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Bella, Faith & Padraig are treated to dinner o:

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[Knight's Rest Inn] Common Interests

9th Trial of Ashan
718th Arc
The venue of choice had been the Knights Rest Inn and Tavern. It had not been Virikai’s first choice - originally the young lordling had wanted to treat Faith and her husband to the best. But the best turned out to be somewhere faith herself was a chef at. He believed it would be insulting to take her there, where she might not be fully at ease, so he had to settle for what was slated to be second best.

Entering the tavern ten bits earlier than he had told Faith to meet them, with Maebella’s hand clasped in his own, Virikai glance around, “Well if the food taste anything like it smells, this was certainly a good choice,” he murmured before smiling at the approaching hostess. He made no comment on the decor, which would have been enough of a hint for his future wife to infer that Virikai was not overly impressed, but was keen to be positive and avoid offending anyone. “I sent a missive a few trials ago requesting a table for four, under Talius?” The lordling asked.

Yes, sir, please come this way,” the hostess directed them to a table to the side of the eatery - not quite as private as Virikai would have liked, but also not so secluded that he would appear as a snob to the people he was trying to acquaint himself with this evening. Even if he was a snob. “Would you like to order and wine while you wait for your companions, sir?

The menu was passed to Virikai who glanced at it. Despite his upbringing, as well as being such close friends with the infamous Aranaz family, the Talius scion knew very little about wine. Oh, he could talk the talk, but that was as far as it went. He shared a brief glance with Maebella, who he knew was as clueless as him, before turning to the waitress with an air of confidence, deflecting the question back onto her with practiced ease. “This is our first chance to sample the delights of Scalvoris. What would you recommend for visitors?

The recommendation, following a brief discussion about what they might eat - reds were suitable for dark meats, whites for fish and light meats - was a bottle of a relatively sweet white called Shimmering Koriel. It seemed to be a dichotomy, from what little Virikai thought he knew of wine, but he did not question it, though he hoped it wasn’t too sweet, remembering Maebella’s aversion to a similarly described wine at the Aranaz family estate. While they waited for the wine to arrive, Virikai asked, “You’ve met Faith before, I believe?
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8gn removed from ledger for bottle of wine.
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[Knight's Rest Inn] Common Interests

Of all the things that they could be doing, Faith really didn't want to be wasting time and money eating in a substandard restaurant with a stranger. She'd much rather, she considered, looking at herself in the mirror somewhat critically, be at home with the babies, dressed in oversized pajama bottoms and a strappy vest top. But instead, she had pulled herself into the boned basque which allowed her to fit into the red dress, from the Murder Mystery on Faldrass. The high heeled shoes with ribbon ties and the small diamond earrings, necklace and bracelet. Having done all that, she was just finishing applying the subtle but effective make up which she wore very rarely and she frowned slightly at the reflection which looked back at her.

Faith was a different shape since the last time she'd put this dress on. Recalling that evening with a smile she looked down and gave a slight and rather ironic smile. "I love living here," she said, as he walked in. "It is genuinely astonishing falling asleep in this room." With a critical expression, she put her hands on her hips and looked at herself in the mirror. "Do you think I'll ever look like I used to?" Pursing her lips, critically, she let out a sort of 'humph' noise. "Shall we go? I wouldn't want to be late, it would be rude." The man who had invited them to dinner was Lord Virikai Talius, she said. He was a member of one of Viden's main families, and he had written to her, a very polite letter which told her very little. Grabbing a deep red shawl Faith looked at it and then grinned. "I wore this shawl, do you remember, on the night I was determined to seduce you? Before Lord Krome's campaign, the night before we left?" Faith eyes looked up at him and shone with the emotions she was so poor at saying. "You had homework." In fairness, his planned romantic starlit walk had been interrupted by the Immortal Famula, so she couldn't really grumble. But she did anyway.

She had to stop to kiss the children, to fuss and remind Cyrus that bedtime really was a thing, no matter that they were so small, that routine was a good thing and that there were, as she put it, "very strict rules in place, none of which apply to their grandfather or grandmother." That was, simply put, what Cyrus and Katie were and in truth Faith knew that any suggestion of rules or discipline was ridiculous in and of itself. The sound of one of them crying was too much for her and hurt her heart. If anyone was going to be a stern parent, concerned with discipline, then it was going to have to be him because it obviously would not be her. She made sure that they had the Echo Scroll, and she had the other in the small bag she carried. She would check it every now and then, she said, casually. No one was fooled. it would be every few bits. "We're in the Knight's Rest, if you need.. what?" Faith looked around and realised that literally every adult in the room was giving her the same look and she sighed.

