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Approved Character
Posts: 350
Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:35 pm
Race: Mortal Born
Renown: 537
Character Sheet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5


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Name: Varlum Onarmus

Age: 28

Race: Mortalborn (Faldrun x Ithecal - Thiussum)

Date of Birth: 68th Ashan, 693

Marks: Taithir (Exalted), Shirvain (Exalted), Celarion (Favored), Al'deurn (Champion)

Factions Joined: Lightning Knights (63 points Approved Here, Wardens (See tab near bottom)

Languages Spoken: Fluent Common and Broken Rakahi

Partners: N/A

Standing at the immense height of twelve feet and four inches, with stone scales from his mutations and weighing around 1,200lbs, Varlum is one of the biggest of his race and an incredibly noticeable figure. Pride is incredibly important for the Ithecal, as is demonstrated from how he stands and portrays himself. His body is muscular and powerful, his enormous tail and sharp claws as powerful a weapon as any, making him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His scales are thick and coated in scars from different fights and training incidents, with the most prominent scar being a slash down his right cheek, given to him by a bounty hunter from Ne'haer.

Varlum speaks with a low voice, almost growling and hissing with every word. Despite it, however, the man knows how to have fun, enjoying some of the simpler things in life such as physical training and time spent at a tavern, or with his friends. Due to his past with bloodshed, he has little space for mercy, especially for those that cross his friends. Due to how much he has seen, his reaction to fear is to fight, and it takes a lot to scare the man. Varlum can, without meaning to, act unnecessarily cruel to those that have wronged him in any way. But his heart is gold, caring for those that need it.


Varlum spent no time around his parents as a child, as both were soldiers out fighting. As such, the young Ithecal was raised by his uncle, seeing his parents once an Arc if he was fortunate. However, that caused no trouble for the young Thiussum, as his Uncle became more of a parental figure than his actual parents. Both of them would spend a lot of time Smithing together, yet even from a young age Varlum aspired for more than just the forge. What he created, he always wanted to use. Even when his creations were poor, the Ithecal would test them in the garden of his uncles house, based Ne'Haer. This trend continued until the Ithecal hit the age of ten, when he finally decided to act on it.

Training with a simple axe that him and his uncle had made together, Varlum found his interest growing constantly. Before he knew it, he was spending as much time in the garden training as he was in the forge. Varlum had a natural talent for his axe, slicing through his imaginary opponents with ease, his technique far from perfect - yet better than most his age. As much as his uncle didn't approve of his choice, the boy decided that he would start working on his weapon technique and leave his smithing on the side, instead of the opposite being true. At the age of thirteen, the boy started training with a few friends of his uncle, all of which soldiers. One, known as Thalror, was an incredibly powerful warrior long ago. As such, he took the boy on board, promising to teach him the secrets that he had learned over his time as a soldier.

By the age of fifteen, Varlum had found a true talent for the use of his axe, training every day in preparation for being a soldier. However, hen ever got the opportunity. During one training session between the two, a group of five soldiers from Ne'Haer came over and asked to talk to Thalror. Thalror went over to them, not one to break the laws he'd enforced in his time in the military. Varlum overhead them ask about a stolen weapon, one that was said to be very valuable and very powerful. Both Varlum and his uncle waited patiently as the man in question denied any knowledge of the weapon. One guard gave a nod to the other, and from nowhere a punch was thrown, slamming in to Thalror. But the eight foot tall Ithecal was barely phased by the blow, instead looking down at the guard with a vicious snarl. Immediately, three jumped on him, the other two rushing for Varlum and his uncle. While his uncle was no fighter, the time in the forge had increased his strength massively, enabling him to take down one of the men. But one rushed past, attempting to grab Varlum as a hostage. But the young Ithecal found himself compelled to fight.

With a loud war cry, Varlum's axe planted in to the man, causing a scream of pain and terror. Without hesitation, the boy tore the axe out of the man, before planting it in again - finishing him with a blow to the skull. But he wasn't done. Varlum immediately made his way to the other opponents, one of which was launched in his direction. As the man hit the floor, face-down, Varlum slammed his axe in to the back of his spine. Eventually, all five attackers had been killed. But that didn't sort out the problem at hand - all of them would now be wanted. Thalror told them that they had to flee Ne'haer, and all agreed without hesitation. Immediately, they packed their things and left, leaving nothing behind but some bodies.

Many trials passed, and they found refuge in some humans that took them in. Their house was too small, so the men and women tried to make their stables as homely as possible. But Varlum had no intention of staying. So two gifts were given to him, the first publicly by Thalror. A broad axe, one better than Varlum could ever make. He said that it had been his once, and that it would serve him well should the time come that he needed it. Then, Varlum's uncle took him out on a small walk and told him what the sword the guards had been looking for had been - a stolen weapon believed to be an artifact. Now that Varlum's name was tied to the weapon, and that the guards would recognise his face, he would need to be able to protect himself at all costs. So the man let Varlum in on his one secret before sending him off to face the world alone - Abrogation. Summoning small shields of hardened air around himself, he offered Varlum the same power he possessed. When Varlum accepted, the man used his Defiance and Transmutation to begin the initiation, attacking the young Ithecal relentlessly as he tried to muster the spark to protect himself - until it proved successful.


Eventually, the Ithecal made his way to Ivorian, a place he'd heard many tales of yet never visited. When he arrived, he started work in a forge to earn a wage, as well as taking up mercenary work on the side. However, his safety was anything but guaranteed, as he soon found out. Days after Varlum left, his uncle and Thalror were killed in the night. That same killer came for Varlum, a season later. While he was working late at the forge, a customer came in. When Varlum asked what they wanted, the man quickly thrust a knife out from under his clock, slashing across the Ithecals face. Backing up in pain, Varlum grabbed for whatever he could find, grabbing a hammer from the side of the table and smashing it over the mans head. As the man was knocked back and to the floor, Varlum didn't go for a weapon. Instead, he landed on the man and snapped his vicious jaws around the mans head, crushing it.

Immediately the man feared for his life, feared that he might get caught and in trouble. Almost on queue, three guards came in the shop, armed and ready. Yet their weapons lowered when they saw Varlum, not raised, and they checked if the man was alright. Once all had been sorted, the body removed by another Ithecal, a small biqaj man told Varlum that they had been sent be Ethelynda. An Immortal called Aeva had her eyes on the man, and had specifically asked Ethelynda to keep himself from the assailant that had been sent after him. So the Immortal of Protection had made such a deal.

From that day forth, Varlum owed his life to Ethelynda, but more specifically Aeva. He joined up with the Ivorian military to pay back his debt to Ethelynda, and has spent every day worshipping Aeva ever since, often devoting weapons he's smithed to her. Now, he does military work alongside his Smithing, his worship continuing.

Varlum lives in a simple house, but one that is fitting for someone of his size. Residing in Rharne, the Ithecal keeps his house fairly simple, only having what he needs in it to survive and thrive with his work. To any non-ithecal, the house seems abnormally large.
Knowledge & Skills

SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Abrogation (1)5/100 (5/250)Novice
Axes and Bludgeons: Broad Axe (27)53/100 (85/250)Expert
Defiance (44)75/100 (160/250)Master
Detection (2)2/100 (2/250)Unskilled
Dreamwalking5/100 N/ANovice
Endurance (24)32.5 + 3/100 (76 + 9/250)Expert
Hone (5)5/100 (5/250)Novice
Intimidation (21)50/100 (75/250)Competent
Leadership (8)25/100 (25/250)Novice
Research (4)2/100 (2/250)Unskilled
Smithing (21)45/100 NA: FTCompetent
Strength (35) 65 + 3/100 (116 + 3/250)Expert
Unarmed (14)32.5/100 (40/250)Competent


Appraisal x1 (Light Gluttony)

Axes and Bludgeons - Broad Axe: Overhead slash
Axes & Bludgeons (Broad Axe): A chop to a spine usually kills (AG)
Axe - Broad Axe: Incredibly heavy
Axe - Broad Axe: Momentum causes damage
Axe - Broad Axe: Can be used to bludgeon
Axe - Broad Axe: Careful of footing
Axe - Broad Axe: Height makes striking easier
Axe - Broad Axe: Trying to break chain
Axe: Targeting the largest target on a body
Axe: Vertical Armor Piercing Slash
Axes and Bludgeons: Planting an axe in a grounded target
Axes and Bludgeons: x 5 Knowledge (Here we go again)
Axes and Bludgeons x8 (A Lantern in the Balance)
Axes and Bludgeons x3 (Standing Beneath and Orange Sky)
Axes and Bludgeons x3 (Ascension)
Total: 30

Caregiving (Light Gluttony)

Dancing x11 (The Mummer's Ball)

Detection: The sound of huddled men speaking suspiciously together (AG)
Detection: Using Defiance to detect
Detection x11 (Light's Gluttony)
Total: 13

