The Pirate Finale!

1st of Cylus 723

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Re: The Pirate Finale!


Accursed Opportunity

Woe was mostly silent during the lead up to Winston's departure. He of course absorbed what was said, and took it under advisement. The thought of moving a Fracture was intriguing. Ground-breaking even. He even would have wanted to see it to absorb the methods by which the Immortals might achieve such a feat.

But he remained silent for the first going, until Winston was gone to his parlay with Chrien.

After the ferret left, the mortalborn thought that few would have wanted to hear of his opinion, and even fewer would agree with what Woe had to say when Winston had embarked on his task.

"I'd propose that it doesn't matter if Winston succeeds or fails." He said pointedly to Saoire. "We have a trap for Chrien, and she apparently is willing to fall into it." His face hardened as he contemplated what needed to be done to one, in order to save a greater number. "If we could destroy Chrien and Winston, or contain them forever, then it is what needs to be done. Everything else? A risk, compromise, and half measure."

Woe shrugged as to the moving of the Fracture. "Since we have Chrien where we want her, to destroy or entrap indefinitely, there's no sense in moving the Fracture. She's the only one who takes exception to its position beneath Scalvoris." He nodded adding, "The only one whose opinion matters. The Centipede, these other groups, the Phoenix and the Church of Eternal Mercies. These are mortal organizations that can be throttled, crushed, or otherwise dismantled. Immortal wrath doesn't subside."

"We should destroy them if its absolutely possible." Woe concluded. "I won't speak to the wisdom or lack thereof of moving the fracture. We stand a chance of wiping out a great risk to mortalkind here and now. I suggest you take it, if the greater good of mortalkind is what you truly value. Otherwise, you're paying mere lip service to anyone's wellbeing."
Woe wants to turn the glass sphere into a trap to either contain or kill both Winston and Chrien. No chances taken and no escape for either. If Winston can get out, Woe assumes Chrien could too and thus there must be no room for compromise on that score. But only if the trap can be turned into a containment or deadly trap for an Immortal.

If this is accepted, he sees no reason to move the fracture, therefore unwilling to move it or budge on his first idea. Otherwise he's neutral to moving the fracture, if they're dead set on sparing Chrien. But with a no chances taken 1 option
word count: 452
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: The Pirate Finale!

Though Nir'wei had known of the Tea Party, and its intentions, he hadn't intended to attend. He didn't want to be around people. He especially didn't want to be around the people that had known what he'd done. Nobody wanted that. Nobody needed the reminder, hanging over their heads, just how far they'd come to losing everything. Though it wasn't the reason he'd left, it was a good way to separate himself, by voluntarily expanding the bond he shared with the Misty Miasma, and stepping over its threshold. To remove himself so far from the world that nobody could follow.

Yet, there he was. Both there and not-there, a projection of himself hovered in the room and listened as they spoke of him, and their intended use of him. Though translucent and wisp-like, as though made of animated smoke, his projection stood firm with arms folded behind his back, eyes lingering most of all on Saoire. She'd been the one to first suggest using him. Of all of them in the room, she was the one that knew him most. He bore her Mark. She'd pulled him from the Empyrean Gateway, all those arcs ago. She'd seen him at his worst and most broken.

He'd still come so close to ruining everything she had.

Attention shifted to him, for a moment, and he knew why he'd been drawn into the room. What they suggested required his consent. He had to know that it was risky, that there was no idea what exactly would happen to him. It would be painful. Extremely painful. There was a chance, even if they succeeded, that it would destroy parts, maybe even most of Scalvoris in the process.

"I will help."

That was never in question. Though it had nearly destroyed Scalvoris and wiped out its people, one thing remained absolutely true - he had risked everything, his own life, and that of everyone he'd known, if it meant that there was a chance of saving them all; if there was a chance of learning something that could disable the bombs and remove the problem, once and for all. If he hadn't, if none of them had risked themselves at least a little, for a chance of survival - the bombs would have exploded anyway, and the same outcome would have been inevitable.

What they asked of him now was no different.

As soon as he'd given his answer, just moments after Winston left and before Woe spoke up, the apparition faded from view again.
Nir'wei agrees to become the 'counterpoint', whatever it is, and agrees to help the Immortals should they decide to use him for their plan.
Nir'wei is, of course, prepared to risk a 5.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 471
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

I chose life....

Story Justifications (No need to read)
Please don’t feel obligated to read this, it’s not necessary. It’s just the power he’s using states that the results have to be based on threaded events and so here’s a bunch of stuff I used (mostly for my own reference).

The Forging:
  • viewtopic.php?f=412&t=26404 - Chrien taking her rage on on Scalvoris
  • viewtopic.php?f=412&t=26547 - Hope Wished for Peace and Happiness for Scalvoris

The wish had been granted, the peace so badly desired granted… but not in the eight trials that followed. For this, a clever misdirection, was merely a distraction for the forces that would oppose them. True peace was still to come, granted but not yet manifest, it would take to arrive. This opportunity gave those that were planting the seeds of true reprieve the time they needed to bring to bear the completeness of their will… Of the wish… Of peace in its completeness.
  • viewtopic.php?f=545&t=26214&p=171249#p171249 - Casino gave Darius a book because he (Cassion) was aware that he was ‘missing something’ and wanted to know what. It never came to light what that was (Peg confirmed this for me), so Winston is using this as the seed for the great secret that Chrien’s true domain is vengeance.
  • viewtopic.php?t=23885 - Darius was given an anti Chrien device, which Winston is narrating as evidence of a clandestine plot to achieve his proposed outcome.
  • I mean, the ENTIRE lore surrounding Fei and Chrien.
Other stuff:
Winston listened intently to the immortals around them, being, as they did, what they were. Not everyone was built as Saiore was and furthermore, not every situation could be solved by the avoidance of violence… But he had never heard Saiore suggest otherwise. Despite the suggestions that ran contrary to his own intentions, he was very certain that if he was to die, then he’d die trying to save everyone… It was his life to loose and whatever the ‘greater good’ might be, he could only follow the path his heart lay out for his feet.

As it was, after a short wait while he wrote the notes for his story, he grasped it tightly in his paw… He could not believe the power it represented. The ability to change the very fabric of reality and rewrite history for no other reason than because he held a pendant… He didn’t show his story to anyone and if challenged, he would politely explain… ”Me need tuh believe en every word af de story with every fibre af me being ef dis es gonna work… Me 'ave put intuh de stary eveyting we 'ave discussed, af dat yuh cun trost.” While he believed what he said, the truth was that his resolve was met and discussing the details now would only serve to postpone the inevitable. They either trusted the ferret to represent them in this or they did not.

