Andráska Venora

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Andráska Venora
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Profession: Political Figurehead
Renown: 247
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Andráska Venora

Andráska Liam Venora
Sessfiend Slayer, Kin Killer, Savior of Rharne, Future Duke of Venora

Last edited by Andráska Venora on Fri Jun 28, 2019 5:35 pm, edited 15 times in total. word count: 15
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Andráska Venora
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Posts: 462
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Race: Human
Profession: Political Figurehead
Renown: 247
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Wealth Tier: Tier 6




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Andráska Venora



András is tall and lean at 6'2", with a broad set of shoulders and expressive features. He has a strong jaw, and a thick head of hair that deeply resents taming, sticking up in all manner of directions. Often dressed in more neutral colors, up until recently Andráska had opted for a simpler style but as his reputation increased, so has his need for more refined dress. Moving with a grace obtained through a lifetime of noble training, and a swagger that shows his defiance, Andráska steps lightly and with purpose. Never far from trouble, this young man enjoys toying with the ideas of wealth and power, testing waters better left alone. If one was to look closely, they might see a soulful sadness hidden behind his charming smile, the sign of a someone familiar with great loss from a young age. Despite this, his green eyes still linger on the finer things in life - women and weapons, in particular. DOB: 10 Saun 694 Faceclaim: Michiel Van Wyngaarden


Andráska is no fool. He grew up with a grand education and despite a few missed classes over the years, picks things up at remarkable speed if the effort keeps his interest. Archery and music are his most notable hobbies, having learned it early on and took a shine to them. He also enjoys reading if not forced to, and just about anything but a formal event. Gods, how he loathes mingling and the tiptoeing of insignificant conversation.

Andráska is also quite the sensitive soul, with a great sense of right and wrong. While he is willing to bend society's rules to fit his own definition of "good", he most often stands up for the oppressed and in need. He detests injustice and vindictive deception, and believes in treating others with compassion, unless given reason not to. Due to his lack of self control and impulsive nature, this often leads to him getting into trouble from starting a fight or putting his nose where it doesn't belong.
Last edited by Andráska Venora on Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:06 pm, edited 24 times in total. word count: 345
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Andráska Venora
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Andráska Venora



András never took his heritage seriously, at least not as seriously as he was urged. Third in line, youngest and most easily ignored, the youth kept to himself. Given wonderful tutors and all the desires a child could want, he found himself looking for more - to things he couldn't have. Finding joy in sneaking off, teasing the help, and often walking the grounds with a group of stable boys he befriended, overall, he had an educated and carefree childhood. Except... when his father was around.

In his youngest days, Andráska tried to be just like his older brother, but their differences were obvious even at their age. Where Alis was capable of controlling his emotions and his focus, András could not. His father often separated the two, eager to fawn over the first born and isolate the last. With Alistair the favorite and Zvezdana, their father's secret play thing, this left Andráska to just... be there.

And so he craved attention. Andráska began to act out in small ways, slowly picking up in intensity over the years. Their father continued to degrade him with cruel words and occasionally a strong hand, and thus the relationship stagnated and then declined. Compassionate and hopeful, András held out hope for longer than most have, but eventually it began to die, along with his self esteem.

Things changed little as he grew up, the beatings worsened and his isolation from his family grew. Kaleb Venora doted on the first born, leaving András feeling like a hurricane child, and his sister became distant, reserved and strange. Never taking to his studies nearly as passionately as Zvezdana, the energy in their home shifted. Secrets permeated the air, and the tense atmosphere nearly suffocated Andráska. He avoided and often skipped his etiquette classes all together, rolled his eyes at his mother's disapproval, and spent more time outside where he felt at peace. Being a noble felt like a chore, although he enjoyed the attention and the things money could buy, he always felt happiest when he was free. Now, after the near collapse of his house and the unsure future of Rynmere, the fate of Venora rests in his hands.

