A satellite of the prestigious Viden Academy, this collaborative effort has truly been successful on Scalvoris and many great inventions and discoveries are made on a regular basis!
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
From Cylus 721 (Feb 1st 2021 IRL), this is the thread where will people will sign up for their qualifications at the University of Scalvoris. Previously, they signed up here
Please note: it is usual for people to undertake one subject at a time! It is not expected...
Use this thread to create classmate or student NPCs. This will allow consistency between players and will mean that you can have more skilled NPCs than the usual faceless ones being played consistently...
Hot Cycle 721
Expeditions, Exploration & Exchanges!
The notices on this board are very varied ~ from rumours (which might be completely true or wildly inaccurate) to spaces on scientific expeditions, exploration of new territories or exchanges...
Although we have not got the history of the institutions of Viden, we are proud of our students and all those who have helped the University. Each one...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=173&image_id=5639 As the shadow beasts attacked Idalos, a reaction to the latest battle in the historic war raging between the Immortals since the Great Shattering, great changes happened in Scalvoris. The twenty Pirate...
Once Rickith had re-enrolled in the College of Viden, that is, the satellite campus in Scalvoris, he soon made his way to the library. He wanted to be prepared for his classes in Alchemy and working on his letter, so he decided it was best to research a bit about...
50 Ymiden, 724
After countless classes watching and listening intently to every bit of information he was given, and after numerous study sessions where he nearly broke his brain trying to comprehend various facts and ideas, and after lengthy nights and caffeinated mornings spent ruminating...
73 Ymiden, 724
There were only so many things Kotton knew and they each had their own reason, purpose and end goal. He wanted to improve his combat skills and so he had trained with Stanz, and against a random tree out in the Sweetwine Woods. He wanted to enhance his understanding of the...
63 Ashan, 724
Eyes glanced upon a wooden billboard that dared to declare a certain appeal to Kotton’s mental cabinet of curiosities. It was in the middle of the trial, and he was out performing his usual trek from university back home. Listed on this billboard in question he read, ‘In order...
5 Ashan, 724
The air held a sweet aroma that only came with the abrupt change in temperature. The few remaining dead leaves swirled in the backdrop of distance where they caught currents that made them near equal resemblance of someone performing a cultural dance. It was warming up. The...
16 Saun, 724
Kotton had decided on making this journey last second. This decision of his was a little more than he had bargained for since he had always been a man of planning, contemplation, doubt, thought, and anticipatory implementation. But he had, over the course of the season, finally...
It had been a while since Doran had stood within a lecture hall. Most of his recent work had been conducted in the field. His research trips had taken him back behind the Barriers, and to places that had been almost as strange. He...
3 Ashan, 724
Deja vu had quit becoming a thing now that Kotton had returned to this specific classroom more than once. But on this particular day, with only a smattering of clouds freckling against the blue sky, he was buzzing with enthusiasm, pride reigning supreme over any other emotions....
Woe considered the signal whip, some days after he'd crafted it. The whip itself, fine work, if a little basic. Not the quality he was used to handling or evaluating for purchase, however there was satisfaction to be had from holding a tool or weapon one made themselves,...
In the aftermath of the hunt, Woe ensured that the injured hunters got to the Order. The one that'd been tossed about by the great pilotmouse in the Scaltoth was taken into custody by the Order immediatley, but on the way as they ferried...
Woe stood patient before the reception desk of the University. He'd asked for an immediate meeting with a specific faculty membere, and for his being a public figure they were keeping him waiting a rather long time. He would've grown impatient if he wasn't capable of suppressing his annoyance at...
75 Vhalar, 723
A young man dressed in all black made his way up the stairs to the front doors of the university. He had gathered enough equity to provide financial excellence for the acquisition of a diploma in science. As someone who had been self-appointed a venerated being, Kotton’s...
Vhalar 47, 723
Today was the last day of his writing class. The finality of the experience? A certificate in writing and he was all too ecstatic to display it on his ice box at home. He had been doing well so far- making adjustments as they were suggested, completing work at home as they had...
YMIDEN 62, 723
The air smelled fresh- there was a woodsy pulp that lingered like a memory of a time spent sitting under a tree during the spring with a new book. Kotton touched the wall and let his fingertips glide across the bumpy surface. There were little nodules, the texture reminding him...
Oram had been unaware of his own fingers tapping his knees until the secretary, Lisa Freedman, called his name. Emerging from his preoccupied thoughts, peering down at the restless digits, the hunter wondered how long he had been sitting like this. All his life he had been an...
/gallery/image/19912/medium /gallery/image/19963/medium Certified Lies 1st Vhalar, 721 /gallery/image/19965/medium erdita had been rather surprised to find out that she had, in fact, passed her Letter of Humanities in History. Despite that quiet voice in the back of her mind being quite insistent...
Zemos was in a less travelled section of the library, as he awaited the arrival of his study partner, the snow woman Elisabeth. She seemed very well read, and had admitted to being a researcher or an assistant researcher in Viden. But not a...
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