There was but one thing that he believed, but regretted… For which, he approached Vega…

”Vega…” He began with a gentle tone of someone with something regrettable to ask. ”Ef me don’t believe in every part af dis story, et will be far notion’. De power dis pendant ‘as es gonna do son much gud, et will save os all, including Chrien ‘erself…” He smiled, there was no doubt in his mind this was either true of the last thing he’d ever need to worry about. ”...Bot, en de rang ‘ands et could do such unspeakable bad.” He looked up at her. He was asking permission, with hope in his heart, that he could live with the answer… ”Shud soch power really be in a place so easily stolen?” He handed her an extract of the story he was to read. It spoke of the hope that would replace the power that lived there now, leaving the memories for which it stood, but removing the power to rewrite all of history.

Having received her response that she would bring this to Cassion, he nodded and smiled.

With that and a fond ”See you in a bit!” he set off.


Finding himself in a glass chamber amidst the stars, he chuckled. It was a slightly nervous gesture, as he let his worry wash past him. He was protected by powers otherwise unstoppable in their own rights. There was plenty to fear, but nothing to do but continue on. With that and the absolute belief that everyone had offered their power to allow him to tell his story, whether he could see it or not, he took a deep breath.

Without further ado, he began his story, believing that it would lead to Chrien’s arrival if she did not choose to come herself… whether she listened or not, whether she raged of waited… Fought or thought… Whether he lived or died… For the good that truly was greater… He told his story…

”Played out over an eternity, in a stary af great misfortune an’ death, et was dat a gravestone af disrespect would be formed over a being soh cherished dat their lass would drive a daughter tuh insanity… Or a rage dat ran so deep, a vengeance SO thirsty dat et seemed bottomless an’ cruel tuh de minds af dose dat lived but a blink af an Immortal’s eye.

Yuh see, de stories of immortals are exactly as de immortals demselves. Eternally spanning eons af untold ‘istory, de ‘ighs an’ lows af de beings af dis kind could last de entire existence af forgotten mortal races. While a tragedy played out, wounds taken by a grieving child healed, kingdoms rose and fell into insignificance. De passage af time wus de only ting dat could ‘eal such damage an’ de siblings af such a being could only ‘ope dat de healing would come before de time had run dry for the world around dem.

In dis time, upon de resting ground of Fei ‘erself, formed a great many tings dat acted as a constant reminder tuh de Immortal Chrien, ever fuelling ‘er rage an’ tirst far what she needed. Even soh, during de storms dat followed, de pain an’ ‘ate dat was rained down in spite upon an island af beings, innocent af de crime for which they were punished, a wish ‘ad been granted. A call far peace so badly desired dat a plan had been hatched… but not in the eight trials that followed de request. For dis, a clever misdirection, was merely a distraction for de forces dat would oppose dem. True peace was still tuh come, granted but nat yet manifest. Dis opportunity gave dose dat were planting de seeds af reprieve de time dey needed tuh bring tuh bear de completeness af deir will… Af de wish… Of peace en its completeness. To Scalvoris, to Chrien… an’ tuh ‘er mother.

Over de time dat passed since, Chrien vented ‘er anger an’ dose working tuh free Scalvoris of ‘er rage unlocked de ancient powas needed tuh separate de land fram de fracture an’
seeded de land wid de means by which dat deir plan would be possible
. De mighty Induks were awoken tuh allow for change. De plans af dose dat would destroy de land thwarted, an’ de ways to de Fracture opened.”

It was now that Chrien arrived in all her glory as the ferret continued his telling.

”It was dus dat while de island of Scalvoris an’ Fei’s grand fractcha were separated and the whole af Scalvoris was spared, Chrien came tuh meet with an insignificant martal, a ferret, tuh ‘ear ‘is story. Intent an boasting en de face af de collected effarts af de mortals an’ Immortals alike, she struck at ‘im en anger, as de fractures coursed trough ‘er body from myriads af failed attempts tuh resurrect ‘er mother an’ ignoring de attempts tuh suppress de powers, rage an’ self-confidence fuelling her.

De truth was bore, as ‘er anger was finally spent lang enough far ‘ope tuh take ‘old. As et faded, de immortal was filled with ‘ope. Born tuh de fickle nature af Fortune an’ Storms, a loyal child was shaped intuh a Spiteful an’ destructive force af pure rage an’ senseless violence. She wus broken by de death af ‘er mother, fractures running deep through ‘er very core dat would never heal until de trial de ‘ate dat filled dem was spent. Dis had nat always been de case however… Dough most had forgotten, or perhaps never even noticed, dat Vengeance and Spite were separated by little mar dan intent, as de ancient Immortal of Storms, Luck an’, yes, Vengeance took a breath,
looked into a mirror and remembad

Winston looked up at Chrien as if truly seeing her for the first time and continued the story, but now, very much telling it with her. He poured everything he had into what was now a humble telling of a story that could be hers. That would be her, theirs, all if theirs, if it worked.

”Blinded by ‘er rage no mar, she looked at de ferret dat
saved her chosen
an’ realised dat she had seen only de injustice af life, her judgement no langer tempered by de ‘and af intent. Unjust
abandonment, betrayal
, loss an’
had reigned king far to lang ova ‘er mind. She saw clearly far de first time since dat fated trial. Vengeance could nat be served upon de innocent… Far et was not Vengeance without cause…

Together dey stepped fram dat place...”
Winston offered his hand to Chrien, his voice was a gentle tone that said ‘shall we?’ as he continued the story to its end and a fond and hopeful smile upon his face. “…tuh face de world anew. Vengeance an’ Spite separated once mar, tuh meet de world an’ embrace yuh Mer, followers an’ kin with love, they went?” He paused, as the story worked its magic… The choice was still hers. He believed with every fibre of his being that the story was good and her future, along with his own and that of everyone across the whole of Scalvoris, was better for it… But it was nothing, even in his narrative, without the freedom to chose.
Action Summary
  • Checks if the power in Vega's Story Reality item can be used by any old nutcase.
  • Goes and tells the story.
Narrative aside, here is exactly what Winston intends to achieve out of his story:
  • Chrein is Immortal of Vengeance instead of Spite.
  • Chrein’s all-dominating hateful and self-destructive personality is gone, replaced with something based more on the intellectual (perhaps still fickle) intelligence she is described to poses from her mother. I.e. she WAS damaged and thus is now is healed.
  • Scalvoris and Fea’s Fracture are now separated.
  • Chrein returns in peace with Winston.
  • Vega’s Neckless and it's power are left very much in Cassion's hands.
Bonus objectives:
  • Winston rides back on Chrien’s shoulder. :-p XD
Thanks goes to Pyrre Ej'qy for inspiring this template
word count: 1889


