For storing OOC things. Please note that information here may be inaccurate / out of date. Previous calendars may be used for referencing historical events, etc, but otherwise, proceed with caution!
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
Symbol Name Description
The Oludibo Cikakken
The Cikakken remain active throughout the city, although there are rumors of discord among the Five. Reputation: Very Positive
The Cazav...
Welcome to the City in the Trees
Rebirth Cycle 721
Welcome to Desnind! If you are going to be here this Cycle, please let us know. The roster is a great way to find others in the city to write with and lets the moderators know...
I'm really excited to be taking over as mod here - and I want to give a shout out to Nymph, Ent and Eclipse who came before me and did so much work here! This is a new OOC thread for Desnind, where you can chat and ask questions. Pop in, say hi and...
In this thread I'm going to record all currently available odd jobs, bounties and rumours for chasing. They will have a post each and I will keep this thread updated in a rolling programme manner (in other words, one gets taken, I replace it).
1st: Darkfall (Holiday): Within the first breaks of the season the last light of Zi'da fades beneath the horizon, the city gathers their iyo lanterns to participate in the light walk, a symbolic farewell to the former arc and a greeting of the next.
Vhalar Weather:
From the heat of Saun stumbles the warmth of Vhalar. It's a gentle warmth that caresses the crops with kisses of the Idalos suns. Rain is kind of sparse for the first part of the season, and strangely there's even a snowfall early in the season...
The Red Iyo have been around an entire arc, but with the advent of the coming season of darkness, Cylus has given rise to new worries. Why have the Iyo's eyes and lights turned red? Is something wrong with them? Most natural scientists...
As per this announcement, the Order of the Adunih has undergone a re-write. Please use this thread to claim any advancements in the Order you wish to. For Desnind, the location is: here
Welcome to the City in the Trees
Rebirth Cycle 720
Welcome to Desnind! If you are going to be here this Cycle, please let us know. We're happy to see you and hope that you have a great time here! Fill in this handy code and...
Welcome to the City in the Trees
Welcome to Desnind! If you are going to be here this Cycle, please let us know. We're happy to see you and hope that you have a great time here! Fill in this handy little thingie ma-bob, and...
When a pc completes an odd job, bounty or rumour, we'll record it here. This is done so that you can have an idea of who might be well known for doing what in Desnind.
If a player completes a thread / story line...
Desnind Development & Suggestions
Welcome to the new Desnind Development & Suggestions thread. Here, I'll keep track of Developments To Do in the City Beneath the Trees, and also you can post in here with suggestions and I'll...
Ok - so this is still very much a Work in Progress but all the plants and trees that WERE in the the forum have now been put on to the Desnind Flora wiki.
This is part of the Desnind Wiki and will continue to...
Symbol Name Description
The Oludibo Cikakken
words words words. Reputation: BOLD
The Cazav
words words words. Reputation: BOLD
The Order of Adunih...
1st: Darkfall (Holiday): Within the first breaks of the season the last light of Zi'da fades beneath the horizon, the city gathers their iyo lanterns to participate in the light walk, a symbolic farewell to the former arc and a greeting of the next.
Welcome to the City in the Trees
Cold Cycle 720
Welcome to Desnind! If you are going to be here this Cycle, please let us know. We're happy to see you and hope that you have a great time here! Fill in this handy little thingie...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=5399 The crazy cultists from the Rebirth Cycle seem to have vanished without a trace. That is until a hunter notices tracks leading towards Faldrun's Folly and the Forbidden Temple. Worried that the cultists are hiding trying to regroup the elder's ask...
Welcome to the Rebirth Cycle 720
Hello Treepeople,
Druid and I have set up some fun events during the course of this season's calendar, which can be found here:
Welcome to the Hot Cycle 719
Hi there!
So - this season, I've put up a number of plot points in the calendar where PC actions will directly impact Desnind both now and in the future. So, I'm going to use this thread to keep a...
Hello everyone! Welcome to Desnind's very own Player Development thread! This is the place where you can develop anything and everything you would like to see in Desnind! This includes, but is not limited to, flora, fauna,...
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