Alistair's Letters

71st of Ymiden 716

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Alistair's Letters

71st of Ymiden, Arc 716

Dear Lord Andaris,

These events regarding rebellions, "false Kings", traitors to alliances and other such vile daliances have caught my attention. As a more conservative mind approaching these domestic matters, I struggle to find reason in why our men and women - lowborn and Highborn alike - gather together in the deconstruction of our nationality, our ethics and our more refined and vocal method of disputing allegations, during national congregation. The world of the common mortal's mind, however, seems to reflect a reality in which lust for bloodshed and the rejection of reason are prized far more greatly than the joyous alignment of hearts and minds to a cause beneficial to the Kingdom of a whole.

My people, those of Venora, are most certainly of a peaceful nature. While we may engage in Knightly tournaments, hunt and throw grand martial events, we do not wish for our men's training to actually come to a point where it becomes necessary. We much prefer the warm touch of wine, the chill of controversial artistry and the valiant poetry that reigns in times of peace rather than war. We are a people of love and roses. It is for this that we have been loved by others, and given our credence by the other Noble Houses. Each land has a part to play - ours, bringing art, music, fashion and luxury to the lands around us.

As you can most certainly discern from this, our pride is on the line. While my family has not openly begun the support of the false King, for some reason my mother in her power mongering has determined that my cast-off sister is fit to be Queen. As someone unfortunately raised with my sister, and by my absent-brained mother and father, I know that none of those three individuals are fit to lay their hands into the luster of the crown. That right is reserved for an Andaris alone, and I as a mere rose in the shadow of a dragon know my place in the political landscape.

I do not wish to be King. I wish to be ruled by a proper King, and that man is not Veljorn. I know you feel the same way - every wise Andaris should, as they have brought Rynmere to great and prosperous times despite the frail state of the world around us. I wish to discuss these matters with you in person, as someone who has tried and will continue to try to relegate my family's support for the traitor. If you would, come to Sabaissant, the city of art. I promise not to greet your entrance with a grand ball or anything of the sort, as I grew up with you for long enough a time to know that - like me - you don't favor such public events.

My mother has sworn not to confront you regarding your political affiliation. This meeting is about you and I, from heir to heir, regarding the future of the Kingdom we were born to rule.

From an Old Friend,
Alistair Nathaniel Venora, First of His Name and Future Lord of the Great House of Venora
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Letter to Duncan

15th of Saun, Arc 716

My Dear Duncan,

I shall be riding to Krome on a delicate mission involving the civil war. I could not bring you with us on this night, as time ran late and I cannot trust the staff of the palace not to question my motives for leaving under the veil of darkness. Going into the city would have invoked words and messages sent around, by those who are loyal to the Rebel Lord. However, our road must not diverge too far from one another. As we have spoken about in our terms of service, I would have you travel with me unconditionally until the Season of Saun is at an end, in which case you may choose if you wish to remain alongside me.

I ask that you come to the town of Tou-la-Ford on the afternoon of the sixteenth, and find me and my party of blades and spies. It is along the road towards Andaris - you cannot possibly miss it. If you ride from Sabaissant in the early morning, you should be able to catch us before we leave, and I will make it a point to wait for you to arrive.

This is a matter of great import. Tell no one about your leaving, and be sure to bring your livelihood with you as you leave the city, for we may not return to Sabaissant for quite some time. Additionally, thank you for being a loyal companion - not to mention a great investment! When you come to meet me, I have something special waiting for you at hand.

From Your Employer and Companion,
Alistair Nathaniel Venora, First of His Name and Future Lord of the Great House of Venora
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Alistair's Letters

25th of Saun, Arc 716


To: Zvezdana Venora, Andraska Venora, Theodore Venora, Tristan Venora, Kalani Venora, Noah Venora, Willow Venora, Kaleb Venora, Ebony Venora, Karl Venora, Lazuli Warrick, Vivian Warrick, David Krome, Emerson Sands, Cassander Renault, Elyna Burhan, Baako Burhan, Paige Burhan, Paavo Burhan, Edmund Burhan, Thomas Andaris, Benji Andaris, Peake Andaris, Daliane Andaris, Odessa Andaris, Leeson Andaris, Duncan Oisin, Aeon, Damien Noch, Ellasin Dathlande and all other members of the Great Houses of Rynmere...

We hereby invite you to the wedding of Alistair Venora, First of His Name, Heir to the Duchy of Venora and Celeste Andaris, Fourth of Her Name, Daughter of Benji Andaris.

The event shall take place on the 30th of Saun, Arc 716, in the Sabaissant du Cristel - the Palace of House Venora. Elegant dress is expected of women and handsome attire by men. One manservant or maid may be brought to attend each Lord.