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

Cylus 724
Before Winston Left
It was remarkable how quickly one could go from having faith and confidence in the heroes of Scalvoris to doubting them entirely. Even with the looming weight of the countless dead he was trying to put to rest, Balthazar listened as the tea party proceeded. His desperate prayer went unanswered and so he considered that, perhaps, the tea party was the answer he needed. For now, at least, it was something pressing that might take his mind off the bodies and the stench of death filling the rooms of Slag's Deep.

Cassion's voice pulled Balthazar's focus to the holocom playing out the events of the meeting across Scalvoris. They'd come to an agreement? Winston would go with the protection of the immortals to tell Chrien his story. Those who remained would work to separate the fracture from Scalvoris. That seemed... dangerous. In all his childhood arcs growing up in Yaralon he'd never heard of anyone moving a fracture. Sure, he'd heard about them opening and closing at random but forcibly moving one seemed... new.

It wouldn't have been as alarming if the immortals seemed more confident in the plan. Saoire's doubts were the first to be heard. Balthazar didn't wish to see any of the induk harmed but Faldrass least of all. They'd worked so hard to bring life back to the island. Faldrass had suffered enough. If it had to be done, let another induk bear the burden this time. Then Saoire said that they'd need to tap into Nir'wei and despite his discipline, Balthazar's face twisted for anyone watching his projected image. Saoire was putting a lot of trust in someone Balthazar considered more likely to cut-and-run. It didn't sound like they had a choice though. Not if they wanted to separate the island and the fracture.

Chamadarst chimed in with his effective summary of the options before them and Balthazar couldn't help but think it sounded a lot like some more people were going to die. What if they targeted somewhere that didn't have people? Obliterate the Watch or that confounding Tower in the middle of nowhere. That strange tower with the same effects as the seventh level of Slag's Deep. Yes... destroy that thing. Anger and frustration crept back into Balthazar's mind while he silently watched the decisions that those in physical attendance were making. He didn't speak because he had little he thought was worth saying.
After Winston Left
Anger and frustration boiled over into rage.

It was fortunate that Balthazar was not physically there when Cassion suggested a betrayal and Chamadarst seemed amused by the danger they were facing. What price was too high? Was it all a game to him? A business trade where mortal lives were the currency?

"Risk? Compromise? Half-measure?!" Balthazar's voice, if it was coming across the connection, was harsh. "Is that how you justify throwing away every life except your own?" He shouldn't have said that but Woe's words brought back bad memories for the marked mage. "Acting against Chrien is a risk. Anything we do here is a risk. Winston was willing to shoulder the burden to try and help us. Now you want to betray-" Balthazar's eyes shifted to Cassion for a moment before returning to Woe. He took a breath and in a somewhat more level voice he said, "My understanding was that the glass can trap her, not destroy her." He looked towards Saoire for a moment, hoping that she of all of them would know a way to end this without violence. "Am I wrong in thinking that the proposed trap will only protect Scalvoris from Chrien's wrath? If so, we would set her spite and anger loose on every other part of Idalos. People would suffer and die because you wanted to feel safe now... though I suppose that isn't new." Maybe Chrien wasn't the only spiteful person that trial.

Balthazar took another breath. What if they did destroy a part of the island while trying to move the fracture? How much damage would it do? No... that didn't matter. The risk was the same to Balthazar. Any part of the island that was destroyed could be where the one he cared for most was. Anywhere... and he didn't know... so he had to protect it all. Woe's words stuck to his mind like paper in slime.

"As for the fracture- well, I highly doubt it was an immortal who filled the tunnels under the island. Chrien might take the most exception to it, but we still have mortal enemies to contend with. Maybe they can be 'throttled, crushed, or otherwise dismantled,' but they've evaded us so far, haven't they? As long as the fracture remains, it presents a target for anyone who might think to try and exploit it." Balthazar had calmed down a little bit, "Assuming none of the conspirators will use the fracture in the future to endanger the island... would be a half-measure."

"But that might not be the worse thing. Leaving it alone prevents us from causing damage we can't control. If we could control where the damage happens, then I think it should be moved. I, for one, don't think we'd suffer too much if we lost the Watch. But again, only if we can control it and it doesn't sound like we will be able to. We risk killing a lot of people because we were trying to help them. Maybe it should stay in place. Maybe, we just have to have a little faith in Winston." Balthazar looked around the room to try and gauge what everyone else was feeling but he couldn't separate what he saw on their faces from what he felt. In the end he decided he didn't have to. All he needed to say was what he felt was true.

"It is easy to discuss this where you are... but I stand among hundreds of dead that we might have been able to save if something had been different. Every time I open my mouth I can taste this horror. My memory is impeccable and I can't recall the feeling of fresh air. I would rewrite this story if I could and... because of that... I don't think I am in any position to advise anyone here. The choice we make now will impact far more than these islands alone. I have always been quick to aim for what made me feel safest. Even now, I might be doing that but... I've experienced the wisdom of some here before. I think it made me better. I will support whatever Vega and Kura decide- barring any decision that would betray Winston. That is the one line I will not cross. He may be willing to die for us but I will not stand beside anyone who is willing to swing the sword against him."
1) Balth will agree with whatever Kura and Vega decide. If they disagree, he wants everyone to just have faith in Winston.
2) Balth will follow the people he decided to trust. His judgement is compromised.
word count: 1228

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

Before Winston Leaves

Vega gave a slight, tense grin to Kura and nodded. If the Alberach needed reassurance that Vega would make sure things were taken care of should Kura become some kind of crazed person she'd have it.

Other than that, Vega stayed largely quiet throughout the time that the discussions took place. She gave Darius a similarly slight but genuine grin when he said that it was a long story. That meant that he hadn't realised, hadn't thought about it, hadn't made the link or whatever. "Dweeb," she said softly and with obvious fondness, but left it there. He handed over the box to whoever needed them, as Vega knew he would.

