Perdita Westcott

20th of Ymiden 701

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Perdita Westcott
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Perdita Westcott  [Approved CS]

Perdita Westcott
Name: Perdita Westcott

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 20th Ymiden 701

Marks: None

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken: Fluent = Common. Broken = Leni
A bookish young woman with a tendency to dress conservatively, Perdita has pale skin and long black hair which is usually tied back and out of the way. She has hazel eyes and, usually, a vague and slightly perplexed expression. Perdita has a slender frame and it is quite obvious that she does not bother with exercise or any such, as she is not at all muscular.

Standing at 5ft 6, Perdita is of average height. She tends to take no time with her appearance and so often has ink stains on her hands or, sometimes, her face. She can seem quite distracted, although she is not, she is simply usually not paying attention to the people around her. This is especially true if there are books nearby.
Perdita is insatiable when it comes to learning. She has a fascination with the written word and history. From a young age it was obvious that she was academically very bright and Perdita has spent her life around adults. As a child - and now as a nearly-adult - she has always been serious and composed. She does not like groups, crowds, or noisy people. Largely she's happiest on her own.
Things Perdita likes

Being well-organized

Things Perdita dislikes

Noisy people.
Crowds of people.
Wasting time.
Wilful ignorance.
Being disorganized

Place of Birth: Rharne
Parents: Leontes and Hermione Westcott.
Siblings: None.
Born to a couple who were more or less convinced that they could not conceive, Perdita was a miracle to her parents from the moment they realised that Hermoine was expecting a child. The pregnancy progressed smoothly and Perdita was born healthy. Her parents, middle class Rharnian business-people, agreed that Hermoine would stay at home and look after the baby and Leontes would continue to work. This was what happened, her father running a successful tea-house and bakery business, while Perdita grew up. Hermoine, a talented basket-weaver, spent as much time as she could weaving in order to bring extra money into the home. They lived a comfortable, well-appointed life.

By the time that Perdita was two, her parents were growing increasingly aware that Perdita was an intense and focused child; as much as she charged ahead on every intellectual milestone, so she lagged behind in all physical ones. She spoke early, walked late. Could count to ten before she seemed interested in crawling, and even then she moved only in order to take herself to the next interesting thing. However, for all that her physical development was in the slower end of the spectrum, her intellectual skills were obvious. Quickly, she picked up speech and went from single-word utterances to putting words together and, of course, to sentences. Reading quickly followed and Hermoine was very aware that her daughter would, if given the chance, spend all the day simply reading or looking at picture-books.

So, she began to make sure that Perdita helped her with the basket-weaving. It was a skill which required manual dexterity and, by chatting with Perdita as they worked, it became something which was part of their routine. They would sit together and talk, Perdita constantly asking questions and wondering why about more or less everything, and Hermoine trying to both teach her the skill of basket-weaving and also to keep up with Perdita's constant chattering.

It set the scene for the next ten years. Perdita devoured all sorts of books, learning many things. She found that she had a love of words which was beyond description and she went happily to school every day. Even when she was ill, she insisted on not missing a lesson, because she loved it there so much. Her parents worried that Perdita had no friends and they were right. However, she loved adult company and would spend many hours sitting in the library, or with her teacher, given the chance. Always, after school, she would go home and sit with her mother, where they would weave baskets and talk. Then when her father arrived, they would eat together and he would share stories of his day. It was from him that she developed her fascination with history.

Leontes was something of a hobby-historian and throughout Perdita's childhood he told her tales of the Immortal Illaren, her enemy Faldrun, of Rharnian history and Sirothelle. When she brought books home, it was with Leontes that she would always sit and read. As she grew in skill, he encouraged her to learn the cursive calligraphy which meant that she could write her own stories, taught her the beginnings of drawing and bookbinding. One day, she promised him, she would make wonderful drawings which were the frontpieces for books she had written and bound herself.

