Lorena Burhan

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Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan

Lorena Burhan
Name: Lorena Burhan
Age: 23
Race: Biqaj
Date of Birth: 115 Ashan 695
Factions Joined:
Languages Spoken:
Common (Fluent)
Rakahi (Basic)
Partners: N/A
Parents: Naoko and Unn Burhan (NPC)
Face: Nina Dobrev


Standing at 5'10 in height with long chocolate coloured hair and deep hazel eyes that shift with her moods. Gold when Lorena is sad and Silver when she is angry or disappointed. Despite often holding a air of calm and poise, beneath the surface Lorena is a very complicated lady with emotions that very rarely see the surface. She is a very vain lady with a keen eye for style and loves shopping almost as she loves the ocean. Whether on the sea or on land, she likes to look nice and often wears her hair in different styles though leaving it down is often easier. Lighter than most women the young noble is not built to be strong, she is thin and light on her feet giving her a better sway toward dexterity and movement than the dream of being a body builder.


Key Words: Outgoing | Vain | Energetic | Impulsive | Proud | Cheeky | Spiteful | Fun | Fiery

A woman who tries to cover her weaknesses as much as she can, Lorena is a strong woman with a strong sense of pride. Both graceful and rambunctious, the young noble carries an air of authority that can often be misleading and allows people to believe that she is delicate. Very rarely angry Lorena searches the mundane world for little tid-bits of fun. If something has anything to do with sitting in a room and waiting for hour on end with nothing to do, good luck. You have better luck guiding a donkey into a fire. Lorena can't sit still. In the face of malice or cowardice Lorena can be quite spiteful to those who she deems deserve it. As an advocate of living life to its fullest Lorena loves to push buttons and stir up chaos, often leading her into some kind of trouble.

Key Words: Lonely | Sullen | Strong | Rambunctious | Irritable | Bored | Paranoid

Ymiden 716: Suppressed for far too long of being able to tell anyone about who she really is Lorena is struggling with going back to Rynmere. Vaughn has not written another letter since she received the last she received and it's starting to make her worry after the mention of an upcoming war.

Key Words: Excited | Scared | Uncertain | Loving | Sad | Cheeky | Impulsive

Ashan 717: Lorena returns to Rynmere after many arcs of being away and is met again the shadows of the past,
and does her best to face them for better or for worse. She is re-united with the man she loved, Vaughn-Krome and although she is scared of the initial outcome, settles when she realises everything is okay and travels with Vaughn to Warrick to pay her respects to his mother's grave.

Key Words: Excited | Loving| Supporting | Cheeky | Impulsive | Patient | Longing | Nurturing | Healing

Ymiden 717: Lorena goes to Warrick with Vaughn and celebrates his birthday and mourns the loss of his mother. She does her best to comfort him and restore the broken pieces of what remains of their life, piece by piece. Together the finally confront Lorena's parents to clear the air about her resurfacing from faking her death. Disapproving of their cowardice Lorena seeks for reprieve and asks Vaughn to go an adventure.

Vhalar 718:

To be continued...
Last edited by Lorena on Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:38 am, edited 14 times in total. word count: 579
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan


Born a lady, the middle child to Naoko and Unn Burhan, Lorena was raised in a luxurious household with parents that although encouraged every one of her dreams had very little time for her. Between the attention her brother and sister took, Lorena was often left alone to her own devices where she sought to entertain herself by rebelling in sought of some kind of affection. Whether it be anger or soft, tender moments with her family and slowly but surely grew to enjoy bringing chaos to the life of her family.

As Lorena grew, unfortunately so did her family's expectations for her to take responsibility and she wasn't having any of it. Although she did take the time to help her cousin with words and learning how to read, she often neglected any other duty including her duty to marry. Originally arranged to marry Peake Andaris by Veljorn Burhan in order to have roots in the Andaris family. Due to her parents passive natures and the threats handed to them by Veljorn, as the most infamous of the Burhan line Lorena became an expendable candidate of politics. In love with another, a man by the name of Vaughn Krome, Lorena refused to be a pawn in a stupid game where she would never be allowed to love him and as a sacrifice to both her happiness and the life of her father sailed to sea, to travel to etzos where she was supposed to partake in a trade deal, where really she would fake her own death.