Discipline: Working through minor pain.
Discipline: Listening when a superior explains a mission
Discipline: Staying alert
Discipline: Standing strong, even when your companion runs
Discipline: Not giving in when you’re one person fighting an enormous creature
Discipline x4 (Well, that's not good)
Discipline x2 (Rise of Rhaum)
Discipline x5 (Ascension)
Discipline: 5 (A Theoeritcal Impossibility (Again))
Total: 16

Endurance: Taking deep slashes
Endurance: Repeated hammering over an anvil (AG)
Endurance: Battling something much larger than yourself
Endurance: Sleeping on hard surfaces
Endurance: Prolonged lifting
Endurance: Slow movements make lifting harder
Endurance: Constant workouts, no breaks
Endurance: Pushing through pain
Endurance: The burning pain of muscle strain
Endurance: Holding a sharp blade
Endurance: Being pushed hard
Endurance: Thrown through a building
Endurance: Buried in rubble
Endurance: Thrown to the floor
Endurance: Long climbs in cold weather
Endurance: Protecting against the cold negates short term effects.
Endurance: Prolonged battles can be made more difficult by terrain
Endurance: Remaining focused is hard when exhausted
Endurance: Taking shifts to watch messes with your sleep patterns.
Endurance x5
Endurance x4 (Snakes and Shields)
Endurance x2 (Standing Beneath an Orange Sky)
Endurance x5 (Ascension)
Total: 31

Etiquette x 10 (The Mummer's Ball)
Etiquette x2 (Lights Gluttony)
Etiquette x 2 (Questions)
Total: 14

Intimidation: A low snarling voice
Intimidation: Using size to bring fear
Intimidation: Sheer power scares people
Intimidation: Fangs stay beared
Intimidation: Heroes can be feared
Intimidation: Scars are scary
Intimidation: Threatening a man
Intimidation: Asserting dominance
Intimidation: Bringing fear without trying
Intimidation: Roaring across two miles
Intimidation: Growing to 24 feet is scary
Intimidation x10 (Light Gluttony)
Total: 21

Leadership: Reminding others of danger in a situation
Leadership x5 (Siege of Zuudaria)
Leadership x 2 (Questions)
Total: 8

Linguistics: 3 (Questions)

Meditation: Focus on breathing
Meditation x1 (Light Gluttony)

Politics x 2 (Questions)

Research: Testing your own creations of any skill (AG)
Research: x 2 Knowledges (Here We Go Again)
Research x 1

Resistance: Getting a tummy ache
Resistance: Ingesting a cursed body

Shields x7
Shields x5 (Snakes and Shields)
Total: 12

Smithing: Smelting metal
Smithing: Pounding out impurities from molten metal (AG)
Smithing: Forging with Cobalt
Smithing: Sharpening a Blade
Smithing: Cobalt looks Nicer than Iron
Smithing: Cobalt is Easy to Work With
Smithing: Making a Sword
Smithing: Gentle strokes
Smithing: Repairs on a blade
Smithing: Specific angles to hammer
Smithing: Mixing powerful and gentle hits
Smithing x10

Socialization x4 (Light Gluttony)

Storytelling x4 (The Mummer's Ball)

Strength: Carrying an axe
Strength: Struggling against attackers.
Strength: Resisting binds
Strength: Using full body weight
Strength: Using your jaw strength
Strength: Throwing a human off
Strength: Necessary for Working in a Forge
Strength: Hammering metal
Strength: Conserving muscle power
Strength: Hard hits when forging
Strength: Using multiple muscles
Strength: Overpowering two men
Strength: Pushing out of the ground
Strength: Lifting a log
Strength: Pushing forward to stop a shove
Strength: Forcing a sword from a mans hand
Strength: Lifting an Embersteel coated weapon
Strength: Swinging around a heavy weapon
Strength: Pushing your injured body to its feet
Strength: Biting hard in to a mans shoulder
Strength: Pushing yourself up when buried in rubble
Strength: Tearing a chunk out of a man
Strength x7 (Standing Beneath an Orange Sky)
Strength x3 (The Rise of Rhaum)
Strength x3 (Ascension)
Total: 35

Tactics: Getting civilians to safety
Tactics: Realizing when an opponent is more powerful than you, and taking a new approach
Tactics x4 (A Lantern in the Balance)
Tactics x10 (Siege of Zuudaria)
Tactics x10 (No Haven for the Guilty)
Tactics: Being ready for anything is an illusion
Tactics: Judge people by actions.
Tactics: Use all resources available to you.
Tactics x2 (Snakes and Shields)
Tactics x4 (Well, that's not good)
Tactics x3 (Rise of Rhaum)
Tactics x5 (Light Gluttony)
Total: 38

Unarmed Combat: x 5 Knowledges (Here we go Again)
Unarmed: Fighting two at once
Unarmed: Size is overpowering
Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Body Slam
Unarmed: Biting through bones
Unarmed x3 (For pouncing a fake enemy, practicing technique etc)
Unarmed x2 (Rise of Rhaum)
Unarmed x4 (Ascension)
Total: 18

Magic Knowledge

Abrogation: Initiation

Defiance: Initiation
Defiance: Elemental bond
Defiance: Coaxing the earth
Defiance: Don't overdo it
Defiance: Feeling the elements around
Defiance: The fire of the Flameborn does no answer to you
Defiance: Using Calling to check for nearby sandstorms
Defiance: Using the Earth to entangle an opponent’s legs
Defiance: Raising the earth to trip opponents
Defiance: Softening the ground
Defiance: The call of the Elements
Defiance: Giving a command
Defiance: Shaking the earth around
Defiance: Developing your bond
Defiance: Controlling two elements at once
Defiance: Manifesting fire
Defiance: Basic dancing
Defiance: Controlling masses of fire
Defiance: Using the earth to feel vibrations
Defiance: Forcing fire out like breath
Defiance: Lessening a flame
Defiance: Separating walls of flame
Defiance: Originals influence can impact the elements
Defiance: Special glass can confuse elemental detection.
Defiance: Using Wells to boost Ether
Defiance: Pushing sails with the wind
Defiance: Stirring the sea
Defiance: x7 Knowledges (Here We Go Again, same as three above)
Defiance: Melding with the Earth
Defiance: Moving freely through the ground
Defiance: Propelling out of the ground
Defiance: Searching for Flameborn
Defiance: Noticing subtle nuance
Defiance (Ascension): Defiance and blessings combined
Defiance (Ascension): Throwing magma
Defiance (Ascension): Creating infernos
Defiance (Ascension): Shaking the Earth violently
Defiance (Ascension): Combined Elements make new Elements to control

Hone: Initiation
Hone: Uses Runes
Hone: Runes can be placed on others
Hone: Drawing Runes is hard
Hone: Runes enhance you
Skill Point Ledger

Record all of your Skill Point Expenditure here.
Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Endurance [RB} 25[RB] 2500
Starting Package 500050
Axes and Bludgeons - Broad Axe ..2030
Abrogation ..525
Smithing..25 00
Axes and Bludgeons - Broad Axe (AG) 44..
Detection (AG) 22..
Research (AG) 22..
Strength (AG) 33..
Gator-aid (Part One) 10..10
Gator-aid (Part Two) 10..20
Crafting Crocodile 10..30
Strength ..228
Axes and Bludgeons - Broad Axe ..17
Man of Steel 15..22
Strength ..220
Smithing ..20..
A strange Duo 15..15
Power Within 10..25
Defiance ..1015
Strength ..15..
Into the Unknown 20..20
Defiance ..155
Strength ..5..
Into the Unknown 20..20
Heroes 10..10
Defiance ..10..
No Hero 10..10
Intimidation ..10..
See ya later alligator 10..10
Hone ..55
Unstoppable 10..15
Enemies 10..25
Crocodile Tears 10..35
Strength ..35..
The Dead 30..30
Axes and Bludgeons: Broad Axe ..30..
Dreamwalking (The Dead) ..5..
Contingencies 15..15
Intimidation ..15..
Let it Burn 10..10
Defiance ..10..
Heading off at the pass 20..20
Defiance ..20..
Here We Go Again 30..30
Defiance ..1515
Intimidation ..15..
A Lantern in the Balance 15..15
Endurance ..15..
Renown Reward +3....
Unholy War XIX: When I'm all alone - Unholy 15..15
Siege of Zuudaria 20..35
A Mountain Problem 15..50
Decompression 15..65
No Haven for the Guilty 15..80
Intimidation ..5030
Fighting Forges Friendships 15..45
Strong, United 10..55
Working Till We Fall 10..65
Preparation 10..75
Defiance ..1065
Leadership ..2540
Unarmed ..400
Answers, Burned Away 20020
Defiance ..200
The Mummer's Ball 30030
Standing Beneath an Orange Sky 15045
The Rise of Rhaum 20065
Defiance ..4025
Cold Nights, Warm Smiles 15040
Well, that's not good 15055
Snakes and Shields 15070
Endurance ..3634
Strength ..340
Light's Gluttony 25025
Ascension 25050
Defiance ..1040
A Theoeritcal Impossibility (Again) 20060
Questions 15075
Marks Section



Taithir Abilities

Serpents Hood: Named for the technique many snakes use to appear more threatening, Serpents Hood generates an aura around the user that makes them appear like significantly bigger threat than the people around them, drawing the attention of enemy combatants towards the Shield-Bearer and away from more vulnerable targets. This ability lasts until the Shield-Bearer deactivates it or is rendered unconscious or dead.