Now approaching her eighteenth birthday, Perdita has decided that she would set out on her own, and become a bookbinder's apprentice. Her plan is to become the Keeper of the Annals of the Rharne, perhaps recording the history of the city and all its factions. Her parents bought her a small house and so, her adventure began.
Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:54 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 887
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Perdita Westcott
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Approved here

Perdita has developed her artistic skill to the point where her artwork no longer looks to be two-dimensional. What she draws looks like it's three-dimensions to the point that it seems like you could put your hand into the pond of water or that the frog is about to jump off the page or that the person is sitting stock still. Of course, this is merely an artistic "trick" and is a technique she uses to increase the realism of her work.
Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:28 am, edited 54 times in total. word count: 90
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Perdita Westcott
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Renown: 135
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10




Knowledge Out Of Date See UCP

Skill Knowledges


  1. Appraisal: Consider what might bring value: Total:1
  2. Appraisal: Uniqueness adds value: Total:2
  3. Appraisal: Value includes consideration of how much work an item needs.: Total:3
  4. Appraisal: Considering the relative value of a flunny
  5. Appraisal: Choosing a pet (or not)
  6. Appraisal: Determining the cutest animal from a crowd
  7. Appraisal: Considering a dog's best angle
  8. Appraisal: Where would it be best to draw a dog : Total: 8
  9. Appraisal: Consider all options when choosing a seat : Total: 9
  10. Appraisal: Identify advantages and disadvantages of choices : Total: 10
  11. Appraisal: Note-taking techniques. : Total: 11
  12. Appraisal: Examining a book for a general overview of it's state : Total: 12
  13. Appraisal: Determine the likely outcome of damage : Total: 13
  14. Appraisal: Identify the size of gaps in a book's spine : Total: 14
  15. Appraisal: Appraise the situation and plan your repair. : Total: 15
  16. Appraisal: Appraising your own skill is hard : Total: 16
  17. Appraisal: Determining what would make good pieces to sell .: Total: 17
  18. Appraisal: Identifying the wishes of your employer : Total: 18
  19. Appraisal: Illuminated manuscripts are worth more. : Total: 19
  20. Appraisal: Comparing types of books : Total: 20
  21. Appraisal: Judging the usefulness of books :
  22. +10 from Startup Changes 1
  23. +10 from Startup Changes 2
  24. +10 from Startup Changes 3
  25. +10 from Startup Changes 4
  26. +10 from Startup Changes 5
  27. +10 from Startup Changes 6
  28. +10 from Startup Changes 7
  29. +10 from Startup Changes 8
  30. +10 from Startup Changes 9
  31. +10 from Startup Changes 10
  32. Appraisal x2 1
  33. Appraisal x2 2
  1. Design Transferred SSD +2 . 1
  2. Design Transferred SSD +2 .2
  3. Design Transferred SSD +2 1
  4. Design Transferred SSD +2 2
  5. Design Transferred SSD + 2 1
  6. Design Transferred SSD + 2 2
  7. Design Transferred SSD Design: Consider composition when deciding a frame
  8. Design Transferred SSD Design: Use frames to bring out colour
  9. Design Transferred SSD Design: Simple frames can be striking.
  10. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 1
  11. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 2
  12. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 1
  13. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 2
  14. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6
  15. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 2
  16. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 3
  17. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 4
  18. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 5
  19. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 6
  20. Drawing Transferred in SSD + 3
  21. Drawing Transferred in SSD + 3 2
  22. Drawing Transferred in SSD + 3 3
  23. Drawing Transferred in SSD +1
  24. Drawing Transferred in SSD +3 1
  25. Drawing Transferred in SSD +3 2
  26. Drawing Transferred in SSD +3 3
  27. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Using a pencil to sketch a jar / jug
  28. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: A sharp pencil produces very fine lines
  29. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Using lines can denote shape in a simple sketch
  30. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Draw diagrams for visual learning
  31. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Label lines and graphs
  32. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Represent items by small icons
  33. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Sketching basic shapes
  34. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Natural light is good
  35. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Drawing a dog
  36. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Sketch in stages.
  37. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Test your sketch before you commit
  38. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Using chalk in sketches
  39. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Fill a page with colour to remind you
  40. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 1
  41. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 2
  42. Painting Transferred in SSD +4 1
  43. Painting Transferred in SSD +4 2
  44. Painting Transferred in SSD +4 3
  45. Painting Transferred in SSD +4 4
  46. +10 from Startup Changes 1
  47. +10 from Startup Changes 2
  48. +10 from Startup Changes 3
  49. +10 from Startup Changes 4
  50. +10 from Startup Changes 5
  51. +10 from Startup Changes 6
  52. +10 from Startup Changes 7
  53. +10 from Startup Changes 8
  54. +10 from Startup Changes 9
  55. +10 from Startup Changes 10
  56. Art x2 1
  57. Art x2 2


Combat: Unarmed

  • Starter Knowledge: 1. TOTAL = 1

Non-Skill Knowledges


  • Location: Rharne (SP)
  • Location: Sirothelle (SP)