The Immortals talked, Vega listened and then the mortals involved spoke also. She didn't really know much about the idea of moving the island or the fracture. However, in the moment she had her focus on Winston, on what he was doing. She offered him items galore and he expressed his concern about the Lei'nox locket. She shook her head and smiled at him. "I'll talk to Cassion about it, afterwards, " she said with a nod. "An' make sure that it's safe, a'right?" Frankly, Vega thought that this was something that might be important later but, right now, they needed to focus. Winston, especially, needed to. "An' I'll deal with it an' make sure he's happy. A'right?" Hopefully that meant that the small fuzzbutt could quit stressing about that.

"See you soon, Winstaaan," she said. Her prayers were both entirely internal and focused on him.

After Winston Leaves

And then Winston left.

And the Immortals talked more., then some of the mortals. Vega listened and then she listened some more. Finally, after Woe and Nir'wei and Balthazar had spoken, she stepped forward to speak.

"The time to mention that were before Winston left," she said to Cassion. She looked at him, not caring that he was an Immortal. "This whole thing of secret-keepin' an' manipulatin' an' stuff. It's irritatin' an' it's not right. An' it's rubbish story because you always pull somethin' like this, an' no story should be predictable." Then, she turned to Woe. "An' as for you. Do you jus' want people to hate you so you spout this rubbish? You know no one's goin' to be followin' what you say an' so you say it jus' to be all dark an' moody an' actin' like you want to be an unmitigated asshat. Either way, you've stepped over a line here an' you know it." She pointed at the shadowy ghost-like figure of Nir'wei. "What he did, or what he nearly did, it were beyond stupid, but at least he was tryin' to do his best. You? You treat people like they're jus' pawns in a game an' it's jus' downright cowardly."

But it was his last words that really irritated her. "An' as for lipservice to anyone's wellbein''? You know better, an' you're jus' sayin' that shit to pretend like you have some moral superiority or to justify your asshattery. Shove it up yer ass you ponce, yer tryin' to be offensive an' you succeeded." She shook her head and turned, motioning to the ghostly figure of Balthazar. "I'm with him. Anythin' that harms Winston or might harm him is jus' not happenin'. We save everyone we can, an' you can take your lip service half measures an' shove them. We are not betraying the one whose gone alone to face an Immortal."

She turned to look at the Immortals, and the other mortals. "An' as for the thing with the fracture, I vote no. Because I reckon that Chrien is a kid havin' a tantrum. An' when my kids have tantrums I don't give in to what caused it. I'm righ' sorry that her mother died, I am. But this needs dealin' with. An' I'm kind of done with this whole nonsense where you Immortals mess up or mess us up, or whatever, an' then leave it to us to sort out. Winston is doin' his best, but you lot need to sort it out. She's one of you, an' you can keep tellin' me that you can't or don't get involved, but you can an' you do so please jus' get on with it an' stop lettin' our people die. Then, with all due respect, quit messin' us around because honestly, it's exhaustin'." She nodded her head. "That said, I'll go with the majority on that, as long as we don't cross the line of harmin' or allowin' Winston to come to harm." She turned back to Woe. "I can't trust you. You're so busy tryin' to prove that you're somethin', you can't be trusted." He'd been quick to jump on Kura, after all. Cowardly and hypocritical.

All that said, she turned back to Saoire and Cassion. "I don't mean no disrespect, I really don't. But the bottom line here is that it's not right or fair. There's an issue an' she's your issue. We'll help you, any way we can - or I will, I can't speak for all the others, but yeah. Please. This is somethin' that you need to lead on." Because this was a damn Immortal and - as far as Vega could see - there was no way that the mortals could deal with this without major loss of life. Yet the Immortals could.

She hoped and believed.

* Note: Because of her Tier 2, everyone in Sweetsong has the impact of her Leadership and Fieldcraft no matter what. Those are:
Irritatin' an' Chipper
Leadin' By Example
When In Doubt Shout
** Note: Because of her Tier 2, everyone she is in communication with (via scrolls included) gets the benefit of her tactics capstones.
These are:
Twice the Distance
*** Because of her Tier 2, everyone she is in a Leadership position of, gets the benefit of her Leadership capstones. Those are:
Irritatin' an' Chipper
Leadin' By Example
When In Doubt Shout
word count: 1040

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: The Pirate Finale!


Before Winston Leaves

Kura frowned as it was decided that Winston would be going to try and treat with Chrien, but held her peace. When the Ferret prepared to leave, she knelt down and put a hand on his shoulder. "You're a brave man, Winston. There's few enough that would be willin' to risk what you're tryin' today. I hope you've got a better read on Chrien than I do, because you're right, she does need help. If you can help her accept that, at least, you could do a lot for all of us." she said, her tone sincere. Then she stood up and let him go without another word said. In fact, she was mostly silent during this part, just listening to what was said, taking it all down in her head.

After Winston Leaves

Kura continued to listen quietly as the Immortals spoke and when Cassion suggested the possibility of using Winston as bait to trap Chrien, without having discussed it with Winston at all, her head snapped around to face the Immortal of Stories, her eyes bright gold with rage before she remembered something and her eyes returned to their usual icy blue as she gave him a calculating look. Before he could speak, however, Woe decided to just about triple down on the idea and her gaze snapped over to him next, this time her eyes fully glowing a bright gold. Then she looked away from him, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she got her temper back under control.

She didn't speak until after Nir'wei had agreed to be some sort of counterweight to the Misty Miasma if they tried to use, until after Balthazar and Vega had torn into Woe for his words, the latter snapping at Cassion as well. It was only after Vega spoke that Kura let out a slow breath. "I wonder, mister Morandi, whether you would be so quick to suggest such a sacrificial play were you in Winston's place?" she said, turning to face him. When she opened her eyes, they were their usual icy blue and her tone was calm. There was none of Balthazar or Vega's fire and temper. They had covered emotion well enough, but if Woe wanted to appeal to cold reason and pragmatism, she'd counter him on that front.

"That aside, the proposal to potentially sacrifice Winston in exchange for drivin' off Chrien is not sound. Such sacrificial tactics can severely damage or destroy the morale of the side that engages in them, especially if the society does not favor them, and Scalvoris doesn't. That's, of course, if it would even work, and it would not. Balthazar was correct to bring up our existin' mortal enemies, but they'd be the least of our concerns. Immortals cannot kill one another, so Chrien would survive and she would neither forgive nor forget such an action. Even if she turned her wrath against the rest of Idalos, I don't doubt she'd make it as clear as possible that it is our actions that drove the Seascourge to their shores. No doubt she'd promise them that if they destroyed Scalvoris, she'd leave them in peace." she said, shaking her head.

