Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
10th of Vhalar, Arc 721
Since he had returned to Scalvoris – he had decided to take a sabbatical in order to carry out the task that Qylios had given to him – the son of Ziell had developed a new habit. Once upon a time, he had lived a rather...
”Do you think you’ll still be able to track the thing in the morning?” Madsil Tolentino asked, after inviting Oram to crash on the floor under the dining table. It was a large, solid, old-fashioned table, and Oram would have no problem sleeping comfortably...
Once more, Oram found himself on his way to the Viden Academy campus in Scalvoris Town, to seek the counsel of Professor Seams. Knowing the way, he would not need to ask anyone for directions, nor would he need to consult the various signs that marked the...
The Glass Temple looked very different, the Mortalborn noticed as he stepped through the door of the tall and imposing structure, dressed in the dust-colored suit that had been gifted to him during Cassion’s Feast. When he had last...
In the last couple trials, many memories had snapped into place in Oram’s mind, some enlightening, some distressing. He found that he had new abilities and companions, as well as new burdens. One of those burdens took the form of a request, made of him after the Forging by the...
Goku briskly walked through a street packed with market stalls. It always impressed him the extent that the merchants went through to pack every possible space in the narrow street with anything you might want. Food, clothes, even an odd bauble could be found if one looked hard...
The cattle farmers of Scalvoris seemed to have angered some Immortal or other power, for just after Oram had spent several trials helping Egilrun farmers with their coyote predations than he got word at the Ranger headquarters of another cattle problem, this time outside Scalvoris...
The son of Ziell had woken up before dawn, as was his habit and eaten a light breakfast before he left the Knight’s Rest Inn where he had rented an elite room for the duration of his most recent stay on the island – he travelled to...
Despite the sweltering heat outside Goku sat relatively cool in his master’s home. Roshi had the ability to manipulate the elements which came in handy. The old man kept a slow but steady breeze flowing throughout the home during the hottest hours. It was for Goku’s sake that he did...
Goku crouched on top of a pile of bricks with a brick in hand. He peered out across the street through a pair of windows just waiting for orders. His coworkers squatted right beside him absent mindedly in the shade to avoid the summer heat. Up and down the streets workers walked...
It happened quietly in the dark of the night on the twenty second of Ymiden in the seven hundred and twentieth arc. A man with a laugh he couldn't hold in when he got nervous was walking out of The Four in Hand with a little more stumble to his step than any sober person would...
Balthazar's figured darkened the doorway of The Four in Hand and not more than two people, one of them being the woman behind the counter, looked his direction when he came in. Only the woman behind the counter looked twice at him and she didn't approach until he settled into a...
Balthazar was shaken by witnessing the death of Rosmund Bale and a decision was made that he did not entirely agree with but he could do little to stop. The team took a break so that Balthazar could focus on his own health and so that they could catch up with paperwork. Skal hated...
The location , Doran decided, as he arrived at his destination and took a look around, was just perfect. “Perfect” was not a term that he used very often – he tended not to deal in absolutes - but it was fitting in this particular...
It was still relatively early in the morning - the second sun had just risen a couple of bits earlier - when the son of Ziell packed his things and left the elite room at the Knight's Rest Inn and Tavern that he had rented for the...
They had just arrived in Scalvoristown that morning, on their way to see Faith, when the pair decided to stop for the trial. Upon reaching the outskirts, whispers were heard of the traveling market that had emerged overnight. Smiling a bit, Natalia had asked Woe if he would...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=507&image_id=18065 Arc 720, 8th of Ashan
To an outsider, it might have seemed like a disproportionately large group of people. After all, only two children had died, and the perpetrators had been caught. But their pain had been a deep one, for the children had been...
With the magic glasses that Saoire had given Oram, reading books was not hard. But finding specific things you wanted in them was. Very hard. Tiring. Confusing. And worst of all, time-consuming.
Oram was no stranger to waiting, allowing time to pass in order to have something...
For a long time, there had only been a dilapidated little shrine in that spot just outside of Scalvoris Town. People – and there were a lot of people as the area got a lot of foot traffic – had wrinkled their noses when they had looked at it and...
Balthazar did not forget things said in the heat of the moment because he often found that those were the most true thoughts someone concealed so that they didn't 'hurt your feelings.' He remembered what Petyr had complained about when they were on the way to meet Lukos all those...
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