• Solo • The Way of the Mind

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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The Way of the Mind

Vhalar 20, Arc 721

Doran had not been particularly fond of Bramwell Foy during their last meeting the arc before. The human had asked him to fight at The Proving Ground and demonstrate his skill with the blade. He had agreed to that. He had given up the life of a warrior a long time ago, but he quite enjoyed fighting for sport and passing on his knowledge. What he had not agreed to had been the advertising campaign that the mortal had run prior to the tournament though. He had distributed fliers in which he had called him the greatest swordsman in all of Idalos and a grandmaster swordsman. He doubted that the former was true, and the latter was a title that he had neither claimed nor been given.

An event during which different armed and unarmed combat styles were being showcased, and during which people could attend lessons and even take part in short competitions themselves was just too tempting though. He hadn't liked Mister Foy at first, but he liked the idea that he had come up with. For that reason, he had offered his services and decided to demonstrate a combat technique that he had invented as well as introduce Scalvoris to his unarmed combat style of choice that had been developed in Viden about two centuries earlier, in the hope that it would lead to the creation of additional ties between the two cities.

When he arrived at The Proving Ground shortly after lunch – he had asked his cook to only prepare a light meal as heavy meals could affect your endurance negatively and cause you to grow tired – there were already a fair number of people there, fighting, watching or taking part in a lesson in the exercise area or one of the large, fenced sandpits. Drinks and snacks were also being distributed. He got a glass of water – he didn’t want to drink anything that might impact his physical state negatively – before he made his way to the changing rooms in order to change out of the dark suit that he wore and a somewhat sturdy, dark outfit that was appropriate for combat and would not restrict his movements.

A few moments later, he made his way to a spot at the very edge of the exercise area that was not as crowded. He put his sword away – he had brought a longsword made of embersteel that was heavy, but otherwise unspectacular as there was no need of gaudy, let alone magical weapons here in his opinion – and then he began to warm up. There were some people that disliked such exercises and considered them to be a waste of time, but he still warmed up on a regular basis, in spite of his being a reasonably skilled swordsman and martial artist. He found that warming up increased his flexibility; besides, it helped prevent injuries. He definitely didn’t want to end up with back pain or a sprained leg just because he didn’t have a couple of bits to spare before a fight.

Finally, he made his way to one of the sandpits where a group of people were already waiting – Mister Foy had put up a sign so that people would know which lesson and which demonstration would take place when and where. If nothing else, he thought, the human seemed to have some skill in business management and ran his establishment reasonably well.

That was something that he appreciated.
From the Scalvoris calendar:

Bramwell Foy has decided to hold the first event ever at The Proving Ground. From the 18th of Vhalar to the 21st of Vhalar, practitioners of various armed and unarmed combat styles will demonstrate their skills and even give short impromptu lessons. To that end, Mister Foy is looking for people that are willing to work for him for one or all four trials. Furthermore, there are competitions where people can test their combat skills, with small prizes to be won, and spectators can enjoy drinks and snacks.
word count: 675





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Re: The Way of the Mind

Doran counted eight people, ranging from their twenties to their forties in age, that had come to learn something about Menochoros, or the Way of the Mind as it was also called. He inclined his head and smiled lightly at them before he gestured for them to gather around him and proceeded to explain, “I will teach you a bit about Menochoros to-trial, an unarmed combat style that was developed in Viden about two centuries ago and that has gained a reasonable following there. Menochoros places a particular emphasis on harnessing the power of the mind in order to unleash one’s full physical potential.”

“Practitioners of Menochoros, like me, see Menochoros as a state of mind and disapprove of using violence unless there is absolutely no other way, but Menochoros, or the Way of the Mind, is just as effective as other martial arts, if not even more so, as it encourages the ability to adapt depending on the situation that you find yourself in and block out distractions in order to attain a state of utter focus”,
he continued.

“To that end, one of the first things that my teacher taught me was how to meditate, but asking you to sit still for the next thirty bits would make for a dull lesson and not get you interested in Menochoros, wouldn’t it?” he asked and raised a dark eyebrow slightly. A couple of people in his audience smirked or nodded their heads in agreement.