Fame Ledger
Thread City Earned Total
Pre-Rebirth Cycle 719 Rynmere | Rharne 247 247
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Last edited by Andráska Venora on Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:59 pm, edited 21 times in total. word count: 397
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Andráska Venora
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Posts: 462
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Race: Human
Profession: Political Figurehead
Renown: 247
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Andráska Venora



Skills List
Skill Points Level
Acrobatics 30/251 Competent
Detection 26/251 Competent
Discipline 26/251 Competent
Disguise 5/251 Novice
Endurance 76/251 Expert
Leadership 76/251 Expert
Linguistics 5/251 Novice
Melee Combat: Blades 79/251 Expert
Mount 26/251 Competent
Musical Instrument (Cello) 84/251 Expert
Persuasion 26/251 Competent
Politics 26/251 Competent
Ranged Combat (Crossbow) 76/251 Expert
Research 5/251 Novice
Seduction 30/251 Competent
Shield 5/251 Novice
Strength 76/251 Expert
Tactics 30/251 Competent
Writing 5/251 Novice
Unarmed Combat 100/100 Legendary

Language List
Language Difficulty Level
Common Easy Fluent
Draketh Hard Conversational (0/55)
Rakahi Easy Broken (0/25)
Mod Note
Andraska was created prior to the change over to our current skill system and was grandfathered in at certain levels. To progress further in those skills, he must meet new requirements.
Last edited by Andráska Venora on Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:57 pm, edited 133 times in total. word count: 143
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Andráska Venora
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Posts: 462
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Race: Human
Profession: Political Figurehead
Renown: 247
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Wealth Tier: Tier 6




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Andráska Venora



Acrobatics (5)
Butterfly Stretch
Always Warm Up Your Muscles First
Balance Requires Adaptation
Figure 4 Rotation Stretch

Acting (5)
A character requires a backstory
Putting all the pieces together
A gruff sailor used to yelling
Being the head of a group you really don't believe in
Confident, even when you aren't.

Animal Husbandry (6)
Building A Makeshift Nest
Gentle Hands Necessary for Safe Handling
It's Best to Let the Bird Hatch On It's Own
Nestlings Need To Be Kept Warm
Some Birds Born Featherless
The Hatching Process

Animal Training (1)
Coaxing your Bird to move toward Another’s Finger.

Blades:Bastard Sword (12)
Anatomy of a Sword
Disarming Your Opponent
Step Before You Swing
Ready Stance
Use Balance During Practice
Avoiding By Athletic Moves
Ambidextrous Fighters Are The Best
Build Up Strength with Weighted Weapons
Laziness is Not an Option
Holding A One Handed Weapon
Holding A Two Handed Weapon
A Sword is an Extension of Your Arm

Business Management (2)
The economic impact of slavery
What is a Living Wage

Caregiving (4)
Proper Holding Technique
Babies are curious creatures
The Effects of Alcohol on Mother and Baby, During and After Pregnancy
Sleep is a Rare Blessing

Climbing (1)
Advancing Up a Ladder In Full Plate

Cosmetology (3)
The fit of clothing, armor included, is important for style
Brown is a warm, autumnal color.
How not to apply make up

Dancing (4)
Dance Move: The Baker's Bounce
Leading her Directly.
Keeping Pace with the Music.
Spinning! With Threats of Much Worse!

Deception (6)
Telling a lie while in pain is far more difficult
A bad lie can be covered up by a good disguise
Looking Away Draws Attention.
Denial Alone isn’t Enough.
Playing Along With Mistaken Assumptions
The "I Have to Pee" Line

Detection (22)
Small unconscious gestures can lead to answers to questions.
Facial expressions often reveal thoughts and emotions.
Sensing sorrow or desperation in someone’s voice
How people walk
Detecting jewelry to determine wealth
Focusing on details
Following someone’s gaze.
Looking around a group from the outside
Observing physical details
Scanning the room
Seeking out identifying factors
Spotting patterns in numbers and figures
The sounds of nearby conflict
Spotting details which can tell of social class
Determining age
Determining maturity
When someone is about to cry
Recognizing The Many Physical Signs of Pregnancy
Small details and tiny gestures can suggest truth or lies
Observing the form of others to improve your own.
Conflicting Perfumes Means a Gala is Near

