit the site where he spread Kabkadu's ashes.
Link to Memory NPC Approval: Here
Name: Nabua
Age: Ymiden 35th, Arc 687, Age 15 at time of death.
Race: Aukari
Magic: N/A
Profession: Student of the Aukari Occult
Relation: First Crush, First Best Friend
What They Mean to You: There was a time that Nabua was everything to Avrae. They were so close, Nabua would prick his finger and Avrae would feel it. Figuratively, of course. They began as friends but Avrae quickly saw Nabua as more, and fell very deeply in love with him. He confessed, and though in truth Nabua did love him back and Avrae wasn't imagining attraction between them, Nabua lied because he was scared. Avrae, however, couldn't tell it was a lie. They remained friends, with Avrae harboring a love that wouldn't go away... up until Nabua died. It was one of the most horrific trials of Avrae's life, one he still has nightmares away. He will always love Nabua... if he had lived, Avrae isn't sure what Nabua would have become to him.
Link to Memory NPC Approval: Here

Animal Relations

Name: Kadu
Age: 8 Arcs
Species: Horse
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:36 am, edited 28 times in total. word count: 3334
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Avrae Kyric
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Avrae Kyric

Home Sweet Home
Kyric Manor

Avrae never really had a home of his own growing up. After he was put into slavery, everything was taken from him. Then after that, he was put into a foster home, where he also owned nothing. Then, even after that, he traveled with very little but the clothes on his back. The only real home he was ever given was his uncle's house in Sirothelle. It was a nice home at that, and he briefly wondered if he might settle down. Perhaps start a bee farm, or become a dog breeder. He had always wanted a dog, though has never had a pet. Unless you count Ailluin as a pet. However, the road called for him once more, and he sold the home.

Now he has bought a bedroll and a hammock, without a tent because he wanted to sleep under the sky, and that is what he calls home. So far he's gotten by using natural shelters and living in little camps. Maybe one day he'll get a tent or at the very least, a tarp for when it rains, but for now all he needs is what he has. His hammock is a nice one, though. White, hand made, with a little sage green pillow.

In bad weather like that of Cylus, Avrae stays in Inns within city walls.

However, he hopes to someday have enough money to build a home, preferably one that looks like the image below. It is a spacious home with an open floorplan- a large living area, kitchen, and dining area, with a training room as well. It has three baths, three bedrooms, two walk in closets, a pantry, a front porch, and a back patio. It even has a utility room for cleaning supplies and any extra storage space Avrae could need. Someday, he wants that home.

Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:53 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 314
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Avrae Kyric
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Avrae Kyric

Skills and Knowledge
SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Acrobatics 5/100 (5/251)Unskilled
Acting0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Appraisal0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Blades25/100 (25/251)Novice
Climbing0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Cooking0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Deception25/100 (25/251)Novice
Detection25/100 (25/251)Novice
Discipline 0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Disguise0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Endurance0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Etiquette0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Field Craft5/100 (5/251)Unskilled
Forgery0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Gambling0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Hunting0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Intelligence14/100 (14/251)Novice
Interrogation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Intimidation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Investigation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Lock Picking0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Meditation50/100 (75/251)Competent
Mount4/100 (4/251)Unskilled
Negotiation 0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Persuasion10/100 (10/251)Novice
Politics25/100 (25/251)Novice
Psychology10/100 (10/251)Novice
Resistance0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Seduction24/100 (24/251)Novice
Stealth [RFT]0/100 (0/100)Unskilled
Storytelling0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Thrown Weapons25/100 (25/251)Novice
Torture0/100 (0/251)Unskilled


Skills A - F

Skills A - F
Acrobatics (1)
► Show Spoiler
Acting (1)
► Show Spoiler
Blades (1)
► Show Spoiler
Deception (1)
► Show Spoiler
Detection (3)
► Show Spoiler
Discipline (2)
► Show Spoiler
Endurance (4)
► Show Spoiler
Etiquette (2)
► Show Spoiler

Skills H - N

Skills H - N
Hunting (2)
► Show Spoiler
Intimidation (1)
► Show Spoiler
Meditation (6)
► Show Spoiler
Mount (1)
► Show Spoiler

Skills O - U

Skills O - U
Persuasion (1)
► Show Spoiler
Psychology (2)
► Show Spoiler
Ranged Weapons (1)
► Show Spoiler
Seduction (2)
► Show Spoiler
Stealth (1)
► Show Spoiler
Thrown Weapons (4)
► Show Spoiler
Unarmed (2)
► Show Spoiler

Skills V - Z

Skills V - Z
None yet.

