The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
Current storyline 12/4/2021:
One ambush is a ploy set by syroan worshippers. They set a second ambush for the avriels shadow wing squad, to eliminate it for reasons currently unknown (need mod assist). They fail to wipe out the squad and retreat. The caravan that was being...
My laptop is dying but I wanted to get some color down on this character. I have some things written in notes that will go here later. Curse technology!! (I'm just kidding please spare me robotic overlords)
Just wanna get some brain spit down. This character has been kicking around my head...
For as long as there have been beings capable of wielding extraordinary powers, so too have there been curses. A curse is defined as any sort of harmful, misfortunate or otherwise malicious effect placed upon something by the use of...
A place for me to keep my thoughts straight, compile links, plan threads, and keep ledgers.
Here will lie everything to do with Rupayo and whatever she is bound to get up to.
Involved PCs:
Eihr / Hart
Son of Edasha
Current Location: Melrath
Next Location Planned: Unknown
Eliza Soule
Daughter of Ymiden
Current Location: Desnind
Next Location Planned: Rharne
Llyr Llywelyn
Son of Chamadarst
Current Location: Etzos
Next Location Planned: Viden...
Qit must master her five personalities and reunite them.
The Huntress
The Huntress is tasked with tracking down all of Qit's totemic spirits and helping them to achieve true spirit status. This is done around Rharne Lake, as all the totemic spirits are located...
Overall Story Arc-
Past to now- Anos meets a mentor who spirits him away from Scalvoris. They travel while he is indoctrinated to the art of Rupturing for two arcs.
Current to 720, Anos is initiated and begins to practice, while working on bounty hunter missions in various cities. Becomes more...
Back in Arc 717, Vlu is given a mission to dig up dirt and info on Sintra and her plans. Over the course of the next arc and a half, she discovers that Sintra appears to be prepping for a big move of some sort. A few intercepted letters that reveal she is making plans to have supplies shipped to a...
This is the thread tracker for Cerv's dragon-build plot. A link to all threads related to this event, not just acquiring the bones, should be posted to here the moment they begin in order to monitor their progress, along with a small synopsis. Once each thread is completed and reviewed, Cervantez...
The Thanatology Guild
aka the 'Morties', 'Burial Guild', 'Conjury', 'Pallbearers'.
A Viden-based Guild in which deals with matters regarding proper burial rites and corpse management. While not a secretive Guild, the means of entry are esoteric at best. Not that many tend to consider this...
Family NPCs who can be used like City NPCs with player permission (please PM Luka Magnus to use or have in a GST)
Anastasia Katya Magnus
Race: Human
Age: 24 (120 Vhalar 694)
Title: - A Noble Lady of House Magnus
Moderation Type: Moderator/GST...
This cycle is divided largely in two parts and bound together by the battling themes of survival and revitalization. Fur, trapped in a numbing mindset of self-pity and lonlieness brought about by the murder of his parents and the loss of his childhood, is barely scratching by on...
Animal Husbandry
Basket Weaving
Field Craft
Working On
Over the years, Tei'serin's guardian has given her many tattoos. He does it partly out of a need to claim her, and mark her as his. But he also does it as a form of control. In giving her the tattoo, he is altering her appearance at his whim; controlling what she looks like. The fact that...
/gallery/image/18578/medium Table of Contents
I. Introduction II. Notes III. Plots IV. Homefront V. Party Members VI. Affinity VII. Encounters VIII. Archives
Well hello! Looks as though you've stumbled into a goldmine of OoC data, for this is the thread that highlights all the...
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