  • Immortal: Illaren (SP)
  • Immortal: Faldrun (SP)

History & Culture

  • History of Rharne (SP)
  • Culture & Traditions of Rharne (SP)
  • Factions of Rharne (SP)
  • History of Sirothelle (SP)

Flora & Fauna

  • Rharne: Common Flora & Fauna (SP)
  • Flameborn (SP)

Novice Linguistics: Select 2 easy level languages. You may rank up to 'Broken' in these languages for free. You may learn a maximum of 4 languages.
[sp] Fluent Common
[sp] Broken Leni
[lg] Broken Cursive
[lg] Broken Pailtic

Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:20 am, edited 40 times in total. word count: 1624
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Perdita Westcott
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Posts: 335
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Race: Human
Profession: Scholar
Renown: 135
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10



Skill Point Ledger

Out of date, see UCP

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Current Total Grand Total
Starter XP +50 50 Nil
Research Racial Bonus 50 Nil
Writing (FT) -15 35 Nil
Linguistics -5 30 Nil
Cryptography -5 25 Nil
Bookbinding - 5 20Nil
Drawing - 10 10 Nil
Basketweaving -10 Nil Nil
Basketweaving +3 XP, +1 Knowledge OctopieNil
Bookbinding +3 XP, +1 Knowledge OctopieNil
Writing +3 XP, OctopieNil
Research +3 XP, +1 Knowledge OctopieNil
Home & HearthBasketweaving x2, Drawing x2, Animal Husbandry x2 +10XP 10 10
~~~ Drawing -5 5 10
~~~ Basketweaving -5 Nil 10
Mixing PigmentsUnarmed Combat x 4, Endurance x4, Stealth x3 +15 XP 15 25
~~~ Bookbinding -12 3 "
~~~ Basketweaving -2 1 "
~~~ Writing -1 0 "
DisembarkingResistance x 3, Drawing x 2, Endurance x2 +15 XP 15 40
~~~ Drawing -10 5 "
~~~ Writing -5 0 "
Gloom & Doomsayers Tactics x 2, Intelligence x 2 +15 XP 15 55
~~~ Bookbinding -5 10 "
~~~ Basketweaving -5 5 "
~~~ Intelligence -5 0 "
The Daily Grind Design x 2, Bookbinding x 6 +15 XP 15 70
~~~ Design -15 0 "
The Way The Wind Blows Design x 2, Drawing x6 +15 XP 15 85
Winner Takes It All Art x 3, Bookbinding x 3, Design x 2 +15 XP 30 100
Nowhere To Go But Up Basketweaving x 8, Drawing x 1 +15 XP 45 115
~~~ Basketweaving -10 35 "
~~~ Bookmaking -10 25 "
~~~ Drawing -10 15 "
Red Stars Fall Rhetoric x 1, Research x 1, Tactics x 3 +15 XP 30 130
~~~ Painting -25 05 "
~~~ Chemistry -5 00 "
Tools: Art Is Research x 3, Drawing x 3 +10 XP 10 140
Negative Space Drawing x 3, Writing x 3 +10 XP 20 150
Getting Hired Appraisal x 3, Drawing x3 +10 XP 30 160
~~~ Drawing -30 00 "
Universal Clarity +15 XP 15 175
~~~ Drawing -15 00 "
A Very Furry Decision +15 XP 15 190
Man's Best Friend +15 XP 30 205
~~~ Appraisal -25 05 "
Being a Dot: History Is +10 XP 15 215
~~~ Research -15 00 "
History Teaching 01: History is +10 XP 10 225
History Teaching 02: The Gallery +10 XP 20 235
Nature's Masterpiece +15 XP 35 250
Out of the Kennel, Into the Doghouse +15 XP 50 265
The Meditation Rumination +15 XP 65 280
Homework +15 XP 80 290
The Heist +15 XP 95 305
Table for Two +15 XP 110 320
Skill Scale Down: Chemistry 5 XP to Science SSD XP Pool = 0 320
Skill Scale Down: Design 15 XP to Pool SSD XP Pool = 15 320
Skill Scale Down: Drawing 80 XP to Art SSD XP Pool = 15 320
Skill Scale Down: Painting 25 XP to Pool SSD XP Pool = 40 320
Skill Scale Down Final Total Final Total 150 320
Changes to Start Up +32 XP 182 320
The Golden Rule +15XP 197 335
Extra Credit +15XP 212 350
Who is Ibid!? +15 XP 227 365
~~~ Art -100 127 "
~~~ Research -100 27 "
~~~ Bookbinding -27 00 "
Table for Four +15 XP 15 380
~~~ Research -15 00 "
Light in the Darkness +15 XP 15 395
~~~ Bookbinding -15 00 "
Beyond the Fundamentals +15 XP 15 410
~~~ Appraisal -15 00 "
Saoire 2021: Perdita & Darius +15 XP 15 425
A Tale of Love & Kippers +15 XP 30 440
~~~ Business Management -25 05 "
Not in all the many books +15 XP 20 455
The Quest for Confidence +15 XP 35 470
Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:20 am, edited 69 times in total. word count: 552
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Perdita Westcott
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Profession: Scholar
Renown: 135
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10




