Responding to Genna
"Jost... A... Little... Cloooooosssssaaaaaa....."
The tiny fury alchemist was gently placing the final touches to one of his alchemical glyphs as his Holo-com sprang into life as Genna's visage appeared on his desk.
He flinched ever so slightly as her voice called out, nudging the circle's edge with his calk.
Quickly he removed the mistake, extended the circle again and completed the glyph, as the energy of the circle began to fail. Recovering the error swiftly, he let out a sigh of relief. "Wow... Dat wus close..."
He said, as he placed the chalk down and made his way over the the communication device with a broad smile.
His visage appeared above the woman's device. His fur was a little uneven, the right side of his nose was covered in glitter and there was a blob of something rainbow coloured on his right ear. It held on to his fur like some kind of limpet, causing his ear to flick and flinch as he subconsciously tried to shake it off as he spoke.
His tone, despite his disheveled appearance, was one of delight as she introduced the situation. He nodded enthusiastically as he replied, quite honored that she would suggest he was even capable of building something like a flying ship.
"Hahaha! Noh, nat mine! Oh, mun. 'ow cool wud dat be? Isanamia, EQUITY FRAM ABOVE! Hehehe."
The ferret was as jovial as ever. Being busy was his favourite way of being.
"Me es organising a welcome party far our visitas, en case dem are friendly. Alex es arganisin' peopal fram Isonomia tuh be ready far watever occurs, in case dem ar nat. Let me know ef dere es anytin' specific yuh need, but dere will be peepal around tuh 'elp yuh teams 'oweva yuh need."
He concluded with a determined nod.
Between the two factions, he was certain they could encourage the people to be positive about the approaching ships, until it was clear they should not be.
"Shinwa, please cun yuh approahc de local Guilds and Breweries? We shud try tuh involve dem. Dis es Rharne afta al."
Back to the current 6-hourly chunk
Winston was reviewing the report from
, who was much more competent at such things.
"Interesting. They don't seem to be attacking anything and there's not one, but three ships."
His voice was full of awe at the prospect of not just one, but multiple flying ships. This suggested they might not be uncommon among the newcomers and the idea what there might genuinely be a chance he could explore one of them filled him with glee.
"Yes, that could be a problem."
Considered the Wisp.
"Multiple ships means multiple problems."
The ferret frowned.
"Multiple sheps means multiple parties."
He was joking, a little, but Felicity was not entertained.
"Focus Winston, this is serious."
He rolled his eyes in a playful manor as they continued to receive the report.
"Oh-kay-oh-kay. Shud we say 'ello..?"
He pondered aloud.
Felicity objected with a voice of experience that caused the ferret to nod slowly.
"No. Right now we have an advantage. While they are not being a threat, we can gather information. Plus, if we make contact, we take the rather considerable responsability of making first contact with another nation... I'm not sure Winston T. Ferret Miller has that authority."
He shrugged, as if what she said might well be right, even if it was not fun.
"True. Oh-kay. Let's 'ave de Wisps maintain their distance an' watch far any indicashun dat de visitors mean any 'arm. Tell dem to maintain dinatance, bot try tuh establish wat de visitors dat are commin' tuh land are doin'."
He turned to
as he continued.
"Cun yuh pass dat on please, an' let de Lightening Knights, Vivian and Genna know dat dere are thrreeeee af dem. Eeeeeee"
He could bearly contain his excitement at the prospect of 'spare' ships arriving. The idea that they might be open to trade for them filled his mind.
A knight arrives at day
Still working furiously on his forge and the preparations for the explosive welcome, there was a gentle tap at the door as Shinwa entered and introduced one Corporal Xithyria Manrantha Remnate Videx, with a bow and a gesture toward the man.
"Wow, oh. Dat's quite a lat... Ummm... Caperal is et?"
The man nodded as he set about putting in his request for help.
As the man began to lay out the details, Winston started by nodding knowingly, making the assumption that he was here about the ships. As soon as it became apparent that the ships were apparently
not at the top of the list of problems they were presenting him, his surprise was obvious.
"Yes, af carse de ships are indeed a... Oh! Cannan balls? En de armory? Uhhh..."
He looked at the forge and his megar supply of explosives. He would need many more before the ships arrived if he was going to achieve more then just a token effort at the celebrations or the distraction.
