Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=507&image_id=18065 This thread is intended to be a follow-up of Past, Present, Future . The two threads are exactly one arc apart.
Arc 722, 18th of Cylus
Darius awoke to the sound of a cockerel.
It wasn't as familiar a sound as it once had been, for there were not...
Kotton turned over in his sleep and brought the warm blanket covering him up to his chin.
His mind was dreaming of a banana split. It was the perfect consistency, the perfect texture. He could almost feel the soft, cold delicacy on his salivating tongue. It...
Vhalar 5, 723
Kotton didn’t quite know why he hadn’t visited the Scholar’s Nook the past season. The place used to be his old haunting grounds; it was where he came to learn more about the odd ruminations that preoccupied, and even dominated his mind. Usually, his fixation was on philosophy,...
Vhalar 78, 723
Kotton sat upright in a sturdy chair in the corner of the examination room. The walls were uncomfortably plain. They were painted a pristine egg shell that gave no room for imagination and they certainly didn’t offer any comfort. He turned his head to the left and found the...
YMIDEN 24, 723
At his job there were certain things Kotton could understand, but there were more things he couldn’t. He didn't understand how someone could consciously put a bottle in the wrong section of the fridge, especially if the sections of the fridge were labelled. He couldn’t...
29th Vhalar, 723
Whilst a mind may feel blurry, does also a stomach roil with inspiration...
Kotton didn't know what to do with himself. He believed he was trapped within a pre-determined physical manifestation, constrained to limitations that were unmatched even by a strong sense of will....
Vhalar 9, 723
Kotton felt weird. He hadn’t had anything to drink the last couple days. So yes, he was starting to question whether he was experiencing side effects of withdrawal or if he was just wading through the regrettable normality of a depressing, diplomatic society.
Kotton was attending a seminar that had incentivised one-hundred gold coins if he was able to argue that not all industrial accidents could be prevented. His philosophical meandering could coil around even the most indoctrinated soul. He could not have been gifted with another chance to...
24 Vhalar, 723
This brick wall seemed oddly… familiar. Kotton's frazzled mind could only revisit a few moments of the past, but the resemblance of this wall... had it not been the same wall he had seen only a few minutes ago?
Gods, he immediately knew he was drunk. But since he was...
Vhalar 13, 723
Kotton’s calloused fingers raked through the fur of his great grandfathers’ cat, Imogen. She was a gorgeous tabby with one emerald eye, the other a perfect shade of a good morning's coffee. She mewed at him, delighted by his attention. Once Kotton had stopped petting her, he...
Vhalar 31, 723
Why did sad music make people sad? Was there some underlying wavelength that interloped with the emotions of those who listened? Were the recipients of such musical genius destined to encounter a melancholic fate? Was it something that could not be ignored by peoples’ ears? Was...
Saun 40, 723
Kotton’s hand was cramping from finding consolation in his journal. He had a penchant for writing when his mind became too enamored with thoughts. He had been writing for almost an hour now, nonstop. Without so much as a second glance at his many grammatical errors, his pencil...
31 Saun, 723
Kotton scanned the surface of the lake, relieved at the occasional sight of a bobbing head, a flailing arm, and nothing that screamed ‘help me!’. He watched as his game partner flutter-kicked, doggy-paddled, did… whatever she was doing now, apparently… until she finally made it...
YMIDEN 57, 723
Kotton had always gotten angry when he accidentally dropped something, even more so if his metaphorical candle wick was already smoking; the embers only needing that additional breath of oxygen to really get his pissed off-ness going. But he never stopped to take a breath and...
SAUN 4, 723
Kotton knew he wasn't very strong, so he sought to be less weak. His virtues and morals, his ethos and high regards for equality, were bound so tightly within his making that their power necessitated additional assistance. He understood that words alone did not always suffice. He...
YMIDEN 30, 723
Jarusha was a long time friend. She was someone he had met in intermediate school, but someone he hadn’t spent much time with since. It wasn’t until she had found him lounging against a counter at a local bar that they had started to hit things off again. She was still the...
31 Saun, 723
This time, Kotton grabbed his partner’s arm and led toward the direction of their next objective. The creepy alleyway to the left of the tavern they had just exited would give anyone with a right mind the heebie jeebies, but the game’s instructions had been clear. And Kotton...
31 Saun, 723
Kotton and his friends (but really they were Worick’s friends) had thought of a fun idea to help satiate their hot cycle boredom. They had been creating a kind of ‘escape game/strategy puzzle/adventure’ during the free time they had in between their jobs and family life. Worick...
Something was happening. Ulric could feel it in the back of his thoughts and his gut. He could feel something coming. He just didn't know what it was. He was beginning to feel like he had felt before he died, before Etzos, and before he'd even met Corvus. He found himself visiting...
34 Saun, 723
Kotton had no idea where he was. It just seemed like brick wall after brick wall after brick wall after... It was getting tedious, exhausting, and his blurry memory made him a tad bit anxious. Where had he been previous to where he was now?
1 Saun, 723
“Have you started any new projects?” Worick asked, looking up from the papers he held between reddened knuckles. He was diligently reading, a task not to be interrupted.
Kotton had been staring at him for hours, wishing he would say something, anything , but not that. “No,” he...
Saun 14, 723
Kotton took another puff from his pipe. He had yet to feel anything. In hindsight, this was a rookie move he wouldn’t have made had he not also been drinking. Everyone who was a veteran in the affairs of drug use understood that time was your friend, not your enemy, and the fact...
Sooner or later he was destined to end up in the fighting ring again. He knew it. He felt it. On the forty fifth of Ymiden after the relief efforts had begun to slow, Ulric spent the trial at the Proving Grounds working through his turmoil by swinging his sword at the training...
Saun 2, 723
Not being able to hear had never been too much of a hindrance for Kotton. He always liked to think of it as an extra challenge. What he did not know could not hurt him after all. Because he didn’t know what a lute sounded like, he didn’t desire to hear it. Because he did not know...
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