Personal Knowledge

► Show Spoiler


Ailluin (7)
► Show Spoiler
Alistair Venora (24)
► Show Spoiler
Caedhe Aelothar
► Show Spoiler
Fridgar (2)
► Show Spoiler
Mal (4)
► Show Spoiler
Patrick (4)
► Show Spoiler


Kabkadu - Childhood Mentor (5)
► Show Spoiler
Nabua - Childhood Friend/First Love (8)
► Show Spoiler
Rayvar - Uncle (1)
► Show Spoiler
Rio - Alistair's Slave (2)
► Show Spoiler


Faldrun (2)
► Show Spoiler
Karem (1)
► Show Spoiler


Northern Idalos (1)
► Show Spoiler
Western Idalos (2)
► Show Spoiler


Rupturing (3)
► Show Spoiler
Becoming (2)
► Show Spoiler

Misc Knowledge

Races (3)
► Show Spoiler
Factions & Organizations (1)
► Show Spoiler
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:44 am, edited 15 times in total. word count: 1422
User avatar
Avrae Kyric
Approved Character
Posts: 394
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:34 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Mercenary
Renown: -32
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



Avrae Kyric

Skill Point Ledger
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Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:44 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 283
User avatar
Avrae Kyric
Approved Character
Posts: 394
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:34 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Mercenary
Renown: -32
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



Avrae Kyric

Marks, Devotion, & Magic




  • N/A


  • N/A
Devotion to Faldrun

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Thetros

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
? +/- ... +/- ?
Devotion to Vri

ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
The Bliss of Dreaming +1 0 +1
Arcane Powers


Initiated By: Fridgar

Mutations: None, yet.

Totems: None, yet.
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:35 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 49
User avatar
Avrae Kyric
Approved Character
Posts: 394
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:34 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Mercenary
Renown: -32
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



Avrae Kyric

Items, Injuries and Ledger

  • City Dweller Pack Possessions
    • One Set of Clothing: A Cloak, Pants, Shirt, Undergarments, and Boots
    • One Set of Toiletries: Soap, a Comb, Razor, Toothbrush, and Toothpaste
    • One Waterskin
    • Two Sets of Eating Utensils
    • Tinderbox
  • Slave/Animal Possessions
    • Untrained Female Tunawa Slave - Ailluin Yelven
    • Horse - Kadu
  • Bought Clothing/Armor, Accessories & Cosmetic Possessions
    • Jacket
    • Gloves
    • Small Heavy Duty Canvas Bag
    • Large Pleated Leather Bag with Shoulder Strap
    • Leather Armor
  • Enchanted Amulet (Prized Possession)
  • Bought Weaponry
    • 2 Good Quality Daggers
    • Set of 5 Throwing Daggers
  • Bought First Aid Kit Possessions
    • 15 Cloth Bandage Strips
    • Needle Set (Curved and Straight)
    • 50' Spool of Thread
    • Precision Tweezers
    • Precision Scissors
    • Jar of Sealing Jelly
    • 12 Bandage Hooks
    • Sponges
    • Large Vial of Antiseptic Alcohol

InjuryDate aquiredTime to fully heal Date Fully healed
Tipsiness - Mild Headache 12th of Vhalar, 713 1 trial 13th of Vhalar, 713
Bruised Knuckles, Punching a Hard Head 71st of Zi'da, 716 3-5 trials 74th to 76th of Zi'da, 716
A Bloodied Nose, Got Punched By a Thug 71st of Zi'da, 716 1-2 breaks 71st of Zi'da, 716
Minor Concussion, The Thug Was a Strong One 71st of Zi'da, 716 2-4 breaks 71st of Zi'da, 716
Broken Wrist, Snapped Under a Man's Boot 2nd of Cylus, 717 40 trials 12th of Ashan, 717

City Dweller Pack +100GN 100GN
Forfeited City Dweller House +250GN 350GN
Unskilled Female Slave -250GN 100GN
Jacket -3GN 97GN
Gloves -2GN 95GN
2 Good Daggers -6GN 89GN
Set of 5 Throwing Daggers -2GN 87GN
Cloth Bandage Strips (15) -1GN 86GN
Needle Set -3GN 83GN
50' Spool of Thread -1SN 82GN 9SN
Precision Tweezers -1GN 81GN 9SN
Precisions Scissors -3GN 78GN 9SN
Jar of Sealing Jelly -1GN 77GN 9SN
Bandage Hooks (12) -1GN 76GN 9SN
Sponges -1SN 76GN 8SN
Large Vial of Antiseptic Alcohol -2GN 74GN 8SN
Small Heavy Duty Canvas Bag -2SN &5CN 74GN 6SN 5CN
Large Leather (Pleated) Bag with Shoulder Straps -8 SN & 5CN 73GN 8SN
Horse -50GN 23GN 8SN
Leather Armor -10GN 13 GN 8SN
Drinks at a Bar -5GN 8 GN 8SN
Memory NPC (Kabkadu) -10GN -2 GN 8 SN
Memory NPC (Nabua) -10GN -12 GN 8 SN
Withheld Zi'da Job Payment +2 GN ?
Room at the Golden Flask, Cylus (30 trials) -12 gn -24 GN 8 SN
Memory NPC (Eeyrinthia Kyric) -10GN -34 GN 8 SN
Memory NPC (Aukyre Kyric) -10GN -44 GN 8 SN
Memory NPC (Rayvar Kyric) -10GN -54 GN 8 SN
12 Point Bank Points +60 GN 6 GN 8 SN
4 Vodka Shots Plus Tip -9 GN -3 GN 8 SN
Total Currency: 0 ON, -3 GN, 8 SN, 0 CN
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:03 am, edited 11 times in total. word count: 448
User avatar
Avrae Kyric
Approved Character
Posts: 394
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:34 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Mercenary
Renown: -32
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