"This plan of action could well put us at war with much of the rest of Idalos. Moreover, if Rharne and The Eternal Empire learned we sacrificed one of our own, without his knowledge or agreement, to merely drive Chrien off, it could easily cost us our alliance with them. And I can pretty much guarantee that Chrien would tell them. Scalvoris cannot win a war with the rest of Idalos, especially if we lose our allies. And of course, there would be the matter of her Champions and other Blessed." she said, shaking her head. "No. Even if such a sacrifice were morally sound, and let's be very clear that it is not, it is not tactically, politically, or pragmatically viable." she said, her tone cold and blunt.

Then she turned to Saoire. "As for seperatin' Scalvoris from the Fracture, my support was conditional on it not posin' a significant risk to Scalvoris or its people, and it sounds very much like that whole process could quite easily go completely off-track and cause a chain reaction that would destroy the entirety of the island." she said, shaking her head. "As to the Misty Miasma proposal, while I appreciate Nir'wei's willin'ness to throw himself in the breach, that seems even more risky. We don't know at all what that would to do Scalvoris, and if there was any interaction between the Misty Miasma and the Fracture, which there would always be a chance of, we have no idea what could happen." she said, her tone losing its frosty edge, but no less calm or serious. "I agree with Balthazar, we should give Winston a chance to succeed, and help him however we can." she said, before turning to face Cassion again.

"As for you, Taleweaver, I'm glad we've spent some time workin' relatively close together. I know you, at least to an extent." she said, shaking her head. "You lectured me once for my grandstandin', but now I find myself on the other end of the exchange. You're not the type to do sacrifice plays, not without consent and most likely a way to undo it." she said, remembering his actions and behavior during the Forging all those arcs ago. "So why don't you tell us what the point of that little game was, yeah? Without any embellishments or dodges, or else Vega might decide to write the story of how the Militant of Scalvoris took Old Dust over her knee for misbehavin'." she said, her tone turning slightly amused at the end.
Off Topic
1: Kura votes no to the separation of Scalvoris from the Fracture on account it sounds absurdly unsafe.
2: Kura votes no to using the Misty Miasma because it sounds even more unsafe.
3: Kura votes they try and help Winston succeed.

Acceptable Threat Level: 1.
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

Before Winston Leaves...
Vega's one-word, well-meaning response caused an unexpected grin to form at Darius' lips. It was indicative of their friendship, that sometimes saying less was more than enough to convey what was meant.

That moment of levity was a fleeting one. Darius had been so blinkered by his own thoughts that he had not been an active participant in the planning process, but once Cassion began to speak, the bearded blond's attention was nowhere else. And as he listened, he tried to gauge how the others present were responding to what was being said.

Cassion had spoken to Darius about Chrien before. That otherwise uneventful night seemed like a lifetime ago, and Darius wondered if the words he had written in the Taleweaver's book had been much help.

But they were here now, and the realisation that Winston would be approaching Chrien on his own caused Darius to send a glance in the direction of Saoire. The Scalvorian wondered what she thought of one of her children being so willing to step into a position of danger for the sake of others. Winston was not the first of his kind to undertake such a significant role for Scalvoris - Bao the Brave had played his part, too.

Darius marvelled that the smallest and cutest inhabitants of Scalvoris appeared to also be the most courageous.

Retrieving the box, he brought it to Winston and knelt down as he handed it over. He paused, taking a moment to look the ferret in the eye as if to assess whether the cadouri understood the gravity of the situation, but it was already clear that he did.

"Take this," he said quietly. "May it protect you from Chrien's wrath."

Then he stood, stepped back, and silently vowed to do all he couldLeadership Capstone: Local Boy Done Good to ensure the mission was successful.
After Winston Leaves...
It didnt take long for the energy in the room to change. Itnfelt as though hope was being sucked out of it, and it all began with what when Cassion sugeested betraying Winston, and Woe added his two nels.

"No," Darius heard himself growl beneath his breath, as others began to react in kind. "We don't send Winston to be our saviour, only to make him our sacrifice."

He turned to Woe - who, being a mortalborn, was less intimidating to confront than an Immortal - and anger flashed across his eyes.

"Who do you think you are," he seethed, "to decide who lives and who dies? This is risky enough, and there may be casualties, but I won't be handpicking any of them."

Darius forced himself to stop, taking a deep breath in an effort to calm himself, and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he surprised himself by finding the courage to turn to Cassion.

"What is the moral of this story?" he asked the Taleweaver in a calm but cold tone. "Are we even worth saving, if we aren't prepared to save each other? I will not have Winston's death on my conscience."

Frustrated, he turned away, letting others say their piece. His desire to protect as many Scalvorians as possible - including Winston - would be his main consideration when replying to Chamadurst.

Gave the box to Winston.

Got upset with Woe, but especially Cassion. (Never meet your heroes!)

Also relevant: Leadership Capstone: Local Boy Done Good.

Go all out and separate the fracture? Nope!

What level of risk will you accept? 1 - the lowest level of risk.
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

Varlum had been busy elsewhere on the island when all this had begun. There was much to be done after all that was happening, many people that needed help, riots to be quelled. But his presence was needed for this next part. Truthfully, Varlum hadn't intended on being a major player in this game when he arrived here. He wanted to find his sister for a long overdue reunion. But now he was here, and a major player he'd become.

But in this moment, none felt more major than Winston. The small Cadouri was brave. Varlum knew much of bravery, it was a big part of who he was. The fights he marched into always required a level of it. No matter how hard he fought, that feeling never seemed to fade, the feeling of each fight getting closer to his last. But Varlum was big, always had been. He was a mage, a Mortalborn, an Ithecal with a jaw that could snap through bone. Winston? A pacifist, a small Cadouri pacifist. Yet one that was willing to stand and negotiate before an immortal.

That was bravery. Perhaps on a level Varlum could only strive to match.

With a reassuring nod, Varlum watched as Winston left. Then came the quiet. Then - the ugly.