Out of Date

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown Octopie 10
Mixing Pigments +5 15
Gloom & Doomsayers +5 25
The Daily Grind +5 30
Red Stars Fall +5 35
Tools: Art Is..... +5 40
Getting Hired. +5 45
Extra Credit +5 50
The Quest for Confidence +5 55
Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:20 am, edited 36 times in total. word count: 50
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Perdita Westcott
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Posts: 335
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Race: Human
Profession: Scholar
Renown: 135
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10




Out of Date

Current Wealth Tier: Tier 10 ( Tier 10 begins at 250 WP)
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
Vhalar 719 ~ Drawing +1 67
Cylus 720 ~ Drawing +2 69
Ashan 720 ~ Drawing +3 72
Letter of Art -1 71
Cylus 721 ~ Appraisal +4 76
Ashan 721 ~ Appraisal +5 81
Art Commission 28 109
Bespoke Frames -8 101
Point Bank Cash In +99 200
Point Bank Cash In +2 202
Point Bank Cash In +27 229
Certificate of History -2 227
Point Bank Cash In +69 298
Business Start Up -55 243
Vhalar 721 ~ Art +11 254
Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:20 am, edited 27 times in total. word count: 104
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Perdita Westcott
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Posts: 335
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Race: Human
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Renown: 135
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10




Starting Package: City Dweller
Wealth Tier 9: Has newly bought items to that level. Clothes are decent and well-made, but not extravagant.

Skill Items

  • Heirloom Item: A beautiful set of leather-bound books detail the history of Rharne.
  • Skill Kits: Tier 5: here
  • Scalvoris Coloured Sand: here

Personal Items

Gift from the Elders of Desnind: A beautiful hair accessoryImage
Pets & NPCs


Name: Hermoine Westcott
Created by: Perdita Westcott
Race: Human
Approval: here
Wealth Tier: 8
Birthday/Age: 15th Ashan 672
Relationship: Mother
Basketweaving: 26, Caregiving: 26, Needlecraft: 26, Teaching: 22
Perdita's mother is a devoted and caring parent. She adores her daughter and her husband and is generally very content. She is a quietly spoken woman who many might describe as placid, and she certainly avoids conflict wherever possible. However, she is very protective of her daughter. Since Perdita left home, Hermoine has been very concerned for Perdita's welfare, especially since she disappeared overnight on the flutterbus to Desnind with a boy. This is most unlike her daughter. While Perdita's letters have soothed her somewhat, Hermoine is very much looking forward to seeing Perdita and finding out just what is happening.


Name: Leontes Westcott
Created by: Perdita Westcott
Race: Human
Approval: here
Wealth Tier: 8
Birthday/Age: 23rd Ymiden 671
Relationship: Father
Business Management: 26, Baking: 26, Cooking: 26, Brewing: 22
Details: Perdita's father is a calm and softly-spoken man who is very devoted to his family. His parents were wealthy and that has meant that he - and his wife and daughter - lived very comfortably. He has maintained his father's businesses, tea shops and bakeries, and he has a very comfortable life. He adores his daughter and, as much as he is a gentle and quiet man, he wants to make sure that she is looking after herself. While he is as quiet as his wife, he - of the two of them - does have a temper. He's protective and proud of his daughter and a doting husband.

He enjoys his work, but his family are his world.



Soot is a bundle of white fur. She has mismatched eyes and one black leg.

She is Perdita's cat who Perdita found in the chimney of her first home, nestled among the long-cold coals. When Perdita found her, she was a tiny kitten, black with coal dust.

Her personality is playful and loving and she spends a lot of her time sitting on laps or demanding fusses.

Perdita and Eli live in Scalvoris where they have combined their money to purchase a house together.
Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:40 pm, edited 16 times in total. word count: 440
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Perdita Westcott
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Posts: 335
Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:24 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Scholar
Renown: 135
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10



Previous Threads

Arc 719

719 Vhalar and Zida
Date Thread Link Thread Description
121st Vhalar 719 Home & Hearth Solo. Rharne Wealth Thread: Vhalar 719
5th Zida 719 Mixing Pigments Collaboration. Eli. First meeting.

Arc 720

720 Rebirth
Date Thread Link Thread Description
1st Cylus 720 Disembarking Collaboration. Eli. Arriving in Desnind
15th Cylus, 720 Wish I may Collaboration: Tor'ree. Wishing sand
18th Cylus 720 Doomsayers Modded Thread: Event
20th Cylus 720 The Daily Grind Collaboration. Eli. Making Ink, Buying Homes. Wealth Thread: Cylus 720 .
21st Cylus 720 Red Skies Fall Modded Thread: Event II
10th Ashan 720 The Way the Wind Blows Collaboration. Eli. Drawing and planning the land-glider Wealth Thread: Ashan 720 .
13th Ashan 720 The Only Way Is Up. Eventually Collaboration. Eli. Drawing and planning the land-glider
15th Ashan 720 Winner Takes It All Collaboration. Eli. Deciding on ingredients
720 Hot
720 Cold

Arc 721

721 Rebirth
Date Thread Link Location Thread Description
4th Cylus The Meditation Rumination ScalvTown With Elisabeth (first meeting)
10th Cylus Light in the Darkness ScalvTown Eli & Bao (first meeting)
11th Cylus Univers[al clar]ity ScalvTown With Eli. Spatting.
12th Cylus A very furry decision ScalvTown With Shl'drei (first meeting)
13th Cylus Being A Dot: History is Study: History ScalvTown Solo
14th Cylus Tools: Art is Study: Art: ScalvTown Solo
14th Cylus Beyond the Fundamentals ScalvTown With Eli
15th Cylus Study 2: Negative Space Study: Art: ScalvTown Solo
16th Cylus 01: Getting Hired Wealth Thread: ScalvTown Solo
17th Cylus Letter 02: History Teaching pt 1: History Is... Study: History ScalvTown Solo
17th Cylus Letter 02: History Teaching pt 2: The Gallery Study: History ScalvTown Solo
21st Cylus Not in all the many books ScalvTown with Hart
2nd Ashan Who is ibid? ScalvTown with Oram (1st meeting)
5th Ashan [Glassblowing] Illuminati Egilrun Solo
10th Ashan Man's Best Friend~ Commission: Art: Egilrun Woe (first meeting)
15th Ashan Out of the Kennell~ Commission: Art: Egilrun With Woe
15th Ashan Homework ~ Modded Egilrun Jackalope
16th Ashan Golden Rule Egilrun With Woe & Hart
18th Ashan One Hell of A Show~Modded ScalvTown Eli, Kal & Devin
19th Ashan The Heist Study: Art: ScalvTown with Darragh (1st meeting)
19th Ashan Extra Credit Study: History ~ Modded ScalvTown Jackalope
20th Ashan Nature's Masterpiece ScalvTown with Eli + parents
20th Ashan Table For Four ScalvTown with Eli + parents
20th Ashan Table For Two ScalvTown with Eli
30th Ashan Intelligent Design ScalvTown with Eli
TBD A Tale of Love & Kippers ScalvTown with Eli +Elisabeth
721 Hot
721 Cold
Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Wed Nov 17, 2021 1:01 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 419
User avatar
Perdita Westcott
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Posts: 335
Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:24 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Scholar
Renown: 135
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10



Quests & Storylines

Starter Quest
Bookbinding often leads to book repairing, and a customer comes in with a raggedy looking book. The writing is unfamiliar but it is clearly a historical text of some kind that after several trials is never picked up. What does the writing say? Will Perdita keep the text to figure out it's secrets or donate it to Rharne's Library?


Letter in History - Completed!
Professor ~ Dudley Deadnut
Registration ~ need 25 knowledge and 2 x seasons of study
Study 1: Be a Dot ~ Perdita goes to the Library and starts researching topics. She decides on the Modern History of Scalvoris.
Letter 02: History Teaching pt 1 ~ Perdita's first History lecture.
