Calendar: Rebirth 725

Roughly half the landmass of Eastern Idalos, The Eternal Empire is one of the strongest military powers on Idalos, held in check only by the alliances that exist between the other nations of Idalos. Ruled from Korlasir by the Immortal Empress, Raskalarn the Conqueror,

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Calendar: Rebirth 725

The Eternal Empire
Calendar: Rebirth 725
Cylus: 725


General: It's cold, snowy, and dark throughout the entirety of The Eternal Empire.

Exceptions: The Northern Hotlands don't really get snow, but it is cold and dark.
Image Name Date Description
Image New Region: Land Acquisition All Season Over the course of the March, many members of the Imperial Legions find themselves in Cahryst. On the 50th of Ashan, the reason why becomes clear. The order is given to move in the region north of Cahryst and west of Old Dynaash and claim it for The Eternal Empire. The region had been scouted previously and found to hold no other sovereign nation, though it did turn out to be something of a hideout for bandit tribes and the like that been chased out from the eastern territories of the fallen kingdom of Rynmere, or west from Viden. Imperial Legions are given the marching order to seize territory for The Eternal Empire, with the intent to use the region as another region of heavy agricultural production. Surrenders are to be accepted, any peaceful society found is to be integrated into the Empire. Any that attempt to oppose the Imperial Legions militarily are to be crushed. Rharne's territorial borders are not to be crossed, nor are the territories once held by Rynmere to be invaded. OOC: This is a tracker event. Tracker will go up within the week.Moderated
Image Cahryst Region: Defensive Build Up All Season The Cahryst Region begins a period of defensive build-up, clearly expecting to receive a larger than usual number of the Imperial Legions. The residents begin to wonder if the Empire is going to be laying claim to the regions beyond Cahrysts's northern border or if they're expecting an attack from that direction.Open
Image The Arc's Dawn 1st Cylus
A holiday timed with the start of the year, The Year's Dawn is a privately held celebration for each Imperial household. While traditions vary from family to family, the Year's Dawn always serves the same purpose: to celebrate the birth of a new year and to bring it into the world on a cheerful note. The most common tradition is to share ones hopes and plans for the year, so that one can begin to work towards their goals. The Year's Dawn is a paired celebration with The Passing. Lasts from the 1st to the 3rd of Cylus.Open
Image The Feast of the Empress 15th Cylus
One of the most well known celebrations in the empire, largely because it started as an act of benevolence by the Empress that was almost immediately embraced as a yearly holiday by the empire. Commerating a time when Raskalarn opened the castle's storerooms to the populace during a particularly harsh Cylus, the Feast of the Empress is held in the middle of Cylus. Every major Imperial educational and military installation opens its storerooms for three days, holding a grand feast that every citizen of the Empire may partake of without cost. In addition to being a time of general gathering and merriment, it also eases the worries of the populace in regards to keeping themselves fed throughout the rough Cylus nights. Lasts from the 15th to the 17th of Cylus.Open
Image The Preperation 28th Cylus
The final celebration of the winter seasons, The Preparation marks when farmers prepare to return to work, when soldiers prepare for the years coming conflicts, when schools prepare for resumption of classes, and in general, the empire as a whole marks the resumption of normal life. As these trials mark an end to the long night of Cylus, the Preparation is also a celebration of the imminent of the return of light to Idalos. As a result, the Preparation is generally a busy holiday as people get ready, but is touched with an air of joy as people emerge from the solitude of Cylus, especially in more hostile regions. Lasts from the 28th to the 30th of Cylus.Open
Image The Sacred Forest: Bow Boughs 13th Cylus
It's not uncommon to find branches dropped from trees in the Sacred Forest, but it's far more rare to find branches that seem just the perfect shape for the making of bows. While few question whether or not to use this bounty, some wonder why Maguon decided to give such a gift, with thoughts ranging from an expected boom in the animal population to encouraging young Imperials to take up archery.Open
Image The Volcanic Mountain Range: Snowfall 19th Cylus
Snow rarely falls in the Volcanic Mountain Range, but this arc is different, as it actually experiences a surprisingly heavy snowfall, dropping several feet of snow on a region that normally doesn't even get a few inches. While the Imperial Legions are able to keep anyone from getting buried in it, the locals delight in the unusual occurrence and many children who had never seen snow before take particular joy in getting to play in the snow.Open
Image Old Dynaash: Cured Ills 27th Cylus
People in Old Dynaash who had gotten sick, especially any whose illness is suspected to be due to a toxin, recover rapidly. No matter how sick they are, or how long recovery would normally take, they are cured of their illnesses and are feeling perfectly healthy within the span of a single trial, though any side effects from things like lack of food still linger.Open
Ashan: 725


General: The weather warms up to a pleasant level of not-quite-cold but also not-quite-hot pretty quickly, though it's also pretty rainy in most places.