And so, they left. Faith walked arm in arm with him, quite content to do so. She didn't wear any weapons, but he knew the defenses she had. As they arrived, she was quiet and looked around. Things hadn't changed here since she'd worked here, she smiled with pleasure to know that. They were taken and shown to the table where there was the man she assumed was Lord Talius and a figure she recognised. "I met her in Viden," Faith said softly and then they were at the table.

"Lord Talius, mi'lady, this is Professors Padraig and Faith Augustin," the waitress said and Faith glanced at her, resisting the urge to shuffle her feet. "We hope you have a pleasant evening, I'll be along directly to take your orders." As Padraig pulled the chair for her, Faith sat and then smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Talius and to see you again, Maebella."
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Probably worth to note that Faith has the obvious 3 x tattoos of the Famula mark, the nails of blackness from Vri and there is a Willow Tree tattoo on her chest, identifying her as marked by Moseke.
Pad has obvious Xypha and Qylios - I imagine his Nalos mark isn't so obvious?
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue May 01, 2018 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 779
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[Knight's Rest Inn] Common Interests

When he'd suggested a trip to Scalvoris, she'd been surprised, although in truth, she shouldn't have been. He'd been there the season before, had forged certain connections and thus, it made sense for him to make a return to the island under different circumstances than those that had caused him to undertake the journey at the beginning of Cylus.

The Portal that allowed access between Viden and the island certainly made things handy, far better than the gruelling tedium of a journey by ship. Not that she was familiar with such a thing; Maebella had never left Viden before. She had never had the opportunity to travel outside of the city of her birth, not like her brothers, although they had basically left permanently, as had her father from what she could tell. She wasn't visiting a place that they'd been to before though, at least as far as she knew, and so it would be a rite of passage in more way than one. After all, this was the first trip that she'd taken with her fiancé, which was both exhilarating and nerve wracking, an interesting test on their relationship but thus far, things seemed to be going pretty well.

He had organised a dinner with Faith Augustin, a professor she'd encountered one trial in the Prime Atheneum, and her husband, who had been missing when the two women had met. She was interested in meeting the man who she recalled had more than one Immortal blessing, a fascinating individual and she was curious to see the pair together because Faith was more than she seemed to and she was sure that it would be a noteworthy encounter, even if she was the only unblessed person at the table.

The Eídisi had chosen to wear her grey ruffle dress, the one that Virikai had bought her not long after they'd met. She knew that he enjoyed the sight of her in it and she'd worn the grey heels to match, even though they hurt her feet. He might disapprove of her causing herself pain in such a manner but she reasoned that they were going to be sitting and thus, it shouldn't be much of a problem.

The Videnese couple arrived early to the restaurant, instantly assaulted by the aromas of cooking food. Maebella inhaled deeply, nodding in appreciative agreement. It was certainly a good sign and she hoped that it would be an enjoyable experience for all involved. Virikai had explained that the best restaurant in Scalvoris Town was Faith's own - professor, chef and entrepreneur! - and so it seemed rude to bring her to her own business although the Eídisi worried that the choice might offend for a similar reason. Faith might not approve of the Knight's Rest, especially as it didn't look like much as far as the decor went. The fact that the Talius scion had said nothing made her think that it was impolite to mention that.

As they were seated, the waitress presented them with a wine menu. The scholar could only peruse it silently, shooting furtive glances at her fiancé who didn't appear to be any more certain about what to choose than she did. However, when he turned the decision around to the waitress, she had to stifle a laugh. The young woman managed to wait until the waitress left them before turning to the lordling.

"That was very smooth. Not that I'd expect anything less from you," Maebella purred, brushing her fingers along his arm while she smiled, glancing around her at the activity of the place, wondering when Faith and Padraig would arrive. "I do hope the wine won't be too sweet though. I'll drink it of course, I won't be contrary but you know I don't particularly like it," she added, sighing softly as she rested her chin on her hand.