“For that reason, I’ll show you a couple of simple, but effective moves instead”, he spoke. “In Menochoros, we try to incapacitate our enemies before the fight can truly begin rather than drawing it out. Open palm strikes can be quite effective, for example”, he explained and pulled a training dummy that he noticed nearby closer. He would not demonstrate that attack on one of those inexperienced people.

“Watch me”, he instructed them before he advanced. He struck the dummy with the heel of his right hand first, and then he quickly switched to his left hand. “Striking with the heel of the hand doesn’t cause as much damage to your opponent or you as striking with your knuckles would, but it results in very focused strikes that cause confusion or pain. In Menochoros, using a closed fist is seen as more of a hindrance”, he explained and struck the training dummy again, three times in quick succession.

“Side hand strikes”, he continued and hit the dummy once more, keeping his fingers together and straight so that they resembled a blade of sorts. “Are often directed at the throat or the neck, or other sensitive areas like the inside of the wrist or the elbow. When you kick, you should aim at below knee height as aiming higher can upset your balance, and strike with the bottom or the sides of the feet as the toes are sensitive to self-inflicted damage”, he spoke and struck the dummy with his hands once more before he executed a swift kick, and then another one. He moved around the dummy as he did so, faster than before so that his audience could see what a skilled practitioner of Menochoros really looked like before he turned to face them once more.

“Constant movement is another thing that is of essence in Menochoros”, he explained in a firm tone of voice. “A target that stands still is an easy target. Always keep that in mind when you fight.”

“Who wants to try an open palm strike or a kick now?”
he asked. A couple of hands immediately went up, and he told his volunteers to stretch their arms and legs a little bit before he let them have a go at the training dummy. Their attacks were a little off, as was to be expected, but they seemed to have fun which was the most important thing right now.

Finally, they were all gathered around him once more.

“I hope to be holding more Menochoros lessons in the future – I want to properly bring this part of the north to Scalvoris. If you ever find yourself in Viden though, the Fitness Centre offers affordable lessons for beginners as well as more advanced practitioners on a regular basis. In Viden are also different orders that you can join”, he added. He had not done so, so far, even though he likely qualified for the Argent Order at least, by now, as he saw no advantage in doing so, but they might be interested.

A lot of people enjoyed being part of something and advancing through the ranks.

“With that being said, I’ll be holding another short demonstration in approximately thirty bits”, he continued just as a loud cry of triumph could be heard somewhere behind them. Apparently, someone had just won a fight – and their audience subsequently cheered for them. “I’ve developed a technique that enables me to execute powerful attacks without the need for momentum. I’ll be demonstrating it with a sword and without a sword, in case any of you are interested”, he offered.

A few people seemed to be curious. Another few people had questions about Menochoros, and he answered them to the best of his ability before he bid them farewell, got another glass of water and a light snack. He sat down in one of the covered stands where most of the spectators were in order to watch a couple of fights and relax. He was a little warm now, and perhaps a hint more tired, but he did not find that unpleasant. On the contrary, he liked the way that his body felt now, after a bit of a physical workout. It had been good to hold such a lesson again rather than standing in the classroom for breaks on end. He would, he decided, make that a regular occurrence.
word count: 984





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Re: The Way of the Mind

Review Rewards
Character: Doran

Points Awarded: 10
Renown 10 - For Leading a Menochoros Demonstration
Magic Applicable: Nurp

  • Combat (Unarmed): Menochoros: Side hand strikes
  • Combat (Unarmed): Menochoros: Striking with the heel of the hand results in focused attacks
  • Combat (Unarmed): Menochoros: When kicking, aim at below knee height
  • Combat (Unarmed): Menochoros: Constant movement keeps you from becoming an easy target
  • Endurance: Heavy meals can affect your endurance negatively
  • Endurance: Feeling warm after a physical workout
A very nice thread! Doran’s begrudging (?) respect for Foy was well written, and I could keep up with the Menochoros explanations even though I haven’t read up in a bit. Doran is honestly such a sweet fellow and I will never fail to say that you write him beautifully. As always if anything seems off please reach out to me on site and I’ll reply asap! Thanks for the lovely read~
word count: 150
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