Letter 03: History Teaching pr 2 ~ after the lecture
Letter in Art - Completed!
Professor ~ Salv'i'na Smixenbite
Registration ~ need 25 knowledge and 2 x seasons of study
Study 1: Tool ~ Perdita goes to the library and researches the tools she'll need. Then, she goes to the docks to collect shells and sand and then the market to buy some things.
Study 2: Negative Space ~ Perdita attends her first lecture and explores the concept of Negative Space.
Study 3: The Heist ~ Perdita attends a lecture and meets another student.

Qualification Claimed: here
Art Commission Woe - Completed!
Ashan 721: Man's Best Friend ~ Perdita takes a commission to draw a dog called Breen
Ashan 721: Out of the Kennel ~ Perdita delivers art pieces to Woe
Certificate in History
Professor ~ Dudley Deadnut
Registration ~ need 25 knowledge and 2 x seasons of study
[Certificate 1] Certified Lies ~ First lecture as a Certificate student.
Certificate in Art
Professor ~ Salv'i'na Smixenbite
Registration ~ need 25 knowledge and 2 x seasons of study


Desnind 720
The Land Glider
Perdita and Eli embark on the project of creating a "Land Glider" with the aim of eventually making a flying vessel.
The Way The Wind Blows ~ where Eli and Perdita embark on the shared project
Nowhere To Go But Up - Eventually ~ where Eli and Perdita get down to some designs and prototypes.
Last edited by Perdita Westcott on Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:01 pm, edited 23 times in total. word count: 343
User avatar
Perdita Westcott
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Posts: 335
Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:24 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Scholar
Renown: 135
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Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10




Out of Date Thread List
Date Thread Link Location Thread Description
5th Ashan Strange Botany Egilrun Commission: Art:
Types of Thread
Wealth Thread:
Study: History
Study: Art:
Commission: Art:
Skills Out of Date

Starter Package: City Dweller.
Agreement on Skills for University here
Skill Total Points Proficiency Notes
Animal Husbandry 00/250 Novice
Animal Training 00/250 Novice
Appraisal 45/250 Competent Wealth Skill
Art 180/250 Master Study: Art: (Letter & Certificate)
Basketweaving 35/ 250 Competent
Bookbinding 77 / 250 Expert
Business Management 25 / 250 Novice
Combat: Unarmed 00/250 Novice
Cryptography 05/250 Novice
Detection 00/250 Novice
Discipline 00/250 Novice
Endurance 00/250 Novice
Etiquette 00/250 Novice
Glassblowing 00/250 Novice
Intelligence 00/250 Novice
Investigation 00/250 Novice
Jewelcrafting 00/250 Novice
Leather Working 00/250 Novice
Linguistics 5/250 Novice
Logistics 00/250 Novice
Needlecraft 00/250 Novice
Pottery 00/250 Novice
Research 155/250 Master Study: History
Resistance 00/250 Novice 02
Science 05/250 Novice
Sculpting 00/250 Novice
Smithing 00/250 Novice
Socialisation 00/250 Novice
Stealth 00/250 Novice
Tactics 00/250 Novice
Teaching 00/250 Novice
Teaching 00/250 Novice
Textile Production 00/250 Novice
Woodworking 00/250 Novice
Writing (FT) 25 / 100 Novice Study: Art: (Licentiate)
Knowledge Out Of Date See UCP

Skill Knowledges


  1. Appraisal: Consider what might bring value: Total:1
  2. Appraisal: Uniqueness adds value: Total:2
  3. Appraisal: Value includes consideration of how much work an item needs.: Total:3
  4. Appraisal: Considering the relative value of a flunny
  5. Appraisal: Choosing a pet (or not)
  6. Appraisal: Determining the cutest animal from a crowd
  7. Appraisal: Considering a dog's best angle
  8. Appraisal: Where would it be best to draw a dog : Total: 8
  9. Appraisal: Consider all options when choosing a seat : Total: 9
  10. Appraisal: Identify advantages and disadvantages of choices : Total: 10
  11. Appraisal: Note-taking techniques. : Total: 11
  12. Appraisal: Examining a book for a general overview of it's state : Total: 12
  13. Appraisal: Determine the likely outcome of damage : Total: 13
  14. Appraisal: Identify the size of gaps in a book's spine : Total: 14
  15. Appraisal: Appraise the situation and plan your repair. : Total: 15
