A Tangled Nest of Words

This section is for players to post about things unrelated to the Standing Trials roleplay. You may talk about anything from world issues, to your personal life, to funny things you found on the internet. You are free to use this forum to express yourself as a player and not as your actual character. You can also post in other players journals so long as they give you permission to. Please remember not to post anything relating to pornography or anything with extensive use of profanity.

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A Tangled Nest of Words

Do I contradict myself?
Very well, I contradict myself.
I am large, I contain multitudes.
A journal for this and that in bits and pieces.
word count: 25
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Approved Character
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Joined: Tue May 03, 2016 2:45 pm
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A Tangled Nest of Words

This is for the Cylus challenge. It may be the only thing I post here - I don't like talking about myself.

Character Name: Jachiel
Pronounced: Jay-sheel
Nickname: Jay

Inspiration: There's a very common trope of farmboys (and farmgirls for that matter) running off to become soldiers, but such stories either turn the kid into a hero, or leave them in the army at the end. I like to pick up tropes and turn them over and look at them from odd angles, so with Jachiel I took the path less travelled and picked up my farmkid soldier after he'd retired from fighting and why he tends to stay out of it. That required a reason, so I had him injured out, and left his characterisation fairly open so that I could write my way into him and explore him from the inside rather than picking a lot of traits from the outside.

Goals: He doesn't have a lot of goals apart from hanging onto his farm now that he has one of his own and making it the best he can. Adventures do tend to interrupt him from time to time though, much to his disgust. Cylus, though, holds something of a rollercoaster for him, as it contains the anniversaries of his injury, his shattering of dreams for a life as a soldier, and his birthday. Because of this, his main aims for the season are simply to survive it and cope with the memories that various dates throw at him.
word count: 256
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