Hearing his thoughts, Felicity spoke to him telepathically through the symbiotic possession they shared.
The ferret's expression shifted to one of very serious doubt as he replied, telepathically.
"Bot, why are we wastin' time an some cannan-balls when we are facing ground-breaking meetin's af a new flyin' race?"
"They need their munitions Winston if these new friends you are hoping to meet turn out to be unfriendly. Think about it Winston. If this IS an invasion, is it really a coincidence that the only form of substantial defence against something like a Flying Ship might have been sabotaged?"
His eyes bulged at the prospect of sabotage in the fore of first contact with a new, potentially powerful race and he turned his, very obviously distracted attention, back to the Knight.
"Ok-key, yus, af-carse. Munishuns are not me speciality, but we most make share yuh defences are nat campromised."
He replied with a newly found sense of urgency to fuel his curiosity.
Shinwa made a polite 'ehem' sound before adding.
"I will arrange the appropriate invoices for services rendered be forwarded to the appropriate department, Sir?"
The ferret nodded absentmindedly at the suggestion, his head already spinning with the potential of the mystery cannon balls stretching from anything from total world destruction to rainbow coloured glitter.
"Oh, af cars, tank yuh, Shinwa. Me always forget dat bit."
Waving a hand at the diligent butler in gratitude for dealing with the less interesting aspects of business that prevents one becoming a poorper, he turned back to the Knight.
"Me gat a lat af work still tuh do 'ere. Wud yuh mind leadin'
tuh de armoury while me worked?"
He looked up at the ceiling as he addressed Chest directly.
"Yuh, oh-kay tuh fallow dis 'ere chap, please Chest?"
There was no reply from the room, but the locomotive luggage followed the Knight to their destination while Winston continued to work on the welcome explosives as
forced him to remember to eat.
At the armoury
I am assuming that Winston reaches the Armoury in the 'second half' of this 6-hour window as this makes sense and also means I can narative some 'initial investigations' for Mod response.
Pig has given me permission to assume I get a look at the Armoury and also dropped the following tips:
- The balls appear to have included Chistone Wells in their construction.
Winston has 5 Relationship Points with his Songforged Diri, Joe. This being so, Joe's Sense Magic custom power is upgraded to be twice as effective, as per the Scalvaris Forged write-up. This means he can 'detect' from Competent (easily) to Expert (with effort) magics/wells/etc.
It took a little persuasion to convince the Knights to allow Chest into the Armoury, but as fortune would have it,
Winston was an extremely persuasive ferret when he wanted to be and right now, he wanted to be. Having been informed that the magic cannon balls had been disturbed as little as possible, he was taking no risks.
He still remembered quite vividly the catastrophe that occured as a result of Nar'wie's haphazard meddling back in Scalvaris and had no intention of having that occur tutorial, dispite his burning curiosity.
He began as he looked over the armoury.
"...Ef me es doin' dis, den dis entire room es af limits until me say oddawise, Oh-kay?"
It wasn't a negotiation, the well-mannered ferret's usual amiability was no less present, but those involved either agreed and received his help... or they didn't. Assuming this was acceptable, he set to work.
Turning to the Corporal, who had offered the protection of some aduration magic already, he nodded.
"Corporal, et wud be gud tuh 'ave yuh 'andy far a shield ar two, ef de need arises. Bot please don't cast anytin' yet... nat ontil me 'ave established ef et es safe."
He requested, with a happy smile. Leadership was not one of his key skills, so all too often his demands came off as requests, but nonetheless, he said it and trusted the Knight to follow siute.
Approaching the room, he called
forward with a little thought aimed in his general direction.
He asked as the room stood around them, empty of people and full of secrets.
"First, we establish 'ow big a prablem et es we are dealin' wid."
He said, getting out a pad of paper from Chest and a writing implement.
"Lend me yuh powa me friend..."
He asked politely, using Joe's senses to enhance his own skills and meditation
With the help of Joe's unique ability to sense magic
, he started by wandering around the room, identifying where the offending items were and how many there were. It was his hope that they were not too powerful, or they would leave poor Joe with a headache, but should that be the case, then he would resort only to his Meditation and Encocelling talents to try to ensure he does not miss anything.