Many spoke up in some kind of outrage at the comments made by Woe, Cassion and Charmadast. Many stood opposed to their own Immortals and friends alike. There was almost a level of unity, bar the few that had spoken out. But as much as everyone had said their points well and put the message across there was more that Varlum felt had to be said. "I could have killed Nir'wei. When I found him down in that tunnel, there was some part of me that wanted to, knowing what he had done. Knowing that I wouldn't have been able to fix it had it not been for Ralaith. Who, if he were here, would think you disgusting for what you just said" he spoke open endedly, though everyone knew who it was aimed at.

"But I didn't kill Nir'wei. Because at the end of the day, he was trying to help. The weight of what he did is the only punishment he needed from me. Because I won't take the life of someone trying to help, even if I have to stop them along the way for taking it too far" he explained with a low snarl to his tone. "Kata, on the other hand. She wanted to sew chaos. Wanted to see good people die. Then Valtharn, who was just as willing as you to backstab someone for her own gain. Ask Nir'wei what happened to Kata - and what I was willing to do to Valtharn for what she did."

His glance fell to Cassion for a moment, eyes harsh. "I don't make a habit of threats, especially not to beings that seem to throw curses and smites down so readily. But if you so much as raise a hand to betray Winston, I'll put you in the ground with Kata, or you'll kill me while I try" the Ithecal spoke, before his gaze fell to Woe. He didn't say a word after, but his eyes said all they needed to. That threat was open ended. It would be a shame to die here and now, but he'd do it if he had to. Nobody was betraying Winston. Nobody was leaving another soul to die so readily. If a sacrifice was to be made, it was at the choice of the one making it.

"The next time you want a sacrifice play, make it yourself if you're so eager."

With those words spoken, Varlum had little else to add. He wasn't here to negotiate or come up with a plan, nor did he have one. It wasn't as if this situation was easy. But he would not resort to cowardice. Even Faldrun's death hurt him deeply, knowing the man had a knife plunged into his back rather than his front. Not today. Not ever again, if he could help it.
Off Topic

Threatened anyone who suggested a betrayal of any kind!


Go all out and separate the fracture? Nope!

What level of risk will you accept? 1 - with regards to others. Whatever Varlum needs to take personally would depend on the plan, however!
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Re: The Pirate Finale!

The Pirates Finale ......

Welcome to the Scalvoris seasonal event for Rebirth 724!

It's going to be done in a way that's heavily influenced by Pigs' awesome Fire event in Rharne - first things first, massive thanks to him!

Next, apologies for the delay. RL, you know?

All Of You - Even Winston

They all saw. Those in the room with Saoire and Winston all saw each other and what was happening. Even if Winston paid it no heed - he knew it.

“I told you,” Cassion said, looking at Saoire who nodded.

“We needed to know,” she said softly to Woe, “that those of you here would stand together, firmly. Scalvoris is not about sacrificing the one for the many, it’s about defying the odds. It’s about hiding together under the shell that unites us.” Sadly, she gave a soft smile.

Cassion spoke, more firmly than Saoire. “No matter why you do what you do, no matter if it is the cry for attention some believe, or the outright darkness that others see, it has no place here.” He glanced at Chamardarst who gave a slight nod of his head. “There are lessons to be learned here. This kind of behaviour, and it is not the first time nor the second that you have behaved in this way, is not big, it's not clever, and it's mostly just showing off." His words were calm and considered as he looked at Woe. After all, Cassion had stood outside the Forging when Woe had left the others, had seen what he was prepared to do to Elisabeth. " It is not neutrality to be as my daughter in law says, an asshat, Woe,” Cassion said. “It is merely being an asshat.”

Saoire put a hand on Cassion’s arm, as though to stop him from saying too much. Possibly, a little too late. He gave her a wry grin and quietened. “I’m afraid your actions and, therefore, you - are not welcome here, Woe,” she said and, with that, Woe was ejected.

“For those of you who are concerned,” she said, looking around, “that means that Woe is no longer welcome on Scalvoris soil. He can not be trusted with the lives of those around him if he would sacrifice even one for the easy road.”

Especially, the unspoken word was, if he was willing to sacrifice one so brave. The Induks watched, apparently unmoved.

To Kura, Cassion dropped a wickedly teasing wink. “You know me too well, it seems. Well spotted, Alberach.” He gave her what could only be described as a flirtatious grin.Darius spoke and Cassion looked at him approvingly. “The moral of the story is that you should know who you can trust, before you do anything important. Or,” he considered for a moment, his hand moving to his chin as his eyes twinkled “mayhap the moral is never trust an asshat.” He smiled broadly - obviously pleased with himself for that answer.

He was less pleased, momentarily, when Varlum spoke. He shook his head, then replied. “What story is there in my betraying a brave man?” Cassion asked. “Does Faldrun's child forget that he also Champions Ralaith? Have some wisdom, lest your tumultuous nature get you in trouble. ”

He gave a good-natured grin. “Because if it came to it, of the two choices you give me, I'd go with the second. Lets not go there, shall we?” He wasn't angry at the threat - after all Varlum was showing the behaviour they wanted. However, he did seem rather amused. Then Saoire spoke again.

“We have an opportunity here,” she said. “Nir’wei’s action will allow us to strengthen the bond between you all and the Induks. Between us all, to be clear. That will give all Forged the opportunity of a stronger bond, as some of you are already discovering. It will allow you and the Induks to understand and bond with each other, more. For those of you who are marked, it will allow us to explore that bond, through you.”

She glanced, then, at where Winston had stood but a moment ago. “And it will allow me to do what we hoped would be possible here. I can connect to Chrien through my mark that Winston bears and, thanks to his improved link with the Induks, I can give her access to her mother’s grave in a safe way. I will be her gateway and will be that in a manner which works with the Induks, not against them.” She looked around them. "The risk is mine, not Scalvoris'. I take it willingly, as Winston does. I will stand with him and not harm her."

Cassion spoke and he looked at Nir’wei (even though Nir’wei wasn’t in front of him, he very much was – Nir saw him look directly at him). “What you do now, this balance and energy you provide, it opens up a possibility I put in place many arcs ago. There were, once, two types of creatures, wolves and tigers, who were more than mere animal. There are echoes of them, but with this merging of the miasma, of the mortal and Immortal with the Induks and the mist? And through you, Karem’s chosen?” Cassion grinned. “There is a possibility now for the next chapter of that tale.”

Darius felt the moment where Ledas heard that and felt him communicate – somehow – with Cassion. Darius did not know what was said, but Ledas’ heart leapt with excitement. In Darius’ mind, Ledas and Katara both spoke. “Balance could be restored to us?” and Cassion nodded.