Sincerely, House Venora and Andaris
NOTE: The names of all invitees are not visible to each invitee.
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Alistair's Letters

38th of Vhalar, Arc 716

My Gallant Theodore,

It has been more than a month since I've left Rynmere - in fact, it's closing in on two. I apologize that I have not written you until now, but unfortunately the ship I was on lacked nautical postal service.

I'd been sailing for Ne'haer, a massive metropolis located in the eastern bay of Western Idalos. It's renowned for its diversity - in all things, Ne'haer excels, taking in talents from across the world by liberating them from the trade of slavery and indentured servitude. Such an ideal is noble, indeed, and the city appears to be doing well enough despite its idealistic method of approaching policy. Such a place will be interesting to examine for any aspiring statesman, and so as the future Duke I shall look well to those within the walls and learn of what lays in their hearts.

But that's not all that important - that's just another adventure. I've arrived now, today, and I've come to desire to speak to you dearly. It's been quite a long time since I've been enlightened by your worldly knowledge - far too much for your young age - and have reveled in your joviality that seems to break through even the greatest of walls with its sheer tenacity.

I hope, genuinely, that you are doing well. I hope that while I'm gone, you're gaining experiences that you'll never forget. I want you to know that I'll be back soon - as soon as I can. If not to attend to my duties as a Venora, then at least so that I can see you.

And, rest assured that I am doing well myself. This time away has been enlightening, and I've come to learn things about who I am that I'd never had the privilege of knowing. When I come back, I'll be a better man. A better cousin. A better friend. I hope to see your face, there, when I arrive home. I love you, Theo.

From Your Favorite Cousin,
Alistair Nathaniel Venora, First of His Name and Future Lord of the Great House of Venora
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Alistair's Letters

61st of Vhalar, Arc 716

Beloved Cousin, Tristan Venora,

I've come to inquire on something that I believe is a matter of dignity for the house of Venora. Let me be clear in that nothing I say should be interpreted as a request, a demand, or even a recommendation; but rather my own perspective on the matter. This concerns the slave, Faith of Venora, who has served under your patronage for a large portion of Arc 716.

While your investment was made, and the cost significant, I believe firmly that Faith's freedom as a possibility should be considered. As someone who fought and served alongside her, and traveled with her across the lands of Rynmere to serve the King, I discovered an immense amount of integrity, honor and loyalty within the girl. These talents - as bright as they are - may fade if they are not given the ability to grow.

I believe that Faith could be a friend and ally to the family in a more meaningful way than merely serving specifically under your Lordship. With her independence, she could forge connections, build a business, and seek political and social ties that are barred from her as a slave. She could attend the University, travel to foreign lands to increase her experience on the field, and engage in all the liberties that we can - things that allow us to do quite well as we are.

Faith is a woman of extraordinary potential. I believe this potential can be harnessed much more effectively when not bound by shackles and ownership. Additionally, I would be willing to help assist in covering the initial investment you made towards purchasing her. I require only a letter of your thoughts and I shall assist you however I can.

Yours Truly,
Alistair Nathaniel Venora, First of His Name and Future Lord of the Great House of Venora
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Alistair's Letters

65th of Vhalar, Arc 716

Beloved Cousin, Tristan Venora,

If you can go from love to hate over someone speaking their opinion, you'll have a difficult time in noble politics once your parents pass. I make no recommendation of Faith's freedom, as I said. It is merely my perspective. I do appreciate that you took it into serious consideration, however, and I will do as I can to try and assist both you and Faith in the following days (though I'll be leaving for Rharne today).

There is no portion of me that wishes this merely to spite you or anything of the sort. In fact, I believe Faith's freedom will ultimately be of benefit to you. Not only because she can live now as your ally, but also due to the risk that she could pose years down the line. Genius slaves are often the most likely to eventually rebel, and the first ones to go are their masters. You may not imagine it as a possibility - in fact, she might not either - but historically speaking, there's quite a precedent for it.

I speak only in the interests of members of the House of Venora. As for the play, I shall attend if I've made it back to Rynmere by then.

Yours Truly,
Alistair Nathaniel Venora, First of His Name and Future Lord of the Great House of Venora
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Alistair's Letters

45th Ashan, 717
Dear Alistair Venora,

It has been quite some time since we last spoke, Alistair. The last time, I believe, was when you were learning politics in The Eternal Empire. I am Kura Wolfsdotter, and I am quite certain you remember me, as I remember you quite clearly, and rather fondly at that. Word has reached me of the recent civil unrest in Rynmere, as well as a more recent letter from Celeste Andaris and Xander Krome to the King of Rynmere.

From what information I have been able to gather about Cassander Renault, it would seem that he is a poor ruler at best, self indulgent and petulant at worst. I remember you as a boy of strong convictions, if shakeable by those more learned than yourself, and I suspect you've grown into a man as convicted as you are stubborn, if that headstrong nature you showed when you were younger has not been stamped out.

