Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
The boy took his time with his reply. Kasoria didn't mind. Wasn't like he was going anywhere. Yet.
He had his chores, his duties, and his own routine to fill the time. Storm's End was secure, but that didn't make it safe . Kasoria wasn't sure exactly...
/gallery/image/14775/medium Ashan 1 720
(Continued from here )
Stiffness clung to his body like a heavy weighted armor, the palpable tension still in his figure enough to demand a stir. It still appeared noticeably dark out when he'd opened his eyes a crack, almost impenetrably so now that he'd...
Darkness had become an unrelenting eternity for him now, every waking moment a reality he could no longer control. Because of this he shunned them; the Immortals, his 'friends' that pleaded to him so... It felt as though the entire world had been against...
A guard walked down the hallway inspecting every cell to make sure every inmate remained in bed, the wee early hours of the morning just on the verge of being greeted with sunrise. But of course no such warmth and light would greet everyone on the...
- Kill the Breacher Beast.
A huge siege beast has broken through the gate, and seems focused on destroying any buildings it finds, opening holes for more beasts. Stop it before it breaks anything else! High Danger. (Refer to the Lightning Knights...
There was no hope of sleeping in, not that morning. Not with the constant clang echoing about the courtyard. There was a rhythm to it, if one had but the ears to find the timing, but few did. Instead it seemed utterly random....
/gallery/image.php?album_id=189&image_id=11420 5th Trial of Ashan during Arc 720
Oh, Qylios' quiffy hair, do I have to?
Vega looked at Jack and he smiled at her. Somehow, somewhere along the lines, Vega and Jack had become almost like friends, she thought. Sort of. Almost. But not really....
1st Ashan, 720
Frankly, Vega was of the opinion that people were stupid.
She understood the need to do this, but equally, it was not a need which she had. However, there it was - they were having a party. A gathering. A shindig. It was being done to celebrate the many successes which had...
Holding Storm's Edge: Let Loose The Worms of War
2 Ashan 720
Mathias and a small group of other volunteers had decided to go out into the Stormlands to try and bring back some of the beasts that had been plaguing them for so long. The research that had been done thus far had...
Holding Storm's Edge: Let's Cook This Noodle
4 Ashan 720
Up! The Lightning Knight leading the exercises bellowed the word to the row of volunteers who had agrees to train with them. Among those volunteers was Mathias, breathing heavily as he pushed himself up off of the...
Most often, you didn't notice you were improving. Not as a constant, mindful observation. You attempted, and unless natural talent was built into your blood, you were poor in the attempt. But you persevered. You tried again. You got...
4th of Ashan, 719.
He'd been waiting for what felt like an eternity, since Xithyria had finally broken the news, but it was here. His Initiation. The final test of his skills before he became an official Lightning Knight, not just an initiate...
6 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Storm's Edge
Mathias groaned as he hefted the tool box that the Lightning Knights had been able to provide him with to try and repair the armory. It wasn’t much more than a few hammers and nails, a saw or two, and some other instruments Mathias didn’t know the...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=189&image_id=14141 2nd Cylus, 720
Well, I get that, she said to the Lightning Knight who was taking her through to the training area. I mean, it's been tricky an' you've been hit hard. I get that. I'm jus' saying that it looks like huckmuck in here, an' that gives me...
There were injured men and women all around the place from various confrontations over the past few trials. Luckily a free members of the order had arrived but Gennadiya was going to do more then just waiting for someone to walk in bleeding to death. There were plenty of little things...
16 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Storm's Edge
There had been many rough trials for the last knights of Storm's Edge but there were harder trials to come. The sore Mathias had resigned himself to more construction efforts totrial with the hope that it would help him stay out of combat. He'd spent...
Gennadiya walked into the room they had confiscated for use of dissecting the flame creature they had killed on that first day of arrival. She still remembered the stupid things bursting out of that hole and attacked other volunteers. The guards had cared anything for the remains but...
Mathias Blackwood
Holding Storm's Edge: Their Mouth Look Like A Target
1 Ashan 720
Mathias was out at the archery range working on his aim with his bow again. He'd become pretty good at using the chunk of wood to fling projectiles in the trials he'd been defending Storm's Edge but now he was...
The sound was a consistent thing across the courtyard. Not constant, given the nature of it. Often drowned out or muddled by other activities, of which there were many. But if a man stopped toiling long enough, or listened hard enough, and he'd detect...
The dark of Cylus brought a chill with it that had affected everyone in Storm's Edge. The weather was imperfect and the monsters at the gates kept everyone on edge, but the cold was what would take them in their sleep. The cold was what would make...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=189&image_id=11420 27th Trial of Cylus during Arc 720
I bloody hate Cylus, Vega grumbled to herself.
It was true - the dark and cold was really hampering the abilities of people to get on and do the most basic of things. Vega was very aware that and she wanted to...
The leader roared its rage and hatred out into the wall of men, but not its fear. It simply wasn't capable of it; the rudimentary understanding of such things as self-preservation, mortality, and finite existence was not built into it. Its masters...
Haven't seen you here before, said one of the volunteers to Vega and she grinned slightly and shrugged. I don't sleep much, the red-head replied and she left it at that.
She was in the makeshift barracks they had - and she felt...
/gallery/image.php?album_id=189&image_id=14419 25th Cylus 720
There was something about Rharnians, Vega had decided, that was just plain weird. She knew that they were given to extremes of mood, and she'd seen that before. Once, she'd had several burly men try to beat the living daylights out of...
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