For the other Forged present - but only those present - they heard their Diri think those words - "Balance could be restored to us?" - to Cassion, but it was Darius who felt it. Saoire smiled and looked at them and then, as they saw Chrien arrive as she was summoned, they saw that the Immortals had forgotten something.

They had forgotten that Scalvoris itself had a voice. Or, more precisely, it had four of them.

The Induks - and the Diri - disappeared. For each Forged, they felt them leave.

They were gone.

And then ... .... ..... ....

Nir'wei agreed to be the counterpoint and Winston stood in that place.

Those with Saoire felt the loss of their Diris, saw and felt the loss of the Induks and then they saw and felt and knew that the Forged Diri and the Induks stood with Winston. They were not individuals in this moment, though, they were one being, one entity. They were Scalvoris.

Induk Scaltoth was every growing vine, every fallen animal, every worm that crawled in the earth and blade of grass which pushed through the snow to feel the touch of the sun.

Induk Ishallr was the water, in the wells, the ice, the rain and the flowing rivers.

Induk Faldrass was the volcano, the hearth fire, the campfire and the candle flame.

Induk Sweetwine was the sound of every birdsong and each wing that beat, every wind which blew and each breath taken.

The Diri were them, they were the Diri and they surrounded Winston. The storm raged, but it did not rage at them. They were nature - they were the storms themselves, after all. As the Immortal of Spite stepped into the area and her gaze turned to Winston with every ounce of her divine being, every part of her that was so much more than mortal, she glared and him and the storm came for him. He saw it and he knew that he alone was not strong enough to stand against her - that he would be (pardon the expression) kibbles and bits before he spoke another word.

Death came for him. Those with Cassion heard him swear softly.

And the Induks became the storm around him. They stood and they mingled with Chrien's storm. Not harming her, not harming it. Being it.

Induk Scaltoth was the earth at their feet. Induk Ishallr was the driving rain. Induk Faldrass was the oppressive heat that caused the lightning. Induk Sweetwine was the clap of thunder and the roaring wind.

Their storm mingled with Chriens and they somehow joined with her. Winston's story rang out, amplified by Cassion and all heard it.

Winston offered his hand to Chrien. She was surrounded by the storm and she could hear it. It was her, and not her, it was hers and not hers. It was hateful and beautiful, it was her essence and her enemy. She shook her head, pride and spite mingling, but Cassion's voice rang out, repeating Winston's story. Winston didn't hear it, but those who watched did.

As Winston spoke, Saoire lifted a hand. It was, some might note, in the exact same position as Winston's was. To Winston, he saw only what Chrien did, felt only what happened. Somehow he was surrounded by storms and unharmed and Chrien sneered as she looked at him.

And then, those outside the place saw that Winston stood, glowing with the golden light that Saoire often emanated. Winston felt her presence, wrapping him in her protection and love. Cassion's voice continued and - as for Nir'wei - he felt each word of Cassion's tearing through him. The experience Nir'wei had in those moments was not comfortable, but he experienced being hit in the back with an immense power which focused to a pin-prick inside his chest and then passed through him. Those with sharp eyes might notice the light which shone through the room where Winston stood, hitting Winston and then shooting out like light hitting a prism. Winston felt none of it.

Darius continued to see through Ledas - his link with Ledas was never broken and Ledas had joined the storm around Winston. What Darius experienced was a beautiful harmonious whirlwind. For a moment, he understood - entirely - that the tornado that rips apart land, the lightning that burns and kills - all of it - it was the result of a beautiful balance. It was a song and, for a moment, Darius heard that song.

Balthazar and Kura would be forgiven for thinking that they were unheard, unconsidered. But, as Saoire's light enveloped Winston and Chrien - frowning - took Saoire's hand - the pair of them saw the other Immortals. The ones who were siblings of Chrien. The Immortals saw them, too. For some reason, they were the only mortals present that was the case for.

Then, they both saw the light which came from Nir'wei and which shot out like the light hitting a prism. Unlike anyone else, though, they saw what it looked like and Karem's daughter was able to track it, to see it while Vri's chosen was able to sense it. The Misty Miasma, the Mortalborn, the Induks and the Immortal all channelled through Karem's Champion.

Kura and Balthazar saw that light explode in a beautiful display all over Scalvoris. Varlum - who had killed Immortals - stood and saw something he could not easily explain. He saw Saoire's light envelop Chrien's hand and he saw the Storm change. By virtue of him being there, Ralaith saw this too. There was much to learn here, Varlum knew.

And then, they were alone.

The mortal - including Winston and Nir'wei - were alone together.

And for a moment, the room was silent.

Then, a familiar figure - the figure of Horatio Thunderbussell came into sight. "Hello, excuse me, hello, yes yes. Hello?" he said.

"Saoire has asked me to extend her apologies, they seem to be having what she called a family meeting. She bade me to ask you if you'd like some tea?" If asked, Horatio would be clear. Saoire would be back in a moment or two - she would like them to wait, but they were free to leave if they wished.

And, if they allowed it, he'd bring them tea and cakes and all sorts. After a few moments, Saoire would return and smile. She looked tired but she smiled at them. “I'm sure there are questions,” she said with a smile and waited to hear them.

All of you ......

That's my penultimate post.

Please split your post into two sections.

1. Eye of the Storm! Write what you do / say / experience - respond to what happens, please.
2. Tea Time! Do you stay for tea? Saoire will tell you what happened (I'm just saving it for dramatic effect) other than "WHAT THE HECK!?" - ask any questions and my next post will be her answering and then a review.

If you post in a week, I'll do that this time next week! Woe, you are free to post, but you don't have to. Thanks!
word count: 2131
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: The Pirate Finale!


Stars above Woe lamented internally, though his face betrayed nothing of the monologue running through his mindCapstones: Ace of Hearts and Unflinching At least Llywellyn had the good grace of making a convincing show of his moralizing. And he’d had a drink of the soul of my woman, before having the gall to call me a monster. Woe’s mind turned toward the events unfolding, silently observing and holding his tongue, as perhaps he would’ve been better advised to hold it mere moments before. Woe did sigh, despite himself, if only to exhale. Listening to their hollow bleating edged him further along the slow shuffle to catatonic boredom.

However, at least now the masks were off and they showed Woe what they really thought of him. They’d known he could never truly be trusted. Far be it for him to disabuse Vega of that simple but most correct conclusion.