Discipline (20)
Concealing Emotions When Drunk
How to resist a cruel urge
Consider the effects your actions may have on others
Pushing past distractions, physical pain and negative feelings
Knowing when to rest
Knowing when to keep quiet
Repetition is key to muscle memory
Grit your teeth to keep your physical reactions contained
How to use pauses to regain control
Keep focused, even when overwhelmed.
Performing Under Pressure
Functioning Without Drugs
Fighting Fear To Protect The Ones You Love
Not allowing yourself to give in to physical pain.
Speaking of what you would rather keep silent
Keeping your voice steady when emotions threaten to overwhelm.
Choosing responsibility
Hiding Hurtful Truths
Maintain Courtesy to Those Doing Their Jobs
Self Inflict Pain To Keep Dark Thoughts At Bay

Disguise (9)
Changing Attire to Blend In (KG)
Commoners have poor posture
Commoners prefer ale to wine
Commoners like to complain about money and time
The way you walk can be a giveaway
A pebble in a shoe to make you walk oddly
Changing Your voice
Observe those you want to mimic
Face Coverings have to be Removed to Drink.

Dreamwalking (1)
Possibility that Dreams Can Impact the Waking World

Endurance (23)
Don’t forget to breathe
Enduring heat in armor
Fighting is exhausting
Practice Makes Permanent
Building Muscles
Fighting against pain.
Feelings of hatred or defiance can help endure suffering
Use a mantra to help endure suffering
A lack of air can be endured for a short period of time
When you experience a challenge, remember that you have endured worse
Proper breathing techniques
Leverage decreases resistance, supports endurance
Running increases lung (regulate breathing) capacity
How to disassociate yourself from the present moment to decrease sensations of pain
Dulling the nerves in your limbs allows for less pain
Shield Fighting Trains your Stamina
Running On Icy Streets
The sting of cleaning wounds
Feel the burn of a good workout
Warm up, then stretch
Know your limits, then stretch them.
Failure is Not an Option
“Fight or Fail”

Etiquette (15)
Sitting correctly
Correct forms of address
Saying Things are Fine When They're Not
Pulling Out a Lady's Chair
Assisting a lady from a carriage.
Knowing when to talk to Servants.
Knowing when to refer on in debate
Don't say no to the king.
Basic rights of death
Basic manners remain important
Other Noble Women can lack Depth.
How to Act Backstage
How to Behave at a Play
Always Playing the Part of Noble
Insulting Nobles


Fieldcraft (5)
Dry Sticks for the Fire
Identifying Safe Berries to Eat
Basics to Building a Fire

Gambling (3)
Lying Helps To Hide a Bluff
Many Gamble Until They Have Nothing Left
Game: Shoot or Loot

Gardening (1)
How to Care for Roses & Their Thorns

Hunting (1)
Footprints lead to food

Intelligence (1)
Looking at those in your Life for your Answers.

Interrogation (7)
Asking direct questions can be the best way to get straight answers.
Quickfire questions to keep your subject off balance
Use drugs to elicit information
Asking questions gently
Start Simple
Doesn't have to be intimidation to be effective.
Asking the right questions

Intimidation (8)
Rank hath its privileges
Surprise attacks
Get up close and personal
Using a specific tone of voice
Hard-Nosed Guards Can be Useful
"Your Mom" Jokes
Pulling Rank
Keep Some Details Hidden

Investigation (10)
City records are useful
Dig into the family where you can
Questioning about the details
Deducting identity from physical details
Determining the direction of conflict.
The importance of witnesses
Appearance can tell a lot about a person
Sigils can be evidence
Evidence can also be a ruse
Questioning children


Leadership (29)
Leading an Estate
Good leaders should be honest and communicate well.
Good leaders are good listeners
Confidence is important
Hostage Situations
Once You Start, You Must Continue
Quick Decisions
Managing a Squire
Caring for More Than Just Nobles
The Health and Happiness of Your Less Fortunate Citizens
You Don't Have to Be THE Leader to Be A Leader
Being a Leader Means Caring For Others
Taking Time To Talk To Your Subjects
A good leader provides clear instructions
Give a little, but remain firm.
Offer compromise
Repeat and expand your point.
Taking control in a panic situation
Seeing what needs doing and doing it
Delegating tasks
Addressing a distressed crowd
Appearing strong and emotional at the same time
Kindness promotes loyalty
Remaining professional
Using an authoritative voice
Offering yourself in place of someone else
Taking control of a situation
Addressing Crowds
Make Tough Decisions When No One Else Will

Linguistics (11)
Language: Rakahi
Language: Rakahi: Language of the Biqaj
Language: Common Sign
Language: Draketh
Linguistics: Rakahi Vocabulary
Linguistics: Knowing Another Language Keeps Conversation a Secret
Draketh: Essential For The Ouroboros Guard
Draketh: Language of the Dragons
Draketh: Proper Pronunciation of the Alphabet
Draketh: Writing A, B, Cs
Draketh: Good Impression. The words were explained to you.

