We have 200+ points at TopSite = 3
plus 500+ at RPGfix, which = 9, that is a total of 12.
for 3 accounts that makes 36 points for votes.
Malt then has:
Review of 9880-word thread for 35 points.
Review of 1555-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 1836-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 1637-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 1621-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 1585-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 2071-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 2512-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 4828-word thread for 20 points.
Review of 3272-word thread for 15 points.
Review of 2272-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 3941-word thread for 15 points.
Review of 1358-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 27,151-word thread for 85 points.
Review of 1504-word thread for 10 points.
Review of 5825-word thread for 20 points.
All together, votes and review points, it is 326 points.
To those that follow, or find this beside a corpse...
It is most likely my own corpse. But if not, then it is a thief and he deserved it.
Even if the leather is red it will not confirm anything, as both myself and those that seek my end wear the same red armor.
They call me deserter and traitor...
I call them villains and monsters.
More than anything I seek to itemize those flawed beliefs that are the result of their indoctrination, to separate them from those that are due to my own failings as a human.
Somehow, my own flaws are easier to bear.
Well, time for my seasonal request for a Rhakrii PB-based NPC purchase.
This is to be a 400 Bank Point NPC in The Rhakrii Raiders. This will drop my account total to 1095'
This, in turn, will raise the Rhakrii's renown to 1248 (Eddrick's 198 + the 1050 for 3 NPC's @350 each), putting them into the "Locally Renowned" status.
This activates the -20% faction material costs, but still has them 2 points short of the 6-NPC limit.
Name: Daireen Togrith (Denome - "Eternal Jewel")
Rank: Sub-chief of Supply, Rhakrii Blacksmith
Age / Race: 26-arc-old Yludih
Renown: 350
Mining - 50 / Smithing - 50 / Bludgeon (1-handed Maul) - 45
Woodworking - 45 / Strength - 35 / Unarmed Combat (Gauntlet) - 35
Engineering - 35 / Endurance - 30 / Mount (Horse) - 25
Back Story
Did ever a story of a Yludih wanderer not originate with persecution and oppression? To the east of Luesco's Wall, sits the comparatively placid lands of the Belmar nomadic tribe. A father and daughter wandered into their lands arcs ago, bringing with them the benefits of mining and smithing knowledge. The nearby mountains of the Wall provided ample opportunity to display their combined efficiency in both skills and they were both soon accepted. It could also be said that it marked their presence.
It did not take long for it to become known that the Belmars were outfitted with gear that was a cut above the usual nomadic fare. At that time, Nashaki still controlled the area, though the Eternal Empire had begun to encroach ever further down from the north. Believing that their wife and mother now rested in Uleuda, having long since "unlocked the gates" to the Yludih spiritual home, Denome and her father wanted only to live productive and appreciated lives until they joined her.
Little did they know that the woman they loved was not dead from the world, but a captive of Nashaki. She was not initially a cog in any major intelligence plans, but the realization that her loved ones were likely to have been absorbed into the Belmars changed all this. The Belmars came under attack and Denome's father was captured as well. The father was now told of his wife's captivity and the two were played off against each other; both being used as a hostage against the others' cooperation.
Their natural skills were exploited for spying and impersonation to gather military intelligence against the forces of the encroaching Imperials. Denome escaped from the area as it was changing hands into Imperial control and one particularly dark night she was seen traveling in the desert lands by a squad of Rhakrii Raiders, led by Eddrick himself. He often set out with his men on such nights to capitalize on the most effective use of his Night Glow spyglass. The odd property of the gem, which allowed everything seen through it as if it was broad daylight, did not change the reality of how darkness reveals a Yludih for the race they are.
Though it was not the sort of thing Eddrick was looking for at the time, he saw her stumbling and crawling through the dark and could see that she was a Yludih. He approached her the next dawn with a flag of truce and an offer of membership in his ranks. When she gave a false name, a human name, Eddrick did not challenge it and offered her food and water. Being on the verge of dehydration and starvation, Denome, now calling herself Daireen Togrith, was astounded to see such a need provided for with no reciprocal demand.
She asked tentatively if she could be granted sanctuary on a temporary basis. The bandit regretfully informed her that he could not give such freedom of movement within their stronghold to someone who might then take their leave with the information they could gather during their stay. She could not deny the logic of this and thanked him for the food. Eddrick compounded his generosity by offering her a ride to the lands of the Corvain tribe to the east of the Rhakrii holdings.
On the way there, several exchanges of small talk prompted her to confess her mining and smithing skills, as well as allowing him to reveal that he knew she was a Yludih. She was astounded a second time to have information that would normally put her at his mercy be left unexploited. It led to a discussion of the way her parents had been used by Nashaki, which naturally led to Eddrick's own litany of suffering at their hands. Common ground was found, and Daireen reconsidered the bandit's offer.
As long as they were mutually opposed to Nashaki, there was now no reason for her to go anywhere else. She had been hoping all along to find support for her hopes of finding and rescuing her parents. When Eddrick returned from the east cycles later, with Raskalarn's blessing and a whole new level of resolve on behalf of the empire, Daireen could not have been happier. She now occupies the lieutenant position of "Sub-chief of Supply" in the Rhakriis.