The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
Art Journal . 15th Cylus, 721
Salv'i'na Smixenbite
Professor of Art.
Do Not:
Negative Space
Not just the space between!
Shade the space between, see how that works.
Straight lines to denote curves and shape.
Why? How?
Use colour to shade - do different colours help or hinder?
0 - The Fool: Bao Bao & Arlo Creed
7 - The Chariot: Lavana Tharn
10 - The Wheel of Furtune: Roland Demira
12 - The Hanged Man: Ronan
17 - The Star: Tio Silver
18 - The Moon: Doran
19 - The Sun: Shl'drei
6 of Swords: Darius Baer
Tier 7 10+ A Tier 7 building includes one small room, three average rooms, and three large rooms with good-quality furnishings. Tier 7 buildings are big in size and are much more complex, not only in design but in aesthetics. They have an ample amount of room to live in, even with a...
☐ Attend a class at the Viden Fitness Academy
☐ Join the Rangers
☐ Complete a bounty
☐ Achieve competent strength
☐ Achieve competent endurance
☐ Achieve competent weapon
☑ Make a gift for Saoire
Audnev (Audrae)
Blood Tie:
The blessed can always tell in what direction The city of Augiery lies. This does not magically open an easy path, but it does give a boon to ignore the many decoys and avoid the traps that ensnare the un-blessed who attempt...
The Frozen Enchantment
Chapter 1
This is an open adventure that begins in the northern city of Viden. Everyone is welcome to join at any time. The idea of the story is that it follows a band of adventurers as they explore the frozen lands of the north, the dangers they present, and perhaps also...
1 Cylus - After Death
1 Cylus - The Right Words
1 Cylus - Take Your Time
1 Cylus - Anything In Return
1 Cylus - Anything In Return (Cont.)
1 Cylus - Anything In Return (Cont.)
1 Cylus - Anything In Return (Cont.)
1 Cylus - Tracing Back Roots
1 Cylus - Sweet Limerence of...
The first branch of Curious Constellations was founded in Vhalar 719 by Llyr Llywelyn. Located in the Commercial Ring of Etzos, the headquarters resides as a modest antique shop that offers household goods,...
Reason for Points Earned/Used Points Awarded Points Spent Total Points
September top vote site (over 200) 3 3
October top vote site (over 300) 5 8
Welcome To The Game Voting ( here ) 2 10
Earning a medal (Event Medal) 5 15
Winning 2nd Place in the Contest 50 65...
As per this ticket , this is the plot tracker to track all developments, thread submissions, NPC submissions, Immortal appearance requests, and special review requests.
Players are asked to fill out the forms for anything they need to involve in their plots.
Vyra notices the local prey population is depleting due to overhunting. In order to secure her food supply, she must deal with the other hunters in the area. Most likely attacking them/scaring them off.
This is the tracker for Tio's Gilgarod Quest to find Avacer. Each stage is to be recorded here, and mod noted as necessary. After each stage, Tio is to update this tracker, and wait for a mod note to continue. Once noted, or bombed (if necessary), he may move onto the next stage in the quest. Pig...
I. Find someone or some way to be initiated into DEFIANCE
II. Ishallr is filled with unexplored caverns. Isodol comes across one such cavern and examines interesting markings on the wall from someone who had previously been where she is now
Ymiden 48: Pulled leg muscle, scratches and scrapes all over, bruised ribs, bruised back (healed within 14 trials -> 62 Ymiden)
Saun 22: Scratched hand (a little sprained from how you landed on it); don't strain it too much for 14 trials -> 36 Saun)
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