Logistics (5)
Plan your drug use carefully, to avoid the mishaps of thinking you can fly.
Managing crime scenes with witnesses
Considering all involved
Determining how many men you need in a situation
Determining space for questioning witnesses

Medicine (5)
Resetting a Broken Nose
Sprained Ankle Features
Basic first aid on the field
Basic identification of what to treat first
Food and rest aid healing

Meditation (1)
Helps Focus On Simple Tasks

Mount (5)
Equine: Control and Guidance in Sharp Turns
Equine: Picking Up Speed and Stopping
Equine: Requires Endurance
Equine: Heels Dictate Speed
Equine: Steering with Reigns

Musical Instrument: Cello (23)
The Cello: A Beautiful Instrument
Instrument Anatomy: Cello Neck
How to Hold a Cello Bow
The Cello Strings
Cello: Gentle Hands to Play Well
How to Read Notes
What are Scales
Music Scales: The Foundation of Music
Cello: Tune before playing
Inspect the entirety of the piece
Using Your Foot to Keep Time
Some Pieces Work Best w/ Accompanying Instruments
Cello: Warm up
Cello: Tuning
Cello: Bow and Strings
Cello: Invoking Emotion
Basics are the Foundations
Musical Instrument: Piano
Reading Scores
Piano: Black Keys are Sharps and Flats
Layout of a Piano
Piano: Two Clefs

Navigation (1)
Advantage when Chasing an Assailant

Negotiation (5)
Using a Positive Spin
Willingness to Learn
Willow Venora is Not an Easy Person to Negotiate With.
Offering to Talk Someone For Another Person

Persuasion (15)
How to tell if playful or serious words would work best
Sometimes it’s best to be blunt
Flattery always helps
A moral cause can sometimes be more persuasive than a personal one
It’s not a flea ridden creature, it’s a fashion statement.
Use personal examples to gain emotional impact
Emotion can be a powerful tool
Using doctrine to be more persuasive
Putting forward both sides of an argument
Pointing out the power of words
Seizing an Opportunity by Assurance.
Explain why you are a legitimate group member.
Dropping the Family Name
Make Yourself as Presentable as Possible

Politics (19)
Playing a different game than your conversation partner.
Using Your Name At Just the Right Time
Delivering an insult with a smile
Compliment your opponent
The reality of hard decisions.
There has to be a better way?
Proposing marriage to further family affairs
Ambition vs Competition
Maintaining Decorum in The Face of Unexpected Circumstance
Recognizing Inappropriate Questions Before Asking Them
Avoiding pitfalls by knowing they are there
Law Keeping: Always On the Clock
Career: Getting Promoted to Ouroboros Guard
Promoting Fundraisers
Ensure A Future For Those in The System
Adjust to the Political Climate
Choose The Right Spouse in Political Marraiges
Hold Your Tongue to Promote Good Alliances
Good Intentions Can Cause Suspicion

Psychology (12)
The fine line between justice and revenge.
Praise is a powerful motivator
Losing a grip on your emotions is to lose grip on the situation.
A Child's Cry is Unforgettable
The Mindset of a Parent
Otherwise pleasant sensations (the smell of roses), can sometimes invoke negative feelings
Knowing your limits
Does money buy a criminal's loyalty?
You Can’t Always Trust unquestioned Truth.
Protecting is Harder, but more Rewarding.
Flattery Makes One Forgetful
Using Good Memories To Fight Fear
Witnessing Death Numbs The Heart


Ranged Combat: Crossbow (11)
How to Aim
Reloading A Crossbow
Close-Ranged Targeting (KG)
Use of a Crossbow on a Horse
Difficult While Moving
Proper Maintenance
Odds of Success
Fighting Fair
Two Against Two
Fast Reloading