I am writing you now with a warning, as I do not wish to see you hung or left bleeding out on a battle field for your nature. If you should seek to oppose Cassander, the way shown by the rebels some seasons ago was foolish and doomed from the start. Do not follow their example. The path currently followed by Celeste Andaris and Xander Krome is a wiser path, as it forces him to react civilly and gains them supports while, possibly drastically, weakening his support base.

Should you wish to speak again, whether by letter or in person, you can reach me at The Harpy Inn in Rharne. Yes, my accommodations have seen a drop in quality lately, as I am currently on leave from my duties to The Empress that I might see and understand more of Idalos, as is fitting of a Mortalborn. Hopefully this letter finds you in good health.

Kind regards,
Kura Wolfsdotter
P.S. Letters, or indeed, yourself, would find me under the name Kura Mareth, as I wish to keep my Immortal heritage a secret for the time being.
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Alistair's Letters

105th Ashan, Arc 717

Dear Baron Venora,

We hope you are in good health when this message reaches you, we ourselves are doing quite well. We are getting comfortable in our new home on the Astedia Estate, not too far from Drakengard. It is a most lovely home and we would like to extend an invitation to you, our most wonderful new neighbour, to join us for dinner.

We would feel most honoured if you would join us in a meal to celebrate Celeste's new position and us moving into our new home. Friendship is important and we hope to show you our best wishes by offering you this opportunity to meet with us both in a friendly and comfortable environment.

We do hope you can attend and we look forward to hearing from you on the matter soon. Stay well Lord Venora and may your trials be prosperous and enjoyable. May the seven guide you old friend.

Yours Sincerely,

Lord Xander Krome and Baroness Celeste Andaris

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Alistair's Letters

1st of Ymiden, Arc 717

Dear Alistair,

I hope that you don’t mind me writing. I know that we don’t always agree, but I could really use your help right now, and I don’t know who else to turn to. I think I’m in trouble!

As you know I recently became Duke of Oakleigh because I helped save King Cassander’s life. He decided to turn the Eastern Settlement into three duchies and offered one third to me. At first I was overjoyed – I had always dreamed of such a thing – but now I’m not sure anymore whether being a duke in that particular place really is that great.

Alistair, I don’t think that my new subjects like me very much. I think that they want their independence back, and I’m in their way. I heard that Celeste Andaris has already had two attempts on her life, and she just got a barony in Rynmere because her brother is probably dead!

In addition to that I’ve attracted the attention of the RCA and the Alliance – and not in a good way. Even Hart is worried, and he usually doesn’t worry a lot. Right, you probably don’t know who Hart is. He’s my bastard brother. I recently found out. Anyway, he told me to be careful, and when Hart tells you to be careful, you know that something is up!

I don’t know what to do anymore. I wish I could just run away, but the king relies on me! I don’t know enough alchemy to produce an armor that makes me invulnerable, and the only mage I know is a Becomer that wanted to cut off my fingers so that she could become me which probably isn’t very helpful either (although I’m kind of tempted to track her down and give her a finger now so that she gets killed instead of me).

You actually are a real politician, unlike me, and you know a lot about that kind of stuff. What would you do in my place? I need any advice that you can give me. I know that you are probably too busy to visit Oakleigh yourself, but do you have any politically savvy servants you can send my way? Or troops? I don’t really have enough people to protect me!

If you aren’t sure if you want to help me because you don’t like me very much, think of House Venora! There are Venoras in Venora and Venoras in the Eastern Settlement now, and if we go about it the right way, we could become the most powerful noble family in Rynmere! You want that, right?

Please write back as soon as you can!

Your worried cousin,

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Alistair's Letters

12th of Ymiden, Arc 717

Dear Alistair,

Thank you so much for your swift reply! I was already worried that I would have to spend the rest of my trials fearing for my life! Not that I’m unafraid now, but I’ll be able to sleep a lot better now that I know that you’ll be sending some help my way!

I’ll keep your advice in mind. I’ll try to become one of them (and make them see me as one of them as well)! Recently, when Rynmere was plagued by a terrible, mysterious illness I bought a whole lot of surgical masks with my own money and distributed them to my subjects.

Do you think that will make them like me better as well?

When Cassander His Royal Majesty gave me the duchy, he also suggested that I get married. I suppose I should find a nice girl from an important family in Oakleigh, but I have to admit, I’m reluctant to get married – to anybody besides Ilaren because Ilaren is simply awesome. She was the one who finally made me get over the loss of Faith.

Anyway, please tell Tamlen von Sien that his coming to Oakleigh is greatly appreciated. My servants will prepare a room for him. I promise I’ll be nice to him and treat him with respect, and I’ll also listen to his advice, no matter how little sense it may make to me!

And I’ll take lessons in politics and leadership and such so that I won’t be completely helpless when Tamlen returns to you again. A duke should have an idea of what being a duke actually entails!

If the trial comes when you need my help, I will of course help you. We are family, and we should stick together.


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