She hummed at his question, nodding. "Yes, I've met her before. She was heavily pregnant at the time and her husband was missing. Evidently, things have changed," she remarked, catching sight of the woman just as she finished talking about her. "And there she is now." The student plastered a smile on her face, a slightly nervous edge to it as she watched them approach. However, when they were introduced, she realised that she wasn't the only one who was uncomfortable, Faith definitely seeming less than pleased with the way the waitress introduced herself and her husband. It made her feel a little more at ease.

"A pleasure to see you again, Faith. You look well and I take it that your babies are well? I heard that you had twins," she remarked with a warmer smile before turning her attention to Padraig. "It's nice to meet you, Padraig. I'm happy to see that you returned from your expedition."
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[Knight's Rest Inn] Common Interests

Falling asleep in their new bedroom at the very top of a new home high above the sea was astonishing, Padraig agreed as they both got ready for their evening out. From a reclined perspective, the many large windows lining every wall meant that the room itself was surrounded by star shine. And away from and high above the lamplight of Scalvoris the night sky was spectacular. Still, as he put on his best suit and pulled on his boots, he eyed Faith and grinned. "You know, either you're going to have to put on more sensible shoes to get across the bridge," he teased, recalling the times he'd remarked on her shoes, back then. "Or we'll need to take the cable carrier across." That would be his suggestion this once, nonetheless.

"You look even more beautiful than the trial I met you. And you'll be more beautiful still an arc from now," he swore and meant every word as he offered his arm on their way out. Of course they shouldn't be late, though he'd have to admit that he hadn't recognized the name of their host for the evening. But he'd been happy to accept nonetheless. When Faith mentioned the shawl and reminded him of that time, the scholar grinned again. "I'd say we both missed a lot of signals back then." Not any more, and he wouldn't change those times any more than he'd change the now.

Cyrus was up to the job, no denying. But when it came to the twins, he hadn't yet to reveal himself as the disciplinarian that Padraig had grown up with. And yet Padraig himself wasn't much better. "You've told them a half dozen times where we're going. They won't forget," he said, and kissed both the children before they headed out the door. Him, armed as usual since any outing had potential to turn into something, but not obviously so.

So, the Knight's Rest. I wasn't the best place in town, not by a long shot. But it was a very long way from the worst. "It'll be fine," he'd teased her as the building came into sight. "Do you think you can resist the urge to offer tips to the cook?" He didn't recognize their host, who had an additional guest of his own, and had to rely on Faith to point them out. When they arrived at the table, he smiled and extended his hand to the other man before pulling out Faith's chair for her. "A pleasure to meet you both," he said and sat down.

"An expedition," he said, and then smiled a little. "I did indeed," he said when she mentioned the expedition and his return. As it happened, it wouldn't be long before he was headed out on another one. Though he hoped and felt fairly confident that this one should go much more smoothly than the last. "I understand that you hail from Viden lord Talius?" he added.
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The young lordling smirked, “Of course not, my darling,” he grasped the girl’s hand as it trailed down his arm, squeezing his lightly before releasing it. “I’m nothing if not consistent. I’m sure the wine will be lovely, but you do not have to drink it if you don’t like it, Bella. It is no insult to the establishment if a customer does not find a particular drink palatable. We will simply order another bottle with a more specific request.” It was both amusing and exasperating for Virikai, how literally his fiancée took everything. She was hot or cold, black or white, all or nothing, and perhaps he had pushed her too hard, too fast, so this was his fault. His smirk turned into a kinder smile, “We will order every bottle here until we find something you like if that it what it takes. I’m sure my pocket won’t suffer too much.

It was not surprising that Faith had been heavily pregnant when she had met Maebella - it was the excuse provided during the anniversary celebrations of the opening of the Scalvoris Campus. He had been very disappointed to miss her, and her husband… especially when left with the condescending, conceited Professor he had ended up meeting. “I hear she had twins,” was all he managed to get in before the younger eídisi announced the presence of their dinner partners.