Running (3)
Can cause stomach cramps
The Art of Giving Chase
Running on the spot

Resistance (15)
Shooting Back Victory Drinks And Still Being Able to Gamble
Trying to Keep Your Inhibitions In Hand While Drunk
Trying to Wink While Drunk
Increased familiarity with a drug improves the body’s resistance to it
Recreational Drugs: Thunder
Thunder's Effects
Drugs: Combined Effects of Weed and Alcohol
Substance: Drug: Heat
Substance: Drug: Fairysnuff
Substance: Fairynuff or Heat makes wallpaper all smooshy
Essence of Maiden's Kiss: Tastes a little bitter
Drug: Buzz
Buzz: A liquid drug that enhances pain
Buzz: Burns and stings at entry
Buzz: Fast acting drug

Rhetoric (4)
Appealing to emotions
Using doctrine to strengthen arguments
Keeping the Voice Playful.
Talking About Your Childhood to Bond.

Seduction (13)
Look your target in the eyes
Don't tell girls they're ugly.
Fraternizing with a Criminal
Playful and Light
Using Your Status and Position
A gentle touch is very effective
Forbidden Love: Why does that which is wrong feel so right
Getting Asked Out by a Woman
Being charming
The Allure of Dashing Rogue
Well-timed Support and Embracing of your Partner.
Holding the Moment when it’s There.
Breaking All the Rules.

Shield (5)
Shield Fighting Is About Strength and Perception.
Position is Key.
Using your Body to Angle the Strikes Away.
Shield Bash
Moving with Uncrossed Feet

Singing (1)

Socialization (3)
Managing difficult situations
Using a Pet to Garner Interest.
You are Not Alone in how you Feel

Stealth (7)
Following at a Distance
Grab things while no one's looking
Look like you fit in
Wear Dark Colors
Move Silently
Props Help to Distract
How to Keep Your Footsteps Quiet

Storytelling (5)
A Dragon Who Stole a Princess, Classic Storytelling
Andddd.... death! The Dramatic End to a Fanciful Game
How to tell a Message in a Story.
Stories often have Morals to tell.
The story of the Sessfiend that was your sister.

Strength (25)
Nutrition: Fat Versus Muscle
Nutrition: Food Has Calories
Nutrition: Protein is Found in Meat and Eggs
Push ups for focus on abdomen, arms, chest and back
Proper form builds muscle and minimizes chance of injury
A variety of exercises is crucial to overall muscle building
Running for focus on abdomen, legs and thighs
Squats to build muscle and core strength
Muscles Form through Exercise
Wearing Plate Armor Often
Running In Full Plate Armor With Shield and Sword
Lifting Your Body Up In Full Plate With Shield and Sword
Fighting Through Injury
How to Properly Lift Weights
Dig Your Heels Into The Floor When Lifting
Start With Heavier Reps
Stretching is vital
Ensuring you have a strong grip on what you lift.
Jumping Rope is Ideal for Cardio Training
Carrying the Weight of a Shield
Training Both Sides Equally
Practice and sparring to build muscle
Repetitious movement
Nutrition and healthy diet is a vital supplement to exercise.

Surgery (3)
What are Sutures
Stitches and Types
How to hold open a wound

Tactics (16)
Size doesn't mean slow - large opponents can be speedy
In one to one combat - watch the feet.
Tactics: Using Opponent's Weaknesses to Advantage
Never Let Your Guard Down
Don't Turn Your Back on An Opponent
Blocking with a Shield Drains your Endurance Faster.
Using Yourself As Bait to Lure Carnage Away From The Populace
Using Mirrors To Trick The Eyes
When to Use a Large Shield
Force your opponent to work to your advantage
Don't get lost in your head when fighting
Using a Plausible Lie
Something Worth Fighting For
Learn the Layout of a Location
Maneuvering and Outwitting
Tactics: Useful in Combat

Teaching (1)
Show Your Passion

Torture (7)
Squeeze the site of injuries
Buzz: A Drug Commonly Used in Torture and Interrogation
How to set up and use chair restraints
Use drugs to enhance pain
Technique: Waterboarding
Knowing The End Is Near
Twisting Weapons Within Flesh Hurts