It didn’t matter to him, if they trusted or not. If they knew he existed, or not. He could disappear in a shroud of irrelevance, become nothing and nobody of note here and now with minimal effort. He thought about doing it, for a moment, but then a morbid masochistic curiosity prompted him to wait and see how the others would respond to his brazen suggestion, that they attempt to destroy Chrien without compromising the trap, by telling the very bait what was to happen. And he was the one whose thinking was compromised by concern and fear? They were afraid of dishonoring their selves, of being any less ‘good’. Ultimately, they perhaps feared how they would be seen if they agreed to such a course. Woe alone cared nothing for the light of his soul, if snuffing it produced the desired result.

He listened to all their points. Only Kura among them hit on anything remotely measured or reasonable in his mind, even in spite of her erroneous assumptions about him and
several other things
. Everyone else was busy throwing a tier ten tantrum and playing tough.

But if any of it bothered him, he didn’t show it other than that singular exhale. The big reptile, Varlum gave him an evil eye. Woe didn’t see any use in acknowledging the unspoken, open-ended threat. When the big ithecal said anyone ought to sacrifice their self before volunteering another for that purpose, the mortalborn was just about fed up with the inclination toward prosaic devotion to the brave cadouri. And their misplaced loyalty toward Winston. Because they thought Winston was an innocent, that Winston was harmless.

This had to be a joke, and Woe was fresh out of humor.

To be so ignorant! Woe couldn’t be the only one who saw the cadouri for who he was.

Winston was perhaps as consequential and powerful as any one of them. Winston may have not intended violence ever to anyone, or wielded fire and axe with the adroit penchant for destruction of a reptilian demigod. Even so, he was perhaps more dangerous than any of the ones gathered there. He could create wonders that would shake the foundations of history long after he was gone. He could change evil hearts and turn away skilled swords with but a poorly pronounced, mealy mouthed argument.

His deeds and his crafts, they would be turned to evil regardless. It was only a matter of time before his gifts reached those who were inclined to corrupt them. Good intentions could only out pace one’s safeguards for so long, before they spread via osmosis to the worst people the world had to offer. Such as Chrien herself. Knowledge was power, and as he’d observed time after time, power was the most dangerous of cages.

The sentiments relayed toward this creature they perceived as a little furry thing were enough to turn Woe’s stomach. He liked Winston, he felt that he alone respected Winston among those here. And he was sure the ferret would’ve volunteered for Woe’s idea to trap Chrien if it had a chance of sealing her away forever. If he had known the deal, however, it would’ve shown clearly on his face before the Immortal arrived. Winston was great at many things, but deception was not among them.

Still, let them think what they would if it engendered cohesion among their number. He would allow it in silence, and ignore all the good he’d contributed toward this very conclusion. To have given so much, and then be scapegoated as a band-wagoner of the bloodthirsty Immortal of Stories...

They could all watch as Chrien washed over them like a torrent of chaos. So Woe thought, as the events came to a head. He would not stand in the way of anything else coming for them. Now or in the future, he wouldn’t be fooled a second time. Woe had learned his lesson.

As the Immortals banished him from Scalvoris, he felt space shift, and couldn’t be bothered to resist. He was set onto a ship, outbound from Scalvoris as it happenedd, one of the refugee ships. He immediately activated his shadow cloak ability from Kuvarakh.

With this done, the captain being busy above decks, Woe sneaked into the cabin. He was looking for a mirror.

As he found a full length one in the captain’s luxurious cabin, he stared into it a good long moment. He had no regrets, not for what he said or did. If their intention was to teach him a lesson, he’d learned only one. Immortals be damned.

So first he turned his attention to Ziell. “Peacemaker, I renounce you, remove your mark from me.” Keying in on his redemption ability, the mark left him as he consented to its destruction.

Net he turned his attention to Moseke. “Stone Maiden, I renounce you and your mark. Remove it.” So he cast it off, and felt a jolt of pain as one removal too many from the same individual. As the weeping willow tree was torn from his chest, as the Sevrath Mark, a large whip-like fracture scar, glowing green crossed where it's trunk had been.

Yet Woe was not done there.

“Coinking, as for you.” Woe scowled, “I renounce you. Begone from my soul, turn your eyes in ostracism if you will, I will not bear your desecration any longer.” Another excruciating pain with which he dealt admirably if he could say so, and his palms were striking with circular green glowing fracture scars.

Finally, he turned his attention to himself. “Forget it all, forget yourself.” He stared into the mirror, and then, and for a moment contemplated it, really did contemplate erasing his memory of everyone and in so doing erased the memory of him from the world. Yet something stayed his hand. He would never be able to show them the error of their ways if he did this, he would never be able to indulge in the abject ecstasy that only came from pure and unadulterated loathing for the self and the other.

So he emerged from the Captain's cabin, feeling lighter than he had in many an arc.

He would never lick the boots of Immortalkind for power. He was free.

First Woe stands around and judges everyone silently.

Then Woe used his Shadow Cloak from Kuvarakh's Effigy to sneak onto the Captain's Cabin. Also expert stealth.

Woe used his Redemption power, three times. Once to remove Ziell's Mark. Once to remove Moseke's Mark. Once to remove Chamadarst's Mark, after stepping down as his champion. He can use the redemption power only 12 times past the first time. So he's down to 10 of those extra uses before he freakin dies ;)

For reference, here's the power's description:

Divine Exorcism

Through the Forging Woe gave of himself. He gave up a large portion of his wealth and his power. He not only gave, however but also let go of aspects that were troublesome. Namely his magics and his mark of Lethroda. As such, this has turned his mortal-born domain of Hierarchy on its head. Instead of reinforcing the connection to greater powers, he can redeem an individual from any and all connections to external entities. He can remove one spark, one Immortal mark, or one Immortal curse from a person in their lifetime, without incurring fracturing. Should he stretch this beyond just one of those from the same individual, to multiples, he will fracture each time, to a maximum of 12 extraneous fractures before he is destroyed.

He cannot perform this action without the individual's explicit consent, both in character and out of character. Also, Champions and Revealed mages are beyond the scope of this power, as the mage has fused their soul to spark entirely. Champions are similarly beyond his reach, as they possess such a strong link as to be inextricable from the bond. Any level of curse, however (barring one given by Tio or a custom curse not part of the Immortal's mark), can be removed.

That's it I think.
Last edited by Woe on Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:04 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 1528
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