The young lordling instantly rose to his feet, polite smile plastered across his face as the pair approached. He inclined his head, “Professors Augustin, the pleasure is all mine,” he greeted, taking Faith’s hand and, if she allowed it, placing a chaste kiss on the back, before taking the offered hand of her husband in a firm shake. “Virikai, please. Lord Talius is my father.” Maebella had not shared any information with Kai about her meeting with Faith, or her purpose, but the short response from Padraig caused his eyebrow to raise minutely, curiosity getting the better of him for a moment, but he reigned in his desire to ask more about

Yes, I do, born and bred. This is actually only the second time I have had the opportunity to leave the city, such are the constraints of duty.” That wasn’t the entire truth, but he was too proud to admit that his father had effectively kept him under house arrest for two arcs, and even then, he did not have freedom of movement because of his work. The aristocrat’s milky eyes trailed over the other man’s face, noting the pale blue mark of Yvithia with approval. “And you? You were once a student of the Academy, a prodigy, according to the impression you left behind. We are most pleased to see the Scalvoris Campus thriving under such an excellent team of scholars.

He glanced over to Faith and, while his smile remained polite, his analytical eyes narrowed. He didn’t know much about Padraig, but he knew even less about Faith, especially her history. She had just… appeared. “And noteworthy philanthropists too, if rumours are to be believed. All whilst carrying two new lives. My congratulations to the both of you. Are you taking time away from work, their birth was not long ago?
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Her fiancé meant well, Maebella knew that but his casual reference to a willingness to spend a great deal of money on her only made her feel uneasy. Her lips pressed together firmly, a slight frown etching lines into her face as he talked before she sighed.

"Virikai, you cannot throw money at everything. It's needless extravagance and you know that I don't like it, especially when it's done on my account," the scholar explained, a weary tone to her voice. Even as she voiced her displeasure, she felt that she had already lost. Where Virikai was concerned, when he made his mind up about something, it was impossible to sway it. She could tell him for trials that she didn't believe in his careless spending, especially when she'd grown up having considerably less money than him and learning to use it wisely. No matter how long she railed on the subject though, she didn't think that he could be shaken from a belief that he'd held his whole life. It was difficult to shift more than thirty arcs of thinking. Although she could be quite stubborn, the young woman felt that her mind was probably easier to sway than his. The Eídisi hadn't grown up feeling that the world owed her everything and that she would own it someday whereas the lordling had.

Still, it was good to have a change of topic enforced by the arrival of their dining partners. While her husband-to-be was ready with handshakes, Maebella was more withdrawn, keeping her hands to herself and holding herself a little awkwardly because she wasn't sure what she ought to do in this situation. Did she stand or sit? Should she attempt physical contact with them? Her doddering took the decision from her hands as both of them were seated. Her smile was tense although she did her best to convey a friendly air, she just wasn't built for these sorts of situations. It made her wonder how she could ever hope to be an acceptable wife for a future lord and eminent politician; embarrassing the Talius scion seemed a more likely possibility.

Padraig's reply to her was short but not curt and the tension in her smile diminished just a tad, especially when she saw the quick, curious dart of Virikai's eyes. It was nice to have some small piece of information that he did not and she had to admit that she was still irritated with him for forcing her to move in with him. Maebella was allowed these small measures of revenge she felt.

"I certainly hope that if you go on any more expeditions that they go more smoothly. It wouldn't do to have your wife driven to distraction again - even if it does mean that she graces the Prime Atheneum and the Academy in Viden with her presence," she responded, turning her attention to Faith while the two men grew better acquainted. "I do hope that you'll visit us again under less trying circumstances, Faith," she murmured, white eyes analysing the pair as she lapsed into silence.

Faith had informed her during their meeting that both herself and Padraig possessed multiple Immortal marks but it was only now that she could see the true extent of such things although it was quite probable that she missed certain signs, being unfamiliar with what she was seeing. The marks encircling her wrists and neck looked like elaborate tattoos but she suspected that they were signs of Immortal blessing. Those three looked similar, suggesting that she was thrice marked. While she tried to avoid staring at the other's chest, she could also see the mark of a tree there, which suggested yet another blessing. The black, pointed nails she sported appeared to blend in with the dark marks that she wore like jewellery but she had no idea if they were purely aesthetic or held some significance. Padraig was easier to assess in some ways, the soft, shimmer of blue scarring his eye told of Yvithia's regard while the three glowing bands that encircled and yet failed to touch his left arm appeared supernatural and were likely of Immortal origin as well. They truly were a powerful pair.