Avrae Kyric

Fame & Point Bank Ledger
Fame Ledger

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Point bank Ledger

Thread/RewardPoints Acquired/SpentPoints Total
Top Vote Site (over 300) Sept +5 5
Earned a Medal (Supporter) +5 10
Earned a Medal (Advocate) +5 15
Earn a Medal (Helper) +5 20
Donation to ST (10$) +20 40
Created an Approved NPC (Ne'haer, Axel Phelps) +2 42
Earned a Medal (Vhalar 716) +5 47
Earned a Medal (Painting with Words) +5 52
Earned a Medal (First Kiss) +5 57
Created an Approved Monster (Spike Strider) +2 59
Created an Approved Monster (Spirachne) +2 61
Top Vote Site (over 200) Jan +3 64
Created an Approved NPC (Desnind, Livia Shenandoah) +2 66
Created an Approved Original ST Song (Scalvoris, The Tunawa Captain) +3 69
Posted a Player Review (Kovic) +5 74
Created an Approved Holiday (Lenedi Festival) +2 76
Created an Approved Location (Ne'haer, Curio's Curiosities Book Shop) +5 81
Created an Approved NPC (Ne'haer Curio Xarethi) +2 83
Posted a Player Review (Doran) +5 88
Created an Approved NPC (Scalvoris, Eirnala Suffock) +2 90
Posted a Vlog +5 95
Earned a Medal (Artist) +5 100
Earned a Medal (Vlogger Extraordinaire) +5 105
Earned a Medal (Mentor) +5 110
Reviewed a Thread ( Pieces) +5 115
Reviewed a Thread (The Biting Cold) +5 120
Reviewed a Thread (Playing Pretend w/ Pretty Presents) +5 125
Reviewed a Thread (Decisions) +5 130
Reviewed a Thread (Descent in Chaos Part 4: The Turning Point) +5 135
Reviewed a Thread (For The Children) +5 140
Reviewed a Thread (Friends and Immortals) +5 145
Created a Boxcode for Alexa +2 147
Created a Boxcode for Alexa +2 149
Created a Boxcode for Alexa +2 151
Created a Boxcode for Alexa +2 153
Created a Boxcode for Alexa +2 155
Created a Boxcode for Alexa +2 157
Created a Boxcode for Woe +2 159
Created a Boxcode for Woe +2 161
Created a Boxcode for Woe +2 163
Created a Boxcode for Woe +2 165
Created a Boxcode for Rorom +2 167
Created a Boxcode for Rorom +2 169
Created a Boxcode for Rorom +2 171
Created a Boxcode for Rorom +2 173
Created a Boxcode for Noemi'i +2 175
Created a Boxcode for Noemi'i +2 177
Created a Boxcode for Noemi'i +2 179
Created a Boxcode for Noemi'i +2 181
Created a Boxcode for Ahrin +2 183
Created a Boxcode for Ambrosia +2 185
Created a Boxcode for Arwel +2 187
Created a Boxcode for Ambrosia +2 189
Reviewed a Thread (Fair Exchange) +5 194
Reviewed a Thread (Chapter One: Sleep) +5 199
Reviewed a Thread (Every Wave a Tear) +5 204
Reviewed a Thread (The Diary of a New Mother) +5 209
Reviewed a Thread (The Choices We make) +5 214
Reviewed a Thread (Beginning Anew) +5 219
Reviewed a Thread (The Boulder Thread Part1: A Theory of Strength) +5 224
Reviewed a Thread (Yvithia's fakes) +5 229
Reviewed a Thread (Netting the Surf: Take Two) +5 234
Reviewed a Thread ([Treth] Four Legged Friends) +5 239
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 241
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 243
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 245
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 247
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 249
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 251
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 253
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 255
Created a Boxcode for Navik +2 257
Reviewed a Thread (Can't See the Wood...) +5 262
February Top Site Votes (Over 250) +4 266
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 268
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 270
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 272
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 274
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 276
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 278
Created a Boxcode for Lecia +2 280
Created a Boxcode for Mikhael +2 282
Created a Boxcode for Mikhael +2 284
Created a Boxcode for Mikhael +2 286
Created a Boxcode for Mikhael +2 288
Created a Boxcode for Mikhael +2 290
Created a Boxcode for Mikhael +2 292
Created a Boxcode for Mikhael +2 294
Point Bank Conversion into Money -12 282
Donation to ST ($15 x 2 = 30) +30 312
Total Points: 312
word count: 776
Post Reply Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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