Enduring Scales: The Shield-Bearer's skin takes on a scale pattern, allowing them to absorb more physical damage than they could before. Poisons and toxins also take longer to effect the Shield-Bearer. The effect only lasts for a single Bit, and takes a Break to recharge before it can be used again.

Protective Skills I: Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Any Weapons Skill, Shield Use, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.

Honor's Shield: A skill that serves as a boost to the Shield-Bearer and their allies, Honor's Shield boosts the capabilities of the users own shield and those of their allies with a fifty yard radius, allowing them to block abilities that might otherwise shatter, pass through, or go around their shields, allowing them to defend against skills and techniques that would otherwise be much more dangerous.

Inspire: When this skill is activated, those around the user find themselves able to resist the fears and doubts that plague their minds, allowing them to act in spite of them when they might otherwise be unable to do so. This does not only apply to martial fears and doubts, but to fears and doubts in all facets of life.

Nobility's Endurance: A skill that requires a short sentence, of the Shield-Bearers own design, to activate, Nobility's Endurance grants all allies within hearing range of the Shield-Bearer, as well as the Shield-Bearer themselves, a boost to their endurance, allowing them to take more punishment than usual. The effect lasts three Bits and can't be used again for a Break.

Calm Mind: For a short period of time, the wielder of this skill is able to calm themselves completely, leaving them immune to taunts or other attempts to anger them or otherwise knock them off balance.

Noble's Shield: As the shield of the helpless and weak, no Shield-Bearer should be without their own shield. Noble's Shield will generate a golden tower shield when used and will last until shattered or deactivated, ensuring no Shield-Bearer is without this defense. However, these shields are no substitute for a real shield, as they cannot take too many heavy blows before shattering. In exchange, however, these shields have a cooldown of only a single bit.

Second Wind: A skill that activates when the bearer is on their last legs, this gives them a burst of sudden energy at the moment when they need it most. However, this ability has a large drawback in that it can leave the bearer bedridden for several Breaks.


Iron Scales: The shield bearers skin literally becomes hard and scaly, giving them a significant boost to the level of physical damage they can take to their bodies. In addition, poisons and toxins are slowed to an high degree and weak poisons and toxins will halt their progress completely while this ability is in effect. The ability lasts for three Bits and takes two Breaks to recharge. This ability does not share a cooldown with Enduring Scales.

Serpent Manifestation: A skill that allows the bearer to summon a Taithir Serpent familiar, a serpentine spirit that aids the user in battle. This familiar has no real mind of its own but follows the directions of the summoner, though it will act to defend its summoner in extreme situations. The appearance of this familiar is unique to each Shield-Bearer, but each is the size of an anaconda and can take significant punishment.

Protective Skills II: The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Any Weapons Skill, Shield Use, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Serpent Tongue This skill is seemingly useless at first, as it only allows the bearer to understand the language of snakes. However, this gives the bearer access to all the information that snakes can gather undetected, allowing those who know how to listen to find information they might never have otherwise learned. There are myriad other uses to this ability, depending on the ingenuity of the Shield-Bearer.

Serpents Interception Referencing the blinding speed of a striking snake, Serpents Interception creates a dome around the Shield-Bearer that extends in a five foot radius around them. This dome blocks all physical projectiles, no matter how strong. An opponent could, however, walk right through this shield to engage the Shield-Bearer close range. It is worth noting that this dome does not prevent ranged attacks from inside the dome. The dome lasts for three Bits and can't be used again for a full Break.

Serpentine Awareness This ability allows the Shield-Bearer to detect the heat signatures of other people, causing them to appear fiery red in their vision. The real benefit to this ability, however, is mental in nature, as it also gives the Shield-Bearer an automatic awareness of everyone around them through this detection, even those who would normally be out of sight. This ability lasts until deactivated, but causes a migraine with sustained use.

Detect Threat An ability that is passive in nature, Detect Threat allows the Shield-Bearer to know when harm is intended to them or their allies. This makes it difficult, though not impossible, to be caught off guard or backstabbed. However, knowing there is a threat doesn't allow the Shield-Bearer to know when or where it's going to come from, so it does not pay for them to get complacent and rely too much on this ability.

Serpentine Venom A skill that seems out of place with the majority of Taithir's skills, Serpentine Venom is a skill that gives the bearer the same paralytic venom found within the bite of the Ithecal, however, instead of being limited to a bite this skill allows the bearer to coat their weapons in this venom. The potency of the venom and how long it lasts varies on how and where it is being used and the how familiar the user is with this skill.

Protective Ward An ability that applies to both the Shield-Bearer and their allies, Protective Ward coats those affected in golden scales. These scales will endure any attack, no matter how potent. However, after enduring this one attack, the effect will fade. This ability can only be used once a Break.


Coiled Strike A skill that feeds off the damage the exalted has endured, Coiled Strike turns all the pain and suffering the bearer of Taithir has endured and turns it into strength to empower the user, giving them strength to rival the crushing power of the mightiest serpents coils. The skill only lasts a short time and can't be used more than once in a Trial.

Immortal Scales The Shield-Bearers skin becomes the exact same chocolate brown scales that cover the tail of the Noble Serpent herself, allowing them to take an extreme amount of physical punishment. In addition, the progress of poisons and toxins slows to a crawl, while weak poisons and toxins will be cured. This ability lasts for five Bits and takes three Breaks to recharge. This ability does not share a cooldown with Iron Scales or Enduring Scales.

Protective Skills III The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Any Weapons Skill, Shield Use, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Protect the Flanks An ability that affects only the Shield-Bearer, Protect the Flanks creates three golden tower shields, one on each side of the Shield-Bearer and one at his back. These shields have the same durability as the Shield-Bearers own shield and will last five bits or until broken. This ability has a cooldown of one break.

Scales of the Noble Serpent The Shield-Bearer is surrounded by an aura that takes the form of scales when struck. Any magic that comes in contact with the outer edge this field is instantly nullified, however this aura is useless against physical attacks. This ability lasts for five Bits and can't be used again for a full Trial. It should be noted that while it makes the Shield-Bearer all but immune to most magic, it also makes most magic completely useless to them while the aura is in place.

Great Wall Considered one of the most spectacular skills in a Shield-Bearers arsenal, Great Wall triggers when the Shield-Bearer invokes it and slams their shield into the ground in front of them. The ability then creates a chest-high wall on either side of the Shield-Bearer that goes until it either hits another solid object or reaches a point 150 feet away from the Shield-Bearer. This wall is impenetrable to all but the most powerful attacks and will last for as long as the Shield-Bearer stays anchored at the center of the wall. If the Shield-Bearer is moved from that spot by so much as an inch, the wall will dissipate instantly. This ability can only be used once a Trial.

Form of the Great Serpent The Shield-Bearer takes on the form of a massive serpent with incredibly hard scales and a lethal venom. This form is roughly the size of a house and around thirty feet long, and this massive size combined with the general form makes it difficult to maneuver. In addition, no other Taithir abilities can be used in this form, so the effectiveness of this form can be very limited. The transformation can last for as long the Shield-Bearer remains conscious, but can't be used again for a full Trial.

Two new powers approved here
Two new powers approved here
One new power approved here
One new power approved here
Three new powers and Adored awarded here
All Adored and six Exalted powers awarded here
Final Exalted Power awarded here

Taithir Knowledge

Shirvain Abilities

Compendium of Immortal Wisdom: This book exists as one that may store an infinite amount of knowledge for the wielder to explore. The wielder must experience this knowledge first hand to record within the book. The compendium exists as a portion of the blessing itself, and may be stored in a sliver of time and brought forth upon the user willing it. The Compendium does not exist as a normal book. While the pages feel as if merely a high quality parchment, all of the contents of the book are blessed by Ralaith and the way in which this information is accessed is largely variable. You may turn a page and find that there is no words, but instead an image. This image can tap into the past, and play visions in the reader's mind. You may guide your fingertip over a mere word, and entire paragraphs will consume the page of the book, retracting when you are done with them. The Compendium of Immortal Wisdom recycles information that is unimportant or unnecessary, and by the end of a long life a true follower of Ralaith will find that their Compendium is a library of great knowledge that is both true and genuine. Upon the death of the wielder of Shirvain, the Compendium finds itself in the hands of Ralaith, and he will read it and study upon all the knowledge they have gained before offering this Compendium to a library of great pieces of writing.