It made her feel like the odd one out, the only unmarked one among them, the only one not truly worthy to be seated at the table. It made her bite her lip, silently chiding herself as she reminded herself that she was supposed to think better of herself these trials.

You're like diamond dust, she reminded herself softly, repeating a phrase that Virikai had used to describe her worth. She couldn't allow herself to feel worthless just because she was currently socialising with three exceptional people.

The wine arrived then as if to save her from her own thoughts. "I hope you don't mind but we already ordered something to drink. Is this to your tastes or did you want to get an alternative?" she questioned, eyes darting between husband and wife before skipping to her Eídisi companion, seeking his approval.
Credit to Rose Greenwood
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[Knight's Rest Inn] Common Interests

When Padraig had put forward options for ways that she could get across to the mainland from their home, Faith had grinned at him. It was rare that she was quite so informal ever, outside of the two of them, but she pointed out most seriously. "I was planning on option 3, Padraig. I thought you might carry me across. Cloak flapping in the wind, sword at your side. My knight." Her arms slipped around his waist and given her druthers, they'd have stayed at home and not left at all. "Although, I do wish that you'd stop picking on my shoes." She didn't want to go, not at all and if leaving their bedroom was difficult, leaving the children was even moreso. He knew, she didn't need to tell him and they both felt it, so she put her arm in his and took the cable car.

In an arc, she'd be even more beautiful? "You are very biased, Professor." Faith knew he was, but then, she felt quite the same amount of bias in return. "And whilst I know they will remember, I am also aware that they are capable of forgetting." She didn't say that until she was out of earshot. As for the Knight's Rest, well, she'd used to work there and they still had some of her creations on the menu. As they walked together, Faith commented in an entirely casual way. "Do you know, on the twentieth of Ymiden, Luna has been home with us an arc? And it's been two arcs since I met people for the very first time." Time flew and yet, on that trial where she had kicked off her shoes and met Malcolm, who had told her about the university, she had imagined what freedom was like. "Just in case I forget to tell you once we get there," Faith said with a smile. "Thank you for exceeding everything I ever dreamed of. And I had a lovely evening."

It was game faces and polite smiles, though, once they got there and she inclined her head just the correct amount as Lord Talius kissed the back of her hand. He was Virikai? That suited her just fine. "And Professor Augustin is my husband. Faith, please." He'd been professor Augustin long before her, after all. Lord Talius turned his gaze to her and his eyes narrowed. His words were interesting, too, she thought. Sitting down as Padraig pulled the chair for her, Faith smiled. If rumours were to be believed. "I find it best to assume that rumours are wildly exaggerated myself." She smiled at him and the smile widened when he spoke of the children. "Thank you. Yes, we both took some time off, but of course duty continues to call. I've recently done a few trials work in my Council role" digging people from rubble, coordinating a relief effort which saved nearly 300 lives, yet she dismissed it with a wave. "And I return to the University here on the twenty fourth. The babies will be forty trials old tomorrow." She beamed with pride, for they had the most beautiful children of any ever born. They were simply perfect as far as their mother was concerned.

When Maebella spoke of the expedition, though, and of what 'wouldn't do', Faith smiled gently. "Such is the nature of loving someone, of course. We both wish for the other to fulfill every dream, wish and ambition and would work tirelessly to ensure it happens, and that is juxtaposed with the worry while it is happening. Still, for all that I was indeed most concerned," Padraig knew her emotions as she spoke, but none of them showed on her face, her discipline and training such that she was used to keeping her face calm and placid. "I would not change one thing, nor want a trill of hesitation to be caused by concern about such. Science demands great minds, and great minds must explore the unknown." It was as straightforward as that. Faith nodded to Maebella, though and was genuinely eager when she said, "Oh, it was a beautiful and wondrous place. I would love to see it again. Maybe when the children are older, though. I would need and want to give it the time necessary and could not take the time away from them."

