[Viden] Stolen Work

25th of Ashan 719

Stronghold of education and learning, this fortress is in one of the coldest areas of Idalos and home to many knowledge seekers in a variety of disciplines. However, unknown to most, below the city are those who suffer for the sake of science. While all are welcome, not everyone will be treated as they expect.

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[Viden] Stolen Work

25th of Ashan 719 Noon

The day was spent traveling, Wald was going towards the campsite he had in the forest. Having just finished a hunt of some strange animals. It was time for him to relax in the forest. Ylfa was walking with him, more then happy to travel. It was much better then sitting so close to that accursed city. Just the movement away from there, helped ease Wald's mind. The small group had to push through the treeline, in order to get to the site. The site would slowly get into view, though, it was slightly hard to see. The only sign of the site was the steam, that flowed from the small hot spring.

Something was wrong though, Wald could not see one of the walls, that he worked so hard on. His campsite was mangled, Wald surged forward to see what had happened. The wall was torn down in several spots, it was as if a beast had tried to make a nest. Wald began to get angered by the thought, his fist clinched shut. What ever did this, did not know who's home they had just destroyed. Wald searched the land for clues, on what had done this. He would find it near the hot spring. It was a single blue feather. It laid there floating in the water, as if telling him what he was to do. Wald took hold of the feather, it was soaked, though it seemed to large for a bird. This beast would likely be back, though, Wald would not let it back to this camp.

"Ylfa, come here." Wald had called to Ylfa, who came over, as soon as the horse and donkey were in the camp. She kept weary steps, trying to keep alert. Wald moved the feather to her. "Can you track the smell." The feather may have been wet, but the smell of the creature must of been there.

Ylfa leaned in taking a few sniffs of the feather. Then once she was done, she sniffed around the area. She looked around the came sniffing about. Wald watched carefully, even watched as she looked towards the sky. "It smells of cat, Master." Wald thought on that, A feather, and the smell of a cat. What could it be... Wald checked around the campsite once more. There were a few scratch marks on the wall, though that was all the evidence of the creature. The snow around the campsite was undisturbed. It had to have flown here, otherwise Wald could track it easily.

Wald tried to sniff around in turn, though the only smell he had was that of cold rose, that lead to Sybil. Wald walked to the cart, pulling the tent tarp down. "Ylfa, I need to set the tent. Find the beast so we may take care of it." Ylfa gave a nod, as she went off following her nose. Wald got the tent up as fast as he could, getting the two equine into the tent. Just in case something was to come. At least they will be safer in the tent. Though there was no time to keep still, he proceeded to set defenses around the camp. This was to keep them safe while he was gone, since there was no doubt Ylfa could not take care of this beast alone.
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Re: [Viden] Stolen Work

With the work setting up done, Wald had put the animals into the tent, closing it tight to make sure they did not leave. It was time for him to catch up with Ylfa, though she had a good head start on him. "Ylfa, where are you!" Wald shouted shouldering his bow and quiver. He looked into the direction she went, and began moving in that direction.

After getting out of the camp a single word was shouted into his mind. "Coming" All of Wald's senses screamed at him. Without a second thought Wald listened to his instincts, diving forward next to a tree. This was very lucky for him, as a large shape dove down right where he was standing. Wald rolled back to his feet, his hair on end as he looked at the large figure. Its fur was thick, and it had a pair of large wings. If he had not trusted his body, that beast would of easily snapped him with the landing. He noticed something in its mouth, it was small and a similar color to the larger one. It looked to be a cub, its eyes had not yet fully opened yet, but the mother seemed to be angry.

Wald moved his bow from his shoulder, staring right into the mother's eyes. He readied the bow, and spoke to the beast. "You can leave, and I wont hurt you." Wald notched an arrow aiming it forward, keeping his eyes on the creature. She was large, her cat like eyes seemed to be full of rage. She must of wanted to take Wald's camp as a nest for her and the cub. She moved her body into a position that told Wald she would not leave. "Last chance..." The animal shook its rear before jumping forward towards Wald, paws outstretched reaching for him.

That was the moment Ylfa returned, falling from the sky, landing right on the neck of the mother. This caused her to stop in her tracks, colliding with the snow covered ground. The mother released her baby with a mighty rare, as an arrow pierced through her right eye. The baby began to yelp for help, as the mother rolled away from it. Ylfa and the mother began fighting. The large paws of the animal got leverage under Ylfa, flinging her away into a nearby snow bank. Though when she removed the wolf, another arrow landed into her side, between two ribs. The mother's breath began to get weak, it seems like Wald punctured a lung. It was likely filling with fluid, as she began to move back towards Wald. Determined not to die alone.

