Avrae's Letters

Need to send a letter to a friend? Family member? Lover? Here you can post in character letters to other PCs that are not in your area. Take a look inside for more information and to see how long travel time is for letters.

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Avrae Kyric
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Avrae's Letters

Cylus 28th, 706

Dearest Nabua,

Skip a beat, heart
With his eyes, so dark
Trying to find if he’s my counterpart
Love, take a walk with me in the park

Holding your hand
Makes me feel like a man
Here in our heartland
This is my love plan

So say yes, baby
Be with me for now
I’ll even accept a maybe
Doesn’t have to be a vow

I’ll wait for you tonight at sunset
Nervous, excited, in love
Hope we share the same mindset
While I wait by the foxglove

Your Future, Avrae
Last edited by Avrae Kyric on Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 98
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Avrae Kyric
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Avrae's Letters

Ashan ?, 717

Dearest Alistair,

Basking in my firelight,
How I hold you close at night,
Sleeping smiles grace your lips,
Opening eyes, my heart beat skips,

Darling all I wish from you,
Is our love, forever true,
Stay safe and sound, curled in my arm,
I hope you never come to harm,

Once I had a love like you,
He who also was so true,
Taken from me far too soon,
Don't take you, I continue to croon,

Fingertips stroke through your blonde hair,
How I love to see you bare,
See a side no one else can,
Please let me continue being your man,

Vri, I pray your soul to keep,
Jesine, I pray for your pleasant sleep,
Ethelynda, I pray for your protection,
Moseke, keep his life's connection,

Love, there's nothing I can do,
If they take you from me too,
Yet even if I don't believe,
I'll pray to them you won't leave me,

Your Flame, Avrae
word count: 166
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