  16. Appraisal: Appraising your own skill is hard : Total: 16
  17. Appraisal: Determining what would make good pieces to sell .: Total: 17
  18. Appraisal: Identifying the wishes of your employer : Total: 18
  19. Appraisal: Illuminated manuscripts are worth more. : Total: 19
  20. Appraisal: Comparing types of books : Total: 20
  21. Appraisal: Judging the usefulness of books :
  22. +10 from Startup Changes 1
  23. +10 from Startup Changes 2
  24. +10 from Startup Changes 3
  25. +10 from Startup Changes 4
  26. +10 from Startup Changes 5
  27. +10 from Startup Changes 6
  28. +10 from Startup Changes 7
  29. +10 from Startup Changes 8
  30. +10 from Startup Changes 9
  31. +10 from Startup Changes 10
  32. Appraisal x2 1
  33. Appraisal x2 2
  1. Design Transferred SSD +2 . 1
  2. Design Transferred SSD +2 .2
  3. Design Transferred SSD +2 1
  4. Design Transferred SSD +2 2
  5. Design Transferred SSD + 2 1
  6. Design Transferred SSD + 2 2
  7. Design Transferred SSD Design: Consider composition when deciding a frame
  8. Design Transferred SSD Design: Use frames to bring out colour
  9. Design Transferred SSD Design: Simple frames can be striking.
  10. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 1
  11. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 2
  12. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 1
  13. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 2
  14. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6
  15. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 2
  16. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 3
  17. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 4
  18. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 5
  19. Drawing Transferred in SSD +6 6
  20. Drawing Transferred in SSD + 3
  21. Drawing Transferred in SSD + 3 2
  22. Drawing Transferred in SSD + 3 3
  23. Drawing Transferred in SSD +1
  24. Drawing Transferred in SSD +3 1
  25. Drawing Transferred in SSD +3 2
  26. Drawing Transferred in SSD +3 3
  27. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Using a pencil to sketch a jar / jug
  28. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: A sharp pencil produces very fine lines
  29. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Using lines can denote shape in a simple sketch
  30. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Draw diagrams for visual learning
  31. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Label lines and graphs
  32. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Represent items by small icons
  33. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Sketching basic shapes
  34. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Natural light is good
  35. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Drawing a dog
  36. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Sketch in stages.
  37. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Test your sketch before you commit
  38. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Using chalk in sketches
  39. Drawing Transferred in SSD Drawing: Fill a page with colour to remind you
  40. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 1
  41. Drawing Transferred in SSD +2 2
  42. Painting Transferred in SSD +4 1
  43. Painting Transferred in SSD +4 2
  44. Painting Transferred in SSD +4 3
  45. Painting Transferred in SSD +4 4
  46. +10 from Startup Changes 1
  47. +10 from Startup Changes 2
  48. +10 from Startup Changes 3
  49. +10 from Startup Changes 4
  50. +10 from Startup Changes 5
  51. +10 from Startup Changes 6
  52. +10 from Startup Changes 7
  53. +10 from Startup Changes 8
  54. +10 from Startup Changes 9
  55. +10 from Startup Changes 10
  56. Art x2 1
  57. Art x2 2


Combat: Unarmed

  • Starter Knowledge: 1. TOTAL = 1

Non-Skill Knowledges


  • Location: Rharne (SP)
  • Location: Sirothelle (SP)


  • Immortal: Illaren (SP)
  • Immortal: Faldrun (SP)

History & Culture

  • History of Rharne (SP)
  • Culture & Traditions of Rharne (SP)
  • Factions of Rharne (SP)
  • History of Sirothelle (SP)

Flora & Fauna

