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New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
Lorogh contemplated all the forms and methods and properties of a weapon. The many ways a singular object could devastate the foes of the Empire or the lands they dwelt in. In the end, he found he was swimming in an ocean of ideas, with no boat in sight. Every idea needed a good foundational...
Illuvia remained motionless at the end of the barracks with her hands glued behind her back. The perfectly neat uniform seemed remarkably heavy on her today. Her polished insignia showed she held the Warrant Officer rank which gave her some level of leadership authority while...
It was a cold day when the guests arrived for Fergus's party. These late season parties were often cold, but the guests were given warm carriages with plenty of blankets for the trip. When they arrived, they were greeted by a very well bundled up footman...
In as grand a city as Korlasir, a city that had such a dense population, it surprised Lorogh that there were places that might be run-down. He was impressed that there remained any sites even in the outskirts of the city that would flatter even the most ancient necropolis. Korlasir of course had no...
It was mid-afternoon when Egil saw fit to flutter onto Winfreda's midst. The raven-spirit alighted to her chest, digging its talons in and giving an obnoxious caw. Glass! It's voice rumbled as it drew out the 's' sound. Then purring again in its throat as another issue came forth, Glass! Sharp...
Much of Lorogh's squad still being on leave since late Ashan, Loorgh had availed himself of certain educational opportunities in Korlasir. Now, in the courtyard of the Academy of Officer Training, a few privates and enlisted soldiers had been gathered to give the officer trainees some challenging...
“I guess something like this doesn’t last too long, does it?” Luvi noted, handing the ring to Lumina. It was a ring that they just crafted together, along with Goku’s help. It was a ring capable of spewing flames a short distance but it wasn’t strong enough to do much damage....
It’d been a few days since Luvi’s horrendous ensorcelling experience where she’d effectively wasted two hard earned mountainstones. That’d been enough time for heads to cool and for Luvi to come back to Lumina’s house. Luvi had apologized and had brought one of her fire wells to start all over. Of...
“Ready! Aim! Fire!” Called out a voice behind a line of soldiers dressed in clothes suitable for both training and the hot summer.
Dozens of arrows were loosed in unison, soaring briefly through the air before impacting a row of targets. There was a brief pause before the order was given again,...
Luvi didn’t often get a chance to go all out. Even in the heat of battle she had to show some level of restraint because there was always the fear of getting hurt. Getting poisoned earlier in the season had driven this point home – she needed to be better at perceiving threats around her.
The Cargo Awyr passed into what the captain guessed, going by the differences in the buildings, was a different territory from the last one. The caption of the sky ship, a Hyludin man named Cynwrig, was a representative of the Sovereign....
Lorogh was stuck into his Imperial Fortified Archtecture course in the officer's academy. Architecture was key to any Siege Corps Officer's education, but it was all a little boring for the otter cadouri. Most of the ground they covered was fairly old hat to him. Perhaps they were slowing down to...
Thoughts of being watched, followed, or otherwise harried by her past dogged at her heels. Whatever the reason, Winfreda woke up feeling a bout of paranoia, as she made her way toward the lessons she'd be giving young Escur.
Luvi sat cross legged on the floor of Lumina’s home with a straight back and a relaxed expression. She was waiting for Goku to arrive so they could discuss what to do about his mountainstone. He had agreed to sell it to her, but had been vague on the details....
Luvi was working out in the early morning. She had only arrived to the city a short time ago and she had little rhyme or reason when it came to what she did to push herself. All she needed to do was keep on pumping those muscles to get the blood flowing, even if the weight she...
Luvi didn’t feel the least bit comfortable as she sat hunched over the mountain stone that she had obtained a season ago. She was cleaning it thoroughly as Lumina had instructed her to and couldn’t shake the feeling that this experiment was going to go very badly.
A pale skinned woman with snow white hair and a disposition for being out of the sunlight during the daytime walked into the tavern. She was dressed in casual black clothing consisting of a t-shirt and some loose fitting pants, having left her armor in her inn room down the street. She still had...
As the sun began to set over the bustling city, the market district slowly emptied, leaving the streets quieter and more peaceful. The usual cacophony of merchants shouting their wares and customers haggling over prices faded into the background, replaced by the gentle hum of nighttime activity. It...
Goku had recently been a wanderer, drifting from place to place in search of new challenges and knowledge. After his recent adventures in the desert, he found himself in a bustling city of Koralsir. It was here that Goku decided to delve into a new realm of skills: smithing.
Luvi arrived to the recruitment booth in the early evening when things had quieted down a little. There was only a slow trickle of people in line, which was convenient because Luvi didn’t feel like wasting her time waiting. She’d come dressed in her armor with her two swords by her side. She wasn’t...
It was Concert Night in the Eternal Empire and Balon was living in a world not unlike the one in his dreams. The rest of the band, including Ulric, were less enthusiastic about the imperial holiday. It seemed like a chance for trouble and petty problems. Then again that was only...
You’re early,” Maxine observed Mortimer with a yawn. Her Barghest companion loyally trotted at her side. You do know there’s no light to waste during Cylus?”
”No light to waste, but there is time to,” the dying man countered cautiously. He smiled at her arrival. ”I admit I was afraid you’d be a...
They were on the move again. Fagan had done all he wished to do, met with all he'd wanted to, ferreted out every potential deal and favor and arrangement he could that would benefit their homeland. Ashan had proven a boom to that agenda; Cylus was a season of silence...
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