The bear of Ralaith: Those blessed with Shirvain are granted with a large spirit bear familiar, similar to that of a Sev'ryn familiar. This bear, though at this level cannot effect the Material world, has the unique ability to increase the strength and endurance of the Shirvain, granting a moderate boost when close by. In this form, the bear is a shimmering arrays of colors, all looking like woven strands. It tends to be the species of bear most commonly encountered nearest to the Favored's home.

Scholarly Minds: The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Meditation, Teaching, Research, Writing. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Psychometry: For the chosen of Ralaith, time is an open pool. While not gifted with the perspective to see all time forward and back as Ralaith can (as the weight of constant sight forwards and backwards would collapse almost any non Immortal mind) a marked can channel their sight through artifacts and mediums to gain insight that would have otherwise been obscured from a more casual observer. The first level of this ability allows a marked of Ralaith to take an item and read the impressions and memories cast upon it. Instances of great passion or importance will rise first, requiring more minor impressions to be gleaned after hours of concentration with the object. At this stage, looking into the past can only go a limited distance, the space of ten years. But almost any event in the object’s history can be seen or experienced within that time. Depending on the intensity of the emotion or event the knowledge is experienced in one of two ways, either in visions ‘whispers’ or immersion ‘shouts’. An axe used to carve up a family, wielded by a man magically compelled to destroy the things he loves would be so intense a moment that the marked would be drawn into the vision, feel the spray of blood on their face, feel the emotions roiling within them, and see the axe carve bone and flesh...whereas a rope used to tie up a criminal might only impart itself as a brief sensation of rough rope on skin and the vision of a man trussed up. Players are encouraged to take creative liberty with this ability. Knowledge is not always comfortable to gain. Easy questions like “Who does this belong to, what was it used for? What important event was it a part of” are the easiest to ask and tend to make the chosen of Ralaith the greatest investigators in Idalos.

Eyes of the Antiquated: An ability that allows the wielder to view the ‘weight of time’ upon an object or an individual, allowing them to determine the antiquity of that person or object. Many use this ability in order to determine forgeries of so-called relics, but it can be just as useful on a person. At the level of favored, exact age is not a number but a feeling. Long lived individuals will feel ‘heavy’ with time or experience when observed by a Shirvain. This is, interestingly, a useful tool in determining those who are trying to fake their age or for especially long lived individuals like Mortalborn or Liches. At Adored, the Shirvain has used this ability enough to be able to tell the age, within three years, of an object or person and at Exalted it is said that the marked can determine down to the length of breaks one is from their beginning.

Bear Brother: The Favored Shirvain gains a natural affinity for all bears, finding them more docile and welcoming in his presence. He gains the ability to communicate with all bears, regardless of species, and is at home in their dens. Often, mother bears will view him as a cub, and will shelter him and offer him food if he so chooses.

Great Minds: With a touch, the user and the touched individual can link their past experiences and share a detailed array of events with one another, from childhood experiences to great findings in the world. In this link time flows stagnantly on the outside world, and so while others may perceive this as two individuals merely meeting with a handshake, a great deal of information could be shared, the user and the one they contact able to look through the lens of time passed to share knowledge of previous events. This can be overwhelming to those who are not Shirvain and caution is warned in attempting to share too much information.

Temporary Restoration: With the Domain of Time, many things once lost to the ages can be restored. This ability allows a Shirvain to take a broken object or one that has rusted to nearly nothing and restore it to the grandeur it once had. For this ability to work they must have most of the item before them, or at lease one complete piece. The hilt of a sword, for instance. Once the object leaves their hand, it will swiftly age back to the state they found it in and any material restored to it with the magic will vanish. Some Shirvain keep the rusted hilt of a dagger with them to restore when they need it. This ability could work on any object the Shirvain can hold with one or both hands so long as the damage done to it was at least a Cycle in the past.

Pocket of Time: With this ability, the user can alter the flow of time for himself or an individual within a fifteen foot radius. This can last for up to a bit (a minute), but at this stage of Shirvain the ability lacks in power. You can speed up the flow of time to allow for the individual to move and process things more quickly, or you may slow a foe to reduce their reflexes, reactive ability and their speed. The effects are notable, and many would say significant, but a foe who outclasses you significantly will not be brought to par with you merely by slowing them down. This can only affect one individual at a time, and can only be cast many times per trial. One's wavelength must stabilize for two bits before this can be re-utilized on them.


Pocket of Time (Moderate): The moderate variant of the Pocket of Time may reduce the speed, reflexes, etc., of a chosen individual by a third, or bolster these in an ally or themselves. This lasts for up to a bit, and can be re-utilized many times in one trial before exhausting one's touch with time for the day. One's wavelength must stabilize for two bits before it is utilized on the same target again.

Smell the Genius: A Bear has one of the more remarkable noses of the animal kingdom. A Shirvain is granted this power at Adored with an added benefit. Not only can they memorize and track smells over miles, but they can also smell both Wisdom and Bitterness on people. The stronger the sorrow and spite within another, the greater the smell of them will be. Likewise, knowledge and legendary skills have a strong smell associated. A Shirvain would have trouble describing the smell to another, but other Shirvain understand. With a whiff, a Shirvain can ascertain a general idea of the collected wisdom or bitterness of any person they're in proximity with.

Scholarly Minds II: The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Meditation, Teaching, Research, Writing. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Secrets of Serendipity This is known to be perhaps one of the sweeter abilities of Shirvain, one that allows the user to discover secrets of an individual that are not detrimental or locked within the echoes of their mind, but rather things that they like, enjoy, and the qualities they find admirable. If used on a PC, the one targeted may provide the wielder of Shirvain with three or four of their character’s favorite things. The way in which this knowledge is gained is by physical manifestation; if someone enjoys the taste of strawberries for example, this links with the user’s mind and they can ‘feel’ the taste of strawberries in their mouth. Their senses connect to the past of the individual they are gaining knowledge from, and their preferences from scents, to hobbies, to favored treats become crystal clear in the mind of the one using this ability. Persons who have been observed upon by this ability gain their own page in the Compendium, one where positive things about them as well as things you learned from them personally can be read and looked back upon. Often, it is said that Ralaith reads upon the knowledge of Daia and re-lives the adventures that he and she long ago shared.

Skepticism Skepticism is an inherent ability of the marked of Ralaith. This ability strengthens their mind and prevents them from being forced or influenced into compulsions or actions contrary to their personality, including by means of magical manipulation save for those extremely skilled at such magics. However, those who are Exalted by Ralaith or Champion him are entirely immune to mental compulsion that forces them to act out of their moral alignment. This ability can also be used to defend another from such manipulations, though at the expense of your own mental fortitude until you retract this protection to your own mind.

Psychometry (Moderate) At this stage the ability evolves in unique ways. An Adored can read the history of a location by closing their eyes and concentrating on the area around them rather than a specific object. Their ability to see into the past evolves to the space of fifty years. Visions older than this can be accessed, but they must be visions of great emotion or historical importance to be drawn from the nether of time. Psychometry is faster now and even slight impressions on an object can be read with greater speed and clarity than anyone operating at a minor level. At this stage of Psychometry, a user begins to have impressions of the future as well. This manifests as ‘premonitions’ making an Adored difficult to ambush or sneak up on.

Deceleration Shield Raliath's chosen can sometimes get themselves into danger. For those times, Ralaith grants this ability. Twice a trial, a Shirvain can slow time down in the area around themselves in order to avoid injury. This change is enough to slow most projectiles and swings enough that a Shirvain can dodge them, but little else. But inches from the Shirvain's body is an invisible layer of distorted time which slows the passage of anything trying to pass through. This distorted time is the same for the Shirvain and any missile or swing they attempt will pass through the same barrier, slowing at first before picking up its natural speed. This effect lasts for half a break.

Touch of Infirmity With a touch, a Shirvain can confer onto most what they might consider a terrifying fate. When a Shirvain initiates contact with another mortal they can confer 'old age' upon them for the remainder of the trial. Old age will force the victim to instantly assume an elderly age for their race. While their general fitness will allay the effects, the Touch of Infirmity imparts all the aches, pains, and limitations of the elderly onto the victim. This effect lasts the remainder of the Trial and cannot be used on the same person for three trials thereafter. During this time their appearance and health will remain that of an elder, although this ability never causes any fatal complications related to a body's physical age. Most fear this ability immensely, forcing them to confront their own mortality.

The Bear of Ralaith II Growing in power, the Bear of Ralaith gains the ability to flicker in and out of the Material world, granting it the power to attack or defend the Shirvain. Still able to bend time around it, the bear moves insanely fast and is nearly impossible to hit. However, it cannot remain corporeal for more than six trills at a time, and must wait double that to return to the material world. At this level, the bear takes commands from the Shirvain's subconscious, reacting before the Shirvain is aware of his own desires.