On the drink they had ordered, Faith shook her head slightly and spoke to Padraig. "Just water for me, please." She didn't drink alcohol, especially since she was feeding the children and it was rare that any passed her lips usually. "I understand, Virikai, that you are a student of medicine? I'm sure that the two of you have discussed this, but I would be fascinated to explore the rehabilitative effects of exposure to narrative on patients with long term conditions. The spoken word, story and song, they give people a link to the world and so often in our practice, we see people lose that link and thus, their reason for living." She smiled slightly at them both and admitted, most genuinely. "But I do tend to get rather excited and run off with harebrained ideas. I just find the link between body and mind fascinating, and words, stories, history and culture all give the mind anchors." She had been thinking of looking at life story work, she said, but then. "In fairness, I have to finish my Licentiate, and I am rather busy. But the Order of the Adunih hospital here is very forward thinking. Are you a member?" It was a global group, after all and she asked them both. As a student of medicine, surely he practiced, and whilst Maebella was not a student of medicine, nor were many of the people in the Order.
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Cloak flapping in the breeze, windblown hair across his face, well it all painted a very gallant picture. Except? "I'm not the paragon of grace you assume me to be m'lady," Padraig had teased Faith when she suggested he might carry her across the catwalk. "If I were to stumble, if the fall didn't kill us, we'd die of shame shortly after." They'd be the talk of Scalvoris for arcs and arcs to come. But where was the fun in life if he couldn't tease her about those shoes?

Time flew though, he noted when she mentioned how long Luna had been with them. The girl had made monumental strides since they'd found her in a crumpled, battered heap in a pile of ruins. But one thing was undeniable, Padraig told Faith. She was the one that had come straight out of a dream for him. Even though it was a dream he hadn't imagined until she'd shown up at his door.

"Padraig, please," he said when he and Faith arrived at the restaurant, and greetings were passed around. As Faith sat down, then him, he grinned a little. "Call me professor except at university, I feel as if I ought to be cradling a pipe in my hand and wearing a musty old sweater with threadbare holes in the elbows." Offer sage advise, dull as dirt, that kind of thing. It seemed they were all in agreement on that sort of thing, though Padraig's father was a mystery, and his grandfather was no professor of any kind. "Virkai then," he agreed with a smile as he'd settled in.

"I took my physics letter in Viden, yes," he confirmed. Though whether or not he'd left an impression behind, and of what sort, was for others to judge. "Time, circumstance." That's what had brought him here at Faith's side. There was a sense of this place being where they belonged. "Given the area of my focus, Scalvoris and the surrounding area is a physicist's wonderland. And I've seen few places where the view of the heavens is better," he added as the drinks were poured.

He would in fact be going on a second expedition, he added when Maebella mentioned it. "As for whether or not it will go more smoothly than the last time out, well," he added with a smile, glancing at Faith. "There's some sense of knowing what we will face out there this time around, and a hope that we'll be better prepared for it. But it's tricky...Suffice to say that in a sense, it's a world out there very different than the one we understand at this time. As if we passed through a barrier, from one world to another or in fact, some sort of parallel dimension." It was science talk of course, probably a dull subject for anyone but a fellow scientist, and almost impossible to explain, given the fact that he just could explain it himself. Yet.

The temptation of course, when Faith mentioned returning to work, was for each of them to pack up a twin in a sling and carry them along, wearing them across the back or the shoulder while teaching their classes. Such a thing was probably frowned upon, but he was as torn about leaving them as his wife was. They both had work to do however. Him on his research and Faith had any number of things going that were important. Not the least of which, her work at the Order. No doubt, she was missed.
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[Knight's Rest Inn] Common Interests

It wasn’t the first time Maebella had complained about the ‘needless’ expenditure of money before, and Virikai had no doubt that it would not be the last time. In his eyes, it had fast become a little game for him: he would buy a gift or pay for an experience far beyond her normal means, she would complain and berate him half-heartedly, and then she would begrudgingly accept. Virikai made no reply; he rarely felt the need to justify himself, even to his fiancée. And he definitely would not be seen to be in disputes when with their present esteemed company.

Yes,” he replied with a soft smile as the server brought over the wine and four glasses, clearly prepared for the arrival of their additional guests. With polite, yet unapologetic, ease he motioned for one of the glasses to be returned with the request for water to be brought in its stead. “Well it is always the most successful who appear to be the most modest. Hubris is predominantly found in those only a few rungs up the ladder, in my experience.” He thought back to the astounding arrogance of Professor Hamilton-Smith and silently wondered if the Augustins had the same dislike for him that he harboured for them.