Ylfa ran up and grabbed the animals tail, slowing the animal down enough for Wald. The final arrow landed into the left eye, the fluid dripped down their face. Falling onto the ground, pooling blood staining the snow. Wald moved slowly forward to the animal, it was not down long. He needed to be sure it passed, slowly the camp knife was removed from his belt. Getting on the animal, he pushed the blade into the back of the neck. With a push and a twist, the vertebrae was snap and severed. The beast was gone, though something broke the silence from near by.
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Re: [Viden] Stolen Work

The sound came from the small cub on the cold ground. It was yelling for its now dead mother, Wald looked over to the poor thing. Pulling the knife out of the mother's spine, he cleaned it off before walking towards the baby. Keeping the blade out as he bent down to the animal. It was young, probably around six trails. It would need milk for a few more trails, Wald could not produce milk for obvious reasons. The nature of the world around him would be harsh to this baby, cold and unforgiving as it was. He could only give mercy to the baby, trying to give the animal the least amount of pain. Wald pressed the knife against flesh, slowly against the blade. Sliding it down splitting the flesh with a slight yelp of pain, the small yelp only lasted but a moment.

Wald's finger was now bleeding slowly, and he put it against the cub's lips. Who began to suckle on the finger. It was not milk, but it would work for the moment. The little gums of the animal chewed on Wald's knuckle. He lifted the baby into his arms, opening his shirt to keep it inside. Allowing his own body heat to warm the baby.

Slowly Wald walked with the young cub to the mother, he had an idea for what to do for the animal. "Ylfa, get the pots." She nodded and ran off to the camp nearby. Wald moved down, moving the cub to one of the engrossed teats. It latched and began to drink the milk, the amount would not last long. And Wald would need to figure out a way to help this animal. Ylfa returned soon with one of the pots, Wald took a hold of the pot. "Help the little one drink for a moment." Ylfa moved under the animal, keeping the young cub from touching the ground. Wald proceeded to milk the mother, it was the only thing he could do for now. Though he could do something later.

It took a few moments to milk the mother, and Wald needed more then the one pot. It would seem to be around thirteen liters of milk. though the baby was going to be very hungry. So he would need to find a solution for the future. Though the baby would only need milk for the first season of its life. After that the hard part for Wald would be over, as he could easily hunt for the young creature.
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Re: [Viden] Stolen Work

Wald slowly brought everything to the camp, having Ylfa dig a whole for the large animal. She was going to get a proper burial, as to not insult the child he had in his arms. With that said, he needed to figure out how to get more milk for the baby. He opened the tent, allowing the horse and donkey to walk free. The small cub began to yelp again, its little squeaks could be heard by the group. He began to gently pet the young one, as the horse seemed curious of the creature. Sniffing at it, the warm air that come from the nose covered the cub. It began to squirm slightly, and barked out another squeak. That is when Wald had an idea, it should work. Wald got under his draft horse, petting down the side of the animal. Slowly he brought the cub towards the teat of his horse, it began to latch onto it. The horse only stamped her front paw, as the baby suckled. It was not getting any milk, but the sensation should get the horse to start producing milk. This would solve the issue of feeding the creature, hopefully it would begin lactation before the milk that was gathered was used up.

Ylfa came back, after Wald sat there for a few moments with the cub and horse. "It is done... What are you doing, Master?" The scene would probably look insane from the outside.

Wald quickly spoke up. "Trying to get the horse to lactate for the cub." Wald slowly removed the cub, and brought it to Ylfa. "Can you watch it for a moment, while I take care of the mother." Ylfa nodded and curled around it, as it began to sleep on her.

Wald had yet to check the sex of the cub, but that was not important for now. Now it was time to bury the mother, at least in respect for the creature and her baby. Slowly he got the animal, who had a hole dug next to it. With a sigh Wald said. "I said you could go, but you did not listen." Rubbing the side of the creature softly, before pushing the body into the hole. Once that was done, he began to cover the grave. it would only take a few moments, before he returned.

Wald would take care of the baby with Ylfa acting as a warm place to rest, and the horse acting as a source of milk once she started lactating a few trails after. The group had a new young member to it, though the young boy would grow to a large size. He was named Ari. Since he was to young to name himself.
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Re: [Viden] Stolen Work

Have to admit, reading about Wald killing the mother of a cub, and then inducing lactation in his horse to ensure the cub's survival wasn't something I was expecting to read today. Thankfully, I have a strong stomach, and I wasn't drinking any coffee with creamer. Milking a dead animal is risky, but for his purposes, it worked. It's impressive on-the-fly thinking, but now I feel a bit ill.

Your grammar seems to be steadily improving, which is good. Please make sure that you use question marks for questions and whatnot. Otherwise, it can come off as a bit awkward.

Enjoy your rewards.


Animal Training: Take care of baby animal's to earn trust
Animal Training: Listen to the squeaks of the animal
Animal Training: Let the animal get use to your smell
Animal Husbandry: Milking a large cat
Animal Husbandry: Inducing Lactation in a horse
Animal Husbandry: Feeding a baby cat
+1 Pardus cub, untrained, non-weened, non-socialized. (Ari)


Understand that all criticisms are done in good faith. It would be a greater disrespect to not say anything in the face of problems. Please contact me through this account's inbox if you wish to further communicate on the matter of improvement, or if you feel as though anything is unduly harsh.

Player #2




Understand that all criticisms are done in good faith. It would be a greater disrespect to not say anything in the face of problems. Please contact me through this account's inbox if you wish to further communicate on the matter of improvement, or if you feel as though anything is unduly harsh.
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