Pocket of Time (Major) This final variant of the Pocket of Time greatly alters the flow of time for an individual. If slowed, they move at a pace very obviously diminished, on a wavelength of time considered less than half of everyone else. This lasts for up to thirty trills (seconds), but can be re-used rapidly in succession if one remains vigilant of their stamina and endurance. Those blessed with the Pocket of Time's enhancements go through time twice as quickly as everyone else, moving extremely swift and reacting to their surroundings exceedingly well. This may be cast on two individuals at a time, but can be removed from one at any given time, and cast on another individual (whether beneficially or negatively). This can be used in short-bursts nearly infinitely per trial if one spaces out their uses.

Scholarly Minds III The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Meditation, Teaching, Research, Writing. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Psychometry (Major) At this pinnacle of ability one can reach up to a century into the past. It is said that this ability honestly has no scope on how far one can reach back but there are secrets even Ralaith don’t want his exalted to know. As with the ability before, memories and visions from farther than a century can be gleaned if they were especially historic or emotional. It should be noted that one should hesitate to use this ability on anything touched by an Immortal. There are tales of Ralaith chosen stricken mute, blind, or deaf by the intensity of the visions, unable to fully recall the details of what they witnessed. An investigator should always be careful before relying on such an ability. Small impressions are easy to glean at this level and although the shouts are still difficult to manage, the exalted can end the vision at any point they want and thrust themselves out of the memory, unlike those with a lesser form of Pscyhometry where they were captive by the vision till the end. At this level, Pscyhometry can be used on living beings, even without their permission. It is impossible, however, to obscure what you take from them. Both the user and the victim experience what the Psychometry expert seeks. Additionally at this level, one willing individual can have the visions of Psychometry shared with them, even if they are not marked of Ralaith. Only Exalted level marks can obscure secrets from this level of investigation.

Chamber of Wisdom When the Shirvain was first marked by Ralaith, he gave them a book. This tome was tied to them, existing outside of time until the user wished to call it forth. Upon reaching this ability, Ralaith grants his followers yet another gift. Rather than call forth the book from time, the Shirvain can instead call forth a door. Each door is different depending on the tastes and personality of the Shirvain. It stands, supported by nothing, and can be opened into the Shirvain’s personal sanctum. This Sanctum takes the shape of two or three rooms (roughly the area of a small cottage) where the laws of time are easily manipulated by the user. Turning back time, pausing it, or pushing it forward are all possible in the confines of the tower. This scope is limited, however, to the scale of a season. While the tower remains active, the door remains connected to Idalos. Anyone is capable of trying to open the door into the tower but may find it a poor decision with an active Shirvain tenant inside. Should the door be destroyed, the Shirvain is trapped within their own realm, presumably, till Ralaith comes and lets them out. So many Shirvain would not dare use this ability to escape conflict and only enact it while in a safe location. The laws of time within the room can only be manipulated while an active Shirvain is present. They cannot utilize the time bending of this blessing without physically being present in the room itself. Time is also localized within the tower. The user may not create separate bubbles of time within the Chamber, but may only alter time in a general sense. Unless specified by the user when entering, the time remains the same within as it does outside.

The Breach: Pause One of the fantastic abilities granted to a Shirvain at this level of Exalted blessing is the power to pause time. For a single break, the Shirvain can freeze time and exist in the space between moments. While one would think this would be a capstone ability, a Shirvain has very specific rules stipulating their involvement in time. A Shirvain must resume time in the exact same position they were in at the end of the Break or all their actions and memory of actions is erased from the time line. All things must be in their proper place for time to resume. A Shirvain often uses this ability to strategize, examining the terrain and their opponent closely in order to determine weaknesses. They might freeze time to meticulously inspect the guests of a monarch to spot an assassin or any number of other activities. If the Shirvain interferes with an object or person, they must return them to the state they were before in order for time to resume. This ability can be used once a Trial.

Visions of Yore Even the greatest architecture eventually withers to nothing, lost only to the descriptions that survive it and any art. Raliath grants his followers another option, however, the ability to look into the past directly. Visions of Yore can be used to view what something may have looked like at various points in time. Directed by the Shirvain, they can delve into the ruins of castles and towers to see their once constructed grandiose. While this does not allow them to see any events that happened in the area they are in, they can view the nature of the landscape and how it changed with each passing Arc. This sight is an illusion only the Shirvain can see, unless they choose to pass it to those who are in skin contact with them. This ability cannot be used to view the origin of Idalos, but it can look centuries in the past at any structure or landscape. Prophet assistance may be required to use this ability on plot important locations. This ability, in a smaller form, can also be used to view what a broken or ruined object may have looked like when new, in addition to seeing what an individual may have looked like as a young adult or child.

Become the Bear At this level, the Exalted Shirvain gains the ability to merge with the Bear of Ralaith for one break. At this time, the Shirvain/bear hybrid is a massive bear, double the size of a normal bear. Gaining the bear's ability to flicker in and out of material existence, the Shirvain enjoys an extended period of corporeality. He may stay corporeal for 10 trills, and may only need to rest for 8 trills between. He becomes supernaturally strong and durable, but any wounds sustained while corporeal transfer to his natural form once resumed.


The Breach: Rewind Yet another ability to manipulate time and requiring the Ancient Language, a Champion is allowed to step back in time anywhere within the last Cycle. This warp of time will only allow them to return for a single Trial and can only be used four times in a Cycle. Ralaith has specific rules that marshal the damage this ability can cause which are enforced by his own influence. When someone steps back in time, they cannot alter any event that has already been destined. In addition they are never permitted to have any interaction with themselves in the past. Not all events are immutable and Raliath gives faith to his Champion that they will choose the correct sequence that time need take. Any breach using this ability will result in a Paradox which Ralaith will erase...along with any alterations the Champion made to the time stream.
((OOC requirements for this ability: Unalterable events are those that have already been threaded about. This ability cannot be used to invalidate a thread but it can sometimes be used to change the course of an event currently happening. Work with both a prophet and any appropriate players in order to ensure continuity. If continuity is damaged by use of this ability, the thread in which this ability was used will be negated by Ralaith as time resets. Use this power responsibly))

Library of Ralaith All the marked of Ralaith through the years have recorded their experiences and journeys in the tomes Ralaith grants them. When the marked passes, these tomes become the property of the Immortal and part of his immense collection of knowledge. To a Champion, this library is open for their perusal. When summoning their own Chamber of Wisdom, they can invoke the ancient tongue and instead create a door to the library of the Immortal Ralaith. Here shelves stretch into the distant sky with scaffolding and ladders, a domain of Knowledge where time is variable. A Champion can research almost any subject in this library and find the answers to secrets and legends once thought lost. With Prophet permission, any subject in Idalos lore can be researched or studied here. Sometimes a Champion is lucky and Ralaith will help them. No other is allowed entrance into the library, nor are any of the books allowed to leave. So long as these rules are observed, a Champion may have the same access to Wisdom as their benefactor.

Six new powers approved here
Three new powers and Adored awarded here
All adored and six exalted awarded here
Champion here

Al'deurn Abilities

Elemental Manipulation - Fire (Minor) The Marked is able to control fire in close proximity to themselves. They are capable of controlling only small amounts of fire at short distances, nothing larger than a small bonfire and no further than five feet away from their own body. The marked is able to move the flames with a simple gesture, but they can not be thrown. Flames are red to orange in color. This ability can wrest control away from a Competent or below level Defier.

Hot Blooded (Minor) The Marked's body temperature rises slightly. This increase in temperature can be felt by those that touch the Marked. It also gives the Marked immunity to the effects a slight heat. (Hot day, working in forge, etc.)

Passionate Skills I The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Any Martial Skill, Resistance, Blacksmithing, or Intimidation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Corona (Minor) The Marked is able to cover their body in a sheath of flames for a break once a trial. The sheath is able to help regulate body temperature in cold climates, keeping the Marked warm. The sheath also has combat capabilities depending on how it is utilized by the Marked. The heat of these flames is determined by the Marked's Fire Manipulation ability.

Fire Fight The Marked is able to condense their corona aura into their hands and feet, or project bursts of flame from their limbs or mouth. The power of both the aura and the projections are limited to the owners Corona and Elemental Manipulation abilities respectfully.

Long Burn The Marked takes an extended period of rest for ten breaks, of which half must be in direct sunlight, and can then function for two trials without rest. After which the character must rest again for another ten breaks. If they do not, they become fatigued.

Cauterize (Minor) The Marked's body automatically closes and begins to heal any minor wounds they may suffered. The process requires the the Marked to remain in a restful state, and in or near a hot area.(Hot room, or near a large fire)

Sense The Troubled The Marked are no stranger to conflict, and this ability allows them to prepare for it. Turmoil in others, indecisions, stress, nervousness is often unseen save to those of exceptional empathetic talent. This ability allows one of Faldrun’s favored to ‘sense’ the turmoil of people around them. Mostly this will manifest as a vague prickling sensation but if the marked concentrates on it, they can find the source and small snippets of clues as to what is causing it. They may feel a flash of fury or bloodthirsty glee to someone weighing whether they should attack or the heart wrenching indecision of a guard accepting a bribe. These are only clues that allow the marked to better understand the people they encounter and the thoughts that consume them.