Exceptions: The Northern Hotlands get hot again as soon as they start getting sun, and it doesn't rain either there or in the Volcanic Mountain Range. The Winter Reach, meanwhile, still gets a good amount of snow and it's still cold up there.
Image Name Date Description
Image New Region: Land Acquisition All Season Over the course of the March, many members of the Imperial Legions find themselves in Cahryst. On the 50th of Ashan, the reason why becomes clear. The order is given to move in the region north of Cahryst and west of Old Dynaash and claim it for The Eternal Empire. The region had been scouted previously and found to hold no other sovereign nation, though it did turn out to be something of a hideout for bandit tribes and the like that been chased out from the eastern territories of the fallen kingdom of Rynmere, or west from Viden. Imperial Legions are given the marching order to seize territory for The Eternal Empire, with the intent to use the region as another region of heavy agricultural production. Surrenders are to be accepted, any peaceful society found is to be integrated into the Empire. Any that attempt to oppose the Imperial Legions militarily are to be crushed. Rharne's territorial borders are not to be crossed, nor are the territories once held by Rynmere to be invaded. OOC: This is a tracker event. Tracker will go up within the week.Moderated
Image Hotlands Mountain Range: Cultural Clash All Season The new Naer populations in the cavern systems of the Hotlands Mountain Range are experiencing some culture clash with The Eternal Empire. While there's been no clear signs that any regret joining the Empire, nor any signs of civil unrest, the fact remains that the Naer were refugees from Augiery and are running into numerous issues adjusting Imperial culture. Several major issues include: The difference in expected attitudes towards slaves, the Empire's attitude towards gender equality, and the much heavier focus on the military.Open
Image The Winter Reach: Boat Building All Season The Imperial Navy is largely seen as the least active part of the Imperial Legions, due to The Eternal Empire having fairly limited access to the oceans of Idalos. However, this cycle, once they start receiving reinforcements from The March, they begin to build more ships than the Imperial Navy has had in quite some time.Open
Image The Northern Hotlands: Docks Construction All Season The Northern Hotlands begins the construction of a large, military capable docks on its eastern coastline. Combined with the construction of ships in the Winter Reach, many begin to wonder why The Eternal Empire seems to be preparing for naval operations. No current declarations have been made, and theories and assumptions begin to fly around, not the least of which is that Empress Raskalarn is preparing in case the Empire needs to conduct naval operations in the future.Open
Image The March 20th Ashan
The first festival of Ashan is one that is likely seen as strange to many outside perspectives, but it is one that is born of the emphasis that Imperial culture places on military service. The March is when the soldiers of the Imperial Army are rotated to new posts, whether to join a new campaign or just to give the soldiers a more varied experience of the Eternal Empire. The March is basically an empire spanning parade, with crowds gathering to both welcome the incoming soldiers and to see the outbound soldiers off. Because of this and the sheer size of the empire, the March doesn't happen at the same time all throughout the empire, instead spanning a range of 15 days, with each gathering happening when the soldiers depart or arrive. Lasts from the 20th to the 25th of Ashan.Open
Image The Blooming 73rd Ashan
Taking place just as Ashan is fully in swing throughout most of The Eternal Empire, the Blooming is a celebration of new life as flowers bloom and, less poetically, most animals go into their breeding season. The Blooming is largely a farmer and ranchers festival, as these things are of great importance to those who work so closely with plants and animals. As such, it is mostly celebrated with dancing, music, and good food. The celebration is also particularly important in the Sacred Forest, and it is common for those who become pregnant around the time of the celebration to ask Maguon for a boon, though Maguon doesn't always grant these.Open
Image Egg Day 110th Ashan
A festival that started largely as a way to entertain children and turned into an empire wide party, Egg Day is two part celebration. The first is the egg hunt, where children roam over a designated area, usually an open field, part of a safe forest, or a particularly large and spacious house, to find eggs that the adults of the area had hidden the night before. The second part of the festival is a large, egg based feast. Owing to Imperial culinary habits, the egg dishes on offer are often very simple, scrambled eggs or omelets, but there are a lot of them and they're almost always well prepared. These egg feasts are often quite cheerful, as families gather to talk and strengthen their relationships. Many a lifelong friendship has been formed on Egg Day because of this.Open
Image Korlasir Region: Horse Race 13th Ashan
As an impromptu celebration of the return of the suns, as well as of a surprisingly large number of new foals being born, several wealthy Imperials organize a horse race around the base of the mountain that Korlasir sits on. While this is primarily referred to as a horse race, other land-based mounts are welcome as well. Flying and aquatic mounts have their own courses as well, so that any rider can compete, regardless of their mount.Open
Image The Southern Plains: Underground Growing Research 86th Ashan
The Imperial Agricultural Center announces that a new cavern has been discovered near their campus and that it has been claimed for use by the Imperial education system. In particular, this cavern is going to be used for research of methods in growing crops underground. Many assume that Empress Raskalarn was unimpressed with the methods of growth brought by the Naer, having been based in Augiery techniques, and has ordered that better, more efficient methods be found. Open

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The Eternal Empire
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