  • Rharne: Common Flora & Fauna (SP)
  • Flameborn (SP)

Novice Linguistics: Select 2 easy level languages. You may rank up to 'Broken' in these languages for free. You may learn a maximum of 4 languages.
[sp] Fluent Common
[sp] Broken Leni
[lg] Broken Cursive
[lg] Broken Pailtic

XP Ledger Out of date, see UCP

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Current Total Grand Total
Starter XP +50 50 Nil
Research Racial Bonus 50 Nil
Writing (FT) -15 35 Nil
Linguistics -5 30 Nil
Cryptography -5 25 Nil
Bookbinding - 5 20Nil
Drawing - 10 10 Nil
Basketweaving -10 Nil Nil
Basketweaving +3 XP, +1 Knowledge OctopieNil
Bookbinding +3 XP, +1 Knowledge OctopieNil
Writing +3 XP, OctopieNil
Research +3 XP, +1 Knowledge OctopieNil
Home & HearthBasketweaving x2, Drawing x2, Animal Husbandry x2 +10XP 10 10
~~~ Drawing -5 5 10
~~~ Basketweaving -5 Nil 10
Mixing PigmentsUnarmed Combat x 4, Endurance x4, Stealth x3 +15 XP 15 25
~~~ Bookbinding -12 3 "
~~~ Basketweaving -2 1 "
~~~ Writing -1 0 "
DisembarkingResistance x 3, Drawing x 2, Endurance x2 +15 XP 15 40
~~~ Drawing -10 5 "
~~~ Writing -5 0 "
Gloom & Doomsayers Tactics x 2, Intelligence x 2 +15 XP 15 55
~~~ Bookbinding -5 10 "
~~~ Basketweaving -5 5 "
~~~ Intelligence -5 0 "
The Daily Grind Design x 2, Bookbinding x 6 +15 XP 15 70
~~~ Design -15 0 "
The Way The Wind Blows Design x 2, Drawing x6 +15 XP 15 85
Winner Takes It All Art x 3, Bookbinding x 3, Design x 2 +15 XP 30 100
Nowhere To Go But Up Basketweaving x 8, Drawing x 1 +15 XP 45 115
~~~ Basketweaving -10 35 "
~~~ Bookmaking -10 25 "
~~~ Drawing -10 15 "
Red Stars Fall Rhetoric x 1, Research x 1, Tactics x 3 +15 XP 30 130
~~~ Painting -25 05 "
~~~ Chemistry -5 00 "
Tools: Art Is Research x 3, Drawing x 3 +10 XP 10 140
Negative Space Drawing x 3, Writing x 3 +10 XP 20 150
Getting Hired Appraisal x 3, Drawing x3 +10 XP 30 160
~~~ Drawing -30 00 "
Universal Clarity +15 XP 15 175
~~~ Drawing -15 00 "
A Very Furry Decision +15 XP 15 190
Man's Best Friend +15 XP 30 205
~~~ Appraisal -25 05 "
Being a Dot: History Is +10 XP 15 215
~~~ Research -15 00 "
History Teaching 01: History is +10 XP 10 225
History Teaching 02: The Gallery +10 XP 20 235
Nature's Masterpiece +15 XP 35 250
Out of the Kennel, Into the Doghouse +15 XP 50 265
The Meditation Rumination +15 XP 65 280
Homework +15 XP 80 290
The Heist +15 XP 95 305
Table for Two +15 XP 110 320
Skill Scale Down: Chemistry 5 XP to Science SSD XP Pool = 0 320
Skill Scale Down: Design 15 XP to Pool SSD XP Pool = 15 320
Skill Scale Down: Drawing 80 XP to Art SSD XP Pool = 15 320
Skill Scale Down: Painting 25 XP to Pool SSD XP Pool = 40 320
Skill Scale Down Final Total Final Total 150 320
Changes to Start Up +32 XP 182 320
The Golden Rule +15XP 197 335
Extra Credit +15XP 212 350
Who is Ibid!? +15 XP 227 365
~~~ Art -100 127 "
~~~ Research -100 27 "
~~~ Bookbinding -27 00 "
Table for Four +15 XP 15 380
~~~ Research -15 00 "
Light in the Darkness +15 XP 15 395
~~~ Bookbinding -15 00 "
Beyond the Fundamentals +15 XP 15 410
~~~ Appraisal -15 00 "
Saoire 2021: Perdita & Darius +15 XP 15 425
A Tale of Love & Kippers +15 XP 30 440
~~~ Business Management -25 05 "
Not in all the many books +15 XP 20 455
The Quest for Confidence +15 XP 35 470
Renown Out of Date

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown Octopie 10
Mixing Pigments +5 15
Gloom & Doomsayers +5 25
The Daily Grind +5 30
Red Stars Fall +5 35
Tools: Art Is..... +5 40
Getting Hired. +5 45
Extra Credit +5 50
The Quest for Confidence +5 55
Wealth Out of Date

Current Wealth Tier: Tier 10 ( Tier 10 begins at 250 WP)
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
Vhalar 719 ~ Drawing +1 67
Cylus 720 ~ Drawing +2 69
Ashan 720 ~ Drawing +3 72
Letter of Art -1 71
Cylus 721 ~ Appraisal +4 76
Ashan 721 ~ Appraisal +5 81
Art Commission 28 109
Bespoke Frames -8 101
Point Bank Cash In +99 200
Point Bank Cash In +2 202
Point Bank Cash In +27 229
Certificate of History -2 227
Point Bank Cash In +69 298
Business Start Up -55 243
Vhalar 721 ~ Art +11 254
word count: 2549
Post Reply Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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