Inner Turmoil The owner of the mark is plagued by inner conflict. Though they are able to keep the turmoil in check most times, it can present itself as shortness of temper, or the owner muttering to themselves during times of great stress. At the same time the Turmoil acts as a buffer against any kind of outside mental forces, such as Empathy Domain Magics, or other Blessings. This ability functions against other Blessings of equal or lower tiers, or on Domain Magic as follows: Favored: Competent or below, Adored: Expert or below, Exalted: Master or below, Champion: Champions have resistance to Legendary Mages, but are not immune.


Elemental Manipulation - Fire (Moderate) The Marked is now able to control a larger amount of fire, and at greater distances. They are now capable of controlling flames roughly the size of a large house fire, and at distances up to 100 feet out. At this level, the Marked is also able to change the heat of the fire, increasing it's temperature to those often found in forges, and it's color to a bright yellow. Metals subjected to this fire for enough time will begin to heat and eventually melt, unless protected in some way. The effective range of these hotter flames is equivalent to those of Minor Manipulations. Can wrest away the control of fire from expert Defier or below.

Flame Wreath The Marked is able to extend their Corona ability to their weapons, wrapping the weapon in fire, without damaging the weapon. The flames of this ability are based off of the Marked's Corona ability.

Passionate Skills II The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Any Martial Skill, Resistance, Blacksmithing, or Intimidation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Hot Blooded (Moderate) The Marked's body continues to grow warmer, making them immune to the effects of abnormal heat. This allows them to survive comfortably in places other may find unlivable(Desert heat, burning buildings, ect.). This increase in body temperature can be felt by those standing within a close proximity to the Marked.

Cauterize (Moderate) The Marked's body begins to close any moderate or lesser wounds after a short rest. Any natural poisons in their body burn off at an increased rate as well, shortening the effects of the poisons.(Poisons last half as long.) To function, this ability requires the Marked to keep his body temperature raised.

Flame Throw The Marked is now able to throw fire, as a projectile, a distance equal to that allowed by their Elemental Manipulation. The flame can take whatever form the Marked wills it. The projectile flies at the same speed at though it had been thrown and detonates for a small explosion on impact.

Corona (Moderate) The length of time the Marked can use the Corona ability is increased to two breaks. The Marked also gains immunity to moderate natural cold temperatures while Corona is in effect. These temperatures can reach as low as a few degrees below freezing. The heat of these flames is determined by the Marked's Fire Manipulation ability.

Servant of Domain Faldrun dispatches a spiritual servant to serve as companion to the marked. This spirit will be of either Fire, Sun, or Turmoil at the choice of the marked. A Sun spirit appears as a luminous glowing orb that grants sight even in the darkest of night, and able to manifest as a glowing armor for three breaks a trial at the behest of their master. A Sun spirit will wane in the night but grow stronger by day. A Fire spirit of Faldrun is often of Pyres, a sheet of flame visible only to those who can see spirits and the marked. The spirit of fire grants the marked the ability to consume any material a fire could burn as sustenance to themselves and can manifest as a weapon of choice for three breaks a trial. This spirit will grow weaker in the colder temperatures and renew itself within heat. A turmoil spirit is an ugly thing of shifting hide and mercurial shape, often around the size of a large dog. It imparts upon the owner an ability to quiet doubt and fear from ones mind, absorbing the turmoil into itself. For three breaks a trial it can manifest as itself, a shifting shape of teeth and claws to assist the marked. It grows weaker in places of peace or calm, growing stronger and replenishing when in the presence of chaos or tumult. Should a spirit be slain, another will come to the Adored within a Cycle of its departure.

Heavy Burn The Marked is able to tap into stored energy, allowing them to move faster, react quicker, and hit harder. This ability increases these feature greatly, but it only lasts for a total of 30 trills, or a fifth of their Endurance skill in bits, whichever is greater. Afterwards the Marked becomes fatigued, and must rest for a minimum of 4 hours in direct sunlight before being able to use this ability again.


Elemental Manipulation - Fire (Major) The Marked can now control a massive amount of fire. They are capable of manipulating fires up to the size of a larger brush fire, and at distances just shy of 1000 ft. They can also increase the temperature of these flames to a point that will melt stone, during the flames white hot; doing so though decreases the effective range of use of this ability to that of the Minor Manipulation, or they can increase the temperature enough to super heat metal with the effective range of the Moderate ability.

Hot Blooded (Major) The Marked's body temperature rises further. They gain immunity to the effects of extreme heat, such as those caused by magical fire, or found in volcanoes. This increase in body temperature also causes the air around them to become noticeably warmer and their touch can leave mild burns when in direct contact with others.

Passionate Skills III The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Any Martial Skill, Resistance, Blacksmithing, or Intimidation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Solar Purge The Marked is able to focus the heat and energy of the sun's of Idalos into a single beam and can use it to purge Idalos of those deemed unworthy by the Marked. A beam of energy, roughly five feet in diameter, falls from the sky and can be moved by the mark. The beam lasts for one bit and is powerful enough to scorch any plant life in its area, set tree's and wooden structures on fire, and burn enemies caught in its wake to the bone if they are caught without protection. The beam moves at a moderate pace, and can be moved in any direction the Marked can see.

Corona (Major) The Marked's Corona can be used for up to four breaks. While active The Marked is immune to extreme natural cold effects, such as those found in blizzards, and lesser magical cold effect, such as from lower lever marks, or lesser domain magics. In regards to domain magics, this is any cold effects made by a skill less than Expert. The heat of these flames is determined by the Marked's Fire Manipulation ability.

Cauterize (Major) The Marked's body begins to close all moderate or lesser wounds after a short rest and one major wound becomes a moderate wound, and begins to heal at the same rate beginning with The Marked's next rest. Any poisons in the body also start to burn off quicker, including alchemical poisons.(Poisons last one fourth as long.) The Marked is no longer required to be near a fire, or in a warm room, as their bodies provide enough heat to sustain this ability, unless they are in a cold environment.

Fire Fall The Exalted is able to call forth a hail storm of fire and flames in a 150 foot radius within the distance of their Elemental Manipulation. The flames called fourth by this ability fall in a random pattern but fast enough that they impact with force, as well as having enough force to damage wooden structures, and dent basic metals.

Faldrun’s Rage This ability is only granted to those who become Faldrun's Champions, as it requires the ancient tongue to activate. The Marked is consumed with a burning desire to see all around them burn to ash. All of their abilities are heightened, doubling the distance they can be used at, and all of heat of their flames. Additionally, Corona is automatically activated and sustained as long as they are in their rage, even if they have used their total time for the trial. Finally any flame the throw with the use of their Flame Throw or Fire Fall abilities detonates on impact and ignites the surrounding area. This rage lasts a number of bits equal to the Champions Endurance Skill. After the rage ends the Champion goes unconscious and is exhausted.

Eruption This ability is only granted to those who become Faldrun's Champions, as it requires the ancient tongue to activate. The Champion is able to call forth molten rock from deep within Idalos. The process requires the Champion to concentrate on the task for one break. This time can be shortened, by one half of the Champions Meditation skill. Afterwards the Champion summons a geyser of molten rock and fire in a 300 foot radius within the range of their Elemental Manipulation. This ability can not be used while raged, and can only be used once a season, expect in Suan, when it can be used twice and Cylus when it can't be used at all.

Celarion Abilities

Bond (Minor) The Favored can Bond with 1 other person. In doing so the Bonded individual gains a single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Favored and the Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 300 feet of the Favored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance.

Illustrious Skills I The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Bound in Battle The Favored and those Bonded with them are better able to fight together. Their tactics and movements flow almost seamlessly with little-to-no spoken communication. The Bond passes insights and slight thoughts between those Bonded while in combat together.

Brilliant Weapons (Minor) The Favored is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Favored can only generate one melee weapon at a time. To produce a weapon, the Favored must be in an area of substantial illumination (ie. Outside during the day, in a well-lit room, or at night during a full moon).

Bound Tongue (Minor) The Favored is able to understand one Fluent Language of those they have Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial.

"Hold the Line!" The Favored is able to bolster the morale of any who stand with them. The call rings out and dispels fear in the defenders, whether mundane or magical. Those affected by the shout gain a small boost in stamina and the use of a shield. The effects of this ability last for ten bits, and can only overcome magical fear effects from other Marks of the same tier or lower. Any fear effects caused by Domain Magic can be overcome as follows: Favored can overcome Magic at a Competent level or lower, Adored can overcome Expert level or lower, and Exalted can overcome Master level or lower.

Guiding Light The Favored is able to summon a free floating orb of light to brighten their surroundings. The color and intensity of the light can be controlled, though it doesn't get any brighter than daylight. The orb has no physical form and can't be touched. The light generated by the orb cannot be used by the Brilliant Weapon ability.