Unarmed Combat | Fighting Style: Kickboxing (21)
Punch to the Nose
Get out of the way quickly
Punching from the elbow and arm
Getting in a Drunken Brawl
Bone breaking kick
Fighting in Enclosed Spaces
Fighting Intoxicated
Fighting While High
Proper Footwork
Position and Stance
Position: Shoulder Width Apart
Combat Position: Vital to Speed, Balance and Power
Footwork: Orthodox and South Paw
Use Main Knuckles
Leg strength is important for fighting
Pivoting Is Vital In Dodgy Situations
A flurry of blows
Different styles have different moves
Movements to control opponent
Using opponent's momentum to throw them.
The Brutality of Children


Writing (8)
Writing Obituaries
What is Editing
The Importance of Editing
The first draft is never the best draft
Writing: Musical Notes
Use Humor
Write What You Know
Publishing: Using a Pseudonym

Last edited by Andráska Venora on Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:12 pm, edited 87 times in total. word count: 2609
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Andráska Venora
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Andráska Venora

Skill Ledger

Old Ledger (Start - Zi'da 718) : Here

Rebirth Cycle 719 - Present
Thread/Ability Earned Spent Total
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Last edited by Andráska Venora on Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:00 pm, edited 34 times in total. word count: 30
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Andráska Venora
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Posts: 462
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Race: Human
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Renown: 247
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Andráska Venora

A citizen of Rynmere, Andráska was raised on Rynlism's Seven Sanctums:

Thou shalt Discover.
Thou shalt not Betray.
Thou shalt Conquer.
Thou shalt not Forget.
Thou shalt seek Knowledge.
Thou shalt seek Enrichment.
Thou shalt be Just.

Rynlism touts death only as a door that one must pass through. Life, then, is your opportunity to distinguish yourself, gather skills, family, and friends that you will be able to continue to safeguard after you pass and enjoy for the rest of your afterlife. A Rynlist does not wonder what will happen to them after they die, they know. That certainty gives them comfort and also puts an immense emphasis on venerating the dead. Many Rynmerens carry small carved objects representing their Archon with them as a trinket of luck or protection. Graveyards are often well kept and those who bury the dead are paid well for their noble service. While those who handle bodies in other cultures might be treated with derision, morticians and grave keepers in Rynmere society enjoy a high quality of life, provided for out of the Rynlist faith. Of course that also means they are held to much higher standards. In near all of Idalos, nowhere has the best preparation, embalming, and burial of the dead than Rynmere.
Last edited by Andráska Venora on Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:22 pm, edited 63 times in total. word count: 214
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Andráska Venora
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Posts: 462
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Race: Human
Profession: Political Figurehead
Renown: 247
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Wealth Tier: Tier 6




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Andráska Venora


Mounts, Familiars & Pets

Pride Venora - Flying Mount, purchased OOC from the point bank and received IC as winnings to a card game. Sighs are masters of silence, their bodies perfect to minimize wind resistance and are difficult to see or hear, leaving them perfect hunters and mounts for tactical espionage. Andraska has raised Pride since he hatched from his egg, and with the help of the beastmasters of Venora, now has a trained flying mount with wing span of 4 meters (13 ft).

Alzorn Venora - His biological nephew who he has taken on as a ward since the death of his sister, following through with her final wishes. Alzorn's origins are a well-kept and guarded secret, shrouded in suspicion and scandal. Sometime after Zvezdana fled the the city, Andraska arrived back home from visiting Rharne with a foreign woman (Freya Ducarinos) and a newborn child. While the Venora servants assumed the boy belonged to the woman, it was a surprise when she left but the babe remained.
Last edited by Andráska Venora on Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:24 pm, edited 22 times in total. word count: 170
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Andráska Venora
Approved Character
Posts: 462
Joined: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:23 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Political Figurehead
Renown: 247
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Wealth Tier: Tier 6




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Andráska Venora



Andraska is grandfathered in at Tier 6 with a seasonal wage of 15wp here.

Special Possessions

Heirloom: Standard Crossbow [Tier 8]
Nadia: A beautiful and ornate cello that Andraska has had since he was a young boy.
Rose Shield: A gift from his brother, Alistair, it was used in the battle against the Sessfiend, Zvezdana.
Last edited by Andráska Venora on Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:24 pm, edited 66 times in total. word count: 56
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Andráska Venora
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Andráska Venora

Former Thread List: here
Cylus 721
Ashan 721
Last edited by Andráska Venora on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:19 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 12
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