Xander's Mail

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Xander Andaris
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Xander's Mail

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Xander's Mail

Written Cylus 8th

Dearest Xander,

Father once told me that true friends never really leave. In my case, that is true. My friend, I forgave you the very next day. I merely have waited for you to be ready to come to me, and now that you have we can put all that behind us. I hope you know I felt her loss, too. Zara was my closest friend- I still think of her to this day. I visited Krome last arc, to pray in that meadow the three of us would play in. I prayed to Vri, for her soul. I am glad that you have begun to cope, but if you have to ask me if you're forgiven, than you've obviously forgotten who I am. You have always been forgiven.

I've already intended to go to this ball. I leave for Andaris today, in fact. I will look forward to seeing you, and you shall have to save me a dance. It has been too long, and I look forward to seeing the man you have become. I've heard great things, but it is nothing like seeing in person.

I fear this letter may not reach you in time, should you have already left for Andaris. As such, I shall look for you at the ball. I'll be the one in white and gold, eager to reunite with her best friend.

Until then,

Olivia Penelope Warrick
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Xander's Mail

83rd of Ymiden, Arc 717

Dear Friend, Lord Xander of House Krome,

Xander, my friend -- I will be putting forward the allegations against my father and mother come tomorrow. While you may not be able to assist me in this endeavor, I must inform you of what this could mean. If the court determines that I am doing this for the sake of furthering my own position, I will be surrendering my inheritance to the ducal throne. This could mean that I am either kept as the Lord of Novilane and Oxentide until death, or I could lose my noble standing altogether.

Whatever the case, I do what I must for justice. My sister will be given retribution, and I peace.

I will do whatever I can from this point on to assist you, but you must know that my capacity in how I may help might change.

Yours Truly,
Alistair Nathaniel Venora, First in Line, Baron of Novilane and Future Duke of the Great House of Venora
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Re: Xander's Mail

15th Ymiden
Dear Duke Andaris,

I am writing to you, with the intention of opening a dialogue between your House and the organisations I represent, the Order of the Adunih and Isonomia. As you may be aware, I am currently serving both of these in the capacity of running them, and as such I am keen to ensure that the work that they do - that we do - gets to all corners of Idalos. I understand that the plague has been a dreadful situation for Rynmere generally, and Andaris specifically. I would like to discuss the possibility that an Order of the Adunih branch be set up specifically in your Duchy - more than one if it is your wish - in order to help those who have been affected. Although we have been most fortunate in being able to cure the plague, it has left behind people who are sick and weak and injured - this, as I'm sure you are more than aware - will lead to poverty and so free medical care seems to me a sensible step to take.

Were we to do this - and I understand that you are originally of Krome, and so may be able to give me a name to write to there, someone who can make that decision? Then I would like to discuss the possibility of an alliance between your medical schools and our Order. Having recently (relatively so, anyhow) taken over, I am keen to establish links, and to ensure that education is key to the progress of our medics. As in Rharne and Scalvoris, I believe that working together allows the educational establishments to offer students valuable - vital - field experience, and for the Order and field medics to keep up to date with cutting edge medical theory.

I will await your return correspondence. Should you give it to the person who delivered it, they will be able to get it to me much more quickly than by conventional post.

With respect, and in service

Faith Augustin.

(my letters thread is under my avatar over there on the right! )
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