Kin: Earth

Competent Awakening – Earth Sense:

When Varlum reaches a new level of Competency, he gains the ability to sense movements in his kin element - the Earth. This ability is one that can be turned on and off, but activating it removes his vision. In place of what vision he has, the man can sense any slight movements around him, effectively seeing in every direction. This means he can avoid obstacles, find people and track within a twenty feet range, but can't see anything or dodge anything not on the earth itself. This is a tremor sense, meaning he can feel the vibrations in the earth. Anything not on the ground cannot be felt. While using this, a small stream of Ether is being expended. Once the ability is disabled, it will take a few trills for his sight to recover.

Competent - Branded by Flames:

As a sign of his growing Competency, Varlum finds a huge brand spreading across his back. Curling patterns cover his back in the shape of flames as if they've been burned in to him, yet no amount of time will heal them. When Varlum hits Master and unlocks his Magma mutations this brand will glow as if also filled with Magma and Fire. As he grows through the tiers the brand will grow in size, starting at just his lower back and covering his entire back by Master. However, this mutation is not painful for the Ithecal.

Expert - Fire Tongue:

After the constant use of Varlum's fire, despite it yet to be a Kin, Varlum's defiance takes to new means of showing off the Ithecal as a mage. With every word and breath Varlum makes, small wisps of smoke and fire come out of his mouth. While these flames are in no way hot and do no damage, nor is the Smoke thick enough to hinder Varlum in any way, it becomes glaringly obvious that there is more to Varlum than an Ithecal. To a trained eye, the smoke becomes a clear sign of the Defiance Varlum has. Once Varlum hits master, this wisp of fire becomes more blatant, growing brighter than it does at Expert.

Expert - Beast of Stone:

When Varlum hits expert, the first change in who he is begins to take place, the Spark showing his true form and feeding his desire to become what his soul craves - in the hope of leading him to give in more to the Elements. Stone coats his natural claws, spines and scales. As the stone has fused and become a part of his usual scales, they heal as if they were a part of his body, using the bodies natural healing process to do this - effectively turning him to Stone. This is a natural body armour and weapon, claws sharp enough to cut through wood and a natural barrier of stone that can reduce damage from blades. However, blunt weapons are increasingly effective against the stone and therefore, the Ithecal. Varlum can not remove the stone from his body by any means, fusing him permanently with his Kin element. Only Important parts of his face are uncovered, such as his eyes. Varlum's tail is also covered, making it slightly heavier. With this change, Varlum loses his natural ability to swim. Because of this, he becomes dependent on Defiance is exposed to water, leading him to use his spark more.

Master - Heart of the Volcano:

Reaching a pinnacle of his relationship, Varlum’s spark changes more than just his soul, but his body. Under his scales rests the burning glow of magma, giving his skin and the stone that covers it a volcanic appearance, as his blood and scales are replaced with the mix of elements. As well as this, his eyes glow a burning molten glow, fully revealing himself to be a companion of the Elements. With the heat this provides the man struggles substantially less with the cold, and has a natural defence to many attacks due to the stone and magma wrapped around him. Varlum is also capable of removing this magma from himself in the form of a breath attack, in which he uses it to launch a burst of Magma at anyone in front of him or around him. This removes all perks of the ability and costs a substantial amount of Ether to restore. When hit with this magma it can cause third degree burns in a second, and sustained contact of over four seconds will melt through the skin and reach bone level, and the spray can reach a distance of twelve feet in front of the man. As well as this, the Stone from his Expert Awakening becomes incredibly hot to touch. At full blast, this breath can last eight trills, easily killing anyone with sustained contact to the breath.

Master - Dragon's Awakening:

With a desire to let Varlum unleash the Dragon inside of him, the Spark shapes the stones that already coat his scales. Alongside the burning magma in his core, Varlum is covered with a series of animalistic features. Spines made of sharp rock go down his back and along his tail, making it impossible to wear any natural armour. Casted armour, such as his Warden powers, will still work and the spines are sharp enough to do damage to flesh and wood should he swing his tail at someone. His claws also grow sharper, allowing for more potential in an unarmed fight. These claws are sharp enough to break apart stone due to the magma that flows inside of them, and easily rip apart flesh and wood. As well as the inability to wear armour and the need for specialised clothing, Varlum's weight is also increased by about 100 lbs, leaving him at the weight of 1,300 lbs - making any mount that isn't strong and far larger than most impossible for him.

Master - Earth's Calling:

Due to his mutation growing and his relationship with Earth increasing with it, Varlum finds himself incredibly uncomfortable when he's taken off from the ground. Spending more than ten minutes at Sea or in the Air makes him anxious. While this never has any direct adverse effects, his emotions will fluctuate and he'll find himself physically and mentally uncomfortable. After finally returning to the ground it will take at least an hour for the feeling of anxiety to fade.

Master - Freak of Nature:

As a final Master mutation, Varlum's connection with the elements grows stronger and beckons him to them. Rather than sleep indoors, Varlum finds himself far more comfortable on the natural earth, sleeping frequently outside and on stone to keep himself relaxed and as comfortable as possible. Because of this, sleeping on any soft surface feels almost impossible to sleep on, taking far longer to fall asleep and giving him disturbed nights.


A small scratch in his hide has left Varlum with a lingering corruption from Syroa, an ability to grow wings once a trial, which allow him to conjure wind and/or fire with far more power than he otherwise might be able to, for ten bits. (This was approved and given here

The Judge's Gaze - Custom ability that allows Varlum, when he looks at someone in the light of a flame, to see where someone's primary loyalties lie.


Rank: Vanquisher
Points: 70

Flameborn's Bane - You are all now resistant to the fire of a Flameborn and you are capable of injuring them with your weapons. The power within you will grant you a burst of endurance and strength when in the presence of one of these creatures. It is possible to gain new abilities in the future if you go further down the path of being a Warden. (Obtained here)

Brightgleam Oasis - It is in the purview of the Induk of Lake Lovalus to call water and life into existence anywhere. Once per trial a Warden may summon forth a magically infused spring that will eventually form a small pool over the next five bits. The water that is summoned has healing abilities and will slowly heal anyone touched with it’s water while in a fifty foot proximity to the spring. The water will have a faint turquoise glow and will rapidly heal flesh wounds that are soaked or doused in the water within five bits. This water can also be weaponized as weapons dipped in it will be highly effective against Flameborn and any other servants of Faldrun. Arrows will sink deeper, and blades or bludgeons touched by the Brightgleam waters will burn and scald opponents that are cut or hammered by them. The Oasis can also be planted and used like a trap to lure enemies of Faldrun into, this will cause intense scalding pain and will weaken them.

Font of Life - Brightgleam Oasis may now be enhanced by the Warden by placing a drop of their own blood within it. When this is done the Oasis will expand over the next trial into a pool that is a couple feet deep and that will begin growing plants and trees around it. The healing effect of the waters will vanish once the blood is added and instead will cause the growth of plant-life nearby allowing a Warden to slowly transform a dry and lifeless area into a beautiful oasis over the course of the next thirty trials. This ability is used to restore land that has been harmed by the forces of destruction. Font of Life may be used once a trial.

Spiritborn Armor - Due to the bonding between the Warden and their Diri via the Heart of Lovalus, the Diri now gains useful ability of growing and shape-shifting into a suit of armor for their bonded. The Warden can still hear and speak with their Diri but they will become a suit of armor that is almost a second skin across the Warden’s entire body. The Armor will appear like plate mail that is crafted from raw spiritual ephemera often possessing icy embellishes around the helm and shoulders depending on the tastes of the Warden. It will possess the strength to dull physical strikes and reduce the effect of magical attacks by half, making the Warden far more resilient in combat. After five bits the Spiritborn Armor will begin to crack if continually attacked. The Warden may take cover for another five bits in order to give the Diri time to regenerate its strength. This will allow the armor to continue functioning for another five bits before requiring time to recharge. If continually attacked for over five bits the armor will begin to fracture before shattering. If this happens the Diri will go silent, unable to be contacted for at least three trials. During this time the Warden will have a great deal of difficulty using their abilities, some may even be impossible to use. During these three trials the Diri is healing and recouping its strength. The Spiritborn Armor may be dismissed at any time prior to it breaking and the Diri will take their original form. It takes one bit for the Diri to transform into the Armor.

Mortalborn Powers

Remnants – Soul of Dragons:
Reaching in to the Remnants of his soul, Varlum can envelop himself in a dangerous silhouette. Smouldering, spiritual scales coat his body with giant wings spreading across his back. Dangerously sharp claws cover his own. When this form is activated Varlum can fly, use the weapons and deal generally more damage. Varlum’s wings can carry his weight and extra weight with it, enough to carry a natural or equipped armour and a single weapon should he choose to. As these are spiritual in appearance none of them can take damage on his behalf, leaving Varlum entirely vulnerably during the duration of it. As well as the ability to fly Varlum’s claws are able to cut through sharper substances than whatever damage they would have done before but do not possess any buffs to his physical ability, striking with whatever Strength Varlum can muster. After the Break duration of the ability Varlum’s entire body is sore, each hit he takes hurting twice as much as it normally would. This effect will not pass for the following Break and can only be used once per trial. Anything that could otherwise harm Spirits, Magic and Divine power will be able to damage and hurt the wings, making them useless if the damage grows too high.

