Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.
/gallery/image.php?album_id=143&image_id=4097 The PSF
New Subforums
So, one of the things that has changed in the new site is that the new PSF is visible to everyone. This provides us an opportunity and so, this morning I've created some subforums in there - for completed / approved threads....
The Website: Standing Trials ( / ), referred to through the rest of this thread as the website , our website , the site , our site , Standing Trials , and Trials .
You: The person reading these words right now.
The Staff: All users who are identified as...
Being born a new from out of a chrysalis must feel rejuvenating like stumbling upon a revelation that changed the scope of your entire view of the world.
That’s what it felt like when his father had taken him out on a whim of bonding to search the heavenly grasses for common...
The woodland around Rharne is growing increasingly unsafe for the unwary. With the issues at Storm's Edge and so on, more and more people are turning to the woodland Asegirr has noticed a distinct increase in animals fleeing their homes and setting up new territories around the area, but there is some kind of predator in the area also, some large beast which works alone and is scaring away the usual wildlife. Will Asegirr investigate, and try to restore balance?
When Aesgirr woke up that morning he expected to hear the sounds of nature prey eating plants and leaves, birds cawing and predators hunting down prey to viciously or lazily kill it and or eat it depending on their situation. But when he woke up that day...
They started cooking when the sun had completely risen. The beasts saw by heat, as much as they could tell, and the hunters knew this. Low light or night was their preferred time to scour the lands for prey, where this extra sense could pinpoint...
It really was a case of work making work. It hadn't occurred to him when he'd done it. The idea had come to him on the spur, but now he had the tatters in his hands, well... things lined up nicely.
Dan woke at Cloud's insistent nudging to find a thin layer of snow had covered everything in the night. He shivered as he crawled out of his bedroll, but duty and survival called, so he wrapped his body in two layers of clothing, pulled on his boots, and went...
It had become his habit to watch the mage when he worked his wyrd. Not in every instance, for the man everyone knew as Karim likely practiced his magic alone as much as in public. But when the little man came to the...
/gallery/image/16851/medium 33rd of Ymiden, Arc 718
Beneath the earthen bricks and rot-interlaced beams of the Copper Prince's eaves, an influx of patrons hummed about their activities. The sound of bones rattling in the gambler's cup, or thrown against the table, resulting at turns in...
He was a city boy, through and through. Nothing made that more plain than when he was in the middle of the woods. And yet, for all the strangeness of it, the city boy found there were parallels. Useful ones, at that.
There wasn't much done quickly that couldn't be done slowly. That was his experience, anyway. From punches to sword thrusts, from rolls to running, it always started slow. Speed required coordination, after all. The faster something moved, the less...
The first thing Dandelion noticed near his latest camp site was the hazel tree and the nuts falling from it to be lost among the piles of dead leaves at its foot. The second thing he noticed was the lazy pool where...
He knew not why he had been requested to do so but here he stood in front of an edifice as tall as the sky’s reach, remembering having been asked to report to his father’s lofty abode. The last thing that hadn’t been previous scrubbed from his memory was the illusive game of “slap...
Verbena was not enjoying Storm’s Edge. The stone walls encircled a noisy crowd of merchants, knights, and healers and the only colours were found on sigils and flags. The Tunawa escaped the confines of the fortress to the Mistral Wood given...
It was not the same as his Abrogation. An obvious statement, perhaps, but only one living with that force, that energy, that Spark within them could understand the subtlety underpinning it. Abrogation was a discipline of protection and denial. Its...
Carcasses of vegetation no longer, lichen and wort moss coated the bark of the trees like a second coat. A veil of greenery subdued any and all life beneath it, sucking the sunlight through a proverbial straw so none was left for the dwellers underneath. Long and stocky vines...
14th trial, Ymiden, 720
The Stormwastes
11th break
Magic was not unknown to him anymore. An arc ago, going on two, it would have been wondrous and terrifying in equal measure. The idea of some... thing, with its own animal intellect and yearnings squatting within his form, casting spells and...
The period known as Cylus was coming to an end. The trials on perpetual twilight and darkness would soon pass for another arc. Genna stood at the edge of the courtyard in the darkness breathing in...
When Dan reached the edge of the river, he slid down off Cloud, ran the stirrups up out of her way, slackened the girth, and watered both of them before he tethered her and Smoke where they could graze in comfort and safety. Neither of the sturdy grey ponies...
Jessup nodded shakily, but not with true fear. Kasoria had seen that in the faces of men like him over the last two seasons. The first one, mainly. That sopping, shaking, trembling terror of creatures their simple minds couldn't have imagine...
Sergeant Rynfar never took his eyes off Patrick for the entire journey. From the moment he'd been removed from his cell to their arrival at what would be Patrick's new home, not a single word had been uttered to him by the esteemed Guardian, nor any of his four accompanying...
The boy took his time with his reply. Kasoria didn't mind. Wasn't like he was going anywhere. Yet.
He had his chores, his duties, and his own routine to fill the time. Storm's End was secure, but that didn't make it safe . Kasoria wasn't sure exactly...
/gallery/image/14775/medium Ashan 1 720
(Continued from here )
Stiffness clung to his body like a heavy weighted armor, the palpable tension still in his figure enough to demand a stir. It still appeared noticeably dark out when he'd opened his eyes a crack, almost impenetrably so now that he'd...
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