Fate had a different plan. Due to complications the boat never made it to Etzos and redirected toward Ne'haer where the ship would receive more nel for their cargo if not for the attack by a rogue ship. Boarded by a band of what Lorena could only describe as pirates, the men ransacked the ship. One by one slaying every crew member that didn't have the guts to defend themselves. A raging battle roared around them and even Lorena tried to pitch in.
Taking a hold of a cutlass from one of the fallen men, the young and inexperienced noble did not stand a fight against a man trained to ransack ships, back-stabbed and slashed the heads off of a few distracted strangers, removed rope from a barrel and tossed it over the side and dove in along with it.

Burning in the middle of the ocean the boat hissed and cracked, slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea as Lorena floated away on her little barrel. Exhausted, bruised and soaking from the cool water she watched for a while until fatigue finally took her, the world slipped into darkness and she woke up in a strange house somewhere in Ne'haer as good as dead to anybody.
Last edited by Lorena on Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:37 pm, edited 15 times in total. word count: 473
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan


Too be continued...
Last edited by Lorena on Sun Jun 25, 2017 3:45 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 4
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan

Destiny: A well kept, clean one-masted sailing Sloop made from oak, with a white mainsail and jib rigged fore and aft. It's a quaint little space decorated with odd tricks and has a small hold. The living quarters are under the deck, enough room for her own bed, a small writing desk, chair, storage chest, and shelf.
Destiny is currently over in Ne'haer floating in a dock somewhere.
Last edited by Lorena on Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:27 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 72
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan

Skill NameGrandparent0/1000/250Total
Seduction [SP] 20 -25/25025
Seafaring [SP] 15 [RB] 10 [KG]3 -25/25025
Ship Building [SP] 15 -15/25015
Blades, Cutlass [KG] 4 -4/2504
Navigation [FT][KG] 2 5/1005/1005
Animal Handling - - 25/250 25
Politics - - 13/250 10
Discipline . .25/25025
Leadership . .25/25025
Ranged Weaponry: Bows . .25/25025
Acrobatics . .25/25025
Mount . .14/25014
Strength . .20/25020
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Last edited by Lorena on Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:44 pm, edited 28 times in total. word count: 67
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan

Last edited by Lorena on Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan

Last edited by Lorena on Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:57 pm, edited 13 times in total. word count: 1
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan



Acting (1)
Acting: Pretending to be in Love
Acrobatics (3)
Acrobatics: A clumsy landing is better than a bad one
Acrobatics: Unstable Ground Makes Jumping Difficult
Acrobatics: Dodging Stationary Objects
Animal Handling (1)
Animal Handling: Don't Engage With an Enraged Creature
Alchemy (1)
Alchemy: Creating A Pain Killing Salve
Climbing (3)
Climbing: Dangerous When High
Climbing: Rooftops Are Slippery
Climbing: Rocky Terrain
Deception (2)
Deception: Skirting Around Subjects
Deception: Half Truths Make For Easier Lies.
Detection (4)
Detection: Using a spyglass to improve information available
Detection: Hidden Intention
Detection: The Aroma of Fish
Detection: What Uncertainty Looks Like
Discipline (8)
Discipline: Resisting Temptation
Discipline: Not Giving In To Your Emotions
Discipline: Restraint Upon Acting on a Thought
Discipline: Biting Back Your Tongue
Discipline: Standing Your Ground
Discipline: Staying On Task in Spite of Pain
Discipline: Scrawling Through Tedious Books
Discipline: Finding Beauty During Difficult Times
Endurance (3)
Endurance: Battling Your Own Will
Endurance: Hypothermia
Endurance: Cold Water
Ettiquette (3)
Etiquette: Proper Behavior to Meet Your "Intended"
Etiquette: Proper Dress to Meet Your "Intended"
Etiquette: Avoiding Awkward Conversation
Field-crafting (1)
Fieldcraft: Lighting a Fire
Gambling (2)
Gambling: Counting Cards
Gambling: Gauging The Tells of Others
Herbalism: Mouko Bean
Hunting (1)
Hunting: Urine Can Be Used To Cover Tracks From Animals
Navigation (2)
Navigation: Sun rises in the east
Navigation: Determining a westerly direction by sun and stars
Negotiation (3)
Negotiation: Trading Insults to Achieve an End
Negotiation: An offer isn't always desirable
Negotiation: Trading Favours
Persuasion (2)
Persuasion: Painting the picture of what will happen
Persuasion: Trying to make your point in a number of ways
Politics (2)
Politics: Marriage can lead to political power
Politics: Making a political Microcosm of a Single, Rude Exchange
Psychology (5)
Psychology: Emotions can be physically overwhelming.
Psychology: When You Know You're Being "Married Off"
Psychology: Men are less attracted to larger women
Psychology: Panic Attack
Psychology: Anger is easier than Sorrow
Medicine (1)
Medicine: Applying a Salve
Running (1)
Running: Lighter is Faster
Sociology (1)
Sociology: Group mentality can be easily swayed
Socialization (1)
Socialization: Intentionally Making People Uncomfortable
Seafaring (3)
Seafaring: Wind Direction
Seafaring: Rigging
Seafaring: How to Tie Knots in Rope
Seduction: Erogenous Zones
Seduction: Kissing, Make Them Drink You Like A Fine Wine
Seduction: Flirtatious behaviour is often contagious
Seduction: Teasing
Seduction: There is warmth in embrace
Seduction: The Power of Flattery
Seduction: The Allure of Sensation
Seduction: Fashion is Attractive
Seduction: The Chase
Seduction: The Difference Between Sleeping With Someone and Sleeping with Someone You Love
Seduction: Vulnerability is an Advantage
Ship Building (1)
Ship Building: Row Boat
Singing (2)
Singing: Increases Morale
Singing: Multiple People Singing Badly Doesn't Make it Better
Stealth (2)
Stealth: Use the weather to your advantage when hiding.
Stealth: Sneak past while others are distracted
Strength (2)
Strength: Repetition of heavy pulling builds strength
Strength: Lifting builds muscles


Blades: Cutlass (2)
Cutlass: Slash
Cutlass: Block
Tactics (3)
Tactics: Mouth Off When You Know They Don't Dare Strike You
Tactics: Knowledge Is Power
Tactics: Hit The Weakest Point For Effective Result
Torture (1)
Torture: Making Loud Noises to get what you want


Location: Andaris
Location: Scalvoris
Location: Ne'haer
Layout: Ne'haer


Customs & Festivals
Customs & Festivals: Ne'haer


Digger [NPC]
Digger: Plain but gentlemanly
Malcolm: Not as old as he should be
Malcolm: Missed you
Malcolm: Called you "little Wren"
Malcolm: Married your cousin, Elyna
Elyna: All grown up
Veljorn [NPC]
Velijorn: Wants power more than anything else.
Peake Andaris
Peake Andaris: Your intended
Peake Andaris: A brutish man?
Peake: His Entourage Has Some Fine Horses
Peake: Willing to Share in Marital Sabotage
Damon Andaris
Damon: Loved Me
Damon: I Broke His Heart
Tristan Venora
Tristan: Owes Me
Tristan: We Kissed


This is the text.


Sloop: Not fit for sea travel
Game: Hex
Immortal: Chrien
Race: Biqaj
Race: Human
Noble Houses
House Venora: Rose Family Crest
Last edited by Lorena on Tue Oct 23, 2018 7:25 pm, edited 31 times in total. word count: 666
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan

Thread NameRenownTotal
Starting +30 +30
Disregarding Females - 5 25
Old Fame +25 25
Balls Aren't For Me +5 30
Expensive Salmon & A Dungeon+5 35
. . .
Last edited by Lorena on Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:28 am, edited 17 times in total. word count: 27
Approved Character
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:10 pm
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Lorena Burhan



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Last edited by Lorena on Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:04 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 10
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