Ah, I was most disappointed to not be able to join the Videnese cohort sent to support you, though it is probably for the best. Knowledge of neurology would hardly be of much use when trying to patch someone up. It had been some arcs since I have sutured a wound.” The aristocrat uttered a sort of self-depreciating laugh, “It is quite probably I would have caused more harm to the poor casualties. But I do hope Viden’s volunteers-” well, they had volunteered, but were provided with a generous stipend by the Academy (anything to strengthen relations) “-were useful? I am told some of them still remain?

And he smiled when the talk turned to Viden. Though he was still somewhat irritated at not knowing the full story, he was careful to keep that far from his expression and tone. “Perhaps the two of you should take a secondment to the Academy, in a few arcs when the children are older? Our primary and secondary education is unmatched.” It was not boastful or arrogance when it was true.

When Faith mentioned her interests in research, the budding scholar laughed, “You would be best placed to discuss your theories with Bella, Faith. She is currently undertaking a project with a Professor from the Rynmere University on Oral Narratives and their value in culture. It is no far stretch to apply that work, I would imagine? My current work is predominantly focused on developmental neurology, rather than any acute or rehabilitative applications. But you’ve piqued my interest, perhaps I will re-specialise when I apply for my Charter.
The Ice Prince-
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[Knight's Rest Inn] Common Interests

Maebella subtly rolled her eyes when her fiancé didn't respond to her comment about money. Typical! Sometimes she wondered if her protests actually encouraged him rather than persuading him to give it up. Still, now wasn't the time to take issue with one another, the young woman simply choosing to grin and bear it. Well, smile ever so slightly, finding it difficult to appear entirely friendly when she felt nervous and uncertain. Honestly, she did wonder what her place was here, feeling that herself and the dinner companions were on different wavelengths. For instance, when Maebella spoke about Padraig's expedition, Faith pointed out that herself and Padraig supported each other in their endeavours. Yes, Virikai supported her scholarly work, certainly but not... like that. It allowed her to see the aspects of their relationship that were lacking, something that the Eídisi had had no illusions about in the first place. She had a feeling that Padraig wouldn't have forced Faith to move in with him if she didn't want to do so.

The scholar tried to remain attentive, as if she was truly interested in all that was being said when in fact, she was inclined to retreat into her own thoughts. It hadn't really been her choice to come here either, or to organise this dinner. Virikai had simply stated that they would be going to Scalvoris and although she'd wanted to refuse, she had wanted to visit the island, just so she could say she had been somewhere outside of Viden. Not that she'd been a ray of sunshine of course and she hadn't found herself too enthused by the place thus far. Maebella suspected that her ill-humour was a contributing factor to that.

Her gaze probably glazed over a little noticeably as Virikai did his politicking and Padraig talked about science, the young woman unwilling to understand what he was speaking about but not willing to admit her ignorance. She sipped on her wine almost mechanically, only giving a little jerk into alertness when her fiancé said her name. She perked up, quickly trying to come to grips with the situation. What had Faith said? Something about patients and reading?

"I'd... never considered that angle before, I must admit. I suppose it makes sense though. Narratives must stimulate something. People tend to find stories rewarding, I think. There's pleasure in hearing them," she commented, thoughtful as she nibbled on her lip, head tilting slightly to the side. "Memory is important for those who recite stories but I don't know if there's something about them that's naturally conducive to being learned off. It's something that Professor Stane is interested in. Perhaps he might be a worthwhile individual for you to contact about it?" she suggested softly.

Now gears were turning in her head, lips parting as if she was on the verge of speech. Faith wasn't in exactly the same field as Virikai, their specialisations differing but now that she'd brought up the topic of reading to patients, Maebella was making certain connections. "Perhaps there are applications to your own specialisation. You study development of the mind, I know you've examined linguistic matters in relation to it but what about oral narratives? Music, poems, stories. I wonder if they alter a developing mind in any way," she mused to her partner, flushing a little as she realised she was at risk of alienating their present company.

"I apologise. I'm also one to allow my mind to race ahead to pursue ideas. I'm sure you don't want to listen to us muttering between ourselves, it's hardly polite," Maebella remarked with a chuckle. "I'm not a member and I'm afraid that I'm not wholly familiar with the organisation. I know very little. In truth, my knowledge of it is... peripheral at best."
Credit to Rose Greenwood
word count: 663
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