Noting what he found as he went, he moved on to establishing what they were. Using his encocelling tools, he began exploring one of the cannonballs, touching it as little as possible, but to try to discover what it was made of, or perhaps intended to do. Focusing his mind to clear it of distractions and gently teasing the information he wanted out of one of the items, he gradually began to feel a familiar sensation. He was still very carful not to inadvertently put any ether into the device. Activating it could lead quite literally to anything and for now...
His eyes opened wide at the revelation.
"Corporal... Please take Joe an' 'ave 'im check any equipment dat 'as already left dis armory far signs af magic. Any cannan balls already distributed."
He knew these particular Wells intimately and the idea that even just touching the device could lead to someone else reading his thoughts caused him great concern as he pulled his tools away from the device.
Felicity spoke up inside the ferret's mind.
"You must tell him, but be discreet. If they have a spy, this could lead to remote triggering of these devices, right?"
She asserted, drawing on the knowledge of what the Chii stone's mean from Winston's mind.
Nodding slightly he responded, silently within their shared consciousness.
"Yus, et could... We need tuh try tuh prevent dem fram workin'. A
Selenenyte might stap dem from being activated, ef dem are nat bein' too powaful... We need tuh work out what class af well we are dealin' wid 'ere."
He moved closer to the Knight, who was either 'in on it already' and knew everything, or was the only person Winston was sure he could currently trust with this information. He spoke as discreetly as he could, to avoid being overheard... even by the devices themselves. "Whateva dem are, dey cun almost definitely be activated fram a distance, an command... Yuh MOST do dis discreetly tuh avoid lettin' an dat we know, but while me secure dis room, yuh shud try to locate any other devices before dem are turned an."
He waited to see how well the man took the news. It was pretty important to their success that he handled it well, but at the end of the trial, Winston could only really control his own actions and
leading a Knight in his responsibilities was something well outside his capabilities.
Whether the Knight got on with his task or not, Winston set about establishing what he could about the device. Finding out what total Well Class they were dealing with would be crucial.
Key Questions for Mod please:- Are there any more devices, outside the Armoury?
- How many devices are in the armoury?
- What total Well Class are the individual devices (so I can tell if the Selenenyte might prevent them from triggering)?
Winston did (or continued) the following:
- Replies to Genna and disseminates the information (via Shinwa with Intelligence at Expert) he has gathered on the ships between her, the Lightning Knights and Vivian.
- Helps Gena spread positive vibes about the approaching ships to encourage celebration instead of panic.
- Continues making the smoke bombs for a few breaks (Alchemy at GM).
- Tells the Wisps gathering information on the ships to avoid direct contact and monitor the people landing to try and establish their apparent intentions.
- Consents to go and visit the Lightning Knight armoury to explore the issue with their munitions.
- Shinwa reminds the Knight that the services of a master encocellar are not free and there would be an invoice following for works done.
- Has the Corporal lead Chest to the Armoury so that Winston can continue to produce the smoke boms inside his forge until they get there.
- He tells the Lightning Knight Corporal:
- That no one can do anything in or around the armoury while Winston is investigating.
- That the devices could be remotely activated.
- To be very discreet with this information, while they secure the armoury.
- To help Joe find any other items that have already deployed from the armoury that are magical.
- Uses Encocelling (Master), Meditation (Expert), Detection (Expert), Investigation (Competent) and Joe's Sense Magic ability (capable of sensing up to Class 3 wells with some effort) to:
- Locate any and all devices in the armoury before they start touching things.
- Begin to decipher what one of the devices do, with as passive an approach as possible to avoid accidental activation.
- Begin refining a Selenenyte to try and prevent the devices from working (if he can establish they are not more powerful then Class 3).
Contributing Skills:
- Joe:
- Not a skill as such, but Joe can let Winston sense sources of magic within 15 feet up to a Class 3 well (after which, pain happens).
- Winston:
- Alchemy (GM)
- Tactics (Competent)
- Encocelling (Master)
- Investigation (Competent)
- Socialisation (GM)
- Stealth (Expert)
- Meditation (Expert)
- Detection (Expert)
- Logistics (Competent)
- :
- Etiquette (Expert) - For dealing with the Guilds and advising on Rharne celebration traditions
- Logistics (Expert) - For the celebration arrangements and co-ordinating with the Guilds
- Intelligence (Expert) - For managing information gathering on the ships