Violence – Towering Beast:
Anger and hatred burns deep inside him, remnants of his fathers heritage. All of this takes a new form for the Ithecal and brings him in to a transformation. As the tallest of his race, Varlum has always been used to looking down on others physically. However, this is only part of his natural heritage. Able to grow to double his height, Varlum is able to become a fierce giant.. None of his weapons or clothes grow with him, any items left behind where he transformed or torn apart if he is wearing them. This power lasts for one Break but can be cancelled at any time. Once this power is done Varlum will find himself weaker than he has ever been before, barely conscious and unable to move. No type of buffing can undo this, leaving the Ithecal vulnerable for two breaks. Once these two breaks are over he returns to normal, though a numb pain runs through him for another two breaks to follow. This can be used once every two trials and is an ability that can cost him massively, especially in a battle. Activating this transformation will take three trills.

During this form, however, Varlum finds his hunger growing exponentially. Should Varlum give in to the hunger and feast on living beings his Drawback will be reduced, starting with the two Breaks of numb pain before beginning to remove the Paralysis.

Ferocity – Dragons Cry:
Inside Varlum is the burning ferocity of a Dragon. One way this is embodied is through viciousness deep inside of him, pulling at his soul to bring out a roar of immense power. As well as boosting the range that the roar can be heard to two miles, similar to that of a tiger. With this power comes an intimidation, boosted by the Intimidation skill. While this can be resisted by discipline or meditation equal to or higher than Varlum’s intimidation, there will always be a level of fear that it brings from the sheer power of the roar. However, this will impact all around him, making his own allies potentially fearful of him even after the fight. As well as this, any who deem Varlum a threat become more inclined to attack, targeting Varlum over any other enemy they come across.

Integrity - Determined Spirit:
Varlum wants to do good for the world and works best alongside others that share the same goal. Because of this his power manifests into an ability to match his determination to do good. Determined Spirit allows Varlum to declare those who stand by his morals as Chosen. With a Maximum of two chosen, Varlum can buff a skill of their choice by one level higher than it currently is. This buff will remain until Varlum decides upon a new chosen or breaks his current bond, which can only be done once per season, per chosen, meaning each can be swapped out once per season should he deem it necessary. Alternatively, Varlum can opt to buff one Chosen with both buffs and give them 2 levels improvement to a skill of their choice, limiting him to that one person until next season. This buff remains no matter the distance, but Varlum can cut it at any time, and it may only be given to those that share the same objectives, morals or goals as Varlum.

Weapons, clothing and armor

Good Broad Axe
Masterwork Broad Axe, Admantite Head with Embersteel coating
One set of clothing (adaptable as per race, though for humanoid races, this will include a coat or cloak, shirt or blouse, pants or skirt, undergarments, and a pair of boots. All clothing is standard quality)
One Set of Toiletries: Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste,
One waterskin
Two sets of eating utensils


Ilaren Summoning Coin

Ilaren's Flask

10 Bloodlight Grapes: A Quacian staple, however, these are no ordinary bloodlight grapes. They are alchemically enhanced to heal the person who consumes them of various infirmities. Eating one of these grapes will cure a single disease. Eating three will remove up to a deadly poison. Eating nine will remove a curse.

A bag of magic manure: An domain bag of manure that never runs out. This is no ordinary manure, however, but will ensure that any crops or plants grown from it will grow at a 2x rate. 3x rate for subterranean farming. It cannot be used to grow trees, however.

Dragonet Net: In the aftermath of Ruin's Dawn, everyone in Light's Gluttony will find their homes, when they return, infested by Lethe dragonets. To help with this problem, Stone Talon has gifted them with an ancestral heirloom of his, which is a net that is used for catching rats typically but also works well on the Lethe. When captured by the net, any dragonet inside of it will find it cannot escape. Moreover, it will be rendered helpless for a bit after being removed from the net. Allowing it to be slaughtered for food. They will find the Lethe, upon capturing with a Dragonet Net and rendered into meat for consumption, increase their physical capabilities by one full level (Athletics, Strength, Endurance, Resistance) for roughly a break after eating them. The Lethe infestation will last a full cycle after the Global, or until they write a story to rid themselves of the Lethe.

A Quacian Work-Horn: This Horn will ensure that workers do their job with maximum efficiency. The duration of a project undertaken or product produced by the PC or their direct underlings will be twice as efficient. This means they will either accomplish their tasks at half the cost of time or of WP, not both. This Work Horn can only be used on a singular project or product per Cycle.

These ensorcelled orbs come in a pair. One is a seeing orb, the other is a receiving orb. The receiving orb can be installed anywhere you wish, and will provide a full range of vision from the point it is placed upon. The seeing orb is smaller than the receiving orb, and is more portable. It can be looked into for a glimpse into the scene that the receiving orb looks out upon.

Blanket of Calm: Ethelynda gives Varlum a really big, really fluffy blanket that gives him a sense of calm and peace while he wears it. His life may be violent, but now he'll always have something that can keep it at bay and give him some peace. It's also really comfortable.

Pillow of Good Sleeps Ethelynda also gives Varlum a really soft pillow. When he uses it, it keeps any bad dreams at bay. It also gives him a really good rest, with three hours of sleep being equal to one full nights sleep.

Wolf's Howl: Karem gives you a wolf shaped whistle that, when blown, lets out an ethereal wolf call. This whistle can be blown once per cycle, and only when the user truly needs help. However, when they blow it, the help they need will come.

Ascension's Fall: Raskalarn gives you a ring made out of a broken piece of the Ascension, given just enough juice by the Immortal of Conquest to have a limited effect. The ring drains Immortal Ether, making it more difficult for them to use their Domains, though it doesn't affect physical ability, knowledge, or skill.

A Masterwork Faldrunium Axe with an enchantment that does the following while wielding it: Gives the user a sudden burst of speed, allowing them to either reach their destination more quickly or retreat from a situation that has grown beyond their control. Repeated use of this ability will drain the users energy as if they had spent the day undergoing strenuous exercise.

Heart-Ring: This is a simple gold ring which fits around and matches her wedding ring. Faith may designate up to three areas as "Safe Hearths". The area is roughly the size of a large estate (eg: it would cover her home, which is set in 5 acres) and it has two properties. First, if anyone enters that area with violent intention / intention to harm then Faith will know about this - and will have an idea of how many people and in which general direction. The main power, however, is that anyone who actively seeks to enact violence, be it against Faith or anyone else, will become the centre of a dreadful storm, with ice shards and violent winds buffering them. The temperature around them drops to way below zero, freezing them in their tracks and encasing them. This is targeted at those who are attempting to act violently - including using damaging or controlling marks or magics. It is enough that, should the person be unprepared and they continue to fight, it would kill within a few moments. If the Storm power is "tripped" then it needs to be re-activated. Only three areas may be active at any time. The note attached to it reads: "To Varlum, in the hope that you are surrounded by peace for all your remaining days." - Obtained from Faith's Will here!
NPC - Evianna (Magic Mentor)
Name: Evianna
Date of Birth: 51st Ashan, 680
Race: Ithecal (Thiussum)
Organization (if any): None
Skills: Hone (76), Defiance (51). Sculpting (60), Axes and Bludgeons: Broad Axe (38), Fieldcraft (25) A Player has a pool of 250 exp to create their Mentor NPC
Bio: In the Bio, please answer three important questions. Who is this mage? What weight of impact do they have on the world or their organization? And finally, Why is this mage seeking a student?
Evianna is a woman sent by Varlum's family, his uncle specifically before he died. Tasked with helping him and training him up, she is a close friend of the families - but one he never met. She is a proud Ithecal that cares for herself and the bonds she has formed with Varlum's blood line, and has sworn to take care of the boy until the very end. Partially because of the vow, and yet partially due to something more. Affection, love, longing - who knows? Perhaps, not even Evianna does.
This mage has no impact on the world aside from wanting to help Varlum and being an enemy to the Bounty Hunters hunting him.
This mage is seeking Varlum specifically in the hope of initiating him, and teaching him to defend himself when she isn't there to protect him

Appearance: Evianna is a tall and threatening force, opting to use bone weapons instead of the more commonly found metal ones. While she can fit in to society well enough, she will stand out purely for the wild look she has with her weapon choice. Her scales are deep green and scarred from her training and fighting. Her eyes are sharp and vicious.


Relationship: Eventually it may end with romance, but as of right now the two are no more than friends. She helped him travel to Rharne after helping save him in this thread. Her task is to protect him, and yet as she watched him from afar she slowly fell for the man she knew so much about yet had spent so little time with. She wishes to take care of him by teaching him to take care of himself.
Tier: 5. WP: 66
ItemWP Gain/LossWP Total
Approval 66 WP 66 WP
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Needs a revamp, tbd
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